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International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7 (2019) 275e285

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Original Research Article

The effect of hydrogel particle size on water retention properties and

availability under water stress
Ahmad M. Abdallah
Department of Natural Resources and Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University, 59 Damanhour, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The use of superabsorbent polymers or hydrogels could increase the water holding capacity (WHC) of
Received 21 June 2018 sandy soil and reduce water loss by deep percolation. However, hydrogels' retained water availability to
Received in revised form plants might be overestimated without taking into consideration the hydrogel particles size. Therefore,
2 May 2019
the ultimate objective of this study was to address the impacts of hydrogel particles size on hydrogel's
Accepted 13 May 2019
Available online 16 May 2019
retained water availability (plant available water, PAW), daily water consumption (DWC) and survival of
Guava seedlings subjected to drought. Moreover, some soil physical properties, i.e., WHC, water retention
properties, and hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) were investigated. Hydrogel (WaterSorb, “WS”) application,
Water holding capacity
particularly the WS of small particles, significantly reduced Ksat, and increased WHC and PAW. Therefore,
Swelling rate seedlings grown in soil amended with WS fine (0.8e1.0 mm), WS medium (1.0e2.0 mm) and WS large (2
Water consumption e4 mm) survived for 27.0 ± 1.3, 24.0 ± 1.1 and 17.0 ± 0.7 days, respectively, compared to 13.0 ± 1.0 days
Available water capacity for the control. The water stored in the WS of large particles was less readily available for plant roots.
Seedlings survival Interestingly, hydrogels, had no effect on the DWC of the seedlings. Utilizing hydrogels as a soil
amendment increases WHC, PAW, growth and survival of Guava seedlings, while the effect was less
pronounced for the large hydrogel particles which had lower specific surface area and swelling rate.
© 2019 International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation and China Water and
Power Press. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (

1. Introduction water capacity (AWC, the amount of water that a plant can uptake)
of light soil is vital to ensure efficient water use and sustainability.
The scarcity of rain and irrigation water is a critical problem in It is widely accepted that WHC and AWC of the soil are positively
arid and semiarid regions, where water is the determining factor correlated to the soil organic matter content. However, Minasny
for crop productivity and the cultivated area (Han, Benner, & Flores, and McBratney (2018) reported that increasing WHC and AWC by
2018). Moreover, sandy soils are characterized by low water hold- organic matter addition might be overestimated or uncertain.
ing capacity (WHC) and excessive drainage of rain and irrigation Minasny and McBratney (2018) conducted a meta-analysis using 60
water below the root zone, resulting in inefficient water and fer- published datasets and analyzed about 50000 measurements to
tilizers use (Fan et al., 2005; Wei & Durian, 2014). These problems study the impact of organic matter addition to soil on AWC. They
are exacerbated when cultivating crops with shallow roots and found that organic matter had a very slight effect on AWC. Inter-
with high-water requirements (Bhardwaj, Shainberg, Goldstein, estingly, the significant increase in AWC might be only obtained
Warrington, & JLevy, 2007; Fan et al., 2005). Therefore, increasing when large rates of organic matter were applied, which might not
WHC (the total amount of water that a soil can hold) and available be visible under commercial production conditions (Ankenbauer &
Loheide, 2017; Minasny & McBratney, 2018). Therefore, the devel-
opment of non-traditional practices to improve WHC and AWC of
light soils is gaining more attention (Belaqziz et al., 2013;
Abbreviations: AWC, available water capacity; CLP, cross linked polyacrylamides; Guilherme et al., 2015). It is well established that superabsorbent
DWC, daily water consumption; DW, distilled water; Ksat, saturated hydraulic
polymers (SAPs) or hydrogels such as cross-linked polyacrylamides
conductivity; PAW, plant available water; RWC, relative water content; SAPs,
superabsorbent polymers; SC, swelling capacity; SR, swelling rate; WHC, water (CLP) increase the WHC of soil (Li, He, Hughes, Liu, & Zheng, 2014;
holding capacity; WS, WaterSorb; WSF, WaterSorb fine; WSM, WaterSorb medium; Xu et al., 2015; Yang, Yang, Chen, Guo, & Li, 2014). The CLP are
WSL, WaterSorb large. polymers with high molecular weight and high negative charge
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2095-6339/© 2019 International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation and China Water and Power Press. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
276 A.M. Abdallah / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7 (2019) 275e285

that absorb a significant amount of water, up to 400e2000 g water Table 1

g1 CLP, (Guilherme et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2014). Main physical and chemical properties of a representative soil samples in the
experimental site (0e30 cm depth).
When the hydrogel-amended soil dries, the absorbed water by
hydrogel particles (about 90e95% of the retained water) could Soil property The value
gradually be released to the plants (Chen, Zhang, Luo, & Fang, 2004; Particle size distribution
Han et al., 2013; Hüttermann, Zommorodi, & Reise, 1999). In this Sand (%) 90.6
way, hydrogels application might increase not only WHC but also Silt (%) 5.65
Clay (%) 4.23
AWC of sandy soils and reduce water loss by deep percolation and
Water retention points
fertilizer leaching (Banedjschafie & Durner, 2015; Montesano, Saturation (%) 38.8
Parente, Santamaria, Sannino, & Serio, 2015; Yu et al., 2017). Field capacity (%) 15.33
Therefore, hydrogels application might enable longer intervals PWP (%) 7.30
Available water (mm m1) 83.33
between irrigations, provides a buffer against water stress and
Bulk Density (Mg m3) 1.63
reduce the risk of temporary drought stress (Beniwal, Langenfeld- Total porosity (%) 38.8
Heyser, & Polle, 2010; Han et al., 2013). Additionally, hydrogles Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (mm h1) 106.33
application found to enhance plant growth at the early stages of Ece (dS m1) 2.2
production (El-Asmar, Jaafar, Bashour, Farran, & Saoud, 2017; Yang Ph 8.1
CEC (c mol kg1) 4.21
et al., 2014; Zhang, Liu, Li, & Wang, 2006), reduce the failure of
OM (%) 0.07
certain crops at establishment or reduce yield losses of some crops CaCO3 (%) 4.21
at specific growth stages (Orikiriza et al., 2013; Wu & Liu, 2008) and
PWP, OM and CEC presents permanent wilting point, organic matter and cation
aides seed germination, emergence and increases the seedling exchange capacity, respectively. Electrical conductivity (Ece) measured in soil paste
survival (Beniwal et al., 2010; Orikiriza et al., 2013; Wei & Durian, extract. Soil reaction (PH) measured in 1:2.5 soil suspension. Organic matter
2014; Yang et al., 2014). The effect of SAPs was extended to other (calculated by multiplying the organic carbon content by a conversion factor of
soil physical properties. It has been reported that hydrogels appli- 1.724).

