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Science of the Total Environment 885 (2023) 163896

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Microbiological mechanism for “production while remediating” in Cd-

contaminated paddy fields: A field experiment
Jiguang Gu a, Fang Guo a, Lihong Lin d, Jiexiang Zhang e, Weimin Sun b, Riaz Muhammad d, Haojie Liang d,

Dengle Duan f, Xingying Deng d, Zheng Lin d, Yifan Wang g, Yuming Zhong d, Zhimin Xu b,c,d,
Department of Ecology, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China
Guangdong Key Laboratory of Integrated Agro-environmental Pollution Control and Management, Institute of Eco-environmental and Soil Sciences, Guangdong Academy of Sciences,
Guangzhou 510650, China
Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Pollution Processes and Environmental Criteria, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China
College of Resources and Environment, Innovative Institute for Plant Health, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China
GRG Metrology& Test Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510656, China
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Lingnan Specialty Food Science and Technology, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan


• Security utilization measures (SUMs)

reshaped the rhizosphere microbial
• SUMs improved degree of DOM aromatiza-
tion participating in soil Cd coordination.
• Taxa related to growth promotion and soil
fertility improvement massively colonized.
• Grain Cd decrease partially relied on co-
precipitation caused by S\\N coupled cycle.


Editor: Filip M.G.Tack Security utilization measures (SUMs) for “production while remediating” in moderate and mild Cd-polluted paddy
fields had been widely used. To investigate how SUMs drove rhizosphere soil microbial communities and reduced
Keywords: soil Cd bioavailability, a field experiment was conducted using soil biochemical analysis and 16S rRNA high-
Paddy fields
throughput sequencing. Results showed that SUMs improved rice yield by increasing the number of effective panicles
Security utilization measures
and filled grains, while also inhibiting soil acidification and enhancing disease resistance by improving soil enzyme
Rhizobacteria community
activities. SUMs also reduced the accumulation of harmful Cd in rice grains and transformed it into Fe\\Mn oxidized
Cd immobilization Cd, organic-bound Cd, and residual Cd in rhizosphere soil. This was partly due to the higher degree of soil DOM aro-
matization, which helped complex the Cd with DOM. Additionally, the study also found that microbial activity was the
primary source of soil DOM, and that SUMs increased the diversity of soil microbes and recruited many beneficial mi-
crobes (Arthrobacter, Candidatus_Solibacter, Bryobacter, Bradyrhizobium, and Flavisolibacter) associated with organic
matter decomposition, plant growth promotion, and pathogen inhibition. Besides, special taxa (Bradyyrhizobium and
Thermodesulfovibrio) involved in sulfate/sulfur ion generation and nitrate/nitrite reduction pathway were observably
enriched, which effectively reduced the soil Cd bioavailability through adsorption and co-precipitation. Therefore,

⁎ Corresponding author at: Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China.
E-mail address: (Z. Xu).
Received 20 March 2023; Received in revised form 25 April 2023; Accepted 28 April 2023
Available online 4 May 2023
0048-9697/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Gu et al. Science of the Total Environment 885 (2023) 163896

SUMs not only changed the soil physicochemical properties (e.g., pH), but also drove rhizosphere microbes to partic-
ipate in the chemical species transformation of soil Cd, thus reducing Cd accumulation in rice grains.

