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Well I have worked for 5 years with Public Health profession and I have worked both clinically and in

the office. all helped me gain new experiences and got to meet different peoples that helps develop
my knowledge as well as my confidence towards my career goal.

I am an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable, responsible and hard working person. I am a mature

team worker and adaptable to all challenging situations. I am able to work well both in a team
environment as well as using own initiative. I am able to work well under pressure and adhere to
strict deadlines.

Health promotion and prevention including the health insurance

Provides individual medical follow-up for staff when advice is sought.

Support the staff in the delegation with the mandatory vaccinations requested by ICRC.

Support organizing medical check-ups for domestic staff.

Support organizing first aid trainings / refresher sessions.

Maintain good collaboration with the local insurance company and keep the resident staff updated
and informed: insurance coverage and the third-party payers’ network available.

Management first aid kits, Post-rape Kits and essential medicine supplies

Manage the medicines’ stock and distribute drugs (e.g, pain killer, anti-allergic etc.) as needed.

Management of first aid kits in the delegation: inventory, replenishment, storage, location.
Management of any medical equipment necessary to conduct staff health activities.

Monitor supplies and withdrawal of expired items

Management of Incident, pandemic, and endemic cases

Handle the local management of the medical cases in the delegation, provide direct medical advice
or refer to external consultations as needed.

Provide necessary support on case management of referrals coming from other delegations

Monitoring and evaluation

Ensure all cases seen and managed at the delegation is posted on the SHAD.

Regularly provide feedback on activities and incidents to the SHM and request support when

Organize and collect regular feedback from staff regarding Staff Health services.

Individual Psychosocial support

Provide individual support to the staff including the basic psychological first aid.

Refer the staff to external providers or the staff health regional psychologist.
Discuss the critical cases with the SHM

General Description:

The Staff Health Officer is the focal point for all matters relating to the health of ICRC staff in Lebanon
Delegation. In line with ICRC staff health strategy, s/he promotes and maintains the physical and
mental health of ICRC Staff.

Staff health policies and guidelines (20%)

Implements and supervises staff health policies to support the physical and mental health of the
delegation workforce, working in collaboration with other ICRC departments, and in coordination
with Regional/HQ advisers.

Update the staff health guidelines in line with ICRC`s global health strategy.

Update the Stress policy in collaboration with the regional psychologist.

Health promotion and prevention including the health insurance (35%)

Handles medical screening for all resident staff upon hiring and for resident staff going on mission.

Provide medical check-ups for specific professions (such as drivers).

Deliver briefings for resident and mobile staff including information on access to the ICRC staff
support ecosystem, vaccinations, risk behaviors, mental health, and psychosocial risks in the

Support the staff in the region and the delegation with the mandatory vaccinations requested by
ICRC in collaboration with the regional coordinator.

Maintain the storage of vaccinations in the delegation in collaboration with the regional coordinator
and the medical logistics department in the delegation.

Organize activities to promote the physical and mental health of staff with an aim of promotion and
prevention of specific health risks.

Organize first aid training to all ICRC staff.

Ensure the availability of first aid kits in ICRC premises and residences

Manage Post Exposure Prophylaxis against VIH (PEP) /Post-Rape Kits PRK.

Manage the entire line of supply from procurement to waste of expired items (Med Log standard

Handles the placement of PEP and Post Rape kits in main sites and subsites according to needs for
field activities and cold chain reliability in compliance with RH_SAN guidelines.
Provide information to all the staff with the availability and accessibility of PEP/PRK in the delegation
and sub delegations.

Provide systematic reporting of professional exposure case to RH_SAN by accident report form
included in each PEP kit and PRK, Declaration of accident to Lloyd’s, and drugs administration of
exposed cases under direct medical observation and in line with RH-SAN policy.

Respond to ergonomics and workplace safety needs of ICRC staff, in close collaboration with the
department of human resources and the administration and within a reasonable budget .

Manage the sick leaves of resident staff, through providing validation of certified sick leaves.

Maintain the proper coordination with the human resources team to register data relating to the sick
leave of staff.

Ensure compliance with finance and administration manual in procedures related to medical

Handle the medical cases for all staff according to the F&A manual and to the relevant ICRC
procedures for mobile and resident contracts.

Make sure that the private health insurance for employees in resident contracts are explained to all
resident employees.

Maintain good collaboration with the local insurance company and keep the resident staff updated
and informed: insurance coverage and the providers network available.

Support the delegation with the local insurance tender if required.

Emergency preparedness and medical case management (15%)

Handle the file of the Country Health Risk Assessment, updating the referral structures: Hospitals,
clinics, laboratories, and pharmacies.

Carry out regular assessment of health facilities in the delegation, sub delegations, offices, and
antenna to ensure the availability and accessibility of medical services to all ICRC staff.

Identify reference structures for vaccinations.

Ensure the access of mobile staff and their dependents to the referral facilities.

Collaborate with the HR Manager and Finance department to facilitate the payment process for
mobile staff and their dependents.

Medical contingency plans and Standard Operating Procedures for case management.

Regularly update of the medical contingency plans in line with the findings of the country health risk
assessment. that include SOPs for managing emergency access to health care for all staff in the field.

Coordinate with the Department of Human Resources, and the security manager to guarantee
compliance with internal SOPs and ensure consistent communication with all staff.

Provide necessary support on case management, medical evacuation, and repatriation.

Provide advice on the medical needs of ICRC staff during transportation and coordinates medical
evacuations from the field to the capital. Liaises with the Staff Health Centre of Expertise
(RH_COE_SAN) at ICRC headquarters and coordinates at local level in case of the repatriation of
personnel out of the country.

Handle the local management of the medical cases in the delegation and sub delegation, provide
direct medical advice or refer to external consultations as needed.

Escalate the medical cases to the regional coordinators or staff health advisers if additional support
or a second opinion are needed.

Make sure that strict medical confidentiality is warranted towards individual medical information of
all ICRC staff (strictly confidential library, etc.).

Ensure that standard ICRC guidelines established by RHSAN are applied in medical evacuation for
ICRC mobile staff.

Support the delegation to implement the preventive measures in the delegation and sub delegations
during epidemics or outbreaks.

Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) for staff (20%)

Provide individual support to the staff including the basic psychological first aid.

Refer the staff to external consultants or the staff health regional psychologist.

Discuss the critical cases with the regional psychologist.

Building a functional referral system for mental health services, through establishing/updating a
referral network of psychologists and psychiatrists in the delegation and sub delegations while
keeping all staff informed and updated.

Promote access to internal staff support ecosystem.

Provide briefing for staff upon arrival about staff mental health and psychological support.

Raise awareness on mental health and staff wellbeing.

Crises management support (5%)

Support the delegation in case of the death/abduction of a member of staff or after critical incidents.

Provide basic psychosocial support to the family and share relevant internal and external resources.

Contribute to the update of the guidelines to provide support in the aftermath of the crises.

Acts as a focal point for staff health guidelines, preventive measures, contingency planning, and case
management during crisis cell operations.

Carry out defusing and creates support groups following critical incidents in the field; follows up if
further intervention is required in coordination with the staff health regional psychologist.

Quality Control and monitoring (5%)

Monitor and evaluate the implementation of staff health strategy.

Conduct regular visits to the sub delegations to evaluate the quality of medical services provided.

Support the regional coordinator to conduct the customer satisfaction survey in the delegation.

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