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Colonial Regime

Elena M. Garcia-Paullier
What is Colonialism?

The establishment of a Colony in

one territory by a political power
from another territory, and the
subsequent maintenance,
expansion, and exploitation of
that colony.
The English Colonies
1607 – 1700
✔ Spain’s exploration of the New World
✔ Other European countries’ efforts to get a share of
the New World (e.g. France, Portugal)
✔ 1604 – England & Spain signed a peace treaty
4 Main reasons
✔ Wool industry ✔ Religious dissent
booming Protestants

✔ Overpopulation ✔ Economic incentive

need for less-crowded merchants
land resources
Arriving in Jamestown

• 1606 James I supports new English efforts to establish colonies

along the coast of America
• 1607 three ships sent out by the London Company sail into
Chesapeake Bay
• They selected an island to settle on which they called Jamestown
in honor of James the I.
• The Island itself was called Virginia honoring England’s Virgin
Queen – Queen Elizabeth I
– more than 100 English settled
– servants who had traded 7 years of work for a passage to
– no experience as farmers, hunters, etc.
– Native Americans didn’t like them
– half died (attacks, diseases, starvation) in first 6 months
John Smith – founder & one of seven men appointed by the London
company to settle on the colony’s council
* diplomatic, managed to make friends with Powhatan (chief of
local Natives)
* leaded & organized colonists
1609 – “the starving time”
1610 – military relief expedition took charge
John Rolfe
* married Powhatan’s daughter
* 1613 – came up with a variety of tobacco
1619 – women arrived
House of Burgesses 🡪 first legislative body of colonists’ meeting
* laws against gambling & idleness
* obligation to attend church services on Sunday

Late 1600s – first Slaves came on a Dutch ship

* worked in tobacco fields
1662 – Virginia passed a law that automatically made slaves of slaves’
Pilgrims 🡪 “Separatists” = radical protestants
* lower-class farmers & craftsmen
* first went to Holland (1608)
* tired of having their children raised as Dutch
* returned to England
* left England on the Mayflower (cargo ship)
* took musical instruments, books, & furniture
Missed original landing; landed in Plymouth

Mayflower Compact 🡪 own set of rules

* equal rights for all (men, women, Natives, servants)
* all hard-workers
* grew corn & exported to England

William Bradford 🡪 leader

* “Captain Shrimpe”
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Puritans 🡪 less radical
* banished & beat Quakers (religious dissidents)
* established fur, fishing, & shipbuilding industries
John Winthrop 🡪 leader, lawyer, deeply religious
* advocated for equal rights
* founded Boston & Salem
Absorbed Plymouth Colony in 1691
Impact of the Puritan Society of New England:
roots of…
* modern corporate system
* representative form of state
* federal government
* American legal system

• Boston
* leading cultural center
founded by Lord Baltimore (Sir George Calvert)
* Catholic who were banished from Virginia by Puritans
* based on religious freedom & separation from state
* tobacco industry
successor: Second Lord Baltimore (Sir Cecil Calvert – son)

In 1664, Maryland’s assembly declared that all black people were

slaves for life (no matter their religion)
Roger Williams
* minister in Salem (1633)
* defended Natives
* advocated for separation between state & church
* governing Puritan leaders decided to send him back to England
* helped by Winthrop & Natives, escaped with his family and
founded Rhode Island
* the colony became heaven for religious freedom seekers

“No person in this country should be

molested or questioned for the matters of his
conscience to God, so he be loyal and keep
the civil peace.”
Roger Williams
Middle Colonies
Based on farming
Rich soil and mild climate made it good for
New king Charles II repays debt by giving
them colonial land
King granted 45000 square miles of land
west of the Delaware river to William Penn
Religious Toleration
NEW YORK – 1664
initially New Amsterdam founded by the Dutch West Indies Company
* at the mouth of the Hudson River
* purpose: trading
* no religious reasons
* more relaxed attitude (gambling, drinking allowed)
Peter Minuit – took title of the island of Manhattan by giving the local
Indians cooking pots, etc.

later New York founded by James, Duke of York, after attacking with
English ships & troops (1664)

the Duke’s friends founded New Jersey

In 1684, New York’s legislators recognized slavery as a legitimate

founded by William Penn (Quaker)
* advocated for equal rights
* set up a relatively liberal system of laws

