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Title of Story and Prompt number :

Plot of Story

1. Exposition (start at the main conflict)

2. Rising Action (events that show conflict complications/ conflicts
becoming complex)
3. Climax (height of conflict/ most intense and exciting events)
4. Falling Action (conflict begins to get resolved)
5. Resolution (conflict is solved/protagonist reaches a
decision/conclusion is reached)

Write each element as it would read in your story. Use the definitions above
to help you. Remember that each category may have more than one event.

1.Exposition (start at the main conflict): I have been sucked into a movie and
am being held captive inside of the greatest pirates known to this world ship. I am
not alone though. Some rich buff guy was transported to this world with me but we
don’t really get along well. He only cares about sports and luxury stuff, you know
the typical jock things. Me on the other hand is obviously more intellectual and
prefers to stay inside. While we were arguing we heard the captain of the ship
shout to his fellow pirates then the ship began to shake.

2. Rising Action (events that show conflict complications/ conflicts becoming

complex): Me and the other guy named Barthalamu were left defenseless. We are
quite literally blindfolded and tied up during what seems to be an attack. The boat
rocked back and forth and I felt absolutely terrified. After a while I felt a
random object fly into my head and I fell unconscious. I soon woke up to being
barricaded behind a bunch of boxes and hearing a faint voice of Barthalamu
shouting for me.
3. Climax (height of conflict/ most intense and exciting events): Barthalamu
eventually found me and we had to use the supplies we had to survive. This lasted
around 5 days then we saw a ship approaching us. At first we thought we were
saved but on closer look it was Captain Shino (the captain of the pirates). Although
me and Barthalamu disagreed over the few days we grew closer together. They
attacked us and we got captured once again but this time we were ready. When we
were on the boat we had a makeshift knife and cut a rope that freed us. While the
pirates were distracted we made a plan on how to get rid of them

4. Falling Action (conflict begins to get resolved): Me and Barthalamu were able
to take down Captain Shiro and his crew but in the process he had to sacrifice
himself to save me.

5. Resolution (conflict is solved/protagonist reaches a decision/conclusion is

reached): After all that I could not be bothered to even eat dinner. While at first
I hated his guts, overtime it felt like he became one of my best friends. I sat down
in the ship lost in my mind wondering if I could have done something to save him. I
fell asleep as the sun fell as my tears did as well. I sooner or later awoke in the
theater as the movie ended. I looked around for Barthalamu but I couldn't find
him. I left the theater that day depressed as ever. This entire thing could have
been a dream but I will never know. I am alone on this one.

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