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4, Palm +24 If the roots of the above equation are related by (= 4) (x ~ 4) = 14, what is m? A-2 Bt co Dt &2 xt 10x+m=1=0 If the roots ofthe above equation are proportional to 2and 3, what is m? AS 810 C)15 D202 wet xe x=2° x=3 7 ‘Which one is a root of the above equation? n-2 941 91 oS we karekik — 25 Rae -240 x (ay Which one is the solution sot of the above equation? a ©) 42, 3} i 8) (1,2) D) {3} E) £2, 3} 4.9 42720 Which one is the sum of the roots of the above ‘equation? A+ BO yt 2a (m+ 2K+m+5=0 ‘Which value of m makes the roots of the above ‘equation identical? A2 B12 DB ax? bx+ab=0 It the solution set of the above equation is {-1, 2), what is b? AS B)-4 C)-2 D1 a3 quadratic equations 9, f+ 2ax + 30 = 0, where b+ 0. If the roots of the above equation are a and b, what is a+b? A)-3 B)-4C)-H)-B ENT 10. (m+ 1p -(@m+1)x—m=0 If -2 is a root of the above equation, what is the other root? A382 O-1 OM ER 414, The roots of x? 3x +m = 0 are x, and x, tx, + x,x, = 6, then what is m? y2 B+ OO OF ER 12, The roois of 2—(m +2) +4=0 are x, and x, 1.4 i Lah 5, wnat is m2 5 . Ate e184 O20 43, The roots of x?— 4x + a~5 = O.are x, and xy. ian Wax, + x)= 5, what is a? A284 6 D8 £)10 44, The roots of x? mx +9 = 0 are x, and x. Wey + mq = 5, what Is m? Ayia B18 «C10 B ENT = t 2 415, 9 and x, are the roots of x2 — ax +b = 0. 5 and ~x, are the roots of x* + ox + d = 0. Given the above, what is a- ¢? A486 BC/DC) AZ 46. The roots of x@—x + 2 = 0 are x, and x. ‘Which equation has the roots 2x, ~ 1 and 2x, ~ 1? Aye = 24420 Byxt-5=0 O)x?-2e+5=0 Eyeer= D)2- ax +920 26 1 (8 3x +4)? —92 + 3x-6=0 | What is the sum of the real roots of the above equation? Ay2 8/34 SG 2 eee Ver B= 12 What is the sum of the digits of the real number x that satisfies the above equation? ANG BIS C)14 1S ENA harekik 3. 246,49 +5x,=0 ‘The roots ofthe above equation are x, and x, What O-3 D)-10 &)-13, 4, The roots of? + 54+ m=O arex, and x, (4, #1) +) =24 Given the above, which one could bo m? A)3 B)4 cys De 57 27 6. The roots of x? + 3x +m—4 = are x, and x, Hx, ~x, = 42, then what is m? 1%, A14 8)7 C)5)-? gy -14 The roots of x? 6x + m= ae x, and x, If bx — x3] = 18, then what is m? ots 2 Na 2 20 a> af @ and b are distinct numbers, axt+bxt4=0 be +axtb=0 If the roots of the above equations are the sami what is a-b? Ate B12 C)-9 16 £25 (a+Sx+a+i1=0 If the above equation has two symmetrical roots, which one is the greater root? At 82 3a) quadratic equations 9, Ifmis a root of ?—x+7=0, what is m+4+2 ? AT BB CYS CABS 40. x, and x, are the roots of ax? + bx + 6= 0 xyet 1x, = + which one H they are related by ae xt could be true? B)at= D)b=a cat E)b? = dae 1. Which one is the real solution set of the above equation? Att. 3) 8) » {5} ©) 4,5) 52 412, if the roots of x2 — 6x + 13 = 0 are x, and x,, then what is x2 + 6x, + 242 Ay4s B)47—)52_—=s«O)SS_ ESD 413. ifthe roots of x2+ 2x +4= 0 are x, and x,, what is. xi+x22 nom Ay1s 814/15) 1G EAT 14, —(m—2nx+5n+2=0 If the roots of the above equation are m +n and. mn, what is the sum of all possible values of n? At as c2 os e)4 — karekik 415, What is the arithmetic mean of the roots of (2 +x)? — Ble? +x) #12 = 07 1 OF at B)-4 $ or ep 46. Ifthe roots of mx? ~ 15mx + n= 0 are natural ‘numbers, what is the sum of the greatest and the least possible values of the product of the roots? Ast 8)71«C)64— EOE) SG 28 quadratic equations 2x? 12x+m=5=0 For which value of mis the product ofthe roots of the above equation the greatest? AMT B)20°c)23. parE 30 28 (m4 4) x+m+3=0 The roots ofthe above equation are x, and x, IF b= 241 = 4, what Is the sum of all possible values of m? NS B+ C2 DA £6 i and n are distinct numbers § (emypem xen) Which one is the positive value of x that satisfies the above equation? at at ot D)vimn E)m+n The roots of x? mx + 5m-= 0 are x, and x, Given the above, what is m? 5 3 5 z ae 9F of oS Hz 29 5. x2 ax +m—-1=0 62 +x+2m+7=0 Ifthe above equations have a common root, what ism? AS 8)6 O46 De EBB The roots of + 3x5 = 0 are x, and x, 8,18 xP + 3K, 4 4 etiy What is the result of the above operation? As 87 6 =A Loa sx+ WL t+ 2m=0 ‘The equations given above have a commen root. Of the other roots, that of the second equation is twice that ofthe first one, Given the above, what is m? Ae 85 Ca Ds 2 Which of the following equations has the root 8 +237 A)x?=10x+12=0 B) x? + 10x-12=0 D)x?~10x+13=0 E)x?—10x-24=0 G)x*- 10x13 =0 quadratic equations By =H ZIP Oy X30 43, The roots of x? (a+ 2 + 3= 0 are x, and x, Which of the following quadratic equations have Wf xZexd + x24 = 27 then what is 2? roots x, and x, that are related by the above expression? (x, <%) a1 B20) AES. Aye—ax41=0 By +3x-4=0 cyt +ax+3=0 p)x¢-2x+3=0 E)x842x4+3=0 44, a and b are nonzero roots of = Sx + a+ b= 0. 40. ‘What is the sum of the squares of these roots? Ais B12 «C9 SENS Which of the following quadratic equation have roots that are related by the above expressions? Aye 3K 4=0 B) 2 6x4 12=0 yx 12x-3= pyP+12%x-3=0 E) x2 + 12x-8=0 Ps q 2 15. -3isa root ofx?-ax+b=0. | Gis aroototx? + ax+e=0 If the other root of the first equation is 1 more than the other root of the second equation, what 44, (ax= 1) 124 10) = 2x-1 isa? ‘What is the product of the values of x that satisfy A+ B21 DY. the above equation? 3 5 z ar ef o2 OF BF 12, Va=2 Which one is the sum of the roots of the above equation? Aye 816 C)44— 12) 10 46. The roots of ax’ + bx + 2c = 0 are equal. Given the above, how are a, b and c related? B)a+b=3c D) = 2a yb? = Bac E)a—b=2c 30 quadratic equations 1 1 1. pee ada ted What is the sum of the real roots of the above equation? Aa B21 D1? 2, The roots of x? — 4x ~ O.are x, and x, Given the above, what is 4/x, +3/x, 7 Ay B)2 c)3 D4 —)5 3. What is the least integer value of c that makes the roots of 2x x—c + 2= 0 rational? AG BS cys = D)B_ =D 4, 2010 + 201% +1 =0 x? + 2011x + 2010=0 If the above equations share a root, what is the product of the non-identical roots? A)2010 8)1001 c)11 D)10— 1. 