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Submitted to English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts,

State University of Medan in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
Doing Proposal Seminar



Reg. Number: 2161121044






TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................... i

A. The Background of Study ...................................................................... 1
B. Identification of Problem ....................................................................... 4
C. The Problem of Study............................................................................ 5
D. The Objectives of Study ........................................................................ 5
E. The Scope of Study ............................................................................... 5
F. The Significances of Study.................................................................... 6


A. Writing ................................................................................................... 7
1. Definition of Writing .......................................................................... 7
2. Purpose of Writing ............................................................................. 9
B. Text ......................................................................................................... 9
1. Definition of Text .............................................................................. 9
2. Types of Text ...................................................................................... 10
C. Genre ....................................................................................................... 11
1. Definition of Genre............................................................................. 11
2. Kinds of Genre ................................................................................... 12
D. Descriptive Text ...................................................................................... 14
1. Definition of Descriptive Text............................................................ 14
2. Social Function ................................................................................... 14
3. Generic Function and Textual Elements ........................................ 15
4. Linguistic Features ............................................................................ 15
5. Example of Descriptive Text ............................................................. 16
E. Scientific Approach .................................................................................. 18
F. Writing for Specific Purposes ................................................................ 20
1. Need Analysis .................................................................................... 21

2. Material Development ........................................................................ 22
a) Material Design ............................................................................. 24
b) Material Evaluation ....................................................................... 24
G. Syllabus .................................................................................................. 25
1. Multimedia ........................................................................................ 25
2. Curriculum of Multimedia Study Program ........................................ 26
H. Relevant Studies ..................................................................................... 27
I. Conceptual Framework ............................................................................ 30


A. The Research Design ............................................................................. 34
B. The Subject of the Research .................................................................. 35
C. The Sources of the Data ......................................................................... 35
D. The Instrument of Data Collection ........................................................ 35
E. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................... 37
F. The Steps of Developing Materials ........................................................ 37

REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 40



A. The Background of the Study

In Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL) there are four skills

which has to be mastered by the students , they are reading, writing, listening and

speaking that wellknown as language skills.The language skills are divided into

two ways, the first one is receptive skills and the second is productive skills.

Reading and listening are included on receptive skills while speaking and writing

are included on productive skills. Without listening skill, no speaking skill is

possible. Without reading skill, no writing skill is possible.So, the four skills go in

pairs. From those four language skills, writing is the most important skill that

should be learned by the students well because by having this skill they can

improve their creative thinking in expressing ideas.

Writing is a process to share ideas or opinions from human brain into a

sheet of paper, it is also called as non-verbal communication. According to

Dirgeyasa (2016), writing is a difficult and complex process to do for many

people. By reading and doing all the guided exercises, the students will find

themselves enjoy in writing. English has some genres in language learning, one of

them is descriptive text. According to curriculum 2013 in English syllabus revised

2017, descriptive text is one of genres which is learnt in senior high school.


Generally, descriptive is a text which describe about people, thing or place.

Descriptive text describes how the natures and characteristics of them.

In some cases, students get some problems and get difficulties in writing

especially in vocational school. This problem is caused by the lack of practicing

and some irrelevant texts that they learn. This happens because the book used by

vocational school is the same as high school, it is certainly not suitable because it

does not match with the students‟ need. However, one of the considerations in

developing materials is based on the students‟ needs (Brown, 1995).

Based on the observation conducted by the researcher during her

internship program, the students in the grade X of multimedia study program at

SMKN 1 Dolok Masihul use Buku Bahasa Inggris published by Pusat Kurikulum

dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud, in 2017. The researcher also finds that

the materials used by the students in SMKN 1 Dolok Masihul is generally same

with senior high school materials, eventhough their need is different. In fact,

based on the questionnaires distributed to the students, it is found that the students

in the school actually need the writing material topics which is related to

multimedia study program. They need text which is related to their study program

to build their vocabularies and ease them in learning English, especially in writing

descriptive text.

Based on the preliminary observation conducted by the researcher, some

irrelevant descriptive texts were found in Buku Bahasa Inggris published by Pusat

Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud, in 2017 that used in SMKN


1 Dolok Masihul namely Tanjung Puting National Park, Tajmahal and Visiting

Niagara Falls. The researcher thinks that the existing materials in the English

book are not suitable for the students in multimedia study program. Some texts

that are there in the book do not contain technical terms related to multimedia

study program in SMKN 1 Dolok Masihul, the content of descriptive texts in the

book are more related to tourism study program. Furthermore, the texts are also

too general for them.

