M1 CE Lab Instructions

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Module 1 – Lab room – Instructions

1. Download the CEO.xlsx from Canvas. Use the functions in Excel and/or the
Descriptive Analysis tool in Excel to
a. Calculate the mean, median, first quartile and third quartile of the
CEO’s salaries
b. Calculate the range, interquartile range, variance, standard deviation
and coefficient of variation of the CEO’s salaries
c. Use the IQR rule to identify the outlier in the CEO’s salaries
d. Explain how the outlier impacts the measures of central tendency and
the variation when interpreting the results

2. Download the TEABAGS.xlsx from Canvas. This contains the data of a

sample of 50 tea-bags produced within an hour by a single machine. For this
product, the label weight on the package indicates that, on average, there are
5.5 grams of tea in a bag.
a. Construct a box-and-whisker plot.
b. Comment on the skewness of the weight of the teabags, based on your

3. Form a team of 3 - 5 people, download HELP_DESK.xlxs. The files contains

the data of the IT helpdesk of a large university. The data in the file give the
number of calls resolved during a random sample of 20 shifts by five support
staff members.
a. Each team member choose a support staff member in the data set.
 Construct a histogram for the chosen support staff member.
Provide a proper title, and axis titles for the histogram.
 Calculate the mean, median, first quartile and third quartile of
calls resolved for the chosen support staff member.
 Calculate the range, interquartile range , variance, standard
deviation and coefficient of variation of calls resolved for the
chosen support staff member.
b. Construct a box-and-whisker plot of calls resolved for all support staff
members (meaning all together).
c. Comment on the skewness of the calls resolved, based on your box-
plot in b).
d. What conclusions can you reach concerning the number of resolved
 Come up with at least 3 conclusions when comparing the
support staff members, supported with your calculated findings.
 Come up with at least 2 overall conclusions concerning the
number of resolved calls, supported with your calculated

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