Quiz 4304 de Thi Thu Vao Lop 6 Mon Tieng Anh Theo Mau Thcs Cau Giay So 6

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Đề thi thử vào lớp 6 môn Tiếng Anh theo mẫu THCS Cầu

Giấy số 6
Quiz ID: 4304

Question 1 (Question ID: 145-44738)

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. chief
B. moustache
C. machine
D. chef
Question 2 (Question ID: 145-18958)
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
A. laughter
B. caught
C. daughter
D. augment
Question 3 (Question ID: 145-16636)
Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
A. study
B. improve
C. achieve
D. succeed
Question 4 (Question ID: 145-53467)
Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
A. general
B. opinion
C. abroad
D. surprise
Question 5 (Question ID: 145-40440)
The film was very _____ so we couldn’t see all of it and decided to leave the cinema.
A. exciting
B. boring
C. wonderful
D. easy

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Question 6 (Question ID: 145-37549)
Parents should take good care of their children and _____ them from wrong doings.
A. protect
B. protest
C. get
D. take
Question 7 (Question ID: 145-40813)
I am having a math lesson but I forgot my _____. I have some difficulties with numbers.
A. calculator
B. bike
C. pencil case
D. pencil sharpener
Question 8 (Question ID: 145-40812)
My parents often help me _____ my homework.
A. at
B. with
C. about
D. in
Question 9 (Question ID: 145-40793)
They are moving _____ a new apartment _____ the city center soon.
A. at – at
B. from – in
C. to – in
D. to – from
Question 10 (Question ID: 145-47511)
- Does Mary like _____?
- Yes, she goes jogging every morning.
A. jog
B. to jogging
C. jogs
D. jogging
Question 11 (Question ID: 145-50428)
Tom is a _____ driver. He never drives too fast.
A. carelessly
B. carefully
C. careless
D. careful

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Question 12 (Question ID: 145-18743)
I think that he danced _____ than his friend.
A. more beautiful
B. most beautiful
C. more beautifully
D. most beautifully
Question 13 (Question ID: 145-435784)
John has a collection of _____ postage stamps.
A. valuable Japanese old
B. valuable old Japanese
C. old Japanese valuable
D. old valuable Japanese
Question 14 (Question ID: 145-11776)
I would like to know the reason _____ he decided to quit the job.
A. why
B. which
C. when
D. where
Question 15 (Question ID: 145-448796)
Could you tell us how _____?
A. getting to the station
B. to get to the station
C. do we get to the station
D. to get to station
Question 16 (Question ID: 145-11189)
Bicycles _____ in the driveway.
A. must not leave
B. must not be leaving
C. must not be left
D. must not have left
Question 17 (Question ID: 145-500931)
Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).
The librarian asked the children to be silent because everyone was trying to study.
A. noisy
B. boring
C. quiet
D. early

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Question 18 (Question ID: 145-510383)
Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).
Try to eliminate fatty foods from your diet.
A. limit
B. move
C. add
D. remove
Question 19 (Question ID: 145-510377)
Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).
She must be very strong to carry such a weight on her back.
A. weak
B. active
C. sick
D. healthy
Question 20 (Question ID: 145-457044)
Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).
I couldn't buy that car because it was too costly.
A. safe
B. cheap
C. clean
D. expensive
Question 21 (Question ID: 145-12542)
- “Remember to phone me when you arrive at the airport.”
- “_____.”
A. I remember
B. I do
C. I don’t
D. I will
Question 22 (Question ID: 145-20438)
Tom: "Can I have another cup of tea?"
Linda: "_______"
A. Be yourself.
B. Do it yourself.
C. Allow yourself.
D. Help yourself.

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Question 23 (Question ID: 145-340435)
Read the passage and choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks.
Do you remember I told you I was trying to get a part-time job as a waiter at a Japanese restaurant?
Well, I finally got one. Of course, I haven't been working there long, Q23.1.................... I can
already tell it's a wonderful place Q23.2..................... All the staff are very friendly and helpful.
Besides, the pay is good and they let us eat Q23.3.................... we want after work. I work only as
my main Q23.4.................... is to take orders from the customers, give the orders to the cooks, and
take the food to the customers. I often have to describe Q23.5.................... different Japanese
dishes. Sometimes Japanese customers speak to me in Japanese, expecting me to know the
language. I love that work experience very much.

