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Journal of Hospital Infection (2004) 57, 14–24

Surgical-site infections within 60 days of coronary

artery by-pass graft surgery
C.L. Swennea,b,*, C. Lindholmc, J. Borowieca, M. Carlssonb

Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Uppsala University Hospital, Thoraxcentrum, ing 40, 4tr,
SE-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala Science Park, SE 751 85 Uppsala, Sweden
FoUU-board, Karolinska University Hospital, H4:06, SE-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden

Received 22 October 2003; accepted 30 January 2004

KEYWORDS Summary Surgical wound infections (SWIs) after coronary artery by-pass graft
Coronary artery by-pass (CABG) within 30 and 60 days of operation were registered. Already known
graft; Surgical wound risk factors and possible risk factors for wound infection were studied. SWIs of
infections; Infection sternal and/or leg wounds have been reported to occur in 2 –20% of patients
control; Definition; Risk
after CABG. Deep sternal infection, mediastinitis, occurs after 0.5 –5% of
CABG procedures. The duration and methods of follow-up, as well as
definitions of SWI, vary in different studies. Previously known and possible
new risk factors were registered for 374 patients. Patients were contacted by
telephone 30 and 60 days after surgery and interviewed in accordance with a
questionnaire about symptoms and signs of wound infections. Our definition
of SWI was based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
definition. SWIs were diagnosed in 114 of 374 (30.5%) of the patients. In total
SWI were diagnosed in 120 surgical-site incisions. Almost all SWIs of the
sternum (93.3%) were diagnosed within 30 days of surgery. Most of the SWIs of
the leg (73%) were diagnosed within 30 days of surgery and 27% were
diagnosed within 31 to 60 days of surgery. Being female was the most
important risk factor for SWI of the leg. Low preoperative haemoglobin
concentrations were the most important risk factor for superficial SWI on the
sternum. Patients with mediastinitis had higher BMI and had more often
received erythrocyte transfusions on postoperative day two or later than
those without infections.
Q 2004 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights


Postoperative wound infections are a serious

*Corresponding author. Tel.: þ46-18-611-3994; fax: þ 46-18-
healthcare problem, causing suffering and
50-93-55. increased costs. Surgical wound infections (SWIs)
E-mail address: of the leg and/or sternal wound have been reported

0195-6701/$ - see front matter Q 2004 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
SSIs within 60 days of coronary artery by-pass graft surgery 15

to occur in 2 – 20% of the patients after a coronary of the internal mammary artery (IMA),20 duration of
artery by-pass graft (CABG). Deep sternal infection, operation, duration of cardiopulmonary by-pass
mediastinitis, after CABG has been reported to (CPB), duration of aortic cross clamping,21 hygiene
occur after 0.5 – 5% of the CABG procedures.1 A in the operating room,22,23 and presence of glove
Swedish study has shown that postoperative med- punctures.24 Postoperative risk factors are reopera-
iastinitis increases the hospital costs for CABG tion due to causes other than infection2,20 and
procedure from $15 000 for non-infected patients erythrocyte concentrate transfusions.25 Although
to $30 000 for patients with a postoperative sternal many of these risk factors are recognized as well-
infection.2 In the US, mediastinitis after thoracic known and well-documented, they are not consist-
surgery increases costs by $41 559.3 ently demonstrated in all studies.
To diagnose SWI after discharge from hospital The first aim of the present study was to register
has been a demanding task. Different surveillance the incidence of SWI after vein graft harvesting on
protocols have been used with varying degrees of the leg and after sternotomy within 60 days of a
success. Examples of various methods are: direct CABG procedure using a precise definition of SWI
examination of surgical wounds at follow-up visits and attempting to reach a high degree of ascertain-
to surgery clinics or physicians’ offices,4 or retro- ment. The second aim was to investigate potential
spective reviews of medical records.5 Other risk factors for the development of SWI, related to
methods are patient surveys by mail or tele- the patient and the preoperative, intra-operative
phone,6,7 and direct examination conducted else- and postoperative surgical treatment and care.
where in the healthcare system and reported back
to the infection control office of the operating
hospital.8 – 10
Different definitions of SWI are used in different
studies. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) definitions of SWI are the most Patients
commonly used in the US,11 but not always in
Europe.12 CDC defines a superficial SWI as one Patients who were to undergo CABG procedures at
involving skin and subcutaneous tissues. A deep SWI the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the
is defined as one involving muscle and fascia. An University Hospital of Uppsala were considered to
organ space SWI is defined as an infection involving be included in the study. Inclusion criteria were
any part of the anatomy, other than the incision patients with tablet or insulin-treated diabetes and
opened or manipulated during the operative pro- patients without a preoperative diagnosis of dia-
cedure. The diagnosis of SWI should be made when betes. The exclusion criteria were malignant
there is purulent discharge from the wound or when disease, steroid or immune-suppressive medi-
microbiological culture of fluid or tissue from the cation, and patients unable to speak Swedish.
wound is positive. The CDC definition also includes Patients were recruited from September 1998 to
the time restriction that the symptoms of SWI are June 2002 during the academic periods, two days a
present within 30 days of the operative procedure. week from the schedule for operation the following
Consequently, as a result of this definition medias- day. An attempt was made to recruit all patients
tinitis is organ space SWI.11 with diabetes and a random sample of patients
After general surgery, trauma surgery, thoracic without diabetes. In total 437 were considered for
surgery and transplant surgery almost 90% of SWIs inclusion. Twenty-seven (eight with diabetes, 19
occur within 21 days and 96% within 30 days of without diabetes) were excluded because of steroid
surgery.4 However, the incidence of SWIs after or immune-suppresive medication or language
CABG varies among different reports,1 as well as difficulties. In all, 410 patients were approached
follow-up time. and 396 (97%) agreed to participate. Only 14
Many studies of SWI after CABG have attempted patients refused participation. In total, 192
to discriminate specific risk factors for SWI.3,13,14 patients with diabetes and 204 patients without
Risk factors for SWI may be patient-related or diabetes were included. When patient records were
related to the pre-, intra- and postoperative reviewed postoperatively it was found that five
surgical treatment and care of the patient. Pre- patients in the non-diabetic group had preopera-
viously demonstrated patient-related risk factors tively diagnosed diabetes treated with diet only.
are older age,15 gender,16 obesity,17 current smok- These patients were transferred to the diabetic
ing,18 and the presence of diabetes.19 A preopera- group.
tive risk factor is the duration of preoperative stay The study thus included 197 patients with and
in hospital.2 Intra-operative risk factors are the use 199 without diabetes. Twenty-two patients did not
16 C.L. Swenne et al.

