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Name:Zuri Date:_September,22_________Period: ________________

Aim: Why is lab safety important?

Direction: Wait for Teacher Demonstration and Instruction.

MINI LESSON: Lab Safety Film

Direction: Please follow along and watch the Lab Safety Film

Direction: Wait for Teacher Demonstration Instructions

Example of a correct student’s response: One activity that is not safe in the
illustration is_jodi isn’t paying attention. If we change the activity to__________ by
doing _________then it can be more safe for everyone.

1. Based on the illustration above, list 2 activities that are NOT safe. Explain how
you would make these activities safer.
Jodi Does not have any safety goggles on and Jodi hair catches on fire.Some wayz
Jodi could have made these activities safer is if she was paying attention and
probably put her hair up in a ponytail and she could have wear safety equipment.

2. Which safety equipment should be used to put out the fire? In complete
sentences answer in the box below.

Fire Blanket Safety Goggles Fire


The fire blanket

1. Based on the illustration above, what can Rick do to make himself safe for the
lab? Answer in the box below.
What Rick can do to make himself safe for the lab is to not sniff chemicals cause he
doesn’t know what kind of chemical it is.

2. Are these students behaving correctly for a lab class? Why or why not? Answer
in the box below.

The girl in the picture is sitting down and doing her work.But the two boys are playing
around with Scissors in their hands Scissors in their hand Which can be very
3. Based on the illustration above, Identify and find 1 unsafe activity shown in the
scenario. Answer in the box below.

That someone has food out around the chemicals.

4. For the unsafe procedure that you choose, explain how you can make the
classroom environment safe. Answer in the box below.

1.Where are all the materials that you need to be safe2..Pay attention at all times
.3.Alwyas be aware around your surroundings.
1. Based on the illustration above, what did Jarvis do wrong? Answer in the box

1. he is picking up glass with his hands 2.he did not pay attention and using the wrong
garbage can.

2. Who in the scenario above is performing the correct procedure? Answer in the
box below.

Meredith is the only one who is doing the right thing in this scenario she is helping
clean up with the right materials and not using her hands and she isn’t paying
attention on makeup.

3. Identify 2 unsafe activities shown in the scenario. Answer in the box below.
Jarvis is picking up glass with his hands and Penny is focusing on her makeup which
is the wrong time to do that.

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