Q23.1. A. but B. so C. therefore D. moreover

Q23.2. A. to work B. work C. at work D. working

Q23.3. A. whose B. what C. why D. whom

Q23.4. A. way B. method C. hobby D. job

Q23.5. A. both B. many C. lots D. no

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Lorna: I might retire early. I don't know. I'm 55 and my husband retired last year. He spends most
of his time in the garden. I’d really like to be there with him though I am not quite fond of the tasks.
I'm definitely going to learn a new language. I hate going abroad and speaking English.
Cass: I'm only 26, so I'm not going to retire soon! In fact, I want to have more chances to earn our
living. Jamie and I are going to have a baby next year and we're really excited about that. We want
to have a big family and live in a big house. Then, when I retire, my children and grandchildren will
all be able to stay.
Sue: Well, Roger and I don't agree about retiring. I love work and I don't want to retire! I know I
won't have anything to do.
Roger: I asked my boss at work recently and I might be able to retire next year. I might buy a house
in France and spend the time that my family deserved to have with me long before. I'd love to have
my first long-awaited visit to Paris with my wife one day.
Linda: I want to retire as soon as possible. I have three sons and now I don't even have time to
play with them. They will become mature very soon and don't want to spend quality time with me.
I can't stand the thought.

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Question 24 (Question ID: 145-37403)
The reason Lorna looks forward to her retirement is because _____.
A. her husband has already retired
B. she likes doing gardening
C. she fancies travelling abroad
D. she likes to learn English
Question 25 (Question ID: 145-37404)
Which of the following is NOT true about Cass?
A. His baby is born the following year.
B. He wants his family to live in a big house.
C. He wants to retire soon.
D. He wants to earn more money.
Question 26 (Question ID: 145-37405)
Who does NOT want to retire early?
A. Linda
B. Sue
C. Roger
D. Lorna
Question 27 (Question ID: 145-37406)
Roger _____.
A. has spent enough time with his family already.
B. will ask his boss for retirement next year.
C. has never been to Paris before.
D. doesn't want to go to Paris.
Question 28 (Question ID: 145-37407)
The word "mature" in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.
A. old
B. grown-up
C. childish
D. young
Question 29 (Question ID: 145-147250)
Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence (kéo từng từ/cụm từ về vị trí
đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh).

didn't|he got|Because|wear|John|a cold.|warm clothes,

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Question 30 (Question ID: 145-242326)
Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence (kéo từng từ/cụm từ về vị trí
đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh).

he?|watching|doesn't|animal programs,|Nam|likes

Question 31 (Question ID: 145-230917)

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence (kéo từng từ/cụm từ về vị trí
đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh).

so|interesting|many times.|that|have read|I|it|is|This book

Question 32 (Question ID: 145-147251)

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence (kéo từng từ/cụm từ về vị trí
đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh).

table tennis?|How often|do|play|you

Question 33 (Question ID: 145-148002)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
Max has played the piano for 5 years.
=> Max started to ............

Question 34 (Question ID: 145-300743)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
Study hard, and you will pass the exam.
=> If you ..........

Question 35 (Question ID: 145-462781)

Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
I like the essay and you wrote it yesterday. (WHICH)

Question 36 (Question ID: 145-450393)

Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
She is so young that she cannot get married. (ENOUGH)

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Đáp án (Answer Key)
Quiz ID: 4304

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Question 1. A Question 2. A
Question 3. A Question 4. A
Question 5. B Question 6. A
Question 7. A Question 8. B
Question 9. C Question 10. D
Question 11. D Question 12. C
Question 13. B Question 14. A
Question 15. B Question 16. C
Question 17. C Question 18. D
Question 19. A Question 20. B
Question 21. D Question 22. D
Question 23. Question 24. A
23.1 A 23.2 A 23.3 B 23.4 D Question 25. C
23.5 B Question 26. B
Question 27. C
Question 28. B Question 29.
Because John didn't wear warm clothes, he got
a cold.
Question 30. Question 31.
Nam likes watching animal programs, doesn't This book is so interesting that I have read it
he? many times.
Question 32. Question 33.
How often do you play table tennis? Max started to play the piano 5 years ago.
Question 34. Question 35.
If you study hard, you will pass the exam. I like the essay which you wrote yesterday.
If you don't study hard, you won't pass the Question 36.
exam. She is not old enough to get married.

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