cation, reduces soil bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity,

and penetration resistance, while increases soil aggregation and
porosity (Agaba et al., 2010; Andry et al., 2009; Li et al., 2014; Xu
et al., 2015). sieved soil. WaterSorb (WS), a potassium-based cross-linked
Besides the low cost, availability, and safety, the main required polyacrylamide, (WaterSorb-227 S Church Ave, Fayetteville, AR.
properties of hydrogels for agricultural purposes are the high USA) with three different particle size ranges (0.8e1.0, 1.0e2.0 and
swelling rate (SR), swelling capacity (SC) and re-swellability. These 2.0e4.0 mm) each was mixed with the air-dried sandy soil at 0.3%
properties are mainly dependent on: (I) polymer's network struc- (w/w) and control (soil without WS). Hereafter, the sizes 0.8e1.0,
ture, (ii) hydrogel concentration, (iii), soil salinity and water quality 1.0e2.0 and 2.0e4.0 mm will be referred to WSF, WSM and WSL,
(Banedjschafie & Durner, 2015; Shahid, Qidwai, Anwar, Ullah, & respectively. The specific surface area (SSA) of the WS particles,
Rashid, 2012; Yu et al., 2017), (iv) application method (El-Asmar assuming a spherical shape, was calculated using the following
et al., 2017; Li et al., 2014; Wei & Durian, 2014), (v) crop species equation (Gao, Li, Song, & Wang, 2000):
(Bai, Song, & Zhang, 2013; Langaroodi, Ashouri, Dorodian, &  
Azarpour, 2013) and (vi) soil texture (Agaba et al., 2010; Bai et al., 6
SSA ¼ *106 (1)
2013; Montesano et al., 2015; Yu et al., 2017). dr
It is well known that Hydrogels or SAPs, e.g., CLP efficiently in-
crease WHC of the soil, particularly the light soils. However, Where; SSA is the specific surface area of WS particles (m2 g1), d is
hydrogels' retained water availability to plants' root system might the diameter of the WS particle (m) and r is the density of the WS
be overestimated without taking into consideration the Hydrogel particles (0.7 Mg m3).
particles size. Yet, little information is known about the impact of
hydrogel particles size on soil WHC, PAW and the ratio between the
two (PAW/WHC). This ratio indicates the percentage of available
water to plants in relation to the retained water in the hydrogel. 2.2. Measurements of the swelling capacity of the hydrogels and
Therefore, the main objective of this study was to address the im- their response to salinity
pacts of hydrogel particle size on hydrogel's retained water avail-
ability to plant, daily water consumption (DWC) and survival of The swelling capacity (SC, the water absorption capacity) of the
Guava seedlings under drought conditions. A further objective was WS was determined with the teabag method as described by
to investigate the effect of hydrogel particles size on some soil (Buchholz, 1998). For measuring SC, one g of each WS particle size
physical properties i.e., WHC, AWC and saturated hydraulic was packed in a teabag and submerged into distilled water (DW)
conductivity. until the equilibrium swelling was reached (z80 min). The mass of
the swollen absorbent was then measured after the removal of the
2. Materials and methods extra water using a filter paper. Similarly, five levels of saline water
(0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 4 dS m1) were used for measuring SC as well. The
2.1. Soils and hydrogels used in the experiments equilibrium water absorbency of swollen samples was calculated
using the following equation (Spagnol, Rodrigues, & Neto et al.,
Experiments were conducted using samples of sandy soil (90.6, 2012, Spagnol, Rodrigues, & Pereira et al., 2012).
5.65 and 4.23% of sand, silt and clay, respectively). The soil was
characterized by low organic matter and low water holding ca- Ws  Wd
pacity. The main physical and chemical properties of the used soil SC ¼ (2)
are presented in Table (1). The soil was air-dried, ground, and
passed through a 2-mm sieve in the case of laboratory experiments, Where: SC is the swelling capacity (g water g1 WS), Ws and Wd
while in the pots experiments, the pots were packed using un- are mass of the swollen and dry samples (g), respectively.
A.M. Abdallah / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7 (2019) 275e285 277

2.3. Measurements of swelling rate of different sized hydrogel randomized design in the greenhouse under controlled conditions
particles (ambient temperature of 28.0 ± 2.0  C and a relative humidity of
70.0 ± 5.0%). The pots were weekly rotated within the greenhouse
Swelling rate (SR, the unit of water absorbed for each time unit) to ensure uniform distribution of light and air to the seedlings. For
was measured by measuring the amount of water absorbed at the first eight weeks, the seedlings were irrigated three times a
various times using DW (Isik & Kis, 2004). The swelling rate of the week with 2 L of tap water (0.5 dS m1) per pot, to ensure that the
WSF, WSM and WSL was calculated at 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 seedlings were successfully established (Hüttermann et al., 1999).
and 80 min. The SR (g sec1) was calculated by dividing the amount After that, irrigation was terminated. Immediately, after ceasing
of water absorbed (g) by the submerging time (sec). The initial and irrigation, initial water content was calculated by weighting the
final swelling (swelling equilibrium) was estimated after 5 and pots (the changes in plant weights were ignored). The pot weights
80 min, respectively. were recorded daily to obtain the DWC (Agaba et al., 2010; Wang &
Boogher, 1987). This process was continued until seedlings became
2.4. Measurements of re-swelling capability of different sized wilt. The signs of wilting were the brown leaves and brittle
hydrogel particles branches (Agaba et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2014). The total time to
reach wilting stage was considered as the survival time. The plant
One gram of each WS particle size (WSF, WSM and WSL) was available water (PAW) was determined by obtaining the difference
immersed in a DW for 80 min to reach the swelling equilibrium. between initial soil water content after suspending irrigation and
The swollen WS were determined and then filtered out with a mesh the final soil water content at the individual plant death (Agaba
screen and dehydrated at 80  C. After complete drying, the recov- et al., 2010; Hüttermann et al., 1999). Shoot heights were
ered WS particles were rewetted and dehydrated twice consisting measured immediately after irrigation terminating and at the in-
three swelling/dehydration cycles (Shahid et al., 2012). Similarly, dividual plant death. The non-survived seedlings were harvested
the WS re-swelling capacity was measured at varied water salin- and the whole seedling was dried at 70  C until a constant weight
ities (2.0 and 4 dS m1). was reached and a total dry weight was determined. The relative
water content (RWC) of leaves was measured before ceasing irri-
2.5. Measurement of the swelling capacity in the water and soil gation and after ten days of terminating irrigation. Relative water
mixture content of leaves was measured as described by (Yamasaki &
Dillenburg, 1999). Fully expanded leaves were detached, and leaf
To compare the SC of WS, of each particle size, in the free water fresh weight (LFW) was measured. The sampled leaves were floated