Table I Included and lost patients during the study period

Patients with diabetes Patients without diabetes

Included 197 199

Not operated 5 1
Intra or postoperative death 5 5
Speech difficulties due to stroke 1 1
Lost to follow-up 2 2
Completed follow-up 184 190

complete the study, resulting in 184 patients with The definition of SWI used in the study was based on
diabetes and 190 patients without diabetes for the CDC definition.10 The patients received a
surveillance of surgical-site infections (Table I). structured infection surveillance questionnaire
The present study is part of a larger protocol, which concerning symptoms and signs of SWI before
focuses on SWI in patients with diabetes. It was discharge from the hospital. It included questions
therefore planned that 50% of the patients should about occurrence of discharge, purulent discharge,
have a preoperative diagnosis of diabetes. The and signs like redness, local rise in temperature,
prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in patients under- pain or oedema in the incision of the wounds. They
going CABG procedures at the department is were asked to make notes if any complications
approximately 24% (2002). occurred. If the patient reported discharge from
The study was approved by the Ethic Committee the wound they were asked at the telephone
of the Faculty of Medicine of Uppsala University interviews whether bacterial culture had been
(Dnr 98-237). The names, dates of birth and performed, and if so the nurse responsible for the
telephone numbers of the patients were registered study confirmed the culture with the Department of
to allow review of patients’ records and follow-up, Microbiology. The patients were also asked whether
but were removed at completion of data collection. they had been treated with antibiotics for any kind
of postoperative infection. They were considered
Procedure for SWI evaluation to have a SWI if they reported purulent discharge
from the wound. They were also considered to have
The study design was a prospective, post-discharge a SWI if they had inflammatory signs and a positive
evaluation of SWI at 30 and 60 days after surgery. In bacterial culture had been obtained. The isolation
addition to already known risk factors, a number of of any micro-organism was then considered a
potential risk factors were registered. Potential positive culture. After completion of telephone
patient-related risk factors in this study were interviews it was possible to review patient records
preoperative haemoglobin and creatinine concen- for missing data. Before the present study the
tration and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1).26 questionnaire had been tested on 40 patients and
Potential intra-operative risk factors were number found applicable for the surveillance of SWI in
of saphenous vein grafts, number with leg harvest- cardiothoracic patients. The staff were informed
ing, duration of leg operation, intact sterile draping and instructed about the study before it started.
during surgery and whether the non-operated leg Eighteen patients were not operated on the leg
was covered. Potential postoperative risk factors but had grafts taken from the arm and/or the
were number of days in the intensive care unit (ICU) internal mammary arteries were used. Reoperation
and postoperative bleeding. For calculations, the was performed in six cases because of mediastini-
day of operation was denoted day zero and day one tis. In these cases reoperation on the sternum, the
started at 6.00 a.m. the morning after surgery. number of days in ICU and the number of erythro-
The nurse responsible for the study recruited the cyte transfusions on day two or later could not be
patients, gave instructions to the patients for the used as risk factors for mediastinitis. For these
telephone interviews and interviewed the patients patients, these risk factors were removed from
30 and 60 days after the operation. The same calculations. One patient had a superficial sternum
person registered patient-related and preoperative infection within 0 –30 days after the operation but a
risk factors. The nurses and nursing aids in the mediastinitis was diagnosed within 31 – 60 days.
operating room registered the intra-operative risk
factors. The nurses, nursing aids and the nurse Perioperative procedures
responsible for the study registered potential post-
operative risk factors in the ICU and in the ward. Patients were usually admitted to the hospital the
SSIs within 60 days of coronary artery by-pass graft surgery 17

