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Asean/Bravehearts (CJ): What a wonderful presentation about the hidden maths in the leafy parts of the

Serenity Garden, Allesia. Make sure to check out the Serenity Garden to stop by and feel the cool breeze
with your friends. Good day, I’m Christian Joseph I. Acutina and join me as we venture to our next
location and discover the math in our everyday lives.

We are here at the ASEAN Promenade where we can see the giant word bravehearts.

The statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary called Mater et Magistra (Mother and Teacher) is located at the
left side of the ASEAN Promenade where the Blessed Virgin Mary watches over the entire FAITH Colleges
campus from the top of a 30-ft tower located at the College Promenade. In order create the tower
where the Blessed Virgin Mary stand, the construction workers used precise measurements to
determine the desired height of the tower whereas geometric curves around the tower are applied to
create a more detailed piece. The tower is set to be a straight line in a 90 degree angle to balance the
weight of the pole and the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Also, the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary
consists of different geometric curves to imitate the body of the Blessed Virgin Mary watching over the
entire FAITH Colleges campus.

Aside from that, as we walk around at the ASEAN Promenade we can observe the beautiful arrangement
of the pathway which consist patterns of rectangular shaped stones that has specific variation in size
according to its designated pattern.

The ASEAN Promenade surely displays one of the beautiful landscapes of FAITH COLLEGES. With its
simple elements, it showcases the basic uses of math in our everyday lives. From its use for displaying
the beauty of arts, to its functionality for our everyday use. But let’s not settle it all here because there
are still places to go. I’ll let Robie be your host for your next destination.

Parking (CJ): Hello everybody it’s me, CJ again to guide you at our last location which is the parking lot.

This is the parking lot, where you can park your car around if you’re to attend school. But, make sure
you have your sticker so you’ll have access to enter. Anyway, here at the parking lot there’s not much to
see around rather than linear lines painted as a guide for parking space that has specific length and
distance to each other to make sure there is enough space for a car to park.

Different Signage such as Stop and No Parking are also spread around the parking lot to remind the
users about the limitations and rules that they have to obey. These words are painted through signage
that is in geometric shape which as you can see is the hexagon. Fun fact, signages have their own shapes
because it is helpful for drivers to identify the sign by recognizing its shape from the back preventing
confusions and accidents in the road. Well that wraps everything up, I hope you all had fun and learned
some mathematical relation to our everyday lives. It is very fascinating and helpful knowing what
mathematics can offer us and how it is involved in everything that we encounter.

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