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B.Tech &, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras




Professor Allan Ross Magee, Main Supervisor
Associate Professor Rajeev Kumar Jaiman, Co Supervisor, UBC, Vancouver

Professor Khoo Boo Cheong
Professor Liu Li-Fan, Philip
Professor Cheng Liang, The University of Western Australia

I hereby declare that this thesis is my original work and it has been written
by me in its entirety. I have duly acknowledged all the sources of informa-
tion which have been used in the thesis.

This thesis has also not been submitted for any degree in any university

Sandeep Reddy Bukka

12 February 2020


I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartful acknowledge-

ments to the people who helped me in this journey from the past 4 years
culminating in a doctorate degree. First and foremost, I would like to
thank my Main supervisor for the past three years, Professor Allan Ross

Magee for giving me the opportunity to pursue the Ph.D. under his guid-
ance. I express my gratitude for his constructive criticism and continuous
guidance which kept me motivated throughout the three and half years,
resulting in this body of work. I thank him for his suggestions to improve

my technical writing and presentation skills, which are critical components

of scientific research. This work would not have been possible without the
involvement from my co-supervisor Associate Professor Rajeev K Jaiman.

He was instrumental in creating a holistic environment for me to pursue

my research. Majority of the work presented in this thesis is the result of
continuous and constructive discussions with him. I am grateful to him
for accepting to guide me from the past three years. I express my sincere
thanks to Asst Prof Bai Wei for giving me the opportunity to pursue PhD
at NUS in the first place. He was the main supervisor for the first one year
of my PhD tenure. It was a very smooth transition from an undergrad to
a full time researcher for me under him.

I would like to appreciate the support I received from the colleagues of

my research group: Vaibhav, Tharindu, Pardha, Anurag, Narendran, Liu
bin and Qin for the meaningful discussions we had, both academic and


non-academic. I also want to take this opportunity to mention my friends

Lahari, Abhishek, Ashoke, Akshay, Lin qaio, Monica, subramanyan, Balaji,
Raja, Karthik, vanitha, vasantha, naresh, vivek, debjyoti, mohua, kishore
and nipun. They were always there for me whenever i needed support and
encouragement in the difficult times. It would have been a very difficult
journey here at singapore if not for them. I am blessed with a supportive
family to whom I owe this Ph.D. The love and care from my parents and
my sister kept me working towards my goal and become successful in this

Finally, I would like to thank the National University of Singapore, National
Research Foundation and Keppel Corporation for supporting the work
done in the Keppel-NUS Corporate Laboratory and providing the financial
support for the first three years of my Ph.D. I would also like to thank the

Ministry of Education for funding the latter part of my research via the
National University of Singapore Research Scholarship. I would also like

to acknowledge the National Supercomputing Centre, Singapore and the

High Performance Computing at NUS Computer Center, which provided
the computational resources for the simulations performed in the current

List of Figures viii

List of Tables xv
List of Algorithms xvi

1 Introduction 1
W 1
1.3 Contributions 8
1.4 Organization of thesis 8

2 Literature Review 11
2.1 Stability Analysis 11

2.1.1 Research Gap and Novelty 14

2.2 Machine learning for CFD 15
2.2.1 Research Gap and novelty 20

3 Numerical Methodology 21
3.1 Full-order model formulation 21
3.2 Forward vs Inverse problem 26
3.3 Model reduction via eigensystem realization algorithm 28
3.4 Proper Orthogonal Decomposition 33
3.5 Autoencoders and POD 36
3.6 Recurrent Neural Networks 38
3.7 Convolutional Neural Networks 42

Contents vi

4 Data-driven Stability Analysis 47

4.1 Verification 48
4.2 Performance of ERA-based ROM for two cylinder arrangements 57
4.3 Performance of ERA-based ROM for passive suppression 61
4.4 Modal decomposition of wake features 65
4.5 Effect of other appendages 73
4.5.1 Effect of characteristic dimensions 76
4.6 Summary 81