day before surgery. Preoperative preparation of the patients for the study were 1998: 27 patients, 1999:
skin of the patients consisted of two showers and 97 patients, 2000: 102 patients, 2001: 106 patients
scrubbing with a 4% chlorhexidine detergent sol- and 2002: 42 patients. During the study period there
ution and removing the hair on the chest and leg the was no trend towards change in the yearly rate of
night before surgery. In the operating room, the SWI ðP . 0:05Þ:
skin was scrubbed with 4% chlorhexidine solution Discharge from hospital was 8.4 (SD 4.2) days
followed by disinfection with 0.5% chlorhexidine in after surgery. Before discharge SWI had been
70% ethanol. Cloxacillin, 2 g three times a day, was diagnosed in 36 (9.6%) of the patients. Of these,
administered intravenously six times. The first dose 13 patients had leg infections, 15 had superficial
started 1 h before the skin incision. The surgical sternum infections and eight had mediastinitis.
procedures were performed in a operating room Almost all SWIs on the sternum (93.3%) were
with ultra clean air with , 10 cfu/m3.22 The staff diagnosed within 30 days of surgery. Most of the
wore tightly woven scrub suits, which prevented SWI on the leg (73.0%) were diagnosed within 30
bacteria from the skin flora being released into the days of surgery and 27.0% were diagnosed within 31
air.23 All patients had intravenous glucose infusions to 60 days of surgery (Table II).
during the operation and during the first 24 h The risk factors for SWI of the leg are presented
postoperatively. During the study period there was in Table III. Patients with infections were more
no policy of strict normalization of blood glucose often female and had lower preoperative haemo-
concentrations during the immediate postoperative globin concentrations than those without infec-
period. The patients were discharged from the tions. The preoperative duration of hospital stay
cardiothoracic ward approximately one week after was longer in patients with infection. The intra-
surgery. operative risk factor CBP time was increased in
patients with infections. Of the postoperative risk
Statistics factors haemoglobin concentration on postopera-
tive day two was lower in infected patients. Also,
the patients with infections had more often
Possible predictors for SWI were compared in
received erythrocyte transfusions on postoperative
patients with and without SWI. Nominal data were
day 1. When infections were subdivided into early
analysed using the X2 test. The Kolmogorov –
(day 0 –30) and late (day 31 – 60) infections new risk
Smirnov goodness-of-fit test was used to analyse
factors for late infections emerged. The number of
data distribution for the remaining risk factors. If
saphenous vein grafts, the number of internal
distributions deviated significantly ðP , 0:05Þ from
mammary artery grafts, the duration of aortic
the normal distribution the data were analysed
cross clamping time and the number of scrubbed
using the Mann –Whitney U or Kruskal– Wallis tests.
persons present in the operating theatre during
Those variables not deviating from the normal
surgery, were different between early and late SWI.
distributions were analysed using Student’s t-test
Also, patients with late infections had more often
or one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Continu-
low haemoglobin concentration on day one and they
ous variables are given as mean (and SD, standard
received erythrocyte transfusions on postoperative
deviation), categorical variables as percentages.
day two or later more frequently.
Some data were further analysed with a logistic
The risk factors for superficial SWI of the sternum
regression analysis. All calculations were made
are listed in Table IV. Patients with infections of the
using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences).
sternum had higher body mass index (BMI), more
often diabetes and lower preoperative haemoglobin
concentrations than those without infections. Pre-
Results operative and intra-operative risk factors did not
differ between patients with and without super-
After CABG, SWIs were diagnosed in 114 (30.5%) ficial sternum infections. Of the postoperative risk
patients. Six patients had simultaneous infections factors, reoperation on sternum, number of days in
of leg and sternum and SWIs were thus diagnosed in ICU, postoperative haemoglobin concentrations day
120 surgical-site incisions. Sixty-three (17.7%) two and erythrocyte transfusions postoperative on
patients had leg infections, 45 (12.0%) had super- day one differ significantly in patients with
ficial sternum infections and 12 (3.2%) cases of infections.
mediastinitis were diagnosed within 60 days of The risk factors for mediastinitis are also
surgery (Table II). There were 289 men and 85 presented in Table IV. Patients with infections had
women with a mean age of 66 years (range 38 – 85 higher BMI than those without infections. Preopera-
years) in the study. The yearly recruitments of tive and intra-operative risk factors did not differ
18 C.L. Swenne et al.