Beside that, based on the interview that has been conducted in SMKN 1

Dolok Masihul, the English teacher said that she teaches the students by using the

existing materials in the textbook Buku Bahasa Inggris published by Pusat

Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud 2017 as the first learning

resource, but sometimes she also uses the other materials that she gets from the

internet resources. At the interview session, she also argues that she feels it is very

needed to develop English teaching materials for vocational school in order to

support the students‟ study program in build students‟ more understanding. The

materials used for vocational school should be more specific than senior high

school because in vocational school actually should uses English for specific

purposes. It can be planned based on the basic competences in the syllabus and

also the students need, that is the study programs of the vocational school itself.

For example, it could be the materials about places that have relation with

technology because multimedia is a part of technology. By doing this, the students

will get more understanding about multimedia terms and knowledges that will be

beneficial for students‟ real life .


In addition, multimedia study program has promising job opportunities in

this era. While everything is based on computer system technology, talented

people in the multimedia field are the most sought after. Many professions can be

born from multimedia field such as operators, animator designers, programmers,

content creators, and many more. In the multimedia study program also includes

office administration within actually. Hence, beside able to operate the computer

system well, the multimedia students are also expected to be able to write and

communicate well to build relationship. This achievements can be assisted

through the writing text materials used by the students in the school. If the writing

materials used is relevant with the students needs, they will be easier to apply this

in their real life.

Based on the problem stated above, the researcher will develop English

writing materials of descriptive text for grade X multimedia students at SMKN 1

Dolok Masihul.

B. Identification of Problem

Based on the background of the study, there are some problems that can be

identified in SMKN 1 Dolok Masihul. The first problem is about students‟ low

understanding and the second problem is the material used. So, in this research,

the researcher will try to develop the existing materials (descriptive texts) in the

textbook Buku Bahasa Inggris published by Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan,

Balitbang, Kemendikbud 2017 based on the syllabus and the students‟ need in

multimedia study program by using scientific approach .


C. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, the problem of the study is

formulated as “How is writing materials of descriptive text developed

appropriately based on scientific approach for grade X multimedia students at

SMKN 1 Dolok Masihul?”

D. The Objective of the Study

As mentioned in the problem of the study, the objective of this research

is to develop writing materials of descriptive text in the form of physical book

or online-based materials as supporting learning for grade X multimedia

students at SMKN 1 Dolok Masihul.

E. The Scope of the Study

In this research, the researcher focuses on developing English writing

materials of descriptive text based on syllabus and students‟ need by using

scientific approach, especially for grade X multimedia students at SMKN 1

Dolok Masihul. The materials will be developed are the writing materials of

descriptive text for one year of study which is consist of three texts included in

the topic of historical building or the famous places that will be linked with

multimedia study program.


F. The Significances of the Study

The significances of this study are divided into two parts, they are

theoretically and practically which is expected to give meaningful contributions.

1. Theoretically

This research hopefully can gain students‟ creativity in learning English,

particularly in learning descriptive text and enrich the insight of

multimedia study program in teaching learning process. Beside that, the

students also are more interested in learning English because of their needs

which have been completed and surely it can improve their motivation in

learning English.

2. Practically

a. The teacher

The teacher can be used the materials as additional source in teaching

writing descriptive text for X grade students of multimedia study program

at SMKN 1 Dolok Masihul.

b. The students

For the students, it will assist them in finding future work according to their

current study program.

c. The Other Researchers

For other researchers, this research is expectedly to be useful for them as a

reference for further research.



The following terms bellow are clarified for the purpose to explain all the

terms related to the theory of writing, text, genre, descriptive text, materials and

also scientific approach so that both reader and researcher have some perception.

A. Writing

1. Definition of Writing

According to Harmer (2004: 4-5), there are four main elements in

writing process; planning, drafting, editing (reflecting and revising) and

final version.

1. Planning

Planning is a process to encourage students start to write. It is become a

way to warm up the writers‟ brain before they write. The writers need

to think about three main issues of writing process. First, they have to

consider the purpose of their writing. Secondly, writers think of the

audience they are writing for and thirdly, they have to consider the

content structure of the piece.

2. Drafting

In this stage, writers “go” at text is often done on the assumption that it

will be amended. In the other hand, in the drafting process, a number of

drafts may be produced on the way to the final version.


3. Editing (reflecting and revising)

In this process, writers read through what they have written to see

where it works and where it does not. The students‟ feedback do not

only given by the teacher, the classmates, caregivers, or classroom aides

also can help students in the revising process. Revising is not only

checking for language errors, this process also can improve global

content, organization of ideas and also a way to avoid the ambiguous

or confusing so made clearer the reader.

4. Final version

In this process, the writers have edited their draft and produce their final

version. Surely, the writing product is different from the planning and

drafting process because the things have changed in the editing process.

The writers edit their own or their peer‟s work for grammar, spelling,

punctuation, diction, sentence structure and accuracy of supportive

textual material such as quotations, examples and the like.