5 POD-RNN model 84
5.1 Model reduction via POD-RNN model 86
5.2 Flow past a cylinder 97
5.3 Side by side cylinder 103

5.4 VIV of Offshore riser 110

5.5 Summary 116

6 Convolutional Recurrent Autoencoders 117


6.1 Model reduction via convolutional recurrent autoencoders 119

6.1.1 Overview 119
6.1.2 Proposed architecture 120
6.1.3 Evolution of features 122
6.2 Unsupervised training strategy 123
6.3 Flow past a cylinder 128
6.4 Side by Side Cylinder 136
6.5 Summary 142

7 Conclusions and Recommendations 143

7.1 Conclusions 143
7.2 Recommendations 147
Contents vii

8 Appendices 149

References 158

List of Figures

1.1 Illustration of workflow of forward and inverse problems 2

1.2 Schematic of a Smart Autonomous System (S.A.S) 4
1.3 Offshore multibody systems 6
1.4 Schematic of deepwater drilling riser system [CWC+ 18] 7


Schematic of feed forward neural network 39
3.2 Schematic of recurrent neural network 41
3.3 Schmematic of a convolutional neural network 42

3.4 The process of convolution with a stride of 2 and padding to be 0. 43

3.5 The process of padding with P = 1. 44
3.6 Effect of stride on the process of convolution, s = 3, 2, 1 from left to right 45

3.7 Effect of dilation on the process of convolution, d = 1, 2, 3 from left to right 45

3.8 The process of transpose convolution. 2 × 2 input to 4 × 4 output 46
3.9 Schematic of 12 layer convolutional recurrent autoencoder model 46

4.1 Schematic diagram of a representative bluff body of elastically mounted

cylinder with fairings subjected to a uniform horizontal flow. Computational
and boundary conditions are shown. 49
4.2 Finite element mesh with P2 /P1 discretization: (a) full domain discretization
and (b) close-up view in the vicinity of the cylinder-fairing system. 51
4.3 Base flow of a stationary cylinder-fairing system at Re = 90; the streamwise
velocity contours are shown. 53

List of Figures ix

4.4 ERA-based ROM for the unstable wake behind a cylinder-fairing system
at Re = 90: (a) lift history due to impulse response calculated from FOM
and ERA-based ROM and (b) Hankel singular distribution corresponding
to 500 × 250 Hankel matrix. 54
4.5 Growth rate and frequency of most unstable eigenvalue of fluid ROM: (a)
growth rate σ and (b) frequency f . The growth rate σ ≥ 0 indicates the
instability in system which is manifested as vortex shedding. (c) Root loci
as a function of Reynolds number, where the unstable region Re(λ) > 0 is
shaded in grey color. The arrow depicts the increasing order of Reynolds

number. 55
4.6 Vorticity contours from FOM: (a) Re = 68 and (b) Re = 69. 56
4.7 Schematic of side-by-side and tandem arrangements. The flow is from left
to right 57

4.8 (a) Impulse response of side-by-side case at Re = 100,with g = 2, m∗ = 10,

(b) Hankel singular value distribution 58
4.9 (a) Eigenspectrum of the linear ROM for side-by-side case at Re = 100

with m∗ = 10 g = 2 ζ = 0.01, (b) Normalized maximum amplitude Ymax

obtained from full order model [LJ16] 59
4.10 (a) Impulse response of tandem case at Re = 60,with g = 2, m∗ = 20, (b)
Hankel singular value distribution 60
4.11 (a) Eigenspectrum of the linear ROM for tandem case at Re = 60, m∗ =
20 g = 2, (b) Normalized maximum aplitude Ymax obtained from full order
model 60
List of Figures x

4.12 Root loci as a function of fs , where the unstable plain Re(λ) > 0 is shaded
in grey color: (a) Effect of fairings on eigen spectrum at Re = 100, m∗ = 10,
(b) Re = 100, m∗ = 2.6, (c) Normalized maximum transverse amplitude for
plain cylinder and fairing at m∗ = 2.6, Re = 100. Blue triangle represent
the WM of the cylinder alone system. i.e., it is the most unstable eigenvalue
of the matrix Af 62
4.13 Comparison of transverse vibration Ay at lock-in for plain cylinder (Ur =
5.0) and fairing (Ur = 4.0). Re = 100, m∗ = 2.6. 64
4.14 Energy distribution of POD modes for plain cylinder and cylinder with

