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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pie charts below show the different reasons for flight delays in a particular Asian country
in 2015 and 2016.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

1.The two pie charts compare the proportions of five reasons for flight stoppage in an Asian
nation during the years 2015 and 2016.

Overall, airline operations' management was the primary cause of flight delays in both years,
while airport security and military factors switched positions as the least influential factors.

In more detail, the majority of flight delays were attributed to airline operations management,
accounting for 40% in 2015 and increasing to 46% in 2016. Conversely, airport security
accounted for a tiny protion of postponement in 2015 (4%), on the contrary, saw a significant
increase of 9% in 2016. Military factors replaced airport security as the least significant
cause of delays in 2016, accounting for 6% of delays.

In terms of setbacks caused by bad weather, the proportions remained relatively consistent
at around one-fifth of setbacks, with 21% in 2015 and 23% in 2016. However, there was a
notable decrease in postponement attributed to air traffic control, dropping from 25% in 2015
to only 12% in 2016.

2. Fossil fuels are the primary source of energy in the world today. The history of the use of
fossil fuels is as old as the history of human civilization, and yet due to the evolution of the
human race, people starting to replace them with renewable energy like wind or solar
power,...Therefore, people have different views about whether fossil fuels should be
replaced by renewable energy or still be made use of while they are still cost-effective is
more practical. It is my strong belief that these energy resources should be replaced by
renewable energy.

There are several compelling reasons advocating the utilization of non-renewable energy.
Firstly, the extraction and utilization of these fuels are highly convenient. Due to their
abundant natural availability and advancements in mining technology, manufacturers can
easily extract and convert these fuels into energy. Coal-burning technology possesses
relative simplicity, thereby facilitating the development of manufacturers on a large industrial
scale. Furthermore, consumers only need to pay a nominal sum to access and utilize these
resources. As a result, individuals can allocate their saved funds towards other endeavors,
such as leisure activities or financial investments.

Despite the above argument, I agree with those who believe that people should use
renewable energy sources. The first reason is that it helps to maintain a green environment.
For instance, solar energy is harnessed and converted into electricity through the integration
of solar battery systems and optimal sunlight utilizationConsequently, solar energy is
primarily on natural light, thereby avoiding the release of waste into the environment.
Secondly, these energy sources can be used for a long time. The investment for the
renewable system may be enormous in the beginning, but the derived benefits are long-term
as it provides a sustainable and abundant supply of electricity without any concerns
regarding resource depletion.

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