Linse (in Masitoh and Suprijadi 2015: 38)) also stated that writing is a

combination of process and product of discovering ideas, putting them on paper

and working with them until they are presented in manner that is polished and

comprehensible ro readers.

Based on those definitions, it can be stated that writing is a process to

deliver some creative ideas from humans‟ brain to be some texts on the paper

sheets. In produce a good writing, there will be some plans and number of

revisions before its release.

2. Purpose of Writing

Harmer (2004:31) stated that writing encourage students to focus on

accurate language use and because they think as they write, it will provoke

language development as they resolve problems which the writing puts

into their minds.. Hosseini (in Indrilla 2018: 405) have stated that by

having a good writing ability, it will give good impact in life. Through

writing activity, people are required to read more from various sources and

to think creatively in developing the insight of their knowledge widely

Based on the theory, the researcher concludes that the aim of writing is

to match the writers‟ mind with the writers‟ writing product. It must the

same things because writing product is a problems resolving of what the

writers‟ think in their mind. In the other hand, writing also can influences

our life in the future, it can change our mindset to think more creatively.

B. Text

1. Definition of Text

According to Knapp and Watkins (2005: 30), a text is any completed

act of communication such as a greeting between friends in the street, a

television advertisement, a novel, or a film and so on. As far as speech and


writing are concerned, a text stands alone as an act of communication.

While in Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “text is the main body of printed or

written matter on a page”.

Thus, a text is the basic principles of communication even written or

verbally in which the someone who delivers and someone who receives

likes the writer and the reader understand the meaning and produce a


2. Types of Text

There are three types of text. (Knapp and Watkins 2005 : 30-31). Those

texts are :

1. Literary Text

Literary text is a text in which deals with everyday experience in a

way that lifts readers beyond the everyday. Literary texts might

include the broad range of texts that reflect and interpret individual and

social life, whether real or imaginary. Literary texts often use language

to create images in readers‟ minds, the language enables readers to

engage with the text and incorporate their own meanings and

understandings with those of the writer

2. Factual Text

Factual text is all the texts that have the primary aim of

communicating knowledge as it has been educationally defined,

classified and constructed. Factual texts deal with the exchange of


knowledge (learning) in all of the learning areas. In the everyday sense

they include all of the texts that we use from day to day to „get things


3. Media Text

Media text is any texts (whether literary or factual) that are used in

channels of mass communication such as print, broadcasting, cable,

film and video.

C. Genre

1. Definition of Genre

The Australian semiotician, Anne Freadman (in Knapp and

Watkins 2005: 22) writes : First, genre is an organising concept for our

cultural practices. Second, any field of genres constitutes a network of

contrasts according to a variety of parameters. Third, genre is place

occasion,function, behaviour and interactional structures, it is very rarely

useful to think of it as a kind of „text‟. Fourth, cultural competence

involves knowing the appropriateness principle for any genre, knowing the

kind of margin you have with it, being able to vary it, knowing how to

shift from one to another and how many factors would be involved in any

such shift.

Ann (in Dirgeyasa 2016) also stated that genre includes in a type of

writing text. It is a typical model of writing product having its own


features, variables, attributes, and characteristics. It can see from the

physical structure, linguistic features usages, the purpose of the writings,

style, reader, atc.

Thus, genre is a part of text types that has systematic elements in

which contains parameters within includes behavior, academic writing

competence and also cultural competence.

2. Kinds of Genre

According to Dirgeyasa (2016), there are several kinds of genre.

Some of them are recount, descriptive, narrative, explanation, and

procedure. Following are the general information of them :

a. Recount

Recount is a text that retells events or experiences in the past. In

literary term, experience is what we do, feel, hear, read, even what we

dream. The generic structures of this genre are orientation, events, re-

orientation. This genre focuses on individual participant, use of past

tense, focus on temporal sequence of events, and use material (or

action) clauses and process.

b. Descriptive

Descriptive is a text which has function to describes or illustrates about

thing, person or place. This genre focuses on specific participant and

use simple present tense. Beside that, detailed noun-phrase and

adjective also used in this genre.


c. Narrative

Narrative is a text that has function to amuse, entertain and to deal with

actual or vicarious experience in different ways. The generic structures

of this genre are orientation, complication, and resolution. This genre

contains character with defined personalities/ identities, dialogue often

included-tense may change to the present or the future, descriptive

language to create images in the readers‟ mind and enhance the story.

d. Explanation

Explanation is a text which has function to explain the processes

involved in the information or working of natural or socio-cultural

phenomena. In more comprehensive definition, explanation is factual

genre used to explain the sequence, cause or theoretical understanding

of a phenomenon or event. The generic structures of this genre namely

a general statement to position the reader or general statement, and a

sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs or sequence of


e. Procedure

Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something

is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.The key words of

this genre is “what needs to be done?” or “what should I do?” or

“how something is done?” or “how something works?” or “what to do

next?” [Pardiyono, 2007]; [Oshima, 2005].


