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My participation in the drug education webinar with speaker Ma'am Mary Ann M.

Mahilom-Lorenzo on April 11, 2022, provided me with valuable information about the global
problems that need to be addressed, psychoactive substances and their effects, how drugs
are administered, the classification of psychoactive substances, stimulants, and the
government's efforts regarding drug enforcement.

A person's life can be entirely destroyed by a narcotics addiction, not only for the individual
who is addicted but also for his or her friends and family members. Misuse of drugs has a
significant impact on the body and on one's overall health, resulting in diseases that are
potentially life-threatening. The long-term effects of tobacco use are not all permanent.
Many of them, however, can be reversed by quitting the habit and obtaining treatment as
soon as feasible. It is for this reason that drug education and drug awareness are so

In the Philippines, illegal drugs are a major problem. You'll find coverage of it not once, but
multiple times. You'll find it on nearly every news outlet. What do you think? There must be a
problem with it. To put it another way, drugs aren't always terrible. It's just this illicit drug
that some individuals desire to consume without knowing the consequences. An illicit
substance is one that has been restricted by law because of its harmful effects on human
health. You should also be aware that overdosing on any kind of drug can be dangerous. As
a result, educating the public on the dangers of drugs is critical in today's society. As a result,
we'll be able to identify the intended use of all medications. Additionally, we need to know
what these drugs could do to our bodies and our health.

When teens go through the ups and downs of life, which are an inherent part of maturing,
they go through a variety of emotional, social, and mental changes. This might make it
difficult for friends and family to identify the difference between warning signals of
adolescent drug use and natural hormonal and personal changes. Due to their hectic
schedules, many parents are unable to properly supervise their children, especially when
their children are suffering from depression or anxiety as a result of their terrible
experiences in high school or college life. It's also possible that they're being influenced by
others, such as their buddies or their boyfriend or girlfriend. Additionally, the fact that
members of their own families engage in or have engaged in problematic behaviors related
to smoking and drinking raises their suspicions. Another reason is due to the fact that During
the ups and downs of adolescence, which is an inevitable aspect of growing up, adolescents
go through a wide range of emotional, social, and mental changes that are difficult to
predict. In many cases, it can be difficult for friends and family to identify if a teenager is
abusing drugs or if they are simply going through a normal hormonal and emotional shift.
Due to their hectic schedules, many parents are unable to properly supervise their children,
especially when their children are suffering from depression or anxiety as a result of their
terrible experiences in high school or college life. It's also possible that they're being
influenced by others, such as their buddies or their boyfriend or girlfriend. In addition, the
fact that their family members use or misuse alcohol and cigarettes makes them wonder if
it's okay to do the same. Traumatic life situations, such as being a rape victim or losing a
loved one, can also contribute to a person's sense of hopelessness and despondency.
Another probable explanation is the influence of media, particularly western pop and rap
music videos, which show drug and alcohol usage and thereby affect young people's
thinking and behavior.

Another factor is the pressure children feel in their academics as a result of their poor
grades, which can drive them to feel worthless and turn to drugs in the hope that they
would fix their issues in life. Another possibility is that people turn to drugs as a way to
forget about painful events and the people they care about because they have isolated
themselves from friends and family. This is an important consideration because young
people are particularly sensitive to their feelings and express them openly to those they care

What I've learned can be applied to my own family's experience, which I've had. However,
my uncle used to use drugs. I understand that this information is confidential. May he rest in
peace, but I've known since I was a child that taking it in the first place was immoral. As a
result of my in-depth understanding of the subject topic, I became more knowledgeable
about some substances and their effects on humans as a result. No matter how dire the
situation appears to be, even if the majority of our mental health is in a state of instability,
we must refrain from making reckless judgments such as taking painkillers to soothe our
suffering. The damage alcoholism has done to my family's lives has made me very careful
about having a drink now and then as an adult. Being a teenager myself, I'm glad that I'm
not easily persuaded about taking illegal drugs or intoxicating myself by drinking and
smoking too much.

Teenage drug experimentation is fairly frequent in today's environment, yet many

youngsters are unaware of the ramifications of their activities. As a result, I am a firm
believer in the importance of well-implemented drug education in schools. Drug education
exercises help students make healthy and safe choices, recognize risky circumstances and
their implications, and build techniques for dealing with difficult situations. Additionally, it is
critical to understand the various types of medications and their effects. Everyone should be
aware of the effects of medications on the body and the environment. Schools can make a
significant contribution to avoiding alcohol and drug abuse. Additionally, effective parental
guidance and positive peer influences are necessary to assist and prevent a person from
using drugs. With the correct direction from his/her parents, he/she will develop a healthy
and intelligent decision-making ability as well as an understanding of what is right in life.
Positive peer influences can help a person improve and avoid using or attempting to use