1. Introduction promotes the deposition of metals to the root surface, thereby limiting the
uptake and transfer of Cd/As in rice tissues (Li and Zhou, 2020; Qian
Cadmium (Cd) pollution in paddy fields is a global environmental issue et al., 2022). Therefore, the SUMs may drive rhizosphere microbial commu-
due to human activities, such as industrial activities and the excessively use nity succession and then play potential roles in reducing soil Cd uptake by
of phosphate fertilizers containing Cd (Ngo et al., 2021; Zou et al., 2021). rice. More research is needed to better understand the evolution tendency
The affected area is not negligible, with an estimated 150 million hectares and roles of soil microbes in this security utilization pattern and to optimize
of paddy fields worldwide being contaminated with toxic metal Cd (Zoli its effectiveness.
et al., 2021). According to a 2019 report by the Food and Agriculture Orga- At present, the SUMs of “production while remediation” aimed at
nization (FAO) of the United Nations, the average Cd contents in rice sam- Cd-polluted paddy fields, has been applied in the actual remediation
ples of many countries was found to be above the recommended maximum projects, especially in areas with medium and mild Cd pollution (Chen
limit of 0.1 mg/kg set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), such et al., 2022; Huang et al., 2019). In this study, a paddy field exhibiting
as 0.15 mg/kg in China and 0.11 mg/kg in Bangladesh (Zhao et al., 2022b). mild Cd pollution (0.77 mg/kg dry soil) that exceeds the national stan-
Soil Cd accumulates highly in rice, a staple food for millions of people dard limit of 0.3 mg/kg in China was selected as the research subject,
worldwide (particularly in Asia), which can cause severe health problems, and the assembly characteristics of rhizosphere microbial communities
including renal dysfunction, osteoporosis, and cancer (Reyes-Hinojosa after “security utilization” measures application and its roles in soil
et al., 2019). Therefore, the management and remediation of Cd- amelioration and Cd pollution remediation were studied through phys-
contaminated paddy fields have become urgent priorities for protecting ical and chemical analysis, microbial 16S rRNA high-throughput
public health and ensuring food security. sequencing, and statistical model analysis.
Over the years, several remediation technologies have been developed
for Cd-contaminated paddy fields, including physical methods (soil wash- 2. Materials and methods
ing and electrokinetic remediation), bioremediation (phytoremediation
and microbial transformation), and chemical fixation/stabilization (Liu 2.1. Experimental field
et al., 2020a), but they have their own limitations. For instance, soil wash-
ing can be expensive, cause soil degradation, and generate large amounts of The experimental field is situated in Sanrao Town (N 23.99°/E
toxic waste due to the use of chemicals to extract Cd from soil, while the use 116.82°), Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, China, and covers an
of phytoremediation can be limited by factors such as slow growth rates, area of approximately 17.33 hm2. The field's location is illustrated in
low biomass production, and soil types (Gluhar et al., 2020; Shen et al., Fig. S1a. The physical and chemical properties of the paddy soil are as
2022). Chemical amendments involve adding materials such as lime, phos- follows: pH 4.28, total nitrogen 1.23 g/kg, total phosphorus
phate, compost, or biochar to the soil to reduce Cd bioavailability, while are 0.72 g/kg, total organic carbon 74.62 g/kg, and cation exchange capac-
often costly and may require repeated applications to maintain their effec- ity 24.24 cmol/kg. The total Cd concentration (0.77 mg kg −1 dry soil)
tiveness (Kumpiene et al., 2019). Most importantly, these contaminated in soil exceeded the limit (0.30 mg kg −1, pH < 5.55) set by the Soil
paddy fields cannot be abandoned and fallowed for lengthy remediation Environmental Quality Risk Control Standard for Soil Contamination
projects. Therefore, in the case of effectively protecting the edible safety of Agricultural Land (GB 15618—2018, China). Levels of other heavy
of rice, it is more necessary to develop the sustainable security utilization metals did not exceed the standard (Table S1).
pattern of “production while remediation”.
Security utilization measures (SUMs) in Cd-contaminated paddy fields 2.2. Safe cropping patterns for production while remediating
is a strategy of cultivating rice while simultaneously restoring the soil's
health and reducing the levels of Cd contamination (Fässler et al., 2010). In this study, considering the current situation of pollution level, rice
This approach involves a combination of agronomic practices, such as the varieties, and farming practices, comprehensive prevention and control
application of soil amelioration, low-Cd accumulating rice cultivars, leaf measures were implemented, including soil amelioration, agronomic regu-
cadmium inhibitors, and field water management (Chen et al., 2022). The lation, and leaf Cd absorption barrier, to ensure the security utilization of
mechanisms of the strategy can be summarized as follows: i) to reduce polluted paddy fields in the experimental area. These technical measures
the Cd bioavailability by increasing organic content, water-holding capac- were widely employed in farmland remediation projects (Chen et al.,
ity (soil redox potential and element cycling), and pH in the soil (Xu 2022; Hussain et al., 2021). Specifically, before planting, a mixture of
et al., 2021b); ii) to improve the crop productivity while reducing the Cd 750 kg of soil conditioner (CaO ≥ 20.0 %, SiO2 ≥ 10.0 %, organic
uptake by selecting and cultivating these low-Cd cultivars (Wang et al., matter≥12.0 %, and pH = 10) and 750 kg of organic fertilizer (organic
2021b); iii) to prevent Cd from being taken up by rice via element antago- matter≥40.0 % and CFU ≥ 0.20 million/g) were applied per hectare of
nism (Wang et al., 2022). Despite the benefits of the “production while topsoil (0-20 cm). Two weeks later, rice seedlings were planted. Addition-
remediation” pattern, there are still some unclear aspects of the mecha- ally, 1.52 L of leaf Cd absorption barrier agent was sprayed once per hectare
nisms, especially regarding the roles in soil amelioration and Cd immobili- during the young panicle differentiation stage and heading stage of rice, re-
zation of rhizosphere microbial communities. It is well known that plant spectively. It should be noted that the heavy metal content of these inputs
genotypes or soil environments can select for specific microbial communi- should comply with relevant standards (GB15618–2018, GB18877–2009,
ties, and these selective pressures are particularly strong in the rhizosphere and GB5084–2021), and foliar application should only be performed
(Korenblum et al., 2020). Domestication of a favorable rhizosphere micro- under windless conditions or relatively high humidity with low evapora-
bial community by altering the rhizosphere environment may provide new tion (Ullah et al., 2021). Following the rice heading, the field was kept
opportunities to improve plant performance, with benefits for crop produc- flooded for 28 days. Once the rice was fully mature, the field was then
tion and resistance to heavy metal toxicity (de Vries et al., 2020; Yue et al., drained and kept dry for approximately 7 days before harvesting (Wen
2023). Several studies have shown that rhizosphere microbes play a crucial et al., 2021). The paddy fields with the above series of remediation mea-
role in the biogeochemical cycling of Cd in paddy fields (Bandara et al., sures were regarded as the remediation groups (SUMs), while the farmland
2022; Xu et al., 2022b), such as increased Fe/Mn plaque formation without such measures was regarded as the CK groups.