and in the soil mixture; soil samples (100 g), WS samples (1 g) of on DW at 4 C in a dark chamber for 24 h, and leaf turgid weight
each particle size, and WS-soil mixtures (1 g WS 1001 g soil) were (LTW) was measured. Leaf dry weight (LDW) was determined after
transported into permeable nylon bags (Isik & Kis, 2004). Three drying at 70  C till they reached a constant weight. RWC was
bags for each treatment were immersed in a container filled with calculated using the following equation:
three L of tap water (0.5 dS m1) for 15 min (Yu et al., 2011). The SC
of the WS of each particle size was measured in the free water, ðLFWe LDWÞ
RWCð%Þ ¼ *100 (4)
moreover, the SC in the soil mixture was measured as follow. ðTW eLDWÞ

SC ¼ (3)

Where; D is the mass of the wet WS-soil mixture (g), b is the mass 2.8. Measurement of soil-moisture characteristics curves
of dry soil (g) with the water absorbed by it, and C is the dry weight
of WS in the WS-soil mixture (g). Immediately before harvesting the seedlings, undisturbed soil
cores (65 mm diameter and 30 mm height) were sampled at 10 cm
2.6. Measurement of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) depth (three replicates for each treatment) for measuring soil
moisture characteristics curves. Samples were saturated overnight
Saturated hydraulic conductivity was measured according to with tap water (0.5 dS m1). The soil moisture characteristic curve
(Moutier, Shainberg, & Levy, 2000). A plastic cylinder (20 cm height was measured for the soil using pressure plate extractors (Dane &
with a diameter of 7 cm) with a fine metal screen at the bottom Hopmans, 2002), in a matric potential of 0, 33, 100, 300, and
were used to determine the hydraulic conductivity of soil amended 1500 kPa. The desired tension was applied until outflow ceased and
with 0.3% WS of the three sized particles in addition to the control, the soil water was considered to be in equilibrium with the applied
using three replicates for each treatment. The amended soil and pressure. Water content at each pressure was calculated from the
control soil was packed in the cylinder at a bulk density of volume of outflow between pressure steps, the final water content,
1.6 Mg m3 and covered with a filter paper to reduce soil surface and the weight of oven-dried soil. Furthermore, the AWC (mm/m)
disturbance. Soil cylinders were saturated by capillary rise using was calculated by the subtraction of water content at Field capacity
tap water (0.5 dS m1). After the saturation process from the bot- (FC) and permanent wilting point (PWP).
tom, the flow direction was reversed, and a constant pressure head
of 4 cm was applied in the top of soil cylinder. The leachate was
collected, and hydraulic conductivity was calculated. 2.9. Statistical analysis

2.7. Guava seedlings survival experiment Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the obtained data was per-
formed using a completely randomized design in Glmmix proced-
A one-year-old Guava seedlings (71 ± 1.12 cm-high) (Psidium ure in SAS 9.4 (SAS, Inc., Cary, NC. USA). The statistical differences
guajava L.) were transplanted to 30 L pots with either control soil or among treatments' means across traits were conducted using
amended soil with WSF, WSM or WSL at 0.3% (w/w) and replicated Tukey's test. Mean differences were considered significant at
five times. The seedlings were then placed in a completely p ¼ 0.05.
278 A.M. Abdallah / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7 (2019) 275e285

3. Results abruptly with salinity till 0.5 dS m1. When water salinity increased
only to 0.5 dS m1, SC was markedly reduced by 37.15, 43.17 and
3.1. Swelling rate of tested hydrogels 45.5% for WSF, WSM and WSL. The SC decreased gradually and
significantly with further increase in water salinity behind
The results of swelling rate (Fig. (1a)) showed a non-linear 0.5 dS m1. However, even under severe water salinity (4 dS m1),
negative relationship between the average particle size and the testes WS of different particle size were still functional; as a
swelling rate for all treatment. The absorption behavior followed significant amount of water was absorbed (81.33 ± 0.57,
three stages; the first stage (0e5 min) showed a rapid increase in 69.33 ± 0.57 and 66.6 ± 1.15 g water g1 WS for WSF, WSM and
the amount of absorbed water with time. Meanwhile, the second WSL). The percentages of absorbed water at 4 dS/m to that in the
stage (5e40 min) showed moderately absorption. The last stage DW were 33.4, 28.6 and 33.3% for WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively.
(40e80 min) showed almost steady-state absorption in which, no The re-swelling capacity of the WSF, WSM and WSL was tested
increase in water absorbancy over time was observed. Since the for three swelling/dehydration cycles in varied water salinities (0.0,
absorbance of water is a function of time, two swelling conditions 2.0 and 4.0 dS m1). The results of re-swelling capacity are shown
were described at 5 min (initial swelling) and 80 min (final in Figure (3). The three WS particles size found to have the ability to
swelling). The two swelling conditions were shown in Figure (1b) re-swell under different water salinity. However, the SC was
as a function of WS particle sizes. As regard to the initial swelling, significantly reduced in the second and the third swelling/dehy-
the amount of water absorbed was significantly (P  0.05) affected dration cycles at any given water salinity. For example, when DW
by the hydrogel particles size. The amount of water absorbed after was used, in the first swelling/dehydration cycle, maximum SC was
5 min was 195.0 ± 0.47, 172.0 ± 0.81 and 125.0 ± 1.24 g g1 (g water 244.3 ± 3.05, 242.0 ± 2.64 and 238.6 ± 1.52 g g1 for WSF, WSM and
g1 WS) for WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively, corresponding to a
swelling rate of 0.65 ± 0.002, 0.57 ± 0.003 and 0.42 ± 0.005 g s1.
The amount of water absorbed by the WS of different particle size at
final equilibrium swelling time (after 80 min) was not significantly
affected by hydrogel particles size; in which the amount of water
absorbed was 244.3 ± 3.05, 242.0 ± 2.64 and 238.6 ± 1.52 g g1 for
WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively. The corresponding swelling rate
values were 0.05 ± 0.001, 0.050 ± 0.0004 and 0.050 ± 0.0002 g s1
for WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively.

