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An intensive course

For internal use only

Part 1: Announcements, instructions & short dialogues ...............................................2
Overview questions ....................................................................................................................2
Detail questions ......................................................................................................................... 12
Inference questions ................................................................................................................. 18
Announcements and instructions ..................................................................................... 22
Parts 2 & 3: Conversations & talks ........................................................................................ 27
Understand the gist ................................................................................................................ 27
Understand the details .......................................................................................................... 32
Understand relationships .................................................................................................... 36
Understand attitudes and functions ................................................................................. 40
Practice test ..................................................................................................................................... 49

Reading skill 1: Vocabulary questions ................................................................................. 58
Reading skill 2: Reference questions ................................................................................... 54
Reading skill 3: Facts and negative facts ............................................................................. 72
Reading skill 4: Sentence simplification .............................................................................. 82
Reading skill 5: Sentence insertion ........................................................................................ 92
Reading skill 6: Inference questions...................................................................................... 99
Reading skill 7: Rhetorical purpose questions .............................................................. 105
Practice test ................................................................................................................................... 119
Part 1: Letter/ Email writing ................................................................................................. 132
The main parts of a letter ................................................................................................... 132
Writing styles........................................................................................................................... 135
Checking and editing ............................................................................................................ 141
Summary.................................................................................................................................... 144
Practice ....................................................................................................................................... 145
Part 2: Essay writing .................................................................................................................. 146
Writing process ...................................................................................................................... 146
Common essay types ............................................................................................................ 162
Coherence and cohesion ..................................................................................................... 172
Grammar check....................................................................................................................... 173
Lexical resource...................................................................................................................... 173
Summary.................................................................................................................................... 175
Practice Test ................................................................................................................................. 176

Part 1: Social interactions ...................................................................................................... 178
Part 2: Solution discussion .................................................................................................... 183
Part 3: Topic development ..................................................................................................... 190
Practice Test ................................................................................................................................. 201



These questions require you to have a "global" or overall understanding of the dialogs
that you hear.

Questions about locations

These ask where the conversation occurs. There are a number of ways these questions
can be asked:

• Where are the speakers?

• Where is the man/woman/speaker?
• Where is the conversation/announcement… taking place?

The answer choices for these questions are the names of four locations of various
types – for example, a restaurant, a bank, an advertising agency, a tailor shop. To
answer these questions, you can't simply listen for the name of the location, which is
seldom provided in the conversation. You need to listen for vocabulary that is tied to
a certain location. For example, if you hear the words reservations, first class, and
tickets, the answer will probably be "In a travel agency."
However, don't choose an answer on the basis of just one of these words or phrases.
The word reservations could also be heard in a restaurant or hotel; the phrase first
class could also be heard at a post office; the word tickets could" also be heard at a
concert, movie, or sporting event.

Q. Where are they?
A. At a theater. B. At a party.
C. At an airport. D. At a restaurant.

M: We don't have any reservations. Is it possible for us to get The mention of

a table? reservations, table,
W: You're in luck - a party of two just canceled their and party of two
reservations. We can seat you in a few minutes. indicates that they
M: Great. are at a restaurant.


Exercise 1: Linking vocabulary to locations.

Directions: Match the locations below with the appropriate group of vocabulary words
by writing the appropriate letter next to the numbers 1-12.

a. airport h. courtroom o. hotel

b. apartment complex i. farm p. jewelry store
c. bakery j. football stadium q. laundromat
d. bank k. freeway r. post office
e. beach l. grocery store s. restaurant
f. computer store m. hair salon t. stationery store
g. construction site n. hardware store u. theater
v. travel agency

1. 2. 3. 4.
rolls stage bulldozer chain
cake cast hard hat ring
bread box office crane bracelet

5. 6. 7. 8.
menu dryer terminal surf
terminal hangers concourse towel
keyboard detergent gate umbrella

9. 10. 11. 12.

pens lanes suite field
envelopes drivers front desk barn
letterhead exit reservations fertilizer

Questions about jobs

These questions are very similar to the ones asked about locations, but they ask about
the job or profession of one or both of the speakers. There are various ways these
questions can be asked:

• Who is the man/woman/speaker?

• What is the man 's/woman 's/speaker’s profession/job?


The answer choices for these questions are the names of four occupations: banker,
bus driver, travel agent, secretary, and so on. The occupations are seldom given
directly in the conversations. As with location questions, you must listen for key
vocabulary that ties the speaker or speakers to one of the answers. For example, if you
hear the terms fare, transfer, and next stop, the correct answer will be "bus driver."
Again, don't choose an answer based on just one term; the word fare could also be
used by a travel agent.

Q. Who is the first speaker?
A. A hotel clerk. B. A lawyer.
C. A journalist. D. A dry cleaner.

1st Man: Front desk. The words front desk

2nd Man: Yes, I'd like to have my suit cleaned and and room indicate
pressed. that the first speaker
1st Man: Certainly. I'll have someone come by your is the clerk at the
room in a few minutes to pick it up. front desk of a hotel.

Exercise 2: Linking vocabulary to jobs.

Directions: Match the jobs below with the appropriate group of vocabulary words by
writing the appropriate letter next to the numbers 1-10.

a. carpenter f. manicurist k. secretary

b. dentist g. mechanic l. student
c. florist h. musician m. surgeon
d. hair stylist i. painter n. tailor
e. immigration officer j. postal clerk o. taxi driver
p. travel agent

1. 2. 3. 4.
anesthesia transmission nails stamp
scalpel spark plug file visa
operation tune-up hammer passport


5. 6. 7. 8.
drill brushes alterations tape first class
polish rollers measure stamps
cavity coat suit parcel post

9. 10.
notes arrangement
arrangement delivery
orchestration bouquet

Exercise 3: Answering overview questions about locations and occupations.

Directions: Listen to the conversation. Read the question about the conversation and
then choose the one option - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - that best answers the question.

1. Who is the second speaker?
A. An electrician. B. A banker.
C. An engineer. D. A jeweler.

2. Where are they?

A. In a grocery store. B. On a farm.
C. At an outdoor market. D. In a vegetable garden.

3. Where is this conversation taking place?

A. At a men’s clothing store. B. In a courtroom.
C. At an art gallery. D. In a paint store.

4. Who are they?

A. Printers. B. Architects.
C. Fashion designers. D. House painters.

5. Who is Thomas?
A. A sailor. B. A mechanic.
C. A plumber. D. A carpenter.

6. Where are they?

A. At a coffee shop. B. On an airplane.
C. In an automobile. D. In a clothing store.


7. Who is the man?

A. A police officer. B. A gardener.
C. A security guard. D. A pilot.

8. Where is this conversation taking place?

A. On a bus. B. in a taxi.
C. At the library. D. On Clifton Avenue.

9. Where are the speakers?

A. At a cinema. B. At a television studio.
C. At a bookstore. D. At a video rental store.

10. Who is Lisa?

A. An interior designer. B. The director.
C. A painter. D. A newspaper reporter.

11. Where are they?

A. In a hardware store. B. In a dentist’s office.
C. In an artist’s studio. D. In an electronics store.

12. Who is the first speaker?

A. A teacher. B. A mechanic.
C. A doctor. D. A pharmacist

Announcements & Instructions

1. Where is the talk probably being given?
A. At a pharmacy. B. At a sporting event.
C. At a department store. D. At a gas station.

2. Where is this announcement being made?

A. On an aircraft. B. In Glasgow.
C. At an airport. D. On a shuttle bus.

3. Where is this announcement being made?

A. On an airplane. B. At a shopping center.
C. Aboard a ship. D. In a seaside restaurant.


4. Where is the speaker?

A. In a radio station. B. In a helicopter.
C. On the side of the road. D. In a truck.

5. Who is Elizabeth Bryce?

A. An employee in the shipping department.
B. A supervisor in the shipping department.
C. The winner of the employee of the year award.
D. An assistant to the CEO.

6. Who would be most interested in what is being offered in this talk?

A. Business travelers. B. University students.
C. Language teachers. D. International tourists.

7. Who is the audience for this talk?

A. People at a cafeteria. B. Shoppers at a grocery store.
C. Guests at a party. D. People who want to go fishing.

8. Who is listening to this announcement?

A. Passengers on an airplane. B. Visitors to an amusement park.
C. Passengers on a train. D. Tourists entering a national park.

9. Who is the speaker?

A. A newspaper journalist. B. A fire chief.
C. An owner of a warehouse. D. A television reporter.

10. Who is the speaker?

A. A host of a radio show. B. A university professor.
C. A guest on a television program. D. A weather forecaster.

Questions about activities or actions

These questions ask what one or both speakers are doing or are going to do. These
questions can be asked in several ways:

• What are they doing?

• What is happening now?
• What is the situation?


Answer choices for these questions are the names of different activities: buying a car,
playing cards, eating breakfast, getting a haircut, and so on. There are two or three key
vocabulary terms that can be connected with a certain activity. For example, if you
hear the words deck, cards, and deal, the answer will be "playing cards."

Q. What is Brian doing now?
A. Designing products. B. Working as a manager.
C. Studying management. D. Teaching a class.

Man: I haven't seen Brian lately. Isn't he working in the The woman tells the
design department anymore? man that Brian is in the
Woman: Actually, he's in the management training management training
program now. program, so he is
Man: I didn't know that Brian wanted to be a manager. studying management.

Exercise 4: Linking vocabulary to activities or actions.

Directions: Match the activities or actions below with the appropriate group of
vocabulary words by writing the appropriate letter next to the numbers 1-10.

a. walking on the beach f. opening an account k. reserving a table

b. playing tennis g. buying books l. selling a house
c. fixing a car h. taking a train m. jogging
d. building a house i. skiing n. driving a car
e. climbing a mountain j. cooking o. attending a concert

1. 2. 3. 4.
realtor for two court recipe
commission 8 o’clock racket ingredients
mortgage window seat score fry


5. 6. 7. 8.
first edition track 5 oil change interest
binding delayed lube identification
illustrations station transmission savings


Questions about topics

These questions ask about the general subject of the conversation. The subject of the
conversation can be a person, a thing, or an activity. Topic questions can be phrased
in a variety of ways:

• What/whom are they discussing?

• What are they talking about?
• What are they referring to?
• What is the conversation/announcement about?
• What is the topic of the conversation/talk?
• What is the subject of the conversation/talk?

The answer choices will be four plausible topics. Incorrect answers may include details
that are mentioned in the conversation but that are not the main subject of the

Q. What are they discussing?
A. A new outfit that the woman is wearing.
B. How people dress at the man's company.
C. Where to buy clothes for work.
D. A social event that the man attended.

Woman: Is there a dress code at your company? The focus of the

Man: No, but most of the men wear coats and ties, and dialogue is how people
the women wear dresses or suits. dress at the man's
Woman: Oh, it's pretty formal then. company.


Exercise 5: Answering overview questions about activities and topics.

Directions: Listen to the conversation. Read the question about the conversation and
then choose the one option - A, B, C, or D - that best answers the question.

1. What are they discussing?
A. A boat trip. B. Fishing.
C. A ball game. D. Medical care.

2. What are they doing?

A. Buying clothing. B. Going through customs.
C. Going grocery shopping. D. Getting their luggage.

3. Who are they talking about?

A. A sculptor. B. A novelist.
C. A painter. D. A gardener.

4. What is the second speaker doing?

A. Renting a car. B. Looking for retail space.
C. Trying to find an apartment. D. Going shopping.

5. What is the conversation about?

A. A computer. B. A photographer's model.
C. A sports car. D. An old photograph

6. What is Mr. Krueger going to do?

A. Have his carpet cleaned. B. Get his car repaired.
C. Have his lawn mowed. D. Get his hair cut.

7. What is the subject of the conversation?

A. A dangerous intersection. B. A new store.
C. An airline accident. D. Outdoor lighting.

8. What are they going to do?

A. Go horseback riding. B. Go skiing.
C. Go on a plane trip. D. Go shopping.


9. What is the situation?

A. The woman is being interviewed for a job.
B. The man is trying to sell the woman a computer.
C. The woman is applying to a college.
D. The man is asking the woman if he can use her computer.

10. What will they do?

A. Go deep-sea fishing. B. Examine some documents.
C. Watch television. D. Go out to a movie.

Announcements & Instructions

1. What is the purpose of this bulletin?
A. To warn residents of a damaging storm. B. To indicate that there is no danger.
C. To report on the destruction. D. To ask for listeners’ help.

2. What is the purpose of this talk?

A. To sell more balloons. B. To invite parents to a special event.
C. To discuss a potential danger. D. To introduce a new type of balloon.

3. What is being offered?

A. Message delivery. B. Package design.
C. Coffee products. D. Baked goods.

4. What is the woman’s purpose in giving the talk?

A. To request some information about satellites.
B. To introduce her firm’s products.
C. To thank her colleagues for doing a good job.
D. To suggest a merger between the two firms.

5. What is the speaker’s purpose?

A. To propose changes in a schedule.
B. To welcome some visitors.
C. To discuss some technical matters.
D. To introduce new members of the board.

6. What is the speaker doing?

A. Introducing a new topic. B. Agreeing to a change in plans.
C. Disagreeing with another speaker. D. Requesting more information.



Detail questions ask about specific points in the conversation or talk. Some of the most
common detail questions are given below, but there are other types.

Questions about time

Exercise 1: Answering detail questions about time
Directions: Listen and choose the one option - A, B, C, or D - that best answers each

1. How often are the offices cleaned?
A. Two times a week B. Three times a week
C. Once a day D. Twice a day

2. How long did it take to fix the coffee machine?

A. All day B. Two hours
C. All morning D. Four hours

3. How long does it take to make eight copies?

A. One minute B. Five minutes
C. Eight minutes D. One hour

4. How often has the man tried to call?

A. Once B. One more time
C. Every five minutes D. Every hour

5. When does the mail come?

A. In the morning B. At noon
C. In the afternoon D. In the evening

Announcements & Instructions

1. When do people often lack energy?

A. In the morning B. During lunch
C. In the afternoon D. At the end of the day


2. When does the sale begin?

A. Next week B. On the weekend
C. At the end of the month D. Next month

3. When will the weather change?

A. This afternoon B. This evening
C. Tonight D. Tomorrow morning

4. What time will the demonstration be held?

A. 12:00 B. 1:30
C. 2:00 D. 5:00

5. When will the workshop happen?

A. Next Monday B. At the end of the meeting
C. In September D. Next month

Questions about reasons

Exercise 2: Answering detail questions about reasons
Directions: Listen to the conversation. Read the question about the conversation and
then choose the one option - A, B, C, or D - that best answers the question.

1. Why was Ms. Boggs late?
A. She had car trouble. B. The bus broke down.
C. The bus didn't stop. D. The train wasn't on time.

2. Why won't anyone come to the picnic?

A. People work on Monday. B. It's raining.
C. It starts at ten o'clock. D. It's not fun.

3. Why was the man pleased?

A. The woman finished the memo. B. The woman is never late.
C. He has a new desk. D. He likes to wait.


4. Why won't the speakers finish the letter today?

A. They need a new pen. B. They can't make it better.
C. They need five stamps. D. There's not enough time.

5. Why can't the woman sign the memo?

A. She doesn't have time. B. It isn't typed yet.
C. Her pen doesn't work. D. She can't think.

Announcements & Instructions

1. Why will airport workers go on strike?

A. They are working in freezing cold conditions.
B. They are having problems with passengers.
C. They won’t get their salary increase.
D. They don’t have a contract.

2. Why are East-West line subways behind schedule?

A. It’s a rainy day. B. Conditions are icy.
C. The track is being fixed. D. The drivers are in training.

3. What has caused the power failure?

A. An accident B. A snowstorm
C. A thunderstorm D. A fire

4. Why should you go to this store?

A. The prices are low. B. The quality is high.
C. The store is nearby. D. They’re having a sale.

5. Why is there a high demand for electric power? Baron’s practice test 6
A. The weather is extremely hot.
B. The weather is colder than usual.
C. More people are using appliances.
D. Residents are staying in their houses.


Questions about problems and plans

Exercise 3: Answering detail questions problems and plans
Directions: Listen and choose the one option - A, B, C, or D - that best answers each

1. What is the problem with the copier?

A. It's printing too light.
B. It isn't feeding the paper properly.
C. It's making loud noises.
D. It's new and no one knows how to operate it.

2. What is wrong with the job offered by the other division?

A. It doesn't pay well enough. B. The benefits aren't very good.
C. It requires too much traveling. D. It's too difficult.

3. What does the woman want to do?

A. Continue working at the hospital.
B. Open her own doctor's office.
C. Talk to her coworkers before making a decision.
D. Make everyone happy.

4. What is the woman worried about?

A. She has too many customers for her small shop.
B. She doesn't have enough flowers because of the bad weather.
C. She doesn't have an understanding boss.
D. She can't pay her bills unless she sells her flowers.

5. What is Nick's immediate plan?

A. To work as a director B. To start his own business
C. To borrow some money D. To ask for a raise

6. What plan does the second speaker suggest?

A. To visit the factories of the suppliers B. To fix the bad parts
C. To make a quick decision D. To make parts at their own factory


7. What is the problem?

A. The coffee cup is broken. B. The dress is stained.
C. The sweater has a hole in it. D. Celia is late for work.

8. What is the woman planning to do on Saturday?

A. Go to a seminar. B. Have lunch with friends.
C. Make new plans for the future. D. Work on the proposal.

9. What does John plan to do before asking the assembly workers to work overtime?
A. Call them together in a meeting. B. Talk to the night shift workers.
C. Decide how much work there is left to do. D. Wait two days.

10. What is the man's problem?

A. He can't get the equipment he needs.
B. He doesn't have a work crew.
C. He can't get to the repair site on time.
D. He forgot about the emergency repair he was supposed to do.

Questions about opinions, suggestions, and advice

Exercise 4: Answering detail questions about opinions, suggestions, and advice
Directions: Listen and choose the one option - A, B, C, or D - that best answers each

1. What does the man think of the training program?

A. It didn't teach him anything.
B. It was very useful.
C. Everyone should take it.
D. It was just like the one he had taken before.

2. What suggestion is made?

A. To wait six months to complete the sketches
B. To take a day off
C. To have a cup of coffee or tea
D. To get someone to help


3. How does Pam feel about her new equipment?

A. It's good training.
B. It's too expensive.
C. It's too complicated.
D. It's the best thing that ever happened.

4. What is the woman's advice?

A. To miss the board meeting B. To leave at 7:00
C. To postpone his first meeting in London D. To change his flight schedule

5. What does the man think of the advertisement?

A. It will never be popular B. It will make them money.
C. It's ridiculous. D. It may cause safety problems.

6. What is the woman's opinion of the resort?

A. It suits her taste perfectly. B. The staff is unfriendly.
C. It's too close to the big city. D. It's not very exciting.

7. How does the man feel about his retirement?

A. It's dull and boring. B. It's pleasant and interesting.
C. It's an unhappy situation. D. It's exactly what he expected.

8. What does the woman advise Peter to do?

A. Apologize to the marketing manager. B. Quit his job.
C. Explain his behavior. D. Accept his mistake.

9. What is the man suggesting?

A. The woman should forget about getting her schedule changed.
B. The woman should make an early morning appointment with Ms. Solomon.
C. The woman should call Ms. Solomon later in the day.
D. The woman should think up a better idea.

10. What does the man advise?

A. Be patient and wait for the results. B. Apply for the position again later.
C. Talk to as many managers as possible. D. Be happy with the job she has now.



Inference questions ask questions about the conversation; however, the answers are
not directly provided by the speakers. Instead, you must draw a conclusion, or infer,
the answer based on what they say. Inference questions ask about one or both
speakers and/or the situation and usually begin with the word what:

• What is known about the situation?

• What is the man/woman talking about?
• What does the man/woman mean?
• What is probably true about the fax machine?

Answers to these questions must be inferred from the conversation. Remember: the
answers are not directly stated. You must listen carefully to the whole conversation.
And watch for distractor words that are spoken in the conversation but do not answer
the question.

Q. What is known about the man?
A. He is a professional mechanic.
B. He is not very good with tools.
C. He is going to move to another area.
D. He is not as tall as his brother.

W: Ray is certainly a good mechanic. Although the information in choice (B) is

He fixed my car in less than an not stated, it can be inferred. The woman
hour. says Ray is a good mechanic; the man
M: He is good with tools. It's hard to agrees with her and says that it's hard to
believe that we're brothers. believe that he and Ray are brothers,
W: Oh, well, your talents lie in other implying that he doesn't share his brother's
areas. talent with tools.


Exercise 1
Directions: Listen and choose the one option - A, B, C, or D - that best answers each

1. What is true about the situation?

A. No one comes to the mall since they built the theaters.
B. The theaters were expected to improve business.
C. The theaters will close after a year.
D. Someone else is going to buy the theaters.

2. What does the woman mean?

A. She's not really interested in the science museum.
B. She'll go to the museum if the weather is bad.
C. She cannot go to the museum tomorrow.
D. Her decision depends on what the man does.

3. What is known about the speakers?

A. They are late for a meeting.
B. They can take the afternoon off.
C. They work part-time.
D. They are worried that they may lose their jobs.

4. What do we know about the producer's new movie?

A. It's not very successful.
B. It has a large cast of actors.
C. It cost a huge sum of money to produce.
D. It's a small, low-budget film.

5. What is probably true about the man?

A. He has worked for over a year.
B. He's so tired that he wants to quit his job.
C. He has to wait a while before he can go on vacation.
D. He has all of his reservations made.


6. What is the first speaker saying about the workplace since they have computers?
A. They don't get as much done.
B. Their job is easier.
C. They produced better drawings by hand.
D. They can do more but it's less enjoyable.

7. What can be said about the man?

A. He's been working in real estate for seven years.
B. He wants to sell twice as many homes this year.
C. He hopes to transfer to another office.
D. He doesn't know how many homes he has sold.

8. What is known about the computer?

A. It is new to the office.
B. It is only used once in a while.
C. It is usually turned off at night.
D. It needs to be repaired.

Exercise 2
Directions: Listen and choose the one option - A, B, C, or D - that best answers each

1. What can be inferred about their situation?

A. They are having dinner by candlelight.
B. The electricity is not on.
C. They are examining something with a flashlight.
D. It is the middle of the day.

2. What can be said about the situation?

A. They are not at home.
B. The sky is seldom clear here.
C. The smell is unpleasant.
D. They have just walked for miles.


3. What does the woman imply?

A. She cannot go sailing tomorrow.
B. Her decision depends on the weather.
C. There will not be enough wind for sailing.
D. She enjoys this kind of weather.

4. What is probably true about Natalie?

A. She makes her own clothing at home.
B. She does not need any new clothes.
C. She has worked there only for a few weeks.
D. She no longer works as a clerk.

5. What is the man implying?

A. He just started playing the piano.
B. He would like to take lessons from the woman.
C. He has never taken lessons.
D. He does not play as well as the woman.

6. What is known about the security system?

A. It is generally on in the morning.
B. It is an unusual system.
C. It was broken when the man arrived.
D. It was recently installed.

7. What can be inferred about the climate where they live now?
A. It has four seasons.
B. It is always warm.
C. It is usually cool and brisk.
D. It is nicest in the autumn.

8. What can be inferred about these two?

A. They do not have to work today.
B. They have to attend a meeting.
C. They wrote the memo.
D. They are not new employees.



Public announcements
Public announcements are talks that provide information to people in public places,
such as airports, planes, trains, buses, social and sporting events, stores, etc.

Exercise 1
Directions: Listen and choose the one option - A, B, C, or D - that best answers each

1. What information is being given?

A. The flight number has changed.
B. Flight 405 will be delayed.
C. Flight 405 will arrive at a different gate.
D. Flight 405 is not arriving front Seattle.

2. What meal will probably be served on this flight?

A. Breakfast B. Lunch
C. Dinner D. Midnight snack

3. Where is Mr. Ozawa being asked to go?

A. To Geneva B. To his plane
C. To the Swiss Air ticket counter D. To the baggage claim area

4. What do the guests need to have before they can enter the ballroom?
A. Formal attire B. Programs
C. Invitations D. Assigned tables

5. Where must the tourists go to wait for their bus?

A. In the lobby B. By the reservation desk
C. In their rooms D. Near the fountain

6. When does service to San Francisco usually depart?

A. 7:00 B. 7:15
C. 7:30 D. 8:00


Advertisements are talks like those you hear on radio and television. Their purpose is
to persuade listeners to buy certain goods or services. Questions about
advertisements ask who the audience is (what kind of people would be interested in
the product or service being sold), what product is being advertised, how much the
product costs, and what claims are being made about the product or service.

Exercise 2
Directions: Listen and choose the one option - A, B, C, or D - that best answers each

1. What audience is the advertiser trying to reach?

A. Business executives B. Families with children
C. People who like adventure travel D. Professional athletes

2. What is NOT mentioned as something you’ll find at the travel show?

A. Free airline tickets B. Discounts on cruises
C. Bargains on hotels D. Travel films

3. Which of the following people would be most interested in this commercial

A. Someone planning a cruise to the Bahamas
B. Someone looking for an apartment to rent
C. Someone trying to sell a product or service
D. Someone who likes to read the newspaper

4. What claim does the speaker make about the products?

A. They will improve sales.
B. They can be purchased at discount prices.
C. They can be made to suit a variety of times and occasions.
D. They can be taken on business trips.

5. What is NOT mentioned as an advantage to doing business with the Superstore?

A. Reduced prices B. Convenient location
C. Fast local delivery D. A large selection of products


News, weather bulletins and public service announcements

News and weather bulletins and public service announcements are talks that are
broadcast on radio and television. They are usually given on news programs and
provide information to the public. Questions in this section usually ask about what is
being said and about details given in the bulletins and announcements.

Exercise 3
Directions: Listen and choose the one option - A, B, C, or D - that best answers each
1. What is the purpose of this bulletin?
A. To provide general information on the weather
B. To warn citizens of imminent dangers from severe weather
C. To indicate the problems with living in southern California
D. To ask for help for people in the flooded areas

2. What caused major delays on Highway 33?

A. A spilled load of tomatoes B. A four-car accident
C. A ladder in the road D. An overturned truck

3. What is the purpose of the announcement?

A. To inform citizens about a community service
B. To warn citizens against polluting rivers and streams
C. To ask for volunteers for a neighborhood clean-up
D. To report on the local pollution problems

4. At what time of year is this bulletin most likely being given?

A. Spring B. Summer
C. Autumn D. Winter

5. What are the Philippine officials asking other countries for?

A. Experienced firefighters
B. Airplanes
C. Money to repair damages
D. Places to shelter endangered animals


Business announcements
Business announcements are talks that occur in business settings, such as at meetings,
in offices, and at business-related social events. The questions usually ask about the
speaker or the audience, the location, or details presented in the talks.

Exercise 4
Directions: Listen and choose the one option - A, B, C, or D - that best answers each

1. What is the purpose of the talk?

A. To thank employees for their volunteer work
B. To encourage employees to be community volunteers
C. To announce which organizations will receive grants
D. To announce the winners of the awards

2. Who is the audience for this talk?

A. Teachers B. Managers
C. Non-management personnel D. Writers

3. What will the speaker do next?

A. Answer questions.
B. Explain more about the K-1 vehicle.
C. Give a presentation about the K-1.
D. Discuss the merits of the new contract.

4. When is this talk being given?

A. During a sales meeting B. At the end of the work day
C. At the start of a business luncheon D. After a Sales Improvement seminar

5. What is the speaker’s purpose?

A. To show his colleagues how to use the data transfer system
B. To introduce his company’s product to a potential buyer
C. To discuss the future of his company
D. To thank Control Data’s employees for their excellent work


Recorded messages
Recorded messages are prerecorded talks that people hear over the telephone or in
airports, bus stations, train stations, stores, and many other places. They provide
important information to people in many different situations. Questions about these
talks usually have to do with the location, the situation, the audience, and the details
given in the recorded message.

Exercise 5
Directions: Listen and choose the one option - A, B, C, or D - that best answers each

1. What is the caller told to do if he or she needs emergency repairs?

A. Press 1 now. B. Call after 9 a m. or before 5 p.m.
C. Leave a message. D. Dial 555-HELP.

2. What must someone have in order to exit the area with luggage?
A. A plane ticket B. A luggage can
C. A store receipt D. Luggage tags

3. To which of these would someone go to see an action-adventure film?

A. Cinema 1 B. Cinema 2
C. Cinema 3 D. A special matinee showing

4. Which of the following is NOT permitted?

A. Unloading baggage B. Picking up passengers
C. Parking a vehicle D. Stopping for a short time

5. What are callers directed to do after entering their account number and the pound
(#) sign?
A. Speak to a loan representative. B. Speak to a teller.
C. Press 2. D. Enter the access code.