fairings: (a) eigenvalues of POD modes, (b) energy decay of POD modes,
and (c) cumulative energy of POD modes at Re = 100, mr = 2.6, Ur =
5.0, 4.0 (plain cylinder, fairing) 66
4.15 Logarithmic contribution from each mode for plain cylinder and cylinder

with fairings: (a) absolute inline force |Fx |, and (b) cross flow force |Fy | at
Re = 100, mr = 2.6, Ur = 5.0, 4.0 (plain cylinder, fairing) 67
4.16 Comparison of mean field and the first four significant modes of plain

cylinder and cylinder with fairings at Re = 100, mr = 2.6, Ur = 5.0, 4.0

(plain cylinder (left), fairing (right)) (lockin). The strength contribution
of each mode in both the cases is mentioned in the brackets. The white
dashed line in the mode 2 of cylinder-fairing case indicates the region of
shear layer 69
4.17 Comparison of first two significant modes for (a) plain cylinder and (b)
cylinder with fairings at Re = 100, mr = 2.6, Ur = 2.0 (Pre-lock-in).The
strength contribution of each mode in both the cases is mentioned in the
brackets. 71
List of Figures xi

4.18 Comparison of first two significant modes for (a) plain cylinder and (b)
cylinder with fairings at Re = 100, mr = 2.6, Ur = 16.0 (Post-lock-in).The
strength contribution of each mode in both the cases is mentioned in the
brackets. 72
4.19 Schmematic of other passive suppression devices: (a) Splitter plate and (b)
Connected-c 73
4.20 The effect of appendages on the eigenspectrum of cylinder-appendage
system at Re = 100, m∗ = 2.6. Root loci as a function of fs , where the
unstable plain Re(λ) > 0 is shaded in grey color. Blue triangle represent

the WM of the cylinder alone system. i.e., it is the most unstable eigenvalue
of the matrix Af 74
4.21 Comparison of normalized transverse amplitude calculated from FOM for
cylinder-appendage system with plain cylinder 75

4.22 Eigenvalues of stream-wise velocity (u) POD modes for plain cylinder
(Ur = 5.0) and cylinder-appendage system: connected-c (Ur = 4.0), splitter
plate (Ur = 4.0), splitter plate (Ur = 16.0) at Re = 100, mr = 2.6 76

4.23 The effect of characteristic longitudinal length L on the eigenspectrum of

cylinder-appendage system at Re = 100, m∗ = 2.6. (a) fairing (b) splitter
plate. SM is denoted by open circles and WM is represented by filled circles
in both the cases. Blue triangle represent the WM of the cylinder alone
system. i.e., it is the most unstable eigenvalue of the matrix Af 77
4.24 The effect of characteristic dimensions L, r on the eigenspectrum of cylinder-
connected-c system at Re = 100, m∗ = 2.6.(a) r = 0.95, L is varied (b)
L = 2.0, r is varied. SM is denoted by open circles and WM is represented
by filled circles in both the cases. Blue triangle represent the WM of the
cylinder alone system. i.e., it is the most unstable eigenvalue of the matrix
Af 78
List of Figures xii

5.1 Data-driven reduced order model for prediction of flow field 87

5.2 Illustration of POD: Mode extraction of high dimensional data 89
5.3 Illustration of prediction of modal coefficients 90
5.4 Cell structure of long short term memory network (LSTM) 93
5.5 Schematic of closed loop recurrent neural network 94
5.6 Encoder-decoder network for neural machine translation task 96
5.7 Encoder-decoder network for time series prediction 96
5.8 Schematic diagram of the problem setup: flow past a plain cylinder 97
5.9 Computational mesh: (a) full-domain, (b) close-up view 98

5.10 Cumulative and percentage of modal energies: flow past a plain cylinder 98
5.11 Time invaraint spatial modes obtained from POD for flow past a plain
cylinder 99
5.12 Time history of modal coefficient for flow past a plain cylinder 99

5.13 Division of data into training and testing: Plain cylinder 101
5.14 Temporal evolution of modal coefficients predicted by closed loop recurrent
neural network 102