3.2. The effect of salinity on swelling and re-swelling capacity of

tested hydrogels

The results of SC of varying WS particle size under several water

salinity were presented in Fig. 2. At all water salinity levels, the SC
of the WS decreased in the following order: WSF > WSM > WSL.
The different grained-WS were profoundly affected by water
salinity; where a non-linear negative relationship was observed
between the amount of water absorbed (g water g1 WS) and water
salinity (dS m1). Maximum SC was observed in the DW (0.0 dS/m).
Fig. 2. Swelling capacity (water absorption capacity, g water g1 WaterSorb) for
Using DW, the WSF, WSM and WSL absorbed 244.3 ± 3.05, various sized WaterSorb particles (WSF, WSM and WSL) under several water salinity.
242.0 ± 2.64 and 238.6 ± 1.52 g water g1 WS, respectively. The SC WSF, WSM and WSL denote WaterSorb fine (0.8e1.0 mm), WaterSorb medium
decreases were in distinct two stages, in which SC decreased (1.0e2.0 mm) and WaterSorb large (2.0e4.0 mm), respectively.

Fig. 1. Swelling capacity (Water absorption capacity, g water g1 WaterSorb) as a function of time and the average particle size of the WaterSorb (WSF, WSM and WSL) (Panel a).
Initial and Final swelling of various sized WaterSorb particles (Panel b). The initial swelling rate analysis showed an inverse linear relationship between average particle size and
initial swelling rate. No significant correlation between particle size and final equilibrium swelling ratio was observed. WSF, WSM and WSL denote WaterSorb fine (0.8e1.0 mm),
WaterSorb medium (1.0e2.0 mm) and WaterSorb large (2.0e4.0 mm), respectively.
A.M. Abdallah / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7 (2019) 275e285 279

Fig. 3. Swelling capacity (Water absorption capacity, g water g1 WaterSorb) of the different WaterSorb particle size (WSF, WSM and WSL) during first, second and third swelling/
dehydration cycles under several water salinity (0.0, 2.0 dS m1 and 4.0 dS m1). WSF, WSM and WSL denote WaterSorb fine (0.8e1.0 mm), WaterSorb medium (1.0e2.0 mm) and
WaterSorb large (2.0e4.0 mm), respectively. Data are means ± standard deviation.

WSL, respectively. Meanwhile, the SC was reduced in the second

swelling/dehydration cycle to be 227.6 ± 2.52, 216 ± 5.29 and
207 ± 1.7 g water g1 WS for WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively.
Under salinity conditions, significantly reduction in WS re-
swellability was observed, compared to the DW treatment, with
no significant differences between the 2 dS m1 and 4 dS m1
treatments. Whereas, when DW was used, SC in the third swelling/
dehydration cycle was reduced by 10.1, 13.36 and 10.04% for WSF,
WSM and WSL, respectively. Meanwhile, when a saline water of
2 dS m1 was used, the corresponding reduction values were 15.46,
22.64 and 22.02% for WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively. Similarly,
the corresponding reduction in SC in the third swelling/dehydra-
tion cycle, in the 4 dS m1 treatments were 13.11, 21.63 and 18.8 for
WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively.

3.3. Hydrogels swelling in the free water system and soil mixture

The amount of water absorbed by the different WS particle size Fig. 4. The quantity of water retained by various sized WaterSorb particles (WSF, WSM
in the free water system and the WS-soil mixtures were presented and WSL) in the free water system and in the soil mixture. Different letters on the top
in Figure. (4). One g of WSF, WSM and WSL were tested for SC in a of bars indicate significant differences between treatments with p-value  0.05
(Tukey's test). Significance letters apply only within each parameter. WSF, WSM and
free water system and compared with their SC in soil mixture (one
WSL denote WaterSorb fine (0.8e1.0 mm), WaterSorb medium (1.0e2.0 mm) and
g of WS 1001 g sandy soil). In both systems, the SC was inversely WaterSorb large (2.0e4.0 mm), respectively. Data are means ± standard deviation.
related to the average particle size and significantly decreased in
the following order: WSF > WSM > WSL. At any particle size, the
WS-soil mixtures retained significantly less water (112.3 ± 2.5, 7.16 ± 0.29, 16.0 ± 1.00, 17.37 ± 0.57 and 20.33 ± 0.58%. In spite of
96.3 ± 1.15 and 84.3 ± 1.52 g g1 for WSF, WSM and WSL, respec- the significant increase in soil water content at PWP, the AWC was
tively) compared to the free water system (153.3 ± 1.53, increased by 5.04, 4.56 and 3.61 folds for WSF, WSM and WSL,
134.6 ± 1.53 and 125.6 ± 4.0 g g1 for WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively, relative to the control (Fig. 7). The significant (P  0.05)
respectively). increase in PWP indicates that a part of the water that retained by
the WS particles might not be available to the seedlings when
3.4. Soil-moisture characteristics curves and available water needed. A portion of 15.5, 18.7 and 26.3% of hydrogels' retained
capacity water for WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively, was apparently not
available to seedlings.
Soil-moisture characteristics curves that obtained for WS-soil
mixtures presented in (Fig. 5). The results indicate that the water 3.5. Saturated hydraulic conductivity
retention of the amended soil depends on WS particle size. Mixing
the WS with soil significantly increased the retained water at all Results presented in Figure (6) indicate the values of Ksat for the
studied suctions. The WSF possessed the highest retained water WS-soil mixtures and the control. The Ksat values decreased
compared with the WSM and WSF. Considering the field capacity significantly by mixing 0.3% of the WS, for all particles sizes, in
(FC) at soil suction of 33 kPa, the Fc values were 15.3 ± 1.1, comparison to control. The Ksat was reduced significantly in the
58.0 ± 1.2, 55.4 ± 0.56 and 50.4 ± 1.5% for control, WSF, WSM and following order; WSL > WSM > WSF; whereas, the Ksat was
WSL, respectively. Similarly, if permanent wilting point (PWP) is significantly reduced by 68.8, 47.4 and 38.9% for WSF, WSM and
estimated at 1500 kPa, the corresponding PWP values were WSL, respectively.
280 A.M. Abdallah / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7 (2019) 275e285