PARTS 2 & 3


Exercise 1:
Directions: Listen to each passage and the questions that follow. Then choose the best
answers to the questions.

Listen to a conversation between a student and a gym employee.

1. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. The student's transfer from another university
B. Information about gym memberships
C. Ways to pay for the membership
D. The student's schedule for the use of the facilities

2. What payment option does the student prefer?

A. Cash
B. Check
C. Credit card
D. Internet banking

Vocabulary list
□ transfer: (v.) to withdraw from one place and enter another
□ up front: as an advance payment
□ sign up: (v.) to join a course or organization
□ remit: (v.) to send money as a payment syn. Forward


Listen to a lecture in an economy class.

1. What does the professor mainly discuss?

A. What happened on Black Tuesday in the US stock market history
B. The importance of the Great Depression in the US economy
C. The Great Depression that led to World War II
D. The background of Black Tuesday and its influence

2. According to the professor, what is NOT true?

A. The market lost about 12 percent on Black Tuesday.
B. 16.4 million shares were traded on Black Tuesday.
C. Minimal debts were piled up in the 1920s.
D. Currency was devalued due to the increase in money supply in the 1920s.

Vocabulary list
□ amass: (v.) to gather or collect
□ subsequent: (adj.) happening or coming after something else syn. following
□ confine: (v.) to keep something within limits syn. restrict
□ turmoil: (n.) a state of extreme confusion
□ stimulate: (v.) to encourage something to become active syn. Inspire

Listen to a conversation between two students.

1. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. How to solve disagreements with a roommate
B. How to behave at the first meeting with a college roommate
C. Ways to find a counselor to solve problems
D. The best way to arrange a formal meeting in a dormitory

2. What is true about the roommate?

A. He is awfully dirty and untidy.
B. He borrows things and doesn't always return them.
C. He frequently throws loud parties in the room.
D. He sometimes houses his friend for the night without asking.


3 What is Marcy's advice?

A. John should try to be best friends with his roommate.
B. John should do things that annoy his roommate.
C. John should take advantage of a mediator in handling conflict.
D. John should focus on his own problems not his roommate's.

Vocabulary list
□ miserable: (adj.) extremely unhappy or uncomfortable
□ ground rule: (n.) a basic rule about what should be done in a particular situation
or event
□ compromise: (n.) an agreement made between two sides
□ annoying: (adj.) causing irritation or displeasure
□ outset: (n.) the start or beginning of an event or process
□ mediator: (n.) a person that tries to help reach an agreement between people

Listen to a lecture in a sociology class.

1. What is the purpose of the lecture?

A. To describe how Ogburn formulated his theory
B. To explain the social background from which Ogburn's theory was born
C. To draw students' attention to how frequently cultural lag happens in modem
D. To bring up the issue of how societies keep up with technological development

2. According to the professor, how did Ogburn's examination of cultural lag begin?
A. He wondered why the rules and norms of society resist easy change.
B. He realized that road design contributed to automobile accidents.
C. He saw that inventions tended to move from one social group to another.
D. He noticed that people were resistant to using typewriters for a long time.

3 According to the professor, what is NOT true about cultural lag?

A. The term was coined by William Ogburn in 1922.
B. Its four stages are invention, accumulation, diffusion and adjustment.
C. Its cause is the retardation of adjustment process.
D. It explains the gap between the appearance of an invention and the making of
appropriate adjustments.


Vocabulary list
□ evolve: (v.) to change or develop into a better, more advanced state
□ postulate: (v.) to suggest that a theory is true as a starting point for reasoning
□ accumulation: (n.) the act of becoming collected over time
□ diffusion: (n.) the act of spreading widely in all directions
□ retardation: (n.) the act of slowing down development syn. lag
□ keep pace with: (v.) to develop or progress at the same speed as something else

Listen to a lecture in a zoology class.

1. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. The habitat and feeding habits of seahorses
B. The scientific classification and anatomy of seahorses
C. The process of the courtship dance of seahorses
D. The main features and reproduction of seahorses

2. According to the professor, what benefit is claimed by the scientists for the predawn
A. It establishes a lasting bond between the male and female.
B. It assists the female's eggs to reach maturity.
C. It prevents the female from straying from the male's territory.
D. It provides the pouch with oxygen and prolactin for fertilization.

3. According to the professor, what happens to the seahorse's eggs after fertilization?
A. They are implanted in the wall of the male's brood pouch.
B. Their mother visits each day and they hatch into fry.
C. They are gestated for a maximum of three weeks.
D. They are left to fend for themselves.

4. According to the professor, what is true about seahorses?

A Their family name originated from their upright posture.
B They are neither insect nor shellfish.
C They are naturally good swimmers.
D They take care of their fry together until adulthood.


Vocabulary list
□ caudal: (adj.) of or near the tail
□ give birth to: (v.) to produce a baby or young animal syn. bring forth
□ twirl: (v.) to dance or turn around and around syn. spin
□ fertilize: (v.) to join male and female reproductive cells so that a young animal
□ embed: (v.) to put something firmly into a substance
□ gestation: (n.) the process in which a baby grows inside its mother’s body before
□ fry: (n.) very small young fish
□ fend for: (v.) to take care of; provide for



Exercise 1:
Directions: Listen to each passage and the questions that follow. Then choose the
best answers to the questions.

Listen to a conversation between a student and a university employee.

1. What will the student choose?

A. Archaeological program
B. Engineering program
C. Language course
D. Psychology course

2. What is NOT true about the winter session program?

A. It offers short‐term courses only.
B. It is open to graduate students.
C. Students may participate only once per session.
D. There are two types of financial aid available.

Vocabulary list
□ faculty: (n.) the entire teaching and administrative group of a college
□ participate in: (v.) to take part in
□ prerequisite: (n.) something required as a prior condition
□ grant: (n.) an amount of money given to someone, especially by the government
□ cancellation: (n.) the act of invalidating an agreement

Listen to a lecture in a history class.

1. According to the professor, what is NOT the reason for the population boom in
medieval Europe?
A. The end of the Black Death
B. Improved climate
C. Developments in agricultural technology
D. Increased stability of the government and society


2. According to the professor, what is NOT true?

A. The population of Europe began increasing from the 10th century.
B. The population of Europe rapidly decreased in the 14th century.
C. More than a quarter of Europe's entire population died from the Black Death.
D. Europe's population recovered to its previous high level in the 15th century.

Vocabulary list
□ era: (n.) a period of time known for particular events or qualities syn. epoch
□ undergo: (v.) to experience a particular kind of situation
□ drastic: (adj.) extreme and sudden
□ stability: (n.) the state of being steady and not changing
□ settle in: (v.) to move into a new place and start to feel comfortable there

Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor.

1. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A. The difference between the Salamanca School and the Austrian School
B. Acclaimed economics books on free trade and capitalism
C. Relations between the enlightenment movement and the American Revolution
D. Accomplishments and thoughts of Adam Smith as an economist

2. According to the professor, what is portrayed by the term "the invisible hand?"
A. Employers have a right to determine prices and wages.
B. Individuals' free trade market benefits the public by keeping low prices.
C. Government restrictions are sometimes unnecessary.
D. Capitalism can be encouraged by the invisible forces of government.

3. According to the professor, what is NOT true about Adam Smith?

A. He was one of the important figures of the Scottish Enlightenment.
B. His ideas are still practiced in modem economics.
C. His book created awareness about free trade.
D. His opposition to state regulation was not as strong as the Austrian School's.


Vocabulary list
□ enlighten: (v.) to cause someone to understand something by explaining it
□ put into practice: actually to do or carry out something
□ acclaim: (v.) to praise someone or something publicly syn. honor
□ advocate: (v.) to speak or write in favor of something
□ elaborate: (v.) to explain or describe something in a more detailed way
□ intervention: (n.) the act of becoming involved intentionally

Listen to a lecture in a zoology class.

1. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. The classification and ecology of giraffe
B. The different types of ungulates
C. An introduction to the family Giraffidae
D. The habitats and breeding of savannah herbivores

2. According to the professor, what is "necking?"

A. A food fight over acacia leaves
B. An expression of close relationships
C. A process to decide the leader of the herd
D. A combat to obtain opportunity to mate

3. According to the professor, what is true?

A. The main habitat of okapis is the rainforests.
B. Deer and cattle are members of the family Giraffidae.
C. The breeding season for giraffes is restricted to the rainy season.
D. Even‐toed ungulates are one of the endangered animals.

Vocabulary list
□ exotic: (adj.) from or in a foreign country, especially a tropical one
□ go over: to examine or check something carefully
□ hoof: (n.) the hard part on the foot of some animals
□ hierarchy: (n.) a system of organizing people or things into different levels of
□ dominance: (n.) the state of being more important or powerful than other things
□ designate: (v.) to choose someone or something for a particular purpose


Listen to a lecture in a psychology class.
1. What is the lecture mainly about?
A. The causes of White Knight Syndrome
B. White Knight Syndrome and its possible treatment
C. White Knight Syndrome and its three types
D. The identification method of White Knight Syndrome sufferers

2. According to the professor, what is NOT the feature of the overly empathetic white
A. They want to give others what they want.
B. They feel important when receiving affection.
C. They try to find future troubles of others to save them.
D. They tend to behave in a way manipulates others.

3. According to the professor, what is the notable symptom of the terrorizing white
A. They are fearful of emotional distance with others.
B. They are afraid of showing appreciation and emotional attachment to others.
C. They are sensitive to others' critical reactions to their behavior.
D. They blame and criticize others severely.

4. According to the professor, what is true about White Knight Syndrome?

A. It is more common in men than in women.
B. Brain injury during childhood is its main cause.
C. Sufferers concentrate on others' problems as a reflection of their own.
D. Some of the types are not considered as a serious psychological disorder.

Vocabulary list
□ distress: (n.) a state of extreme sorrow, suffering, or pain
□ altruistic: (adj.) unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others
□ cope with: to deal with a difficult problem or situation
□ ineffectual: (adj.) not having the ability, confidence, or personal authority to get
things done
□ empathetic: (adj.) being able to understand how someone else feels
□ tarnished: adj. becoming stained or spoiled
□ insatiable: (adj.) always wanting more and more of something (syn.) unsatisfiable
□ counteraction: (n.) the act of reducing or removing the effect of something by
contrary action



Exercise 1:
Directions: Listen to each passage and the questions that follow. Then choose the
best answers to the questions.

Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor.

1. According to the conversation, what can be inferred about the Da Vinci sleep
A. Thomas Edison was not supportive of it.
B. It was first created by Leonardo Da Vinci.
C. It can lead to loss of productivity through loss of sleep.
D. It is recommendable for students with a lot of academic work to do.

2. According to the conversation, what best describes polyphasic sleep?

A. Sleeping for 'less than six hours a day
B. Sleeping 30 minutes with six hours of intervals
C. Sleeping multiple times a day for a short period of time
D. Sleeping for two different phases, each lasting about six hours

Vocabulary list
□ polyphasic: (adj.) consisting of two or more phases
□ multiple: (adj.) having or involving several parts, elements, or members
□ not to mention: not to speak of
□ admirable: (adj.) deserving admiration and respect
□ disorder: (n.) a physical or mental condition that is not normal or healthy

Listen to a lecture in a sociology class.

1. According to the professor, how is Sparta different from other parts of Greece?
A. It honored women citizens over men.
B. It valued the domestic roles of women.
C. It laid strong emphasis on its military force.
D. It allowed women to become political leaders.


2. According to the professor, what is mentioned as a role of Spartan women during

war time?
A. Giving military lessons to their sons
B. Protecting and managing their polis
C. Participating in military tactic discussions
D. Engaging in political conversations with men

Vocabulary list
□ exceptional: (adj.) unusual and not likely to happen or exist very often syn.
□ fraternize: (v.) to spend time with someone in a friendly way
□ engage in: to take part in
□ supposedly: (adv.) according to what is generally thought or believed
□ exert: (v.) to use influence or power in order to affect or achieve something
□ ardently: (adv.) enthusiastically or passionately

Listen to a conversation between two students.

1. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Deciding which student club they want to join
B. Choosing between the academic clubs and entertaining ones
C. Finding out about the requirements and rules of the student clubs
D. Acquiring the necessary qualifications for joining their most wanted clubs

2. What is the female student's criterion for choosing a club?

A. It should be unique and enjoyable.
B. It must not have strict rules to follow.
C. It should provide worthwhile activities.
D. It must help with her academic work.

Vocabulary list
□ selective: (adj.) careful to choose only the best people or things
□ expel: (v.) to officially force someone to leave an organization syn. eject
□ obligation: (n.) a duty imposed socially or legally
□ recite: (v.) to repeat aloud a poem or passage from memory before an audience
□ rewarding: (adj.) giving satisfaction


Listen to a lecture in a philosophy class.

1. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. Various interpretations of Ubuntu principles
B. The meaning of Ubuntu and its philosophy
C. Beneficial and adverse influences of Ubuntu in history
D. The process of the popularization of Ubuntu

2. According to the professor, what can be inferred about Ubuntu?

A. Tutu contributed to popularizing the term in the West through his writings.
B. It has become more political than religious.
C. Minorities are treated fairly by it.
D. It is not a subject of criticism for Africans.

3. According to the professor, what is NOT true?

A. The term came from the Bantu language in Africa.
B. The South African government described the historical meaning of Ubutu in the
white paper on welfare.
C. Ancestors are believed to dwell among their descendants from a religious point
of view.
D. Mandela made the word Ubuntu widely known outside of his country.

Vocabulary list
□ publicize: (v.) to draw public attention to syn. advertise
□ in relation to: concerning; regarding; with reference to
□ render: (v.) to change into a different language or form syn. translate
□ pervasive: (adj.) spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people
□ in turn: in succession; one after the other
□ mutual: (adj.) experienced or performed by two or more people
□ conformist: (adj.) acting in accordance or in harmony with


Listen to a lecture in an economy class.

1. According to the professor, why was the hearth tax replaced by the window tax?
A. Because even the poor had to have windows for their houses
B. Because people had more windows than hearths in their houses
C. Because the British Parliament was influenced by the French taxation law
D. Because window taxes did not require barging into other people's houses

2. What is NOT compared between the French window tax and the British one?
A. Main taxpayers
B. The number of times imposed
C. Influences on architecture
D. The standard criteria for taxation

3. According to the professor, what is NOT true about the taxes?

A. The French window tax was enacted prior to the British one.
B. The British window tax lasted more than 100 years after its imposition.
C. The window taxes had a significant impact on architecture.
D. The British hearth tax was imposed three times in total.

Vocabulary list
□ affluent: (adj.) having a large amount of money and owning many expensive
□ enact: (v.) to make something into a law
□ hearth: (n.) the floor of a fireplace and the area around it
□ invade: (v.) to enter a place in large numbers or in a way that causes problems
□ enforce: (v.) to make a law or rule active
□ imposition: (n.) the introduction of something such as a new law or a new system
□ taxation: (n.) the action, process, or system of making people pay taxes
□ tug‐of‐war: (n.) a struggle between two people or groups to get control of



Exercise 1:
Directions: Listen to each passage and the questions that follow. Then choose the best
answers to the questions.

Listen to a conversation between a student and a university employee.

1. How does the student feel about the financial aid options?
A. He is confused because they are too complicated.
B. He is satisfied that he is eligible for one of them.
C. He is disappointed that there are not many options for him.
D. He is reassured that he could finally decide what to apply for.

2. What is true about the conversation?

A. The student doesn't have sufficient credits to apply for work‐study aid.
B. The student was not thinking about getting a student loan.
C. At least 12 credits should be maintained to be eligible for scholarships.
D. Funding for state grants in the state budget has been secured recently.

Vocabulary list
□ eligible: (adj.) satisfying the necessary conditions syn. qualified
□ enroll in: to officially register a person as a student on a course
□ funding: (n.) money provided by an organization or government for a particular
□ budget: (n.) money available for spending based on a plan

Listen to a lecture in a sociology class.

1. What is the professor's opinion of group dynamics?

A. It is limited because it only applies to intragroup behavior.
B. It is valuable in the fields of study like psychology and sociology.
C. It is dynamic because it studies random behaviors of individuals.
D. It is effectual in establishing successful relationships between people.


2. According to the professor, what is true about group dynamics?

A. Group dynamics is mostly involved in behaviors and processes between groups.
B. Bruce Tuckman explained four stages of the decision‐making process in 1956.
C. A trusting relationship and productivity are developed in the performing stage.
D. Group members show very distinctive characteristics while interacting with one

Vocabulary list
□ intra‐group: (adj.) being or occurring within a single group
□ of service: giving aid or assistance syn. helpful
□ effectual: (adj.) successful in producing a desired or intended result
□ trusting: (adj.) tending to trust people
□ cooperatively: (adv.) in close cooperation

Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor.

1. Why does the student visit the professor's office?

A. To ask questions about the next exam
B. To get information about the summer internship
C. To ask for a reference letter for employment
D. To seek advice about gaining job experience

2. What is the student's attitude toward the internship?

A. She is thrilled because it is a chance to prove her ability.
B. She believes that it is necessary for her future career.
C. She is worried that all the hard work will make her exhausted.
D. She considers it a good opportunity to travel abroad.

3. What is true about the conversation?

A. The student is considering giving up her major in English Education.
B. The professor is conducting a research project with the student.
C. The student wants to work in the economics field after ~he graduates.
D. The professor recommends a company in Asia for the student's future career.


Vocabulary list
□ decent: (adj.) good enough or acceptable
□ in demand: wanted or needed in large numbers
□ make it: to be successful
□ curriculum vitae: (n.) a short document of personal education and work
□ take it easy: to refrain from anger or haste syn. relax

Listen to a lecture in a biology class.

1. What is the professor's point of view concerning plant pigments when he says:
“Haven't you ever been amazed as to the diversity of their colors? Plants come in a
variety of colors more than any other natural organism on earth.”
A. They are crucial in providing camouflage.
B. They display magnificent color schemes.
C. They are rather dull since plants are mostly green.
D. There is no significant difference between animal and plant pigments.

2. What is NOT mentioned as the main function of plant pigments?

A. Regulation of light
B. Photosynthesis
C. Enticement of pollinators
D. None of the above

3. According to the professor, what is NOT true?

A. Chlorophyll is the most significant factor in sustaining photosynthesis.
B. Carotenoids absorb the wavelengths of light which are not absorbed by
C. Phycobilins only exist in cyanobacteria and rhodophyta.
D. The amount of carotenoids produced is responsible for the color change of plants
during autumn.

Vocabulary list
□ carry on: to continue doing something
□ pigment: (n.) the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue


□ camouflage: (n.) an animal's natural coloring to blend in with its surroundings

□ pollination: (n.) the process by which pollen is transferred in the reproduction of
□ water‐soluble: (adj.) able to be dissolved in water
□ decomposition: (n.) the state or process of rotting syn. decay

Listen to a lecture in a music class.

1. According to the professor, what best describes the role of a yurodivy?

A. To allude to the reality of a depraved society
B. To entertain people through bizarre public performances
C. To reveal the hidden messages of the government
D. To accept risk in order to criticize the authorities directly

2. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.

What is the professor's attitude toward Shostakovich?
A. He feels sympathetic about the stance of Shostakovich.
B. He thinks that it was imprudent of Shostakovich to take such risks.
C. He is amazed by Shostakovich's ingenuity and courage.
D. He is confused by the coded messages in Shostakovich's music.

3. What will the professor probably do next?

A. He will discuss how anti‐government messages were coded.
B. He will get his students to listen to Shostakovich's music.
C. He will introduce more examples of yurodivy in different fields of art.
D. He will describe Shostakovich's music career after the Fifth symphony.

4. According to the professor, what is true?

A. Pravda captured Shostakovich's hidden intention in his music.
B. Shostakovich's Fifth Symphony was composed to console the Russian public in
C. Stalin's government was not satisfied with Shostakovich 's Fifth symphony.
D. Critics rebuked Shostakovich's successful opera, Lady Macbeth of the Mtensk


Vocabulary list
□ scrutiny: (n.) critical observation or examination
□ read into: to find an extra meaning
□ outrage: (v.) to make someone feel very angry or shocked syn. infuriate
□ torment: (n.) great pain or agony
□ superficially: (adv.) as to the outward appearance only
□ intricate: (adj.) very complicated or detailed
□ nerve: (n.) the courage to do something dangerous, difficult, or frightening
□ appreciation: (n. the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of

Listen to a conversation between two students.

1. What does the female student mean when she says this: “Yeah. Meeting new people
... so now we're talking about cons, aren't we?”
A. She is not following what her friend says.
B. She admits networking is beneficial.
C. She wants to talk about disadvantages.
D. She feels uneasy about meeting new people.

2. What is NOT mentioned as a benefit of working in a relevant subject area?

A. It assists students in coping with their studies.
B. It counts toward their career after graduation.
C. It enables students to get hands‐on experience.
D. It helps to build social connections in the related industry.

Vocabulary list
□ pros and cons: (n.) the advantages and disadvantages of something
□ coursework: (n.) school work that a student must do
□ expertise: (n.) special skill or knowledge in a particular field to manage
□ keep up with: to stay equal with something


Listen to a lecture in a literature class.

1. What does the professor mean when she says this: “Well, we are just getting
A. Do not get bored too quickly.
B. The class won't be over very soon.
C. Her lecture begins from that point.
D. There are more parallels than what she has just mentioned.

2. According to the professor, what is NOT true about Les Miserables?

A. Valjean's 19 years in prison is the same as Hugo's exile period.
B. Hugo's household account during his exile was used as Marius's.
C. A poor girl whom Hugo once saved appears as little Cosette.
D. The dialogue between Hugo and the police was directly quoted in the novel.

Vocabulary list
□ reign: (n.) the period of time during which a king, queen, or emperor is ruler of a
□ parallel: (n.) someone or something that is similar to another person or thing
□ intriguing: (adj.) very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious
□ recount: (v.) to say what happened syn. narrate

Listen to a conversation between a student and a university employee.

1. Why does the student want to meet the professor?

A. To arrange a meeting with the graduates
B. To request the professor's rare photos
C. To survey the conference venue prior to the exhibition
D. To discuss the centenary celebration

2. How will the university employee inform the professor about this conversation?
A. He will send an e‐mail to the professor about her request.
B. He will talk to the professor when he returns from the conference.
C. He will make a call to the professor when he is done with his presentation.
D. He will leave a message by phone at the hotel where the professor is staying.


3. What does the student mean from this situation?

M: Well, he's out of state.
W: I can't believe this.
A. The employee definitely knows a way to contact the professor.
B. It is frustrating that the professor is too far away for her to reach.
C. The employee is definitely giving her misinformation about the conference
D. It is disappointing that the professor canceled the appointment with her to
attend a conference.

Vocabulary list
□ centenary: (adj.) relating to a hundredth anniversary
□ around the corner: coming very soon syn. at hand
□ in charge of: having the responsibility, control, or supervision of
□ graduate: (n.) someone who has finished their studies at a university

Listen to a lecture in an environmental science class.

1. Why does the professor say this: “Yes, yes. Thank you, Ben. Those are enough.”
A. To tell the student that his answer is off the main point
B. To sincerely thank the student for his participation
C. To ask for different volunteers other than the student
D. To tell the student that he had fully answered her question

2. What is NOT mentioned as a drawback of wind energy?

A. The facilities are vulnerable to natural disaster.
B. Production of electricity is not steady.
C. Its environmental benefits are not as great as we think.
D. Wind turbines cannot be installed just anywhere.

3. What is the professor's point of view concerning wind energy?

A. The disadvantages of wind energy outweigh its advantages.
B. It is not any better than hydropower or solar energy.
C. The usefulness of the wind energy remains to be seen.
D. It is a good substitute for fuel source for now.


Vocabulary list
□ deplete: (v.) to use up the supply or resources of something syn. exhaust
□ emit: (v.) to send something out into the air
□ toxic: (adj.) poisonous and harmful to people, animals, or the environment
□ embrace: (v.) to accept something or someone readily or gladly

Listen to a lecture in a zoology class.

1. Why does the professor say this: “I mean, after all, the fact that there are some
species which change their colors is not so impressive, right?”
A. To change the main subject of the lecture
B. To show that the mimic octopus is not that much of a discovery
C. To illustrate the distinguishing feature of the mimic octopus
D. To give examples of other species with camouflaging abilities

2. What is NOT mentioned as a predator that the mimic octopus impersonates?

A. Flatfish
B. Damsel fish
C. Brittle stars
D. Banded sea snake

3. According to the professor, what is known about mimic octopuses?

A. Whether or not they are poisonous
B. How their population has changed
C. What they eat
D. How many animals they can imitate

4. According to the professor, what is NOT true about mimic octopuses?

A. They behave similarly to wonderpus octopuses.
B. They were observed several years before the 21st century.
C. They were first found around the coast of Indonesia.
D. They are carnivorous animals.


Vocabulary list
□ distinctive: (adj.) different in a way that is easy to notice syn. distinguishing
□ impersonate: (v.) to pretend to be
□ masquerade: (v.) to assume the appearance of something
□ carnivorous: (adj.) feeding on other animals
□ non‐poisonous: (adj.) not containing or using poison
□ fluctuation: (n.) an irregular rising and falling in number or amount




Time: approx. 40 minutes (including 05 minutes to transfer your answers to your
answer sheet)
No. of questions: 35
Directions: In this section of the test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate
your ability to understand conversations and talks in English. There are three parts in
this section with special directions for each part. Answer all the questions on the basis
of what is stated or implied by the speakers in the recording.
There will be time for you to read the instructions and you will have a chance to check
your work. The recording will be played ONCE only.

PART 1 – Questions 1-8

Directions: In this part, you will hear EIGHT short announcements or instructions.
There is one question for each announcement or instruction. For each question,
choose the right answer A, B, C or D. Then, on the answer sheet, find the number of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer that you
have chosen.
Now, let’s listen to an example. On the recording, you will hear:

Man: Hello. This is the travel agency returning your call. You left a message about the
holiday you’ve booked, asking which meals are included in the cost during your stay at
Sunny Hotel. Lunch and dinner are free but if you wish to have breakfast in the hotel,
you will need to pay an extra amount of money, depending on what you order. Let me
know if I can help you with any other information. Goodbye.

On the test book, you will read:

Which meal is NOT included in the price of the holiday?
A. Breakfast
B. Lunch
C. Dinner
D. All

The correct answer is A. Breakfast. Now, let’s begin with the first question.


1. What will be discussed today?

A. The new computer system
B. Scheduled holidays
C. Some department changes
D. Customer information

2. What is the purpose of this announcement?

A. To announce a retirement
B. To invite people to a seminar
C. To describe a new position
D. To advertise health care

3. What is causing the problem?

A. There was an accident.
B. There was a flood.
C. There is road work.
D. There is heavy fog.

4. What will happen on Thursday?

A. There may be a snowstorm.
B. It will be sunny and warm.
C. The weather will be bad.
D. The sun will shine all day.

5. What will be discussed tomorrow?

A. A kids' TV show
B. John Winston
C. A new book
D. Morning reports

6. When is this announcement being made?

A. At the beginning of the trip
B. In the middle of the trip
C. At the end of the trip
D. Just before dinner service


7. What is the purpose of this announcement?

A. To give visitors photographs
B. To explain the museum rules
C. To show visitors the gift shop
D. To thank the visitors for coming

8. What compensation will passengers receive?

A. A free connecting flight
B. A free beverage on the flight
C. A discount for a future flight
D. A seat upgrade on a flight

PART 2 – Questions 9-20

Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE conversations. The conversations will not
be repeated. There are four questions for each conversation. For each question,
choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

Questions 9 to 12. Listen to a radio programme.

9. __________ will like the headphones.

A. Teachers
B. Dentists
C. Doctors
D. People with ear problems

10. The fridge plays music when it is getting __________.

A. full
B. empty
C. dirty
D. hot

11. The 3D TV doesn’t have a __________.

A. plug
B. remote control
C. power switch
D. programme menu


12. Lisa thinks the dishwasher __________ very well.

A. will sell
B. won’t sell
C. won’t wash the dishes
D. will wash the dishes

Questions 13 to 16. Listen to a conversation between a student and a

university employee.

13. Why is the woman talking to the university employee?

A. She is interested in buying concert tickets.
B. She needs help locating the student center.
C. She is interested in joining a school club.
D. She needs to make a payment of his tuition.

14. What is said about the ticket prices?

A. University students receive free tickets.
B. University students receive discounts.
C. University students pay fifteen dollars.
D. Non-students have free entrance into the concert.

15. What is the attitude of the student buying the tickets?

A. She feels the prices are unreasonable.
B. She thinks the employee is being unfair.
C. She is happy with the ticket prices.
D. She wants a bigger discount.

