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OWADAYS, UNINTERRUPTIBLE or abnormality occurs, the UPS will effectively
power supply (UPS) systems are switch from utility power to its own power
in use throughout the world, source almost instantaneously. There is a large
helping to supply a wide variety variety of power-rated UPS units: from units that
of critical loads, such as telecom- will backup a single computer without a monitor
munication systems, computer of around 300 VA, to units that will power entire
sets, and hospital equipment, in data centers or buildings of several megawatts,
situations of power outage or anomalies of the which typically work together with generators.
mains. In the last few years, an increasing num- This article describes the most common line
ber of publications about UPS systems research problems and the relationship between these
have appeared, and, at the same time, different and the different existing kinds of UPS, showing
their operation modes as well as the existent
energy storage systems. It also addresses an
overview of the control schemes applied to dif-
ferent distributed UPS configurations. Finally, it
points out the applicability of such systems in
distributed generation, microgrids, and renew-
able energy systems.

Common Power Line Problems

Public utility grids have many types of power line
problems that encompass a wide range of differ-
JOSEP M. GUERRERO, LUIS GARCÍA DE VICUÑA, and JAVIER UCEDA ent phenomena. The typical power quality prob-
lems that UPS systems correct can be seen in
Table 1. The line problems considered here are
the following: failures, sags, under-voltages,
kinds of industrial UPS units have been intro- surges, brownouts, swells, spikes, frequency vari-
duced in the market. Furthermore, the develop- ations, noise, and harmonic distortions [1]. UPS
ment of novel storage systems, power systems should be able to protect critical loads
electronic topologies, fast electrical devices, from these issues. Hence, UPSs are divided into
high-performance digital processors, and other categories depending on which of the above
technological advances yield new opportunities problems their units address [2].
for UPS systems.
A UPS is a device that Types of UPS Systems
maintains a continuous sup- UPS systems are generally
ply of electric power to the classified as static, which
connected equipment by use power electronic con-
supplying power from a sep- verters with semiconductor
arate source when the utili- devices, and rotar y (or
ty mains are not available. dynamic), which use
The UPS is normally insert- electromechanical engines
ed between the commercial such as motors and genera-
FIGURE 1 — Rotary UPS from SatCon Power
utility mains and the critical Systems. (Courtesy of SatCaon Technology tors. The combination of
loads. When a power failure Corporation.) both static and rotary UPS


systems is often called a ing of a motor-generator set
hybrid UPS system [3]. with heavy flywheels and
Rotary UPS systems have ~ M G engines. The concept is very
been around for a long time simple: a motor powered by
and their power rating reach- Utility the utility drives a generator
Mains Motor Flywheel Generator
es several megawatts [4]. Fig- that powers the critical load.
ures 1 and 2 show a picture Load The flywheels located on the
and a configuration, respec- shaft provide greater inertia
tively, of a rotary UPS consist- FIGURE 2 — Block diagram of a rotary UPS consisting of an M-G set with in order to increase the ride-
through time. In the case of
line disturbances, the inertia of the
machines and the flywheels maintain
the power supply for several seconds.
These systems, due to their high relia-
1) Line failure (outage, blackouts)
Total loss of utility line (>10 ms) bility, are still in use and new ones are
being installed in industrial settings.
2) Sag or dip
Short under-voltage Voltage + frequency Although this kind of UPS is simple in
(<16 ms) dependent Off-line UPS concept, it has some drawbacks such
as the losses associated with the
3) Surge
Quick burst of over-voltage motor-generation set, the noise of the
(<16 ms) overall system, and the need for main-
4) Under-voltage or brownout tenance. In order to reduce such loss-
Low line voltages for an extended es, an offline configuration is often
period of time Voltage independent Line-interactive
proposed, as shown in Figure 3. Under
5) Over-voltage or swell normal operation, the synchronous
Increased voltages for an machine is used to compensate reac-
extended period of time
tive power. When the utility fails, the
6) Transient, impulse, or spike static switch opens and the synchro-
under-voltage or over-voltage for
up to a few nanoseconds
nous machine starts to operate as a
generator, injecting both active and
7) Frequency variation reactive power. While the flywheel pro-
of the line voltage waveform Voltage + frequency
independent On-line UPS vides the stored energy, the diesel
8) Noise engine has time to start.
Distortions superimposed on the
voltage waveform Further, the combination of rotary
UPS systems with power electronic
9) Harmonic distortion converters results in hybrid systems,
Multiples of line frequency
superimposed on the voltage as shown in Figure 4. The variable
waveform speed drive, consisting of an ac/ac
converter, regulates the optimum
speed of the flywheel associated with
the motor. The written-pole generator
Normal Operation produces a constant line frequency as
the machine slows down, provided
that the rotor is spinning at speeds
Utility Switch P,Q
between 3,150 and 3,600 rev/min. Fly-
Stored Energy
Mains wheel inertia allows the generator
Q Operation
G rotor to keep spinning above 3,150
Generator P,Q Load
rev/min when the utility fails [5].
Static UPS systems are based on
power electronic devices. The continu-
ous development of devices such as
insulated gate bipolar transistors
allows high frequency operation, which
Diesel Engine M results in a fast transient response and
low total harmonic distortion (THD) in
the output voltage. According to the
FIGURE 3 — Offline UPS with diesel engine backup. international standards IEC 62040-3 and