J. Gu et al. Science of the Total Environment 885 (2023) 163896

2.3. Sample collection and chemical analysis samples was visualized using the Circos sample-to-species diagram, which
was drawn using the “circlize” package (Li et al., 2022b). The co-
To ensure sample representativeness, multi-point collection was con- occurrence network was visualized using the interactive platform
ducted using the chessboard layout method. Specifically, within a Cytoscape version 3.7.2, with a group attribute layout of phylum or genus
20 m × 20 m range, soil samples from at least 5 sites were evenly mixed (Xu et al., 2023), and using r > 0.7 and p < 0.05 as the thresholds for
to create 1 sampling point, resulting in a total of four sampling points Spearman correlations between species. The OTUs were selected to con-
(Tan, 1995). Prior to collection, soil in contact with the metal sampler struct the evolutionary tree using the approximate maximum-likelihood
was removed using bamboo chips. After collection, samples were packaged (Likelihood Phylogeny Trees) method, and the evolutionary tree was
in individual sample bag. Rice samples were collected in collaboration with drawn using the “ggtreeExtra” package. The functional metagenome of
the soil samples, and their growth indices, such as plant height and bio- Clusters of Orthologs Groups (COGs) was predicted using the PICRUST
mass, were recorded. Two to three rice plants were collected from each analysis (Xu et al., 2022b).
site, and samples from five sites were mixed into one. The collected rhizo-
sphere soil was used to determine pH at a ratio of 1:5 (water: soil) (Xu 3. Results and discussion
et al., 2021b), while dried soil samples were analyzed for the chemical spe-
ciation of Cd using the Tessier sequential extraction method (Sut-Lohmann 3.1. Rice growth promotion and soil quality improvement under security utilization
et al., 2022). Fresh soil was used to analyze the activities of urease, catalase, pattern
acid phosphatase, and sucrase by the phenol‑sodium hypochlorite colori-
metric method, permanganate titration, phenyl disodium phosphate color- In this study, the safe utilization measures (SUMs; Remediation) included
imetric method, and 3, 5-dinitrosalicylic acid colorimetric method (Jiang three stages (Fig. 1a and S1b). Firstly, a soil conditioner was applied to ad-
et al., 2022; Nurzhan et al., 2022). In addition, dried rice samples including dress soil acidification and nutrient deficiencies during plowing (Li et al.,
roots, shoots, and grains were digested with 70 % concentrated nitric acid, 2019). Secondly, organic fertilizer was applied before transplanting to in-
and their Cd contents in plant and soil samples were determined by graph- crease soil microorganisms, improve soil aggregation, and increase soil or-
ite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (AA-6800; Shimadzu) (Xu et al., ganic matter content (Hamid et al., 2020). Thirdly, a leaf Cd absorption
2021c). The rhizosphere soil solution was scanned using a fluorescence barrier agent was sprayed during the young panicle differentiation stage
spectrometer (FP-6500; JASCO) with an emission wavelength (Em) set to and heading stage to hinder the absorption and transportation of Cd from
250–550 nm (in 5 nm increments) and an excitation wavelength (Ex) set shoots to grains (Yang et al., 2022). Finally, water management was imple-
to 200–485 nm (in 5 nm increments). To eliminate the inner filter effect, mented before harvest to reduce soil redox potential and Cd bioavailability
the DOM (dissolved organic matter) concentration was diluted to approxi- (Xu et al., 2021a). After the SUMs implementation (Remediation), significant
mately 10 mg/L (Liu et al., 2021). increases were observed in plant height, effective panicle per 6 plants (Pro-
ductive ear), grain yield per 6 plants (Grain yield), and filled grains per pan-
2.4. Soil DNA extraction and high-throughput sequencing icle of rice (NFGP), which were 1.06, 1.15, 1.16, and 1.32 times higher than
those of the control group (CK) (Fig. 1b, p < 0.05). However, there was no
The soil samples for microbial analysis should be collected from the area significant difference among them observed in weight per 1000 grains
attached to the surface of rice roots, and the sampling method used, which in- (Grain weight) (Fig. 1b). These results indicated that the SUMs implementa-