16. Why would the student need to take his ID with her?
A. To get it scanned to pay for her lunch
B. To get the tickets replaced
C. To verify that she is the person who bought the tickets
D. To verify that she is a freshman in college


Questions 17 to 20. Listen to a conversation on campus.

17. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. The student moving out of the dorm
B. The student wanting different roommates
C. The RA wanting the student to pay his housing fees
D. The Accommodation Office

18. According to the RA, what kind of refund will the student receive?
A. A full refund
B. A partial refund
C. No refund
D. None of the above

19. Why does the RA discuss the Accommodation Office?

A. To tell the student about his job
B. To tell the student where he will be able to get some of his money back
C. To give an example of where to take care of financial needs
D. Because she had no other options to give the student

20. What does the RA imply when she says this: “…although I don’t know if I can live
with my brother.”?
A. She hates his brother.
B. She thinks living with a brother can be difficult.
C. She doesn't know if her brother has space in his home.
D. Her brother lives in a different place.


PART 3 – Questions 21-35

Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE talks or lectures. The talks or lectures will
not be repeated. There are five questions for each talk or lecture. For each question,
choose the right answer A, B, C or D.

Questions 21 to 25. Listen to part of a talk about Greenpeace.

21. Greenpeace works for____________.

A. the built environment
B. the world
C. the environment
D. the government

22. A key area of Greenpeace's work is__________.

A. climate change
B. social change
C. government change
D. weather change

23. Greenpeace organizes its work in_______main ways.

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five

24. Greenpeace is investigating the impact of climate change in ____________

A. the Arctic
B. the Atlantic
C. America
D. the Andes

25. In Indonesia and Brazil, Greenpeace is looking at ______________.

A. animal rights
B. deforestation
C. pollution
D. world temperatures


Questions 26 to 30. Listen to the lecture about who built the pyramids.

26. What is the main idea of the lecture?

A. The pyramids were not built by slaves.
B. The slaves who build the pyramids were fed well.
C. The pyramid builders worked for free.
D. The pyramids were built by bakers and farmers.

27. According to the professor, who built the pyramids?

A. They were built only by slaves.
B. They were built only by farmers.
C. They were built by professional pyramid builders.
D. They were built by different types of seasonal workers.

28. When did the farmers work on the pyramids?

A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Fall
D. Winter

29. Why does the professor mention graffiti?

A. As evidence that the pyramids were built by slaves
B. As evidence of the art found in the pyramid
C. As evidence that workers were unhappy
D. As evidence that workers were committed to their work.

30. Why does the professor say this: “It seems that the builders ate quite well. Only
the best meat for them! But, slaves are not usually fed high quality food.”?
A. To criticize pharaohs for keeping the best meat for themselves
B. To criticize pharaohs for mistreating slaves
C. To provide evidence that the slaves were well treated
D. To provide evidence that workers were not slaves


Questions 31 to 35. Listen to a lecture in a psychology class.

31. What is this lecture mainly about?

A. Two types of motivation
B. Ways to motivate students
C. How to define motivation
D. Motivation in the classroom

32. What is an example of internal motivation?

A. Passing an achievement test
B. Getting stars for good behavior
C. Doing an activity that you enjoy
D. Receiving high grades for hard work

33. Why does the professor discuss the two studies on motivation?
A. To describe how motivation research is done
B. To explain a problem with external motivation
C. To show how motivation research has changed over time
D. To give an example of a successful way to motivate children

34. How were the children in the two studies alike?

A. They lost interest in an activity after the rewards stopped.
B. They were asked to do activities that they did not enjoy.
C. They were paid to participate in the research.
D. They were not motivated by rewards.

35. What does the professor think of the studies that she describes?
A. They are outdated.
B. They can be disproved.
C. They require further analysis.
D. They are important to understand.



Reading Skill 1
In the Reading section, you may have to decide on the meaning of a word or phrase.
You may be given a difficult word or phrase that you may have never seen before. You
may also be given an easier-looking word or phrase with a number of meanings. The
context (the words around the vocabulary word) helps you understand what the word
or phrase means. Look at an example of a difficult word that you may not have seen
before. The context around the word helps you understand the meaning of the word.

Example 1

1. The word "respect" in Kiribati

the passage could best The island nation of Kiribati is unusual in one respect:
be replaced by The international date line runs through the thirty-
A. talk three islands that make up this nation. This situation
often leads to quite a bit of confusion. If it is
B. view
Wednesday on the western part of the island, it is only
C. cause
Tuesday on the eastern part of the island.
D. way

This question asks about the meaning of the word "respect." The passage states that
“the island nation of Kiribati is unusual in one respect”. From this, you need to
understand that respect could best be replaced by way. The last answer is therefore
the best answer to this question.

Next, look at an example of a phrase that perhaps you do not know. In this example,
the context again helps you to understand the meaning of the unknown phrase.

Example 2
1. The phrase "leads to" in Kiribati
the passage could best The island nation of Kiribati is unusual in one respect:
be replaced by The international date line runs through the thirty-
A. works on three islands that make up this nation. This situation
B. plays with often leads to quite a bit of confusion. If it is
C. results in Wednesday on the western part of the island, it is only
D. comes from Tuesday on the eastern part of the island.


This question asks about the meaning of the phrase "leads to." The passage states that
this situation often leads to quite a bit of confusion. From this, you need to understand
that leads to is closest in meaning to results in. The third answer is therefore the best
answer to this question.

The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about
questions testing vocabulary from context.


HOW TO INDENTIFY The word (or phrase) X is closest in meaning to ...

THE QUESTION The word (or phrase) X could best be replaced by ...

WHERE TO FIND Information to help you to understand the meaning of an

THE ANSWER unknown word or phrase can often be found in the context
surrounding the word or phrase.

1. Find the word or phrase in the passage.

HOW TO ANSWER 2. Read the sentence that contains the word or phrase
THE QUESTION carefully.
3. Look for context clues to help you to understand the
4. Choose the answer that the context indicates.



Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1- 4)

Parasitic Plants
Parasitic plants are plants that survive by using food produced by host plants
rather than by producing their own food from the Sun’s energy. Because they do not
need sunlight to survive, parasitic plants are generally found in umbrageous areas
rather than in areas that are exposed to direct sunlight. Parasitic plants attach
themselves to host plants, often to the stems or roots, by means of haustoria, which
the parasite uses to make its way into the food channels of the host plant and absorb
the nutrients that it needs to survive from the host plant.
The world’s heaviest flower, a species of rafflesia, is a parasite that flourishes
among, and lives off of, the roots of jungle vines. Each of these ponderous blooms can
weigh up to 15 pounds (7 kilograms) and can measure up to 3 feet (1 meter) across.

1. The word “umbrageous” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. moist B. well lit
C. shaded D. buried

2. “Haustoria” in paragraph 1are most likely __________.

A. offshoots from the parasite B. seeds of the host plants
C. fruits from the host plant D. food for the parasite

3. The phrase “make its way into” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. develop B. penetrate
C. outline D. eat

4. The word “ponderous” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. smelly B. hidden
C. mature D. heavy


PASSAGE TWO (Questions 5-9)

The oxidation of exhaust gases is one of the primary sources of the world’s
pollution. The brown haze that is poised over some of the world’s largest cities is
properly called photochemical smog; it results from chemical reactions that take place
in the air, using the energy of sunlight. The production of smog begins when gases are
created in the cylinders of vehicle engines. It is there that oxygen and nitrogen gas
combine as the fuel burns to form nitric oxide (NO), a colourless gas. The nitric oxide is
forced out into the air through the vehicle tailpipe along with other gases.
When the gas reaches the air, it comes into contact with available oxygen from
the atmosphere and combines with the oxygen to produce nitrogen dioxide (NO 2),
which is a gas with a brownish hue. This nitrogen dioxide plays a role in the formation
of acid rain in wetter and more humid climates and tends to decompose back into nitric
oxide as it releases an oxygen atom from each molecule; the released oxygen atoms
quickly combine with oxygen molecules to form ozone (O 3). The brownish coloured
nitrogen dioxide is partially responsible for the brown colour in smoggy air; the ozone
is the toxic substance that causes irritation to the eyes.

5. The word "poised" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.

A. interacting B. sitting
C. blowing D. poisoning

6. The phrase “take place” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____________.

A. position themselves B. put
C. are seated D. occur

7. The word "forced" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. obliged B. required
C. pushed D. commanded

8. The word "hue" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. colour B. odour
C. thickness D. smoke

9. The phrase “plays a role in” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _________.

A. makes fun of B. serves a function in
C. acts the part of D. moves about in


PASSAGE THREE (Questions 10-13)

A growing number of companies are finding that small- group discussions allow
them to develop healthier ways to think about work. People at all levels of the
corporate structure are starting groups that meet weekly or monthly to talk over ways
to make workplaces more ethical and just.
Several factors must be present for small- group discussions to be successful.
First, it is important to put together the right group. Groups work best when they
consist of people who have similar duties, responsibilities, and missions. This does not
mean, however, that everyone in the group must think in lockstep.
All participants should agree on the group's purpose. Finding the right subject
matter is essential. There are several ways to fuel the discussion: by using the
company's mission statement, by finding readings on work and ethics by experts in the
topic, or by analyzing specific workplace incidents that have affected the company or
others like it.
Finally, the dynamics of the group should be balanced, and the discussion leader
must not be allowed to overwhelm the conversation or the agenda. Groups work best
when the same person is not always in charge. It is better to rotate the leadership for
each meeting and let that leader choose the material for discussion.

10. The phrase “talk over” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. demand B. overlook
C. explore D. remove

11. The phrase “in lockstep” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. alike B. critically
C. aloud D. quickly

12. The word “fuel” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. categorize B. stimulate
C. sequence D. conclude

13. The word “overwhelm” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. dominate B. plan
C. summarize D. contradict


PASSAGE FOUR (Questions 14-19)

So much sentimentality is attached to the rose in popular culture that it is
difficult to separate the original mythological and folkloric beliefs from the emotional
excess that surrounds the flower. Yet if we look into the beliefs, we find that the rose
is much more than the mere symbol of romantic love invoked by every minor poet and
One of the rose's most common associations in folklore is with death. The
Romans often decked the tombs of the dead with roses; in fact, Roman wills frequently
specified that roses were to be planted on the grave. To this day, in Switzerland,
cemeteries are known as rose gardens. The Saxons equated the rose with life, and they
believed that when a child died, the figure of death could be seen plucking a rose
outside the house.
The rose has a long association with female beauty. Shakespeare mentions the
rose more frequently than any other flower, often using it as a token of all that is lovely
and good. For the Arabs, on the other hand, the rose was a symbol not of feminine but
of masculine beauty.
Later the rose became a sign of secrecy and silence. The expression sub rosa,
"under the rose," is traced to a Roman belief. During the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries, it was common practice to carve or paint roses on the ceilings of council
chambers to emphasize the intention of secrecy.

14. The word “sentimentality” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. confusion B. beauty
C. feeling D. popularity
15. The word “invoked” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. avoided B. called on
C. criticized D. taken away
16. The word “decked” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. painted B. separated
C. decorated D. disguised
17. The word “plucking” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. growing B. smelling
C. wearing D. picking
18. The word “token” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. symbol B. proof
C. justification D. contradiction
19. The phrase “sub rosa” in paragraph 4 means ________.
A. romantically B. intentionally
C. secretly D. commonly


Reading Skill 2

In the Reading section, you may have to find the referent for a particular pronoun (a
referent is the noun that a pronoun refers to). You may be asked to find the referent
for a variety of words, perhaps a third person subject pronoun (he, she, it, they), a third
person object pronoun (him, her, it, them), a relative pronoun (who, which, that), a
demonstrative pronoun or adjective (this, that, these, those), a third person possessive
adjective (his, her, its, their), a third person possessive pronoun (his, hers, its, theirs),
or for a quantifier (one, some, a few, many).
A referent generally precedes the pronoun in the passage. You should therefore look
in front of the pronoun or adjective to find its referent.

Look at an example of a question that asks for the referent of the subject pronoun

1. The word" they," in It is common for English speakers to refer to a child as a
paragraph 1 refers to "kid." Does this seem strange to you? After all, a kid is
A. English speakers actually a young goat. Do you think English speakers are
B. their children saying that their children are young goats when they call
C. young goats their children kids?
D. kids There is an explanation for why an English speaker might
call a child a kid, and this explanation is not related to
goats. Instead, it is related to the Anglo-Saxon German
that played a role in the development of the English
language. In German, the word meaning "child" is kind.
Most likely, English speakers began calling their children
kids because the word "kid" sounded so much like kind.

This question asks about the referent for the pronoun "they." The context around the
pronoun asks do you think English speakers are saying that their children are young
goats when they call their children kids. From this, you need to be able to determine
that the referent for the pronoun they is English speakers.
The first answer is therefore the best answer to this question.


This question asks about the referent for the pronoun “it”. The context around the
pronoun says this explanation is not related to goats and it is related to the Anglo-
Saxon German. From this, you need to be able to determine that the referent for the
pronoun it is explanation. The first answer is therefore the best answer to this

The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about
questions testing referents.


THE QUESTION The word X refers to ...

WHERE TO FIND The pronoun or adjective is highlighted in the passage. The

THE ANSWER referent generally comes before the highlighted pronoun
or adjective.

HOW TO ANSWER 1. Locate the highlighted pronoun or adjective.

THE QUESTION 2. Look for nouns before the highlighted word.
3. Try each of the nouns in the context around the
highlighted word.
4. Choose the best answer.



Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that
PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-5)
Chromium Compounds
Most chromium compounds have brightly colored hues, and as a result they are
widely used as coloring agents, or pigments in paints. In addition to having a pleasing
color, a paint must protect the surface to which it is applied and be easy to apply in a
thin, uniform coat.
All paints consist of two parts. One is a powder of solid particles that is the source
of the colour and the opaqueness and is known as the pigment. The other, called the
binder, is the liquid into which the pigment is blended. The binder used in some paints
is made from oily solvents such as those derived from petroleum resources. When
applied, these solvents evaporate, leaving deposits of pigment on the surface.

1. The word “they” in paragraph 1 refers to ________.

A. chromium compounds B. brightly colored hues
C. coloring agents D. pigment

2. The word “it” in paragraph 1 refers to ________.

A. a pleasing color B. a paint
C. the surface D. a thin, uniform coat

3. The word “that” in paragraph 2 refers to ________.

A. a powder B. solid particles
C. the source D. the color

4. The word “which” in paragraph 2 refers to ________.

A. powder B. paint
C. liquid D. pigment

5. The word “those” in paragraph 2 refers to ________.

A. some paints B. oily solvents
C. petroleum resources D. deposits of pigment


PASSAGE TWO (Questions 6-9)

New World Epidemics
A huge loss of life resulted from the introduction of Old World diseases into the
Americas in the early sixteenth century. The inhabitants of the Americas were
separated from Asia, Africa, and Europe by rising oceans following the Ice Ages, and,
as a result, they were isolated by means of this watery barrier from numerous virulent
epidemic diseases that had developed across the ocean, such as measles, smallpox,
pneumonia, and malaria. Pre-Columbian Americans had a relatively disease-free
environment but also lacked the antibodies needed to protect them bacteria and
viruses brought to America by European explorers and colonists. A devastating
outbreak of disease that strikes for the first time against a completely unprotected
population is known as a virgin soil epidemic. Virgin soil epidemics contributed to an
unbelievable decline in the population of native inhabitants of the Americas, one that
has been estimated at as much as an 80 percent decrease of the native population in
the centuries following the arrival of the Europeans in the Americas.

6. The word "they" in the passage refers to ________.

A. the inhabitants B. epidemic diseases
C. rising oceans D. the Ice Ages

7. The word "that" in the passage refers to ________.

A. a disease-free environment B. this watery barrier
C. virulent epidemic diseases D. the ocean

8. The word "them" in the passage refers to ________.

A. pre-Columbian Americans B. the antibodies
C. bacteria and viruses D. European explorers and colonists

9. The word "one" in the passage refers to ________.

A. a virgin soil epidemic B. an unbelievable decline
C. the population of native inhabitants D. the arrival of the Europeans


PASSAGE THREE (Questions 10-14)

Horatio Alger, Jr.
Horatio Alger, Jr. (1832-1899) was the author of more than 100 books for boys
in the second half of the nineteenth century that focused on the theme of success
coming to those who work hard to achieve it. The son of a minister, Alger came from a
prominent Massachusetts family. He graduated with honors from Harvard in 1852 and
graduated from the Cambridge Divinity School eight years later. He served as a minister
for a short time before moving to New York City in 1866 to devote his time to writing
inspirational books for boys.
In many of his books, he wrote about the poor and homeless children of the
slums of New York City, seeing them as unfortunate pawns of society who, if only given
the opportunity, could improve their lot. A general plotline that he followed often was
a poor boy who managed to achieve a respectable and successful life by working hard
and taking advantage of opportunities presented. Though his writing style was
characterized by simplicity and repetition, it was well received by his target audience;
his books were enormously popular, selling millions of copies well into the first few
decades of the twentieth century.

10. The word “that” in paragraph 1 refers to ________.

A. author B. books
C. boys D. half

11. The word “it” in paragraph 1 refers to ________.

A. the second half B. the nineteenth century
C. 100 D. success

12. The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to ________.

A. books B. children
C. slums D. pawns

13. The word “who” in paragraph 2 refers to ________.

A. slums B. society
C. pawns D. opportunity

14. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to ________.

A. style B. simplicity
C. repetition D. audience



PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1–6)
Kit Foxes
The kit fox is about the size and weight of a large house cat. It resembles its distant
cousin, the gray fox. Both have thick coats and bushy tails. But the fur of the kit fox is
buff yellow or gray, with black-tipped hairs. It becomes a perfect disguise for slipping
around in the desert moonlight. The kit fox ranges over nearly the whole western
desert in the United States. But it is rarely seen, and never in daylight. Anyone who
spends time in the desert may, from time to time, catch a glimpse of the kit fox and
find its tracks in the sand.
Kit foxes are unafraid and rather curious about people, yet they remain shy.
They live underground in burrows that may extend up to eight feet (2.4 meters). There
the kit fox spends the hot part of each day. There once a year the young, called kittens,
are born in a litter. The kit fox feeds on any small animals it can find, but its favorite is
the kangaroo rat. The kangaroo rat has been called the "staff of life" for the kit fox. Rat
burrows that have been dug open by foxes can be found in sandy areas. The kit foxes
eat wood rats, pocket mice, small birds, lizards, and insects, too.
Smells vanish quickly in dry desert winds. Instead of a keen sense of smell, the
successful hunter needs acute hearing. The kit fox's ears are much larger in proportion
to its size than the ears of other foxes. They are broad and pointed. Its ears can be
moved independently, allowing the kit fox to listen in two directions at once. At the
slightest sound, its ears twitch, listening for the direction of prey. Then the animal turns
toward the sound, moving swiftly on its short, sturdy legs. The kit fox's ears are a
helpful adaptation to desert life.

1. The word “Both” in the passage refers to ________.

A. The kit fox and the large house cat B. The kit fox and the gray fox
C. The fur and the kit fox D. The size and weight

2. The phrase “catch a glimpse of” in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.
A. hunt B. be afraid of
C. displease D. spot

3. The word “burrows” in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.

A. homes B. tunnels
C. refuges D. cages


4. The word “vanish” in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.

A. spread B. notice
C. disappear D. eliminate

5. The word “keen” in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.

A. sharp B. dull
C. enthusiastic D. common

6. The word “They” in the passage refers to ________.

A. Other foxes B. Kit foxes
C. The ears of other foxes D. The ears of kit foxes

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 7–12)

Language Families
Historians have always faced one particular difficulty. The earliest societies to
read and write seem to have surfaced around 5,000 years ago. How could historians
learn about earlier ones that had no written records? To make the problem even more
difficult, most of physical evidence which scientists normally use to learn about a
society, such as the remains of houses and tools, no longer exists for these early
societies. And yet, scientists have managed to learn a great deal about these early
societies. What has made this possible is the study of languages.
As you probably know, many languages have words that appear to be quite
similar. For example, "police" in English is the same as "policia" in Spanish. By studying
these similarities, we know that some languages are related; that is, they all come from
an earlier common language. One example of this would be Spanish, French, and
Italian, which all came from an earlier language, Latin. If different groups of people
have a common ancestral language, we can guess that they also had a common group
of ancestors. By tracing these language families back thousands of years, we can trace
back to our earliest ancestors.
One of the largest language families is the Indo-European language family. Today
the Indo-European language family consists of 431 languages. Over three billion people
speak those languages, and they are spread all over the world. But 7,000 years ago
they all had a common group of ancestors who spoke the same language and lived
together in a single society. Over many years, that society separated and moved into
new areas, and that single Indo-European language slowly changed into the hundreds
of different languages they speak today.


Studying languages can tell us much more than simply what groups of people have
common ancestors. It can also tell us what the lives of those common ancestors were
like. By studying what kinds of words the languages in a language family have in
common, we can learn a great deal about our early ancestors. For example, we know
that the Indo-Europeans rode horses, were herders and shepherds (they raised cows
and sheep), wrote poems about the battles they fought, and worshiped a sky deity.
And we know all of this just by studying the words we speak every day!

7. The author uses the word particular to indicate that the difficulty was _________.
A. impossible to solve B. specific
C. important D. unique

8. The word “surfaced” in the passage is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. communicated B. existed
C. appeared D. invented

9. The word “ones” in the passage refers to _____________.

A. historians B. societies
C. languages D. difficulties

10. Based on the information in paragraphs 3 and 4, the term “language families” can
best be explained as ____________ .
A. languages that all developed from a common ancestral language
B. languages that came from Latin
C. the groups of people who speak a language
D. the common ancestors who spoke our languages

11. The word “they” in the passage refers to __________.

A. people who speak different languages
B. common ancestors
C. speakers of languages in the Indo-European language family
D. scientists researching languages

12. In stating that Indo-Europeans “worshiped a sky deity”, the author means that
they _________.
A. studied the weather
B. prayed to a sky god
C. respected the sky and the stars
D. took care of their environment


Reading Skill 3

In the Reading section, you may have to answer questions about factual information.
The answers to these multiple-choice questions are often restatements of words in the
passage. This means that the correct answer has the same idea as something in the
passage but uses different words to express the idea. The answers to these questions
are generally given in order in the passage, and the questions generally tell you which
paragraph contains the answers. Because of this, it is not too difficult to find answers
in the passage. Look at an example of a factual information question.

1. What is stated in Quartz is a hard mineral that is abundant on Earth. Clear
paragraph 1 about quartz has no impurities, or substances that are not part
clear quartz? of quartz, in it to color it. If quartz has impurities in it to
A. It is quite rare. color it, then it is known by other names. For example,
B. It is colorful. yellow quartz is known as citrine, and purple quartz is
C. It is pure. known as amethyst. Natural citrine is quite rare, but it is
possible to create citrine. When purple quartz, or
D. It is also known as
amethyst, is heated to a very high temperature, it
changes color. Because amethyst changes in color from
purple to yellow, its name changes from amethyst to

This question asks about what is stated in paragraph 1. It is stated in paragraph 1 that
clear quartz has no impurities. From this, you need to understand that clear quartz ...
is pure. The third answer is therefore the best answer to this question.
The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about
questions testing details.


According to paragraph X ...
HOW TO INDENTIFY It is stated in paragraph X ...
THE QUESTION It is indicated in paragraph X ...
It is mentioned in paragraph X ...


These answers are generally found in order in the passage,

WHERE TO FIND THE and the paragraph where the answer is found is generally
ANSWER indicated in the question.

1. Choose a key word or idea in the question.

2. Scan the appropriate paragraph for the key word or
3. Read the sentence that contains the key word or idea
4. Choose the best answer.

In the Reading section, you may have to find an answer that is not stated, or not
mentioned, or not true in the passage. This type of question really means that three of
the answers are stated, mentioned, or true in the passage, while one answer is NOT.
You should note that there are two kinds of answers to this type of question.
 First, there are three answers that are true and one that is not true according to the
 Second, there are three true answers and one that is not stated or not mentioned in
the passage.

Look at an example that asks you to find the one answer that is not true.

The Auroras
1. What is NOT true about The Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field. The
solar particles? magnetic field shields Earth from the solar wind, a
A. They are part of the continuous flow of particles from the Sun. As
solar wind. these particles from the Sun flow toward Earth, the
B. They flow from the magnetic field protects most of Earth by pushing the
Earth to the Sun. solar particles around our planet. However, some of
C. They are sometimes the solar particles are able to enter the magnetic
pushed around the field and make their way into the atmosphere
Earth. around Earth. Most of the solar particles that are
able to make it through the magnetic field do so
D. They are sometimes
near the magnetic poles in the north and the south.
able to enter the Earth's
When solar particles and atoms of air in the
atmosphere run into each other, colorful lights are
created. These colorful lights are called the "aurora
borealis" in the north and the "aurora australis" in
the south.


This question asks you to determine which of the answers is NOT true. This means that
three of the answers are true and one is NOT. To answer this type of question, you
must find the one answer that is NOT true according to the information in the passage.
It is stated in the passage that these particles from the Sun flow toward Earth. This
means that it is NOT true that solar particles flow from the Earth to the Sun.
The second answer is therefore the best answer to this question.

The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about
questions testing negative facts.


It is NOT stated ...
It is NOT mentioned ...
HOW TO INDENTIFY It is NOT discussed ...
THE QUESTION It is NOT true ...
It is NOT indicated ...
All of the following are true EXCEPT ...

These answers are generally found in order in the passage,

WHERE TO FIND THE and the paragraph where the answer is found is generally
ANSWER indicated in the question

1. Choose a key word or idea in the question.

2. Scan the appropriate paragraph for the key word or
THE QUESTION 3. Read the sentence that contains the key word or idea
4. Look for answers that are true. Eliminate these answers.
5. Choose the answer that is not true or not discussed.



Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1- 2)

Taxes on income can be either progressive or flat. A flat tax is proportional to the
amount one earns, and so the tax rate is the same for all levels of income. With a
progressive tax, however, the rate increases with income. The justification for the
higher rate is to avoid the inequity of a flat tax. This occurs because, when everyone
pays the same rate, the wealthy pay a smaller percentage of their income than do
lower income earners. That is because the less well-off have to use a greater share of
their income for necessities such as food, housing, and clothing. Once the richer
taxpayers pay for the same necessities, they have a larger portion of their income left
over for savings, luxuries, and leisure. The theory behind a progressive income tax is
that it places a greater burden on those better able to afford it.

1. According to the passage, the problem with a flat tax is that _______.
A. it takes too much from high-income people
B. it decreases as income goes down
C. the rich pay a smaller share than the poor
D. the poor cannot afford luxuries

2. The author's description of the progressive tax mentions which of the following?
A. It puts a greater burden on those able to afford it.
B. It increases as income goes down.
C. It is not mentioned in the Constitution.
D. It makes luxuries affordable for low-income people.

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3- 4)

Two hundred million years ago, all land on Earth was joined as a single mass called
Pangaea. Studies of geology show that, about 180 to 160 million years ago, the Earth's
crust broke into separate plates that moved in different directions. This process of
dividing the Earth into continents is called continental drift. About 65 million years ago,
Australia started to separate from the southern half of the land mass, along with
Antarctica, South America, and Africa. Over the next 100 million years, Australia stayed
connected to the other two continents. But about 45 million years ago, it broke off
from the others. Australia's isolation from other land masses has caused its unique


animal and plant life. Its varied land features - dry plains and mountains - also resulted
from its upheaval during its drift. Australia continues to move today. It is drifting north
at a rate of about 10 millimeters per year.

3. According to the passage, continental drift was the cause of _______.

A. Australia's unusual animals
B. Australia's waterfalls
C. Antarctica's connection to Australia
D. Africa's dry plains

4. According to the passage, what happened about 65 million years ago?

A. Australia separated from the other continents.
B. The Earth's crust broke into moving plates.
C. Australia began to move away from the southern land mass.
D. Australia began drifting north.

PASSAGE THREE (Questions 5- 6)

Egyptian painting began about 5,000 years ago, arising out of the advanced civilization
centered in the fertile Nile Valley. Because of the extremely dry climate, many ancient
Egyptian paintings survive today. Paintings were intended to provide company for the
dead in the afterlife, so they were placed in the tombs in which the dead were buried.
Artists tried accurately to portray the time in which the person lived so that the
deceased would always feel the comfort of seeing the people and places that he knew.
Subjects also included journeys through the afterworld and the gods to be found there.
Because Egyptian society was very religious, many paintings depict gods and goddesses
as well as pharaohs, their rulers, who were also treated as gods. The artistic style was
to use clear and simple lines and shapes in order to achieve a sense of order.