Pennsylvania Colony
* truly tolerant of different religions, cultures, & national
* leading cultural center (after Boston)
Quakers (banished from
Virginia by Puritans) Menonites (radical Puritans)

* pacifists * first American religious group to

oppose to slavery
* no “official” religion
* Samuel Sewall published “The
* refused to take oaths of Selling of Joseph” calling for the
allegiance abolition of slavery
The Southern Colonies
* Maryland
* North & South Carolina

* Georgia
Maryland was tolerant of different religions; a colony governed by a single owner or

The Carolinas were based on growing rice

Wanted Pine Trees for ship building

Slavery was used to support agriculture

North and south Carolina were ruled by a governor appointed by the king

James Oglethorpe founded the colony Georgia

He named it after King George

Georgia was made up of settlers who had debts and wanted to start fresh
1 3

• British Colonies
• New France
• New Spain
• Disputed Area
Answer the following questions

1. The land in this southern colony tends to be very swampy,

which colonists learned was perfect for growing rice. There
were many slaves in this colony. They did not have good
relationships with Native Americans. Carolina

2. This colony was known for growing the most tobacco. The first
English settlement in the Americas was in this colony. There
were many slaves here. This colony also had the first
representative government. Rhode Island
3. This colony was originally controlled by the Dutch. The English
conquered the land in the 1660's. The government of this land
went through rough periods, and at one point the governor
eliminated the representative assembly. This colony has one
MAJOR port city. Most settlers in this colony were farmers
who grew crops such as wheat. They also raised livestock.
New Hampshire
4. The settlers in this southern colony were small farmers. While
some people owned slaves, many just worked on their own
farms. They mostly grew tobacco and indigo.
North Carolina
Match Colonies & Definitions
Pennsylvania New Jersey Connecticut
A. Colony founded by Thomas B. Colony founded by William Penn. Settlers
Hooker. Many settlers were came from many different European
Puritans who left Massachusetts. countries, spoke many different languages,
There are several port cities in and practiced many different religions. Many
this colony, so many colonists settlers were Quakers seeking religious
relied on fishing, trading, and freedom. There were many tradesmen here,
ship building to make money. as well as farmers.

C. Colony originally owned by the Dutch. Eventually it became a royal colony of the English
and was made into its own colony, first part of New York and then as its own colony. The
king gave land to his friends, who could then divide the land how he chose. The settlers
in this middle colony were farmers.
Select the correct answer
1. This colony was originally controlled by the Dutch. The English
conquered the land in the 1660's. The government of this land
went through rough periods, and at one point the governor
eliminated the representative assembly. This colony has one
MAJOR port city. Most settlers in this colony were farmers
who grew crops such as wheat. They also raised livestock.

a – New York b – Virginia c – Georgia d – New Hampshire

Select the correct answer
2. This is the southernmost of the English colonies. It was
founded by James Oglethorpe for debtors from England.
Many farmers here grew cotton with the help of slaves. (They
tried to grow silk, but it didn't work!)

a – New York b – Virginia c – Georgia d – South Carolina

Select the correct answer
3. This colony was known for growing the most tobacco. The first
English settlement in the Americas was in this colony. There
were many slaves here. This colony also had the first
representative government.

a – Georgia b – Virginia c – New Hampshire d – New York

Are the following True or False?
1. The land in this southern colony tends to be very swampy, which colonists
learned was perfect for growing rice. There were many slaves in this colony.
They did not have good relationships with Native Americans. → North Carolina
F – (South Carolina)
2. This colony was also owned by the Dutch. Once the English won the land, the
colony became part of Pennsylvania. Soon the settlers asked for their own
charter. There were slaves and indentured servants here to help with farming.
There were not many rich people or many poor people. They grew corn and
F – (Delaware)
wheat, and raised livestock. → New Jersey ____

3. This colony was established as a safe place for Catholics to worship. There were
many slaves and indentured servants here. Tobacco was grown here, and the
colonists also did some fishing and crabbing. → Maryland ____ T
Follow-up Activities

Wiegand, S. (2009) U.S. History for Dummies. Wiley Publishing, Inc., US

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