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Date: Addendum (0183) September 14, 1989 Publication Affected: 33/3400, 3410, 3500, and 3600 Manuals Publication/Kit Number Affected: 03-914094-00/01 (Kit 03-917255-90/91), 03-914219-00, 03-914063-00/01 (Kit 03-917663-90/91), and 03-914135-00/01 (Kit 03-918200-90/31), Tespectively Publication Revision: All Kits Affected: 03-917560-90/91 and 95/96 IMPORTANT NOTE Obtain gases for chromatographic use from a supplier who is aware of your requirements. An analysis of selected impurities in used to determine the “purity” rating for a given gas. if your supplier does not establish purity based on an $halysis of appropriate chromatographic contaminants, @ purity rating of 9.998% may not be suitable for GC use. A Quality supplier of gas and the regular use of fiers. will Minimize system contamination problems, Addendum 0183 varian® walnut creek instrument division roo michel vena cookin sass azprone (8) 992 3300/3400 Gas Chromatograph Operator’s Manual Volume 2 ‘Givarian Associates, nc. 1988 Printed n USA. Publication Number 03-974094-01 Fon E Operating Instructions ~The insation manual is provided to Help you establish operating Comeas which will permit safe and efficient use of Jour equipment, Special considerations and precauions 70 feo dbserigedin the manual, but anpearin the form of ros, Your ecu re wamings as described below. ts importan hat You O96 A "equipment in accordance with this it Cations ual and any alional information wren may be Posies by Varian, Address any questions regarding he stration mana oot Your equipment othe National Sales and Service Contr below. NOTE: Information to ad you in obtaining best performance from Your Instrument. CAUTION: Ales you to situations that may cause equipment faire oF damage and how to avoid these situations. WARNING: Alerts youto potentially hazardous situations het may ‘cause personal injury, and how to avoid these situations. Spare Parts Availability hie the poicy of Varian to provide operational spare pats for any inskorers ‘and major accessory for a period of five (5) Years after shipment of the nal producon run ofthat stint “Spare paris wil be availabe aftr this fve (5) Year after Shien gvaleble® basis, Operational spare pats are defined! as eee individual electrical or mechanical Pars that are susceptible to fallure during ther normal operator seamples include resistors, inductors, capacitors, semi- Barts tat eracicas ofall kind, relays, lamps, temperature probes, delcost calements, motors, etc. Sheet metal pats, onducor oe rors ot assem and casings, printed cuit board ant unctional modules are normally capable of Srvc st to like-new eandtontroughout ir usetl ie and theelore ‘willbe supplied on an “as available” basis only her the final production run of the instrument Service Availability \Vaian provides a varat of serves to support its customs ale Nears expiration. Repair sorvice can be provided tp ttracivly priced sorice coniracs orn ate and material basis: Technical support and training can be provided by qualified chemists on both contractual or as-needed bass, U.S. Sales and Service Information How to Order How to Get Sales Parts & Supplies ..- or Service Assistance . .- ‘TELEPHONE ORDERS CALL THE NATIONAL SALES =F within California call 800-672-1405 ‘AND SERVICE CENTER! From Alaska and Hawaii call 408-734-5370 + From Aloe so cal 800-598-1735 «From Alaska and Hawaii call 713-240-7390 2 allother States call 1-800-231-6134 MAIL AND TWX ORDERS ‘Send Orders, Bids and Correspondence to: ° ‘Varian Associates Varian asec National Sales and Service Center Parts and Supplies Center N eat aepols Court 05 Julie Rivers Road Sugar Land, Texas 77478 ‘Sunnyvale, Califomia 94089 TWX 810-390-9331 U.S. Sales and Service Locations variane Main International Sales Offices ‘Australia Varian PTY, Lid 11-19 Palmer Court Mount Waverey, Victoria 3149 Australia Tol. (03) 543 80 20rTolex AA 98109 Betgium 'NV Varian Benelux SA Excelsioraan 21, Bus ¢ 58-1830 Zaventem Tol. (02) 721 48 SorTelox a4e2496 Braz ‘Varian industia @ Comercio Lida, ‘Avenida Dr. Cardoso de Melo 1487 CEP-04848, Vila Olimpia Sao Paulo Tol. (011) 539.04 a4rTolox 24514 Canada Varian Cant, 22 Guobh Srowt Orta 76 485 ‘eres fsa trsce France Varian SA Quarter do Courtaboout, BP 12 F-91941 Les Uls Caden ‘Tol. (1) 69.07 78 267Teex e4asoc4as Germany Germany (FRG) Varian GmbH Alsfedor Stabe 6 10-6100 Darmstadt ol. (06151) 70 30Telex 419420 Greet Britain Varian Associates Lid, 28 Manor Road Walton-On-Thames Surry KT!2 20F Tel (0932) 28.37 41/Telex 928070 aly Varian Spa, Via Rivotana 8 {20080 Segrato (Miano) Tol (02) 758 16 51/Telex 249 310000 Jopan Varian Instumants Limited 3rd Matsuda 6 2-2-6 Ohkubo Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, 160, Tol. (8) 204 12 11/Telex 26471 Mexico Varian SA Francisco Petrarca 928 Colonia Po aco 11870 Mexico 5, DF. Tol. (805) 531 31 70/Telex 177 2410 Norway Varian AB Postboks 71 N-1405 Lan Tol (02) 06 74 70 Southeast Asia Vavian Pact, inc. Mandarin Plaza, Feom 1018.20 ‘Tower A, 14 Science Museum Road ‘Tsimshatsui Eas, Kowloon Hong Kong Tol. (3) 724 28 serTelox 35628 ‘Sweden Vaan AB Hivudstagatan 1, Box 1099 $1171 220 Tal (06) 2 00 S0/Telex as410403 ‘Switeeriand Varian Intemavonal AG Goterstrasse 86 (Ci-4008 Basel, Schweiz Tel (061) 2231 88/Telex 962900 United States Varian Associates, in. £220 Humbolt Cour Sunnyvale, Calforia 94089 Tel (406) 734-5970/Telex 910 230 9301 ‘Other Countries in Europe, Africa, Near and Middle East Varian Intemational AG. Sioinhauserstrasse CH-8300 Zug Switzerland Tel. (042) 44 89 44/Totex aoae41 varian@ ing Hazard 1 Warnings Electrical Shock Hazadous voltages a present inside the covers. Disconnect trom main ower before removing Scrow-attached panels. Chemist: Hazardous ‘chemicals may bo present in the instrument. Avoid ‘contact, especially when Feplenishing reservoirs Heat: Very hot surtaces ‘may be exposed. Use cau tion to avoid sovere skin damage. wos ‘Symbol cnt ns cputent ore S225 Semen Sen wv Fire: The potential for fre may be present. Follow ‘manual ineruction to en- Sure safe operation, Explosion: The potential {or explosion may exist bo- ‘cause of ype of gas og. Ud used. Follow manual instuctons careful Radiation: loizing racia- tion source is contained in- CO es marl nso Whan safe procedure is in doubt, please refer concer to your local Varian Office before proceeding. variane Gotahr Warnungen Elektrischor Schia Gotachrliche Hochspan- nungen in diesem Gehaeuse. Notzstocker ziohen, bevor an- {geschraubte Tolle ontfernt ‘gelaehriche Chomikaion fnthalten, Vermoiden sie Kontak, besonders. beim ‘Afuelon der Behaater. Verbrennungs Getahren: Sohr heisse, unabge. ‘schirma Flacchan odor Telle. Vorsicht, nicht beruehen ‘Augen Verletzungon: ‘Augenverietzungen Koon: ‘en herforgeruten werden dureh umher fliegonde Telichen odor durch ultraviotette Strahlung ‘Tragan sie eine Sichor haitsrile washrend dor ‘Abel am instrument Feuer: Es bestoht Fouor gefahr. Folgen sie den Vorschritan im Handbuch um. ihre Taotigkeit (gota 2uvolzieen, Explosion: Es bosteht Ex bbenutzten. Chemikalien (Gase und Fuessigketen, Radiosktivitaet: Racioak- te Substanzen innerhalb dieses Geractes. Bille Doachion so ie Vorschi- ten im Handbuch genau fuer don korrekton GGobrauch und 2ur Ente ug Sollte Unsicherheit im Bezug aut che vorschnits- maessige Handung bo- Stohen, wenden sie sich ‘rok! Varian, bever siete ‘Arbeit vortsatzon Danger! Décharge Electrique: Des voltages dangeroux sont présonts sous le wuvercle. Débranc instrument avanto de «démonter les panneaux. Produits Chimiques: Des produits chemiques Sangeroux peuvent so trouver dans. instrument Eviter ‘tout contact, particulérement pondant Te romplissage des reservoirs, Chaleur: Des surfacos & hautes tompératures ouvent ara expostes Prendre soin eéviter tour cortact avec cole. Accidents deta Vue: Des blessures aux. youx peuvent ete eausées par os partcules en suspon- sion ou par des rayons tutva-volots. Utliser des lunetes. de sécurité pon- dant lo service de instrument Feu: En cas de risque do feu suive les instructions ‘dumanuel ind