volved mixing soil samples taken from 5 sites evenly, was consistent with the tion significantly enhanced the growth and yield of rice, primarily by aug-
aforementioned requirement. Following the method outlined by Shanghai menting the number of effective panicles and filled grains. The number of
Majorbio Bio-Pharm Technology Co., Ltd., the root tissue, along with 1 mm grains per panicle and the growth of young panicle were found to be closely
of soil attached to its surface, was placed in a sterile bottle filled with 50 ml associated with the pre-existing spikelet count, which, in turn, was directly
of sterile PBS, and the adhered soil was subsequently eluted (Edwards impacted by the mineral elements and C/N metabolism (Gan et al., 2022;
et al., 2015). Afterward, 1 ml of the mixed solution was drawn into a pipette Huang et al., 2021). These results highlighted the critical roles of nutrient
and placed into a 2 ml centrifuge tube, then centrifuged at 10,000g for 30 s to balance in regulating floret differentiation and panicle development and
obtain concentrated soil sediment for DNA extraction by Sigma GenEluteTM pointed to the advantages for the used soil conditioner and organic fertilizer
DNA Isolation Kit (Sigma-Aldrich, USA). The V3-V4 regions of the bacterial implementation to mitigate soil nutrient deficiencies.
16S rRNA genes were amplified through the ABI GeneAmp® 9700 PCR in- In this study, the SUMs implementation resulted in a noteworthy increase
strument in 20 μl reaction system including TransStar fastpfu DNA polymer- in the rhizosphere soil pH, from 5.0 to 6.06 (Fig. 1e). Moreover, soil enzyme
ase and a pair of primers 338F (5′- ACTCCTACGGGAGGCAGCAG-3′) and activities displayed a marked rise, with urease, catalase, and sucrase activities
806R (5′-GGACTACHVGGGTWTCTA AT-3′). Purified amplicons were pooled experiencing increments of 40.92 %, 26.49 %, and 26.49 %, respectively
in equimolar and paired end sequenced (2 × 300) on an Illumina MiSeq plat- (Fig. 1f). The results indicated that the SUMs implementation enhanced the ac-
form (Illumina, San Diego, USA) (Li et al., 2021a). tivities of the multienzyme system in the soil, thus promoting enzymatic reac-
tions and improving the soil's microecological environment (Lin et al., 2022).
2.5. Data analysis and visualization For instance, urease catalyzed the hydrolysis of amide peptide bonds in urea, a
nitrogen-containing organic compound presented in soil, resulting in the pro-
The statistical analysis used the independent sample Student's t-test and duction of ammonia, which was a key source of plant nitrogen nutrition
one-way ANOVA test (SPSS 19.0, Chicago, USA), with statistically signifi- (Zuccarini et al., 2023). Moreover, catalase could decompose hydrogen perox-
cant results indicated by an asterisk (*) for p-values <0.05 and extremely ide generated during the respiratory process of all organisms in the soil,
significant results indicated by two asterisks (**) for p-values <0.01. Taxo- thereby reducing its harmful effects on plants (Zhang et al., 2022). Further-
nomic analysis of OTUs representative sequences was performed using the more, sucrase suppressed soil acidity and aided plants in resisting infections
RDP classifier Bayesian algorithm at a similarity level of 97 %. >400 OTUs caused by pathogens (Liu et al., 2020b). These findings highlighted the poten-
were obtained for each sample. The maximum sequencing depth of each tial of SUMs implementation to enhance soil fertility and disease resistance,
sample was 1 × 105 reads. Alpha diversity was characterized by Shannon thereby contributing to sustainable agricultural practices.
index and Simpson index. Beta diversity was evaluated by calculating the
Bray-Curtis distances. Two independent samples of Wilcoxon test were per- 3.2. Cd accumulation in rice and its chemical immobilization mechanism in soil
formed using the “wilcox.test” package. The species composition of the under security utilization pattern
community was visualized in a heat map of the data presented in a two-
dimensional matrix or table, which was generated using the “vegan” pack- The Cd accumulation in rice served as a critical indicator to evaluate the
age (Sun et al., 2022). The distribution of dominant species in different safe utilization of Cd-polluted fields. This study reported a significant