ENV 500091-3, UPS which charges the
systems can be classi- ~ batteries continuous-
fied into three main ~ M G ly and can also pro-
categories [6], [7]: vide power factor
■ offline (passive Utility Variable Speed Motor Flywheel Written-Pole correction. When the
standby or line- Mains Drive Generator line fails, the inverter
preferred), for line still supplies energy
disturbances 1–3 FIGURE 4 — Hybrid UPS system. to the loads but from
■ line-interactive, for the batteries. As a
line disturbances 1–5 ply transfers utility power through to consequence, no transfer time exists
■ online (double conversion or the load until either a power failure, during the transition from normal to
inverter-preferred), for line distur- sag, or spike occurs, at which point stored energy modes. In general, this is
bances 1–9. the UPS switches the load onto bat- the most reliable UPS configuration
Figure 5(a) shows the configuration tery power and disconnects the utility due to its simplicity (only three ele-
of an offline UPS, also known as line- power until it returns to an acceptable ments), and the continuous charge of
preferred UPS or passive standby. It level. Offline UPS systems completely the batteries, which means that they
consists of a battery set, a charger, solve problems 1–3. However, when are always ready for the next power
and a switch, which normally con- power problems 4–9 occur they only outage. This kind of UPS provides total
nects the mains to the load and to the can be solved by switching to stored independence between input and out-
batteries so that these remain charged energy operation. In this situation, the put voltage amplitude and frequency,
(normal operation). However, when batteries will be discharged even and, thus, high output voltage quality
the utility power fails or under abnor- though line voltage is present [8]. can be obtained. When an overload
mal function, the static switch con- Offline UPSs are commonly rated at occurs, the bypass switch connects
nects the load to the inverter in order 600 VA for small personal computers the load directly to the utility mains, in
to supply the energy from the batter- or home applications. order to guarantee the continuous sup-
ies (stored energy operation). The Figure 5(b) depicts the configura- ply of the load, avoiding damage to the
transfer time from the normal opera- tion of an online UPS, also known as UPS module (bypass operation). In this
tion to the stored energy operation is double conversion UPS [9]–[12]. Dur- situation, the output voltage must be
generally less than 10 ms, which does ing normal or even abnormal line con- synchronized with the utility phase,
not affect typical computer loads. ditions, the inverter supplies energy otherwise the bypass operation will
With this configuration, the UPS sim- from the mains through the rectifier, not be allowed. Typical efficiency is up

Static Bypass
Normal Operation Switch
Switch Bypass Operation
Utility ~ Operation =
~ =
Mains ~
= ~ Stored = ~
Energy Load Utility
Charger Inverter Rectifier Inverter
Operation Mains
Stored Energy
Batteries Batteries Operation Load
(a) (b)

Normal Operation

Utility Switch
Mains Bidirectional
~ Load
Stored Energy


FIGURE 5 — UPS system classification: (a) offline, (b) online, and (c) line interactive.


