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Diagnostic speaking test

About you
1 Talk about your life.
— What do you like doing in your summer holidays?
— What do you like doing in your winter holidays?
— What did you do last night?
— Did you have a good weekend? Why / Why not?

Role play
2 Complete the dialogue with the phrases. Then practise the dialogue.

don’t mind want to Do you like

What did you What are you

A Hi, [name]. What did you do last night?

B I stayed in and watched TV. (1) _________________________ do?
A Oh, I did my homework and I went online. (2) __________________________ doing now?
B I’m going shopping. (3) ____________________ going shopping?
A Um, not really! I (4) ___________________ going to music shops, but I hate buying clothes.
B I like shopping, but it isn’t my favourite hobby. I love spending time with friends and chatting. Do you
(5) ____________________ go to the café?

EXTENSION Imagine you are talking to a friend.

A Ask what B did at the weekend.
B Say what you did. Ask what A did.
A Say what you did. Ask B what he or she is doing now.
B Say that you are going swimming. Ask A if he or she likes swimming.
A Say that you don’t mind it, but it isn’t your favourite sport. Say what your favourite sports are.
B Say what your favourite sports and interests are.
Diagnostic speaking test
Photo description
3 Describe the photos.
Photo A
— What people can you see in the photo?
— Where are they?
— What are they doing?
— What are they carrying?
— Do you think they are excited? Why?

Photo B
— What people can you see in the photo?
— Where are they?
— What are they doing?
— What’s the weather like?
— Do you think they are excited? Why?

EXTENSION Answer the questions.

— Where do you live? Do you like it? Why / Why not?
— Do you go camping with your family?
— Do you prefer a camping holiday or a hotel holiday? Why? What did you do on your last holiday?

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