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Forrest Malone Hercules Sharp NSN: 138494188

1228A Howard Street 20 June 2023


Qualification and Achievement Summary

New Zealand Qualifications Framework Registered Qualifications Date Achieved

National Certificate of Educational Achievement (Level 2) achieved with merit 11/2022
National Certificate of Educational Achievement (Level 1) 12/2021
Vocational Pathways Date Achieved
Creative Industries 01/2023
Course Endorsements Date Achieved
Painting Endorsed with merit at level 2 11/2022
Photography Endorsed with achieved at level 2 11/2022
Visual Arts Endorsed with merit at level 1 12/2021
English Endorsed with achieved at level 1 12/2021
Media Studies Endorsed with achieved at level 1 11/2021

For a detailed explanation of the eligibility requirements for these qualifications please visit

Credit Summary - All Years

These credit totals may include credits from excluded or duplicate standards

Standards Assessed in 2023

Achieved Credit Summary

20 Jun 2023 11:25 Page 1 of 5 This document is not an official transcript

Forrest Malone Hercules Sharp NSN: 138494188
These credit totals may include credits from excluded or duplicate standards

Course Credit Summary

These credit totals may include credits from excluded or duplicate standards

Standards Assessed
Each standard can have a range of results including "N" for Not Achieved, "A" for Achieved, "M" for Achieved with Merit or "E" for Achieved
with Excellence. As some standards cannot be awarded all of those results, the result code is shown in bold where a candidate has reached
the maximum possible result for that standard. All "9xxxx" series are achievement standards and all other reference numbers are unit standards.
(ext) - externally assessed (int) - internally assessed
Drama Credits Result
Level 3 91515 Select and use complex performance skills associated with a drama form or period (int) 4 M
English - Communications Credits Result
Level 3 91480 Respond critically to significant aspects of visual and/or oral text(s) through close reading, 3 A
supported by evidence (int)

The following entries for 2023 were not assigned to courses by a school; the entries are grouped by NZQA subjects.
Hospitality Credits Result
Level 3 23755 Identify and self-evaluate the demands of a specific role in a tourism workplace (int) 3 A

Standards Assessed in 2022

Achieved Credit Summary

These credit totals may include credits from excluded or duplicate standards

20 Jun 2023 11:25 Page 2 of 5 This document is not an official transcript

Forrest Malone Hercules Sharp NSN: 138494188

Standards Assessed in 2022 (continued)

Course Credit Summary

These credit totals may include credits from excluded or duplicate standards

Drama Credits Result

Level 2 91213 Apply drama techniques in a scripted context (int) 4 M
91216 Use complex performance skills associated with a drama or theatre form or period (int) 4 A
91218 Perform a substantial acting role in a scripted production (int) (5 credits) N
91219 Discuss drama elements, techniques, conventions and technologies within live performance (ext) 4 A
English Credits Result
Level 2 91100 Analyse significant aspects of unfamiliar written text(s) through close reading, supported by 4 A
evidence (ext)
91101 Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing (int) (6 credits) N
91102 Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text (int) (3 credits) N
91106 Form developed personal responses to independently read texts, supported by evidence (int) (4 N
Media Studies Credits Result
Level 2 91249 Demonstrate understanding of narrative in media texts (int) 4 A
91250 Demonstrate understanding of representation in the media (int) (3 credits) N
91251 Demonstrate understanding of an aspect of a media genre (ext) (4 credits) N
91252 Produce a design and plan for a developed media product using a range of conventions (int) (4 N
91253 Complete a developed media product from a design and plan using a range of conventions (int) 6 E
Musicianship Credits Result
Level 2 32302 Apply knowledge of MIDI sequencing (int) 3 M
32303 Apply knowledge of a music notation application (int) 3 A
91271 Compose two substantial pieces of music (int) 6 M
91272 Demonstrate ensemble skills by performing a substantial piece of music as a member of a group 4 E
91278 Investigate an aspect of New Zealand music (int) 4 A
Painting - Endorsed with merit at level 2 Credits Result
Level 2 91311 Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to painting (int) 4 M
91316 Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established painting practice (int) 4 M
91321 Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and 12 M
ideas within painting (ext)

20 Jun 2023 11:25 Page 3 of 5 This document is not an official transcript

Forrest Malone Hercules Sharp NSN: 138494188

Standards Assessed in 2022 (continued)

Photography - Endorsed with achieved at level 2 Credits Result
Level 2 91312 Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to photography (int) 4 A
91317 Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established photography practice (int) 4 A
91322 Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and 12 M
ideas within photography (ext)

Standards Assessed in 2021

Achieved Credit Summary

These credit totals may include credits from excluded or duplicate standards

Course Credit Summary

These credit totals may include credits from excluded or duplicate standards

English - Endorsed with achieved at level 1 Credits Result

Level 1 90053 Produce formal writing (int) 3 A
90851 Show understanding of significant aspects of unfamiliar written text(s) through close reading, 4 M
using supporting evidence (ext)
90852 Explain significant connection(s) across texts, using supporting evidence (int) 4 A
90856 Show understanding of visual and/or oral text(s) through close viewing and/or listening, using 3 A
supporting evidence (int)
90857 Construct and deliver an oral text (int) 3 A

20 Jun 2023 11:25 Page 4 of 5 This document is not an official transcript

Forrest Malone Hercules Sharp NSN: 138494188

Standards Assessed in 2021 (continued)

Mathematics Credits Result
Level 1 91029 Apply linear algebra in solving problems (int) (3 credits) N
91030 Apply measurement in solving problems (int) 3 A
91032 Apply right-angled triangles in solving measurement problems (int) (3 credits) N
91035 Investigate a given multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry cycle (int) 4 A
91038 Investigate a situation involving elements of chance (int) 3 A
Media Studies - Endorsed with achieved at level 1 Credits Result
Level 1 90989 Demonstrate understanding of how individuals interact with the media (int) 3 A
90990 Demonstrate understanding of selected elements of media text(s) (int) 3 A
90992 Demonstrate understanding of characteristics of a media genre (ext) 4 A
90993 Produce a design and plan for a media product using a specified range of conventions (int) 3 A
90994 Complete a media product from a design and plan using a specified range of conventions (int) 6 M
Musicianship Credits Result
Level 1 32300 Demonstrate and apply introductory knowledge of MIDI sequencing (int) 2 A
91091 Demonstrate ensemble skills through performing a piece of music as a member of a group (int) 4 E
91092 Compose two original pieces of music (int) 6 E
Science Credits Result
Level 1 90930 Carry out a practical chemistry investigation, with direction (int) 4 A
90935 Carry out a practical physics investigation that leads to a linear mathematical relationship, with 4 A
direction (int)
90948 Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas relating to genetic variation (ext) (4 credits) N
90950 Investigate biological ideas relating to interactions between humans and micro-organisms (int) 4 A
Visual Arts - Endorsed with merit at level 1 Credits Result
Level 1 90914 Use drawing methods and skills for recording information using wet and dry media (int) 4 M
90915 Use drawing conventions to develop work in more than one field of practice (int) 6 A
90916 Produce a body of work informed by established practice, which develops ideas, using a range of 12 M
media (ext)
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