5. According to the passage, the purpose of Egyptian paintings was to _______.

A. entertain the ruling class
B. decorate the pharaohs' homes
C. give offerings to the gods
D. comfort the dead


6. The author's description of subjects of paintings mentions which of the following?

Choose two answers.
A. soldiers
B. gods
C. priests
D. pyramids
E. Egyptian rulers

PASSAGE FOUR (Questions 7- 8)

Our solar system has 240 moons, or natural satellites, that circumnavigate the planets
and asteroids. The largest moons are Jupiter's and Saturn's, followed by Earth's moon.
Moons were formed at the same time as the larger bodies that they orbit. Some were
spun off from their planet during its birth. Others originally were asteroids captured by
the planet's gravitational pull, and still others, like Earth's moon, may have been
blasted into orbit by a gigantic collision with another celestial object. Most moons, like
the Earth's, do not rotate but are tidally locked, meaning that one side always faces its
partner. When moons are large enough, they exert their own gravitational force on
their planet, just as our moon pulls on the Earth's oceans, causing the tides. Moons,
unlike stars, do not generate their own light, appearing to shine at night only because
they are reflecting the sun's light.

7. According to the passage, all of the following are true about how moons are
formed EXCEPT _______.
A. They were propelled into orbit by a collision.
B. They spun off when their planet was born.
C. They were asteroids that were captured by a planet's gravity.
D. They were stars that had used up all their fuel.

8. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of moons?

A. One side usually faces the body it orbits.
B. Moons shine by burning their own fuel.
C. Large moons· pull on other bodies with gravity.
D. Jupiter and Saturn have the largest moons.


PASSAGE FIVE (Questions 9- 10)

The study of the chemical processes inside living things is called biochemistry. An
organism grows and functions through the activity in its cells. Biochemistry focuses on
the parts of the cell: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Proteins are
chains of amino acids that bind to other molecules and aid in cell growth and repair.
Cells are regulated by special kinds of protein called enzymes. Carbohydrates store
energy and provide structure for the cells. Lipids include compounds such as waxes,
fat, and steroids. Nucleic acids are best known as DNA-deoxyribonucleic acid-and RNA-
ribonucleic acid- the substances that carry genetic data. Recent technology has
improved biochemistry, permitting scientists to detect with greater clarity the
structure and functions of the cell. These new techniques include electron microscopy,
chromatography, and radioisotope labeling. Cancer research depends on the clues
provided by biochemistry.

9. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT found inside a cell?
A. nerve endings
B. amino acids
C. enzymes
D. nucleic acids

10. The author's description of new technology mentions all of the following EXCEPT
A. radioisotope labeling
B. electron microscopy
C. radiation therapy
D. chromatography

PASSAGE SIX (Questions 11- 12)

Agriculture is a key element of Hopi culture. Farming is not just a subsistence tool; it is
a part of Hopi mythology. The Hopi believe that their time on Earth is the "fourth way
of life," which they entered when people were offered ears of corn by Maasaw, a Hopi
god. Other tribes pushed ahead and took the largest ears, leaving the smallest ears for
the Hopi. They see this as a symbol of Hopi life: they have had to overcome the
hardships of living in the dry southwest region of the United States. Corn represents
humility, cooperation, respect, and reverence for the land. Hopi culture has changed
as technology has intruded on their farm-based lifestyle. Electricity, cars, and
consumer goods have diverted them from their spiritual ties to the land and toward
consumerism. But they continue to hold on to their traditional values through making
and selling Kachina dolls and pottery.


11. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of the ways
technology has affected Hopi culture?
A. It has interfered with their agricultural lifestyle.
B. It has made them desire consumer goods.
C. It has caused them to abandon their doll and pottery-making.
D. It has weakened their spiritual ties.

12. In the discussion of the role of corn in Hopi life, the author mentions all of the
following EXCEPT________.
A. an example of hardships
B. Maasaw
C. a symbol of reverence for the land
D. Kachina dolls



Study the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions that
Not so long ago, satellites were exotic and top-secret apparatuses that were
mainly used in the military for navigation and espionage. Now they are a necessary
part of our daily lives to help us communicate, watch TV, predict the weather and even
find places while driving.
A satellite is primarily any object that revolves around a planet in a circular or
elliptical path. Therefore, moons, planets, stars and even galaxies can be natural
satellites. However, the term "satellite" is typically used to describe a man-made object
placed in orbit purposely to perform some mission or task. In 1957, the Soviet Union
launched the first artificial satellite, the Sputnik, into space. Since then, hundreds of
satellites have been sent into space to orbit the Earth. Some of these packages use
wing-like solar panels to collect the Sun's energy for their power. Others use energy
released from batteries that are charged on the Earth, and still others use battery-like
fuel cells that rely on chemical energy.
Satellites must be launched at the right velocity because gravity is constantly
pulling the space package back toward our planet. If the satellite is launched at a speed
slower than 17,000 mph, gravity will cause it to fall back to the Earth. If it is sent out
faster than 23,500 mph, it will blast through the Earth's gravity "pull" and continue
moving away from our planet. This gravity is also what keeps satellites orbiting around
the Earth rather than falling down.
Some satellites, known as polar orbiting satellites, travel around the Earth in a
fairly low altitude and pass over the Poles, making about 14 circuits around the Earth
each day and achieving excellent coverage of the planet. As a result, they are often
used for mapping and photography. Other satellites travel higher above the Earth in
geostationary orbit, and unlike the polar orbiting satellites, these stay above the Earth
in the same place at all times because they turn at the same speed as the Earth,
completing one full circle every 24 hours. To "keep time" with the Earth, these satellites
must be exactly 22,237 miles above our planet. Television, communications and
weather satellites all use geostationary orbits.

1. The word “espionage” in the passage could best be replaced by _______.

A. espousal B. tactics
C. spying D. increment


2. The word “Others” in the passage refers to _______.

A. fuel cells B. artificial satellites
C. solar panels D. batteries

3. It is indicated in paragraph 3 that _______.

A. satellites may fall back to the Earth if they are launched at excessive speeds.
B. gravity is what determines the range of launch speeds for satellites.
C. the force of gravity will never cause satellites to fall down to the Earth.
D. any launch above 17,000 mph will allow a satellite to orbit successfully.

4. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true?

A. Some satellites never change their position in relation to the Earth.
B. Satellites circling in a polar orbit take exactly one day to circle the Earth.
C. Geostationary satellites turn at a faster speed than polar orbiting satellites.
D. Polar orbiting satellites must travel higher above the Earth than other types.

5. It is NOT true that _______.

A. people can watch foreign TV programs owing to artificial satellites.
B. some satellites orbit the Earth over a dozen times daily.
C. polar orbiting satellites must be launched at lower speeds.
D. some satellites can use natural energy from the Sun.


Reading Skill 4

In the Reading section, you may have to simplify the meaning of a long and difficult
sentence. In this type of question, you must choose the one answer that is closest to
the meaning of a sentence that is highlighted in the passage.
Look at an example that asks how to simplify the meaning of a boldfaced sentence.

1. Which of the sentences School
below best expresses the When you think of school, do you think it is a place
essential information in where you work really hard, or do you think that it
the boldfaced sentence in is a place where you go to relax? Do you know that
the passage? the English word "school" has its origins in the
A. Young men taught Plato Greek word schole, and do you know that the
how to spend his leisure Greek word school actually meant "leisure"? When
time. Plato taught groups of young men, these young
B. Plato's students had men gathered around in their leisure time to
relaxing discussions discuss philosophies of life, and these leisure-time
called schola. discussions became known as schola.
C. Young men went to The word schola eventually led to the English
learn about philosophy. words "school," "scholar," and "scholarship."
D. Plato taught philosophy Whenever you sit down at your desk to work on
to young men at a local some schoolwork, perhaps you need to remind
school. yourself that this schoolwork should be a leisurely

This question asks about the meaning of a difficult sentence. To answer this question,
you should break the sentence down into parts. When Plato taught groups of young
men in the passage refers to Plato's students in the second answer. These young men
gathered around in their leisure time to discuss philosophies of life in the passage refers
to had relaxing discussions in the second answer. These leisure-time discussions
became known as schola in the passage refers to called schola in the second answer.
From this, you can determine that the second answer is the best answer to this


Now look at another example that asks how to simplify the meaning of a boldfaced

Example 2
1. Which of the sentences When you think of school, do you think it is a place
below best expresses the where you work really hard, or do you think that it
essential information in the is a place where you go to relax? Do you know that
boldfaced sentence in the the English word "school" has its origins in the
passage? Greek word schole, and do you know that the
A. Maybe your schoolwork Greek word school actually meant "leisure"? When
should add more leisure Plato taught groups of young men, these young
activity. men gathered around in their leisure time to
B. Maybe you should spend discuss philosophies of life, and these leisure-time
more time on leisure discussions became known as schola.
activities and less on The word schola eventually led to the English
work. words "school," "scholar," and "scholarship."
C. Maybe you should spend Whenever you sit down at your desk to work on
more time at your desk some schoolwork, perhaps you need to remind
working on schoolwork. yourself that this schoolwork should be a
D. Maybe you should think leisurely activity.
that your schoolwork
should be relaxing.

This question also asks about the meaning of a difficult sentence. To answer this
question, you should break the sentence down into parts. Whenever you sit down at
your desk to work on some schoolwork in the passage refers to your schoolwork in the
last answer. Perhaps you need to remind yourself in the passage refers to maybe you
should think in the last answer. That this ... should be a leisurely activity in the passage
refers to should be relaxing in the last answer. From this, you can determine that the
last answer is the best answer to this question.



HOW TO INDENTIFY Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential
THE QUESTION information …..?

The targeted sentence is boldfaced in the passage.

WHERE TO FIND Information to answer the question is in the boldfaced
THE ANSWER sentence and may also be in the context around the
boldfaced sentence.

1. Study the boldfaced sentence carefully.

HOW TO ANSWER 2. Break the sentence down into meaningful parts.
THE QUESTION 3. Read the context around the boldfaced sentence.
4. Choose the best answer to the question.



Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that

Sea Level and Land
Sea level refers to the average height of the ocean as compared to land. Measuring the
height of the ocean is difficult, as it can be as much as two meters higher in one part
of the world than in another. Also, sea levels can rise because of tides, which are
caused by the position of the moon. High tide refers to the time when the sea level is
high compared to land, the result of which is there is little beach near the ocean. Low
tide is the time when the sea is low compared to land, so the size of the beach expands.
Melting icebergs are another cause of rising sea levels. Icebergs are enormous chunks
of ice which float in the world's coldest oceans. They are melting on account of global
warming and thus causing the world's average sea level to rise. As a result of icebergs
melting, some islands are being swallowed by the sea.

1. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
boldfaced sentence in the passage?
A. The moon's location affects tides, causing sea levels to rise.
B. Sea levels always rise because they are affected by the moon.
C. High tide is a result of the position of the moon.
D. The moon's position is caused by the tides making sea levels rise.

Migratory Birds
Every fall and winter, birds set out on their annual migrations to southern lands. They
take these long journeys for many different reasons: they may need to go where there
is more food, where they can live comfortably, or where they can breed in peace.
Migratory birds often remain in northern places during the summer and migrate
south when the temperature starts to dip. Birds spend their winters in warm, southern
regions and then return north when it starts to become too hot. The advantages of
migration are that birds have more hours to feed their young during the long, northern
summers and there is lots of food like insects for them to eat. When it starts to become
cold, they can return to warmer regions, where there is not much difference in the
lengths of the days and the food supply. The disadvantage is that migration can be a
dangerous trek and requires vast stores of energy.


2. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
boldfaced sentence in the passage?
A. Birds live in the north in summer but fly south for the winter.
B. Migratory birds leave their northern habitat to move to the south when it
becomes colder.
C. When temperatures become colder, migratory birds fly north to avoid the cold.
D. Migrating south for winter is one way birds avoid dipping temperatures in the
north in winter.

Weather Changes in the Desert
The weather can change drastically in the desert over the course of a mere day. For
example, the temperature can be 40'C at 2 p.m., yet, on that same day, it may
potentially drop to -15oC by 3 a.m. The sand reflects the sunlight during the day, making
both the sand and air temperature extremely hot. The principle behind this is the same
as when one walks along a beach on a hot day and feels the burning hot sand under
one's feet. It is the same principle in the desert. At nighttime because the sand does
not absorb any of the sun’s heat during the day, the temperature becomes very cold.
In forests and grasslands, the sun's heat is absorbed by trees and grass during the day,
so the temperature is not as cold as during the night. But in deserts, there are almost
no trees and little grass. Thus heat is not absorbed, and the results are extremely hot
days followed by frigid nights.

3. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
boldfaced sentence in the passage?
A. The sand in deserts becomes cold at night since it does not absorb the sun's
B. Temperatures in sandy places can be cold since sand cannot absorb any of the
sun's heat.
C. Deserts become cold at night because the sand fails to retain the daytime solar
D. Sand only absorbs small amounts of energy from the sun, resulting in cold
desert nights.


Plant Defenses Against Plant-Eating Animals
There are many ways that plants can defend themselves against the animals that eat
them. Their various defenses allow them to survive in areas where there are many
herbivores. Plant defenses include protections on the surface of plants, like thorns
on roses, materials in the plants that make them difficult to digest by animals, and
poisons that kill or make herbivores very sick. Plants also have other amazing ways of
protecting themselves by attracting animals that hunt and eat herbivores, called
carnivores. For example, they create smells that the predators of herbivores like, or
they provide them food or shelter. Defenses can always exist in plants, or they can
develop after the plant has been damaged by herbivores. Any plant species often has
many ways to defend itself from herbivores. That is why many plant species are
millions of years old.

4. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
boldfaced sentence in the passage?
A. Plants are always protected by various defenses like poisons or thorns because
herbivores always eat them.
B. Plants protect themselves from herbivores by developing various defense
C. Some herbivores become sick or die when eating plants, which helps protect
these plants from animals.
D. Thorns, poison, or hard-to-digest leaves are ideal protection for many plants.

PASSAGE FIVE (Questions 5 – 8)

The word ecosystem is a mix of the words ecological and system. Ecosystem refers
to all the natural things and processes that control the behavior of plants, animals, and
minerals in a certain part of nature. One example is the desert ecosystem. It is usually
hot and dry in the desert though it can be very cold at night. Therefore, all of the plants,
animals, and other things have adapted to this environment. In other words, there is a
harmony in the desert ecosystem between all things that live or exist there and the
environment. There is no limit as to how big or how small an ecosystem may be. As
long as the harmony is real, then there is an ecosystem.
Ecosystems have become an important issue in modern politics and amongst
environmental groups because many of the world’s ecosystems are being destroyed.
In recent years, the representatives of 175 countries - almost every country in the


world -signed an international agreement called the Convention on Biological Diversity.

This convention says that nations and individuals should protect ecosystems and
natural living areas and try to maintain the populations of plants and animals that exist
in all ecosystems. This convention states that all parts of an ecosystem work together
in harmony and as a whole, so the ecosystem is like a unit or one body. If a part of a
body is cut off or killed, then there is a good chance that the whole body will die or will
stop working properly. When any part of an ecosystem is destroyed, it is likely that the
ecosystem will be destroyed or will stop working properly.
It is important to learn about how the harmony or balance is maintained in an
ecosystem. The balance is maintained through many different interactions between
the various parts of an ecosystem. For example, when there are too many mosquitoes
in a forest, then frogs eat a lot of them. Because frogs eat a lot, they tend to be
healthier, and thus they have more babies. But then there are too many frogs, so other
animals start to eat more frogs. And the cycle repeats itself over and over until there
is harmony in the ecosystem. There are some plants and animals that help one
another to survive more easily. Insects like termites break down dead trees and return
nutrients to the soil. This makes the soil richer, and plants can grow more easily in the
soil. There are millions of things that happen to maintain the balance or harmony in an
ecosystem. But when one part of the ecosystem dies because of what humans do to
the environment, then there are terrible consequences for the ecosystem.

5. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true about the desert?

A. It is always hot in the desert.
B. Not every plant has adapted to life in the desert.
C. Plants and animals live in harmony with the desert.
D. Ecosystems are often limited by their size.

6. According to the passage, how is the balance in the ecosystem maintained?

A. Animals must work within their species to maintain the balance.
B. Humans must lend a helping hand to affect the ecosystem positively.
C. The birth and death cycle must repeat itself several times before harmony is
D. Various animals and plants must interact with one another.


7. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
boldfaced sentence in paragraph 2?
A. Politicians are combining with environmental groups to help save the world's
B. Since the world's ecosystems are being destroyed, environmental groups are
gaining more importance in modern politics.
C. Both politicians and environmental groups are concerned with ecosystems
since many of them are being ruined.
D. The issue of the destruction of ecosystems is often debated by environmental
groups in the political arena.

8. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
boldfaced sentence in paragraph 3?
A. Without plants and animals, ecosystems could not survive.
B. Some animals and plants work together to ensure each other's survival.
C. The presence of plants and animals makes survival easier.
D. Plants and animals always try to help the other survive more easily.

PASSAGE SIX (Questions 9 – 12)

The Intelligence of Dolphins
Many scientists believe that dolphins are very intelligent creatures because
dolphins have large brains, show intelligent behavior, and are creative. All of these
factors make dolphins very compelling animals for scientists to study. Some scientists
believe that by studying dolphins, they can learn how humans became such intelligent
Dolphins' brains are quite large compared to other animals. In fact, their brains
are bigger than humans' if you consider their weight. However, if you look at the weight
of the brain compared to overall body size, then humans have slightly larger brains.
Compared to chimpanzees, which are also considered intelligent animals and which
many people believe are related to humans, a bottle-nosed dolphin's ·brain is four
times larger. One part of an animal’s brain, the cerebral cortex, is 40% larger in
dolphins than in humans. This is an area of the brain that many scientists believe that
much complex thinking occurs.
The complex behavior of dolphins shows that they are very intelligent. For
example, they usually swim in small groups of six to twelve individuals. Researchers
believe that the dolphins can, recognize one another in their groups. Some scientists
in Scotland have shown that two or three dolphins often make strong bonds with one


another, similar to human's making close friendships. In addition, dolphins work

together as a unit to help one another survive and live well. When a shark approaches,
the dolphins move together at the exact same time to avoid the threat. Some scientists
even believe that they make clicking sounds to warn one another. They seem to work
well together and are always aware of their surroundings, which people often are not.
Dolphins are also exceptional because of their creativity. An American scientist
named Karen Pryor performed an experiment on captive dolphins to learn how
creative they are. The dolphins had been taught tricks, but Pryor wanted to see if she
could make them act creatively. For instance, if they performed their tricks in an
original way, they were rewarded with extra fish. When the dolphins performed the
same trick they had done before, they were not rewarded. The dolphins learned after
a while that they would be rewarded for doing original tricks, so they started doing
more and more original and creative ones. Pryor measured the amount of time it took
the dolphins to learn what was wanted of them. Afterwards, she tried an experiment
where people were taught simple tricks and then were rewarded for doing the tricks
originally. Interestingly, it took humans about the same amount of time as it took the
dolphins to learn what was wanted of them.

9. According to the passage, what do dolphins do when a shark approaches?

A. They attack the shark in conjunction.
B. They flee in separate directions.
C. They move simultaneously to avoid it.
D. They act differently on each occasion.

10. According to the passage, what did Karen Pryor do?

A. She conducted experiments on dolphin creativity.
B. She wrote a book about how humans and dolphins learn creativity.
C. She studied dolphins in the wild.
D. She created a number of new tricks for dolphins to perform.

11. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
boldfaced sentence in paragraph 4?
A. A dolphin's cerebral cortex comprises 40% of its brain.
B. Humans have larger cerebral cortexes but smaller brains than dolphins.
C. 40% of dolphins have larger cerebral cortexes than humans.
D. A dolphin's cerebral cortex is almost one and a half as large as a human's.


12. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
boldfaced sentence in paragraph 2?
A. Humans learned in about the same amount of time what the dolphins wanted
them to do.
B. It is interesting that both humans and dolphins spent a similar amount of time
learning certain tasks.
C. Dolphins were, interestingly enough, somewhat quicker than humans at
learning what they were supposed to do.
D. Humans took the same amount of time to accomplish the tasks as dolphins did.


Reading Skill 5

In the Reading section, you may have to decide where to insert sentences into a
passage. In this type of question, you must click on one of a number of squares in a
passage to show that the sentence should be added there. Look at an example that
asks where to insert a sentence.

Weaving of Cloth
1. The following sentence [A] Weaving of cloth was very important in the early
could be added to the American colonies. [B] Rich colonists were able to
paragraph. buy woven cloth from England. [C] However, most
colonists had to weave their own cloth because they
They had enough money to
could not afford to purchase woven cloth. [D]
pay for imported cloth.
The weaving of cloth was very important to the
Where would it best fit colonies. Because of this, a law was passed about the
in the passage? weaving of cloth. This law stated that every family
had to make a certain amount of woven cloth each

This question asks you to decide where a sentence could be added to one of the
To answer this question, you should study the sentence to be inserted and then look
at the context before and after each insertion box. The sentence states that they had
enough money, and the context before insertion box [C]mentions rich colonists. From
this, it can be determined that the sentence should be added at insertion box [C].


The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about
questions that ask where to insert a sentence.


Look at the four squares
WHERE TO FIND THE The places where the sentence may be inserted are
ANSWER marked in the passage.
1. Look at the sentence to be inserted. Look for any key
words or ideas at the beginning or the end of the
2. Read the context before and after the insertion squares
for any ideas that relate to the sentence to be inserted.
3. Choose the insertion square that is most related to the
sentence to be inserted.



Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1 – 2)

American Folk Music
[1A] The term "folk music" refers to types of music that are by and for the common
people. Folk music is handed down within a particular culture by a variety of means
that may include oral transmission or written notation. [1B] The music influenced
many other music genres such as Bluegrass, Cajun, country music, and later modern
rock and roll. [1C] The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl allowed this roots music
to be disseminated to the rest of the country, as master performers spread to the big
cities like Chicago and New York. [1D]
A common type of folk music called jug band music appeared in the rural south
in the early 1900s. [2A] Jug bands were hugely successful. In fact, wherever in the south
dances were held, chances were high that the music was performed by a jug band. Jug
bands used a wide range of homemade instruments to play their music. [2B] The
musician held them up to the mouth and made buzzing sounds. The jug worked like a
primitive amplifier, and made these sounds louder and richer. [2C] Another strange
instrument was the washtub bass. The washtub helped send out the sounds with its
natural loudspeaker shape. Musicians simply attached a handle and string to the tub,
and they were then ready to play. [2D]
From its origins, folk music has been the music for working-class people. One of
those workers, Woody Guthrie wrote over a thousand songs and became a prolific
American folk musician. His songs ranged in subject matter from political and economic
suffering to satire and love songs. Later, his music provided inspiration and paved the
way for Bob Dylan, Ramblin Jack Eliot and other folk and rock songwriters, who have
been moved by conscience to share experiences and voice opinion in an outspoken

1. The following sentence could be added to paragraph 1.

This is the reason why folk music is often called “roots music”.
Where would the sentence best fit?

2. The following sentence could be added to paragraph 2.

The name “jug band” even came from one of these instruments.
Where would the sentence best fit?


PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3 – 4)

The Hopi are Native Americans who live in Northeast Arizona. [3A] Like other
groups of Native Americans, the Hopi are legally an independent nation. Nearly 7,000
people live on the 6,500 square kilometer Hopi reservation. [3B] The Hopi call
themselves "Hopitu", "peaceful ones". [3C] They try to live according to the
instructions of "Maasaw", the caretaker of the earth. [3D]
The Hopi villages called pueblos are situated on the top of mesas, which are
elevated areas of land with a flat top and sides that are steep cliffs. Hopi homes are
square-built and flat-roofed structures of stone or adobe and stand several stories high
with ladders for reaching the upper floors.
Although the Hopi have been influenced by the dominant American culture, they
still preserve their traditional culture. [4A] Traditional Hopi society is organized into
matrilineal clans, which means that houses are inherited by the women. When a Hopi
man marries, the babies become members of his wife's clan. [4B] The women cook and
weave the baskets, while the men plant and harvest, weave cloth and perform the
ceremonies. The Hopi still have distinguishing traditional ritual forms. These
ceremonies are carried out according to the lunar calendar. [4C] Preparation for the
ceremonies begins in the kiva, which is a large, underground chamber with a fire pit in
the center used by men. During rituals, women are prohibited entry into the kiva. [4D]
Most ceremonies relate to rain. To pray for rain, either the snake dance or the flute
dance is performed in alternate years in August. Snakes have been considered as
messengers for the rain gods, so they remain sacred to the Hopi. Another ritual, the
flute dance is a nine-day ceremony with a flute boy and flute girls followed by the flute
priests. The flute march is a symbolic walk over cornmeal, which represents rain clouds.

3. The following sentence could be added to paragraph 1.

The Hopi believe that they will meet him when they pass on to heaven.
Where would the sentence best fit?

4. The following sentence could be added to paragraph 3.

Despite the matrilineal society, the women and men each have specific duties to
Where would the sentence best fit?


PASSAGE THREE (Questions 5 – 7)

The Development of Computers
The electronic computer is so much a part of our everyday lives that the present
generation has difficulty imagining the world without it. Computers regulate
temperature in buildings and operate traffic signals at intersections. Computers sit on
our desktops at work and at home. We carry computers in our briefcases and even in
our pockets. Computers help doctors diagnose illness, schedule patients for surgery at
hospitals, and help to operate the surgical equipment in the operating room. [5A]
Computers process food, fuel, and bank transactions. Almost all developments in
science and engineering today are made possible by computers. [5B] Name almost any
form of human activity, and there is a high probability that electronic computers have
something to do with it. [5C] Computers are involved at the beginning, middle, and
end of nearly everything we do. [5D]
It may come as a surprise, then, to learn that the electronic computer is only
about 60 years old. [6A] The emergence of the electronic computer was the
culmination of a long series of events which began around the start of World War II.
[6B] The Germans were using a mechanical encryption machine called Enigma to
generate codes for military use. [6C] In principle, Enigma was so complex in its
operation that its encoding was thought to be unbreakable. [6D] In fact, sophisticated
machines were able to crack the German codes. One of the first code-breaking
machines was built in Poland before the German invasion. Thereafter, progress was
swift. The British quickly built much larger and more sophisticated machines, partly
electronic and partly mechanical, to decipher German coded messages. [7A] These
machines were so successful that the British were able to read German
communications before Hitler himself could see them. [7B]
Such "electromechanical" devices were developed both in Britain and the
United States during the war. [7C] They were neither completely mechanical, as earlier
computing machines had been, nor fully electronic, as later generations of computers
would be. [7D] Although there is some debate about who invented the first electronic
(as opposed to electromechanical) computer, it is widely believed that the first
completely electronic computer in the US was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer, or ENIAC, built at the University of Pennsylvania to help the Army calculate
firing tables for artillery. Filled with thousands of vacuum tubes, ENIAC was a huge
machine which filled an entire room. ENIAC was completed too late to affect the war
effort greatly, but provided the model for many later machines.

5. The following sentence could be added to paragraph 1.

Indeed, the invention of the computer is perhaps the most important single event
of the 20th century.
Where would the sentence best fit?


6. The following sentence could be added to paragraph 2.

Many persons now alive were born and raised before it was even invented.
Where would the sentence best fit?

7. The following sentence could be added to the passage.

It took about a decade to complete the transition from the mechanical era to the
electronic era in computing.
Where would the sentence best fit?

PASSAGE FOUR (Questions 8 – 11)

Bird Migration
Many birds are known to migrate long distances. It is common for a number of
species to spend the summer months in the mild climates of the northern hemisphere,
breeding and fattening themselves on abundant food sources. When the winter
months approach, these migratory birds fly south to spend the winter months in the
warm tropical and southern hemisphere regions.
This migratory behavior is most commonly found in land-dwelling birds. These
various species are known to migrate the greatest distances. They migrate in search of
food as the fall and winter months in the northern hemisphere bring with them great
scarcity. These birds are genetically predisposed to take on the risks that migration
carries in order to satisfy a sense of migratory restlessness that is expressed by the
German word Zugunruhe.
[10A] Zugunruhe has been found to exist even in caged birds that are closed
off from the environmental cues that could spark the urge to migrate. [10B] This
instinctual urge is exhibited in the direction that these captive birds prefer to fly, which
is the same direction in which wild members of their species migrate. [10C] They even
exhibit this preferred flight direction at the same time of year that the same species of
birds in the wild perform their annual migration, and this direction changes at times
when the wild birds change their flight course.
[10D] Based on these observations, scientists, who do not fully understand bird
migration, believe that the birds' ability repeatedly to follow the same migratory route
every year is based on a combination of circannual endogenic programming within the
birds' genes as well as cognitive ability in the birds' minds to form crude mental maps
based on memories of landmarks and habitats.
Although these migratory paths are programmed into the genetic structures of
these birds, they have been known to alter their routes for various reasons. Some of
these reasons are to increase aerodynamic efficiency, to respond to changes in


weather conditions, or td avoid the risk of predation. One bird, the Eleonora's Falcon,
is known to have adapted its migration pattern by having a very late breeding season
so that it can hunt migrating passerines as they fly by on their way south for the winter.
[11A] One type of bird that does not migrate long distances is broad-winged
birds such as vultures, eagles, buzzards, and storks. [11B] These large birds are only
able to soar by way of thermal columns of rising hot air. [11C] This necessity inhibits
them from flying over vast oceans since thermal columns only occur over land. [11D]
This inability to cross the larger bodies of water results in these large birds crossing the
narrowest of landmasses during their migratory cycle. One example is the massive
numbers of raptors and storks which can be seen crossing the Mediterranean Sea at
its narrowest points, such as Gibraltar and the Bosphorus, on their way south from
Europe to Africa for the winter months.

