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1. Fill the blanks in the following table correctly!

No Tenses Sentences
a. Simple future tense I will go to the office tomorrow morning
b. Present conditional Tense ………………………………………………………..…………………
c. Perfect conditional tense ………………………………………………………..…………………
d. The conditional sentence type 1 ………………………………………………………..…………………
e. The conditional sentence type 2 ………………………………………………………..…………………
f. The conditional sentence type 3 ………………………………………………………..…………………
2. Translate these sentences below into Indonesia or vice verses!
a. If you turn out the light, we will be in the dark
b. The stores would close early today
c. If he attanded class regularly, he would make good progress
d. I would been in Munawwarah Islamic Modern Boarding School
e. Jikalau cuaca membaik kemaren, kita akan pergi ke pantai.
f. Jikalau saya belajar keras, saya akan lulus ujian.
3. Arrange these jumbled words below into a corrcet sentence!
a. I – don’t – If –eat – get – breakfast – I – always –hungry – during - class
b. If – he – got – anyone – interrupted – him –angry
c. have – you – this – disaster – had – If – obeyed – orders –would – not– happened
d. I – would – drive – to – Java Island – on – I – don’t – have – a car – but – if – I – have – one –my - vacation
4. Put each word into a conditional sentence!
a. If - Should
b. If - Might
c. If - Could have
d. If - Shall

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