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To know and measure the factors affecting male individuals who struggle in expressing their
emotions, all the data collected are tabulated and interpreted below:

Profile of the Respondents (Age)

Age of the Respondets

19 and above

Half of the respondents are 16 years old accumulating 50% of the total population, 40%
represents the 17 years old, and 10% of the population is 18 years old.

Self-Assessment Questions

Questions Yes No Sometimes

Have you encountered many negative emotions lately? 40% 0% 60%
Do you express his negative emotions and feelings? 20% 20% 60%
Through self-assessment questions, respondents have encountered many negative emotions
lately: 40% who responded “Yes” and 60% who responded “Sometimes.” With that, most of the
respondents encountered many negative emotions as no one responded “No.”

In expressing their negative emotions and feelings, mostly try to express themselves “Sometimes”
which constitute 60% of the total respondents and 20 goes to who said “Yes” and “No.”

How do you deal with these negative emotions and feelings? Percentage
By sharing it to friends only 20%
By sharing it to family 10%
By sharing to friends and family 10%
By suppressing it and keeping things by myself 60%
In dealing negative emotions and feelings, most of the respondents or 60% pointed out that they
deal with it by suppressing it and keeping things by myself . However, 20% said that they deal with it by
sharing it to their friends only. Lastly, 20% that remain said that they deal with it by sharing it to their
family only (10%) and by sharing to friends and family (10%).
What are the factors that force you to suppress your negative emotions? Percentage
Family 25%
Friends 12.5%
Myself 31.25%
Others 31.25%
In identifying which or what are the factors that force them to suppress their emotions, “Myself”
and “Others” ranked first which can be seen and supported by 31.25% each of the population. This could
mean that the factors that force them to suppress their negative emotions are themselves and others. But,
25% said that for them it is their family and 12.5% believed that it is their friends.

How do you suppressed negative feelings and emotions that affect your health?

 Playing guitar and listening to music

 Sleeping
 Nothing
 It doesn’t affect me physically by I’m a bit mentally unstable.

In asking the respondents on how do they suppress their negative feelings and emotions that
affect their health, the respondents enumerated the following: playing guitar and listening to music,
sleeping, they do nothing and it doesn’t affect them physically but mentally.

Are you experienced or experiencing any of the following? Percentage

Stress 26.32%
Depression 10.53%
Low Self-Esteem 36.84%
Negative Thoughts 26.32%
According to the table above, 36.84% proves that most of the respondents are experiencing low
self-esteem. On the other hand, some are experiencing stress and negative thoughts which constitute
26.32% respectively and depression for 10.53%.

What are the negative feelings and emotions you are experiencing right now?

 Loneliness
 Heart Broken
 Insecurities
 Anxiety
 Depression
 Nothing at all
 Negative Thoughts
 Being Dumb
 Stress (School Works)
 Sadness
 Anxious
 Miserable
 Frightened
By asking the respondents on what are the negative feelings and emotions they are experiencing
right now, all of the respondents answered that they are experiencing Loneliness, Heart Broken,
Insecurities, Anxiety, Depression, Nothing at all, Negative Thoughts, Being Dumb, Stress (School
Works), Sadness, Anxious, Miserable and Frightened.

What are the factors that affect the emotions and physical state of Grade 11 students male
individuals in Castillejos National High School?

 Stress because there is so many things that I need to fix and do, like modules, family problems,
and financial problems.
 Schoolworks
 Peer Pressure
 Bullying
 Unidentified
 Depression
 Anxiety
 Sleep Deprivation

The respondents enumerated the following above which they believed are factors that affect the emotions
and physical state of them as Grade 11 students who are male individuals in Castillejos National High
School. Most of the responds are stress, school works, peer pressure, bullying, unknown, depression,
anxiety and sleep deprivation.

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