Fig. 5. Soil-moisture characteristics curves of the soil amended with different Fig. 7. Effects of WaterSorb particle size (WSF, WSM and WSL) on water content at
WaterSorb Particle size (WSF, WSM and WSL). WSF, WSM and WSL denote WaterSorb field capacity (FA, %), permanent wilting point (PWP, %) and available water capacity
fine (0.8e1.0 mm), WaterSorb medium (1.0e2.0 mm) and WaterSorb large (AWC, mm/m). Different letters on the top of the bars indicate significant differences
(2.0e4.0 mm), respectively. between treatments with p-value  0.05 (Tukey's test). Significance letters apply only
within each parameter. WSF, WSM and WSL denote WaterSorb fine (0.8e1.0 mm),
WaterSorb medium (1.0e2.0 mm) and WaterSorb large (2.0e4.0 mm), respectively.
Data are means ± standard deviation.

case of the control to 7.09 ± 0.1, 6.23 ± 0.05 and 4.02 ± 0.05 kg/pot
for WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively, which correspond to
38.2 ± 0.79, 78.3 ± 1.1, 68.6 ± 0.56 and 44.3 ± 0.56 mm for control,
WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively. The ratio between PAW and
initial water content (total water storage in the soil after stopping
irrigation), was significantly lower in the WS-amended soil,
particularly in the WSL (Table 2). Therefore, a significant portion of
water retained in the WS particles was not readily available to the
seedlings. In this study, 80.8 ± 1.1% of the water present in the
control soil after ceasing irrigation, was consumed. The corre-
sponding values in the WS-amended soils, were, 76.8 ± 0.58,
73.1 ± 1.1 and 59.0 ± 0.71% for WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively
(Table 2). A significant increase in the seedlings survival time was
observed for the WS-treated soil, which was dependent on the PAW
Fig. 6. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) of the WaterSorb-soil mixtures as a and WS particle size. The seedlings treated with WSF, WSL and
function of polymer particle size (WSF, WSM and WSL). Different letters on the top of WSM survived for 27.0 ± 1.3, 24.0 ± 1.1 and 17.0 ± 0.7 days, respec-
bars indicate significant differences between treatments with p-value  0.05 (Tukey's tively, instated of 13.0 ± 1.0 days for the control.
test). WSF, WSM and WSL denote WaterSorb fine (0.8e1.0 mm), WaterSorb medium
The pattern of DWC of different grained-WS and the control is
(1.0e2.0 mm) and WaterSorb large (2.0e4.0 mm), respectively. Data are
means ± standard deviation. shown in Figure (8). In the first seven days, DWC was almost similar
for all treatments. The average DWC, in the first seven days, was
3.49, 3.44, 3.40 and 3.41 mm day1 for control, WSF, WSM and WSL,
3.6. Guava seedlings survivability experiment respectively. After seven days of ceasing irrigation, the soils
amended with WS, particularly the WSF, significantly showed a
Soil water balances for the studied trials before and after ceasing considerable higher DWC relative to the control. Moreover, when
irrigation are presented in Table (2). The total soil water storage DWC was calculated by dividing the PAW by the survival days
differed among the treatments significantly at the beginning and at (Table 2), the WS-treated seedlings tend to have similar values. The
plant death. The stored water was significantly dependent on the only exception is being for the WSL, in which the DWC was
WS particles sizes, in which the WSF possessed the greatest amount significantly lower than the other treatments. The DWC values
of water retained in comparison to the control or the other WS sizes were 2.93 ± 0.20, 2.88 ± 0.16, 2.91 ± 0.17 and 2.61 ± 0.09 for control,
at the trials begin. At the beginning of the desiccation experiment, WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively.
the initial soil water content was 14.4 ± 0.24, 30.7 ± 0.22, A considerable growth of the seedlings in terms of plant height
28.33 ± 0.17 and 22.7 ± 0.25% for control, WSF, WSM and WSL, and TDM was observed, which was highest in the seedlings
respectively, which was reduced to 2.8 ± 0.2%, 7.07 ± 0.14, growing in WS-amended soil (Table 3). The plant heights before
7.57 ± 0.14 and 9.33 ± 0.24% for control, WSF, WSM and WSL, ceasing irrigation after eight weeks of enough watering were
respectively, at which the seedlings died. Thereby, the PAW differed approximately similar and did not differ significantly. However, by
significantly among the studied treatments (Table 2). The PAW for the end of the experiment, plant heights differed significantly
the WS treatments was significantly increased by a factor of 2.11, among the treatments. Plant height increased to be 103.8 ± 1.1,
1.86 and 1.21 for WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively, compared to the 97.8 ± 2.0 and 93.8 ± 2.38 cm for WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively,
control treatment. PAW was increased from 3.5 ± 0.07 kg/pot in instead of 87.6 ± 1.1 for control. The effect of WS application was
A.M. Abdallah / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7 (2019) 275e285 281

Table 2
Water budget, plant available water, daily water consumption and number of survival days of the water-stressed Guava seedlings after ceasing irrigation.