to 94%, which is limited due to the the disadvantage that under normal Battery Energy
double conversion effect. Online UPSs operation it is not possible to regu- Storage System (BESS)
are typically used in environments late output voltage frequency. Line- Typical UPS systems use chemical bat-
with sensitive equipment or environ- interactive UPS units typically rate teries to store energy. Rechargeable
ments. Almost all commercial UPS between 0.5 kVA and 5 kVA for small batteries such as valve-regulated lead-
units of 5 kVA and above are online. server systems. Typical efficiency is acid (VRLA) or nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd)
Also available in the market is about 97% when there are no prob- are the most popular due to their avail-
another subcategory of online UPSs lems in the line. ability and reliability [3]. A lead-acid
with a standby battery, which uses a Figure 6 shows a special kind of battery reaction is reversible, allowing
dedicated charger and is connected to line-interactive UPS, known as series- the battery to be reused. There are
the dc-link through a switch when a parallel or delta-conversion UPS [17], also some advanced sodium/sulfur,
controller detects a fault in the mains. which consists of two inverters con- zinc/bromine, and lithium/air batteries
It means that the batteries are charged nected to the batteries: the delta that are nearing commercial readiness
slowly and that it can be an output inverter (rated at 20% of the nominal and offer promise for future utility
power disruption, since it is dependent power), connected through a series application. On the other hand, flow
on the identification and reaction to transformer to the utility; and the main batteries store and release energy by
the fault, which can take several mil- inverter (fully rated at 100% of the means of a reversible electrochemical
liseconds. Consequently, this configu- nominal power), connected directly to reaction between two electrolyte solu-
ration is not considered as a true the load. This configuration achieves tions. There are four main flow battery
online UPS system. power factor correction, load harmon- technologies: polysulfide bromide
Figure 5(c) illustrates the line- ic current suppression, and output (PSB), vanadium redox (VRB), zinc
interactive UPS configuration, which voltage regulation. The delta inverter bromine (ZnBr), and hydrogen
can be considered as a midway works as a sinusoidal current source in bromine (H-Br) batteries. However,
between the online and the offline phase with the input voltage. The main batteries contain heavy metals, such
configurations [13]–[16]. It consists inverter works as a low-THD sinusoidal as Cd or mercury (Hg), which may
of a single bidirectional converter voltage source in phase with the input cause environmental pollution. A large
that connects the batteries to the voltage. Usually, only a small portion of majority of UPS designs use a charac-
load. Under normal operation, the the nominal power (up to 15%) flows teristic constant-voltage charging sys-
mains supplies the load, and the bat- from the delta to the main inverter, tem with current limit.
teries can be charged through the achieving high efficiency. Nevertheless,
bidirectional inverter, acting as a this configuration needs complex con- Flywheels
dc/ac converter. It may also have trol algorithms. In addition, unlike with This system is essentially a dynamic
active power filtering capabilities. online UPSs, there is no continuous battery that stores energy mechanical-
When there is a failure in the mains, separation of load and utility mains. ly in the form of kinetic energy by spin-
the static switch disconnects the load Delta-conversion UPS systems provide ning a mass about an axis. The
from the line and the bidirectional protection from all line problems electrical input spins the flywheel
converter acts as an inverter, supply- except for frequency variations. rotor and keeps it spinning until called
ing energy from the batteries. The upon to release the stored energy
main advantages of the line-interac- Energy Storage Systems through a generator, such as a reluc-
tive UPS are the simplicity and the One of the problems to be solved by tance motor generator [9]. Sometimes
lower cost in comparison to the future UPS systems is how to store the the flywheel is enclosed in a vacuum
online UPS. Line-interactive units typ- energy. This question raises several or in gas helium in order to avoid fric-
ically incorporate an automatic volt- solutions that can be used alone or com- tion losses. The amount of energy
age regulator, which allows the UPS bined. Some of the energy storage tech- available and its duration is governed
to effectively step up or step down nologies are summarized below [18]. by the flywheel mass and speed. There
the incoming line voltage are two available types of
without switching to bat- flywheel: low-speed (less
tery power. Thus, the UPS Static than 40,000 rpm), which
is able to correct most Switch are based on steel rotors,

long-term over-voltages or and high-speed (between
under-voltages without Utility ∼ = 40,000 and 60,000 rpm),
draining the batteries. Mains which use carbon fiber
= ∼
Another advantage is that Load rotors and magnetic bear-
Delta Inverter Main Inverter
it reduces the number of ings. Flywheels provide 1
transfers to battery, which Batteries to 30 s of ride-through
extends the lifetime of the time. In addition, the com-
batteries. However, it has FIGURE 6 — Series-parallel line-interactive UPS or delta-conversion UPS. bination of modern power