5.15 Flow field comparison for flow past plain cylinder at time step 3000 103
5.16 Schematic diagram of the problem setup: side by side cylinder 104
5.17 Computational mesh for side by side cylinder: (a) full-domain, (b) close-up
view 104
5.18 Cumulative and percentage of modal energies for side by side cylinder 105
5.19 Time invariant spatial modes obtained from POD: side by side cylinder 106
5.20 Time history of modal coefficient: side by side cylinder 106
5.21 Temporal evolution of modal coefficients predicted by encoder decoder
network 108
5.22 Flow field comparison for flow past side-by-side cylinder at time step 1775 109
5.23 Schemactic of problem setup: VIV of offshore riser [JJ17] 111
List of Figures xiii

5.24 Profile of riser at tU/D = 325. The response of the riser is predicted at
the points denoted by red asterisk. 112
5.25 Time history of cross flow displacement of the riser at marked locations
depicted in Fig. 5.24 112
5.26 Time history of cross flow displacement of the riser at the mid section i.e.,
Z/D = 241.35. 113
5.27 Time history of cross flow displacement of the riser predicted by encoder-
decoder network. 115

6.1 Schematic of Convolutional Recurrent Autoencoder network 119
6.2 Schematic of 12 layer convolutional recurrent autoencoder model 121
6.3 Schematic of training process of convolutional recurrent autoencoder model 125
6.4 Schematic of prediction process of convolutional recurrent autoencoder model126

6.5 (a) Unstructured mesh used in full order model simulation, (b) Square uni-
form grid used as input function in the convolutional recurrent autoencoder
model. 128

6.6 Normalized squared error Ef for the velocity field in X-direction (U ): flow
past a plain cylinder 129
6.7 Normalized squared error Ef for the Pressure field (P ): flow past a plain
cylinder 130
6.8 Comparison of truth and predicted fields along with normalized reconstruc-
tion error En at (a) t = 1050s, (b) t = 1125s, (c) t = 1200s for velocity
field in X-direction (U ): flow past plain cylinder 132
6.9 Comparison of truth and predicted fields along with normalized reconstruc-
tion error En at (a) t = 1050s, (b) t = 1125s, (c) t = 1200s for pressure
field (P ): flow past plain cylinder 134
6.10 Spatial normalized squared error across time for flow past plain cylinder
(a) POD-RNN (b) Convolutional recurrent autoencoder network 135
List of Figures xiv

6.11 Normalized squared error Ef for the velocity field in X-direction (U ): flow
past side-by-side cylinder 136
6.12 normalized squared error Ef for pressure field (P ): flow past side-by-side
cylinder 138
6.13 Comparison of truth and predicted fields along with normalized reconstruc-
tion error En at (a) t = 540s, (b) t = 560s, (c) t = 580s for velocity field
in X-direction (U ): flow past side by side cylinders 139
6.14 Comparison of truth and predicted fields along with normalized reconstruc-
tion error En at (a) t = 540s, (b) t = 560s, (c) t = 580s for pressure field

(P ): flow past side by side cylinders 140
6.15 Spatial normalized squared error across time for flow past side by side
cylinder (a) POD-RNN (b) Convolutional recurrent autoencoder network 141

8.1 Grid independence study: (a) flow past a plain cylinder (b) flow past side
by side cylinder 150
8.2 Flow past a plain cylinder: (a) Learning rate (b) Number of iterations (c)

Number of neurons 151

8.3 Flow past a side-by-side cylinder: (a) Learning rate (b) Number of iterations
(c) Number of neurons 152
8.4 VIV of offshore riser: (a) Learning rate (b) Number of iterations (c) Number
of neurons 153
8.5 Normalized squared error Ef for wave elevation (η): flow past side-by-side
cylinder 154
8.6 Comparison of truth and predicted fields along with normalized reconstruc-
tion error En at (a) t = 410s, (b) t = 450s, (c) t = 500s for wave elevation
(η) 157
List of Tables

4.1 Mesh convergence study: comparison of growth rate and frequency for
different mesh configurations for the flow past a cylinder-fairing system at
Re = 100. 51
4.2 Reduced velocity Ur considered in FOM for POD analysis 66

Stability function Φ for fairing and splitter at various characteristic length
L. ⊕ indicates the presence of instability in the structural vibration and
represents complete suppression of vibration. 80
4.4 Stability function Φ for connected-c at various L and R. 81

5.1 Parameters used in the closed loop recurrent neural network 100
5.2 RMSE of the predicted values against true data: flow past a cylinder 102

