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Is it more important to be comfortable with who you are or to fit in? Make sure you
briefly define what it means to be comfortable with oneself.

P To argue

A Ms.Kaplan

S Is it more important to be comfortable or to fit in?

T Argumentative

I believe it is critical to be at ease with oneself. If you attempt to fit in, you will
soon forget who you are and where you come from. It is preferable to stand out rather
than blend in since it demonstrates that you do not care what other people think of you.
You should be aware of who you are and not what others think of you. You should
always be kind to yourself.
Nobody should pass judgment on you since no one is perfect. They are flawed and
should not pass judgment on others since you never know what it does to a person. You
are in fact bullying. It may go unnoticed, but it is mental bullying. I know many people
do not believe in it, but I do.
To conclude, It is important to be at ease with oneself and not try to fit in. It is
preferable to stand out rather than blend in as it demonstrates that you do not care what
other people think of you. It is also important to be kind to oneself and not pass judgment
on others. Mental bullying is a form of mental bullying that can go unnoticed, but it can
have serious consequences. It is important to be aware of who you are and not what
others think of you.

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