D. Descriptive Text

1. Definition of Descriptive Text

According to Dirgeyasa (2016), descriptive text is a kind of written

text which has specific function to describe or illustrate some objects such

as thing, person or place vividly so that the reader can visualize the object

described. Suryana (in Dirgeyasa 2016: 57) also stated that descriptive text

is also used to create image of the people, place, even of units, times of the

days, or seasons.

From those theories, the researcher argues that descriptive text is a

text which has function to describe or illustrate about thing, person or

place based on the appearances and characteristics of them in which write

based on visualization and experiences of the writers.

2. Social Function

The main purpose of descriptive text is actually to describe and

illustrate the particular thing, person or place. According to Dirgeyasa

(2016), as a typical writing text, descriptive genre has some characteristics

such as :

1) It elaborates the usages of sensory language.

2) It is rich, vivid, and lively detail.

3) It tends to use figurative language such as simile, hyperbole,

metaphor, symbolism and personification.


4) It shows, rather than tells, through use of active verbs and precise


5) It uses clear and concise language.

6) It leaves the reader with clear impression

3. Generic Structures and Textual Elements

As a type of genres, descriptive text has the rethorical structure or

generic structure and textual elements, the first is identification and the

second is description. Each element has its own function and purpose such

as bellow :

1. Identification

a) It is a statement describing and illustrating about the topic/theme to

be described.

b) Statement must be interesting and is able to attract and provoke the

reader becomes interested in reading the complete description.

c) The use of adjective and degree of comparison of adjective is


2. Description

a) It is a complete description about the topic/theme proposed in

identification text.

b) Description is the detail description or elaboration of the topic or

theme as described in the identification.

4. The Linguistics Features

The linguistics features in descriptive text divides into two ways :


1. The Relevant Grammatical Patterns

In general, the common grammatical patterns of descriptive text

include :

a) It uses present tense and present perfect tense.

b) It uses adjective to describe or illustrate the condition of the

topic/theme described.

c) It uses passive sentences.

d) It uses attributes and identifying process.

2. The Related Vocabulary Usages

In general, the related vocabulary usages of the descriptive text in

common are :

a) It tends to use the verb such as seems, looks, sounds, and like,


b) It uses epithets and classifiers in nominal group.

c) It tends to focus on specific participant.

5. The Example of Descriptive Text

Topic : The Museum of Science and Technology TMII


The museum of science and technology TMII is one of digital

museums in Indonesia. It is located in the eastern area of TMII (Taman


Mini Indonesia Indah), Jakarta. The location is right in front of the Non-

Blok summit friendly monument. The area of the museum is about 1000

meters, and it is inaugurated by President Soeharto on April 20, 1991.

This museum is more commonly known as PP-IPTEK (Pusat Peragaan

Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi).


The museum is a means of learning outside of school to develop a

culture of science and technology in an easy, entertaining, memorable and

creative manner. The purpose of establishing the museum is to make the

public aware of the development of world science and technology rapidly.

The activities offered to visitors in the museum are so vary,

according to the target visitors based on level ranging from kindergarten,

elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and also family.

Its activities include workshop and demonstration of science and

technology, training in the design of props, science fair, science camp, star

observation, and various competitions. Besides that, visitors can also

watch scientific movies shown in the auditorium with a capacity of 130

people to add knowledge as well as entertainment.

The museum of science and technology TMII not only provides

facilities for Jakarta residents, but also has an outreach activity program to

malls and crowds centers, villages, schools and regions by carrying


portable props. The presence of this museum looks very useful for anyone

and anywhere.

Therefore, from the example above, everybody knows the way how to

write the descriptive text well. Firstly, the writer writes the general statements in

the identification part. Secondly, the writer continues his/her writing in the

description part, it is larger than identification. In this part, the writer write more

specific sentences in which to describes and illustrates more about the general

statements in the identification part and gives more and detail informations about

the topic written.

E. Scientific Approach

According to Permendikbud nomor 81 A tahun 2013, an approach that

used in curriculum 2013 namely scientific approach. Based on this

curriculum, there are five main learning steps that need to implied in the

learning process through this scientific approach namely observing,

questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating. Those steps are the

following ;

1) Observing

This step is very useful for fulfilling the curiosity of students, so that the

learning process has high meaning. By this step, the students find the

fact that there is a relationship between the object being analyzed and the

learning material used by the teacher.


