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有 DIY 精神的你值得拥有

2023 5-8 月 雅思口语题库新题(P1 合集)

新题 P2/3 持续更新中,更新完结后会整理到一个合集里
Table of Contents

Part 1 新题 ........................................................................................................................ 2
Week ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Dream and ambition .................................................................................................................. 2
The city you live in (其实跟必考题几乎一致) ....................................................................... 3
Health ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Language ................................................................................................................................... 4
Ice cream ................................................................................................................................... 5
Concentration ............................................................................................................................ 6
Fixing things............................................................................................................................... 6
Friends ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Rain ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Day off ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Bags ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Teachers .................................................................................................................................... 9
Wild animals .............................................................................................................................10

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有 DIY 精神的你值得拥有

Part 1 新题
1. What is your favorite day of the week?
Haha, very good question. Jokes aside, I think Friday is the best day of the week because I
have a full two days of weekends to look forward to. While I may still need to study or work
on the weekends, I make sure to reserve Friday nights for relaxation.

2. What is your least favorite day?

I think I already said this in the previous question, but for me it's definitely Monday because
it marks the end of the weekend and the beginning of a new school or work week.
Weekends are just too short, and it can be difficult to get back into the routine of a
structured schedule. Additionally, Monday mornings are particularly challenging for me
because I have to wake up early after a weekend of sleeping in. It's also a congested day
because everyone is going to work.

3. What is the busiest day of the week for you?

Typically, the busiest days of the week for me is mid-week days such as Wednesday and
Thursday. This is because universities often schedule classes back-to-back on these days,
leaving little time for breaks or lunch. Anecdotally, I've heard that professors have many
meetings on Mondays and Fridays, so they schedule most classes on mid-week days.

4. Is there anything that you do every day?

Nothing special, honestly. I wake up, make the bed, brush my teeth, go to classes, come
back late at night, take a shower, and then get some valuable sleep. It's just the life of a
busy young individual.

5. What do you usually do on weekends?

Well, I use the weekends to recharge and unwind from all the hard work during the
weekdays. Therefore, I usually wake up later, take time to prepare a good meal, and
exercise. Occasionally, I go out with my best friends and watch a movie or do something else
fun. During the weekdays, I have to cut back on these activities in order to manage my busy
work schedule.

6. Are weekdays and weekends the same for you?

Definitely not. 合并 4 和 5 就可以了。

Dream and ambition

1. What was your childhood dream?
It's funny that, like many others, my childhood dream was to become a scientist. Honestly, I
had no idea what being a scientist entailed or what it took to become one. All I knew was
that people respected scientists a lot, and I wanted to be one.

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2. Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams?

I stick to my goals but not necessarily my dreams because I'm a practical person. In my
opinion, as I gain more experience in society, my perspective towards past dreams will
change. Therefore, pursuing past dreams may not necessarily help me improve my current
situation. Nowadays, I set both short-term and long-term goals that I want to achieve, and I
plan accordingly to accomplish them.

3. What is your dream job?

As I've mentioned before, my perspective constantly evolves as I progress through life. In
the past, my dream job was to become an electrical engineer. However, once I pursued this
career path, I realized that it wasn't the right fit for me. I then shifted my focus to becoming
an investment banker and gained experience at a Big Four accounting firm. However, I soon
came to the realization that the long hours in these industries were overwhelming, and that
work and clients took priority over personal life. As a result, I no longer have a dream job.
Instead, I want to pursue activities that I enjoy and earn a reasonable income while
maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

4. Do you think you are an ambitious person?

I believe that I am an ambitious person, and most people tend to agree. However, unlike
many ambitious individuals who enjoy the rat race, I prefer to explore alternative paths to
achieve my goals. Overall, I am a driven, dedicated, and hardworking individual who
continuously sets new goals and works tirelessly to achieve them.

The city you live in (其实跟必考题几乎一致)

1. What city do you live in?
参考必考题 Hometown,第 1,2 题

2. Do you like this city? Why?

参考必考题 Hometown,第 4 题

3. How long have you lived in this city?

参考必考题 Hometown,第 6 题

4. Are there big changes in this city?

参考必考题 Hometown,第 15 题

5. Is this city your permanent residence?

Yes, I've been living here ever since. My family, friends, and colleagues are all here, and I
just love the vibe of my hometown. Although I've traveled to many places over the years, I
still believe that my city is the best fit for me.