electronics and low-speed flywheels Compressed Air CAES in order to store energy through
can provide protection against multi- Energy Storage (CAES) the dc-link by means of dc/ac bidirec-
ple power line disturbances. This technology uses an intermediary tional converters. Other UPS systems
mechanical-hydraulic conversion, also include fuel-cell arrays and superca-
Superconducting Magnetic called the liquid-piston principle [23]. pacitors or BESS to provide fast tran-
Energy Storage (SMES) These devices are raising interest sient response as shown in Figure 8.
This system stores electrical energy in since they do not generate any waste. Notice that the dc-link of a UPS unit is
a superconducting coil. The resistance They also can be integrated with a the point where storage energy sys-
of a superconductor is zero so the cur- cogeneration system, due to the ther- tems can be easily interconnected.
rent will flow without reduction in mal processes associated with the These and other combinations are
magnitude. The variable current compression and the expansion of gas. taken into account in new UPS designs.
through the superconducting coil is Their efficiency can be also optimized
converted to a constant voltage, by using power electronics or combin- Distributed UPS Systems
which can be connected to an inverter. ing CAES with other storage systems. With the objective to further increase
The superconducting coil is made of Novel trends in UPS storage com- the reliability of UPS systems, the use
niobium titanium (NbTi) and it is bine several of the above systems. Fig- of several UPS units connected in par-
cooled to 4.2 K by liquid helium [20]. ure 7 shows a hybrid online UPS allel is an interesting option. The
Typical power rates for this applica- system that uses both flywheels and advantages of a paralleled UPS system
tion are up to 4 MVA.

Critical Load
Supercapacitors ∼
or Double-Layer Capacitors
These devices are able to manage simi- Compressed Air Cylinders
lar energy densities as the batteries

but with longer lifetime and lower M/G
maintenance. Typical capacity values =
for theses devices are up to several Flywheel

hundred of farads. However, they are Converters
only available for very low voltages
(about 3 V), although this can be over- Thermal ∼
come by using bidirectional boost-type Turbine M/G
Storage =
converters or by the series association Utility
Compressor Mains
of these devices [21]. =

Fuel Cells
These devices convert the chemical Online UPS
energy of the fuel directly into electri-
cal energy. They are good energy FIGURE 7 — Hybrid CAES/flywheel online UPS system.
sources to provide reliable power at
steady-state. However, due to their
slow internal electrochemical and
~ Critical Loads
thermodynamic characteristics, they Static
cannot respond to the electrical tran- Utility Switch ∼
sients as fast as it is desirable. This Mains Bidirectional
Inverter =
problem can be solved by using
supercapacitors or BESS in order to
improve the dynamic response of the
system [22]. Fuel cells can be classi- Fuel Cell
fied into proton exchange membrane =
(PEMFC), solid oxide (SOFC), and Boost Converter
molten carbonate (MCFC). PEMFCs
are more suitable for UPS applica-
tions since they are compact, light- =
weight, and provide high power Supercapacitor Bidirectional
density at room temperature, while Converter
SOFCs and MCFCs require between
800–1, 000 ◦ C operation. FIGURE 8 — Hybrid FC/supercapacitor line-interactive UPS system.


over one centralized unit are flexibili- nance due to the redundant configura- that is more complex than paralleling
ty to increase the power capability, tion [24]. dc sources, since every module must
enhanced availability, fault tolerance Parallel operation is a special fea- share the load properly while staying
with N + 1 modules (N modules sup- ture of high-performance industrial UPS synchronized. In theory, if the output
porting the load plus one reserve systems. The parallel connection of voltage of every module has the same
standby module), and ease of mainte- UPS inverters is a challenging problem amplitude, frequency, and phase, the
current load could be equally distrib-
uted. However, due to the physical dif-
ferences between the modules and the
line impedance mismatches, the load
will not be properly shared. This fact
will lead to a circulating current among
the units, as shown in Figure 9.
Circulating current is especially danger-
ous at no-load or light-load conditions,
since one or several modules can
absorb active power operating in recti-
fier mode. This increases the dc-link
voltage level, which can result in dam-
age to the dc capacitors or in a shut-
down due to overload. Generally
speaking, a paralleled UPS system must
achieve the following features:
■ the same output voltage amplitude,
frequency, and phase
■ equal current sharing between the
■ flexibility to increase the number of

FIGURE 9 — Circulating current concept. units

FIGURE 10 — Active load-sharing control schemes for the parallel operation of distributed UPS systems: (a) centralized control, (b) master-slave
control, (c) current chain control, and (d) average load sharing.


