GROUP 3 Dominant Effects of Socio Economic Status On The Academic Performance of Students

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of education


Bucal National Integrated School

Bucal 2 Maragandon Cavite

The Effects of Socio-Economic Status on the

Absenteeism of G11 students

Andalajao, Joshua D.

Bendo, James Francis M.

Caspillo, Clarisse N.

Delacruz, Randel B.

Dimaisip, Jazzmine Ann B.

Paner, Juan Paolo S.

Tanag, Myka C.

Mrs. Lovelyn S. Mendoza

Practical Research 1, Adviser

Grade 11 HUMSS- Riego de Dios


Title Page i

Table of contents

Chapter 1 Page

1.The problem and it’s setting

Introduction 1

Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 2

Significance of the Study 3

Scope and Limitations 4

Theoretical Framework 4

Conceptual Framework 6

Definition of Terms 7

Chapter 2

2. Review of Related Literature and Studies 8

Chapter 3

3. Methods and Procedures 13

Research Design 13

Research Locale 13

Subjects/ Units of Analysis 14

Sampling Procedures 14

Research Instrument/ Instrumentation 14

Data Gathering 15

Chapter 4

4. Presentation, Analysis and interpretation of Data 16

Chapter 5

5. Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations 23

Summary of Findings 23

Conclusions 24

Recommendations 24

This study explores the relationship between socio-economic status and student absenteeism.

Using a correlational research design, data was collected from a diverse sample of students

across various school districts. Results indicated a significant negative correlation between socio-

economic status and absenteeism, suggesting that students from lower socio-economic

backgrounds were more likely to have higher rates of absenteeism than their counterparts from

higher socio-economic backgrounds.

Based on these findings, we recommend that schools and policymakers take a more targeted

approach to tackling absenteeism among disadvantaged students. This could involve the

implementation of initiatives such as early warning systems, targeted interventions for at-risk

students, and improved communication between schools and families. Additionally, efforts to

address the root causes of socio-economic disadvantage, such as poverty and housing instability,

may also help to mitigate the negative effects of low socio-economic status on absenteeism and

academic achievement. Ultimately, it is our hope that this study will serve as a call to action for

policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders to prioritize the needs of disadvantaged students

and work to provide them with the support and resources they need to achieve academic success.



Background of the Study

One of the most significant parts of human resource development is education. Academic

performance is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects.

Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom performance,

graduation rates, and results from standardized tests. Student’s academic performance is affected

by several factors: socio-economic status, student’s learning skills, parental background, peer

influence, teacher’s quality, and learning infrastructure. Academic performance is the outcome of

education. It is the level of educational goals a person has achieved. To pursuing of academic

performance satisfies a number of purposes. Students have spots of failure and achievement in

their academic career, and this has to be assessed in order to promote improvement and make use

of educational development. In educational institutions, success is measured by academic

performance. Students encounters a lot of pressures and challenges in academic environment as

they pursue to keep up the best performance or even to continue in the academic program. Good

academic leads to offer more career choices and job security. Students vary in their performance

levels. They receive and process information differently.

One of the factors that affects the academic performance of a student is their socio-economic

status. Socio-economic status can be defined in terms of family wealth and assets as well as

educational background. In most cases, socio-economic status is perceived as social standing of

financial class of an individual. Additionally, it is mostly based on power, influence and control
that an individual has over others. Socio-economic status is a fundamental variable utilized in

discerning inequalities particularly in accessing and distributing public resources. Social standing

is applicable in a wide range of realms such as behavioral factors as well as social sciences.

Therefore, it is worth noting that socio-economic status greatly affects educational practices.

According to the National Statistical Coordination Borard (2016), the presence of many socio-

economic factors play a part on the development of students’ academic life. Philippines is a

multicultural state thus relationship between education, poverty alleviation, and socio-economic

development had been the subject for many researchers.

Kumaravel Udayakumar, Shanmugan Rajendran, Arumugam Sugirtha Rani (2022), stated that

Socio-economic characteristics play an important role in students’ academic performance. The

socio-economic factor of an individual is usually measured by education, employment-status,

and the income of his/her parents, which determine an individual’s or a group’s standard of


The researchers conduct this study to find out the Effects of Socio-Economic Status on

Absenteeism of Grade 11 students in Bucal National Integrated School in order to find a way to

solve the problems.