8. According to the passage, many birds spend the summer months in _______.
A. the southern hemisphere
B. resting for their migration
C. the northern hemisphere
D. searching for scarce food

9. According to the passage, why did the Eleonora's Falcon change its migration
A. To improve its flying efficiency
B. To hunt other migrating birds
C. To avoid being attacked by larger birds
D. To choose the warmest climate

10. The following sentence could be added to the passage.

Observable data is collected through band recoveries, netting records, and
personal observations that help to determine migration routes.
Where would the sentence best fit?

11. The following sentence could be added to the passage.

Of course, scientists have also investigated the migratory habits of species that
travel shorter distances.
Where would the sentence best fit?


Reading Skill 6
In the Reading section, you may sometimes have to answer a question by drawing a
conclusion from a specific detail or details in the passage. Questions of this type
contain the words implied, inferred, likely, or probably to let you know that the answer
to this question is not directly stated. In this type of question, it is important to
understand that you do not need to "pull the answer out of thin air." Instead, some
information will be given in the passage, and you will draw a conclusion from that
information. Look at an example of an inference question.

1. What is implied in Hailstones are masses of ice that are created
paragraph 2 about 19th- inside thunderclouds as layers of water freeze
century American farmers? around ice crystals. Hailstones that grow to a certain
A. They liked having so size can cause large amounts of damage when they
many hailstones. fall to the Earth.
B. They knew that Farmers know only too well that large hailstones
hailstones were can cause a lot of damage to plants in their fields. In
destroyed by the nineteenth century, American farmers came up
thunderclouds. with a plan to try to keep hailstones out of their
C. They had problems fields. When the farmers saw thunderclouds
because of hailstones. forming and they knew that it was possible that
D. They enjoyed shooting hailstones were forming inside the clouds, they fired
their guns. their guns into the thunderstorms. They believed
that firing guns into the thunderclouds would keep
hail from forming. This plan never actually worked,
but farmers still kept trying it for some time.

This question asks about what is implied in paragraph 2 about American farmers. It is
stated in paragraph 2 that in the nineteenth century, American farmers came up with
a plan to try to keep hailstones out of their fields. From this, you need to draw the
conclusion that nineteenth-century American farmers ... had problems because of
The third answer is therefore the best answer to this question.


The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about
questions testing inferences.


HOW TO INDENTIFY It is implied in paragraph X ...

THE QUESTION It can be inferred from paragraph X ...
It is most likely that ...
What probably happened ... ?

WHERE TO FIND THE The answers to these questions are generally found in
ANSWER order in the passage.

1. Choose a key word or idea in the question.

2. Scan the passage for the key word or idea.
HOW TO ANSWER 3. Carefully read the sentence that contains the key word
THE QUESTION or phrase.
4. Draw a conclusion based on the sentence.
5. Choose the best answer.




Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1 – 2)

Environmentalists have turned their attention to Siberia’s harsh landscape because
they are concerned with the causes and effects of global warming. Known for its frigid
temperatures, ice, and snow, Siberia makes up more than one half of Russia and
encompasses all but the upper northeastern tip of Asia. Siberia, together with Canada,
Scandinavia, and small patches of Alaska, forms the Arctic tundra. There, even in the
absence of trees, vegetation and animal life have supported traditional livelihoods for
thousands of years. These livelihoods include reindeer herding, hunting, and fishing.
But today, that environment is changing. The Arctic landscape has become home to
large-scale industrial sites and their surrounding towns that add to the rising pollutants
from Earth's middle latitudes. While this increase gravely impacts the delicate
ecosystem of the Arctic tundra, it also poses a major global threat.

1. The author of the passage implies that Siberia's harsh landscape

A. A prevented people from living there until industrial sites were created
B. B is too dangerous for environmentalists to study
C. C accelerates global warming
D. D is suffering damage due to pollution

2. Which of the following can be inferred about the Arctic tundra?

A. It occupies the northeastern part of Asia.
B. It is located in Siberia.
C. It has a variety of plant and animal life.
D. It is a good place to build new towns.

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3 – 4)

The Rosetta Stone
The Rosetta Stone was discovered near the Egyptian port city of Rosetta in 1799.
It was a valuable for anthropologists because it provided the critical key needed to
decipher ancient texts. Dated to 196 B.C., the pinkish-gray stone was scribed by priests
as a celebratory tribute to the Egyptian Pharaoh Ptolemy V.



To ensure that it could be read by all, the priests transcribed their homage in
Egyptian and Greek using the three prevailing scripts of the day: hieroglyphs, Greek,
and demotic Greek. Hieroglyphs catered to religious rules and represented important
concepts with stylized pictures, Greek was the language of the ruling class, and demotic
Greek was the form used by the masses for everyday speech and writing. Although
Greek and demotic Greek flourished, hieroglyphs became a forgotten form, and the
meanings behind Egyptian artifacts became a mystery.
In 1822, however, Jean-Francois Champollion, a young history lecturer who could
speak several languages, including Greek, endeavored to compare the scripted
equivalents, and he broke the elusive hieroglyphic code.

3. Which of the following can be inferred about the languages of ancient Egypt?
A. Hieroglyphs could only be read by the elite of the society.
B. The languages were a reflection of the classes that used them.
C. The Greek language derived from the ancient Egyptian language.
D. Common Egyptians spoke demotic Greek and wrote hieroglyphs.

4. Which of the following can be inferred about the importance of the Rosetta Stone?
A. It provided new information about Ptolemy V.
B. It provided the means to translate ancient hieroglyphs.
C. It represented ancient Egyptian art.
D. It highlighted religious rites in ancient Egypt.

PASSAGE THREE (Questions 5 – 6)

The Appalachian Mountains
The Appalachian Mountains form the oldest mountain chain on the North American
continent. They cross from Canada in the north to the United States in the south and
are about 19,884 miles long. The whole mountain system can be divided into three
main sections. The northern section includes the mountains that stretch from
Newfoundland in Canada to the Hudson Valley. The central section includes those
from the Hudson Valley to the New River Valley in Virginia and West Virginia, and the
southern section includes the mountains that pick up from the New River Valley and
continue to the end of the mountain chain in Alabama. Because the Appalachian
Mountains run parallel to the Atlantic Coast, they form a natural dividing line between
the eastern seaboard of the United States and the Midwest area of the country.



5. The author of the passage implies that the Appalachian Mountains ________.
A. range from Canada to part of the United States
B. are the longest mountain chain in North America
C. end where Canada meets the United States
D. extend to the West Coast

6. According to the passage, what can be inferred about the Midwest area of the
United States?
A. It is protected from cold sea winds by the Appalachian Mountains.
B. It is divided into three parts by the Appalachian Mountains.
C. It is linked to the east coast of the United States by the Appalachian
D. It is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by the Appalachian Mountains.

PASSAGE FOUR (Questions 7 – 9)

Amphibians are animals that spend part of their lives under water breathing with
gills and remain on land breathing with lungs. Although they can survive for prolonged
periods of time in water, their skin does not have scales like fish do. Instead, amphibian
skin has a tough protein covering and even produces a substance that keeps it moist.
Adult amphibians have a backbone, but the young start out as larva and then change
as they grow. This process is known as metamorphosis. During metamorphosis,
amphibians often lose their gills and develop lungs. Instead of fins, adult amphibians
have a set of four legs. Some lose their tails.
Approximately 5,500 species of amphibians are known to exist. They are divided
into three groups: newts and salamanders; frogs and toads; worm-like gymnophiones
known as caecilians. Although a few species thrive in deserts, most may be found living
in moist areas such as leaf beds on the ground, under rocks, and in ponds, streams and
Amphibians are ectotherm. This means that their bodies are not completely
capable of regulating their own body temperature. Homeothermic animals such as
mammals and birds can keep their body heat at a constant level. When the
homeotherm feels either hot or cold, it can increase or decrease its heart rate and
digestion processes. The faster the metabolism is the more heat is produced.
Amphibians, on the other hand, depend on heat from the sunlight to warm up its body
or shade to lower its temperature. To conserve energy, amphibians do not move
around very much during the winter season.



Amphibians are found worldwide, but are quickly declining in population. Still the
most widespread of all amphibians, frog species are now decreasing in number, and
some have already become extinct. Scientists who have studied this phenomenon say
that 32% of all amphibians are now on the endangered species list. Some causes are
habitat destruction, pollution, climate change and introduced species, which are
nonnative or exotic ones that can change entire ecosystem.

7. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

A. Amphibians are animals that have a long life through metamorphosis.
B. Amphibians live both in water and on land for part of their life and undergo
C. Amphibians have special physical features such as gills and fins to exist in
D. Amphibians are mammals because they have a backbone and four legs

8. What can be inferred from paragraph 3?

A. The winter season is the most dangerous season for amphibians.
B. Amphibians may die if exposed to very high or very low temperatures.
C. The best way for an amphibian to stay warm is to stay out of the water.
D. Amphibians need to have a fast metabolism to stay warm.

9. What can be inferred about the amphibian population decline in paragraph 4?

A. Amphibians are not strong enough to survive.
B. Scientists do not know the real reason why amphibians are disappearing.
C. The decline in amphibian population is a normal occurrence.
D. The causes are directly or indirectly related to human activity.



Reading Skill 7

In the Reading section, you may sometimes have to explain why the author has
included certain words, phrases, or sentences in a passage. A word, phrase, or
sentence is highlighted in the passage. You must decide which of four multiple choice
answers best explains why the author has included the highlighted information. You
must look at how the highlighted information fits into the overall presentation of ideas
in the passage rather than looking at the highlighted information only.
Look at an example of a question that asks you to determine the rhetorical purpose of
a phrase.

Carnivorous Plants
1. The author mentions Carnivorous plants are plants that trap, kill, and dine
"colorful flowers and on insects. An interesting point to note about
pretty designs" to carnivorous plants is that they generally appear quite
A. describe where the harmless even though they definitely are not. One of
carnivorous plants the ways that carnivorous plants manage to trick prey
live into coming near them is that they look so innocent
B. show that and inviting. They are often quite beautiful, with
carnivorous plants colorful flowers and pretty designs. This innocent
look so nice beauty is what helps carnivorous plants to succeed in
C. add some pretty trapping their prey. The carnivorous plants look so
ideas to the attractive and so incapable of doing any damage. As a
paragraph result, unsuspecting prey are not worried about
D. describe what the settling for a moment to rest on the beautiful but
prey looks like deadly plant. The moment an unsuspecting prey
settles on the plant, however, the prey learns that it
has made a mistake. The plant becomes a murderer.

This question asks you to explain why the author mentions "colorful flowers and
pretty designs." The author states that carnivorous plants ... are often quite beautiful,
with colorful flowers and pretty designs and mentions this innocent beauty. From this,
it can be determined that the author mentions colorful flowers and pretty designs in
order to show that carnivorous plants look so nice.
The second answer is therefore the best answer to this question.




Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1 – 2)

Everyone in a particular society recognizes social roles: father, mother, child, teacher,
student, police officer, store clerk, doctor, judge, political leader, and so on. Every
culture expects certain types of behavior from people who play certain social roles.
Anyone occupying a given position is expected to adopt a specific attitude. A store clerk
is expected to take care of customers patiently and politely, and a judge is expected to
make wise and fair decisions about laws.
Informal social roles are not always easy to recognize, but can be identified with
careful research. They are key indicators of a group's health and happiness. Within the
family, one informal role is the family hero, the person who defines integrity and
upholds family morality. Others are the family arbitrator, the person who keeps the
peace, and the family historian, often a grandparent, who relays valuable cultural
information that maintains both the family and the larger society. And finally, there is
the family friend, the person who provides comfort and companionship to the family
members with emotional needs.

1. Why does the author mention a store clerk and a judge in paragraph 1?
A. To give examples of people who hold positions of respect
B. To explain why social roles are important to a society
C. To illustrate the behavior required of certain social roles
D. To compare the responsibilities of two different occupations

2. Why does the author use the term key indicators in discussing informal social
A. To identify the most important type of social role
B. To explain how to identify informal social roles
C. To point out that informal roles are unique to families
D. To emphasize the value of informal roles to a group



PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3 – 5)

One's style of dress reveals the human obsession with both novelty and tradition.
People use clothing to declare their membership in a particular social group; however,
the rules for what is acceptable dress for that group may change. In affluent societies,
this changing of the rules is the driving force behind fashions. By keeping up with
fashions, that is, by changing their clothing style frequently but simultaneously,
members of a group both satisfy their desire for novelty and obey the rules, thus
demonstrating their membership in the group.
There are some interesting variations regarding individual status. Some people,
particularly in the West, consider themselves of such high status that they do not need
to display it with their clothing. For example, many wealthy people in the
entertainment industry appear in very casual clothes, such as the worn jeans and work
boots of a manual laborer. However, it is likely that a subtle but important signal, such
as an expensive wristwatch, will prevail over the message of the casual dress. Such an
inverted status display is most likely to occur where the person's high status is
conveyed in ways other than with clothing, such as having a famous face.

3. According to the author, fashions serve all of the following purposes EXCEPT
A. satisfying an interest in novelty
B. signaling a change in personal beliefs
C. displaying membership in a social group
D. following traditional rules

4. Why does the author discuss individual status in paragraph 2?

A. To state that individual status is not important in the West
B. To argue that individuals need not obey every fashion rule
C. To contrast the status of entertainers with that of manual laborers
D. To explain how high status may involve an inverted status display

5. Why does the author mention a wristwatch in paragraph 2?

A. To give an example of an item that conveys one's actual status
B. To recommend wearing an expensive wristwatch with casual clothes
C. To explain why it is not necessary to dress entirely in one style
D. To show that a wristwatch is an important fashion accessory



PASSAGE THREE (Questions 6-7)

Orchids were first named by a Greek student of Aristotle, Theophrastos, who is
considered the father of botany and ecology. Orchids are cosmopolitan in distribution,
except in Antarctica and deserts. Although most orchid species grow in tropical areas,
some have been seen in the Arctic Circle and close to Antarctica.
Orchid species have both similarities and differences in their structure. They
have only one cotyledon or embryo leaf. An embryo leaf is a leaf that grows from the
seed of the orchid. Generally, the orchid is composed of three sepals, which make up
the outermost part of the flower, and three petals in the inner part of the flower. The
sepals and petals look alike. The medial petal is large and different from the other two
petals. It is called the labellum or lip of the flower and serves as a surface on which a
pollinator such as a bee can land. Sepals may mimic petals or be completely distinct.
The typical form can be found in Cattleya, with three sepals forming a triangle like
petals, but other species such as Venus Slippers have sepals that are connected
Orchids exhibit great variety in areas, the way they retrieve 'nutrients, and their
physical features. Most orchids, especially those from Africa, are white. Asian orchids,
however, come in a wide array of colors. Most orchids photosynthesize, but some live
on dead organic material or absorb food from a fungus living in their roots. Many
species have new shoots that grow upwards from a single stem, but other species
produce a series of shoots which grow laterally rather than vertically. With their
varieties, orchids have been loved by people and have become a major market
throughout the world.

6. Why does the author mention Cattleya and Venus Slippers in the passage?
A. To explain what type of orchid is stronger
B. To describe the dissimilarity in orchid structure
C. To give an example of the different purposes of sepals
D. To illustrate the uses of orchid petals

7. In paragraph 3, the author expresses the opinion that ________.

A. orchids come in various colors.
B. orchids have different survival structures.
C. orchids are unique among all flowers.
D. orchids are appreciated for their great diversity.



PASSAGE FOUR (Questions 8-9)

The aurora, named after the Roman goddess of dawn, is a luminous display of
various forms and colors high in the night sky above the magnetic poles. It is specifically
called aurora borealis around the northern magnetic pole and the aurora australis
around the southern pole. The aurora appears like a glow that is scattered over a wide
area of the sky. It may also look like "curtains" because the light seems to have folds
just like a curtain. At other times, it looks like arcs. Unlike in Europe, the aurora usually
appears as a greenish glow in most areas.
The aurora occurs as a result of the interaction between the Sun's solar wind and
the Earth's magnetic field. The Sun gives off particles called ions. The ions have high
energy particles and travel out in space at very high speeds. When the particles form a
cloud, this is known as a plasma or solar wind. The solar wind is channeled by the
Earth's magnetic field and the high-energy particles collide with the neutral and ionized
atoms of the outer atmosphere high above the geomagnetic poles. The collisions force
some of the electrons in those atoms to become excited as they absorb the energy and
are pushed to a higher energy state. When the excited
electrons finally relinquish that extra energy upon returning to their initial, lower
energy state, they release photons of visible light with specific colors. For example,
atomic oxygen is responsible for two primary auroral colors: green-yellow and red.
Nitrogen molecules in an ionized state will produce blue light while electrically neutral
nitrogen molecules create purplish-red auroral colors. The mix of these emissions from
different atoms produces the great variability of auroral colors.
The aurora may sometimes appear to hang static, but it is actually always moving
as the solar wind continues to interact with the Earth's magnetic field. This interaction
generates up to one million megawatts of electricity. As a result, power lines, radio and
television broadcasts and satellite communications experience interference.

8. Why does the author mention Europe in the passage?

A. To illustrate how attractive auroras are
B. To explain that auroras are not observed as the same color everywhere
C. To contrast how people react to the northern lights
D. To describe auroras over European skies

9. The primary purpose of paragraph 2 is to _______.

A. discuss the sources and types of the aurora
B. show the origin of the aurora and its significance on the Earth
C. present the important roles of the Sun's solar wind in making of the aurora
D. describe the formation of the aurora and its mechanism




Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that

Pompeii was a flourishing commercial city located in western Italy in a region called
Campania, which was a fertile plain traversed by two major rivers. Pompeii was under
Roman occupation in 89 B.C., and became annexed to the Roman Republic. As Rome
itself became more prosperous, its wealthy citizens looked to Pompeii and the Gulf as
a relaxing vacation area. It had an amphitheater, a public place devoted to athletes, an
indoor swimming pool, and many private homes and businesses. The city's population
was 20 thousand at the time of the eruption.
The city of Pompeii was at the base of the volcano Mt. Vesuvius, which is located
on the coast at the bay of Naples. Mt. Vesuvius had remained dormant for hundreds
of years, although it had once been a very active volcano. Since no legacy of destruction
had been passed down from their ancestors, the people living near the mountain did
not realize there was any potential for catastrophe. However, on the afternoon of
August 24th, 79 A.D., the volcano burst open with a great column of smoke and ash
rising about 15 kilometers into the air. Pompeii was covered in darkness and began to
be struck by pumice. The gas, ash and rocks hit Pompeii like a flame thrower within
minutes. Adding to the destruction were the mephitic vapors that accompanied the
falling debris. The fumes first caused turmoil in the victims, then suffocated them.
Pompeii and Herculaneum, a nearby town, were abandoned and forgotten.
Interest in the ancient sites did not return until the 14th century, when the Renaissance
brought a renewed fascination with all things antique. Based on artifacts discovered by
people who lived in the area, scholars hypothesized that the ancient objects came from
the thriving city. Excavations did not occur, however, until the 18th century, when
Herculaneum was rediscovered in 1738. Pompeii was unearthed 10 years later. From
that date on, excavations at Pompeii have continued sporadically. Although portions
of the site were uncovered, the ash had preserved many things. More excavation and
research teams are needed to reveal this mysterious city's secrets.

1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of Pompeii?

A. It was controlled by Rome.
B. It was a place used for recreation.
C. It was overpopulated.
D. It was located under Mt. Vesuvius.



2. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2?

A. Mt. Vesuvius made the land surrounding it very fertile.
B. Pompeii was declared safe by the city officials.
C. Mt. Vesuvius erupted more often before recorded history.
D. The people of Pompeii did not expect Mt. Vesuvius to erupt.

3. Why does the author mention “a flame thrower” in paragraph 2?

A. To illustrate how quickly Mt. Vesuvius erupted
B. To contrast the eruption with modern war
C. To explain how hot the gas and rocks were
D. To describe how intensity the eruption was like

4. In paragraph 3, the author expresses the opinion that _______.

A. Pompeii became the most famous city after excavation.
B. Herculaneum was as important as Pompeii in archaeology.
C. more investigation is needed to disclose Pompeii's secrets.
D. scholars played an important role in discovering Herculaneum and Pompeii.

The Atacama Desert

The driest place on Earth is the Atacama Desert, which lies along the western
coast of Peru and Chile. The Atacama is unique among the world's deserts because it
contains essentially no life. Most deserts contain at least some life, such as scorpions,
snakes, and some lizards. The Atacama, however, has none of these animals. In fact,
scientists used the same instruments that they used to look for life in the soil of Mars
to try to find life in the soil of the Atacama, with similar results. This is not surprising
when you consider that the Atacama gets an average of 3 mm of rain per year, and
sometimes goes as long as 40 years with no rain at all.
The Atacama is basically a coastal desert. Coastal deserts can be found along the
western coasts of Africa and North and South America. Coastal deserts are caused by
the cold water ocean currents that flow near their coasts. This cold water cools the air.
Since the air's ability to hold water is a function of its temperature, the air blowing
over these ocean currents becomes very dry. However, most coastal deserts get at
least some rain. The coastal desert along the western coast of California, although
very dry, gets 50 times more rain than the Atacama.
What makes the Atacama so much drier than other coastal deserts is that it is also
a rain shadow desert. Rain shadow deserts are found below tall mountain ranges, like
the Andes in Chile and Peru. Rain clouds usually form at around 2,000 to 10,000 feet.
Mountains that are taller than this will block the rain clouds from passing to the other



side. Again, this has a lot to do with air temperature. Anyone who has climbed a
mountain knows that it gets colder the higher you climb. This also makes the air drier.
In effect, rain is blocked from entering the Atacama on both sides. The cold water
currents block rain from coming in off the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the Andes
Mountains block any rain coming from the wetter regions to the east.

5. The author mentions “the soil of Mars” in order to __________.

A. suggest that it was also formed by coastal deserts
B. show the complete lack of life in the Atacama
C. illustrate the type of technology needed to work in the Atacama
D. suggest that the Atacama is not as unique as scientists once thought

6. In stating that the air's ability to hold water is “a function of its temperature”, the
author means that it is __________.
A. independent of its temperature
B. directly related to its temperature
C. partly influenced by its temperature
D. not associated with its temperature

7. The author mentions “the coastal desert along the western coast of California” in
order to __________.
A. give another example of an extremely dry desert
B. illustrate the similarities in coastal deserts
C. better emphasize the dryness of the Atacama
D. give readers an example of where coastal deserts can be found

8. Based on the information in paragraph 3, it can be inferred that __________.

A. the Andes mountains are higher than 10,000 feet
B. Chile and Peru are very dry countries
C. there are deserts on both sides of the Andes
D. the Andes are taller than the mountains in California

9. According to paragraph 3, the Atacama is the driest desert in the world because
A. it is the world's only rain shadow desert
B. its mountains are much taller than other mountains
C. it has two effects that make it a desert
D. it is one of the coldest places on Earth




Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that
Apes are members of the hominoids, which, in biology, are known as a superfamily
of primates. The hominoids are divided into two families, the Hylobatidae and the
Hominidae. The former consists of four subdivisions of which there are twelve species
known as the lesser apes - gibbons and siamangs. The latter consists of the great apes
– orangutans, gorillas, bonobos, chimpanzees and humans. Apes are omnivorous,
eating all kinds of foods including fruits, grass seeds, meat and invertebrate. They are
nimble climbers of trees, except for gorillas and humans. Apes vary in size from three-
foot gibbons to six-foot gorillas. Adult gorillas are bipedal, but most apes walk on all
Apes are found in both Africa and Asia. Gibbons and orangutans live in
Southeast Asia, while gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos live in the tropical forests of
western and central Africa, although humans spread themselves to all parts of the
world. [4A] Apes are distinguished from monkeys by the complete absence of a tail,
the presence of an appendix and by more complex brain. The number of cusps on their
molars can discern between apes and monkeys. [4B] Apes also have more mobile arms
and shoulder joints and have flatter rib cages. [4C] Evolutionists believe that these
anatomical changes took place because of diet adjustments, locomotion which
required effective hanging and swinging in order to obtain food and escape from
enemies, and the need for better balance to accommodate a bipedal stance. [4D]
Although the fossil record of hominoids is incomplete, evolutionists theorize
that humans evolved from apes and classify them as a bipedal species because they
are tailless. The skeleton of an ape has some similarities to that of a human, particularly
in the chest and shoulders. However, there are differences in the pelvis, the length of
the arms, which are longer than the legs of apes, the fingers and the feet An important
thing to consider is that scientists have not been able to explain why apes still exist if
they have evolved into humans. Moreover, the distinctions between apes and
humans are so great that people do not consider the family of apes to include human
Apes are a highly intelligent animal. Scientific studies show that they perform
well on a wide range of cognition tests. Chimpanzees appear to possess the capacity
to exercise insight in complex situations. Many species of apes are capable of using
tools. Of all animal species, apes are best at imitating human beings. Although it is not
certain whether apes have the skills to communicate in an actual language, there is no
doubt that apes make use of significant exploits of learning.



1. The phrase “The latter” in the passage refers to ________.

A. Apes
B. Hominoids
C. Hylobatidae
D. Hominidae

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. Human beings evolved from the hominoid family
B. The importance of anatomical changes in the theory of evolution
C. The geographical distribution of apes and their biological features
D. The spread of apes and the similar body structures with humans

3. All of the following are believed to be physical changes that took place over time in
the apes EXCEPT ________.
A. decrease in the length of the legs
B. greater movement of arms
C. more flexible shoulder joints
D. flatter bony wall enclosing the ribs

4. The following sentence could be added to paragraph 2.

The former have only four cusps on their molars, while the latter have five.
Where would the sentence best fit?

5. Which of the following best expresses the author's opinion regarding the idea that
humans evolved from apes?
A. Humans must have evolved from the great ape species.
B. The evolution of humans from apes likely took place over a longer period of
C. Evolutionists have provided sufficient evidence to support their theory.
D. Scientists have not proved that humans evolved from apes.



6. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
boldfaced sentence in paragraph 3?
A. Moreover, apes and humans are so dissimilar that they cannot be considered
B. Apes and humans are not as similar to each other as once believed.
C. Also, people do not think of humans as being from the ape family because
apes and humans are so different.
D. In addition, people do not want to consider the idea that they may have
evolved from apes.

7. Why does the author mention tools in paragraph 4?

A. To explain the various ways that apes utilize tools
B. To illustrate one way that apes demonstrate intelligence
C. To describe common tools that apes use
D. To contrast the ways that humans and apes use tools

8. The word “exploits” in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.

A. roles
B. manners
C. feats
D. formulars

9. What can be inferred about the relation between apes and human beings?
A. It manifests itself best in complex situations.
B. It is still puzzling which evolved from which because of inadequate evidence.
C. It reflects the contact apes have had with humans.
D. It proves that humans evolved from apes.



Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a key leader of the U.S. civil rights movement and a
principal advocate of nonviolence as means of achieving social change. He was one of
America's greatest orators and was also a Baptist minister.
King was born in Atlanta on January 15th, 1929. He later studied at Boston
University, where he explored Mahatma Gandhi's peaceful strategies for achieving
positive change. King married Coretta Scott, a young woman of uncommon intellectual
and artistic attainments in 1953 and the following year he became a pastor in
Montgomery, Alabama.
On December 5th, 1955, black civil rights activist Rosa Parks sat in a "whites only"
section of a city bus, thereby refusing to comply with Montgomery's policy of
segregation on public transportation. King then organized a successful 382-day black
boycott against Montgomery's buses. [12A] Then he achieved national prominence as
an activist. In December, 1956, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered racial segregation
declared unconstitutional. [12B] Following this victory, King summoned a number of
black ministers in 1957 and found the groundwork for the organization now known as
the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). [12C] King was elected its
president, and soon began helping other communities organize their own protests
against discrimination. [12D] In 1959, a visit to India allowed King to deepen his
understanding of Satyagraha, Gandhi's principle of peaceful persuasion. This was his
main method of social protest.
Three years later, King's nonviolent tactics were shown by directing the peaceful
march on Washington D.C. King led the movement for blacks' right to vote,
desegregation and fair labor rights. This resulted in the passage of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964. In that same year, King won the Nobel Peace Prize. King's protest methods
had earned him great recognition, but they were also coming into conflict with those
of other black leaders. Malcolm X, for example, argued that violence was sometimes
necessary for social change, and that blacks, suffering from white persecution, needed
to form a separate nation. He demanded social change "by any means necessary". This
message was especially popular with northern, urban blacks.
King is perhaps best known for his 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech, in which he
conveyed hope that his children would "one day live in a nation where they will not be
judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character". In 1977, King
was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Today, he is
remembered as a hero of the U.S. civil rights movement and his birthday is observed
as a national holiday in the United States.



10. The phrase “comply with” in the passage could best be replaced by ______.
A. abound
B. squeeze
C. obey
D. provoke

11. What can be inferred about Montgomery's buses in 1955?

A. They were special buses designed only for black passengers.
B. They provided transportation to only the white districts in the city.
C. They had separate sections for black and white passengers.
D. Black passengers were not allowed to ride them.

12. The following sentence could be added to paragraph 3.

During this campaign, King overcame arrest and other violent harassment
including the bombing of his home.
Where would the sentence best fit?

13. The word “This” in the passage refers to ______.

A. a visit to India
B. Gandhi's principle
C. King's understanding
D. social protest

14. According to paragraph 3, it is true that ______.

A. Rosa Parks went to the U.S. Supreme Court to argue against segregation.
B. King's trip to India allowed him to gain national fame and importance.
C. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to handle the case against Montgomery's
D. The organized refusal to use Montgomery's buses lasted about a year.

15. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
boldfaced sentence in the passage?
A. Other black leaders began to dislike King because of the fame he achieved.
B. King often argued with his fellow leaders about which protest methods to use.
C. King's protest style got praise but also criticism from other black leaders.
D. The popularity of King's methods was the focus of debate among other



16. The word “persecution” in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.

A. oppression
B. duration
C. frustration
D. provocation

17. All of the following are true of King EXCEPT that ______.
A. he contributed to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
B. he decided to lead peaceful protests after he toured India.
C. he learned of Gandhi's methods in university.
D. he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

18. Why does the author quote King's "I Have a Dream" speech?
A. To offer an illustration of King's skills as an orator
B. To show that King's protests had mostly failed in reaching their goals
C. To give an example of the objectives King had in his protests
D. To highlight that the civil rights struggle was only in the early stages of the U.S.



Passage 1 Questions 1-10
Look up at the sky on a clear night and you will see vast patterns of bright stars.
Close your eyes and think about the shapes of these patterns. Do they remind you of
people, or animals, or mythological beings such as a winged horse or a great warrior
holding his sword and shield? Ancient astronomers imagined they saw people, animals,
and mythological beings in the sky. They called them “constellations”.
Constellations are not real animals, people or objects. We imagine them to help
us make a map of the sky. On a dark night, you can see almost 1,500 stars. Trying to
distinguish which is which can be difficult. Constellations make it easier for us to
identify stars.
People began seeing patterns in the stars about 6,000 years ago. Three of the
first constellations they imagined were a lion, a bull, and a scorpion. [8A] In ancient
times, farmers used constellations to know which month it was. [8B] We can see some
constellations only during one season each year. [8C] They knew it was time to harvest
when they saw a different one. [8D] Some historians think the constellation myths
were invented to help the farmers remember the constellations. Constellation myths
are ancient stories about the gods, heroes, and mythological creatures (serpents,
dragons, and flying horses) featured in the constellations. The Greeks and Romans
created the stories for the constellations in the Northern Hemisphere, and for a few in
the Southern Hemisphere that they could sometimes see, close to the horizon.
People in different countries can look at the same constellation and imagine
different things. Someone in China might think a constellation looks like a dragon.
Someone in Australia might think the same pattern is a horse. Each country has its own
ideas. Many constellations get their names from the myths of ancient Greece and
Rome. A constellation called Aquarius is named after a Greek boy who carried water.
A constellation called Taurus is named after a god who came to earth as a bull.
Constellations are not stationary. The stars in them are gradually moving. It is difficult
to know the boundaries of many constellations. In 1929, international astronomers,
scientists who study stars, agreed on official boundaries for the 88 constellations that
exist today.
However, by the time your children grow up, these boundaries could change. We
might also find new constellations. We will always use our imaginations to help
understand the world around us.



1. According to the passage, about how many constellations exist today?

A. 88
B. 100
C. 1,500
D. 6,000

2. All of the following are true EXCEPT that __________.

A. Constellations have a long history
B. Scientists agree on constellation boundaries
C. Constellations are groups of stars
D. Constellations never change

3. The word “which” in paragraph 2 refers to __________.

A. Constellations
B. Maps
C. People
D. Stars

4. The word “identify” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _________.

A. Recognize
B. Name
C. Count
D. Number

5. Based on the information in paragraph 2, we can infer that __________.

A. there are only 1,500 stars.
B. we can see different numbers of stars depending on how bright the moon is.
C. all constellations are animals.
D. we need a map of the sky to see the stars.

6. In paragraph 3, the word “one” refers to __________.

A. Farmer
B. Star
C. Season
D. Constellation



7. Based on the information in paragraph 3, what can we infer about ancient farmers?
A. They were not very intelligent.
B. They did not have calendars.
C. They worked very hard.
D. They grew food.

8. The following sentence could be added to paragraph 3.

Farmers knew it was time to plant when they saw a certain constellation.
Where would it best fit into the paragraph?

9. The word “boundaries” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to __________.

A. Dimensions
B. Properties
C. Borders
D. Shapes

10. What does the passage mainly discus?

A. The names of constellations
B. The history of constellations
C. How to see constellations
D. Greek and Roman myths



Passage 2 Questions 11-20

Rainforests are disappearing in tropical areas around the world. They are being cut
down, burned, and damaged through a process called" deforestation." This is a serious
problem in developing countries within tropical regions. The impact of deforestation,
though, also has vast global implications. It is, therefore, very important to find
solutions to these problems. Unfortunately, progress in this area has been very slow.
According to World Bank statistics, many developing countries, such as Brazil,
Ecuador, and Indonesia had lost almost half of their rainforests by 1991. Worldwide, in
1800 there were 7.1 billion acres of tropical forests, while today there are only 3.5
billion acres. Recent statistics suggest that an area of tropical forest larger than North
Korea is deforested every year.
[20A] Most importantly, though, the rainforests play an important role in the
health of our environment. [20B] Trees and other plants act as filters that clean
pollutants out of the air and produce clean air. [20C] With air pollution increasing as
forests decline, the world is facing a potential crisis with regard to air quality [20D]
Poverty is one of the main forces behind deforestation in tropical countries,
where many rely on farming as a way of life. The most practical method is "slash and
burn" agriculture, in which a small area of trees is cut down and then burned to fertilize
the soil. For a period of time, the soil can produce good crops, but rain gradually washes
away the nutrients, reducing fertility and causing crops to grow at a slower rate.
Eventually, the soil can no longer support crops, and farmers are often forced to
abandon the land.
Government policies also contribute to the destruction of rainforests. In
countries like Brazil, much of the rainforest is owned by the state. However, the state
does not have enough resources to control access to the forests. Therefore, the
government allows people to claim areas of land within the forest. To do this, the
people must clear the land that they want to claim. Small farmers, then, often clear
plots and then sell them. They then move to a new area, clear it, and sell it again. While
this is good for the farmers, it is highly destructive to the forest.
Large companies contribute their own problems. Logging companies can do a
great deal of damage on their own, but they also cause secondary damage through
their effects on small farmers. Often, road construction companies hired by the
government claim land that they clear during their projects, thus pushing small farmers
further into the forest. In addition, the government might set low tax rates for
agricultural production. Corporations and wealthy investors buy up land, and the small
farmers are again forced to find plots in unclaimed areas of the forest.
The problem of deforestation is strongly affected by poverty in developing
countries. Clearly, any long-term solution to deforestation must focus first on how
poverty can be reduced. Any other solution can only be a temporary measure.



11. The word "implications" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. Suggestions
B. Policies
C. Long-term solutions
D. Possible results

12. The author mentions North Korea ________.

A. to demonstrate the impact of deforestation in North Korea
B. to demonstrate that North Korean policy is favorable to that of Brazil
C. to demonstrate how much forest is being destroyed each year
D. to demonstrate that deforestation is not as serious as we thought

13. According to the passage, why is slash and burn agriculture harmful?
A. It leaves areas of land infertile.
B. It pollutes the water supply.
C. It keeps farmers in poverty.
D. It can cause forest fires.

14. According to the passage, why does the Brazilian government allow farmers to
make claims on rainforest land?
A. They want to improve the living conditions of farmers.
B. If the farmers don't claim them, large companies will.
C. They don't have the resources to prevent it.
D. The economy is based on agriculture.

15. The word "this" in paragraph 5 refers to ________.

A. Claiming land
B. Burning the forest
C. Allowing farmers to claim land
D. Making policies

16. From the passage, it can be inferred that ________.

A. deforestation is the main cause of poverty in tropical countries
B. deforestation must be addressed if developing countries are to succeed
C. deforestation is a serious problem for small farmers.
D. deforestation is driven by economics



17. What is the main purpose of paragraph 6?

A. To explain the primary damage caused by logging companies
B. To explain how large companies affect small farmers
C. To explain agricultural taxes
D. To show how corporations purchase land

18. According to the passage, which of the following would best address the problem
of deforestation?
A. Changing government policy
B. Increasing agricultural taxes
C. Reducing poverty
D. Studying plant life for medicinal benefits

19. All of the following are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT ________.
A. the extent of rainforest destruction
B. the fast food industry clearing rainforests for grazing land
C. the practice of slash and burn agriculture in Brazil
D. logging companies and their effects on farmers

20. The following sentence could be added to paragraph 2.

When trees are cut down in large numbers, we lose these filters and are left
with unclean air to breathe.
Where would the sentence best fit?



PASSAGE 3 Questions 21-30

Carnivorous Plants
All plants rely on nutrients taken from the soil in order to survive. However, in
areas where the soil does not contain enough vital nutrients, some plants have adapted
to supplement their diets from another source: living organisms. Though they are few
in number, carnivorous plants are nonetheless fascinating beings that "eat” anything
from one-celled organisms to insects in order to survive. They are commonly found in
marshlands. Carnivorous plants feature one of several types of "traps" to ensnare prey,
which they consume to make up for nutrients that may be missing from the soil.
The most well known of these plants are the snap traps, which includes the
Venus flytrap. Snap traps are easily identified by their leaves, which are separated into
two lobes that have the ability to fold together. These carnivorous plants capture prey
through mechanisms that are not unlike the common household mousetrap. Inside the
lobes, the surface is covered with tiny hairs that are sensitive to movement. When the
plant's prey brushes against the hairs, it triggers a closing mechanism that rapidly
brings the two lobes together, trapping the prey securely inside. The response of the
traps is phenomenal in regard to speed: the time between triggering the hairs and
snapping shut is less than a second. As the prey struggles inside the trap, it only triggers
more hairs, causing the leaves to tighten their grip. The plant then secretes liquid
chemicals from special glands into the trap to dissolve the prey and absorb all of its
nutrients. Besides the Venus flytrap, only one other type of snap trap exists today,
referred to as the waterwheel plant. The two share a common ancestor and differ only
in a few ways. For instance, the waterwheel is an aquatic plant, while the flytrap is
exclusively terrestrial. In addition, the flytrap feeds primarily on arthropods like
spiders, while the waterwheel lives off of simple invertebrates, like certain types of
Pitfall traps are among the most strangely beautiful types of carnivorous plants,
though they may also be the most primitive. They function much more simply than
snap traps, though the wide variety of pitfall traps means that some are more complex
than others. The simplest type of this carnivorous plant is best exemplified by the sun
pitcher plant. It consists of tall leaves that are rolled into a tubular shape. The mouth
of the leaf, and the opening of the trap, are wider than the rest of the body. The sun
pitcher plant simply waits for unsuspecting prey to slip down the sides of the tube,
where digestive enzymes wait in a small pool to drown and devour it. More complex
forms of pitfall traps use basically the same mechanism for killing and eating their prey,
but the actual trap can be far more elaborate. The cobra plant features a large, vacant
bulb at its tip with small transparent dots that let sunshine in. When insects (mostly
ants) crawl into the bulb, they try endlessly to leave through these "false exits," but



eventually they tire themselves out and fall down the tube into the digestive
chamber, where they are dissolved by the plant's digestive enzymes.
A third type of carnivorous plant uses flypaper traps to capture its prey. [30A]
These plants are extremely numerous and vary greatly in appearance from species to
species. [30B] Their leaves contain glands that release a sticky type of mucus which
can be used to trap insects that unknowingly land on them. [30C] One type of flypaper
trap is the butterwort plant. [30D] The butterwort has broad, bright green leaves that
are grouped closely together. Flying insects are attracted to the butterwort because
the thin layer of mucus on its leaves has the semblance of dew, making the plant look
like it is covered in water droplets. When the insect lands, the leaves release more of
this sticky substance, which further traps the sect.

21. The word “ensnare” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. monitor
B. catch
C. escape
D. enter

22. According to paragraph 1, carnivorous plants get nutrients from living organisms
because _______.
A. they had to develop protective against harmful insects.
B. they cannot get necessary nutrients from the soil they live in.
C. they need to protect themselves from harmful nitrogen or phosphorus from the
D. marshlands are the place where organisms with high protein are abundant.

23. Why does the author mention a “mousetrap” in paragraph 2?

A. To elaborate on the weaknesses of the flytrap
B. To better illustrate how the flytrap functions
C. To emphasize the strength of the flytrap's leaves
D. To contrast the flytrap with other snap traps

24. According to paragraph 2, what is NOT true of snap traps?

A. They catch their prey by closing their lobes.
B. They consume their prey by dissolving it with chemicals.
C. They are all terrestrial plants.
D. Their tiny hairs sense the existence of prey.



25. According to paragraph 2, what can be inferred about the snap trap?
A. Once it catches its prey, there is little chance that the prey can escape.
B. It mostly feeds on insects that are very large.
C. There are various species of snap traps which differ in hunting mechanism.
D. Snap traps are on the verge of extinction due to the decrease in their habitat.

26. The word “devour” in the passage is closest in meaning to _______.

A. ensnare
B. utilize
C. expel
D. consume

27. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
boldfaced sentence in the passage?
A. The cobra plant captures its prey by luring them into a brightly colored bulb
which produces digestive chemicals.
B. The bulb of the cobra plant tires insects by fooling them with false exits, at which
point they fall into the digestive chamber.
C. Insects become trapped inside the bulb of the cobra plant because bright colors
attract them to the plant's "stomach".
D. When ants crawl into the cobra plant's bulb, it quickly closes the exit and traps
them in its digestive chamber.

28. According to paragraph 3, what is true of the pitfall trap?

A. The basic mechanism for catching and killing its prey is similar to that of the snap
B. The trap is filled with digestive substances.
C. It encloses its trap so that the prey cannot escape.
D. It is the most advanced form among all carnivorous plants.

29. The word “them” in paragraph 4 refers to _______.

A. insects
B. leaves
C. hairs
D. species

30. The following sentence could be added to paragraph 4.

However, all of them share the same basic trapping mechanism.
Where would the sentence best fit?



PASSAGE 4 Questions 31-40

The most important scientific tools for astronomers are telescopes. This is proven
by the fact that the first major discoveries about the solar system, those of Galileo,
accompanied the invention of the telescope. As telescopes have increased in power
over the centuries, they have allowed astronomers to make more and more discoveries
about the nature of the universe. The first telescopes used glass lenses to focus their
light, but most modern telescopes now use mirrors as their major light collectors.
[33A] In a lens telescope, the light must pass through the lens, so the lens must be
entirely perfect. [33B] But in a mirror telescope, the light simply bounces off the
mirror. [33C] This means that only the surface of the mirror must be perfect, making
it much easier to manufacture large mirrors. [33D]
Making larger and larger mirrors for telescopes is important because a
telescope's power is directly proportional to the size of its mirror. Increasing the size
of a telescope's mirror 3 times will produce a telescope that is 9 times as powerful.
Increasing the mirror size 4 times will result in 16 times more power, and so on.
Therefore, the primary concern for astronomers is to get the largest mirror possible for
their telescope.
Unfortunately, the larger the mirror becomes, the more difficult it is to make and
install in a telescope. Most large telescopes are located at the tops of tall mountains,
where the thin air does not block the light from the stars. But transporting a large
mirror to the top of a mountain without damaging it is very difficult. Furthermore, if a
mirror is too large, it will begin to warp under its own weight, making it useless.
Therefore, the maximum realistic size for mirror telescopes has traditionally been
about three meters.
In recent years, however, several advances in technology have allowed the
construction of much larger telescopes. One new technology involves the construction
of many smaller mirrors which are then put together like pieces of a puzzle to make a
single, larger mirror. [39A] The Keck telescopes in Hawaii use this technology to
combine 36 smaller mirrors to construct a mirror which is 11 meters, making these
telescopes two of the largest in the world. [39B] Another method of constructing
larger mirrors is to make them super-thin. [39C] These mirrors are too thin to support
their shape, so they use hundreds of computer-controlled sensors to control their
shape. [39D]
Another method of increasing the power of telescopes is to use different
telescopes in a coordinated fashion. The process is extremely complicated and requires
advanced computers, but by using telescopes in a combined process, astronomers can
greatly increase their power.



For instance, the Very Large Telescope Array, or VLT, is a combination of four 8.4-
meter telescopes. When used in a coordinated fashion, however, they work as the
equivalent of a single 16-meter telescope, making them four times more powerful than
any one of the telescopes working independently.

31. The author mentions Galled in order to ________.

A. discuss the invention of the telescope
B. explain how new discoveries led to the invention of telescopes
C. stress the importance of telescopes
D. provide an example of how astronomers utilize telescopes

32. According to paragraph 1, why did astronomers switch from lens telescopes to
mirror telescopes?
A. They were easier to make.
B. They were more powerful.
C. C They capture light more effectively.
D. D. They can be used even if they have flaws.

33. The following sentence could be added to paragraph 1.

The reason is a simple consideration of manufacturing.
Where would the sentence best fit?

34. The word “proportional” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. Related
B. Influenced
C. Significant
D. Justified

35. According to the passage, all of the following are true of mirror telescopes EXCEPT
A. They only require one perfect surface.
B. Their power increases with their size.
C. They present no problems in manufacturing.
D. They now use a number of construction methods.



36. According to paragraph 3, telescopes are placed at the tops of mountains because
A. the thin air will not damage their mirrors
B. the thin air allows for undistorted viewing
C. larger mirrors can be placed on the tops of mountains
D. this places them closer to the light of the stars

37. The word “warp” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. Crack
B. Shatter
C. Fail
D. Bend

38. What can be inferred about multiple mirror telescopes and super-thin mirror
A. They are many times more powerful than previous telescopes.
B. They help ease the difficulty of construction on mountain tops.
C. They both require high-power computers for control.
D. They eliminate the need for using telescopes in combination.

39. The following sentence could be added to paragraph 4.

This method has been used to construct mirrors that are up to 8.4 meters in size.
Where would the sentence best fit?

40. According to paragraph 5, why are telescopes used in a coordinated fashion?

A. It increases their power without having to build larger mirrors.
B. It allows astronomers to look at larger areas.
C. It is cheaper than building newer, more powerful telescopes.
D. It allows astronomers to work together rather than independently.






In Task 1, you have to write a letter or an email in response to a given task.

There are many different kinds of letters, depending on why you are writing and who
you are writing to. In general, a letter has this basic structure: the greeting; the
introduction; the body; the closing, the ending/sign-off, and signature.
The way you begin, close, and the style you write will depend on:
- The overall purpose of the letter/email,
- The tone of the message you want to get across, and
- Your relationship to the person receiving the letter.


I.1 The greeting
The greeting depends on who the letter is being written to. The most common
greetings are:

Dear + fist name (e.g. John/ Alex/ Barbara)

This is used to begin an informal letter such as to a friend or relative.

Dear + last name/ title (e.g. Mr./Mrs./Ms. Smith; Doctor/ Professor/ Manager)
This is used to begin a formal letter such as to a client or manager.

Dear + Sir/ Madam/ Sirs

This is used to begin a formal letter when you do not know the name of the person
you are writing to.

I.2 The introduction

In the introduction, you introduce yourself (if necessary), say why you are writing, and
explain your situation.

The most common way to begin a letter is with the sentence I am writing to …



Common opening sentences

It was lovely to hear from you after all these years.
I am really sorry to hear about Aunt Mary’s accident.
I am a student at your college and I am writing to ask a favor.
Thank you for your letter regarding the office assistant.
This is just to thank you for your marvelous hospitality last week.

I.3 The body

The body is the main part of a letter, where you give further details. Your letter should
be divided into paragraphs and each paragraph should have one main point.

I.4 The closing

The closing is where you finish your letter and request a response, if appropriate. Like
the greeting, the closing you choose also depends on who you are writing to:
- I’m looking forward to your
- I look forward to your reply.
prompt reply.
- I hope you are able to help
- Please write soon.
me and I look forward to
- If I can tell you anything else,
hearing from you soon.
please call me.
- We look forward to seeing
- Give my regards to your
you at the interview.
mother and best wishes for
- I hope to hear from you soon
her speedy recovery.
- Please do not hesitate to
- I hope one day to be able to
contact me if you need
return the warm welcome.
further information.
- Once again, I am sorry for
any inconveniences caused. Informal

- Thank you for your time and - Thanks for your help.
consideration. - Sorry again!
- - Call me when you’re back!
- Please stay in touch.



I.5 The ending/sign-off

The ending totally depends on the greeting you have started.

When you start the letter with When you start the letter with
Dear Sir/Madam (for business Dear + a specific name of the
letters): recipient:
- Kind regards - Yours sincerely,
- Yours truly, - Sincerely yours,
- Respectfully, - Regards,
- Respectfully yours, - Sincerely,
- Faithfully yours,
When you write to your close
When you write to a person friends or family members:
you know well: - Yours,
- Best, - See you,
- Best wishes, - With all my love,
- All the best, - Love,
- Take care, - Have a nice day!
- Cordially - Love always,
- Lots of love,
- Missing you,
- My best

I.6 Signature
The signature should be put between the ending and your full name. If necessary, you
can add a second line for your title or the name of your company.

In the actual test, you are NOT allowed to sign and write your name.




Letters/emails are classified into three styles: formal, semi-formal, and informal. The
tone of your letter depends on who you are writing to and how well you know them.
You have to use appropriate style of writing and vocabulary as well as accurate
grammar, capitalization, and punctuation.
The three letters below have the same content, but they are sent to different readers.
They, thus, have different vocabulary and writing styles.

To a friend (informal) To a present employer To a possible employer

(semi-formal) (formal)
I’m going to quit my I plan to leave my I intend resigning from
job by the end of the current job before the my current
year so I can find end of the year so that employment prior to
somewhere to live I can find new the end of the year in
and new school for accommodation and order to locate new
the kids. I reckon I’ll schools for my children. accommodation and
be able to start my I believe I will be able new schools for my
new job on about to take up my new children. I should be in
Jan. 15. position around a position to commence
January 15. duty on January 15.

Exercise 1 Matching openings with types of letters

Match each type of letters with one of the opening lines A-F below.

1. a personal letter 2. a job application

3. a formal business letter 4. a letter requesting information
5. a letter of complaint 6. a formal letter of apology

A Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to know more about the Sports Science course that you run at
your college.
B Dear Sir/Madam.
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction at the service I received at one of
your restaurants last weekend.



C Dear Mr Jones,
I am writing to inform you that I will not be able to attend the conference in
January. I really am very sorry.
D Hi Louis,
Thanks for the photos - I got them this morning. I love the picture of Greg with
that snake!
E Dear Mrs Cole,
I am a colleague of Martin White and I am writing as one of his referees to
support his application for ...
F Dear Mr Lucas,
I am writing to apply for the job advertised in yesterday's Daily Argus.

Exercise 2 Matching endings with types of letters

Now decide which of these endings are appropriate for each letter A – F.
1 I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Mark King
2 Once again, I would like to apologize.
Best wishes,
Lucy Hayes
3 Anyway - must get on now. See you at
Jake's party next week. Love to Claire.
4 I look forward to receiving your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Graham Downs
5 I fully recommend him for the position.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Fox

To finish off a formal letter, we use
- Yours sincerely – if you know the name of the person you’re writing to.
- Yours faithfully – if you do not know the name of the person you’re writing to.



Exercise 3 Opening & Closing Sentences

Match the opening sentences a–e with the closing sentences i–v below.
Underline the key words that helped you to do this.

Opening sentences
a. It was lovely to hear from you after all these years.
b. I was really sorry to hear about Aunt Sally’s accident.
c. I am a student at your college and I am writing to ask a favour.
d. Thank you for your letter regarding the position of office assistant.
e. This is just to thank you for your marvelous hospitality last week.

Closing sentences
i. Give my regards to your mother and best wishes for her speedy recovery.
ii. I hope you are able to help me and I look forward to seeing you soon.
iii. I hope one day to be able to return the warm welcome.
iv. We look forward to seeing you at the interview.
v. Please stay in touch.

Once you have decided on the content of your letter and how to organize it, you
need to think carefully about who the letter is to and what it is for.
Ask yourself these questions:
Who to?
- How well do you know the person?
- What do they know about you?
- Should the language you use be informal, neutral, or more formal?
What for?
- What is your main reason for writing and when will you mention this?
- What kind of information do you need to include?
- What result do you want from your letter?



II. 1 Informal letters & Formal letters

Exercise 4 Matching
Match the formal expressions 1 – 8 with the informal expressions A – H.

1 Dear Sir/Madam A Sorry for any trouble I caused.

2 I am writing to inform you that … B Let me have all the info a.s.a.p.
3 I will not be able to attend the … C Can’t wait to hear all about it
4 Could you send the information to D Best wishes
my home address?
5 I look forward to hearing from you. E I wanted to tell you about …
6 Thank you once again for your advice. F Hi, Phil, how’s it going?
7 I apologise for the inconvenience. G I can’t make it to …
8 Yours faithfully/sincerely H … and thanks again for all your

Exercise 5 Informal & Formal phrases

Some words and phrases in the letter are underlined because they are too
informal. Replace them with the words and phrases below.

look forward to hearing apply for involved hope to work

achieved very high grades many useful business skills

Dear Mr Lucas,
I am writing to get the position of sales executive that I saw advertised in
yesterday's Daily Argus. I want a job in sales, and I am interested in working for your
I recently finished a Business Studies degree at York University. I did very well in
Economics and Marketing. Part of my degree course was about designing and developing
new ideas. I learn quickly and work well with other people.
My father runs an import and export company, and from the age of 16. I have helped
him in his office. I have learnt a lot about business and communicated with clients both
on the telephone and face-to-face.
I am outgoing and confident and I enjoy a challenge. I think I would be the right
person for a position in your company. I can attend an interview at any time and really
want to hear from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ahmed Khatani



Exercise 6 Ticking the right option in each pair

Look at the instructions for a writing task below.
You chose to study four subjects at college, but you also need to do a part-time job to
support yourself. You are finding it impossible to do everything properly.
Write a letter to your college explaining why you need to give up one of your courses. Ask
if it is possible to have a refund.

The letter should be formal. Tick the option in each pair below that is right for the
1. A I'm writing because I can't do one of my courses anymore.
B I am writing to ask if it is possible for me to give up one of the courses I am
2. A Now I do four subjects and I've got a part-time job.
B I am currently studying four subjects and doing a part-time job.
3. A There's too much work and it's all too much for me.
B I am finding it impossible to cope with so much work.
4. A When the academic year began, I was confident that I had the time.
B At the start, I thought I could do everything.
5. A I now realize that that is not possible.
B I was wrong!
6. A I do not want to give up History of Art, but I am afraid I have no other option.
B I don't want to give up History of Art but I have to.
7. A I want my money back.
B I would like to know if it is possible to claim a refund.
8. A I apologize for any inconvenience that I will cause.
B Sorry if I've made some problems for you.
9. A Thanks for everything.
B Thank you for your kind consideration.

II. 2 Preparing to write

Read the instructions for a writing task below.