Table II Different surgical-site infections in 374 patients operated with coronary artery by-pass graft

Number of infections Proportion of infections day 0–30 Proportion of infections day 31–60

Leg 63/356 (17.7%) 46/63 (73.0%) 17/63 (27.0%)

Superficial sternum 45/374 (12.0%) 42/45 (93.3%) 3/45 (6.7%)
Mediastinitis 12/374 (3.2%) 11/12 (91.7%) 1/12 (8.3%)

Three hundred and fifty-six patients had grafts taken from the leg. Surgical wound infections were diagnosed in 120 surgical-site

between patients with and without mediastinitis. early SWI of the leg. Seventy percent of the SWI in
Patients with infections had more often received patients with early infection and 53% of the SWI in
erythrocyte transfusions on postoperative day two patients with late infection of the leg were
or later than those without infections. confirmed by bacterial cultures. Bacteria associ-
In addition, an analysis of possible risk factors for ated with superficial SWI of the sternum and
any infection, irrespective of its site and timing, mediastinitis are presented in Table VII. S. aureus
was performed. This analysis did not reveal any and CoNS were the most common types of bacteria
additional risk factors for SWI but confirmed the in the superficial SWI of sternum, and nine isolates
findings of the analyses of the separate type of of CoNS were obtained in the patients with
infection. Thus, patients with infections were more mediastinitis. Bacteria in 78% of the patients with
often female ðP , 0:001Þ; had higher BMI ðP , any superficial SWI of the sternum, and in all
0:001Þ; more often had diabetes ðP , 0:01Þ; and patients with mediastinitis, were confirmed with
had lower preoperative haemoglobin concen- bacterial cultures. One hundred and fifty-six
trations ðP , 0:000Þ than those without infections. (41.7%) patients had been treated with antibiotics
Preoperative risk factors did not differ between for SWI or inflammatory signs in the wounds within
patients with and without SWI. The intra-operative 30 days of surgery. Forty-seven (12.6%) patients
risk factor duration of leg operation ðP , 0:05Þ were treated with antibiotics for SWI or inflamma-
differed between the groups. Postoperative reo- tory signs of the wounds within 31 – 60 days of
peration on the sternum ðP ¼ 0:005Þ and number of surgery.
days in the ICU ðP , 0:001Þ were higher in patients
with infections. The infected patients were more
likely to have received erythrocyte transfusions on Discussion
postoperative day one ðP , 0:01Þ and on post-
operative day two or later ðP , 0:01Þ than those The incidence of SWI in this study was 30.5%. Almost
without infections. all (90.4%) of the SWI were diagnosed after
Preoperative haemoglobin concentration as a discharge from hospital. Ninety-three percent of
risk factor for SWI was further analysed in a logistic the SWI of the sternum and 73% of the leg were
regression analysis (Table V). Patients were diagnosed within 30 days of surgery, but as many as
grouped into those with preoperative haemoglobin 27% of the SWI of the leg were diagnosed later
concentrations below (, 140 g/L) or above during the second month of follow-up. In a recent
($ 140 g/L) average. The odds ratio (OR) for an study, Tegnell et al.9 observed an incidence of SWI
early leg SWI was not significantly increased by a after CABG at approximately the same level. In that
preoperative haemoglobin concentration below study all patients were contacted by telephone or
average. The uncorrected OR for a late leg SWI by mail. Records of all patients who had visited
was 3.59 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.23 –10.5] healthcare facilities within 3 months of surgery
but did not remain significant when corrected for were reviewed to determine whether they had had
gender. The uncorrected OR for superficial SWI of a SWI according to a classification system based on a
the sternum was 3.01 (CI 1.55 – 5.84). When cor- protocol by Wilson et al.27 The overall postopera-
rected for BMI, diabetes, sex, age, postoperative tive wound infection rate in that study reached
haemoglobin concentration on day one, CPB and 30.3%. The present data and the results of Tegnell
reoperation on sternum, the OR increased to 4.16 et al.9 indicate that the infection rate after CABG is
(CI 1.80 – 9.62). higher than the rate reported in many previous
The types of bacteria associated with SWI of the studies.1 The possible explanation of this may be
leg are presented in Table VI. Staphylococcus that the meticulous follow-up, the extended dur-
aureus followed by coagulase-negative staphylo- ation of follow-up and the low incidence of drop-out
cocci (CoNS) were the most common isolates in during follow-up led to few infections remaining
SSIs within 60 days of coronary artery by-pass graft surgery
Table III Risk factors for surgical wound infection on the graft leg after coronary artery by-pass graft in 356 patients

