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Noodles are a food product made from wheat flour with a high carbohydrate content,
butthere is a deficiency in the noodle content namely the lack of protein content. Patin fish flour has a
higher protein content than wheat flour. Patin fish noodlesare a modified form of high protein flour by
adding Patin fish meat. Agar flour or often called agar is one of the processed products derived from
seaweedGracilaria sp. flour so that it can be judged to make the texture of the noodles not easy to


Wet noodles with the highest average value on the total
Image 1. Research Flow Chart
parameter, namely patin fish wet noodles with the addition of
P2 agar flour. So that the characteristics of the chemical test
were carried out on wet patin fish noodles without the addition
CONCLUSION of P0 agar flour as a control and catfish wet noodles with the
Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that:
addition of P2 agar flour. The chemical characteristics carried
1.The addition of agar flour (commercial) has a significanteffect on the physical and chemical out included tests for water content, ash content, crude
quality assessment ofpatin fish wet noodles
2. The addition of 5g agar flour (P2) is the besttreatment in producing patin fish. noodles according protein, crude fat, crude fiber, and crude carbohydrates.
to theIndonesian National Standard for wet noodles. The effect of adding agar powder to the quality
characteristics of patin fish noodles is thought to have an effect
on the physical and chemical characteristics of the noodles
REFERENCES produced. The addition of flour to increase the nutritional value
of patin fish noodles.
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Agar-agar. Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Vol 7(2) : 2-8.
Fitriani. 2018. Pengaruh penambahan tiga jenis ikan terhadap tingkat kesukaan dan kadar protein mi kering. JurnalProteksi
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Zahidan Fikri Nurahman Dr. Adriana Monica Sahidu, Ir., M.Kes. Dwi Yuli Pujiastuti, S.Pi., M.P., M.Sc.
Bachelor of Fisheries Technology. Department of Marine, Department of Marine,
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine,
Airlangga University Airlangga Univeristy Airlangga Univeristy

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