2) Questioning

In the 2013 curriculum, questioning activities are expected to emerge

from students. Learning to ask questions about information that is not

understood from what is observed or questions to get additional

information about what is observed.

3) Exploring/ Gathering Information

This activity is carried out by exploring and gathering informations from

various sources in various ways. Students can read various sources, pay

attention to phenomena or objects that are more accurate, or even carry

out experiments.

4) Associating

In this process, there are reasoning activities within the framework of the

learning process with the scientific approach adopted in 2013 curriculum

to illustrate that teachers and students are active actors. Reasoning is a

logical and systematic thinking process on empirical facts that can be

observed to obtain conclusions in the form of knowledge.

5) Communicating

In the scientific approach, the teacher is expected to provide

opportunities for students to communicate what they have learned. This

activity can be done through writing down or telling what was found in

the activities of seeking information, associating, and finding solution.

According to Hosnan (2014), the characteristics of scientific approach are ;


a) Student-centered learning

b) Involves scientific process skills in constructing a concept, law, or process

c) Involving cognitive processes that have the potential to stimulate intellectual

development, especially higher order thinking skills (HOTS) of students

d) Develop students‟ character

Based on the theory, the researcher will try to design writing materials of

descriptive text for grade X multimedia students based on scientific approach by

paying full attention to its characteristics.

F. Writing for Specific Purposes

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) can be defined as a teaching and

learning English as a second or foreign language for the purpose of using it in

a particular domain. According to Belcher (in Rahayuningsih, D. 2016: 27)

ESP is an attempt to help learners accomplish their academic and

occupational needs and goals. Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 8) also defined

that ESP is English needed by a particular group or learner could be

identified by analyzing the linguistics characteristics of their specialist area of

work or study.

There are five phases in development of English for specific purposes (ESP),


1. Register analysis

This phase focuses on identifying grammatical and lexical features.

2. Discourse analysis

It is focused on the language at the sentence level and how to produce


3. Target situation analysis

This phase refers to the use of language by learners based on the situation,

further ESP course design carries out an analysis of linguistic features of

thet situation.

4. Skills and strategies

It focuses on the underlying interpretative strategies, which enable the

learners to cope with the surface forms, for example guessing the meaning

of words from context.

5. Learning-centered approach

It means that as each phase of designing ESP course must consider

learning needs. (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987)

Thus, from the theories above it can concludes that it is very important to

give the authentic materials to the students in vocational school in order to prepare

the students‟ skills that can work directly in accordance with the needs of

Business and Industrial World (DUDI) and in accordance with the department

after graduating vocational for 3 years.

1. Need Analysis

Need analysis can give the differences between English for

Specific Purposes (ESP) and General English. A study conducted by Dian

Rahayuningsih (2016) stated that need analysis is considered to be the

cornerstone of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). According to

Duddley-Evans (in Rahayuningsih, D. 2016: 27), there are eight

components in today‟s concept of needs analysis which have been grouped

into five broad areas including :

1. Target situation analysis and objective needs analysis (e.g. tasks and

activities learners will use English for.

2. Linguistic analysis, discourse analysis, genre analysis. Knowledge of

how language and skills are used in the target situations.

3. Subjective needs analysis, learners‟ wants, means, subjective needs-

factors that affect the way they learn (e.g. previous learning

experiences, reasons for attending the course, expectations).

4. Present situation analysis for the purpose of identifying learners‟

current skills and language use.

5. Means analysis, information about the environment where the course

will run.

It is important to conduct a need analysis before designing the

materials. Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 59-60) stated that the analysis of

target situation needs can be conducted in the learning process by asking

questions about target situation and the attitudes of learners.


2. Material Development

Material is the important thing that must be considered in teaching

and learning process. The materials that given by the teacher can Influence

the students‟ motivation in the classroom. Tomlinson (2017 : 2) stated that

materials include anything which can be used to facilitate the learning of a

language. They can be linguistic, visual, auditory or kinesthetic, and they

can be presented in print, through live performance or display, or on

cassette, CD-RoM, DVD or the internet.

In accordance with the writing of a module issued by the

Directorate of Vocational Secondary Education, Directorate General of

Primary and Secondary Education, Ministry of National Education in

2003, teaching materials have several characteristics, namely self-

instructional, self-contained, stand alone, adaptive, and user friendly

(Widodo and Jasmadi in Lestari , 2013: 2).

1. Self-instructional, teaching materials can make students able to teach

themselves with the teaching materials developed. To fulfill the self-

instructional character, the teaching materials must have clearly

formulated goals, both the final goal and the intermediate goal.

2. Self-contained, all subject matter from one unit of competence or sub-

competence being learned contained in one teaching material as a

whole. So a teaching material must contain all the parts in one book as a

whole to make it easier for readers to learn the teaching material.


