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Name: Diego Mauricio Cita Nieto B1 + Pathway Vocabulary Quiz Unit 2

I. Complete the following table with appropriate words according to the word class. (10

Noun Adjective Adverb

law Legal/lawful Legally/lawfully

Society Social Socially

(The) Military Military Militarily

Economics Economic (al) Economically


International Internationality

finance Financial Financially

Ethics Ethical Ethically

Politics/politician Political Politically

History Historic(al) Historically

Geography Geographic(al) Geographically

Moral Moral Morally

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Name: Diego Mauricio Cita Nieto B1 + Pathway Vocabulary Quiz Unit 2

II. Choose an adjective from the box and an appropriate noun to make the best suitable collocation that will
complete the sentence within the context. Each collocation will only be used once. An example has been
given (0). (4 marks)

Adjectives Nouns
historical social court
ethical institution
military international society
work power

1. America’s use of conventional military power since World War II has achieved mixed political results. In the future,
the traditional instruments of national influence may be even less effective because of the country’s domestic
problems and shifts in the geopolitical environment.

2. One of The historical institution of Justice’s main duties is to decide on legal matters pertaining to
the United Nations member states’ territorial and maritime boundaries.

3. Over the last 50 years, the United Nations (UN) has positively influenced and helped create a new awareness for
peace around the world. Many say that the UN is indeed the most important international court of the 20th century.

4. The United States of America is one of the few countries which strive to provide its citizens with freedom of speech,
press, and religion as the ability to vote and choose their representatives. These characteristics would make the U.S. a
complete ethical society ; however, most of the population does not believe in this assessment due to the rising
violence, brutality, suffering, and violation of human rights happening in big cities.

5. By 1914, and certainly after World War I, public support for the idea of social work was beginning to dry up in the
United States. The upper class had second thoughts about middle class people who organized and assisted the poor,
associating them with anarchists and other radicals intent on inflaming workers against public order.

III. Complete the paragraph with the collocations below. An example has been given (0). (6 marks)
central strategy basic concept influential position
transparent policies practical solutions suitable
direction likely approach

The 0. transparent policies created by the various United Nations departments over the last 20 years have been
aimed at key countries in Central Africa that have been involved in wars for many years.

The UN’s 1. suitable and policies not only would help communication between these countries but

would also lead trade in a 2. Influential position benefitting a huge geographical area of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Although the retention of commodities is still a 3. central strategy used by the government of these

countries to gain economic and military control of the region, the 4. Likely approach of separating

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economic growth from government is very strong. This is seen as a 5. basic concept to be used in UN

discussions with government officials. To date, this is considered to be one of the most ingenious
6.practical solutions to eliminate unrest in that area of the world.

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