Patients without infection Patients with P-valuea Patients with early Patients with P-valueb
ðN ¼ 293Þ leg infection leg infection late infection
ðN ¼ 63Þ ðN ¼ 46Þ ðN ¼ 17Þ

Patient related risk factors

Age (years) 65.48 (8.19) 67.10 (9.04) 0.191 66.76 (8.85) 68.00 (9.76) 0.252
Sex M/F 239/54 36/27 0.000* 26/20 10/7 0.000*
Body mass index (kg/m2) 27.46 (3.49) 28.22 (4.33) 0.130 28.11 (4.21) 28.51 (4.76) 0.296
Current smoking (%) 25/292 (8.6%) 4/58 (6.5%) 0.582 3/45 (6.7%) 1/17 (5.9%) 0.855
Diabetes (%) 142/293 (48.5%) 37/63 (58.7%) 0.139 25/46 (54.3) 127/17 (70.6%) 0.425
Preoperative insulin-like growth factor 1 (mg/L) 134.37 (40.23) 134.00 (39.45) 0.966 132.80 (37.87) 138.80 (49.92) 0.956
Preoperative haemoglobin concentrations (g/L) 141.39 (12.32) 137.13 (12.50) 0.013* 138.67 (12.39) 132.94 (12.17) 0.012*
Preoperative serum creatinine concentrations (mmol/L) 101.96 (42.72) 105.16 (38.94) 0.682 102.35 (37.70) 112.76 (42.34) 0.348
Preoperative risk factors
Preoperative days in hospital (N) 2.53 (1.90) 3.56 (3.34) 0.034* 3.39 (2.67) 4.00 (4.78) 0.096
Intra-operative risk factors
Number of saphenous vein grafts (N) 2.07 (0.69) 2.22 (0.66) 0.135 2.09 (0.55) 2.59 (0.80) 0.022*
Number of legs operated 0/1/2 (N) 20/293 (6.8%) 7/63 (11.1%) 0.244 5/46 (10.9%) 2/17 (11.8%) 0.174
Internal mammary artery 0/1/2 (N) 15/277/1 6/56/1 0.191 6/40/0 0/16/1 0.006*
Duration of operation (min) 200.91 (50.03) 213.35 (66.87) 0.294 202.37 (56.15) 243.06 (84.71) 0.130
Duration of leg operation (min) 70.83 (32.08) 83.34 (44.58) 0.070 81.40 (46.92) 88.47 (38.54) 0.082
Duration of cardiopulmonary by-pass time (min) 85.15 (24.73) 97.42 (36.78) 0.032* 90.91 (28.47) 114.94 (50.12) 0.007*
Duration of aortic cross clamp time (min) 47.04 (15.71) 47.71 (15.42) 0.673 43.61 (13.53) 58.75 (15.12) 0.002*
Number of persons in theatre (N) 12.94 (2.64) 13.95 (4.60) 0.088 13.82 (5.18) 14.31 (2.39) 0.084
Number of scrubbed persons (N) 4.47 (0.95) 4.58 (0.95) 0.279 4.44 (0.99) 4.94 (0.75) 0.040*
Number of glove changes (N) 1.25 (1.61) 1.36 (1.70) 0.502 1.36 (1.87) 1.36 (1.22) 0.707
Number of door openings in theatre (N) 56.63 (18.64) 61.91 (24.48) 0.079 59.37 (19.80) 68.33 (33.58) 0.060
Intact sterile draping (%) 214/221 (96.8%) 45/48 (93.8%) 0.306 31/33 (93.9%) 143/15 (93.3%) 0.589
Non-operated leg covered (%) 178/277 (64.3%) 41/62 (66.1%) 0.781 29/45 (64.4%) 1/17 (70.6%) 0.869
Postoperative risk factors
Reoperation on sternum (%) 11/293 (3.8%) 3/63 (4.8%) 0.709 2/46 (4.3%) 1/17 (5.9%) 0.897
Reoperation on the leg (%) 3/292 (1.0%) 0/63 0.419 0/46 0/17 0.722
Postoperative bleeding (mL) 960.56 (581.23) 1077.14 (1046.24) 0.911 1113.59 (1185.57) 978.53 (523.78) 0.993
Number of days in intensive care unit (N) 3.20 (2.55) 3.59 (2.17) 0.057 3.63 (2.36) 3.47 (1.59) 0.136
Haemoglobin concentrations day 1 (gL) 107.50 (11.97) 103.89 (10.58) 0.099 105.02 (10.61) 100.82 (10.19) 0.040*
Haemoglobin concentrations day 2 (gL) 105.73 (10.91) 102.69 (9.71) 0.007* 103.80 (9.70) 99.82 (9.42) 0.009*
Haemoglobin concentrations day 3 (gL) 107.76 (12.88) 106.05 (10.34) 0.306 106.95 (10.20) 103.50 (10.63) 0.398
Erythrocyte transfusions day 0 (%) 95/291 (32.7%) 21/62 (33.9%) 0.852 14/45 (31.1%) 7/17 (41.2%) 0.740
Erythrocyte transfusions day 1 (%) 81/291 (27.8%) 28/62 (45.2%) 0.007* 22/45 (48.9%) 6/17 (35.3%) 0.016*
Erythrocyte transfusions day 2 or later (%) 89/291 (30.6%) 23/62 (37.1%) 0.317 13/45 (28.9%) 10/17 (58.8%) 0.047*