3. Stand alone, teaching materials that are developed not depending on

other teaching materials or do not have to be used together with other

teaching materials. This means that a teaching material can be used

alone without depending on other teaching materials.

4. Adaptive, teaching materials should have high adaptive power to the

development of science and technology. Teaching materials must

contain materials that can increase the reader's knowledge regarding the

times or more especially the development of science and technology.

5. User friendly, that is, every instruction and exposure to information that

appears is helpful and friendly to the wearer, including the ease with

which the user responds and accesses as desired. So the teaching

materials should be present to make it easier for readers to get

information as clearly as possible.

a) Material Design

Hyland (in Tomlinson 2017: 400) stated that designing new

writing materials can be an extremely satisfying activity. It not

only offers students a more tailored learning experience but also

demonstrates a professional competence and perhaps fulfills a

creative need in teachers. In designing or developing the materials,

it is better to make a discussion with close friends to share ideas

and ask for opinions, and most importantly is make a discussion

with educational experts who are more expert in that regard.


b) Material Evaluation

Evaluation is needed in every field, especially in teaching

and learning process to make it better. Evaluation is needed to

make something better. Hutchinson and Waters (1987;96) stated

that the material evaluation can be divided into four steps namely

defining criteria, subjective analysis, objective analysis, and


G. Syllabus

Syllabus can be defined as a set of education system which is created by

government and will be applied in teaching-learning process. Hutchinson and

Waters (1987: 80) stated that a syllabus is a document which says what will

(or at least what should) be learnt. In this research, the researcher uses the

English syllabus revision edition 2017 of Senior High School as the guidance

of materials development. The researcher chooses the basic competences 3.4

and 4.4 (descriptive texts) in which the texts are about the historical building

and the famous places, the materials will be developed in order to supports the

students in learning English especially for understanding the texts. Therefore,

a syllabus is the most important thing that must be analyzed before develop

the materials. A syllabus is created to maximise the aims and processes of


1. Multimedia

Multimedia study program becomes the favorite one in this digital era.

It is a part of the major of information and communication technique in

vocational school. Multimedia study program is related to the operational

of computer system. Basically, multimedia divided into two categories, the

first is linier multimedia and the second is interactive multimedia. Linier

multimedia is mulimedia that can operate without the control tools in

which can operates by user such as movie and television. While interactive

multimedia is multimedia that is completed by the control tools that can

operated by the users in order to produce interaction with user , the

examples are games or multimedia learning.

b. Curriculum of Multimedia Study Program

Based on Undang- Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 about National

Education System, curriculum is a set of plans and regulations about goals,

contents, and learning materials, also the methods which are used as

guidance for learning process to reach specific education goal. Curriculum

will guide the teachers design the materials which are suitable for the

students‟ needs.

In 2013 curriculum for multimedia study program, it provides main

competences and basic competences. The students who take multimedia study

program are expected to be able to:


1) Present information more easily so that the audience can understand the

information provided.

2) To be more creative, innovative, independent and able to be responsible.

H. Relevant Studies

Relevant studies aim to get references, recommendation and suggestions to

this research. Beside, by considering the relevant studies, it can helps the

researcher to get the strengths and weakness of previous studies which is

related to this research.

Puji Sumarsono and his three friends (2017) , their journal with

entitled “The Development of Authentic English Language Teaching (ELT)

Textbook of Vocational School”, as an international journal of English

research Vol.3, No.6, pp. 29-31, November 2017 also had done their research.

The object of their research is the students‟ in automation and management

office study program. The results of their research indicated that there were

various authentic materials could teacher present according to the existing

curriculum . And if those topics are written in a book, it could be named as

English for Automation and Management Office.

Gusti Pandji Sundanain his journal “The Use of Authentic Material in

Teaching Writing Descriptive Text” , Vol.6, No.1 December 2017 was

conducted his study to figure out the effectiveness of using authentic materials

in teaching writing descriptive text at one of private universities in Bandung.


The results showed that the participants showed positive opinions in learning

descriptive writing using authentic materials. It means that using authentic

materials in teaching descriptive writing had a significant role in improving

students‟ writing skill.

Elok Putri Nimasari was conducted her research entitled “English

Material Development Based On Scientific Approach: A Content Analysis of

“When English Rings A Bell” Course Book”, on her journal Kajian Linguistik

dan Sastra Vol. 1, No.2, Desember 2016. This study used qualitative

descriptive method to describe the results.There are some pros and cons in the

findings. The results will be so beneficial for the demand of content

improvement. The revision is necessary since there are unequal content based

on scientific approach and the syllabus. Thus, the content should be developed

based on scientific approach principles. However, teacher roles in the use of

the course book are important to meet the needs of the students.