Additionally, I learned about the many forms of stimulants. Inhalants include shabu,
commonly known as methamphetamine, marijuana or cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine, heroin,
and rugby. Cigarettes also fall under the category of inhalant medications. Non-inhalant
narcotics are comparable to booze. It results in addiction; you are powerless to resist the
impulse to use the drugs, regardless of the harm they may cause. It has an effect on your
body organs, particularly your brain as it causes impingement, which causes your body to
malfunction. These are often harmful, with many of them resulting in health concerns such
as brain cell destruction, blockage of the block cage, and cardiac problems. It also has an
effect on human hygiene, causing substantial alterations in appearance and an obvious lack
of hygiene. Without a doubt, drug addiction has had a detrimental effect on society,
affecting all socioeconomic strata and ethnicities. Nobody can deny that drug addiction is a
societal threat, resulting in a plethora of crimes, financial difficulties, and damaged
relationships with family and friends. When a person is hooked on drugs, he or she has two
options: a mental institution or death. However, we have treatment centers for those who
are addicted to illegal drugs, as well as rehabilitation centers. Medical developments and
advancements in diagnosis have assisted the medical community in developing a variety of
methods for managing and resolving addiction.

I also gained knowledge of certain pieces of legislation and the PDEA's obligations. The
Philippines' principal anti-drug law enforcement agency is the Philippine Drug Enforcement
Agency (PDEA). Its mission is to prevent, investigate, and combat the use of harmful
narcotics, banned precursors, and critical chemicals. The agency is charged with enforcing
the legal and regulatory provisions of Republic Act 9165, which contains 101 sections and
regulates the importation of dangerous pharmaceuticals, forbidden precursors, and
required chemicals. Certain narcotics are now prohibited, regardless of their quantity or
purity, and those who use them face prosecution.
Whoever violates Republic Act 9165 will face arrest and prosecution. Individuals who use,
sell, cultivate, or supply drugs fall into this group. Suppliers are typically made up of persons
who are well-known or prominent enough to conceal such activities. Importers and
exporters of banned narcotics may potentially face arrest. Numerous complications arise as
a result of drug abuse, including murders, rapes, and other crimes, due to the individual's
incapacity to think clearly. Throughout Duterte's campaign and after his win, he made a
point of emphasizing his goal to eradicate this problem, and a huge number of people,
including me, were extremely supportive of him. That is why he launched the War on Drugs
in the first place.

In the early months of Duterte's anti-drug campaign, I was impressed by his tenacity in
pursuing and apprehending drug dealers. At that time, I liked his aggressiveness because I
noticed that people linked with narcotics had halted their operations for fear of getting
discovered. Like in my mother's village, many people who used shabu have stopped due to
fear of Duterte. But one thing I oppose is Duterte's command to "shoot to kill" if someone
resists. Some cops abused their privilege and power. Like Kian Delos Santos, a student who
wanted to be a cop but was killed by one. I am dismayed that Duterte chose to prosecute
and arrest people who oppose his ideals rather than listen to human rights advocates. After
a while, they chose to wear body cams while on duty, which may have helped reduce abuse
of authority, but not when manufacturing evidence. Duterte seems fixated on the idea that
he can truly cure the drug problem in the Philippines. In my opinion, his actions awoke the
Filipinos to value their rights to speak and fight for what is right, and he recognized that his
campaign was going awry. Despite the objections, protests, and pleas of the people, Duterte
remains focused on his goals. He does not listen to the people he serves and blocks those
who he believes will distract him. Like Leila De Lima, I initially thought she was the
antagonist, but after reading more about their conflict, I understood she was simply
attempting to raise awareness about extrajudicial killings. Everyone, in my opinion, deserves
a second opportunity. In addition, I've seen that many of the persons who have been
apprehended are frequent drug users and pushers. The large fish, as well as those with
connections, are rarely caught and thrown into the net. It's not easy, but I believe it's
preferable to the alternative of killing thousands of people.

I believe Duterte's intentions are excellent, but his head is muddled by the idealism that he
can truly end our country's drug problems. I can see that he genuinely wants to end our
country's drug misuse problem and create a much safer environment for the people he
serves. Perhaps he simply requires a more precise plan for organizing and ensuring that no
one exploits their power to persecute people. He should focus on the large ones since if the
root is removed, the remaining sections would eventually die. He must also be able to listen
to the people's voices and be receptive to ideas, proposals, and guidance. To summarize, the
war on drugs is not evil, but the killings are. It is not bad to wish for the country's
advancement. In fact, it is a positive thing. However, it becomes improper when your desire
becomes greedy.

Drugs are harmful unless they are prescribed by a physician. If you are abusing illegal drugs,
you are unlikely to have self-control and may do things you do not intend to do. In general,
drug education or awareness is critical. Without this, mentally ill individuals will continue to
be influenced by their drug-related curiosity or by other people. They will use drugs based on
the short-term benefits they believe they will receive, but not on the long-term harm they
may cause.

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