■ plug-and-play operation at any time expandable, making it interesting for line can result in the shutdown of the
(hot-swap operation capability). industrial UPS systems. In general, system. In order to improve reliability
The fast development of digital signal this scheme is the most robust and and avoid noise problems in the control
processors (DSPs) has brought about useful of the above controllers. lines, digital communications by using a
an increase in control techniques for In general, these last two control CAN bus or other digital buses are pro-
the parallel operation of UPS invert- schemes require that the modules posed [26]. In this sense, low band-
ers. These control schemes can be share two signals: the output voltage width communications can be
classified into two main groups with reference phase (which can be performed when using active and reac-
regard to the use of control wire inter- achieved by a dedicated line or by tive average power instead of instanta-
connections. The first one is based on using a PLL circuit to synchronize all neous output currents.
active load-sharing techniques, which UPS modules) and the current informa- The second kind of control scheme
can be classified as follows [7], [25], tion (a portion of the load current, mas- for the parallel operation of UPSs is
[26], (see Figure 10): ter current, or the average current). In a mainly based on the droop method
■ Centralized Control: the total load typical UPS application, the reference (also called independent, autonomous,
current is divided by the number of voltage is either synchronized with the or wireless control). This concept
modules N, so that this value external bypass utility line or, when this stems from power system theory, in
becomes the current reference of is not present, to an internal oscillator which a generator connected to the
each module. An outer control loop signal. Another possibility is to use utility line drops its frequency when
in the central control adjusts the active and reactive power information the power required increases [38]. In
load voltage. This system is normal- instead of the current. Thus, we use order to achieve good power sharing,
ly used in common UPS equipment active and reactive power to adjust the the control loop makes tight adjust-
with several output inverters con- phase and the amplitude of each mod- ments over the output voltage frequen-
nected in parallel [27]. ule but using the same three control cy and amplitude of the inverter, thus
■ Master-Slave: the master module schemes [30], [33], [36], [37]. Although compensating for the active and reac-
regulates the load voltage. Hence, these controllers achieve both good tive power unbalances. The droop
the master current fixes the current output voltage regulation and equal cur- method achieves higher reliability and
references of the rest of the mod- rent sharing, the need for intercommu- flexibility in the physical location of
ules (slaves) [28]–[30]. The master nication lines among modules reduces the modules, since it uses only local
can be fixed by the module that the flexibility of the physical location power measurements [39]. Neverthe-
brings the maximum rms or crest and its reliability, since a fault in one less, the conventional droop method
current or can be a rotating master.
If the master unit fails, another
module will take the role of master Decoupling
Distributed UPS Inductors
in order to avoid the overall failure
of the system. This system is often LD1 ac Critical Bus
adopted when using different UPS
units mounted into a rack.
■ Circular Chain Control (3C): the cur- C
rent reference of each module is VSI #1
taken from the above module, form-
ing a control ring [31]. Note that the
current reference of the first unit is LD2
obtained from that of the last unit.
The approach is interesting for dis-
tributed power systems based on
VSI #2
ac-power rings [32].
■ Average Load Sharing: the current of
Critical Loads
all modules is averaged by means of
a common current bus [33]–[35].
The average current of all the mod- LDN
ules is the reference for each individ-
ual one, so that all the currents
become equal. This control scheme C
is highly reliable due to the real dem- VSI #N
ocratic conception, in which no mas-
ter-slave philosophy is present. Also,
the approach is highly modular and FIGURE 11 — Equivalent circuit of a distributed UPS system.