* P , 0.05
Comparison between data for ‘infection’ and ‘no infection’ by Student’s t-test, X2 test or Mann–Whitney U-test.
Comparison between data for ‘infection’, ‘early infection’ and ‘late infection’ by one-way ANOVA, X2 test or Kruskal–Wallis test.

Unless otherwise specified, numbers in parentheses are standard deviations (SD)
Table IV Risk factors for superficial sternal wound infection and mediastinitis after coronary artery by-pass graft in 374 patients

Patients without infection Patients with superficial sternal infection P-valuea Patients with mediastinitis P-valueb
ðN ¼ 318Þ ðN ¼ 45Þ ðN ¼ 12Þ

Patient related risk factors

Age (years) 65.93 (8.20) 64.68 (9.65) 0.516 61.67 (9.16) 0.124
Sex M/F 250/68 31/14 0.121 3/9 0.765
Body mass index (kg/m2) 27.34 (3.58) 28.94 (4.00) 0.007* 29.97 (3.42 0.013*
Current smoking (%) 25/317 (7.9%) 4/43 (9.3%) 0.749 2/12 (16.7%) 0.277
Diabetes (%) 148/318 (46.5%) 30/44 (68.2%) 0.007* 6/12 (50%) 0.814
Preoperative insulin-like growth factor 1 (mg/L) 133.95 (39.93) 117.13 (37.68) 0.119 135.00 (42.59) 0.949
Preoperative haemoglobin concentrations (g/L) 141.58 (12.26) 135.61 (13.65) 0.003* 138.25 (10.39) 0.354
Preoperative serum creatining concentrations (mmol/L) 100.41 (38.84) 114.07 (57.06) 0.288 106.92 (23.05) 0.130
Preoperative risk factors
Preoperative days in hospital (N) 2.69 (2.14) 3.02 (2.98) 0.999 1.83 (0.94) 0.251
Intra-operative risk factors
Number of saphenous vein grafts (N) 2.03 (0.77) 2.02 (0.72) 0.881 1.75 (1.06) 0.425
Number of legs operated 0/1/2 (N) 12/284/22 2/37/4 0.811 2/9/1 0.089
Internal mammary artery 0/1/2 (N) 20/291/8 2/40/2 0.592 0/11/1 0.280
Duration of operation (min) 202.48 (50.94) 211.36 (87.83) 0.915 224.58 (65.90) 0.265
Duration of leg operation (min) 72.13 (35.07) 78.50 (33.07) 0.226 75.00 (39.62) 0.973
Duration of cardiopulmonary by-pass time (min) 87.13 (28.29) 86.38 (27.58) 0.841 83.30 (24.03) 0.782
Duration of aortic cross clamp time (min) 46.98 (15.84) 47.24 (16.18) 0.920 42.80 (12.06) 0.632
Number of persons in theatre (N) 13.05 (2.71) 13.36 (5.21) 0.395 13.92 (3.68) 0.481
Number of scrubbed persons (N) 4.47 (0.95) 4.48 (0.85) 0.794 4.75 (1.49) 0.921
Number of glove changes (N) 1.285 (1.59) 1.14 (1.15) 0.987 2.00 (2.99) 0.383
Number of door openings in theatre (N) 58.03 (20.30) 53.00 (17.52) 0.143 67.70 (23.19) 0.142
Intact sterile draping (%) 232/241 (96.3%) 31/33 (93.9%) 0.523 0/9 0.555
Non-operated leg covered (%) 193/295 (65.4%) 26/41 (63.4%) 0.800 5/10 (50%) 0.315
Postoperative risk factors
Reoperation on sternum (%) 6/318 (1.9%) 4/44 (9.1%) 0.006* 0/6 0.734
Reoperation on the leg (%) 2/317 (0.6%) 1/44 (2.3%) 0.261 0/11 0.792
Postoperative bleeding (mL) 964.19 (598.32) 1145.91 (1217.07) 0.695 872.92 (262.23) 0.959
Number of days in intensive care unit (N) 2.98 (1.88) 4.61 (3.77) 0.000* 4.00 (2.68) 0.190
Haemoglobin concentrations day 1 (gL) 106.88 (11.62) 108.02 (11.24) 0.540 104.67 (16.22) 0.524
Haemoglobin concentrations day 2 (gL) 104.81 (10.53) 108.80 (10.17) 0.023* 105.08 (15.67) 0.680