Yes, even though I wasn't born and raised in this city, I believe it's the perfect fit for me. The
energy, diversity, and opportunities this city offers attract me and keep me going every day.

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While I do travel back home to visit family every year, it's just a small city without much
excitement. I think I'll stay in my current city permanently.

1. How do you keep healthy?
Well, I stay healthy by keeping physically active through working out three times a week and
participating in outdoor activities like hiking. But exercise is only one part of the equation.
As people often say, 'you are what you eat.' That's why I also make sure to eat a balanced
diet that includes plenty of high-quality proteins, fruits, and vegetables.

2. What are your favorite sports?

I enjoy playing many different sports, but my favorite is badminton. Not only is it a fun and
social activity that I can enjoy with friends and family, but it's also relatively low-impact. I
believe playing badminton can improve my overall health and fitness because it requires
coordination and quick reactions. Additionally, it's an accessible sport that doesn't require
expensive equipment or a professional court.

3. Are there health classes in your school?

Not really. The Chinese education system places a strong emphasis on subjects like math
and science, so health classes are not typically offered in most schools. Instead, I learned
about health-related information from news sources and through Google searches. I believe
it would be really beneficial if schools offered health classes, as they could help prevent
issues like obesity and mental health-related diseases, which are increasingly common in

4. What sports help people stay healthy?

See 2 (badminton).

5. Is it easy for people to exercise in your country?

It depends on the type of exercise. The majority of people in China live in residential
compounds, which often have parks, playgrounds, and walking trails where people can
easily engage in casual exercise. However, there aren't many public fields available for
people to play basketball or soccer, so those who want to play these sports may need to pay
expensive fees to use a sports center.

1. What languages can you speak?
I speak two languages: Mandarin Chinese and English. I'm definitely proficient in Chinese at
a native level, and my English skills are strong enough to handle most professional working

2. What languages would you like to learn in the future?

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I would like to learn French because I'm interested in traveling to Canada, specifically
Quebec, which is a French-speaking province. I was inspired to visit Quebec after watching a
Korean drama that featured beautiful scenes from the region. Being able to speak French
would make my trip so much easier and more enjoyable, so I'm motivated to learn the

3. How do you learn a foreign language?

To learn a new language effectively, I immerse myself in the language as much as possible,
listening to music, watching movies, and speaking with native speakers. I also use language
learning apps to connect with native speakers for practice. Additionally, I prioritize learning
vocabulary and grammar through reading and practicing on paper for better absorption of

4. How are languages taught and learned in your school?

The Chinese education system places a strong emphasis on things such as vocabulary and
grammar. Therefore, schools prioritize memorization and paper practice for learning these
things. While this approach helps students build a solid foundation, it can also kill the fun of
learning a new language, ultimately hindering overall language learning results.

Ice cream
1. Do you like ice cream?
Absolutely, ice cream is essential for me to survive the hot summer days. I consume ice
cream at least three times a week during the summer months. My favorite flavor is berry
gelato because the sourness from the assorted berries complements the dairy-based gelato,
resulting in a smooth and creamy texture in the mouth.

2. Do you eat ice cream a lot?

See 1.

3. Did you eat ice cream as a child?

See 1. 只要把时间线放到小时候就行了。

4. Are there shops selling ice cream near where you live?
Many Chinese people live in residential compounds that have all types of stores, making it
easy for me to buy ice cream from a store near my home. However, my favorite gelato is not
as accessible; I have to drive 20 minutes to the mall, find parking, go to the sixth floor, and
walk a few minutes to get to the shop. It's a bit of a challenge for me.

5. Would you like to make your own ice cream?

Not really. I tried making ice cream at home in the past, but it just didn't taste right. After
conducting extensive research, I discovered that making delicious ice cream requires
consistent temperature and stirring speed, which is nearly impossible to achieve at home.
Since ice cream is not expensive to purchase, it's not worth the effort for me to make it

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1. Did you stay focused in class when you were a child?
For the most part, yes. Although some classes did get boring, I always tried my best to
follow the teachers, as reflected in my report cards. I consistently earned good grades
throughout my school life, so I would say that I did pay attention in class.

2. Are you a focused person?

Yes, I have the ability to concentrate on tasks for a long period of time, which is why I am
one of the top performers at school and work. This comes naturally to me, so I don't have
many tips to share with others on how to improve their concentration. However, I believe
that if you are not a naturally focused person, the best first step is to try your best to reduce
potential distractions from your environment.