shows several drawbacks that limit its lossless resistors or reactors have ure 12 illustrates this concept in rela-
application, such as [40]–[42]: slow been proposed [43]. tion to the rest of the control loops.
transient response, trade-off between Usually, the inverter output imped- The output impedance angle deter-
the power sharing accuracy and the ance is considered to be inductive, mines to a large extent the droop con-
frequency and voltage deviations, which is often justified by the high trol law. Table 2 shows the parameters
unbalanced harmonic current sharing, inductive component of the line imped- that can be used to control the active
and high dependency on the inverter ance and the large inductor of the out- and reactive power flow in function of
output-impedance. put filter. However, this is not always the output impedance. Figure 13 shows
Another drawback of the standard true, since the closed-loop output the droop control functions depending
droop method is that the power shar- impedance also depends on the con- on the output impedance [41].
ing is degraded if the sum of the out- trol strategy, and the line impedance is On the other hand, the droop
put impedance and the line impedance predominantly resistive for low voltage method has been studied extensively
is unbalanced. To solve this, interface cabling. The output impedance of the in parallel dc converters. In these
inductors can be included between closed-loop inverter affects the power cases, resistive output impedance is
the inverter and the load bus, as sharing accuracy and determines the enforced easily by subtracting a pro-
depicted in Figure 11, but they are droop control strategy. Furthermore, portional term of the output current
heavy and bulky. As an alternative, the proper design of this output from the voltage reference. The resis-
novel control loops that fix the output impedance can reduce the impact of tive droop method can be applied to
impedance of the units by emulating the line-impedance unbalance. Fig- parallel UPS inverters. The advantages
of such an approach are the following:
1) the overall system is more damped;
P 2) it provides automatic harmonic cur-
io vref Voltage
P/Q Reference vo* UPS io rent sharing; and 3) phase errors bare-
Q Regulator
vo Calculation Generator + (Inner Loops)
Inverter ly affect active power sharing.

Outer Loop However, although the output
Power-Sharing Control impedance of the inverter can be
well established, the line impedance
Virtual Output Impedance Loop is unknown, which can result in an
unbalanced reactive power flow. This
FIGURE 12 — Block diagram of the closed-loop system with the virtual output impedance path. problem can be overcome by inject-
ing high-frequency signals through
power lines [44] or by adding exter-
nal data communication signals [45],
Output impedance Inductive (90º) Resistive (0º) presented to reduce the harmonic
Active power (P) Frequency (ω) Amplitude (E) distor tion of the output voltage
Reactive power (Q) Amplitude (E) Frequency (ω)
when supplying nonlinear loads by
introducing harmonic sharing loops.
This solution consists of adding into
ω E the virtual impedance loop a bank of
ω* bandpass filters that extracts cur-
Δω E*
ΔE rent harmonic components in order
ω = ω* − mP
to droop the output voltage refer-
E = E* − nQ ence proportionally to these current
Capacitive Load Inductive Load
P Q harmonics [47]. Figure 14 shows the
Pnom −Qnom +Qnom
behavior of a two-parallel-UPS sys-
(a) tem when sharing a nonlinear load. It
shows the load voltage and current
E ω and the output current of the two
E* units. Note that the circulating cur-
ΔE ω*
Δω rent is very low due to the good load
E = E∗ − nP
sharing capability when supplying
Capacitive Load
nonlinear loads. The mentioned
Inductive Load
P Q autonomous control for parallel UPS
Pnom −Qnom +Qnom
systems is expanding in the market,
which highlights its applicability in
FIGURE 13 — Droop functions for the independent parallel operation of UPSs. real distributed power systems.


2004/12/10 13:47:27 2004/12/10 14:32:10
Stopped 109 10k Normal 5rc/hw Stopped 154 Normal
10k 100kS/s 10rc/hw
<< Main10k >> << Main10k >>

CH2 1:1 CH3 1:1 Edge CH3 CH1 1:1 CH2 1:1 Edge CH3
0.200 V/div 10.0 V/div Auto 0.200 V/div 0.200 V/div Auto
DC Full DC Full 0.0 V AC Full DC Full 0.00 V
Math1 C1 − C2
(a) (b)

FIGURE 14 — Waveforms of the parallel system sharing a nonlinear load: (a) output voltage and load current (x-axis: 5 ms/div, y-axis: 40 A/div),
(b) output currents and circulating current (x-axis: 10 ms/div, y-axis: 20 A/div).