A friend of a friend has written to you asking for advice about staying in Bradlow, a
town that you stayed in last year. You liked your host family and your language school,
but you thought that the town was not ideal. There were a number of social problems
and you did not always feel safe.
Write a letter to your friend's friend explaining why he should think about studying in
another town.



Exercise 7 Discussion
Answer this questions with a partner.
For the task above, you are writing to a friend of a friend, so will it be a formal or an
informal letter, or will it be something in between?

Exercise 8 Choosing what to write and how to write it

Below are possible lines from a letter to your friend's friend. Look at these points.
• Some lines are relevant and others are not.
• Some lines are appropriately expressed and some are not.
• Some lines are grammatically correct and some are not.
• Some lines have spelling mistakes and some do not.

Choose the ten lines that you think make up the complete letter, and then put them
in order. Write the letter at the beginning of each sentence in the numbered spaces

Dear Samuel,
a. Bradlow is horrible. You must not go there.
b. I understand you are thinking of staying there soon. Personally, I would
consider going somewhere else.
c. I’m writing to tell you about Bradlow. Leon did ask me to.
d. I hear that you want to stay in Bradlow but is not a good place.
e. Leon asked me to write to you and tell you all about Bradlow where I stayed
last year.
1. ____ 2. ____

f. My host family were such nice people and my school so good.

g. However, Bradlow itself is not such a good place to stay, in my opinion.
h. But Bradlow is quite small and quiet and I was bored most of the time.
i. I was happy with my host family and the school where I studied was
j. But Bradlow it not a good place to feel comfortable.
3. ____ 4. ____



k. There are quite a lot of homeless people and sometimes they beg for money
in the street.
l. In the town centre, there are a lot of bars and discos and young people can
be quite loud. I didn’t feel very safe walking around in the evening.
m. Nobody there has got a job and people are always asking for money.
n. There are a lot of closed down shops and there is graffiti on buildings.
o. I don’t like dancing so I didn’t like many discos. I studied in my rooms most
p. It is quite a poor town and there is a lot of unemployment. Teenagers get
together in the shopping centre because there is nowhere else for them to go.
q. The worst is the town centre. It is really dirty and a horrible place.
5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____

r. So, have a fantastic time in Bradlow. I’m sure you will.

s. Anyway, I hope you have a really good time, wherever you decide to stay.
t. There is much more nice place to stay than Bradlow. Harkeley would be best
for you I think.
u. It depends what you want you I think there are nicer places to stay. I went to
see some friends in Harkeley and it is very nice there.
v. So, like I say, don’t go to Bradley. It’s terrible. But have a good time if you go
another place.
9. ____ 10. ____

Best wishes,


In the last few minutes, you should check for errors in spelling and grammar, e.g.
singular, plural, subject-verb agreement, tenses, or prepositions.

Exercise 9 Common mistakes with tenses

Correct the underlined mistakes.
1. While I was doing the language course, I meet lots of young people from all over
the world.
2. There I noticed how important it was to speak foreign languages nowadays.
3. Now I have much more fun learning English than I have before the course.



4. At the moment I revise English grammar.

5. And I had already begun to read the texts in my English textbooks again.
6. I think I would do one unit every week.
7. My exam is on 15 May, so there has not any time to be lost.
8. If I pass my exams successfully, I would start an apprenticeship in September.
9. And after my apprenticeship, maybe I went back to London to work there for a
10. As you can see, I become a real London fan already.

Exercise 10 Common mistakes with prepositions

Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence.

1. She accused me ………………………. reading her letters.

A. about B. of C. with
2. I do not agree ………………………… the argument that zoos protect animals.
A. to B. with C. for
3. I must apologize …………………………. offending you.
A. for B. about C. on
4. Do you believe ………………………… life after death?
A. in B. at C. on
5. The headache prevented me …………………………… studying.
A. with B. from C. of
6. I was hoping that she would pay …………………………. my drink but she didn’t.
A. for B. to C. with
7. Her marriage ……………………….. her childhood sweetheart did not last long.
A. with B. to C. of
8. Nobody knows the reason ………………………… his untimely death.
A. of B. with C. for
9. I went to the wrong house ………………………… mistake.
A. by B. on C. for
10. You will get trouble ………………………… if you play games during working hours.
A. into B. on C. for



Exercise 11 Common spelling mistakes

Find and correct the spelling mistakes in the letter below.

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Thank you for your speedy and beautiful work fixxing our floors after our plumbing
problem this spring.
Although I would have prefered to meet you and your crew under different
circumstances – a planned renovation, say, and not during our busyest season – I am
so grateful that my neighbor recomended you.
Our floors have never looked better. Customers comment on them at least once a
week. I always make sure to give them your infomation and pass along my
Thank you, again, for fiting us in at the last minute and geting us back up and runing
so quickly.
Best regard,

Exercise 12 Identifying wrong words

Choose the word or phrase that needs to be removed from the sentence to make it
grammatically correct.
1. We met on a wet Friday in the June.
A. met B. on C. in D. the
2. Despite of her hard work, she did not pass.
A. despite B. of C. did D. pass
3. The meeting was postponed because of the chairman was ill.
A. was B. because C. of D. was
4. She married with a friend of her brother’s.
A. with B. of C. brother’s D. a
5. The party lasted all the night.
A. lasted B. all C. the D. night
6. See you on next Sunday.
A. see B. on C. next D. Sunday
7. Take the book with you in case you will see Mary.
A. with B. with C. in case D. will
8. Yesterday in the evening he came to dinner.
A. in the B. came C. to D. dinner



9. I have met him last week.

A. have B. met C. him D. last week
10. I once heard him to play the piano.
A. once B. heard C. to D. the

Remember to follow these steps when you do Task 1 Writing.

Understanding the task and the requirements:

 Think of some ideas for each question you are asked in the
Step 1: Preparation letter/email.
 Make notes for useful vocabulary.
 Expand your notes into a letter/email.
 Greeting
 Stating why you are writing
 Answering question 1
Step 2:  Answering question 2
Writing  Answering question 3
 Closing
 Ending/sign-off

Checking the content

Are the three questions answered? Are the content and the
style suitable?
Step 3: Checking the language
Checking & Editing Are there any grammar, vocabulary, or spelling errors?
Checking the organization
Is the letter well-organized? Are some connectors included?
Has the letter/email been organized into logical paragraphs?



You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You received an email from your English-speaking friend, Chris, who is planning to visit
you. Read his email:

We agreed that I would visit you during the first week in December, but would
you mind if I came the week after instead?
I'm really looking forward to seeing your country for the first time. What do
you think I'll particularly like about it?
December there is quite different from winter in my country, so what clothes
do you think I should bring with me?
I'll fly to Tan Son Nhat airport, of course, and I do hope that we both can meet
Speak to you again soon,

Write a letter of reply to Chris, and

- tell him whether he can come one week later,
- recommend where he might visit during his stay, and
- mention the clothes he should bring along.
You should write at least 120 words.
DO NOT include your name or addresses. Your response will be evaluated in terms of
Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary, and Grammar.



A typical Task 2 question will look like this:
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following topic:

Convenience foods will become increasingly prevalent and eventually replace

traditional foods and traditional methods of food preparation.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Write an essay to express your point of view. Give reasons for your answer and include
any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.
Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary,
and Grammar.

In Task 2, you need to write an academic essay on the topic given. In order to get a
high score for your essay, you should take the following steps:
1.1 Reading and understanding the task
1.2 Planning
1.3 Writing your essay (introduction, body, and conclusion)
1.4 Checking and editing

I.1 Reading and understanding the task

The first step in writing any essay is to read and understand the task correctly.
Exercise 1 Understanding different essay types
Here are words often seen in Task 2 questions. Use them to complete the description

solutions disagree support effect

examples problem agree contrast



In Task 2, you may be asked to (1) ______________ or (2) ______________ with an

opinion. You may also be asked to discuss cause and (3) ______________ or give
(4) ______________ to a (5) ______________.
In some cases, you might have to compare and (6) ______________ two things or
judge which one is better. In all cases, you will need to (7) ______________ your
opinions with explanations or (8) ______________.

Exercise 2 Identifying topics and tasks

Read the following Task 2 questions, then identify the topic and task for each one.
The first one is given as an example.

1. In many parts of the world, water supplies are dwindling at an alarming rate, yet
many people are reluctant to reduce their consumption. How can people be
encouraged to use less water?

Topic: water consumption

Task: give suggestions to encourage people to use less water

2. Personal devices such as MP3 players and mobile phones are making people
ruder. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Topic: _____________________
Task: ______________________

3. Some people believe that convicted criminals should be made to meet their victims
and apologise in person for their actions. What are your views?

Topic: ______________________
Task: _______________________

4. Student absenteeism and truancy are a major problem in schools. What measures
can be taken to deal with this issue?

Topic: ______________________
Task: _______________________



I.2. Planning
After analyzing the question, you must make a detailed outline for your essay.
Remember the following suggestions when making an outline:
 Make sure your essay has an introduction, a body with supporting paragraphs,
and a conclusion to sum up the main points.
 Write a thesis statement that introduces the main idea of the whole essay.
 Use academic vocabulary.
 Use different sentence structures, not only simple sentences but also
compound and complex sentences.
There are no absolute rules regarding what an outline should be. It does not need to
be lengthy – it is simply an organized list of ideas for your essay.

Task 2
Read the following essay topic.

Every year there are reports of serious injuries that occur not only to professional
sports people but also young amateurs playing sports like football and ice hockey.
Do you agree that some sports are simply too dangerous?

First, you should find out the key words to know the topic and the type of essay you
should write. Once you are sure you have understood the question, you should
brainstorm some ideas.
For this task, your ideas can be divided into FOR and AGAINST:

FOR (too dangerous) AGAINST (not too dangerous)

- can cause serious injuries - athletes wear protective gear
- even small injuries can have - only a small minority suffer
serious consequences injuries
- unnecessary dangers - all activities carry risk

It is also a good idea to brainstorm some relevant vocabulary.



Adjectives Names of sports

Dangerous Violent Snowboarding Skating

Barbaric Old-fashion Football Boxing

Professional Amateur Ice hockey Racing



Equipment Health problems

Helmet Padding (Head) injuries
Cup Protective gear (Brain) damage
Long-term problems
Broken bones

Here is a possible outline for the topic above:

INTRODUCTION • general statement about sports

• opinion: yes, some sports too dangerous
BODY PARAGRAPH 1 • can cause serious injuries
• especially bad for young people
BODY PARAGRAPH 2 • not necessary - plenty of other sports
• times change
CONCLUSION Restatement of opinion

Exercise 3 Planning
For each of the writing topics below, work out an outline for your essay. The first
one is given as an example.
1. People have various ways of relieving stress. What are some of the ways that you
find most effective in relieving stress? Give reasons and examples to support your



Introduction: My ways of relieving stress

Paragraph 1: Get away from the stress
- Read a book, see a movie, visit friends
(examples) - Necessary to leave stress to relieve it
(reason) - A time last month when I was able to finish a difficult
(personal story) assignment after leaving it for a while and going to see
a movie
Paragraph 2: Get moving
(examples) - Go for a walk, go dancing, go to the gym
(reason) - Helpful in providing an outlet for stress
(personal story) - A time last year when I was finally able to deal with a
problem with a friend after going on a long, long walk
Conclusion: - To relieve stress, get away from it and move
- Problems seem small and solutions seem clear

2. In some countries, many young working people live in shared houses with similar
people. Do you think the advantages of living in a shared house outweigh the




3. More and more children around the world are overweight. This can affect their
health and happiness. What do you think are the causes of this problem, and what
could be done to solve it?


I.3. Writing your essay

I.3.1 Introduction
The introduction is the first paragraph of an essay. It introduces the topic and arouses
the reader’s interest. Your introduction begins with a few general statements, then
last comes the thesis statement.
(1) Purpose
The introduction helps the reader know:
 the topic
 the aspect of the topic being dealt with
 the viewpoint/attitude taken by the writer to the topic
(2) Parts of the introduction
The introduction usually has two parts:
 General statements: These give the reader the background information
about the topic of your essay. They should lead the reader gradually from a
general idea to a very specific one.
 A thesis statement: This introduces the main idea of your essay.
Very often, the topic and thesis statement can be written in one sentence to
state the purpose of the essay, which is also seen as your response to the
instructions given to you.




A comprehensive method is needed in solving the issue of "aged society". Discuss.

The world is entering an "aged society". According to the UN statistics, in 2050, the
percentage of the aged will reach 23 per cent. Obviously, whether the old people can
live a decent life or not concerns not only humanism, but also social stability and family
happiness. Therefore, the society as a whole, not this section or that section, should be
responsible for their life.

This introduction has four sentences. The first three introduce the topic by providing
some background information, and the last one is the thesis statement which states
the central idea of the whole essay.

Exercise 4 Writing introductions

Write an introduction for each of the topics below.

1. People have various ways of relieving stress. What are some of the ways that you
find most effective in relieving stress? Give reasons and examples to support your


2. In some countries, many young working people live in shared houses with similar
people. Do you think the advantages of living in a shared house outweigh the




3. More and more children around the world are overweight. This can affect their
health and happiness. What do you think are the causes of this problem, and what
could be done to solve it?


4. To solve traffic jams, public transport systems are a better choice. Discuss.


I.3.2 Body
The body is the main part of your essay and must have at least two paragraphs, each
with a central topic.
Every paragraph in the body should have this general structure:
- A topic sentence: Each body paragraph starts with a topic sentence. A good topic
sentence has controlling ideas. Although topic sentences may appear anywhere in
paragraphs, in academic essays they often appear at the beginning.
- Supporting sentences: Different facts or points supporting the main idea of the
essay must be followed to support the topic sentence.
- A concluding sentence: Each body paragraph should have a concluding sentence in
order to make connection to the next paragraph. This link is a must-have element
as this is what makes the essay logically structured.

Topic Sentences
Below are two examples of good topic sentences:
Example 1

People who own their car have many expenses to pay in order to keep their car. One
of the expenses that car owners have is insurance. They also have to be content with
the increasing gasoline prices. In addition, every time their car breaks down, there
are bills for new parts and services.



This is a good topic sentence because it puts forward an argument: People owning a
car have many expenses to pay. Then, what follows this topic sentence are a number
of supporting sentences that develop the main idea with specific details, such as
insurance, rising gasoline prices, and bills for new parts and services.

Example 2

The age at which a person may drink liquor legally varies from state to state. In New
York, a person is allowed to drink liquor when he is eighteen. In New Jersey, the age
at which one can drink alcohol is seventeen. In Montana, ….

The topic sentence in this paragraph is supported with some examples of specific ages
of people allowed to drink liquor in different states.

Exercise 5 Writing topic sentences

The following three paragraphs lack topic sentences. Write a suitable topic sentence
for each.
1. _________________________________________________________________.
Many people learn English to travel. Even if they plan to go to a non-English-speaking
country, there is a good chance that some people will be able to speak English in their
destination. There are also many people who need English for their job, particularly if
they are working in an international company. Knowing English can be the key to a
promotion and pay rise. Still others learn because they want to emigrate to an English-
speaking country and, of course, there are those who like to learn a language just for
the fun of it.

2 _________________________________________________________________.
Having a computer means that a student can store large amounts of information and
access it easily. As long as the computer is internet-enabled, he or she can do research
without even needing to leave home. Writing assignments on a computer is much
easier, and in fact many professors these days will accept only word-processed

3 _________________________________________________________________.
Thirty years ago, most Australians sat down with their family to eat a dinner that was
probably prepared by the mother of the family. The type of food eaten has changed
as well. There are far more international ingredients available than a few decades ago,
and there is much more of an influence from the food of other countries, especially
Asian dishes.



Exercise 6 Writing topic and supporting sentences

For each outline below, write a topic sentence and supporting sentences to develop
them into a body paragraph. (Remember to use appropriate connectors to join them
into a coherent paragraph).
1. INTRO: characteristics leading to success as a student
SP1: self-motivation
SP2: desire to succeed
SP3: joy in learning
2. INTRO: living for today versus living for tomorrow
SP1: people who have a philosophy of living for today
SP2: people who have a philosophy of living for tomorrow
3. INTRO: my reasons for going to the movies all the time
SP1: to be entertained rather than taught
SP2: to feel good rather than -depressed
4. INTRO: advice to someone trying to learn a new language
SP1: listen to videos, television programs, radio programs in the new language
SP2: talk with native speakers of the language every chance you get
SP3: read newspapers, magazines, books in the new language
5. INTRO: steps the government should take to protect the Earth's environment
SP1: educate people about the causes and effects of environmental damage
SP2: create and enforce laws that penalize those who damage the environment
SP3: reward those who are environmentally conscious with tax incentives



Exercise 7 Writing a body paragraph

Write a body paragraph for each topic sentence below.
1. Well-established public transport systems are far more efficient and economical
than private cars.

2. Firstly, we have to admit that travelling alone has its merits.


I.3.3 Conclusion
A conclusion is the last paragraph of an essay. The conclusion signals the end of the
essay by summarizing the main points, or restating the thesis, or leaving the reader
with the writer's thought on the subject; however, it should not bring up a new one.
A conclusion should
 stress the importance of the thesis statement,
 give the essay a sense of completeness, and
 leave a final impression on the reader.
Below are some common connectors starting a conclusion paragraph:

In conclusion In sum To sum up Altogether

In all On the whole In a word All this suggests that ...
It can be concluded that ... In conclusion, it can be said that ...



Example topic

Some people prefer to work in groups on projects, while other people prefer to work
alone. What are the advantages of each, and which do you prefer?

Suggested conclusion
I have worked individually throughout my education, and I have been successful
working in this way because this style of work is a good match with my personality. I
can imagine that, for some people, the cooperative benefits that come from working
in groups might be a good thing. However, I prefer to continue with a style of work that
has made me successful up to now. I hope that the success that I have had up to now
by working in this way will continue to make me successful in the future.

Here the writer refers back to the personal information that was mentioned in the
introduction, saying I have worked individually throughout my education, and I have
been successful working this way. ...
The writer also briefly summarizes the advantages of each style of work by saying that
working individually is a good match with my personality and that working in groups
has cooperative benefits. Finally, the writer clearly states a preference for working
individually because of the success that this style of work has brought up to now.

Exercise 8 Checking the conclusion

Tick YES or NO in the columns depending on which action you think needs to be
taken for the conclusion.
1 Include the conclusion as the last part of the body.
2 Use the conclusion to create a feeling of wanting to know more.
3 Restate the thesis statement.
4 Put extra information or evidence to support your ideas into the
5 The conclusion should summarize the body.
6 Start the conclusion by writing "In conclusion".
7 Put the conclusion in the last paragraph.



Exercise 9 Which conclusion is better?

Read the body for an essay on the topic of two-tier pricing for tourists, and then read
the two conclusions that follow, decide which conclusion best fits the body.

Body paragraph
A strong argument for double-pricing is that local people pay taxes that are spent
on museums, national parks, and other facilities. Therefore, they deserve to pay lower
admission charges. If local people have to pay the same admission charges as foreign
tourists, they would, in effect, be paying more. Asking foreigners to pay more for
subsidised sectors is actually commonplace around the world. Most, for
example, require foreign students to pay much higher tuition fees than local residents.
Another reason often given to justify charging foreigners more is that there is no
other way to raise money. Many poor countries have insufficient funds for even basic
services like health care and education. They do not have money for cultural, historical,
and environmental attractions. These are luxuries that they cannot afford. Without the
extra money from double-pricing, historical sites in poor countries would be unable to
protect these cultural treasures. Likewise, national parks would have insufficient
resources to protect the flora and fauna.
Critics of double-pricing claim that charging tourists more is simply morally wrong.
There is some truth that it can be unfair but as mentioned above, locals have in many
cases already contributed by paying taxes. Furthermore, despite an irritation for
foreign tourists, they can afford to pay more than the average local person, and the
inflated prices are usually still low. If the local people were asked to pay the same
higher fees, most of them would be unable to enjoy their own national attractions.

Conclusion 1
All in all, I believe that double-pricing is justifiable because local people pay taxes that
are spent on museums, national parks and other facilities so they deserve to pay lower
admission charges. In addition, there is no other way to raise money, and foreign
tourists can afford to pay more. For example, if you visit a historical site in Thailand
and need to pay a higher admission than a local person, then you might be angry, but
you can afford it, and they need the money to keep the place in good condition.

Conclusion 2
All in all, although charging higher prices to foreigners seems unfair, I believe that this
double-pricing can be justified in some circumstances. Local people have already
contributed to facilities through paying taxes, and the authorities have few alternatives
for raising money to maintain attractions.



Exercise 10 Writing a conclusion

Write a conclusion for the following essay whose introduction is provided.

To solve traffic jams, public transport systems are a better choice. Discuss.

The problem of traffic jams in big cities has always been a headache. As to how to solve
this problem, people maintain different opinions. Some suggest that we give priority to
the development of private cars, others argue that mass transit systems should be put
in the first place. I am for the latter solution.

Exercise 11 Writing conclusions (1)

Read the thesis statements and the main points below, then write a conclusion for
each one.

1. Thesis statement: Watching television is not a waste of time.

Body: a. It is a valuable educational tool.
b. It provides entertainment to cheer us up.
c. It provides something for our family can have in common
to discuss.
Conclusion: ...............................................................................................
2. Thesis statement: In order to make a good impression at a job interview, you
should prepare well for the interview.
Body: a. The first thing you should do is plan your answers to the
possible questions the interviewer might ask.
b. Then you should carefully plan and prepare what you are
going to wear.
c. Finally you should make sure that you arrive on time.
Conclusion: ...............................................................................................



Exercise 12 Writing conclusions (2)

Choose any topics given above, write a conclusion for each of them.

I.4. Checking and Editing

When planning your essay, you should spare some last minutes for checking and
editing. Before handing in your paper, you have to read it through to check for
vocabulary mistakes like spelling and capitalization as well as grammar mistakes such
as punctuation, subject-verb agreement, or verb tenses.
When writing at home, you will, of course, have more time to check your writing style
and organization. You can do the following:
 Make sure your essay has an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a
 Check that you have a thesis statement that introduces the main idea of the
 Check that all your paragraphs follow the proper paragraph format.
 Make sure that each sentence makes sense.
 See if your essay is interesting.



Exercise 13 Checking
A list of common errors is given in column 1. Read and correct the example sentences
in column 2.

Errors Examples Correction

1 subject-verb The manner in which you
agreement spoke to those people are
2 articles Crime is number 1 problem in
my city.
3 prepositions & That author's most recent
punctuation novel is based in the Civil War
in Spain, but at a deeper level
many perceive the book as a
protest on Spanish social
4 auxiliary verbs I aren’t agree with that
5 word order This situation has been
getting worse considerably.
6 word formation Alcohol can be as addiction as
7 tenses At the moment, many people
have lived in poverty.
8 singular/plural Now merchants do businesses
online, and sign contract via
the Internet.
9 sentence There are many reasons
fragments people change careers. For
example, money or
10 run-on Technology can make our
sentences lives a lot better, most
people’s lives have been
improved immensely by
technological advances.




II.1 Agree/Disagree essay
For essays of this kind, you will sometimes be asked a direct question, such as:

Men are naturally better than women at certain kinds of job.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people think children are given too much homework these days.
What are your views?

For this kind of essay, you can choose to completely agree, to completely disagree, or
to partly agree. However, if you choose to partly agree, you have to be very specific
about which parts of the statement you agree with and which you don't. This can make
writing your essay more complicated.

An example outline for an agree/disagree essay:

Introduction • general statement

• thesis statement presenting your opinion
(whether you agree or disagree)
Body paragraph 1 • first reason why you agree or disagree
• support (examples or explanation)
Body paragraph 2 • second reason why you agree or disagree
• support (examples or explanation)
Body paragraph 3 • third reason why you agree or disagree
• support (examples or explanation)
Conclusion • restatement of opinion and summary of reasons

For an agree/disagree essay, you do not have to agree or disagree 100% but you should
explain clearly in which cases you agree (i.e. to what extent wholly or partially or in
certain circumstances).



Exercise 14 Writing an essay (Agree/Disagree essay)

Write an essay on the following topic:

Every year there are reports of serious injuries that occur not only to professional sports
people but also young amateurs playing sports like football and ice hockey. Do you
agree that some sports are simply too dangerous?




II.2 Advantage/Disadvantage Essays

An advantage/disadvantage essay is the one which is based on facts and weighs the
options to come to a conclusion.
When you write this type of essay, remember that you are not going to persuade the
reader but simply provide a simple analysis of both sides of an issue and give
appropriate consideration.

Start your essay by giving a general description of the topic. You should also clearly
explain that the essay is going to provide information on the advantages and
disadvantages of the topic described.

The advantages and disadvantages you have already outlined should now be expanded
in the body of the essay. Do not just list the point, rather give some explanation and
where possible, back it up with evidence. For instance, if the advantage of coal mining
is employment, provide the figure on the number of jobs it provides to people in the
area under discussion.

In the conclusion, you simply restate the main advantages and disadvantages of the
topic being detailed.

Exercise 15 Gap-fill
Put the words and phrases in the box into the correct places in the essay on the
following topic:

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of studying overseas and then give your



a. Indeed f. The argument against studying in a foreign

b. I feel, however, that country mainly focuses on the fact that
c. In addition g. To conclude
d. Furthermore h. While it is true that a certain degree of
e. In fact sacrifice is needed

With the world becoming more and more like a global village, and with
economies improving, many people have an opportunity to study abroad. Seen by
many as a way to improve a second language, experience a foreign culture, and come
back home with a qualification, others regard it as a waste of time and money.
(1) ____________ the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages when studying
(2) ____________ it costs a lot of money and it causes a huge upheaval for not
only the students but also their family and friends. (3) ____________, for many, they
are spending their life savings in order to experience one year abroad.
(4) ____________, there is no guarantee that when they return home after their
studies, a job will be waiting for them.
(5) ____________, the idea that this is nothing more than a complete waste of
money and will only result in unemployment is clearly untrue. From an academic point
of view, the chance to broaden knowledge and experience new ideas and concepts can
only be seen as positive. It is also essential for people keen on furthering their career
and enhancing their chances of promotion.
(6) ____________, a chance to hone interpersonal skills, develop a more
international outlook on life as well as have an opportunity to become more
independent are priceless experiences will benefit them for the rest of their life.
(7) ____________, this is an ideal way to create self-confidence and a sense of purpose
in the students that is hard to develop in any other way.
(8) ____________, studying overseas offers students a chance of a lifetime both
academically and personally. It will help them keep one step ahead of the competition
when finding work as well as provide them with the chance to become a more rounded,
mature person.



Exercise 16 Writing an essay (Advantage/Disadvantage essay)

Write a four-paragraph essay on the following topic:

Zoos are often seen as important but poor alternatives to allowing animals to remain
in their natural environment. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of keeping
animals in captivity and then give your opinion.




II.3 Cause/Effect Essays

This type of essay has a number of variations. Sometimes you may be asked just to
discuss the causes of a problem or situation, such as:

Many couples these days are choosing to have fewer children. Why is this the case?

In other cases, you may be asked to discuss only effects, such as:

Migration between countries is becoming increasingly common. Discuss any

consequences this might have, whether positive or negative.

Sometimes the two might be combined and you could be asked to discuss both causes
and effects. For example:

An increasing number of adults in their twenties or even thirties are moving back into
their parents' homes. What are the factors that lead to this situation, and how can it
affect everybody involved?

When writing a cause/effect essay, you have to write about:

 causes of the problem
 effects of the problem
 solutions to the problem, focusing on reducing/eliminating the causes, NOT the

1. Making an outline
Here are possible outlines:

Introduction • General statement introducing problem or situation
• Thesis statement about causes
Body paragraph 1 • First cause
• Support (examples or explanation)
Body paragraph 2 • Second cause
• Support (examples or explanation)
(Extra body paragraphs may be used if there are further causes.)
Conclusion • Summary of causes



Introduction • General statement introducing problem or situation
• Thesis statement about effects
Body paragraph 1 • Present first effect
• Support (examples or explanation)
Body paragraph 2 • Present second effect
• Support (examples or explanation)
(Extra body paragraphs may be used if there are further effects.)
Conclusion • Summary of effects


Introduction • General statement introducing problem or situation
• Thesis statement about causes and effects
Body paragraph 1 • All causes
• Support (examples or explanation)
Body paragraph 2 • All effects
• Support (examples or explanation)
Conclusion • Summary of causes and effects

2. The next step in writing a cause/effect essay is developing your thesis statement
and body paragraphs. When doing this, you should pay attention to the logical order
of your arguments. Usually, there are three ways of organizing your thoughts:
chronological order, order of importance, and categorical order. Use the one which
corresponds to your arguments.
3. Use connectors when writing your body paragraphs, such as because, due to the
fact, since that, secondly, firstly, as a result, therefore, that is why, and so on.
4. Summarize the main points in the conclusion.
5. Reread it and correct mistakes. Make sure you use appropriate language and writing



Exercise 17 Identifying Cause/Effect

Read the following sentences, which describe a solution for an effect (E) or a cause
(C), then write C or E after each one.
Global Warming
1. We will need to build sea walls to protect coastal properties.
2. Governments should subsidize public transportation.
Childhood Obesity
1. There should be a ban on advertisements for junk food.
2. Children need to be screened for diabetes.
Bullying in Schools
1. Schools should provide free counselling sessions for the victims of bullying.
2. Teachers have to try harder to create a class atmosphere of inclusion.