Treatments Total soil water content after Total soil water content at Plant available water (PAW) PAW/WHC Number of Daily water
ceasing irrigation (WHC) seedlings death (% of the initial survival days consumption
water content) (mm/day)
(Kg) (%) (Kg) (%) (kg) (mm)

Control 4.3 ± 0.07d 14.3 ± 0.24 d 0.8 ± 0.04 d 2.8 ± 0.12 c 3.5 ± 0.1 d 38.2 ± 1.13 d 80.8 ± 1.01 a 13.0 ± 1.0 d 2.93 ± 0.20 a
WSL 6.8 ± 0.08 c 22.8 ± 1.54 c 2.8 ± 0.07 a 9.3 ± 0.24 a 4.0 ± 0.05 c 44.4 ± 0.56 c 59.0 ± 0.76 d 17.0 ± 0.7 c 2.61 ± 0.09 b
WSM 8.5 ± 0.05 b 28.3 ± 1.22 b 2.3 ± 0.04 b 7.6 ± 0.17 b 6.2 ± 0.05 b 68.5 ± 0.56 b 73.1 ± 1.10 c 23.6 ± 1.1 b 2.91 ± 0.17 a
WSF 9.2 ± 0.07 a 30.7 ± 1.12 a 2.1 ± 0.04 c 7.1 ± 0.65 b 7.1 ± 0.10 a 78.0 ± 1.1 a 76.8 ± 0.58 b 27.2 ± 1.3 a 2.88 ± 0.16 a
Tuckey's value 0.089 0.30 0.06 0.21 0.10 1.18 1.02 0.60 0.11

WSF, WSM and WSL denote Watersorb fine (0.8e1.0 mm), Watersorb medium (1.0e2.0 mm) and Watersorb large (2.0e4.0 mm), respectively. Different superscript letters
indicate significant difference at p ¼ 0.05. Means with same alphabets within the same column indicate non-significant differences (p > 0.05, Tuckey's test). Data are
mean ± standard deviation.

Fig. 8. The pattern of daily water consumption (evapotranspiration, mm day1) after the last watering as affected by WaterSorb of varying particle size (WSF, WSM and WSL). WSF,
WSM and WSL denote WaterSorb fine (0.8e1.0 mm), WaterSorb medium (1.0e2.0 mm) and WaterSorb large (2.0e4.0 mm), respectively.

extended to the TDM; whereas, TDM (g seedling1) was increased on soil WHC, PAW and the ratio between the two (PAW/WHC). This
from 177.8 ± 3.0 g in case of the control to be 196.2 ± 1.7, 194.4 ± 2.8 ratio indicates the percentage of available water to plants in rela-
and 187.2 ± 3.1 g for WSF, WSM and WSL, respectively (Table 3). The tion to the total retained water in the hydrogel particles. In this
RWC before terminating irrigation behaved similarly to the plant study, the swelling behavior (SR, SC, and re-swellability) of
heights (Table 3). Meanwhile, the RWC after 10 days of irrigation different WS sized particles using DW and varying water salinities
termination differed among the treatments and its values for the was investigated. After which, we assessed the impact of different
control was the lowest among the treatments of WS. RWC of leaves WS sized particles on Ksat, WHC, PAW, DWC, growth and the sur-
increased from 60.06 ± 0.81% in case of control to 74.8 ± 1.9, vival of Guava seedlings under drought conditions. The water ab-
75.4 ± 1.1, and 68.4 ± 1.1% for the WSF, WSM and WSL. sorbency of hydrogels, observed in the current study, was also
previously observed (Agaba et al., 2010; Montesano et al., 2015; Yu
et al., 2017). The water absorbency of hydrogels might be attributed
4. Discussion to its high molecular weight, high negative charge and for its hy-
drophilic functional groups, i.e., carboxyl, hydroxyl, and sulfonic
Classically, hydrogels application increase WHC, PAW of the soil, groups (Guilherme et al., 2015; Hüttermann, Orikiriza, & Agaba,
thus prolong plant survival under water stress. The current study 2009). Several studies (Ahmed, 2015; Spagnol et al., 2012a,b)
introduce information about the impacts of hydrogel particle size

Table 3
Effect of Watersorb particle size (WSL, WSM and WSF) on the height, relative water content of leaves and total dry matter of Guava seedling subjected to drought stress.

Treatments Plant high (cm) Relative water content of leaves (%) Total dry matter
Before ceasing irrigation At Plant death Before ceasing irrigation Ten days after ceasing irrigation

Control 84.6 ± 1.14 a 87.2 ± 1.30 c 79.12 ± 0.75 a 54.6 ± 0.81 c 177.8 ± 3.03 c
WSL 84.4 ± 1.14 a 93.8 ± 1.48 b 80.00 ± 1.22 a 68.4 ± 1.14 b 187.2 ± 3.11 b
WSM 85.0 ± 1.51 a 97.8 ± 2.04 b 78.72 ± 1.13 a 75.4 ± 1.14 a 194.4 ± 2.88 a
WSF 85.4 ± 1.58 a 103.8 ± 2.3 a 79.40 ± 1.14 a 74.8 ± 1.92 a 196.2 ± 1.78 a
Tuckey's value 1.82 2.50 1.44 1.76 3.69

WSF, WSM and WSL denote Watersorb fine (0.8e1.0 mm), Watersorb medium (1.0e2.0 mm) and Watersorb large (2.0e4.0 mm), respectively. Different superscript letters
indicate significant difference at p ¼ 0.05. Means with same alphabets within the same column indicate non-significant differences (p > 0.05, Tuckey's test). Data are
mean ± standard deviation.
282 A.M. Abdallah / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7 (2019) 275e285