Statement of the Problem

This exploration deals with the Effects of Socio-Economic Status on the Absenteeism of

G11 students in Bucal National Integrated School, specifically, it will answer the following:

1. What is the impact of socio-economic status on the absenteeism of G11- HUMSS


2. How does socio-economic status affect the absenteeism of G11- HUMSS students?
3. How do the respondents cope with their absenteeism and impact from their socio-

economic status.

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit to the following:

Department of Education (DepEd). This study will give some idea to DepEd about the real

academic life of Senior High School students not just by considering the inconvenience brought

by learning institutions in the implementation of the new curriculum but at the same time the

socio-economic factors contributing also to their academic performance.

School. It gives information to Bucal National Integrated School about the absenteeism of the

Senior High school students based on their social, economic and cultural behavior towards


Teachers. This study would be able to identify different motivational strategies and how they can

influence students to lessen or eliminate absenteeism.

Students. This study would guide the students to identify the effects of socio-economic status

and how it affects their absenteeism.

Parents. It gives information to the parents that will serve as a guide for them to have an

idea on how these socio-economic status affects their child’s academic performance.

Future Researchers. The result will provide the researchers with some knowledge on the effects of

socio-economic status on absenteeism. It will give the researchers information about this certain topic,

and this study may serve as a guideline for researchers undertaking similar studies.
Scope and Limitations

The general intent of this study is to identify the effects of socio-economic status on the

absenteeism of G11 students in Bucal National Integrated School in the upcoming month . It

comprises of learning techniques, home environment and study habits. On the other hand, this

study does not cover the dominant effects of socio-economic status on the absenteeism of other

grade level students in Bucal National Integrated School because this endeavor is limited due to

time constraints.

Theoretical Framework

This study is based on the “Theory of Social Stratification” by Max Weber. In this theory,

Weber further viewed status from two distinct concepts: (1) class status, and (2) social status,

which primarily based on (1) mode of living, (2) a formal process of education which may

consist of empirical or rational training and the acquisition of the corresponding modes of life, or

(3) on the prestige of birth or of an occupation. But Weber’s pluralistic approach to social

stratification which involves several competing and conflicting groups makes it very difficult to

specify stratified social groups in society. The boundaries between various groups are almost

impossible to specify (where does one group begin and another group end, not stated

specifically) and we tend to end-up, empirically, with a stratification system that is highly

fragmented, that is, split-up into numerous small groups and almost impossible to classify

coherently. Finally, with reference once again to the idea that Weber’s analysis of stratification

tends to produce a picture of a highly fragmented class structure, there is no way of knowing

where this fragmentation could stop – in effect, the level of fragmentation appears to depend

more upon the way in which a stratification system is defined than to anything more useful.
This study is based on the “Theory of Social Capital” by Pierre Bourdieu. In this theory,

Bourdieu (1986) posits three fundamental forms of capital: economic, cultural, and social capital.

Economic Capital exists as money and material assets (e.g., income, property, financial

investments, and stocks, etc.) and is the elemental factor in social advantage or

disadvantage. Cultural Capital refers to an individual’s education attainment, the possession of

cultural goods (e.g., pictures, instruments, books, art, etc.) or a person’s values, skills,

knowledge, and tastes. Third, Social Capital is located at the inter-individual level and signifies

the aggregate material and non-material resources that can be mobilized via different social

relationships. Social resources deliver a group with collectively owned capital, entitling members

with ‘credit’ that can be exchanged to access collectively owned material or symbolic resources.

Therefore, social capital is distinct from cultural and economic forms of capital because it is

external to the individual and (re)generated through the structure of an individual’s social


This study is based in the & quot; Functionalist Theory & quot; by Talcott Parson. In this

theory, it assumes that stratification is necessary for society to progress. Stratification is based on

the characteristics of the individual and the occupying position. The relative importance of a

position depends on its functional importance in society. Occupational prestige scale is an

example of a tool based on functionalist theory.

Conceptual Framework


1. What is the impact

of socio-economic

status on the Data Gathering

absenteeism of G11-

HUMSS students?

2. How does socio-

economic status
Data Analysis
affect the

absenteeism of G11-
The Effects of Socio-Economic
HUMSS students?
Status on the
3. How do the

respondents cope Interpretation of Data Absenteeism of G11 students

with their

absenteeism and

impact from their

status. Conclusions
Definition of Terms

In order to arrive at common understanding, the following terms shall be defined:

Academic – relating to education.