J. Gu et al. Science of the Total Environment 885 (2023) 163896

Fig. 1. Safe utilization patterns for “production while remediating” (a); Plant height, effective panicle per 6 plants (Productive ear), grain yield per 6 plants (Grain yield),
weight per 1000 grains (Grain weight), and filled grains per panicle of rice (NFGP) of rice (b); The Cd content in roots, shoots, and grains of rice (fresh weight) (c); The
contents of exchangeable Cd, carbonate-bound Cd, Fe-Me oxidized Cd, organic-bound Cd, and residual Cd in rhizosphere soil (d); Rhizosphere soil pH (e); Rhizosphere
soil enzyme activities (f); Correlation analysis (g); Schematic of the mechanisms of safe utilization patterns (h). CK: Normal planting pattern, Remediation: Safe utilization
patterns. Asterisks (*, **, and ***) were significant at the levels of 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively.

decrease in the Cd content of rice root, shoot, and grain (fresh weight) by trend of transformation towards Fe\\Mn oxide-bound Cd, organic-bound
33.68 %, 24.56 %, and 59.09 %, respectively, following the SUMs imple- Cd, and residual Cd, as evidenced by a noteworthy increase in the content
mentation compared to the CK (Fig. 1c; p < 0.05). Notably, SUMs imple- of these three chemical species of Cd, by 53.78 %, 66.22 %, and 74.71 %,
mentation reduced the Cd content in grain (fresh weight) from respectively (Fig. 1d; p < 0.05). The exchangeable Cd could easily be
0.22 mg/kg to 0.09 mg/kg, well below the maximum level of contaminants taken up by the rice roots, while the carbonate-bound Cd was adsorbed
in foods set by the China Food Safety National Standard (0.2 mg/kg; GB onto the soil particles and released as the pH decreases, making it more
2762–2012) (Fig. 1c). This indicated that SUMs implementation achieved bioavailable for rice uptake (Xu et al., 2021b). The key determinants of
the goal of production while remediating and ensured grain security. chemical speciation of Cd in the uptake and translocation of Cd from soil
Many studies confirmed that Cd accumulation in grain was closely related to rice grain were further confirmed by the significant negative correlation
to the chemical speciation of Cd in rhizosphere soil, especially the between grain Cd and rhizosphere soil pH, and the significant positive
exchangeable Cd and carbonate-bound Cd which had obvious positive correlation between grain Cd and exchangeable Cd/carbonate-bound Cd
contributions (Li et al., 2021b; Wang et al., 2019). After SUMs implementa- (Fig. 1g; p < 0.05).
tion, a significant reduction was observed in contents of exchangeable and Dissolved organic matter (DOM) comprised a significant number of
carbonate-bound Cd in the rhizosphere soil, by 34.62 % and 27.42 %, functional groups capable of adsorbing and forming complexes with soil
respectively (Fig. 1d; p < 0.05). Concurrently, there was a significant Cd (Liu et al., 2021). In this study, the fluorescence spectral characteristics

J. Gu et al. Science of the Total Environment 885 (2023) 163896

Fig. 2. Three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy characteristic of DOM in rhizosphere soil from Remediation and CK.

