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What is the female reproductive system?

The female reproductive system is the body parts that help

women or people assigned female at birth (AFAB):

 Have sexual intercourse.

 Reproduce.
 Menstruate.

What are the functions of the female reproductive system?

The female reproductive system provides several functions. In

addition to allowing a person to have sexual intercourse, it also
helps a person reproduce.

Your ovaries produce eggs. These eggs are then transported to

your fallopian tube during ovulation where fertilization by a sperm
may occur. The fertilized egg then moves to your uterus, where
the uterine lining has thickened in response to the normal
hormones of your menstrual cycle (also called your reproductive
cycle). Once in your uterus, the fertilized egg can implant into the
thickened uterine lining and continue to develop. If implantation
doesn’t take place, the uterine lining is shed as your menstrual
period. In addition, the female reproductive system produces sex
hormones that maintain your menstrual cycle.

During menopause, the female reproductive system gradually

stops making the female hormones necessary for the menstrual
cycle to work. At this point, menstrual cycles can
become irregular and eventually stop. You’re considered to
be menopausal when you’ve gone an entire year without a
menstrual period.
External parts  Glans clitoris: Most people referring to the clitoris
(or clit) mean the glans, the tiny nub that’s just above
The function of your external genitals is to protect the internal your urethral opening. The glans is filled with nerve
parts from infection and allow sperm to enter your vagina. endings that make it especially sensitive to touch.
 Clitoral hood: Your labia minora (inner vaginal lips)
Your vulva is the collective name for all your external genitals. A meet at the top of your vulva to form a hood for your
lot of people mistakenly use the term “vagina” to describe all glans. Your clitoral hood may cover all, some, or
female reproductive parts. However, your vagina is its own none of your glans.
structure located inside your body.
The main parts of your vulva or external genitals are:
 Body (corpora): The body of your clitoris is located
 Labia majora: Your labia majora (“large lips”) enclose and behind your glans. Think of it as the top of the
protect the other external reproductive organs. During wishbone that isn’t divided. The body extends
puberty, hair growth occurs on the skin of the labia majora, downward and branches off to form a pair of legs,
which also contains sweat and oil-secreting glands. the crura.
 Labia minora: Your labia minora (“small lips”) can have a  Crura: The crura are two legs that extend from the
variety of sizes and shapes. They lie just inside your labia clitoral body. They’re the longest part of your clitoris.
majora and surround the opening to your vagina (the canal Together, they form the “V” of the wishbone and
that joins the lower part of your uterus to the outside of surround your vaginal canal and urethra (the tube
your body) and the urethra (the tube that carries pee from that carries pee out of your body).
your bladder to the outside of your body). This skin is very  Vestibular (clitoral) bulbs: The vestibular bulbs are
delicate and can become easily irritated and swollen. in between your crura and your vaginal wall. Like the
 Clitoris: Your two labia minora meet at your clitoris, a crura, the vestibular bulbs are a paired structure.
small, sensitive protrusion that’s comparable to a penis in When you’re aroused, they swell with blood and can
men or people assigned male at birth (AMAB). Your clitoris even double in size.
is covered by a fold of skin called the prepuce and is very  Root: The nerves from the erectile tissue that makes
sensitive to stimulation. It is also the pleasure center. up the various structures in your clitoris meet at the
root. The root is located where the legs of the crura
Parts of Clitoris meet.