Academic Performance – means being a successful student who does well in school and

engages in student activities.

Absenteeism – refers to a student being absent from school.

Dominant Effects – Effects that having primarily control or influence in every variable,

which greatly affects certain things or events more than any factors.

Education- discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and learning in schools.

Home Environment- salient mechanism through which income may alter child development.

Learning Techniques- helping students to bypass their areas of weakness and to rely on their

areas of competence.

Socio-economic status – social standing or class of an individual or group.

Student- a person who is studying at a school.

Study Habits – usual behavior or habitual practices by a person in order to study and learn



This chapter presents the literature related to the concept of the present study. It also

reviews some studies and materials from the Internet to provide sufficient background and

information essential for carrying out this study. It seeks to collect claims from previous studies

about how a student's Socio-economic status affects or influences his academic performance.

According to the study of Vadivel, Alam, Nikpoo and Ajanil (2023), the socioeconomic

background of a child is an essential aspect that impacts his educational background. Children of

this background are usually seen in semiskilled or unskilled jobs. Parents hardly take part in

educational activities. Parental education is a crucial factor in attaining good performance in

academics. Poorly educated or uneducated parents are unable to offer support for their child’s


Based from the study of Deepak Neupane and Santosh Kumar Gurung (2021), the Parental

socio-economic status is considered to be one of the major factors that influence the academic

performance of the students. Accordingly, out of the several factors considered to measure the

academic performance of the students, family financial status was found to be a more important

determinant of school level academic grades, however, its influence in college level grade was

relatively low. Although, parent's educational status was also found to be associated with

academic achievement of the students, father’s nature of employment and family expenditure

level were found to be the most significant determinants of academic achievement of students.

However, the relationship is true only up to the school level academic performance. The

expenditure level of family is the important determinant of school level academic achievement.
Financial status of family affects school level grades but not college level grades. Family

financial status is found to have significant influence over the school level grade but minimal

influence over the college level grade. This study has implications for the educational practice

and policy formulation. Academic administrators should provide the parents with the

opportunities to be involved in the decision-making process of the academic institutions.

Accordingly, our study reveals that though the family income level, parent's occupation, parent's

nature of employment and parent's educational qualification do not have significant relationship

with the academic performance of the students. However, the residential status comparatively

has influence over the academic performance of the students. To conclude, the formulation of the

social policies that would contribute to the upliftment of the social and economic condition of the

certain groups of the society would narrow down the academic achievement gap and ensure the

quality education for all the students.

Based from the article of Tomaszewski, Xiang and Western (2020, they contribute to

understanding of the mechanisms through which students’ socio-economic family background

can translate into academic performance by focusing on the concept of student engagement. it is

important to focus on student engagement since it can be directly influenced by teachers and

school leaders, as well as curriculum choices and school resources. This makes it a ripe target for

government policies aimed at improving educational outcomes for students from low-SES

families, compared with approaches targeting the influences of family environment or peer


Based on the study of Sue Thompson (2018), the role of education is not simply to reproduce

inequalities in society then we need to understand what the role of socioeconomic background
more clearly. While much research has been undertaken in the past 50 years, and we are fairly

certain that socioeconomic background does have an effect on educational achievement, we are

no closer to understanding how this effect is transmitted. Until we are, it will remain difficult to

address. In this edition of Science of Learning, two further contributions to this body of

knowledge have been added—and perhaps indicate new paths that need to be followed to

develop this understanding.

According to the study of Unyeme Akpan (2020), there is a significant influence of socio-

economic background on students’ academic performance in biology. Socio economic

background is key to a students’ life, within and outside of school. Students from low socio-

economic status are at a disadvantage in schools because they lack an academic home

environment, while influencing their academic success at school. Students whose parents are of

low socio-economic are made to engage in petty trading in order to earn income which to pay

fees and buy books while the high socio-economic parents encourage their children to have extra

coaching after school period. The findings of the study revealed that there was significant

influence of parental income, family size, parental occupation, parental education background on

the academic performance of SS 11 students in Biology in Obot Akara Local Government Area

of Akwa Ibom State.

Based from the study of Sarah Cattan, Daniel Kamhofer, Martin Karlsson, Therese Nilsson

(2022) the School absences are an important, but often overlooked, determinant of instructional

time. To date, little is known about the long-run impact of students missing school, and the only

studies providing causal evidence of the impact of student absence on academic performance

focus on the United States. The contribution of this paper is to estimate the impact of student
absence in elementary school on short- and long-term outcomes for a non-US context by using a

unique combination of historical records and administrative datasets from Sweden.