of DOM in rhizosphere soil showed significant differences between the CK element antagonistic (Yang et al., 2022), the reaction OH— + Cd2+ ⇋
and Remediation, especially in the spectral ranges of Em/Ex = 300–350 CdOH+ promoted by soil pH increase, the reaction S2— + Cd2+ ⇋ CdS pro-
and 380–420/250–290 and 280–320, the positions and intensities of moted by flooding management (Zhang et al., 2023), and the passivation of
fluorescence peaks were different (Fig. 2a and b). The fluorescence index Cd coupled with element circulation by soil microbes.
(FI) before and after SUMs implementation was 1.97 and 2.12, respectively
(TableS2), which were both >1.9, indicating that the source of DOM was 3.3. Assembly and structural feature of microbial community under security uti-
mainly the endogenous input produced by soil microbial activities (Xue lization pattern
et al., 2022). Furthermore, the biological index (BIX) decreased signifi-
cantly from 0.92 to 0.63 after the SUMs implementation (TableS2), indicat- In the rhizosphere, implementing a series of SUMs might result in vari-
ing low levels of DOM degradation, likely due to the influence of human ous single or compound effects that regulated the structure of the microbial
input, such as the use of soil conditioners (Chen et al., 2019). Most impor- community, ultimately influencing soil health and rice growth (Xu et al.,
tantly, after SUMs implementation, low-molecular substances such as 2022b). The NMDS analysis based on weighted Unifrac distances indicated
protein-like substances in DOM decreased, while high-molecular humus in- that, among all 8 sampling sites, the samples from SUMs sampling sites and
creased significantly (Fig. 2a and b). Rich high-molecular components in CK sampling sites were divided into two distinct areas (Fig. 3a; p < 0.05).
DOM could form complexes with soil Cd2+ through their carboxyl groups This suggested that SUMs implementation significantly drove the remodel-
and phenolic hydroxyl groups, thereby reducing the Cd bioavailability ing of the rhizosphere soil microbial community. The cluster and ANOSIM
and migration (Li and Gong, 2021). The SUMs implementation led to an in- analysis, using similarity distance, revealed significant differences in micro-
crease in the aromaticity and hydrophobicity of soil DOM, as indicated by bial species composition between the sampling sites in the CK groups and
the rise in SUA254 from 23.46 to 33.02 (TableS2). This change was brought those in the SUMs groups (R = 0.9792; p = 0.0282) (Fig. 3b and c). The
about by the decomposition of input-rich organic fertilizer by microorgan- Shannon index and Simpson index both showed significant increases and
isms and the subsequent increase in soil pH, which positively influenced the decreases after the SUMs implementation, indicating that SUMs implemen-
characteristics of DOM. The higher the degree of aromatization of DOM, the tation improved microbial diversity in the rhizosphere soil (Fig. 3d and e).
stronger its affinity for Cd, and the greater the stability of the DOM\\Cd2+ The Circos diagram (the top 12 taxa with high relative abundance) at the
complex with increasing soil pH values (Meng et al., 2023). The role of soil phylum level shown obvious differences in composition and proportion of
DOM in predicting Cd bioavailability was found to be decisive (Li et al., dominant species between the CK and SUMs samples (Fig. 3f). After
2022a). This study identified microbial activity as the primary source of SUMs implementation, the relative abundances of dominant microbiota
soil DOM, with the intensity of organic matter decomposition by rhizo- Actinobacteriota and Firmicutes increased significantly, from 14.21 % to
sphere microbes having a significant effect on the structure and compo- 33.12 % and from 7.27 % to 12.32 %, respectively (Fig. 3f). In contrast,
nents of DOM in soil (Zhao et al., 2022a). Therefore, the microbial the relative abundances of Proteobacteria and Acidobacteriota decreased
activities were also found to be a key factor influencing the complexation from 23.76 % to 14.37 % and from 14.89 % to 7.34 %, respectively
of DOM with Cd. Generally, as shown in the Fig. 1h, the mechanisms of (Fig. 3f). Similar results could also be observed for microbial community
SUMs mainly included the Cd absorption inhibition in leaves caused by composition at the genus level (Fig. 3g). These findings suggested that

J. Gu et al. Science of the Total Environment 885 (2023) 163896

Fig. 3. NMDS plots based on Bray-Curtis distance (a); Hierarchical clustering dendrogram (b); ANOSIM analysis (c); Shannon diversity index (d) and Simpson diversity index
(e); Circos plot of top 12 bacterial composition at the phylum level (f); The bar plot of bacterial composition at the genus level (g); CK: Normal planting pattern, Remediation:
Safe utilization patterns.

SUMs implementation accelerated the enrichment of beneficial bacteria in distinct microbial community. The implications of these changes on plant
the rhizosphere, which were involved in the decomposition and mineraliza- growth and Cd immobilization would be further discussed in the following
tion of organic matter in soil, while inhibiting the harmful bacteria repro- sections.
duction that contributed to soil acidification and pathogen outbreaks
(Xiao et al., 2022; Xu et al., 2022b). 3.4. Preferential colonization of special taxa associated with growth promotion
Pairwise comparisons of communities across treatments shown by heat and rhizosphere soil cd immobilization under security utilization pattern
trees in this study confirmed that SUMs implementation drove the specific-
ity of rhizosphere microbial community (Fig. 4a and b). Two figures Pie chart analysis indicated that microbial taxa differences between CK
provided a visual representation of microbial communities, showing domi- and SUMs samples at the phylum level were primarily belonged to
nance of Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Chloroflexi, and Actinobacteriota (26.50 %), Proteobacteria (17.78 %), Chloroflexi (14.54 %),
Acidobacteriota (Fig. 4a and b). However, heat trees highlighted variations Firmicutes (11.25 %), and Acidobacteriota (10.89 %) (Fig. S2). Furthermore,
in enrichment levels for each taxon within the community, revealing a the Wilcoxon rank-sum analysis shown that the relative abundances of
more complex microbial community after SUMs implementation Actinobacteriota, Nitrospirota, and Methylomirabilota in the rhizosphere soil
(Fig. 4a). In summary, these results indicated that SUMs implementation after SUMs implementation were significantly higher than CK group, while
had a significant impact on the rhizosphere environment, resulting in a those of Proteobacteria, Acidobacteriota, and Patescibacteria were significantly

J. Gu et al. Science of the Total Environment 885 (2023) 163896

Fig. 4. Heat trees showing the overall difference of community structure in soil samples of CK (a) and Remediation (b). In the heat trees, size and color of nodes and edges are
correlated with the relative abundance of bacteria in each community.