reported that water absorption capacity depends mainly on the 2009). This observation is in agreement with Bhardwaj et al. (2007),
crosslinking density, particle size and ionic osmotic pressure of the where the Ksat of a sandy soil amended with Stockosorb 500 me-
hydrogels. The maximum SC was recorded for the smaller particles dium or Stockosorb 500 micro reduced to be 51.1 and 37.3 mm h1
as compared with the medium and large particles. Similar results instead of 71.0 mm h1 for the control. The remarkable Ksat
were reported by (Bhardwaj et al., 2007), in which they found a reduction of WS-amended soil, might not due to the clay swelling
negative correlation between the particles size of the CLP and the or dispersion. Since the concentration of Ca2þ electrolytes in tab
SC. In terms of swelling rate, the initial SR, was dramatically water, used in this test, usually enough to prevent clay swelling and
dependent on the particle size. Our results support the findings of dispersion (Shainberg & Letey, 1984). Additionally, in the current
(Ahmed, 2015; Bhardwaj et al., 2007; Singh, 1997) in which they study, almost there were no aggregates to be disturbed in such
indicated that the fast swelling (higher swelling rate) is mainly sandy soil with less than 5% clay (Kay & Angers, 1999). The Ksat
based on the hydrogel particles size, and thus, the time needed to reduction might be explained by the increased volume of the WS-
reach equilibrium swelling (final swelling) was less for the reduced soil mixtures, due to polymer swelling during saturation, that ul-
hydrogel particles size. The higher SR and SC of the fine particles timately led not only a decrease in pore space between soil particles
relative to medium and large particles might be attributed to the (Levy, Goldstein, & Mamedov, 2005) but also resulted in pore
higher SSA of the fine particles. Since, the large particle possesses blockage by the swollen polymer grains (Bhardwaj et al., 2007; Han
small SSA while the small ones possess large SSA (Hillel, 1971). The et al., 2013). The significant differences between the WS treatments
high SSA enhanced the capability of the small particle to absorb and could be attributed to the difference in their swelling properties,
retains water films, as the contact area with water molecules is e.g., SR and SC (Bhardwaj et al., 2007). This is in agreement with the
much higher compared to that for the large particles (Hillel, 1971). results of Mohammadi, Sefti, Salehi, and Moghadam (2015) in
All tested WS particle sizes were highly sensitive to water which they reported that polymers of high swelling rate reduce
salinity. It is well established that the presence of electrolytes in the water permeability in porous media compared with that of low
solution decreases the absorption capacity of CLP (Guilherme et al., swelling rate.
2015; Johnson, 1984). Our results are in agreement with Akhter Regarding Guava seedlings survivability test, the increase in
et al. (2004) who found that maximum SC was 505, 212 and PAW found to be dependent on the SSA of the tested hydrogels,
140 g g1 in DW, tap water (EC ¼ 0.759 dS m1) and saline water where a correlation of 0.94 was observed between the SSA and the
(EC ¼ 5.09 dS m1). The reduction in the SC of hydrogels might amount PAW of the WS-amended soil. Similarly, the increase in
occur due to the competition between the molecules of solute and seedlings' survival was proportional to the increase in PAW.
water for adsorption to the WS molecules (Johnson, 1984; Shahid Moreover, the significant increase in soil water content at PWP (at
et al., 2012; Spagnol et al., 2012a,b). Moreover, the SC of hydro- the individual seedlings death) of the WS-amended soil, indicates
gels might not only affected by the dissolved salts concentrations, that seedlings' roots do not have full access to water absorbed by
but also affected by the nature of the dissolved salts (i.e., valence the hydrogels. The water stored in the large particles was less
and ionic radius). The presence of ions, particularly the divalent readily available for plant root abstraction when needed. The
cations (Mg2þ and Ca2þ), permanently attached to the carboxylic variation in PAW among WS treatments could be explained by the
acid groups of acrylic acid and thus, block the negative active sites variation in the SSA of the WS particles. When the soil particles get
of the hydrogel and decrease the absorbency of the hydrogel dry, the water inside the WS particles gradually moves to the sur-
(Spagnol et al., 2012a, b; Zhou et al., 2012). Zhou et al. (2012) re- rounding dry soil particles. The lower SSA of large particles allows
ported that with higher cation valence, concentration and larger for less contact area with the dry soil particles, therefore, less water
ionic radius, polymers water-absorption remarkably reduced as can be released into the soil (Hillel, 1971). The results agreed with
Naþ < Kþ < Mg2þ < Ca2þ < Fe2þ < Fe3þ < Al3þ < Cu2þ, while anions those of (Hüttermann et al., 1999), in which they indicated that a
had no effects. significant part of the water stored in hydrogel particles was
The SC at equilibrium was decreased during the second and apparently not available for the plants. Since, the plants (Pinus
third swelling/dehydration cycle. Similar results were reported by halepensis) in the control soils died after the water content was
(Akhter et al., 2004; Han et al., 2013; Shahid et al., 2012; Spagnol reduced to 0.6%, while, the trees in the soils amended with 0.4%
et al., 2012a,b) in which they reported that the SC of tested Stockosorb K-400 died at a water content of 10.7%. Additionally,
hydrogels showed a downward trend with time. The reduction in Han et al. (2013) reported that about 89% of the water retained in
SC might be due to the presence of polyvalent cations (Ca2þ and SAP might be available to plant roots. However, the results were in
Mg2þ) form the insoluble salts with acrylic acid (relatively stable disagreement with those of Li et al. (2014) in which they reported
acrylic acid carboxylates) (Shahid et al., 2012). the water absorbed by the hydrogel particles was not available to
In this study, the water absorption of the WS in the free system wheat roots. The inconsistency among results might be attributed
was higher than in the WS-soil mixture. In the WS-soil mixture, WS to the variability in plant species, environmental conditions and
particles were surrounded by soil particles and subjected to a SAPs type, concentration and particle size.
pressure from all directions (Bhardwaj et al., 2007; Buchholz, 1998). The increase in water storage owing to WS addition in the pot
As a result, the degree of swelling of the absorbents was limited experiments was corroborated by the laboratory results (water
compared with that in the free water (Singh, 1997). Obtained re- retention curve-using pressure plate test), but with higher water
sults are in agreements with previous studies (Bhardwaj et al., content values in the plate test. A possible reason for the increase in
2007; Buchholz, 1998; Han et al., 2013). The maximum swelling soil water content at FC in the plate test relative to that in the pots
in the WS-soil mixture was recorded for the WSF, which might be might be, in the plate test, the WS-soil mixture was saturated
attributed to the high SSA of the fine particles that allowed for overnight, and thus the WS particles had enough time to reach full
higher SR. Moreover, logically the number of polymer granules in swelling. Meanwhile, the inconsistency in PWP values, in the pots
the small grain polymers is higher compared to the medium and and the plate test, could be attributed to that we might be over-
large polymer granules. Therefore, the granules ability to resist the estimated the PWP in the pots experiments, to ensure that seed-
confining pressure of the soil matrix increased and thus, more lings have died. However, the water release of retained water by
water was absorbed by the fine particles (Bhardwaj et al., 2007). hydrogels under different conditions needs to be investigated in
The reduction in Ksat, observed in this study, due to hydrogels further studies. It is worthy to note that, the increase in soil WHC, in
application was previously reported (Agaba et al., 2010; Andry et al., the pots experiment, might be attributed not only to the water
A.M. Abdallah / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7 (2019) 275e285 283