31 ‘The roots of x 4x +m + 1 = 0 are x, and x, It x2 4x35 124, what is m? A286 G2 D4 EC If the roots of x* + (3a~2b)x+b—1 = 0 are b, what is a-b? AS 84 32a Which of the following describes the relation between the roots of x* ~ 4(3m ~ 1)x+m+1=0 independent of parameter m? Aya t= Axx, B) x, +x) = 64, x,-6 O)x, +x, = 12x), -16 D) x= 8, +) 8) 1%) 8, #)-2 I the roots of x? - x — a = 0 are related by the above expression, then what is a? AS 84 O38 D2 EN quadratic equations 9. If the roots of x2 - mx + 4 = 0 are related by yg + JK = 6, what is m? As Bd OS ps 7 40, Ifthe roots of x2 + (2m ~ 6x + m? = 0 are related by bxy| = Ix what is the product of all possible values of m? 2 1 at 98 of 8 yd 7 Bas 41, If the roots of x? - mx + 360 = 0 are integers, then how many possible distinct values of m are there? Ay12 8)18 C)24 30 48 412, The roots of 2+ mx += 0 are x, and x, Tho woois of 2+ ax +b = Oare x, + 12nd x3 ita? —m?= 16, then what is m? ASB) 5 | 16. 2 03 BS 32 43, The real roots of x? 2x +n = 0 are x, and x,, Ie the roots of 2 + mx +n + 6 = 0 are x% and x3, then what is m? Ao BTS -H CB 44, kis an integer. If the roots of x? - (m~2)x + 12 + 10 = 0 are two consecutive integers, what is the sum of all possible values of m? Ay10 B)6 CYA )-B_)-4 45. -(a-1)x+a-2=0, where a <0. Which one is true of the above equation? A) It has no real roots. B) It has two equal roots. C) It has two positive roots, ) It has two negative roots, ) Its roots have opposite signs. 2x, +) - Bx + 2=0 (3+x,) +x) = 17 Which of the following quadratic equations have roots x, and x, that are related by the equations given above? Aye 5x +9=0 B)e-6x+7=0 cyx?-2e+2=0 D) at 5x +4=0 E)ext-x+4=0 ean 4. The roots of x — 5x2 + m = 0 are four distinct real | 5. The roots of 2x? — (8—m)x + 16 = 0 are x, and x, rumbers. Given the above, how many possible distinct integer values of m are there? A485 8? xc? x, = 0, what is m? A-10 B)-9 ¢)-8 DB 10 6. The rots of ax? + bx +.0= 0 are x, and x,. atb=c Kym = 10 2. a and b are real numbers, Which one is a root of b-ax?— (b + 2a)x+2= 07 Given the above, what is x, +%,2 ast ae of od at At 8)9 C8 D)-9—«EY-40 3 3. 7. The roots of x? + 6x—3m +20 are x, and aie ile Wad #75, #, #40, then what tm? Itx, is a root of x? — x + 16 = 0, then what is the A16 8)15 G)12 O10 ENB value of the above expression? Ata 812, cyt oe? 8. kis real number. ‘The roots of »? — 3kx +k = 0 are a and b. Given the above, what is a in terms of b? 4. The roots of x 6x18 = Dae x, and x, Given the above, what Is [x +f? A284 6S) 1A 33 quadratic equations 9, The 00's of ?— x +2 = O10 x, and x, Given the above, which of the following equations Ae 3e+ 10 8) 22-54 1=0 cyt +3x-1=0 p)e-3x+1=0 Eyxe-x+8=0 40. Which one is a root of mnx? + nx = mx +17 at ed of Om © karokik 14. The roots of x? (228 — 1)x + 28-1 = 0 are x, and x, WK =x, +x, and P = x,%,, what is K in terms ofP? APR at 8) P*+2P oPe-t 0) P?-2P EPe+4 12. How many distinct real roots does 3 +x? 4=0 have? a4 83 )2 TBO. 34 413. ithe sum of roots of m®*—5:m" + 6= 018-3, then what is m? % 3 pe ake At at AS Bf Oe Ge Hag 14,0 2a aKt 30 = 3x45 Which one is a root of the above equation? A786 C)S CAS 15. The real roots of x? - 7x + m=O.are x, and x, Given the above, what is the maximum integer 4x, value of As 7 08 BN9 16. The roots of x* + 2mm? + m ~ 6 = 0 are two distinct real numbers. Given the above, how many possible distinct values of the natural number m are there? A283 )4— SNE The roots of 6x +4 =0 are x, and x, Given the above, what Is the value of i, [e /yi+./2? eV AS 86 4 sg The roots of ax” + bx + ¢=0 are equal, Given the