C.L. Swenne et al.

Haemoglobin concentrations day 3 (gL) 107.35 (12.73) 109.49 (11.06) 0.294 105.92 (10.60) 0.702
Erythrocyte transfusions day 0 (%) 101/315 (32.1%) 14/44 (31.8%) 0.974 6/12 (50%) 0.194
Erythrocyte transfusions day 1 (%) 91/315 (28.9%) 21/44 (47.2%) 0.012* 5/12 (41.7%) 0.340
Erythrocyte transfusions day 2 or later (%) 90/315 (28.6%) 18/44 (40.9%) 0.095 0/6 0.000*

* P , 0.05
Comparison between data for ‘no infection’ and ‘SWI sternum’ by Student’s t-test, X2 test and Mann–Whitney U-test.
Comparison between data for ‘no infection’ and ‘mediastinitis’ by Student’s t-test, X2 test and Mann–Whitney U-test.
Unless otherwise specified, numbers in parentheses are standard deviations (SD)
SSIs within 60 days of coronary artery by-pass graft surgery 21

Table V Preoperative haemoglobin concentration as a risk factor for development of surgical wound infections following coronary
artery by-pass grafting operation

Patients with infections (%) Uncorrected Corrected

Hb ,140 g/L Hb $140 g/L OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P

Any leg wound infection 35/152 (23.0) 28/203 (13.8) 1.87 (1.08 –3.22) 0.026 1.36a (0.75–2.46) 0.312
Early leg wound infection 23/152 (15.1) 23/203 (11.3) 1.40 (0.75 –2.60) 0.293 – – –
Late leg wound infection 12/129 (9.3) 5/180 (2.7) 3.59 (1.23 –10.5) 0.019 2.91a (0.95–8.89) 0.061
Superficial sternal wound infection 29/153 (19.0) 15/208 (7.2) 3.01 (1.55 –5.84) 0.001 4.16b (1.80–9.62) 0.001

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.

Corrected for sex.
Corrected for BMI (kg/m2), diabetes, sex, age, postoperative haemoglobin concentrations day one, cardiopulmonary by-pass time
and reoperation on sternum.

Table VI Type of bacteria associated with surgical-site infections of the leg

Bacteria No. of isolates early infection leg No. of isolates late infection leg

Staphylococcus aureus 18 4
Coagulase-negative staphylococci 14 1
Corynebacteria 1 1
Enterococci 4 2
Streptococci 2 1
Propionebacteria 0 0
Enterobacteriacae 4 4

Cultures were obtained from 32 (69.6%) patients with early infections and nine (52.9%) patients with late infection. In 11 of the early
cultures more than one species was isolated. In three of the late cultures more than one species was isolated.

undiagnosed. It should be noted that 49% of the However, Seaman and Lammers28 reported an
patients in the present study had diabetes, which is underestimation of infection when patients self-
an established risk factor for SWI.18 This might diagnosed infected laceration wounds. In as many
increase our incidence of infection, but direct as 48% of the infections diagnosed by hospital staff
comparison with other studies is difficult as the the patients themselves had failed to recognize the
proportion of patients with diabetes is not always symptoms of infection. In that study, the patients
given. had received only written instructions explaining
As most SWIs were diagnosed after discharge home wound care and signs of infection, together
from hospital and by the patients themselves, it is with an appointment to check the wound. This
important to have an easily applicable definition of contrasts the present study, where patients were
SWI. The CDC definition has clear clinical criteria individually taught signs and symptoms of SWI, were
defining SWI as pus visible to the eye.10 Using such asked to make notes of such and were instructed by
criteria patients can be taught before discharge the surveillance questionnaire and the telephone
from hospital to diagnose SWIs themselves. interviews to follow. The patients in the present

Table VII Type of bacteria associated with superficial surgical-site infections of sternum and mediastinitis

Bacteria No. of isolates superficial sternum No. of isolates mediastinitis

Staphylococcus aureus 10 5
Coagulase-negative staphylococci 25 9
Corynebacteria 2 0
Enterococci 0 0
Streptococci 2 0
Propionibacteria 3 1
Enterobacteriacae 1 3

