Worksheet 27 de Septiembre Al 1 de Octubre

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Grammar Box: Past Perfect Tense

Use it to show that an action happened before another action in the past

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

By the time we got to the Shan couldn’t go to the Had Ava broken a world
training, Macy had already stadium because he hadn’t record before she won this
left gotten over the flu medal?
Yes, she had
No, she hadn’t
The player had twisted his The team hadn’t trained hard Why hadn’t you told me the
ankle when the coach came before they competed in the tournament was next week?
back championship

1. Read the interviews. Then, complete the sentences using the Grammar Box

Jordanne Whiley Guor Marial Rafaela Silva

When I was born, I was When I was a child, South I grew up in Rio’s most
diagnosed with Sudan wanted to violent favela: City of God. I
osteogenesis imperfect, become independent faced violence, poverty,
which is a congenital from Sudan. There was a inequality, and racism. My
condition that gave me long civil war in which I father decided to enroll me
brittle bones as a baby. was abducted twice and in Judo classes in order to
Although doctors said I forced into slavery. I fled keep me away from a life of
would never be an to Egypt and them I gangs and drugs. I literally
athlete, my dad moved to the U.S when I had to fight my way out of
encouraged me to play was 16. I competed at that hostile environment. I
tennis. I overcame my London in 2012 under the finally made it through: at
limitations and trained Olympic flag as an the World Judo
hard: in 2012, I won bronze independent athlete. Championships, I won a
at the London South Sudan finally silver medal in 2011 and a
Paralympics; in 2014, I won became a new nation, gold one in 2013; I also took
the Grand Slam for and I could represent it at gold at Rio 2016
doubles, and in 2015, for Rio 2016 in the first
singles refugee team in history

a. Doctors had diagnosed Jordanne with osteogenesis imperfect before she took
up tennis. (diagnose)
b. There had benn a long civil war before South Sudan became independent.
c. Rafaela han won a gold medal before 2011 (win)
d. Jordanne had already taken a bronze medal in London in 2012 before she
won the Grand Slam (take)
e. South Sudan had became a nation by the time Guor competed in London
2012 (become)
f. By the time Rafaela competed in Rio 2016, she had gotten silver and gold
medals at the World Judo Championships. (get)
g. Guor had lived in Sudan, Egypt, and the U.S before he participated in London
2012 (live)

2. Read the text. Then, put the events in order

Before Michael Phelps participated in Rio 2016, he had won

18 gold medals. However, beneath the surface of his
success, there had been unresolved issues from his past that
led him to long periods of depression, isolation, and insomnia.
Phelps entered rehab carrying a book that his friend Ray
Lewis gave him.: The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren.

After reading the book, his attitude changed completely.

Phelps called Lewis and told him: “Man, this books is crazy! I
can’t thank you enough. You saved my life.” With a new
perspective, Michael competed in Rio 2016, where he won 5
gold medals. In 2016, he set the record for winning more
medals (28) than any other Olympic athlete in history.

4 He read the book

1 He went through long periods of insolation, insomnia, and depression
5 His life perspective changed
3 His friend gave him a book
2 He entered to rehab

3. Choose one of the stories and talk more about the character (about their
childhood, their awards, their ages, their studies, etc.)

Rafaela Silva: grew up in the poor neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro known as

Cidade de Deus. The first sport she liked was soccer, playing against other children
on a dirt field near her house in Jacarepagua. Because they were concerned
about fights and violence in the streets, when Rafaela was 7 years old, her parents
Luiz Carlos and Zenilda Silva enrolled her, along with her sister, Raquel, in judo
classes at the Reacción Institute, recently installed in Cidade de Deus el former
athlete Flávio Canto.

"I started with judo in 2000, at the beginning of the project. My father put me in
sport as an alternative to fighting in the street. In judo I found discipline, respect
for others and I began to take the sport seriously. Judo showed me the world. With
the resources I get, I guarantee my support and help my family pay the bills. "

In an interview with Globo Sports, Rafaela came out of the closet and identified
as gay. She spoke about her relationship with student Thamara Cezar, whom she
met at Institute Reaction.
4. Read again the texts 1 and 2. Select the unknown vocabulary and find the
meaning of them.

Congenital: refers to any trait or identity present at birth acquired during

intrauterine development.

Forced: That is done with great effort, without comfort or naturalness.

Championships: Set of events in which a series of opponents compete for

victory, especially in sports and games.

Perspective: It is the way to analyze a certain situation or object, it is a point of

view on a certain situation.

Depression: Mental illness or disorder characterized by deep sadness, low spirits,

low self-esteem, loss of interest in everything and a decrease in mental functions.

Isolation: It consists of separating a person with a positive result for the disease
from the rest and keeping them isolated.

Insomnia: is a common sleep disorder that can cause difficulty in falling asleep (falling
asleep) or staying asleep

Record: It is the physical or virtual space where a fact is recorded, or the act of
doing the same.

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