3. How do you stay focused?

See 2. 天生的,不过给建议的话就是把环境周围的干扰去掉。

4. Is it easy to stay focused in a noisy environment?

I personally don't find it challenging to stay focused anywhere. However, I understand that
staying focused in a noisy environment can be difficult for most people, as the noise can be
distracting and interrupt concentration. To overcome this challenge, it is recommended to
use noise-cancelling headphones or find a quiet place to work.

Fixing things
1. Can you fix things?
I may not be able to fix everything, but I have some knowledge and techniques to fix things
like messy Excel sheets or electronics boards. Fixing things occasionally can be enjoyable
and provide a sense of achievement. However, I wouldn't want to fix things all day long
because it can become frustrating very quickly.

2. Did anybody teach you to fix things when you were a child?
No, not really. Since my parents were always busy with work, I taught myself most things. I
learned how to use computers and the internet at a very young age and would conduct
research and watch tutorials online before fixing things like my toy race cars.

3. Do you think it is necessary for people to learn to fix things?

To some extent, yes. Fixing simple things like faulty lamps by changing a light bulb is a life
skill that should be learned. However, tasks that require specialized skills such as plumbing
and electrical wiring should only be done by professionals to ensure safety. We live in a
world of specialization where people should use their skills to earn money and then hire
professionals to fix things they cannot.

4. What do you do when a thing is broken and cannot be fixed?

It depends on the item. For cars, or large appliances, there are still some residual values
from all the parts and materials. In that case, I would contact local scrap stores to valuate it

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and trade it for some money. For other small things that I don’t expect there is any residual
value, I would simply recycle them at local recycle depot.

1. How important are friends to you?
Friends are absolutely essential to me for many good reasons. It is a dog-eat-dog world out
there, and friends provide me with emotional support, which help me keep going.
Additionally, friends can provide social opportunities for me to engage in activities and, if
needed, help me solve unexpected problems. What's really important is that friends can
offer a sense of belonging and acceptance, which is critical in modern society where people
often feel like strangers. This can improve my overall quality of life.

2. Do you often go out with your friends?

Not as much as I would like to. I’m just having too much on my plate in recent years, with all
the studying abroad, internship and maintaining a good GPA, etc. So now I only go out with
my best friends once every month or so. Since we are all busy with life, we just hang out at
the mall, enjoy some delicious meals, and watch a movie.

3. Where do you often meet each other?

See 2.

4. What do you usually do with your friends?

See 2.

5. Do you have a friend you have known for a long time?

Of course. My best friends are still my childhood friends because we have known each other
for what feels like forever, and the trust between us is just second-to-none. If anyone of us
experiences adversity in life, we will immediately offer our best support. I think the
friendship is priceless.

1. Do you like rainy days? Why?
Not at all, who doesn’t like sunny days? To me, rain can negatively affect my mood and
emotions, and I always feel sad and gloomy on those days. Also, I really hate traffic delays,
which are just so common on rainy days. Rain makes roads slippery and often causes traffic
congestion due to accidents.

2. Does it rain much in your city?

No, it's important that I don't live in a city that rains all the time; therefore, I always make
sure to choose a city that has a sunny climate, as it helps me to stay positive and energized.
In addition, I find that sunny weather encourages me to get outdoors more, which is great
for my overall physical and mental health. Fortunately, the city I currently live in has distinct
four seasons and is on the drier side, which makes it a great fit for me.

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3. Would you like to live in a dry or wet place?

See 2.

4. Would you change your plan if it rained?

It depends. I usually stick with my goals and plans because I’m a really organized person and
if a plan goes wrong, it could affect the progress of everything else. So, I would take
preventative measures such as reschedule meetings to online meetings instead of in-person
ones, or plan extra travel time to ensure I arrive on time.

Day off
1. When was the last time you had a few days off?
There are a couple of long national holidays in spring and summer, and I took a few days off
last month to visit my grandparents. It had been a while since I had seen them because I was
so busy with school work. During the visit, we went to their favorite restaurant, had a
delicious meal, and chatted about life at home while enjoying some fresh green tea. It
always feels great to visit them and take a break from the hustle and bustle of my busy life.