Nidya Indrilla (2018), her journal with entitled “The Effectiveness of

Scientific Approach and Contextual Teaching And Learning Approach in

Teaching Writing” on Lingua Cultura journal Vol. 12, No.4, November 2018

also has conducted her study. Her research uses a quasi-experimental design

with a type of nonequivalent control group design with pretest and posttest.

The results are (1) there are significant differences in writing achievement

among the students taught by using the scientific approach, CTL approach,

and conventional approach. (2) The use of the scientific approach and the CTL

approach are more effective than that of the conventional approach in teaching

writing. (3) The use of the scientific approach is not more effective than that

of the CTL approach in teaching writing. Therefore, in this research, the

scientific approach and CTL approach are the effective approaches in the

writing classes at grade VIII students of SMP XX Yogyakarta. Finally,

teaching and learning writing need a creative teacher and active learners. A

creative teacher surely chooses and uses a good approach to make students

interest and want to learn writing.

Siti Masitoh and Dasep Suprijadi have conducted their research

entitled “ Improving Students‟ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Using

Genre Based Approach (GBA) at the Eight Grade Students of SMP Islam

Terpadu Fitrah Insani” on their ELTIN journal Vol.3, No. 1, April 2015. They

use quantitative research by using pre-test and post-test in conducting their

research. The result showed that GBA has a significant impact on improving

students‟ ability in writing descriptive text.

Thus, this research is intended to develop English writing materials of

descriptive text based on scientific approach for grade X multimedia students at

SMKN 1 Dolok Masihul. The English writing materials will be associated to the

students‟ needs in multimedia study program so that the materials will be suitable

and can be implemented by students when they will get to work in the future.

I. Conceptual Framework

Writing is an important skill which is a part of four language skills.

Somebody feel that writing is a difficult skill to learn because in its process we

must master on some studies like grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and also

spelling. Therefore, the students should be able to write clearly in order to

express their mind and feeling about something and also to examine their

understanding of some studies which is related to writing process.

Material is the important thing that must be considered in teaching and

learning process and should be match with the students‟ need. In this case, the

role of teachers is very needed to create an effective teaching and learning

process especially for English teachers who teach in vocational school. The

materials that given by the teacher can influence the students‟ motivation in

the classroom, so the teacher should be able to design the good and creative

material contents to make the students easy to understand the teaching and

learning process. In this research, the researcher will develop a writing

material about descriptive text for grade X multimedia students at SMKN. 1

Dolok Masihul. The material will be develop is the existing material in the

book Bahasa Inggris published by Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang,

Kemendikbud, in 2017. The researcher does not design the new materials, but

only develop and still follow the syllabus of English in 2013 curriculum which

is apply the scientific approach.


The researcher develop the English writing materials of descriptive

text based on scientific approach by conducting some steps, they are : the first

is gathering information from SMKN. 1 Dolok Masihul both of the students

and English teacher and also English learning activity which is taken from

observation, questionnaires and interview. The second is analyzing the

students‟ need based on the data and informations. The third is designing the

English writing materials of descriptive text based on the syllabus and the

students‟ need by using scientific approach. In this step, the researcher tries to

looking for some texts about the historical building and the famous place

which is related to multimedia study program. Beside, the researcher also

create a better contents include the worksheet and also design a lesson plan to

apply this material development. The fourth is evaluating or validating the

developed material by experts. The fifth is revising the material based on the

experts‟ suggestions. The last is revised-developing material (final product),

this product will be given to the English teacher of SMKN.1 Dolok Masihul

and will be shared to the students for apply in the English class.

In this case, the researcher is going to develop the appropriate English

writing materials of descriptive text for grade X multimedia students by using

Research and Development (R&D) proposed from Borg and Gall as the

research design. Those consist of six steps, they are: gathering information

and data, analyzing data, designing media, validating by expert, revising

media and final product. The researcher hopefully this product will supports

the English teacher in SMKN.1 Dolok Masihul as the supporting material for

learning process in writing ability.


The conceptual framework of this research as follow:

Gathering Information and Data

Observation to grade X Textbook and lesson plan by

multimedia students at
using interview
SMKN.1 Dolok Masihul by
using questionnaires

Analyzing Data

Developing Material Descriptive text materials about

historical building and famous
place related to multimedia
Validating by experts study program.

Revising material

Descriptive text materials for

Final product
grade X multimedia students .

Figure 2.2. Figure of Conceptual Framework



A. The Research Design

This research will be conducted by using research and development

method (R&D). Borg and Gall (in Sumarsono,P. and friends. 2017: 30)

stated that “R&D is the method which does not satisfy the curiosity on

something unknown, but finds further act to develop or validate

educational product”. This research was conducted by six phases of R&D,

they are: 1) Gathering information and data, 2) Analyzing data, 3)

Designing the product, 4) Validating by experts, 5) Revising the

materials, 6) Revised- developing (final product).