Future Trends renewable or nonconventional energy In this situation, the output voltage ref-
In the coming years, the penetration of resources are available, such as photo- erence should be provided internally by
distributed generation systems will voltaic arrays, fuel cells, co-generation the distributed generation units, which
cause a change of paradigm from cen- plants, combined heat and power operate independently without mutual
tralized electrical generation. It is microturbines, or small wind turbines. intercommunication due to the long dis-
expected that the utility grid will be These resources can be connected to tance between them, by using proper
formed by a number of interconnected local low-voltage electric power net- droop functions. Hence, the connection
microgrids. However, the onsite gener- works, such as mini- or microgrids, in parallel of several UPSs to a common
ation near the consumption points can through power conditioning ac units microgrid is also rising as a new con-
be a problem if we are not able to man- (i.e., inverters or ac-ac converters), cept in order to supply energy in a dis-
age the energy by means of novel kinds which can operate either in grid-con- tributed and cooperated form. This
of UPSs. One of the problems is that nected mode or in island mode. Grid- way, future UPS systems for renewable
classic renewable energy sources such connected operation consists of or nonconventional dispersed energy
as photovoltaic and wind energy are delivering power to the local loads and sources should take into account novel
variable since they rely on natural phe- to the utility grid. In such a case, the law codes that will regulate the use of
nomena like sun and wind. In order to output voltage reference is often taken such grids, while keeping the necessary
accommodate these variable sources from the grid voltage sensing and using energy storage.
to the energy demanded by the loads, a synchronization circuit, while an inner
it is necessary to regulate the energy current loop ensures that the inverter Biographies
flow adequately. acts as a current source. Josep M. Guerrero received the B.S. in
On the other hand, the interactivity Currently, when the grid is not pres- telecommunications engineering, the
with the grid and the islanded opera- ent, the inverters are normally discon- M.S. in electronics engineering, and the
tion will be requirements for these new nected from the ac line, in order to Ph.D. in power electronics from the Uni-
UPSs. In addition, the use of technolo- avoid islanding operation. In the com- versitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC),
gies such as compressed-air energy ing years, inverters should be able to Barcelona, Spain, in 1997, 2000, and
devices, regenerative fuel cells, and fly- operate in island mode due the high 2003, respectively. He is a senior lectur-
wheel systems will be integrated with penetration of distributed generation. er at the UPC and responsible for the
renewable energy sources in order to In addition, in certain zones where a Sustainable Distributed Generation and
ensure the continuous and reliable elec- stiff grid is not accessible (e.g., some Renewable Energy Research Group at
trical power supply. Distributed genera- physical islands, rural or remote areas), the Escola Industrial de Barcelona. He is
tion becomes a viable alternative when islanding operation mode is necessary. an associate editor of IEEE Transactions