5.3 Parameters used in the encoder decoder neural network 107

5.4 RMSE of the predicted values against true data: side by side cylinder 109
5.5 Parameters used in the encoder-decoder network: VIV of offshore riser. 114
5.6 MSE & RMSE of the predicted values against true data: VIV of offshore riser115

6.1 Filter sizes and strides of the layers in convolutional autoencoder network.
Layers (1 to 4) correspond to encoder part and layers (9 to 12) correspond
to decoder part 122
6.2 Comparison of POD-RNN with convolutional recurrent autoencoder model
(C.R.A.N): flow past plain cylinder 135
6.3 Comparison of POD-RNN with convolutional recurrent autoencoder model
(C.R.A.N): flow past side by side cylinder 138

List of Algorithms

3.1 Snapshot POD 35

6.1 Convolutional Recurrent Autoencoder training algorithm [GB18] 127

6.2 Convolutional Recurrent Autoencoder prediction algorithm [GB18] 127


List of Abbreviations

ADAM Adaptive Moment Estimation

ALE Computational Fluid Dynamics

CFD Conjugate Gradient


Eigensystem Realization Algorithm
ERA Finite Element

FOM Full Order Model


FSI Fluid Structure Interaction

GMRES Generalized Minimal Residual

PDE Partial Differential Equation


POD Proper Orthogonal Decomposition

RMSE Root Mean Square Error

RNN Recurrent Neural Network

SVD Singular Value Decomposition

VIV Vortex Induced Vibration

Chapter 1

1.1 Motivation

Fluid mechanics and its interactions are ubiquitous in offshore and ocean engineering.
Majority of offshore engineering systems such as oil and gas platforms, risers, vessels
operate in fluid environments and the Navier-Stokes equations govern the hydrodynamic

behavior of such systems. It is an unfortunate thing that these equations are a set
of non-linear partial differential equations which give rise to all manner of dynamics,
including those characterized by bifurcation, limit cycle oscillation, resonance and full-

blown turbulence. Analytical solutions of the above equations for typical engineering
systems with complex geometries and challenging flow regimes is something which is
close to impossible. Therefore, we tend to rely upon experiments and high-performance
computations when studying such systems [Tu13]

The approach via partial differential equations and numerical discretizations can be
termed as forward problem. Owing to the complexity and costly construction and
solution of forward problems, the alternative approaches such as system identification,
modal decomposition and deep learning are explored in this thesis. They are collectively
termed as inverse problem. Figure 1.1 depicts the workflow of forward and inverse
problem. More details on the mathematics of forward and inverse problems are outlined
in section 3.2.

Chapter 1. Introduction 2


Figure 1.1: Illustration of workflow of forward and inverse problems

Chapter 1. Introduction 3

The design of offshore structures for a given ocean environment is an extremely

complex task, owing to highly nonlinear nature of the interaction of fluid flow with the
structures. One of the important aspects of this design process is to identify the flow
conditions and/or structural parameters at which the body exhibits relatively large
motions and unsteady loads. Such prior knowledge plays a vital role in developing
more efficient and reliable structures which can withstand harsh environments as well
normal operating conditions.

The majority of offshore structures are generally composed of bluff body geometries,

which can undergo vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) due to the lock-in/synchronization
of the vortex shedding frequency with the structural frequency. This lock-in phe-
nomenon causes large oscillations in a bluff body for a wide range of physical conditions.
A basic understanding of VIV and identifying these lock-in regimes form an integral
part of research in bluff-body flows. stability analysis via data-driven approach is an

effective tool to attack this problem [RMJ18].

In the past decade, the hardware and techniques in experiments and computations

have become much more advanced and resulted in the generation of massive amounts
of data. It is definitely a welcoming note to have more data, but the gigantic scale
of modern datasets poses serious challenges in terms of analysis. The demand for
data driven methods rises from these challenges and the primary motivation of such
methods is to come up with efficient models which can characterize the data in
meaningful ways. One other way to put the analysis via data-driven methods is
learning from experience. In nature, various animals ranging from fish, cheetah, birds
and other aerial, aquatic and terrestrial lifeforms are able to achieve remarkable levels
of efficiency in terms of speed, manoeuvring and control by manipulating the fluid
environment around them. The critical point here is to question the learning process
of these organisms.