absorbed by the hydrogels, but also, could be due to the reduction establishment in soils with low WHC. However, older plants would
in the Ksat, thus decreasing water drainage below the root zone require larger amounts. The plant roots are hydrotropic; therefore,
(Bhardwaj et al., 2007; Han et al., 2013). the hydrogel amendment is expected to impact root distribution,
The results of this study confirm preliminary studies which have growth and behavior (Hüttermann et al., 1999). The feasibility of
compared the increase in PAW, due to the hydrogel amendments, hydrogels application in the field has been previously confirmed
and the survival time of trees. In the current study, the seedlings' (Hüttermann et al., 2009; Wang, Sun, & Wang, 1993). Where, the
survival time was positively correlated (r ¼ 0.95) with the PAW. application of hydrogels in afforestation increases the success of
Obtained results are in agreement with the results of Agaba et al. planting and thus replanting was not necessary (Wang et al., 1993),
(2010), in which they indicated that amending the sandy soil therefore, the final costs of afforestation was reduced. Moreover,
with 0.4% hydrogel significantly increased PAW by about three-fold hydrogels application lead to better plant growth and higher yield
in eight of the nine tested tree species and prolonged survival for all (Agaba et al., 2010; El-Asmar et al., 2017; Hüttermann et al., 2009,
the nine tree species. Moreover, the results of seedlings survival are 1999). Additionally, the reduced water losses via percolation, due to
in agreement with earlier publications on the survival of Pinus trees hydrogel application, leads to the avoidance of several environ-
grown on sandy soils amended with hydrogel under water stress mental and economic problems, which is of a big importance in
(Agaba et al., 2010; Andry et al., 2009; El-Asmar et al., 2017; regions where water resources are limited and expensive.
Hüttermann et al., 1999) and with those reporting improved sur-
vival of seedlings for dryland afforestation (Chirino, Vilagrosa, & 5. Conclusion
Vallejo, 2011; Orikiriza et al., 2013). Furthermore, the results
agree with the improved survival time and the lower leaf water The fine-grained WS had a higher swelling rate and re-
potential of young citrus seedlings grown in perlite and peat media swellability as compared with the medium and large-grained WS.
treated with hydrogel (Arbona et al., 2005) and for the growth of The amendment of the sandy soil with 0.3% WS, at any particle size,
ornamental trees (Dehganl, Yeagerl, & Almira, 1994). However, significantly reduced saturated hydraulic conductivity, and
other studies reported negative effects on Aleppo pine grown on increased both water holding capacity and available water capacity,
loam soil in Spain (Del Campo, Hermoso, Flors, Lidon, & Navarro- with higher values for the fine-grained WS. Therefore, the survival
Cerrillo, 2011). of Guava seedlings increased from 13.0 ± 1.0 days for control to
After eight days of ceasing irrigation, seedlings grown in WS- 27.0 ± 1.3, 24.0 ± 1.1 and 17.0 ± 0.7 days for WSF, WSM and WSL,
amended soil had higher DWC compared to the control. Since, respectively. The more prolonged survival together with the
the soils amended with the WS, especially, the WSF, retained much enhanced growth of the seedlings, under drought stress, was more
more water during the irrigation period than the control soils, they pronounced for the small-grained WS. The increased water content
could afford to lose more water and still retain more soil moisture at PWP in the laboratory and pots tests indicate that seedlings do
than control soil. In control soil, 50% of the PAW was evapo- not have full access to the water stored in the hydrogel. Since the
transpired after 5 days (8 days before the seedlings died), whereas, water stored in the large particles was less readily available for
in the case of the seedlings growing on WS-treated soil, it took 12, plant root abstraction when needed. The application of WS had no
10 and 7 days for WSF, WSM and WSL respectively. The results effect on the daily water consumption, in which the values were
disagreed with those of Agaba et al. (2010), in which they found almost similar for all treatments as long as the control soil still had
that the addition of Luquasorb (0.4%, w/w) decreased the daily available water to be absorbed the roots. The inconsistency in water
evapotranspiration of eight tested tree species. This conflict might release from the hydrogel, under different conditions (in the plant
be due to the different plant species, hydrogel type, concentration system and the plate test), needs to be investigated in further
and particle size. studies. Further studies are also necessary for understanding the
During the water stress period, a significantly better growth of relationship between hydrogel particle size and their durability in
the seedlings (in terms of plant high and TDM), together with a the soil.
higher leaves RWC were observed for the WS-treated soil as
compared to the control. The improved growth of WS-treated Funding
seedlings could be attributed to the increase in PAW which
increased the seedlings survival (r ¼ 0.96) and thus, more dry This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
matter accumulated. Furthermore, the increase in seedlings growth agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
parameters was closely dependent on the increase in PAW, i.e., RWC
of leaves (r ¼ 0.89), which promote the photosynthesis resulting in Conflicts of interest
the higher dry matter (r ¼ 0.88) and higher plant height (r ¼ 0.91).
The results are in accordance with the findings of (Orikiriza et al., The author declare no conflict of interest.
2013), in which they indicated that soils treated by SAPs mark-
edly alleviated the inhibition of plant growth increased that were Acknowledgments
caused by drought stress.
The study clearly showed that the use of hydrogel (Watersorb) The author sincerely thanks Rich McLaughlin, Professor of Urban
significantly reduced the downward movement of irrigation water, Soil & Water Management, Crop and Soil Sciences department,
thus reduced percolation. Additionally, amending the soil with NCSU, USA, for providing the hydrogels used in this study. A special
hydrogels, particularly with small sized particles, markedly thanks to Ibrahim Nassar, Professor of Soil Physics, Faculty of
increased WHC, PAW, induce better growth of water-stressed Agriculture, Damanhour University, Egypt, for reviewing the
plants and significantly prolonged their survival. Since, the hydro- manuscript and valuable suggestions. We also thank Dr. Ibrahim
gels mixed only in the root zone of the trees, the cost of hydrogels is Salah, Dr. Ahmed ELghanam and Dr. Atef Nassar for their comments
mainly depending on the amount used per tree and number of trees on a draft of the manuscript.
per ha (Hüttermann et al., 2009). In our case, if we used 20e30 g
per seedling, with a 600 seedling per ha, an amount of References
12e18 kg ha1 is needed. This calculation was based on seedling
plants, which would be suitable for supporting seedling Agaba, H., Orikiriza, L. J. B., Esegu, J. F. O., Obua, J., Kabasa, J. D., & Hüttermann, A.
284 A.M. Abdallah / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7 (2019) 275e285

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