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3031150 – RFM External API Odata corrections for Image Url

Retail and Fashion Management

Document History
Version Date Description Name

1.0 03-03-2021 Initial version Narasimha Rao

Approval History
Version Date Description Name

1.0 03-03-2021 Initial version Manjunatha Goudra

Utopia RFM Solutions Supporting Document for SNOTE

© 2021 Utopia Global, Inc. Page 2 of 9
Retail and Fashion Management

Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 4

Manual Pre-Implementation Steps ..................................................................................................... 4

A. Create structure /UGI4/_S_IMG_URL_API ............................................................................. 4

B. Create a table type /UGI4/_T_IMG_URL_API ....................................................................... 5

C. Add Field in table /UGI4/CREQ_ATTR_API ............................................................................ 6

D. Add table type in structure /UGI4/RFM_S_DBSTRUC_IN ....................................................... 8

Utopia RFM Solutions Supporting Document for SNOTE

© 2021 Utopia Global, Inc. Page 3 of 9
Retail and Fashion Management

This document provides information on Manual Pre-Implementation steps for Snote

3031150: RFM : External API Odata corrections for Image Url

Manual Pre-Implementation Steps

A. Create structure /UGI4/_S_IMG_URL_API

Use the following steps to create structure /UGI4/_S_IMG_URL_API

1. Run t-code SE11

2. Select option Data Type. Enter the name as “/UGI4/_S_IMG_URL_API”
3. Click on Create Button and select radio button ‘Structure’.

4. Enter the details as below:

Short Description: Structure for Image URL Data

Utopia RFM Solutions Supporting Document for SNOTE

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Retail and Fashion Management

5. Add below fields.

Component Component type

6. Click on Save button and enter the package as “/UGI4/MDG_ARTICLE”.

7. Click on Activate button.

B. Create a table type /UGI4/_T_IMG_URL_API

Use the following steps to to create table type /UGI4/_T_IMG_URL_API

1. Run t-code SE11

2. Select option Data Type. Enter the name as “/UGI4/_T_IMG_URL_API”

3. Click on Create Button and select radio button ‘Table Type ’.

Utopia RFM Solutions Supporting Document for SNOTE

© 2021 Utopia Global, Inc. Page 5 of 9
Retail and Fashion Management

4. Enter the details are below

Short description: Table type for Image url data
Line Type: /UGI4/_S_IMG_URL_API

5. Click on Save button and enter the package as “/UGI4/MDG_ARTICLE”.

Click on Activate button.

C. Add Field in table /UGI4/CREQ_ATTR_API

Use the following steps to add field in structure /UGI4/CREQ_ATTR_API:

1. Run t-code SE11

2. Select option Datatype. Enter the name as “/UGI4/CREQ_ATTR_API”.
3. Click on Change Button

Utopia RFM Solutions Supporting Document for SNOTE

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Retail and Fashion Management

4. Enter the new field details as below:

Field: MATNR
Data element: MATNR

Utopia RFM Solutions Supporting Document for SNOTE

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Retail and Fashion Management

5. Click on Save button

6. Click on Activate button.

D. Add table type in structure /UGI4/RFM_S_DBSTRUC_IN

Use the following steps to add table type in structure /UGI4/RFM_S_DBSTRUC_IN:

1. Run t-code SE11

2. Select option Datatype. Enter the name as “/UGI4/RFM_S_DBSTRUC_IN”
3. Click on Change Button

Utopia RFM Solutions Supporting Document for SNOTE

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Retail and Fashion Management

4. Enter the new field details as below:

Component: ART_IMG
Component Type: /UGI4/_T_IMG_URL_API

5. Click on Save button.

6. Click on Activate button.s

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