Cultures were obtained from 35 (77.8%) patients with superficial sternum infections and all patients with mediastinitis. In six of the
superficial sternum cultures more than one species was isolated. In four of the mediastinitis cultures more than one species was
22 C.L. Swenne et al.

study were, therefore, well prepared not to over- interpreted to indicate that this group of patients
look signs of SWI. had a longer and more complicated surgical
Tammelin and co-workers29 suggested a micro- procedure. Complicated surgery would constitute
biological definition of SWI as patients with med- the underlying risk factors generating the above
iastinitis often have CoNS in their wounds. CoNS do observations. This set of observations was specific
not always produce purulent discharge, and there- for late SWIs on the leg and would have remained
fore such infections may be difficult to diagnose by unobserved if follow-up had not been extended
clinical criteria. The use of such a definition would beyond 30 days postoperatively. This again under-
preclude the diagnosis of a considerable proportion scores the importance of extended follow-up to
of the present SWI, which were diagnosed by detect SWI.
clinical criteria not always being subject to micro- In this study, intra-operative factors associated
biological culture. In cases when microbiological with operating room hygiene did not appear to be
culture was performed, it confirmed the SWI risk factors for SWI. This is not to say that operating
diagnosed by clinical criteria. This suggests that room hygiene is unimportant in this context. If
the clinical definition presently used does not operating rooms are technically equipped to main-
overestimate the incidence of SWI. Underestima- tain an ultraclean air environment and procedures
tion of SWI is possible if the infection is caused by are observed that do not disturb airflow or other-
organisms causing little inflammatory response and wise impair sterility, the risk of SWI diminishes.32
which therefore do not fit with the criteria for SWI. When this is achieved, attention can be focussed on
The present study confirms that the vast other risk factors so that the incidence of SWI can
majority of SWIs are diagnosed after discharge be diminished.
from hospital.9 It has been suggested that 95% of A novel finding was that low preoperative
SWIs can be identified within 30 days of surgery.4 haemoglobin concentration was a risk factor for
This contrasts with the present finding of a superficial SWI on the sternum independently of
substantial proportion of SWI being diagnosed postoperative haemoglobin concentration and a
during the second month of follow-up. An extended number of patient-related risk factors. Poor tissue
duration of follow-up is thus necessary in order to oxygenation impairs wound healing and increases
reach a high degree of identification of SWI in the risk for SWI. Even during an uncomplicated
patients who have a harvest site on the leg. This is, CABG procedure there is haemodilution, lowering
in turn, necessary to achieve the correct identifi- of body temperature during CPB, lowered blood
cation of risk factors for SWI after CABG pressure during CPB, blood loss and adrenergic
procedures. vasoconstriction caused by pain, all which could
Previously recognized patient-related risk fac- diminish oxygen transport to peripheral tissues.
tors for SWI such as sex,15,30,31 BMI16 diabetes18,20 Patients with a low preoperative haemoglobin
are confirmed by the present study. SWI on the leg concentration would then be at a disadvantage
had an especially strong association with being when all the effects of the CABG procedure are
female. The reason for this is unclear. Non-healing added. In support of this notion is the observation
incision above the knee after vein harvest often that low preoperative haemoglobin concentration
occurs because of technical operative problems.30 is associated with increased risk for postoperative
Complications below the knee may, however, be mortality and morbidity, including SWI after gen-
due to pre-existing, but undetected peripheral eral surgery.33 Moreover, perioperative oxygen
vascular disease,30,31 which in one study was more supplementation appears to reduce SWI.34 Conver-
prevalent in women.31 These findings would suggest sely, low preoperative haemoglobin concentration
that more attention to female leg anatomy and did not constitute an independent risk factor for
gender difference in preoperative evaluation might SWI of the leg. For these infections it appears that
influence the risk for leg complications. handling of local risk factors are of primary
The patients with a late SWI of the leg had been importance for the outcome.
operated with a larger number of saphenous vein The strength of this study was that as many as
grafts and more often with the internal mammary 97% of patients approached agreed to participate.
artery. They had been on CPB for a long time and Of the 396 patients included, 374 (94%) participated
had a longer duration of aortic cross clamping. A in the post-discharge follow up. Of those not
larger number of scrubbed persons had been followed up, only four were lost because they
present during the operation, immediate post- could not be located. Thus, results of the study may
operative haemoglobin concentrations were lower be assumed to be representative for patients
and postoperative erythrocyte transfusions more operated with CABG at the department, even
frequent. Altogether, these observations can be though 49% had diabetes.
SSIs within 60 days of coronary artery by-pass graft surgery 23

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