assure la sécurité des usagers. Explosion: Une explosion ut se produire survant le hoix des gaz ou liquides Ulleés. Suvre avec soin les instructions du manuel Radiation: Une source d radiation ioninisée se trouve a Titériour. Sure les instuctions du manuel pour Tusage et la dispos: tion apgropriés. En cas do doute sur la procéaure a suive veullez consulter votre repre- sentant Varian. Peligro/ Advertencias Choques Eléctrico: Allos voltajes. oxisten adentio do las cubiertas. Dosconecte a electiidad antes do quilar cualquier cubierta aorillada. Sustanclas Quimicas: Sustancias Quimicas paligrosas pueden existe aden dol apart, Evie 1 contacto con estas, ‘especialmente al reponer liquide del deposit Alas Temperaturas: Ciertas superficies del aparato. alcanzan temperaturas muy altas Use procaucion paraevitar ‘quemadas severas, Peligro para 10s Ojos: ano a los ojos pusde ser ‘cacionado por impactos {e partculas voles 6 por {a radiacion ultraviolet. Use anteojos de se: Quiidad cada ves que Trabaje con ol aparato. Incendio: Para evitar ine cendios y asequrar una ‘peracién sana, siga as in- ‘tucciones detalladas en ‘ol marusal de operaciones. Explosién: Ciertos gases y_liquides tienen la ‘capacidad para explotar. Enel manejodo estas sus- lancias siga muy cuidadosamente las in- Stuccionee detalladas 0 el manual de operaciones. Moterial Radioactivo: La célula interna contiene alee! radeacvo. Si [ae instrueciones con: toridas on al manual para ‘operadores paral uso yla disposicién de. este materia Si tiene dudas sobre ‘evaiquier operacién de! ‘aparo lame a las ofcinas Varian mas cercanas antes de proceder Safety Practices General ‘The following safety practices are intended to insure the safe operation ofthe equipment. Electrical Hazards 1. Removal of some panels expose potentially ‘dangerous volages. Such panels wilbear awarn- ‘ing abe! noting the hazard. Disconnect th inst ‘ment from all power sources belore removing Protective panels 2. When powor cord plugs must be changed to von- {orm to on-site power receptacles, be sure fo ad- here to color coding and polaty described in the manual 3. Replace blown fuses with size and rating stpu- lated on the fuse panel or holder, and in tho ‘manual where listed. 4. Replace or ropa faulty or frayed insulation on ower cords ‘5. Check actual ne voltage to confirm itis the value for which the instument ie wired. Be sure power cords are plugged to corect voltage sources, Compressed Gas Cylinders 1. Compressed gases should be stored and han- dod strict in accordance with relevant safety codes, 2, Fasten all cylinders securely to an immovable “stucture or permanent wal, 8. Store or move cylinders only in avortcal position, Dont move or ranspert cylinders wthrogulators atached. 4, Store cyinders na well ventilated area away rom heat or ignition sources, 5. Markalloyinders clearly so there can bono doubt aso conten, 6. Use only approved regulators and tubing connec- tions, 7. Connect cylinders to instrument only with lean tubing whose pressure rating is signiicantly Greater than highest outlet pressure from regulator. General Precautions 1, Perform periodic leak checks on supply lines and ‘pneumatic plumbing 2. Arrange gas ines so they cannot become kinked, punctured, or otherwise damaged, and wil oti fecfre with foot wae. 2, Store organic solvents in roproot, vented, cloar- ly labeled cabinotsidenttying toxic andor arn ‘mablo material. 4, Do not allow flammable andlor toxic solvent was- { to accumulate. Follow a reguatod, approved waste disposal program. Never ispose of such products trough the municipal sewage eystem. GC Safety Practices Exhaust System Fumes and heat emanating rom GC detectors minimal, Except when test ing hazardous chemicals, no special exhaust ducing is raquitad Ina well Vontilates room. i ducting is installed, observe tha folowing guidelines. 