on Industrial Electronics and a guest edi- novel topology,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. [29] C.S. Lee, S. Kim, C.B. Kim, S.C. Hong, J.S. Yoo, S.W.
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Luis García de Vicuña received
Mar. 2005, pp. 1824–1830. [30] Y. Pei, G. Jiang, X. Yang, and Z. Wang, “Auto-mas-
his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in telecom- [10] J.-H. Choi, J.-M. Kwon, J.-H. Jung, and B.-H. Kwon, ter-slave control technique of parallel inverters in
munications engineering from the Uni- “High-performance online UPS using three-leg type distributed ac power systems and UPS,” in Proc.
converter,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 52, pp. IEEE PESC’04, pp. 2050–2053, 2004.
versitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 889–897, June 2005. [31] T.F. Wu, Y.-K. Chen, and Y.-H. Huang, “3C strategy
Barcelona, Spain, in 1980 and 1990, [11] T.-J. Liang and J.-L. Shyu, “Improved DSP-con- for inverters in parallel operation achieving an
trolled online UPS system with high real output equal current distribution,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Elec-
respectively, and the Dr. Sci. degree power,” IEE Proc. Electr. Power Appl., vol. 151, no. 1, tron., vol. 47, pp. 273–281, Apr. 2000.
from the Université Paul Sabatier, pp. 121–127, Jan. 2004. [32] M.C. Chandorkar, D.M. Divan, Y. Hu, and B. Barna-
[12] C.-H. Lai and Y.-Y. Tzou, “DSP-embedded UPS con- jee, “Novel architectures and control for distrib-
Toulouse, France, in 1992. From 1980 troller for high-performance single-phase on-line uted UPS systems,” in Proc. IEEE APEC’94, Orlando,
to 1982, he worked as an engineer with UPS system,” in Proc. IEEE IECON’02, pp. 268–273, FL, pp. 683–689, Feb. 1994.
2002. [33] J. Tao, H. Lin, J. Zhang, and J. Ying, “A novel load
control applications. He is currently an [13] H.-L. Jou, J.-C. Wu, C. Tsai, K.-D. Wu, and M.-S. sharing control technique for paralleled inverters,”
associate professor in the Department Huang, “Novel line-interactive uninterruptible in Proc. IEEE PESC’03 Conf., pp. 1432–1437, June
power supply,” IEE Proc. Electr. Power Appl., vol. 2003.
of Electronic Engineering, Universitat 151, no. 3, pp. 359–364, May 2004. [34] Y. Xing, L. Huang, S. Sun, and Y. Yan, “Novel con-
Politècnica de Catalunya. His research [14] Y. Okui, S. Ohta, N. Nakamura, H. Hirata, and M. trol for redundant parallel UPSs with instantaneous
Yanagisawa, “Development of line interactive type current sharing,” in Proc. IEEE PCC’02 Conf., Osaka,
interests include power electronics UPS using a novel control system,” in Proc. IEEE Japan, pp. 959–963, Apr. 2002.
modeling, simulation and control, INTELEC’03, Oct., pp. 796–801, 2003. [35] X. Sun, Y.-S. Lee, and D. Xu, “Modeling, analysis,
[15] F. Kamran and T.G. Habetler, “A novel on-line UPS and implementation of parallel multi-inverter sys-
active power filtering, and high-power- with universal filtering capabilities,” IEEE Trans. tem with instantaneous average-current-sharing
factor ac-dc conversion. Power Electron., vol. 13, pp. 410–418, May 1998. scheme,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 18, pp.
[16] W.-J. Ho, J.-B. Lio, and W.-S. Feng, “Economic UPS 844–856, May 2003.
Javier Uceda received his M.S. and structure with phase-controlled battery charger [36] J.M. Guerrero, L. García de Vicuña, J. Miret, J.
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and input-power-factor improvement,” IEE Proc. Matas, and J. Cruz, “Output impedance perform-
Electr. Power Appl., vol. 144, no. 4, pp. 221–226, July ance for parallel operation of UPS inverters using
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and P.F. Seixas, “A three-phase line interactive UPS 2004.
tively. Since 1986, he has been a profes- system implementation with series-parallel active [37] L. Chen, X. Xiao, C. Gong, and Y. Yan, “Circulating
sor at the Universidad Politécnica de power-line conditioning capabilities,” IEEE Trans. currents characteristics analysis and the control
Industry Appl., vol. 38, pp. 1581–1590, Nov./Dec. strategy of parallel system based on double close-
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cesses in power storage,” IEEE Power Energy Mag., [38] A.R. Bergen. Power Systems Analysis. Englewood
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and modeling of magnetic components. [19] R.G. Lawrence, K.L. Craven, and G.D. Nichols, [39] T. Kawabata and S. Higashino, “Parallel operation
“Flywheel UPS,” IEEE Ind. Appicat. Mag., pp. 44–50, of voltage source inverters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appli-
He is an editorial board member of the cat., vol. 24, pp. 281–287, Mar./Apr. 1988.
May/June 2003.
EPE Journal and of the Steering Commit- [20] T. Mito, A. Kawagoe, H. Chikaraishi, R. Maekawa, [40] J.M. Guerrero, L. García de Vicuña, J. Matas, M.
tee of the EPE Association. He was an K. Okumura, R. Abe, T. Baba, T. Hemmi, M. Iwaku- Castilla, and J. Miret, “A wireless controller to
ma, M. Yokota, H. Ogawa, Y. Morita, K. Yamauchi, enhance dynamic performance of parallel invert-
associate editor of IEEE Transactions on A. Kuge, and F. Sumiyoshi, “Validation of the high ers in distributed generation systems,” IEEE Trans.
Industrial Electronics and a guest editor performance conduction-cooled prototype LTS for Power Electron., vol. 9, pp. 1205–1213, Sept. 2004.
UPS-SMES,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Superconduct., vol. 19, [41] J.M. Guerrero, L. Garcia de Vicuña, J. Matas, M.
of the “Uninterruptible Power Supply pp. 608–611, June 2006. Castilla, and J. Miret, “Output impedance design of
(UPS) Systems” special section. He is a [21] M.H. Nehrir, C. Wang, and S.R. Shaw, “Fuel cells: parallel-connected UPS inverters with wireless
Promising devices for distributed generation,” IEEE load-sharing control,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.,
senior AdCom member of the IEEE Power Energy Mag., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 47–53, vol. 52, pp. 1126–1135, Aug. 2005.
Industrial Electronics Society. Jan./Feb. 2006. [42] J.M. Guerrero, J. Matas, L. Garcia de Vicuña, M.
[22] W. Choi, P. Enjeti, and J.W. Howze, “Fuel cell pow- Castilla, and J. Miret, “Wireless-control strategy for
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