It is very clear that they do not have any prior knowledge of calculus or the Navier-
Chapter 1. Introduction 4


Figure 1.2: Schematic of a Smart Autonomous System (S.A.S)


Stokes equations. Humans also achieved remarkable engineering feats of fluid manipu-
lation before the knowledge of current equation based analysis came into existence.
The feasible explanation for such learning is that it came from intuition and experience
[bru]. It is also an undeniable fact that the current approach of physics-based engineer-
ing is an epitome of human achievement which revolutionized the performance of the
engineering systems. However, there are serious hurdles associated with physics-based
engineering such as high-dimensionality and non-linearity, which defy closed-form
solutions and limit real-time optimization and control efforts. With the recent surge
in computational capabilities and advancements in machine learning, deep learning,
artificial intelligence, learning from experience has taken the spotlight.

The marine/offshore industry is going through a paradigm shift with regard to automa-
Chapter 1. Introduction 5

tion and autonomy. While automation generally implies to the activity performed
devoid of human intervention, autonomy is the ability of a system to achieve goals
while operating independently of external control (i.e., self- sufficient and self-directed
system). Major industries such as automobile, aerospace, health care, and logistics
operations are already seeing the benefits of having smart autonomous systems. The
marine/offshore industry is not an exception. Since the presence of technologies related
to smart autonomous systems (SAS) is burgeoning at a rapid pace, the mechanics
community needs to integrate their tools and techniques with these SAS technologies so
that the systems can be made more efficient, reliable and adaptable to marine/offshore

applications. A typical structure of a smart autonomous system with its essential
components is displayed in Figure 1.2 The integration of the online streaming of data
from sensors with the offline data from the reduced-order model (ROM) forms an
integral part of autonomous systems. Hence, the construction of efficient ROM and its

integration with the sensory data is necessary to achieve a smart autonomous system.

This dissertation addresses the critical aspects of stability analysis and prediction
of fluid structure interactions via a series of data-driven methods. The data-driven
approaches for stability analysis and prediction problems are presented in detail and
are applied on canonical problems related to fluid structure interaction.

1.2 Objectives

The primary objective of the current work is to explore data-driven methods for the
problems of stability analysis and prediction of unsteady fluid flows. In conjunction
with the above objective, the current work is broadly classified into two main parts.

The first part deals with the stability analysis via data-driven approach. Majority
of offshore structures comprise of bluff body geometries. It is also quite common to
Chapter 1. Introduction 6

find multi body systems in offshore industry. Figure 1.3 depicts few examples of such
multi-body systems. Side by Side and Tandem configurations of bluff bodies are the
most common arrangements in multibody systems. Therefore, flow past side by side
cylinders and tandem cylinders is chosen as the problem for the stability analysis.


Figure 1.3: Offshore multibody systems


Risers are an integral part of an offshore platform. Figure 1.4 depicts the schematic of
a typical offshore riser. It transports oil from the well in the seabed to the platform.
Risers undergo large vortex-induced vibrations due to ocean currents and might hinder
the operating window of the offshore platform. VIV suppression of offshore risers
is a major problem and of paramount importance to offshore industry. Risers are
generally fitted with passive suppression devices such as fairings to suppress the VIV.
The design of passive suppression devices is by itself a major component of offshore
industry. The stability analysis via data-driven approach is explored on the passive
suppression of VIV in this work.
Chapter 1. Introduction 7


Figure 1.4: Schematic of deepwater drilling riser system [CWC+ 18]

Finally the second part deals with the development of efficient data-driven models for

the prediction of unsteady fluid flow. Two models are explored based on an overall data-
driven framework for prediction presented in Fig.5.1. The first model is an integration
of traditional proper orthogonal decomposition with recurrent neural networks. The
low dimensional projections are obtained by POD and the temporal evolution of modal
coefficients are learned via recurrent neural networks. The prediction of unsteady wake
of flow past a plain cylinder and flow past side by side cylinder are studied using this
model. The present dissertation is concluded with a final end to end nonlinear model
where the low dimensional features are obtained by convolutional neural networks and
their temporal evolution is learned via recurrent neural networks. These evolved low
dimensional features are decoded to get the future states of a high dimensional system.

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