J. Gu et al. Science of the Total Environment 885 (2023) 163896

lower than CK group (Fig. S3; p < 0.05). At the genus level, SUMs implemen- was a microbe that thrived in the pH range of 6.5–7.5 (Lin et al., 2019). The
tation resulted in significant rhizosphere enrichments of Arthrobacter relative abundances of norank_f__Xanthobacteraceae and norank_f__norank_
(21.69 %), Bacillus (7.35 %), norank_f__norank_o__Vicinamibacterales (1.48 %), o__Acidobacteriales decreased by 82.30 % and 51.76 % respectively (Fig. 3g
and norank_f__norank_o__Gaiellales (1.15 %), which belonged to the dominant and S4), which also signified an improvement in soil health and reduced acid-
species (Fig. 3g and S4). Arthrobacter was known for its ability to strongly de- ification (Xu et al., 2022a). In addition to the bacteria mentioned above with
grade soil organic matters, including atrazine and antibiotics, while Bacillus relatively high abundance, SUMs implementation also resulted in the enrich-
and norank_f__norank_o__Vicinamibacterales exhibited specific fertilizer effects ment of some bacteria that played essential roles in plant growth, material
and promoted plant growth by secreting iron carriers and indoleacetic acid, transformation, and harmful substances degradation (Fig. S5). For instance,
as well as participating in carbon‑nitrogen transformation (Lin et al., 2019; Candidatus_Solibacter, Bryobacter, and Bradyrhizobium could decompose
Yin et al., 2022). Additionally, these microbes could produce alkaline poly- organic matters and promote the soil carbon cycle and nitrogen fixation (de
amines, raising soil pH (Cheng et al., 2022). The Norank_f__norank_o__Gaiellales Faria et al., 2021), and Massilia produced dimethyl disulfide, which effectively

Fig. 5. Procrustes analysis on microbial community based on Bray−Curtis dissimilarity metrics (a); RDA analysis based on the chemical species of soil Cd and microbial
community (b); Correlations of the networked community structures (Bray–Curtis distance) with total soil Cd, soil enzyme activities, and rhizosphere soil pH (c);
Correlations of the networked community structures (Bray–Curtis distance) with chemical species of soil Cd (d); Edge width corresponds to the Mantel's r value, and the
edge color denotes the statistical significance based on 9999 permutations. Pairwise correlations of these variables are shown with a color gradient denoting Pearson's
correlation coefficient.