II.4 Problem-Solution Essays

For this type of task, you are given a problem and asked to suggest possible ways to
solve the problem. For example:

It is common nowadays for people to accumulate large credit card debts, which they
are unable to deal with. What can be done about this?

To write effectively, you need to organize your essay carefully by:

 interesting your reader in the problem,
 convincing your reader that the problem is important and needs to be solved,
 explaining your solution clearly,
 convincing the reader that your solution is cost-effective, feasible and workable,
 & convincing your reader that your solution is better than others' solution.

Here is a possible outline for this kind of essay:

Introduction • General statement introducing problem

• Thesis statement about suggestions
Body paragraph 1 • First suggestion
• Why it is a good suggestion
Body paragraph 2 • Second suggestion
• Why it is a good suggestion
(Extra body paragraphs may be used if there are more suggestions.)
Conclusion • Summary of suggestions



Exercise 18 Gap-fill
Put the words and phrases in the box into the correct places in the essay below.

a. With this in mind f. for example

b. Many scholars are now convinced g. All in all, I am firmly convinced
c. Another way to help address this h. The first recommendation would be
problem would be if to provide
d. In addition i. Finally
e. Indeed j. therefore

A rapidly increasing global population will lead to many social and environmental
problems unless something is done to help control this impending catastrophe. Suggest
ways to help slow down this trend.

(1) _____________ that future wars will be triggered by a lack of land, food, and
water rather than for political reasons. One of the main causes of this is likely to be the
global population explosion. It is, (2) _____________, essential that ways to help
control this are put into action before it is too late. (3) _____________, several
suggestions to help make inroads into this phenomenon are offered in this essay.
(4) _____________ tax incentives for parents who do not exceed the stated
maximum number of children. A government could, (5) _____________, encourage
families to only have one child by keeping their salary tax at a basic level. This would
immediately increase (perhaps even double) if they had a second child.
(6) _____________ the government could introduce sex education lessons into
the national curriculum and establish family planning clinics in the more rural areas of
the country. (7) _____________, free contraceptives could be distributed to low-
income households if they attended a series of lessons on family planning.
(8) _____________ the introduction of a welfare system to ease the financial
burden of the poorer families in both urban and rural areas would also help.
(9) _____________, as families began to realise that less children means more money
and a better lifestyle, they would be further encouraged to use contraception.
(10) _____________ we will be able to combat this problem effectively with the
intervention of the appropriate authorities and the implementation of tax incentives
and the all-important development of family planning education. It is only by taking
such actions that it becomes possible to develop and then maintain a high quality of
life, a healthy environment and a sound economy in every country in the world.



Exercise 19 Writing an essay (Problem-Solution essay)

Write a four-paragraph essay on the following topic:

Motorways help people travel quickly and cover long distances, but they also cause
problems. What are the problems of motorways and what solutions are there?





Coherence is how clear and easy to understand your writing is. Cohesion is how well
your writing 'sticks' together.
To judge these criteria, the examiner will look more specifically at your overall
structure (introduction > body > conclusion), the structure within your paragraphs and
the linking words and devices you use. Linking words and phrases can be put into a
number of categories according to their function.
Exercise 20 Linking words and phrases
Fill the gaps with appropriate linking words and phrases from the box to have a
coherent essay on the following topic:
Fatherhood is as important as motherhood. Discuss.

Even though However Indeed Therefore

Moreover Finally For example Although
Apart from this In the first place

In most western countries, child-rearing is now accepted as the responsibility of

both parents. (1) ____________ a mother and father may have different and
sometimes have interchangeable roles, they are both seen as being of equal
importance to the children. (2) ____________, in less developed countries or tribal
communities, a father still holds the more traditional role of breadwinner and is more
distant from the children. (3) ____________, in western countries, it is only in the last
twenty or thirty years that we have seen fatherhood being emphasised as much as
A lot of people might argue that children should be solely the woman’s domain.
These people believe that a mother is more important for infants as she cab breastfeed
and protect her babies with a strong maternal instinct. (4) ____________, the basic
responsibility of the father is to make sure the family is materially provided for, and
spending time rearing the children would interfere with his ability to financially
support the family.
However, in my opinion, this definition of fatherhood is not complete and no
longer satisfies the average western male. (5) ____________, instead of only fulfilling
a financial responsibility towards the family, the modern father should involve himself
in the everyday activities of bringing up the children. (6) ____________, he needs to
play with them, read to them and teach them about the world. (7) ____________, the
father will have more emotional fulfillment from his family life, as he shares more in
the joy, as well as the duties, of child-rearing. (8) ____________, I strongly believe that
a father can best teach children qualities such as courage, curiosity and confidence.



(9) ____________, the more he participates in his children’s development, the better
they will deal with the world when they grow up.
All things considered, it is this second, fuller concept of fatherhood that I agree
with. (10) ____________ in reality, with stresses and demands of the modern
workplace, it is a difficult, yet nonetheless worthwhile ideal to achieve.


To get a high score for your writing, you have to use not only accurate grammar but
also various structures. In other words, you must pay attention to correct countable
and uncountable nouns, appropriate tenses; subject-verb agreement; simple,
compound and complex sentences (e.g. conditionals, relative clauses, passive voice…)

Exercise 21 Grammar errors

The paragraph below is quite well-written, but it has a problem in grammar. What
is wrong with it?

The government should have more regulations about water. They should police the
rules strictly. In Western Australia people can only use water sometimes. They can't
use too much water. However, many people don't follow the rules. They don't care
because they don't think the police will catch them. The police might catch them, but
the police will only give them a minor fine. The government should be more strict.
People will obey the rules more.

You should use a wide range of academic vocabulary. Below is part of an answer to
the following topic:

All young people should be taught basic domestic skills such as cooking in school.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Student’s writing:

Some people say that all young people should be taught basic domestic skills such as
cooking in school. I agree that all young people should be taught basic domestic skills.
In this essay I will say why I agree.



What's wrong with this? The candidate has copied the words from the question
exactly, and all of the other words used are very basic and repetitive. He/she does not
use a wide range of vocabulary.

The candidate should have paraphrased the words and phrases from the question. For
• Instead of all young people they could have written all schoolchildren or even
each/every young person.
• Instead of should be taught they could have written should/must/has to/ needs
to learn/be educated in or even It is important/essential that [young people]
• Instead of basic domestic skills such as cooking they could have written
fundamental household skills like how to cook.

Exercise 22 Vocabulary
Choose the correct form of the words in brackets and also fill the numbered gaps
with words from the box below.

congestion allows third to approach also

to access to construct disturbing inconvenience

(Charging/Charge) money for entry into the inner city is one way (1) _______________
the (problem/problems) of traffic (2) _______________. This would encourage
(motorist/motorists) to use public transport and, at the same time, it
(3) _______________ people to use their cars if they pay (a fee/fees).
(Restrict/Restricting vehicle access to the city is (4) _______________ way of
(limit/limiting) the amount of traffic. However, this could cause (5) _______________
to some people, for example, disabled people, who need to be able (6)
_______________ the inner city in their cars, because they cannot use public transport
easily. A (7) _______________ method for (approaching/approach) the issue is (8)
_______________ underground or elevated motorway (network/networks) which can
carry cars without (9) _______________ street-level traffic. This would
(10) _______________ reduce (congestion/congestions) in the inner city.



 Do not learn sample answers and then rewrite them in the exam. The examiners
can recognize your prepared answer and you will lose a lot of marks.
 Do not copy out the words in the task but use your own words.
 Allow 5 minutes at the start for planning and another 3–4 minutes at the end for

Below are some useful suggestions you should apply during your practice stage:
1 Read the task carefully,
2 Underline the important parts of the task,
3 Think about vocabulary you can use to paraphrase the topic,
4 Make a rough plan, and
5 Write your essay.


Read through your writing and check for:
overall structure – Have you addressed all parts of the task?
paragraphing – Did you start a new paragraph for each new idea? Have you
grouped your ideas logically in paragraphs?
grammar, spelling and punctuation – Have you used articles (a/an/the), tenses,
spelling, capitals, commas, full stops or apostrophes correctly?
coherence – Have you used connectors to link your ideas?
style – Have you used a formal style of English?



Task 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You received this letter from your English friend, Ronnie. Read part of his email:

… I've just been talking to my mum and dad about our summer holidays, and they
suggested that this year you could spend a couple of weeks with us! We stay right
by the sea, the weather's always beautiful and there's plenty to do in the town.
What do you think?
We’ll be there all summer, so if you can come, which month would suit you better:
July or August?
We have a small spare room in our apartment there and you'd be welcome to use
that, or else you could stay at my elder sister's studio next door, as she's away
studying in New Zealand. Which would you prefer?
Hope to hear from you soon!

Write a letter of reply to your friend, and

- tell him whether you want to visit them,
- say which month you prefer to come, and
- let him know where you particularly like to stay then.
You should write at least 120 words. DO NOT include your name or addresses. Your
response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary, and

Task 2
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following topic:

The environment problems facing today’s world are so great that there is little
ordinary people can do to improve the situation. Governments and large companies
should be responsible for reducing the amount of damage being done to the
environment. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Write an essay to express your point of view. Give reasons for your answer and include
any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary, and Grammar.







- In Part 1, you have to answer 3-6 questions about 2 different topics in 3 minutes.
- Don’t just answer “Yes” or “No”. Try to give some information/ reasons.
Do you read books?
 Yes, I do.
 Yes, I do. I read books both for fun and for work.
- Try to link ideas. You can use conjunctions such as “and”, “but”, “because”, “so”….
What’s your favorite time of the year?
 I love summer. I don’t have to go to school.
 I love summer the most because I don’t have to go to school at that time.



- S. + enjoy/ love/ dislike/ hate/ adore + N./ V-ing
My brother loves all kinds of music.
- S. + be + into + V-ing
I am not into hanging out with friends at weekends.
- S. + be + fond of/ keen on/ interested in/ crazy about/ fascinated by + N./ V-ing
I am really keen on online shopping.
- S. + be + my favorite + N.
English was one of my favorite subjects at school.
- S. + be + a big fan of + N.
My mom is a big fan of romantic movies.
- S. + can’t stand/ can’t bear + N. / V-ing
I can’t stand reading grammar books in English.



1. Hometown
1. Where’s your hometown?
2. What do you like about the place?
3. What can tourists do when visiting your hometown?
4. What can be done to make your hometown a better place to live in?

- a shopping center, a high-rise flat, an office block, a residential area, a chain
store, a car park, a recreation centre, an upmarket store, a pavement café (n.)
- quiet, peaceful, lively, dynamic, hospitable, provincial, modern, historic,
cosmopolitan, coastal, overcrowded, polluted (adj.)

2. Work
1. Where do you work?
2. What do you like best about working there?
3. What do you dislike about the job?
4. If you could choose another job to do, what would it be?

- a full-time/ part-time/ permanent/ temporary job (n.)
- work environment, a colleague, a chance of promotion, career prospects (n.)
- tiring, stressful, time-consuming, rewarding, well respected, well-paid, low-paid

3. Films
1. Do you like watching films? Why (not)?
2. What’s your favorite film? Why do you like it?
3. Which do you prefer, watching films or reading books? Why?
4. Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema? Why?

- dull, entertaining, futuristic, enjoyable, heartbreaking, inspirational, moving,
thrilling (adj.)
- a plot, a central character, a trailer, a soundtrack, a director, a theme (n.)



4. Free time
1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
2. How much time do you have each week for doing these things?
3. How did you start doing these activities at first?
4. What other hobbies would you like to try?

- to spend time on sth / doing sth
- to have time for sth/ to do sth
- free / spare / leisure time, a leisure activity/ pursuit, a pastime (n.)

5. Sports
1. Do you like sports? Why (not)?
2. Do you prefer playing sports or watching sports? Why?
3. What’s your favorite sport?
4. What equipment do you need for your favorite sport?

- to play a sport (badminton/ table tennis/ soccer/ tennis/ golf)
- to do yoga/ aerobics
- to go swimming/ fishing

6. Travel
1. Do you enjoy traveling? Why (not)?
2. What kinds of places have you visited in your life?
3. Among them, which is your favorite travel destination? Why?
4. If you have a chance to travel abroad, what country would you choose?

- to book a trip, to pay a visit, to go sight-seeing, to hang about, to get around, to
go backpacking, to check in (v.)
- a place of interest, a tourist attraction, a travel destination, a historic building,
a guided/ self-organized tour, a backpacking holiday, a holiday brochure,
local crafts/ cuisine/ people, a holiday resort, an inn, a youth hostel (n.)



- S. + prefer + Noun/ V-ing (+ to + Noun/ V-ing)
Many people prefer football to table tennis.
My sister prefers listening to music to watching films
- S. + like + Noun/ V-ing + better than + Noun/ V-ing
I like playing the guitar better than listening to the radio.
- S. + would rather + bare inf. + than + bare inf.
I would rather stay home than go to that party.

7. Friendship
1. Is friendship important to you? Why (not)?
2. Would you rather have many friends or just a few close friends? Why?
3. Do you still keep in touch with your childhood friends? Why (not)?
4. What would you never do with your friends?

- a dear/ close/ good/ real friend, a fair-weather friend, a childhood friend, a
lifelong friend, a family friend, a school friend, a pen friend, a false friend, an
acquaintance, a colleague, a long lost friend (n.)
- to keep in touch with sb, to stay in contact with sb, to lose touch with sb,
to get on well with sb, to break up with sb, to build/ nurture a relationship (v.)

8. Families
1. Do you come from a large or a small family?
2. How often do you have a family get-together?
3. Who are you closest to in your family?
4. Would you rather spend your free time with your friends or your family members?

- a nuclear/ extended/ single-parent/ two-income family, family meals/
members/ time/ gathering, a close/ distant relative, a generation gap (n.)
- close-knit (adj.)



- …. a plan for + N.
What are your plans for your study?
- S. + plan + to-inf.
I’m planning to visit my brother in the US.
- S. + have plans/ a plan + to-inf.
I have plans to study abroad next year.

9. Plans
1. Do you like making plans? Why (not)?
2. What’s the hardest part of making plans?
3. What are your plans for the next five years?
4. What can you do to achieve your plans?

- realistic, practical, ambitious, detailed, tight, long-term, achievable (adj.)
- to be on/ behind/ ahead of schedule
- to set/ achieve/ obtain/ … a goal/ target

10. Parties
1. Do you enjoy going to parties? Why (not)?
2. When was the last time you went to a party?
3. How do you plan to celebrate your next birthday?
4. What present would you like to receive on your birthday?

- Types of parties: a farewell party, a birthday celebration, a wedding feast, a
fancy-dress party, a pot-luck (n.)
- to throw/ hold/ join/ attend/ host/… a party, to bring great pleasure (v.)




- In Part 2, you have 1 minute to prepare your response. Spend your time taking
notes of ideas and key words. Don’t write full sentences!
- You are given 3 options. Choose one option and talk for 3 minutes. Remember
to give reasons to support your choice.



- Personally, it seems to me that S + V
- It’s my belief that S+V
- In my opinion, S+V
- To my mind, S+V
- From my point of view, S+V
- Well, obviously, S+V
- From my perspective, S+V
Well, obviously, Jane should buy a book for her father on his birthday.
- S. + find + O. (N/ V-ing) + adj.
Jane finds that job rather demanding.
- S. + find + it + adj. + to-inf
I don’t find it easy to share my feelings with strangers.


- Regarding + N. , S+V
- When it comes to + N. ,S+V
- Speaking of + N. ,S+V
- In terms of + N. ,S+V
When it comes to holding a party, I would prefer a place that is warm and cosy.



- S+V+ because/ as/ since +S+V
I like swimming because it is good for my health.
- S+V+ because of/ due to + Noun (phrase)
He failed the test because of his laziness.
- …. This is because +S+V
I don’t think I will play football. This is because I don’t like sports and I don’t have
enough time.
- ….. One/ Another reason is (that) +S+V
I think Jane should join a speaking club. One reason is that it helps her make new
- S+V + in that +S+V
The study is important in that it confirms the need for a balanced diet.

- …. (MUCH) + short adjective –ER + (THAN ….)
He’s (much) taller than his sister.
- … (MUCH) MORE +long adjective + (THAN …)
Watching TV is much more interesting than listening to the radio.
- Exceptions 1:
good – better bad – worse far – farther/ further
much/many – more little – less
- Exceptions 2: Two-syllabic adjectives ending in –y, -ow, -le, -er, -et
happy – happier quiet – quieter narrow – narrower
simple – simpler clever – cleverer

- …. + THE + short adjective –EST
That was the happiest moment of my life.
- … + THE MOST + long adjective
Watching TV is more interesting than listening to the radio.



- For instance/ For example, S+V
Listening to music has many benefits. For instance, it can help us relax.
- …. One (typical/ illustrative) example is + N.
People can do many things online. One example is shopping for things.
- … such as + N.
People can relax in many ways such as listening to music or chatting with friends.

1. Which do you think is the best way of spending your free time: singing karaoke
with friends, going to the pub, or playing sports? Why?

- enjoyable, relaxing, worthwhile, entertaining (adj.)
- to have some fun, to spend time together, to stay healthy, to keep fit,
to amuse oneself/ to kill time ... by doing sth (v.)

2. Which would be the best place to live for a family with children: a small
town, a city center, or a village? Why?

- to have access to good education/ modern technology …, to be close to nature,
to commute to work (v.)
- property prices, basic/ public amenities, sports/ local facilities, an active
nightlife, pollution, traffic congestion, cost of living, crime rate, urban/ rural life,
a rat race, a high cost of living, high living standard, infrastructure (n.)
- to be on the/ one’s doorstep



3. Your friend, Peter, is planning to take up a new hobby. Which of the following
things should he choose: collecting things, painting, or taking photos? Which do
you think is the best choice? Why?

- to pursue/ take up a hobby (v.)
- to take up/ to take part in/ to get into/ to have a go at … sth (v.)
- a(n) leisure/ outdoor pursuit, a keen stamp/ antiques collector (n.)
- a(n) fine/ extensive/ large/ priceless collection of sth (n.)

4. Your brother wants to do a part-time job in the summer. The following jobs are
suggested: a shop assistant, a tour guide, and a tutor. Which do you think is the
best choice? Why?

- respected, well-paid, low-paid, tough, challenging, demanding, career-oriented
- to pursue a career in sth, to be qualified for sth, to seek a job, to gain experience



5. Your younger sister wants to lose some weight. Which of the following things
would you advise her to do: to do yoga at home, to go to the gym, or to go on a
diet? Why do you think so?

- to form/ develop good habits (of doing sth), to maintain a well-balanced/
proper diet, to go on a strict/ special diet (high/ low/ rich in sth),
to stay away from junk foods, to consume energy/ vast quantities of chips,
to be physically active, to adopt a(n) healthy/ active lifestyle,
to practise yogic exercises, to work out with one’s personal trainer (v.)
- physical fitness/ strength, endurance… (n.)

6. Your brother is stressed out at work. What do you think he should do: take up a
new hobby, go on a short vacation, or hang out with friends after work? Why do
you think so?

- to share your feelings with somebody, to free your mind from worry,
to laugh sth off, to socialize with sb (v.)
- to relieve/ combat/ control/ manage/alleviate/ reduce stress (v.)
- refreshed, revitalized, relieved (adj.)



7. You want to improve your English speaking skill. Which of the following things
would you choose to do: going to an English speaking club, study English by
yourself online, or taking an English course at a language center? Why?

- to brush up on/ to sharpen/ to hone one’s skill, to be exposed to the target
language (v.)
- Practice makes perfect.
- a learning style/ environment/ condition/ activity (n.)

8. You are going to celebrate your birthday, but you don’t know where to hold the
party. The following places are suggested: a local restaurant, the school canteen,
and your house. Which place would you choose? Why?

- time-saving, money-saving, convenient, comfortable, exhausting, cosy,
spacious (adj.)
- to put up birthday decorations, to invite sb over, to serve as a venue for an
event, to provide fast/ convenient service, to offer a wide choice of dishes
- a birthday treat, a surprise party (n.)



9. Which of the following TV programmes is the best choice for you: talent shows,
comedy series, sports programmes? Why?

- relaxing, thrilling, entertaining, informative, ridiculous, amusing, meaningful,
inspirational, educational (adj.)
- to be worth doing/ watching, to reshape one’s attitude towards sb/ sth,
to inspire sb to do sth (v.)

10. Which do you think is the most beneficial activity for young people:
cooking, playing computer games, or joining outdoor activities? Why?

- to be beneficial to sb/sth, to acquire/ pick up a skill, to be addicted to sth
- practical/ essential/ physical/ motor/ problem-solving/ interpersonal skills
- an online/ interactive game, psychological/ health/ social problems (n.)
- overweight, depressed, antisocial (adj.)



- In Part 3, you have 1 minute to prepare your response. Take notes of what
you want to say. Don’t write full sentences.
- Remember to discuss the topic. You can use the ideas given and/or your own
idea. Please give reasons to support your response.
- After discussing the topic, you can answer the follow-up questions. You have
4 minutes to talk in Part 3.



- First/ Second/ Next/ Finally/ To start with, ….
- Besides/ Moreover/ Furthermore/ In addition/ Additionally, …
In addition, reading books can help us widen our knowledge.
- To sum up/ In summary, …
In summary, there are various ways for people to improve their language skills.

- S. + …. allow/ enable/ help …. + O. + to-inf.

Reading enables us to improve our memory.
- One of the benefits of + N/ V-ing + is + N/ V-ing
One of the benefits of foreign travel is learning to cope with the unexpected.

- S. + …. lead to/ result in/ cause …. + N/ V-ing

Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer traffic accidents.
- S. + cause/ lead + O. + to-inf
Her advice led him to make that decision.



1. Working in teams has many benefits.

Learn from others

Learn to cooperate Working in [your own idea]


Save time

Follow-up questions
- What kinds of jobs do you think often require teamwork skills?
- What are some problems of working in teams?
- What do people need to know to work in teams effectively?


- time-consuming, time-saving (adj.)
- to handle conflicts, to share knowledge/ expertise, to build team spirit,
to pool ideas/ resources, to contribute ideas (v.)
- a teammate, a team member/ leader, a common goal/ purpose, a shared
interest (n.)



2. Working part-time can be useful in many ways.

Earn money

Gain experience Working part-time [your own idea]

Meet new people

Follow-up questions
- Which of the benefits above do you think is the most important? Why?
- What problems may students have when working part-time?
- What can people do to make the most of their part-time jobs?


- to gain (hands-on/ practical) experience/ training in sth,
to acquire knowledge, to earn a living, to handle/ tackle a problem,
to make the most of sth/ to take full advantage of sth,
to fit in with one’s situation, to accommodate one’s schedule,
to meet people from different walks of life, to cover one’s expenses (v.)



3. People should enjoy meals at home more often.

Healthier food

Lower cost Enjoy meals at [your own idea]


Better family relationships

Follow-up questions
- Why do some people prefer dining out?
- Is it important to learn how to cook? Why (not)?
- Why are some people spending less time having meals with their family these days?


- family bonds/ ties, shared family time, a family get-together,
an aspect of family life, home-cooked food, a nutritious diet (n.)
- to nurture relationships, to provide an opportunity for sth,
to offer a chance to do sth, to have time for a (brief/ temporary)
respite from sth unpleasant (v.)



4. Watching cartoons can bring benefits to children.

Learn about the real world

Improve their Watching [your own idea]

imagination cartoons

Entertain themselves

Follow-up questions
- Do you think adults enjoy watching cartoons? Why (not)?
- Which do you find more beneficial to children, watching cartoons or reading story
books? Why?
- Should children be left to watch cartoons alone without their parents’ supervision?
Why (not)?


- imaginative, creative, enterprising, misleading, distracted (adj.)
- to improve/ boost/ foster creativity, to be under sb’s supervision,
to enable sb to do sth (v.)
- cognitive/ reasoning/ linguistic/ interpersonal skills (n.)



5. There are many sources of stress in our life.

Our work

Our relationships Sources of stress [your own idea]

Our lifestyles

Follow-up questions
- What problems may people have when they feel stressed?
- Who are better at relieving stress, men or women? Why do you think so?
- Do you think men and women deal with stress in the same way? Why?


- to maintain work-life balance, to be under stress, to suffer from stress,
to lesson workplace/ academic performance, to commit suicide,
to lose hope (v.)
- drained, exhausted, fatigued (adj.)
- work-related stress, stress-related illness, stress levels, stress
symptoms, physical/ mental health, long work hours,
unfulfilled expectations, a personal/ family/ financial issue,
lack of support/ job security (n.)



6. Examinations are the best form of assessment.

Encourage students to work hard

students’ Examinations [your own idea]
academic abilities

Are the best ways for colleges

to choose their students

Follow-up questions
- What’s the best way to prepare for a test?
- What do you think about the exam system in Vietnam?
- Do you think test scores always reflect people’s true intelligence and ability? Why


- a form of assessment/ measurement, academic performance, exam
preparation, exam-related pressure, exam skills, study load, time
management (n.)
- to give feedback about sth, to motivate somebody to do sth,
to revise for the test, to put sb under pressure, to stay focused on sth
- reliable, unreliable, informative, unfair, exam-oriented (adj.)



7. We should do more to stop people smoking and drinking.

Are a waste of money

Smoking and [your own idea]

Are harmful to our

Can cause social problems

Follow-up questions
- Why do some people start smoking?
- What can be done to help people quit smoking?
- Why do you think it is hard for people to stop smoking and drinking?


- to quit/ break a bad habit, to reduce alcohol intake/ consumption,
to have a negative/ damaging impact on sth, to do harm to sth/ sb (v.)
- a chain-smoker, an alcoholic, a drug addict, heavy drinking,
a long-term impact, social evil, a serious health condition/ risk (n.)



8. Reading habit should be encouraged among teenagers.

Reduce stress

Gain knowledge Reading habit [your own idea]

Improve memory

Follow-up questions
- What is the difference between the kinds of books read by your parents’
generation and those read by your generation?
- Do you think that governments should support free books for all people? Why
- In what way can parents help children develop their interest in reading?


- to have a good/ bad/ poor memory, to form/ develop/ acquire a good habit of
doing sth, to read a book from cover to cover, to read between the lines (v.)
- a compelling book/ story, a page-turner, a best-seller, bedtime reading,
an avid/ keen/ slow reader, cognitive engagement, self-improvement (n.)



9. Music should be taught at school.

Develop positive attitudes

Music taught [your own idea]

at school

Help with language development

Follow-up questions
- What do you think makes a piece of music popular among teenagers?
- Do you think people’s taste for music has changed over the past few years? Why?
- What would life be like without music?


- To develop/ adopt/ take a positive attitude towards sb/sth, to undergo a
change in/of attitude, to have/ develop a liking for sth,
to enrich one’s emotional/ spiritual life, to soothe / calm one’s feelings
- language acquisition, artistic development (n.)



10. There many things one can do to make new friends.

Join clubs

Make new [your own idea]

Chat online

Go on guided tours

Follow-up questions
- Who are better at making friends, adults or children? Why do you think so?
- What are the qualities of a good friend?
- Should people trust online friends? Why (not)?


- to place/ put one’s trust in sb/ sth, to confide in sb, to be a good listener,
to have sth in common, to socialize / interact with sb, to get to know sb,
to reach out to sb (v.)
- a relationship based on trust and understanding (n.)
- understanding, caring, trustworthy, reliable, amicable, warm-hearted,
sympathetic (adj.)



- Do you have a lot of free time? Why (not)?
- Do you prefer spending your free time alone or with your family? Why?
- What do you often do in your free time?
- How do you usually keep in touch with your family?
- Do you prefer speaking to people on the phone or writing emails to them?
- Do you ever write letters by hand? Why (not)?

- Situation: Which of the following would be the best way to spend a two-day
holiday: relaxing at home, going on an excursion, or going on a city bus tour? Why
do you think so?

- Topic: There are many interesting things people can do online.

Read news

Things people can [your own idea]

Meet people
do online

Learn new skills

- What problems may people have when they go online?

- Compare printed and online newspapers.
- Should children be allowed to surf the Internet without their parents’ supervision?


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