 Vaginal opening: Your vaginal opening allows menstrual the friction from feeling painful instead of
blood and babies to exit your body. Tampons, fingers, sex pleasurable.
toys or penises can go inside your vagina through your  Menstruation: You shed your uterus lining
vaginal opening. (endometrium) each month during your menstrual
 Hymen: Your hymen is a piece of tissue covering or cycle unless you become pregnant. The lining exits
surrounding part of your vaginal opening. It’s formed your body through your vagina as menstrual blood.
during development and present during birth. You can insert tampons and menstrual cups inside of
 Opening to your urethra: The opening to your urethra is your vagina to manage the blood flow.
the hole you pee from.  Pregnancy: During penis-in-vagina sex
 Mons Pubis: This mound of tissue is prominent in females (intercourse), sperm may get released into your
and is usually covered in pubic hair. The mons pubis vaginal canal if your partner ejaculates. Sperm must
functions as a source of cushioning during sexual swim from your vagina and through your uterus and
intercourse. The mons pubis also contains sebaceous fallopian tubes to fertilize an egg.
glands that secrete pheromones to induce sexual  Childbirth: People sometimes refer to the vagina as
attraction. It covers the pubic bone a “birth canal” when referring to its role during
childbirth. Your baby travels from your uterus and
Internal parts through your vagina to be born. Your vaginal opening
is your baby’s last stop on its journey from your body
 Vagina: Your vagina is a muscular canal that joins to the outside world.
the cervix (the lower part of uterus) to the outside of the
body. It is between the bladder and your rectum It can  Cervix: Your cervix is the lowest part of your uterus. A hole
widen to accommodate a baby during delivery and then in the middle allows sperm to enter and menstrual blood to
shrink back to hold something narrow like a tampon. It’s exit. Your cervix opens (dilates) to allow a baby to come
lined with mucous membranes that help keep it moist. out during vaginal childbirth. Your cervix is what prevents
things like tampons from getting lost inside your body.
Functions of Vagina  Uterus: Your uterus is a hollow, pear-shaped organ that
holds a fetus during pregnancy. Your uterus is divided into
 Sexual pleasure: The walls of your vagina contain two parts: the cervix and the corpus. Your corpus is the
nerve endings that allow you to experience pleasure larger part of your uterus that expands during pregnancy.
when a penis, a finger or fingers, or a sex toy
penetrates your vagina. Your vagina expands and Functions of Uterus
becomes lubricated when you’re aroused to prevent
 Pregnancy: Your uterus stretches to grow your whether that’s your intention. The term menstruation refers to the
baby during pregnancy. It can also contract to periodic shedding of your uterine lining when pregnancy doesn’t
help push your baby out of your vagina. occur that cycle. Many people call the days that they notice
 Fertility: Your uterus is where a fertilized egg vaginal bleeding their “period.”
implants during conception and where your baby
grows. The average menstrual cycle takes about 28 days and occurs in
 Menstrual cycle: Your uterine lining is where phases. These phases include:
blood and tissue come from during menstruation.
The lining (endometrial lining) gets thicker and  The menstrual phase (period)
rich with blood as you near ovulation. Endometrial  The follicular phase (the egg develops).
lining sheds during the period or when pregnancy  The ovulatory phase (release of the egg).
does not occur.  The luteal phase (hormone levels decrease if the egg
doesn’t implant).
 Ovaries: Ovaries are small, oval-shaped glands that are
located on either side of your uterus. Your ovaries produce There are four major hormones (chemicals that stimulate or
eggs and hormones (estrogen, first half; and progesterone, regulate the activity of cells or organs) involved in the menstrual
second half). Made up of three layers (capsule in cycle. These hormones include:
medicine, ovarian cortex, and medulla that contains blood
and lymphatic vessels)  Follicle-stimulating hormone.
 Fallopian tubes: These are narrow tubes that are  Luteinizing hormone.
attached to the upper part of your uterus and serve as  Estrogen.
pathways for your egg (ovum) to travel from your ovaries  Progesterone.
to your uterus. Fertilization of an egg by sperm normally
occurs in the fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg then moves
to the uterus, where it implants into your uterine lining. Menstrual phase

What happens during the menstrual cycle? The menstrual phase is the first stage of the menstrual cycle. It’s
also when you get your period.
Women or people AFAB of reproductive age (beginning
anywhere from 11 to 16 years of age) experience cycles of This phase starts when an egg from the previous cycle isn’t
hormonal activity that repeat at about one-month intervals. With fertilized. Because pregnancy hasn’t taken place, levels of the
every cycle, your body prepares for a potential pregnancy, hormones estrogen and progesterone drop.
The thickened lining of your uterus, which would support a dominant follicle suppresses all the other follicles in the
pregnancy, is no longer needed, so it sheds through your vagina. group. As a result, they stop growing and die. The
During your period, you release a combination of blood, mucus, dominant follicle continues to produce estrogen.
and tissue from your uterus.
Ovulatory phase