According to Edward Sosu, Shadrach Dare, Claire Goodfellow, Markus Klein (2021) the systematic

review shows that children from low-SES backgrounds are more likely to be absent from school

than their peers from high-SES backgrounds. Interpreting this overall finding is complicated by

the multiple ways in which SES and school absenteeism are measured. However, our narrative

synthesis indicates that irrespective of the SES dimension or absenteeism form considered,

socioeconomic inequalities exist. Hence, an important dimension of socioeconomic disparities in

children’s educational experiences includes missing out on school. A key implication is that

attempts to address inequalities in educational outcomes must involve tackling socioeconomic

gaps in school attendance.

According to Murat Balkıs, Gökmen Arslan, Erdinç Duru (2016) This study was designed to

examine the relations between personal factors, family factors, previous and current absenteeism,

and academic achievement. The findings of study noticed that students who have negative

academic self-perception, negative attitudes towards teacher and school, lack of goal, and lack of

motivation, are more likely to have school absenteeism. Findings also showed that students,

whose parents have low educational level and low income, are more likely to have high level of

school absenteeism. In other words, the lower educational levels of parents may evaluate as a

risk factor for students’ school absenteeism. Finally, findings noticed that students’ academic

achievement was affected by absenteeism, which in turn, predicted future school absenteeism.
Based on the study of Jarrett Morris (2014) this study shows that there is a relationship

between students who receive Free or Reduced lunch and attendance rates. There was

moderately high correlation found because of the .64 R‐value. Conversely, the study shows that

the null hypothesis was not rejected because of the p‐value (0.56) was significantly greater than

the alpha value of (0.25). This data would lead you to believe that there is a relationship between

free or reduced lunch and attendance rate at this specific suburban school. From looking at the

data the r‐value is equal to .64, which means as Free or Reduced Lunch % increases, the

attendance rate also increases.

Based on the study of Doris Jean Jones (2006) This study identified the independent variable

of socio-economic status to have the greatest impact on the dependent variable of student

achievement. "Historically, poor children and minority children have been disproportionately at-

risk in our schools, even through research provides a more complex picture of students at-risk


This chapter presents the different aspects of research methodology such as the

research design, the research locale, the subjects/units of analysis, the sampling

procedures, the research instrument, and the analytical framework.

A. Research Design

This study uses Descriptive research design. According to Shona Mccombes (2020),

Descriptive research aims to describe a population, situation, or phenomenon accurately and

systematically. It can answer what, when, where, when and how questions, but not why questions.

To determine cause and effect, experimental research is required. A descriptive research design

can use a wide variety of quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate one or more variables.

Unlike in experimental research, the researcher does not control or manipulate any of the variables,

but only observes and measures them.

The purpose of descriptive research design is to identify the effects of socio-economic

status on the absenteeism of Grade 11 students by the use of the profile of the respondents. This

design will validate the hypothesis when it comes to specific group of people.

B. Research Locale

This study will be conducted at Bucal National Integrated School. It is located at Bucal 2

Maragondon Cavite which is near the boundary of Bucal 3B and Bucal 2. The school comprises Junior

High School and Senior High School. It offers two tracks which are Academic and Technical Vocational
Track. Under Academic Track are Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM) , Technical-

Vocational-Livelihood (TVL), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), and Humanities, and Social Sciences (HUMSS).

C. Subjects /Units of Analysis

The respondents in this study are Grade 11 Humss students in Bucal National Integrated School.

The researchers will randomly pick 15 students from 5 sections of Grade 11 Humss that will answer the


D. Sampling Procedures

The researchers will use purposive sampling technique in which units are selected because they

have characteristics that the researcher need in our study plus it gather more and accurate data using the

procedure According to Jim Frost (2023). Purposive sampling is non-probability method for obtaining a

sample where researchers use their expertise to choose specific participants that will help the study meet its


Research Instrument/Instrumentation

To get the appropriate data needed, the researchers will be asking the same set of

questions to all selected respondents. The instrument is authorized to obtain valid responses from

the students. The data that will be gathered will be analyzed by the researcher’s analysis. The

researchers will be asking the participants questions related to absenteeism such as how they

cope with it, where they think it comes from and what are the possible advantages and

disadvantages of it. The researchers will not leave any important answers that are said by the

respondents nor add anything to the researchers liking. The researchers will ensure that the
respondents are comfortable with voice recordings and that the answers will not be tampered

with. Furthermore, the results of the data that will be gathered are key in conducting this study.

