Pentason Landasngpaglaya

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Jose Rizal was introduced to young students when they were still in elementary school.
Given that he passed away while defending his country, the teacher referred to him as a
national hero. I think Jose Rizal is something we see every day. One peso coin from the
Philippines. Additionally, his memorial is situated in Luneta Park, a well-liked gathering
place for both locals and visitors. Such incidents serve as a reminder of individuals like
Dr. Jose Rizal, who fought and lost his life in defense of his love of the Philippines and
made the ultimate sacrifice for it. There were numerous documentaries produced to
introduce us to our national hero. Dr. Jose Rizal's Landas ng Paglaya is one of them.
Dr. Jose Rizal's life and struggles are highlighted in the documentary. He battle for the
sake of our country's sovereignty.

The video chronicles the story of Jose Rizal's life, emphasizing on his aims and
affection for his native Filipinos. The documentary was produced by the Philippines'
Historical Commission to enlighten on the person who assisted in the country's
liberation from colonial authority. It talks about how the concepts of freedom and
revolution came about as a result of Dr. Jose Rizal's works. It also discusses Jose
Rizal's own books, which dive into the mind and thoughts of the author of some among
his most well-known works, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. The opening
narration of the documentary discussed how we might resolve the challenges we
currently face and those from the past that we have previously encountered. Perhaps
we can discover an answer to our present problems by investigating the history This
Rizal documentary introduced me to many new unexplored truths. He firstly has a tight
relationship with Paciano, his older brother. and how he motivated Rizal to fight for the
sovereignty of our nation.
Giving Rizal moral support for his objectives along with financial backing. Paciano Rizal
is not just Jose Rizal's brother; he is also a warrior in his own capacity. Throughout the
Philippine Revolution, he stood up for his country and advanced to the rank of colonel.
Rizal was able to broaden his perspectives thanks to the opportunities he had while he
was a student overseas. He learned liberal values from it, such how people should be
allowed to express themselves freely in society. The citizens of the Philippines did not
possess the privileges that they ought to have as it was a former Spanish possession.

The propaganda campaign La Solidaridad, which emphasizes on the reforms that may
be made in the Philippines to alleviate the lives of the citizens, was then initiated by
Rizal. He made numerous efforts while defending our country, and even his parents
endured the consequences of his government stances, which the government learned
about and which raised suspicions about him. Their clan was persecuted by the local
authorities, who increased the land rent in Calamba and forced people out of their
house. Houses were burned down, forcing people to leave them. He couldn't do it since
it was too risky.

They met in Hong Kong because his family banned him from traveling to the
Philippines, which is the way they got there. They spent their happiest moments in
hongkong, they spend their first Christmas together. Rizal planned to come back to the
Philippines, and as he comes back he did the most important thing to him is to
established la liga Filipina this propaganda wants the citizens to come together as one
nation and for me this is one of the greatest propaganda rizal establish along with
others. When rizal spend his 4 years in dapitan, I’ve seen a different rizal that is fulfilling
his dreams doing what he wants to do but with a sense such as teaching students, give
medical services to the people in need. Rizal did not want to just sit back and relax
because his mind is full of ambitions and it is fascinating. While he was in dapitan he
realize that political is not the only way to change
the country, he realize that there is more to it that
is outside of political that can change the nation
that he is more capable to do.

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