The ovulatory phase (ovulation is when ovary releases a mature

You may have period symptoms like these: egg) usually starts about 14 days after the follicular phase started
(the exact timing varies). The ovulatory phase is the second
 cramps (try these home remedies), tender breasts, phase of your menstrual cycle. Most people will have a menstrual
bloating, mood swings, irritability, headaches, tiredness, period 10 to 16 days after ovulation. During this phase, the
low back pain following events occur:

 The rise in estrogen from the dominant follicle triggers a

Follicular phase surge in the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) that your
brain produces.
This phase starts on the first day of your period. During the  This causes the dominant follicle to release its egg from
follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, the following events occur: the ovary.
 As the egg is released (a process called ovulation) it’s
 Two hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and captured by finger-like projections on the end of the
luteinizing hormone (LH) are released from your brain and fallopian tubes (fimbriae). The fimbriae sweep the egg into
travel in your blood to your ovaries. the fallopian tube.
 The hormones stimulate the growth of about 15 to 20 eggs  For one to five days prior to ovulation, many women or
in your ovaries, each in its own “shell,” called a follicle. people AFAB will notice an increase in egg white cervical
 These hormones (FSH and LH) also trigger an increase in mucus. This mucus is the vaginal discharge that helps to
the production of the hormone estrogen. capture and nourish a sperm on its way to meet the egg
 As estrogen levels rise, like a switch, it turns off the for fertilization.
production of follicle-stimulating hormone. This careful
balance of hormones allows the body to limit the number Luteal phase
of follicles that will prepare eggs to be released.
 As the follicular phase progresses, one follicle in one ovary The luteal phase begins right after ovulation and involves the
becomes dominant and continues to mature. This following processes:
 Once it releases its egg, the empty ovarian follicle Difference between Estrogen and Progesterone
develops into a new structure called the corpus luteum.
 The corpus luteum secretes the hormones estrogen and Estrogen is the hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle while
progesterone. Progesterone prepares your uterus for a progesterone is the hormone that supports pregnancy. During
fertilized egg to implant. pregnancy, these two works together and are responsible for the
 If intercourse has taken place and sperm has fertilized the changes that take place during pregnancy.
egg (conception), the fertilized egg (embryo) will travel
through your fallopian tube to implant in your uterus. This
is how pregnancy begins.
 If the egg isn’t fertilized, it dissolves in your uterus. Not What is birth control?
needed to support a pregnancy, the lining of your uterus
breaks down and sheds. This is when your period begins. Birth control, also known as contraception, is the use of
medicines, devices, or surgery to prevent pregnancy. There are
How many eggs does a woman have? many different types. Some are reversable, while others are
permanent. Some types can also help prevent sexually
You’re born with all the eggs you’ll ever produce. During fetal transmitted diseases (STDs).
development, you have about 6 million eggs. At birth, there are
approximately 1 million eggs left. By the time you reach puberty, Barrier methods
only about 300,000 remain. The number of eggs you have Male condom A thin sheath that covers the penis to
continues to decline as you age and menstruate each cycle. collect sperm and prevent it from
Fertility also declines with age due to the decreasing number and entering the woman's body. Condoms
quality of your remaining eggs. that are made of latex and
polyurethane can help prevent STDs.
How does reproduction work? Female A thin, flexible plastic pouch. Part of
condom the condom is inserted into the vagina
In humans, female and male reproductive systems work together before intercourse to prevent sperm
to reproduce. There are two kinds of sex cells — sperm and from entering the uterus. The uterus, or
eggs. When a sperm meets an egg, it can fertilize it and create a womb, is the place where the baby
zygote. This zygote eventually becomes a fetus. Both a sperm grows during pregnancy. Female
and an egg are needed for human reproduction. condoms can also help prevent STDs.
Contraceptive A small sponge that you put into the
sponge vagina to cover the cervix (the opening