E. Data Gathering

The researcher will find out what is the effect on the absenteeism of the student, the data will

collected by conducting an interview. The first is that will ask permission from principal if we

can conduct an interview, the researcher respondents are 20 grade 11 Humss students and before

it starts we will give informed consent to find out if they agree to be interviewed . And after the

interview we will interpret and analyze the gathered information through thematic pattern.


This chapter presents the results, the analysis and interpretation of data gatherd from the

answers to the interview of G11 students. The said data were presented in tabular form in

accordance with the specific questions posited on the statement of the problem.

Table 1: How Socioeconomic status affect the student’s attendance in class

Extract Question Answers Code/ Categories

1 How does your socio Respondent #10

economic status affect your

Sa transportation, minsan mahirap
Hitchcock problem
attendance in class?
kasi walang na daan na sasakyan

kaya na lelate sapag pasok.

Respondent #12

Its affects me because di lahat ng

needs ko for school ay makukuha

ko like a school materials need to Lack of funds

used to make a lot of outputs, hindi

makabili minsan sa recess because

yung labis need pang-print/i-save

to buy a data sa hiram na gadget to

stay updated.

Respondents #15

Mahirap din sa ka dahilanang

minsan wala kaming pera Lack of funds

nawawalan din ako ng pang gastos

sa ekwelahan kapag may mga

proyektong gagawin at minsan ay

nag hihiram ako ng pamasahe sa

aking kaibigan kung maari naman

akong ihatid ni kuya inahatid niya


Table 1 presents the responses of the respondents during the interview on how socioeconomic

status affects their school attendance. We saw that almost all the answers of the respondents were

similar to lack of pocket money. As students, we also experience being short on money due to

school expenses.

According to Murat Balkıs, Gökmen Arslan, Erdinç Duru (2016) This study was

designed to examine the relations between personal factors, family factors, previous and current

absenteeism, and academic achievement. The findings of study noticed that students who have
negative academic self-perception, negative attitudes towards teacher and school, lack of goal,

and lack of motivation, are more likely to have school absenteeism. Findings also showed that

students, whose parents have low educational level and low income, are more likely to have high

level of school absenteeism. In other words, the lower educational levels of parents may evaluate

as a risk factor for students’ school absenteeism. Finally, findings noticed that students’

academic achievement was affected by absenteeism, which in turn, predicted future school


Table 2 : Does the students' allowance affect their class attendance

Extract Question Answers Codes/ Categories

2 Do you think your allowance Respondents #8

in school affects your

Oo, minsan kapag wala talagang Economic
attendance in class?
maibigay na baon ang aking Disadvantage

Respondents #10

Oo, kase tulad ko sakto lang

talaga ang baon ko tapos na uubos

pa sa mga kailangan bilihin tapos

biglang tapungan sa groupings na Financial hardship

di naman talaga maiwasan kasi

para din yun sa grade.

Respondents #14

“Oo, dahil syempre pag kulang

Financial hardship
ang baon mo mahihirapan kana

mabili ang mga kailangn mo sap


Table 2 responses suggest that the adequacy or insufficiency of a student's allowance can

influence their attendance in class. Due to a lack of funds, students are forced to not attend their


Based from the study of Deepak Neupane and Santosh Kumar Gurung (2021), the Parental

socio-economic status is considered to be one of the major factors that influence the academic

performance of the students. Accordingly, out of the several factors considered to measure the

academic performance of the students, family financial status was found to be a more important

determinant of school level academic grades, however, its influence in college level grade was

relatively low. Although, parent's educational status was also found to be associated with

academic achievement of the students, father’s nature of employment and family expenditure

level were found to be the most significant determinants of academic achievement of students.

However, the relationship is true only up to the school level academic performance. The

expenditure level of family is the important determinant of school level academic achievement.

Financial status of family affects school level grades but not college level grades. Family
financial status is found to have significant influence over the school level grade but minimal

influence over the college level grade. This study has implications for the educational practice

and policy formulation. Academic administrators should provide the parents with the

opportunities to be involved in the decision-making process of the academic institutions.