2. What do you usually do when you have days off?

其实跟 weekend 异曲同工(week 第五题)。
Well, I use my days off to recharge and unwind from all the hard work I have been doing.
Therefore, I usually wake up later, take time to prepare a good meal, and exercise. After
that, I go out with my best friends and watch a movie or do something else fun. It's great to
have some leisure time to enjoy life and take a break from the daily grind.

3. Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or with your friends?
It depends on the length of the holiday. If it's longer than a week, I'll most likely go back
home and visit my parents since it takes more than a day to travel back and forth. However,
if it's just a long weekend, usually just three days, I would spend those days with my friends
who all live close by.

4. What would you like to do if you had a day off tomorrow?

题目只是说你明天休息一天,所以并做不了什么,就跟 weekend 一样,所以用第二题

1. Do you usually carry a bag?
Yes, I carry a bag very often. As a university student, I often carry a lot of textbooks and my
laptop with me everywhere I go. Since I'm also managing various assignments, projects, and
deadlines, having my laptop and materials handy allows me to work on them whenever I
have free time. Admittedly, it can be challenging to constantly feel under pressure, but I
know that it's necessary if I want to stay on top of my studies and succeed in the long run.

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2. Do you change your bags often?

No, not really. I don't think it's necessary to change bags frequently unless someone is
interested in keeping up with the latest styles. Personally, I prefer to invest in a good quality
backpack that is waterproof, lightweight, and practical, and use it until it's worn out. I have
only replaced my bag once in the past 10 years, and I plan on using my current one for as
long as possible.

3. What kind of bags would you use when travelling?

I use my high-quality backpack to carry my laptop and other electronics accessories, while
using a suitcase for my clothing items. I prefer not to use large travel bags as they can be too
heavy to carry around. Overall, I find this combination to be very convenient.

4. Is a bag an ideal gift?

Potentially, yes. I know that many girls can't get enough of bags, so if the recipient is female,
I would strongly recommend researching the latest styles and buying one as a gift. However,
I'm not sure if males would care about bags, so it would depend on the person.

5. Did you use a backpack when you were a child?

Of course. Chinese students, even in elementary school, have a very heavy workload, so I
always used a large backpack to carry my daily textbooks and practice materials. My
backpack at the time was so big that it covered most of my body. It's still funny to think
about now.

1. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
I would not want to be an elementary school teacher because I’m not very good with young
children. However, I would love to be a high school teacher or a professor at universities
because I can focus on guiding them towards a profession or career. I think that suits my
personality better. In my opinion, the role of a teacher who can offer sound guidance and
support to young people is priceless and if I have a chance to be one, I will.

2. Do you remember one of your teachers?

The teacher I have the most memories of is my highschool math teacher as I spent three
valuable years growing up with him. He was a very responsible and respectful individual
who worked hard to impart technical knowledge as well as instill good manners in me. He
has won numerous teaching awards, yet he remains dedicated to helping students who are
struggling. I wish him all the best.

3. What were your primary school teachers like?

I cannot remember much about them because it has been so long. However, I have a good
impression of all of them. They were very responsible and worked hard to guide us in the
right direction and keep us out of trouble. Overall, they were respectful individuals.

4. Do you have a favorite teacher?

See 2.

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Wild animals
1. Are there wild animals in your country?
China is home to thousands of wild animal species, although their presence in our daily lives
is limited due to human activities. To see wildlife animals, people have to visit zoos. Last
year, I went to Chengdu to see the giant pandas, and they were so fluffy and cute!

2. Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?

Like I mentioned earlier, I visited a zoo last year to see giant pandas, but I have yet to visit a
safari park. Although I know there are some popular ones in the neighboring provinces, my
busy school life has prevented me from going. Perhaps someday in the future, when I have
more time, I will have the opportunity to visit one.

3. What is the animal you would like to see in the wild?

To be honest, I have no idea. Perhaps penguins, but I would have to travel to the South Pole
for that. Most wild animals make me feel scared because they can be very aggressive.
Penguins, on the other hand, are quite harmless. I would love to see them waddling on the
ice and jumping into the water. They are so cute.

4. Are there TV programs about wild animals in your country?

Definitely, we have many programs in China that are equivalent to the Discovery Channel. I
remember one of my favorite programs called “Human and Nature,” which was very
popular at the time. The production team traveled the world to capture stunning shots, and
the host explained everything in a very engaging and peaceful manner, making it a pleasure
to watch.

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