1. Use only fireproof ducting, 2 Install blower at duct out, 3. Locate duct intake far enough from the detector to avoid any vibration or aiccurrnt effect on detector performance, 4. Check duet suction periodically Radiation Safety (Radioactive Source Detectors) 1. Note and comply with al NOTES, CAUTIONS and WARNINGS appoa- Ing inthe Ni ECD manual section, 2, Perform scheduled test for removable radioactive contamination as proscribed the above publication. '3, NOTE: tis the responsibilty ofthe usor tobe eure thatleaktost schedules and procedures are complied with. Burn Hazard Hoatod zones of gas chromatograph can remain ht ora considerable ime ater the instrument power has been tumed of. To prevent painful bums Fesuiting from contact wih hot suraces (injector nus, columns, et) be sure ‘that all heated areas have cooled to room temperature, or wear adequate hhand protecton LC Safety Practices High Pressure Hazard ‘The pump employed in Varian Liquid Chromatographs can gonerate high ‘rassures. Liquid at such high pressures ls potentially hazardous. Thore le ays the danger associated witha high veloly stream of volaieandior toxic quid inthe event of alne rupture, a ale device opening, or avalve ‘2ccidentaly opened under pressure. ‘While preonal hazard from such incidents is minimized bythe fow volumes involved, complete protection i afforded by wearing face protection (safely ‘lasses, face shields, etc.) when injecting samples or performing routine maintenance. Reservoirs which operato under 80-60 pl of nitrogen should only be of the shatlorproof type provided with the inskument. The reservoir eniosure shouldbe kept closed when reservoirs are under pressure. Read and achere to all NOTES, CAUTIONS, and WARNINGS appesting in ‘ho manual. Ultraviolet Radiation gui chromatographic detectors employing @ UV light source must have ‘adequate shaldng to prevent any radiation expesura to personnel. 1 Ensure that protective lamp covers of variable and fixed wavelength 4 5,9. 12, 13, 14, 17, 20, 7229, 24.25, 27, 32. FID: 2, 4.8.9, 10: ECD: 4.6.7 10-1113, 4 15. 16, FPD: 2, 3, 4. 5.6,7,13, 15, Wen ee 28 25. TSO: 5.7, 812,14; TED: 3, 4.6.11. 12.13, Hal 4 Packed and Capillary Column {nstallation: 7, Diagnostics/Troubleshooting: 2.9. 10.11, 14.15, 16 one 42, 44, 60, 61, 74, 75 7. Hazards: Crrceritl Communication: 3; External Events: 3, 8034 A/S Installation: 3 Favosenles: 2 Ionization Detector Ballistic Heat-Up Rates (3600 6c's only) 83 Figure 7¢ Injector Balliztic Heat-Up Rates (3600 6¢'s omly) 83 03-914076-00:8 a ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES (cont.) Diagnostics/Troubleshooting (cont.) Figure 8a Column Oven Ballistic Heat-Up and Cooldown Rates (Except 3600 GC's) Figure 8b Column Oven peitistic Heat-Up and Cooldown Rates (3600 GC's only) Figure 9 TO Ballistic Heat tp rates (33/34/3600 GC's) Figure 10 1097 On-cotunn Capillary Injector Heat-Up Rates {3000 Series GC's) Figure 11 Pneunatic/Hydraul ic systems Diagram Figure 12. Timing Diagran Figure 13 Sequence Description Figure 14 Wicroswitch Locattone Figure 15 J601 Connector Layout. Figure 16 8035 sottmatic/Aydraul ic Systems Diagn st Figure 17a 1045 Packed Column Tuyector or 1075 Split/Splitiess Capitiary Injector Timing Diagret (g035 AutoSampler) Figure 18a 8035 AutoSampler Sequence operation for 1045, Packed Colunn Injector or 1075 Split/Splitiess Capillary Injector Figure 17> 1097/1098 On-Colwmn capiltary Injector Timing Diagram (g035 AutoSampler) Figure 18> 8035 Autosampler Sequence Operation for 1097 /1098 On-Column Injector Figure 19 8035 AutoSampler Microswitch Locations Figure 20 4900 Connector Layout, (3035 AutoSampler) Table 1 References to Comon Diagnostic Procedures and Refgnostic Cautions and Warnings Jable 2 General Thermal Zone Troubleshooting jable 3. Column Oven ‘Troubleshooting Table 4 Universal Injector/Auxiliary oven Troubleshooting Table 5 Detector Ovens Table 6 8034 AutoSampler Troubleshooting Table 7 8035 AutoSampler Troubleshooting Table 8 External Events Troubleshooting table 9 Printer/Plotter Troubleshooting Table 10 Data Systen ‘Troubleshooting jable 11 Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Tapre 12 Pressure Transducer Troubleshooting Table 13. Split Ratio Transducts Troubleshooting Tapie 