J. Gu et al. Science of the Total Environment 885 (2023) 163896

controlled soil pathogenic fungi and nematodes (Dahal et al., 2021). More- with low mobility were significantly and positively correlated with Gaiella
over, Flavisolibacter was a rhizobacteria that could promote root development (OTU 1900), Acidothermus (OTU 3671), Arthrobacter (OTU 485),
(Zhou et al., 2022). The correlation analysis further confirmed that a signifi- Terrabacter (OTU 1880), Burkholderiales (OTU 1918), Bacillus (OTU
cant positive correlation between soil pH levels and soil enzyme activities, 2811), and Candidatus _ Solibater (OTU 3313 and OTU 3565) (Fig. 6;
and the dominant soil microflora (Arthrobacter, Candidatus_Solibacter, p < 0.05). Bradyyrhizobium had been found to encode the soxA/B/X/Z
Bryobacter, and Bradyrhizobium) (Fig. 5b; p < 0.05). Overall, SUMs implemen- gene of thiosulfate oxidation pathway, which facilitated the oxidation of re-
tation significantly increased the abundance of these bacteria in the rhizo- duced sulfur into sulfate (SO2−
4 ), leading to the passivation of soil Cd (Xie
sphere soil, improving the paddy field's micro-ecological environment, et al., 2022). Thermodesulfovibrio could utilize sulfate, oxidized sulfides, or
promoting rice growth, and reducing Cd accumulation toxicity. sulfur as electron acceptors, reducing these substances to S2− and ulti-
Procrustes tests revealed no obvious association between CK and Reme- mately forming CdS (Rambabu et al., 2020). Candidatus Solibacter and Bacil-
diation (SUMs) (M = 0.3169; p = 0.1667) (Fig. 5a), indicating that SUMs lus could drive the corrosion of iron, and the generated iron oxide had a
implementation drove the remodeling of rhizosphere soil microbial com- large specific surface area and strong chemical activity (Zhang et al.,
munity. Based on RDA analysis, the first and second sorting axes effectively 2020), which could adsorb Cd2+ ions and affected bioavailability of Cd in
explained the correlation between the soil microbial community structure soil. Phenotypic analysis revealed that the SUMs implementation resulted
and the chemical species of Cd with a cumulative variable of 79.44 % in a significant increase in microbial biofilm, a reduction of potential path-
(Fig. 5b). Specifically, the contents of exchangeable and carbonate-bound ogenic bacteria, and weakened stress tolerance (Fig. 7a). This suggested
Cd were significantly linked to changes in soil microbial communities in that some soil Cd might be complexed by organic functional groups on
the CK group, and the SUMs implementation had a positive impact on the the surface of biofilm, which reduced their mobility and biological toxicity
contents of Fe\\Mn oxide-bound Cd, organic-bound Cd, and residual Cd (Shan et al., 2019). Functional analysis of microbial communities also
due to the soil microbial community's influence (Fig. 5b). Based on correla- showed that SUMs implementation down-regulated the dissimilatory arse-
tion analysis, the chemical species of Cd with poor migration ability, includ- nate reduction pathway responsible for reducing adsorbed As (V) to As (III),
ing Fe\\Mn oxide-bound Cd, organic-bound Cd, and residual Cd, showed a while up-regulating the nitrate ammonification pathway that catabolized
positive correlation with the relative abundances of Bradyyrhizobium, nitrate to ammonium, as well as the nitrate/nitrite reduction pathway
Thermodesulfovibrio, Candidatus Solibacter, and Bacillus in soil (Fig. 5d; (Fig. 7b). These results indicate that SUMs implementation altered the
p < 0.05). Co-occurrence network analysis revealed that the key species structure of rhizosphere flora and the iron‑nitrogen cycle, ultimately affect-
in the network were primarily from Actinobacteriota (21.53 %), ing the Cd bioavailability through adsorption and co-precipitation (Wang
Proteobacteria (19.44 %), Acidobacteriota (16.67 %), Chloroflexi (11.81 %), et al., 2021a). Namely, SUMs implementation drove the assembly of micro-
and Firmicutes (9.03 %) (Fig. 6). Among them, the chemical species of Cd bial communities in the rhizosphere soil, thereby influencing the

Fig. 6. Network co-occurrence analysis showing the correlations among the soil enzyme activities, rhizosphere soil pH, chemical species of soil Cd, and the abundant
microbial populations (top 100 most abundant OTUs). The same color in a module represents close association within a region. The sizes of the nodes (OTUs) are
proportional to the number of connections. Only nodes (OTUs) that were significantly correlated with each other (Spearman's > |0.70| and p < 0.05) were connected (edges).

J. Gu et al. Science of the Total Environment 885 (2023) 163896

Fig. 7. Wilcoxon rank-sum test on phenotype of microbial community (a; p < 0.05); Functional analysis of microbial community (b).

functioning of the microbial community. This, in turn, affected the cycling rhizosphere soil microbes affected the structure and composition of DOM,
pathways of soil elements, such as nitrogen, phosphate, and sulfate anabo- which in turn directly and indirectly affected the chemical speciation of
lism pathways (Xie et al., 2022), and indirectly or directly altered the chem- soil Cd. Besides, SUMs implementation influenced rice growth and Cd accu-
ical speciation of soil Cd. mulation in grain by regulating the rhizosphere microbial community in-
volved in the coupled cycle of elements (e.g., sulfur‑nitrogen coupling).
4. Conclusions This study provided insight into the mechanisms by which rhizosphere mi-
crobes acted as a barrier against soil Cd under SUMs implementation.
In this study, SUMs implementation significantly improved rice yield
and soil quality, while reducing Cd levels in rice grain below national safety CRediT authorship contribution statement
standards. SUMs implementation increased soil pH and DOM aromatiza-
tion, promoting the conversion of exchangeable and carbonate-bound Cd Zhimin Xu designed the experiment and was responsible for admin-
to other insoluble chemical speciation. Importantly, SUMs implementation istration and reviewing of project. Jiguang Gu, Fang Guo, and Yuming
reshaped the rhizosphere soil microbial community, recruiting lots of Zhong were responsible for editing and reviewing of the original draft.
special microbes (e.g., Arthrobacter, Candidatus_Solibacter, Bryobacter, Jiexiang Zhang, Weimin Sun, Riaz Muhammad, and Dengle Duan gave
Bradyrhizobiu, and Thermodesulfovibrio) associated with plant growth guidance during the experiment. Haojie Liang, Lihong Lin, Xingying
promotion, pathogen inhibition, organic matter degradation, and element Deng, Zheng Lin, and Yifan Wang measured relevant indicators in this
cycling. Furthermore, the degradation intensity of organic matter by study.

J. Gu et al. Science of the Total Environment 885 (2023) 163896

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