The more detail is showed in the following figure.

Need Designing the
Analysis product
and data

Final product Revising
by experts

Figure 3.1 Diagram of Research and Development (R & D)


B. The Subject of the Research

The subjects of this research are the English teacher and the grade X

students of multimedia study program at SMKN 1 Dolok Masihul which

have employed 2013 Curriculum.The reason for choosing this school as

the researcher‟s subject is because they only use textbook Buku Bahasa

Inggris published by Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang,

Kemendikbud, in 2017 in which the materials used by the students in

SMKN 1 Dolok Masihul is generally same with senior high school

eventhought their need is different.

C. The Sources of the Data

The sources of data used in this research are the existing materials used

by teacher in the classroom, the students‟ needs, teacher‟s interview and

syllabus. The researcher will give the questionnaires to the students to

obtain the research data. The data are collected by observing the existing

English writing materials which is being used by the grade X students of

multimedia study program, administering questionnaires to the students

and conducting interview to the teacher of English subject.

D. The Instrument of Data Collection

There are several ways to collect data in a research like

observation, questionnaires, interview, test, and others. In this research,


researcher will be collected the data through observation, questionnaires

and interview.

1. Observation: In this case, the researcher was taken the data from

syllabus, lesson plan, and the existing materials that used by the

teacher in the English class. The researcher found that the existing

materials in the textbook which is used by the teacher in teaching

actually match with the basic competences in the syllabus, but it does

not suitable with the students‟ need in the multimedia study program.

Because of that, the researcher will try to develop the existing

materials (descriptive text) by looking for some texts about historical

building or famous places which have relation with multimedia study

program in order to be beneficial for the students in the real life.

2. Questionnaires: The questionnaires will be administrated to the

material experts and the students to obtain the data about the quality

and eligibility of learning materials . The questionnaires were used in

the need analysis to find out the target needs and the learning needs.

This study referred to the needs analysis theory proposed by

Hutchinson and Waters (1987) and Nunan (2004).

3. Interview: The interview is consisted some list of questions which

were asked to the English teacher to get informations and data about

the students‟ interest in learning English. The observation is aimed to

find the problems of the students in learning the writing materials.


Beside, the documents such as syllabus, lesson plan and existing

textbook have function towards material development.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

The data are analyzed as following :

1) Analyzing the Observation

In this case, the data of observation will be analyzed by using

qualitative analysis form.

2) Analyzing the Interview

In this case, the data of interview will be analyzed by using

qualitative analysis form.

3) Analyzing of Questionnaires

The data of questionnaires will be calculated and present in

quantitative form. The questionnaires are administered to the

material‟s experts and students to get the related data. Then, the data

will be tabulated in order to obtain the best solution in terms of

preparing what the materials are appropriate for the students in SMKN

1 Dolok Masihul, especially in multimedia study program.

F. The Steps of Developing Materials

The developing of materials are staged as follows:

1. Gathering informations and data from SMKN 1 Dolok Masihul about

learning activity which is taken from observation, questionnaires and


interview. In this phase, the researcher would search information how

is important the product will be developed. It is consist of literature

review. The literature review is aimed to collect research findings and

other informations pertinent to the planned development. Basically in a

research , one purpose of the literature review is to determine the state

of knowledge in the area of concern. In this research, the literature

review was concerned with interviewing as a foundation of knowledge

upon which to develop a given educational product. In this phase, the

researcher interviewed the teacher of English subject and students.

2. Analyzing the students‟ needs based on the data and informations. In

this phase, the literature review concerned with the formulating of

learning descriptive text materials, lesson plan and validation

instruments as the analyzing data. The researcher also determined the

location and the materials that will be developed.

3. Designing the English writing materials based on the students‟ need by

using scientific approach. The writing materials will be designed as the

students‟ study program, it is multimedia study program. In this phase,

the researcher develops the existing materials for the students of

multimedia study program based on what students‟ needs by using

scientific approach.

4. Evaluating or validating new materials by experts. After the previous

steps finished, in this phase the researcher has to validate the

developed materials to the experts. In this case, the experts are the the

lecturer in Universitas Negeri Medan and the English teacher in

SMKN 1 Dolok Masihul. The English teacher of SMKN 1 Dolok

Masihul helps to check the information in the text to avoid misleading.

5. Revising the writing materials based on the experts‟ suggestions. In

this phase, the researcher accepts some critics and suggestions from

the experts and does revising to avoid some mistakes.

6. Revised-developing writing materials (final product). In this phase, the

researcher does revising to finishing the product.


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