14 Chromatographic ‘Troubleshooting 03-914076-00:B 83 83 81 83 OL 92 93 94 94 102 103 104 105 106 107 107 84 85 86 95 108 12 114 17 120 123 126 128 wz INSTALLATION 1 GENERAL his section details the installations required prior to operation of 33/3400 c's. These instruments are designed to be operator-installed be ae che, Metatled procedures provided in this section Yaw wiit also be able to check out your instrument by running the tect sample, Should you experience difficulties during installation, Varian Service national’ sedit, De available to assist you by telephone frog the national Service Center: 800-231-8134 U.S., except Texas, Alaska, and Hawaii 800-392-2218 Texas 713-240-7330 Alaska and Hawaii {his assistance is provided with the purchase of 3000 Series cc's. Specify whether installation assistance {3 for 33500 or 3400 cc. 2 UNPACKING AND INSPECTION After unpacking the instrument, check it carefully for evidence of shipping damage or rough handling. Any evidence of damage should be reported immediately to the carrier and to: Varian Instrument Division 2700 Mitchell Drive Malnut Creek, Ca. 94598-1675 Attention: Manager of Customer Service, 415-939-2400 Qutside of the USA, notify the nearest International Sales Office, as listed at the beginning of this manual. Remove the instrument and check the contents of the accessory package against the enclosed list. Any discrepancies or missing items should be reported to Varian at the above address. 2.1 Removal of Column Oven Fan Motor Shipping Dowel na,brevent excessive movement during shipment, the column oven fan Rotor is stabilized with a shipping dowel. Before Operating, remove Shipping dowel from hole in rear instrument perct. Should reshipment of Instrument ever be necessary, shipping dowel mast be reinstalled, 2.2 Removal of Shipping Caps and Plugs Remove plastic or paper caps or plugs under the detector cover, instrument top cover, and at rear ‘of Ynstivment If caps are insteugend Om inector or detector fittings or the rear of the instrument, replace with Swagelok® Plugs to prevent contamination of the system until the column is installed or gas supplies connected, 2.3, Removal of PC Board Packing Foam the inegncberation, remove the foam strip attached to ‘the underside of the instrument top ‘cover. 03-914085-00:¢ 1 INSTALLATION CAUTION Carefully inspect the oven interior and remove all plastic srg/or paper shipping caps and restraints before électrically connecting and heating the instrument. 3. SITE PREPARATION Site preparation should be complete at this times however, {f it is not Site preportrecessary to review site preparation, see the 3000 Series GC precinstallation Instructions, P/N 03-913962-00, | Enough adjacens Bench space should be allocated to pormit installation of peripheral Snstrumentation such as data systems, recorders, etc. CAUTION: Hot exhaust from the column oven exits through the rear of Me fastrument.. Avoid diverting heat on other electronic ‘instruments. 4 POWER REQUIREMENTS Each 3000 Series GC requires a 50 or 60 Hz SINGLE PHASE power, source capable of providing up to 15 amps at 99-132 Vac or 8 amps at 198-264 Gre A avagnostic message will be displayed if ac line polarity, bs Vacewsed or if the ground connection is faulty. | Refer to the Diagnostics/Troubleshooting section for diagnostic ‘information. The power cord for U.S. use 1s terminated in a 3-prong Plug, requiring ree roneing receptacle wired as shown in Figure 1. Outside of the a omtinental U.S.» the instrument {s supplied with 2 Powe cord serkinated ina grounded 2-prong plug (see Figure 2). Replacement of ferment, power plug requires strict compliance with power cord color coding as listed in Figure 1. FIGURE 1 POWER CORD WIRING Tne enouwoKd 2PRONG PLUG (CEE 7.7, MAS DEVELOPED TO 03-914085-00:B 2 BATH SUOU SERIES GOS CAUTION work should be done only by an experienced C when operating a 3000 Series GC on split phase numbers on these instructions are shown on the 7/7 connector (Detail A) to the bare wire end of sing careful to follow color code of