above, which one is true of the equation? A) Its roots are symmetrical 8) Its roots have opposite signs. ©) Its roots are distinct and negative. D) Its roots are equal E) Its roots are distinct and positive, The roots of x? + (a+ tx —b +2 = 0 are twice the roots of x? + bx +a =0. Given the above, what Is a+b? At B2 Cs D4 gs The roots of x’ — 8x + k— 5 = O are m and n. Hf2m? + Smn + 3n? = 152, then what is k? Ay12 B)16 = C)20 24) 2B — karekok — 5. If x? ~ Bry + 6y? = 0, what is the sum of all possible values of 2 at ot of pms 9 3 Tho root of 2x? — 2x5 = 0 ae x, and x, Givon the above, what isthe value of (2x2 = 2x, +7)- =x, + 1)? Ayz B)28 cy az D)36 Ean (= 2)-(x~b) i mab Which one is a root of the above equation? Ajarb B)vab C)a-b Da E)b 8. Which of the following equations has the root 2/332 A) 2a /ix+9= 8)? 4Vix-9=0 C) xP + 6x-3 =0 D)x*-6x+3=0 £)2-ox-3=0 quadratic equations (3) 8-5 Ix, is @ root of the above equation, then what is 7 9% Se A789 Ct «)1B_— 1S 40. Which one is a root of x? + 2kx + K?— p= 07 Aykee Bykp o)p-k Dykepet —-EREP-1 44, 3e2+ Sab 6b? ra What is the sum ofall values of b that satisty the above equation? a 92 93 pa ee wt af 9% OB ets 12. 2— 2(m + 3)x—4m +5 = If the roots of the above equation are related by = 2m +3, what ism? Bs 2 PL) 43. Ifthe roots of x?- mx + 108 = 0 are integers, then what is the greatest possible value of m? Ay3t8)39«C)56 0) 96) 109 44. Vee 2-Vx What is the sum of the roots of the above ‘equation? Ay2 BC-AD YS mi1 One 46. a and b are nonzero distinct real numbers and the XX a i are related by b+ <2 x G ots of XB a roots of X- 2 = 2 6 Given the above, how are a and b related? Ajatb=t B)at2b=0 C)a-b=0 Dya-2=0 — E)a— st 36 XX 2) («— 3) (x5) = 40 What is the sum of the real roots of the above ‘equation? Ato 8)8 5-5 2 The roots ofx2— (m+ 5x +4 = 0 are x, and x, Neaxy ag xy v= 14, what is m? A)40 B)49 ©) 53 D) 55 E)63 karekik 3. If kis a root of x? + 12x +13 =0, whatiis (k + 67°? 4)108)23 c)36 ase 54 4. The roots of x§— 4x += 0 are x, and x, The roots of x°— mx — se x, and {Given the above, whats x, in terms of m and n? ames 2m~6 3m—4 By n-2 ° nes am= 12 5) ned oe E)-10 5. me? (mn—nyx =n? ‘What is the solution set of the above equation? af. of} 2 5 Fn} 2) 6. (1a)? + (a? -9x-4=0 Wf the above equation has two symmetrical real roots, what i a? A)3 B)2 cyt D)-2 3 7. The role of? —2x+8= 0 are x, and x, Given tho above, what is x3: A)20 ¥y~ BKB, + 104457 os 0-8 8) 16 E)-16 8. The roots of x# —(m—3)x+4= 0 are a and b. 4 varde2 Given the above, what is m? Aya 85 ce D7 eB quadratic equations 9. pisaroot of x- ax +5=0. 13, x, isa root of x? + mx 1 =0. Given the above, what is (p +1) (p-1) (02) (P-4)? e4te nt Aj2t B)23 C25 p27 £)29 + Given the above, what is the positive value of m? At B23 AES 40. The roots of x? ~ 16x +9 = O are x, and xy, Given the above, what is the positive value of = 44. ais a root of x - ax + a~2=0. Kp ig NG? bis a root of ax’ + abx + 2b = 0. Ay4siT B)3V2% 0)v22 0/10) 2 Given the above, which one could be b? Ay2 B10 Y= E)-R karekok 44. Which of the following equations has roots that 45. a and bare the roots of x? ~(m + §)x+#m—3=0. are the square roots of the roots of x? = 7x+1=0? ; Given the