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Private Sub ATextBox1_Change()

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

Dim angulos

Dim Valor As Double

Dim Valor1 As Double

For angulos = 1 To 8

If VBA.IsNumeric(Me.Controls("ATextBox" & angulos).Value) Then

Valor = Me.Controls("ATextBox" & angulos).Value

Valor1 = Valor1 + Valor


End If

Next angulos

Me.Label18.Caption = Valor1

If AtexBox1 = 0 Then

AtexBox1 = 0

End If

Dim distancia

Dim DValor As Double

Dim DValor1 As Double

For distancia = 1 To 8

If VBA.IsNumeric(Me.Controls("DTextBox" & distancia).Value) Then

DValor = Me.Controls("DTextBox" & distancia).Value

DValor1 = DValor1 + DValor


End If

Next distancia

Me.Label19.Caption = DValor1

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton7_Click()

ATextBox1 = ""

ATextBox2 = ""

ATextBox3 = ""

ATextBox4 = ""

ATextBox5 = ""

ATextBox6 = ""

ATextBox7 = ""

ATextBox8 = ""

Label18.Caption = ""

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton8_Click()

DTextBox1 = ""

DTextBox2 = ""

DTextBox3 = ""

DTextBox4 = ""

DTextBox5 = ""

DTextBox6 = ""

DTextBox7 = ""

DTextBox8 = ""

Label19.Caption = ""

End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_Click()

End Sub

Dim suma1 As Integer

Dim suma2 As Integer

Dim a1 As Integer

a1 = 0

Dim a2 As Integer

a2 = 0

Label5.Text = ListBox1.items.ColumnCount1.toString()

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