CEE 7/7. jockouts in the transformer, as shown in Detail B. ye (81-821552-00) at midpoint, or at a convenient C, Place a cable clamp on the cut end of each dified cable. Attach the ends of the cables to transformer wires, as shown in Detail C (4 approved splice terminals. Attach both ‘ound wires to transformer case. Tighten cable jower cables. sure that connection of ground to secondary nly at transformer. r other than General Electric 9T518512 is used, is wired 240 Vac to 240 Vac, 50/60 Hz, and is of ring. ctor other than CEE 7/7 is used, the alternate zed connector and must be a grounding type. DETAIL B ISOLATION TRANSFORMER ISOLATION TRANSFORMER GE OTS1B512 OR OTHER 2KVA, 240, soeD HZ aN pin (OBTAIN LOCALLY) sno SERIES Go Enave socKer onricuneo ‘ears rom 20240 vac coxa VARIAN PN Re ronmen@) (SW GL REAR VIEW DETAIL C ISOLATION TRANSFORMER FOR USE IN SPLIT PHAS! (GE 91518512 Shown) Ne ee eee een ory ane as Mother PCB (Figure 3). For a 110/120V range i 120V nominal and DOWN is 110V nominat. ‘instrument, UP is 240V nominal and DOMN (low) ranges permit modification to the voltage ay Instruments are shipped with this switch i1 position. The specified tolerance for the line vol tag nominal value, but short-term drops of 20% or typically tolerated. If the line voltage ‘ correct operation is impaired, the GC will shut fault message will be generated, including the 18 recommended that tne switcn (si) be left in the instrument detects power failures during 1 the GC will operate normally with the switch f if the line voltage is above 110% of the nc temperatures will be elevated and reduced relia If ft is necessary to change the position of th line voltage available at your location, follow 1, Determine the full range of line vol tag hour period. If the voltage stays betwee and 242V), set the switch to the low po: stays between 1OBV and 132V (or 216V and (UP) setting. If the voltage does not r these ranges, consult Varian Service | conditioner 15 required. NOTE. HIGH VOLTAGE COVER REMOVED FOR CLARITY INSTALLATION WARNING HIGH VOLTAGES PRESENT Dangerous voltages are exposed in the following steps; the instrument must be disconnected from all power. 2. To change the switch setting, disconnect the instrument from all power, remove the detector cover, instrument top cover, and high voltage cover. 3. Locate S1 on the Mother PCB (see Figure 3). It is shipped in the correct position for your voltage range. If there is a problem ‘in the low position, consult Varian Service to see if a power line conditioner is required. CAUTION Do not attempt to change an instrument configured for the 110/120V range to the 220/240V range, or vice versa, or the warranty will be voided. 4.2 Power Switch The instrument power switch is located at the top left rear of the GC. Up is ON and down is OFF. See Figure 2 for location. 4.3. Fuse Requirements. Fuses for the 3000 Series GC's are located on the instrument back panel, the Mother PC Board, and on individual pc boards within the instrument. Refer to Table i for fuse ratings, locations, and circuits affected. 5 BATTERY BACK-UP AND POWER UP Battery back-up allows 3000 Series GC's to protect instrument memory when (1) the instrument is shut down to change boards or make other hardware changes or (2) to protect methods during temporary power outages. If the battery switch is turned OFF, instrument methods will be lost. STANDARD GC'S are shipped with the battery switch in the ON (up) position (Figure 4a). If the GC is to be disconnected from power for Jong periods of time or if it is to be stored, the battery switch should be moved to the OFF position (Figure 4a). GC'S WITH THE IN-BOARD DATA HANDLING OPTION (IBDH) are shipped with the battery switch in the OFF (down) position (Figure 4b). When installing an IBDH GC, move the battery switch to the ON position. ISDH battery life is 24’nours. If the GC is to be either turned off or unplugged for longer than 24 hours, move the battery switch ( Figure 4b) to OFF. 03-914085-00:A 5

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