above, whats i terms of 3? Aye = 2x4 1=0 By + 2x41 =0 e+ ax+2=0 pyt—ax+5=0 | eye-axtt= 12, eeaxemet=Oand 416, The roots of + px + k=O arex, and x, x84 (m+ 3)¢+2= 0, where m «4 If the discriminant of the equation is A = k # 0, If the above equations have one common root, x, %, nat is 1427 what is m? what ls tx 2% Ae Bs 2-H BH A2 83 C4 YS 38 2 What is the imaginary part of the above complex ‘number? at Bp 1 v2+i z 2 (1+ + A) (4 48) Dt What is the result of the above operation? Ay-2 Bt %. (1 = V8))-(1 + V3i)-(V3 + 0 D2 (v3 i) 54 What is the result of the above operation? 56 Aa oe ion the above, what is 2.2 Ay-2 a1 oo 0) oi 1 £16 e)2 + 3i Given the above, what is [2,-2,|? AVI BB cya D2 ey 52 6. HD+ (1 N+ (eH? A)28 B)24 C16 + bi, what is a-b? 12 Be — harekik 7. l2-(2+i)= 2-2, whats the imaginary part of 2? 5 3 ore MF 8-2 o-1 Ot 98 8. = 8+) Given the above, what is 2? A)2+2i B)2-i C)-2i 0-242 82 39 complex numbers 9. if2,=24¢4land z, = 41, what isthe real part of ala? 4 4 1 4 gt wt et oF OF 5 10. Andi 2 aii Given the above, what is 7 na at OF Ot BA 41. (1 + 3nP + 41 P= + bi, what is a +b? A-8 Bs O-2 D4 FB ‘What Is the result of the above operation? Ayt-i B) ttl >) ®i oti 13. 1 Which one is the result of the above operation? ay B)2 Oi p41 &)1 44, For the complex number z= a + &i, Re(z) aT Given the above, which one could be the value of a? 6 87 BOSE § 5 18.0 zat 3-H Given the above, what is the imaginary part of 2 2 pl. 25 ae wz ot oO Oy 16. 3 Given the above, what is Im(@)? Ay-10 B)-30)-1— SIO 40 ‘1. Whatis the one of the roots of x? + 4x +5=07 A)2-1 8) Dy1-1 Which of the following equations has the root 5417 A) x? + 10x + 26=0 B)x?— 10x + 26=0 ©)? 26x+10=0 D) x24 10x-26 = 0 8)x2 + 26-1020 taxrtb=0 fone of the roots of the above equation is 2 + 3i, what is the sum of the real numbers a and b? A987 Bsa Fey)" What is the result of the above operation? AM 8-2 c+ D1 Bo Caen dans | 5. Whats the imaginary part of 2= (/2 i). (/2-+ )6 B)-81C) a1 (D126 &) 243 A)-24 karekik Z(H +E MH OYA #4 2) Given the above, what is 2? 9128 8)96 = )64 2g) 16 Wo toe, im@) What is the value of z that satiefies the above equation? A)3-2i B)2+3i eat D)2-i Ey1+i 41 complex numbers er 9. itz,=2-iandz, =1 +21, what is (2) 7 43, PQ, has real coefficients, is a polynomial of forth 2 degree. Its leading coefficient is. 2 and the two roots aja 63 Re wD oft are 21 and 31 What is the constant term of P(x)? AY4B B) 52 Cc) 56 D) 60 &)72 40. Which one is the complex number z that satisfies the equation (z + 1)-2 + 2=8 + Gi? Ajtai a)2+i oy-t-31 +8 121 pas eis 44, For an integer k, what is the result of net ed OT aie 8) oo D)-i e1-1 11. For the complex numbers 2, and z, on the complex plane, 2,-23 Given the above, what is the imaginary part of 2,? A) =~) et 2 yr B-BOY FP 412. mand n are real numbers, fone of the roots of polynomial P(x) =x7 + mx +n is 1 — 21, what is the sum of the coefficients 45. For a positive number n, which one could be that satisfies the equation P"* 7 =—1 7 Bs C8 B12 Aye py 10 46. Which one ise the complex number z that satis! Pix? Ay 83 «04 SENS the equation 22425 , 244 mea tan tT? of A)2-51 8)2-31 243 0)2 +5) e247

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