of the uterus). The sponge also both estrogen and progestin. It is
contains a spermicide to kill sperm. prescribed by a doctor. It is taken at
Spermicide A substance that can kill sperm cells. It the same time each day. It may be a
comes in a foam, jelly, cream, good option for women who can’t take
suppository, or film. You put it into the estrogen.
vagina near the uterus. Spermicide can
be used alone or with a diaphragm or
cervical cap. Contraceptive A patch that a woman puts on her skin
Diaphragm and Cups that are placed inside the vagina patch each week. The patch releases
cervical cap to cover the cervix to block sperm. hormones progestin and estrogen into
They may be used with spermicide. the bloodstream.
They come in different sizes. Vaginal ring A thin, flexible ring. The woman inserts
Hormonal methods the ring into the vagina, where it
Oral Pills that a woman takes every day. continually releases hormones
contraceptives They may contain only progestin or progestin and estrogen for three
("the pill") both progestin and estrogen. weeks. She takes it out for the fourth
week. After that week, she puts in a
Combined oral contraceptives—Also new ring.
called “the pill,” combined oral Injectable birth An injection of a hormone progestin in
contraceptives contain the hormones control the buttocks or arm that a woman gets
estrogen and progestin. It is prescribed once every three months. This is done
by a doctor. A pill is taken at the same in your provider's office.
time each day. If you are older than 35 Implant A single, thin rod that a provider inserts
years and smoke, have a history of under the skin of a women's upper
blood clots or breast cancer, your arm. It is done in your provider's office.
doctor may advise you not to take the The implant can last for four years.
pill. Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs)
Intrauterine A small, T-shaped device that a
Progestin only pill—Unlike the device (IUD) provider inserts into the uterus. This is
combined pill, the progestin-only pill done in the provider's office. IUDs can
(sometimes called the mini-pill) only last from 3 to 10 years. There are two
has one hormone, progestin, instead of
types: hormonal IUDs and copper
IUDs. This method may have higher
pregnancy rates than other types.
Levonorgestrel intrauterine system Lactational A form of natural birth control for
(LNG IUD)—The LNG IUD is a small amenorrhea breastfeeding mothers. It relies on the
T-shaped device like the Copper T method (LAM) new mother feeding her baby only
IUD. It is placed inside the uterus by a breastmilk for up to six months and
doctor. It releases a small amount of having no periods or spotting during that
progestin each day to keep you from time. Lactational Amenorrhea Method
getting pregnant. The LNG IUD stays (LAM) can be used as birth control
in your uterus for up to 3 to 8 years, when three conditions are met: 1)
depending on the device. amenorrhea (not having any menstrual
periods after delivering a baby), 2) fully
Copper T intrauterine device (IUD)— or nearly fully breastfeeding, and 3) less
This IUD is a small device that is than 6 months after delivering a baby.
shaped in the form of a “T.” Your LAM is a temporary method of birth
doctor places it inside the uterus to control, and another birth control
prevent pregnancy. It can stay in your method must be used when any of the
uterus for up to 10 years. three conditions are not met.
Sterilization Withdrawal During intercourse, the penis is pulled
Tubal ligation A surgery that prevents a woman from out of the vagina before ejaculation. The
getting pregnant. It is permanent. goal is to keep sperm from entering the
Vasectomy A surgery that prevents a man from vagina. But the sperm can leak out
getting someone pregnant. It is before the penis is pulled out, so this
permanent. method has higher pregnancy rates
than other types.

Other forms of pregnancy prevention

Fertility They are also called natural rhythm What is emergency contraception?
awareness- methods. They involve tracking the Emergency contraception is not a regular method of birth control.
based woman's fertility cycle and avoiding sex But it can be used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected
methods or using barrier methods on the days intercourse or if a condom breaks. There are two types:
when she is most likely to get pregnant.
 Copper IUD, which is a small, T-shaped device that a
provider inserts into the within 120 hours of unprotected
 Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs), which are hormonal
pills which the woman takes as soon as possible after
unprotected intercourse.

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