Accordingly, our study reveals that though the family income level, parent's occupation, parent's

nature of employment and parent's educational qualification do not have significant relationship

with the academic performance of the students. However, the residential status comparatively

has influence over the academic performance of the students. To conclude, the formulation of the

social policies that would contribute to the upliftment of the social and economic condition of the

certain groups of the society would narrow down the academic achievement gap and ensure the

quality education for all the students.

Table 3: Does absence from class affect the academic performance of students

Extract Question Answers Codes/ Categories

3 How does absenteeism impact Respondents #9

academic performance?
Mahirap dahil kung may sakit ka at Academic
di agad gumaling maiipon ang

Respondent #11

Nakakaapekto ito sa’kin kung ako

ay liliban sa klase dahil mapag

iiwanan ako ng lesson at hindi ko Educational gap
maiintindihan ang mga susunod na


Respondent # 13

Dahil dito ako ay nagkakaroon ng

mga kakulangan na Gawain at

natatambakan ng mga dapat ipasan.


Respondent #16

Nakakaapekto ang aking pag liban

sa klase sa tuwing may exam or

surprise quiz dahil wala akong sapat Missed assessment

na natutunan kung an oba ang

nagging discussion sa aking pag


Table 3 responses suggest that absenteeism has adverse consequences for academic

performance, including falling behind in lessons, incomplete assignments, missed points in

assessments, and a lack of understanding of important topics.

The main reason for a student's absenteeism is a lack of educational assistance, respondents

say that their grades drop because of absenteeism. A research conducted by (Gershenson et al.,

2017; Kirksey, 2019; Klein et al., 2022) several studies have shown that missing school, even for
a limited number of days and regardless of the reason, negatively affects students' student's test

performances and grade point average.



This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendations based on the analysis of

the results of the study done by the researchers.

Summary of findings

The first research questions inquired: How does your socio-economic status affect your

attendance in class. The result showed that many learners are affected by their attendance at school

because of their socioeconomic status due to a lack of money to spend on group projects that need

to be paid for or school supplies that need to be bought.

The second research questions inquired: Do you think your allowance in school affects your

attendance in class. It can be seen from the results that many students say that their allowance

affects their attendance in class because they do not have an allowance, so they are forced not to go

to school, and because of group projects that need to be paid for, their allowance is not enough.

Lasty, the third research questions intended: How does absenteeism impact academic

performance. The result shows that many students say that their absence from class affects their

academic performance because, when they miss a lesson and the activities they have to do

increase, they are also unable to take the exam because being absent from school will result in a

falling grade.

Based on the results of the interview conducted, it can be inferred that socioeconomic status

and allowance have a significant impact on students' attendance in class and academic

performance. The results showed that most of the students are affected by their socioeconomic

status, as they may lack the financial means to purchase necessary school supplies. Furthermore,

even when students had an allowance, it was not always enough to cover all their expenses,

including transportation, food, and school-related fees. Many students state that absenteeism

negatively affects their academic performance.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations were

made: First, For the DepEd and school administrators, implement programs or initiatives that

address the socioeconomic needs of learners, such as providing financial assistance for school

supplies and projects and creating partnerships with organizations that can provide these resources.

Second, for teachers, be mindful of the economic circumstances of the students in your class and

create alternative activities or assignments that do not require additional expenses. Third, the

students and parents should manage allowance and expenses carefully, prioritize school needs and

attendance, and communicate with teachers and school administrators for support. Lastly, For the

future researchers, conduct further studies on the impact of socioeconomic status on attendance and

academic performance and explore the effectiveness of existing programs or interventions.

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1) What is your socio economic status?

2)How often do you miss school?

3)How does your socio economic status affect your attendance in class?

4) How does absenteeism impact academic performance?

5) Do you think your allowance in school affects your attendance in class?

6) What factors affects your attendance in school?

Republic of the Philippines

Department of education


Bucal National Integrated School

Bucal 2 Maragandon Cavite


May 2023
Dear Respondents:


We the group 3 of HUMSS RDD is currently writing their Practical Research paper entitled:

In regard, we are asking for young precious time, and effort to answer all the interview
question that are important and helpful for the completion of the study.

Rest assured that all information to be obtained shall be used for the purpose of this research
only and that they shall be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Your positive response in this request will be valuable contribution for the success of the study
and will highly appreciate.

Thank you!

For and in behalf of the group,


Group Leader

Noted by:

Lovelyn Mendoza

Research Adviser

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