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EDUC 400 - Modified CEP (Center for Educator Preparation) Lesson Plan

CSU Teacher Candidate Name: Avery Minor Date: 04/17/23

School: Eyestone Elementary School Grade Level: 2nd

Content Area: Reading, Writing & Communicating

Title: Tap It! Map It! Zap It!

Lesson Idea/Topic and This lesson involves a blending activity using three, four, and five letter
Rationale/Relevance: words that contain the letters b, d, p, q, and g. The student will write the
What are you going to word at the top of the sheet, tap out the sounds, map each sound down
teach and why is this using a tile, then zap the tiles up with a magnet. This lesson is important
lesson of importance to because the student’s identified area of focus is blending, as well as because
your students? How is it this student has been having difficulty deciphering between the letters b and
relevant to students of d, and p, q and g. By second grade, students should be gaining fluency and
this age and background? automaticity while reading, so it is important to focus on the foundation of
this practice.

Student Profile: Write a This student does not have any other intervention groups other than the one
narrative about your with us. He is extremely talkative and works hard when given any task to
learner/s. What are their complete. He loves when the intervention activities are more “game”
special needs? related, but he maintains focus for the entirety of any intervention activity.
Exceptionalities? He thrives when he is provided with breaks to engage in the things that he
Giftedness? Alternative loves (singing, drawing, talking about fairies, etc). This student often gets
ways of learning? ahead of himself while reading, which leads to him saying words that include
Maturity? Engagement? letter reversals incorrectly, but he usually goes back and corrects himself.
Motivation? Through the PAST & CORE, we noticed that he does well with blending.

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the standard)
Standard: 2. Reading for All Purposes

3. Decoding words with accuracy depends on knowledge of complex spelling patterns and

Evidence Outcomes:

a. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

iv. Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels

v. Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes

Every student will be able to: Take a three, four, or five letter word and blend it out into individual
sounds, as well as be able to differentiate between the letters b, d, p, q, and g.

I can: Use my fingers to tap out the sounds in the words that Ms. Avery says to me and I can use my
“bed” hands to know if I am looking at a b, d, p, or q.
This means: I blend out the letter sounds to know the whole word and means that I am getting less
confused when I look at certain letters.

Assessments: (data analysis): How will you know if students met the learning targets? Write a
description of what you were looking for in each assessment. How do you anticipate assessment data
will inform your instruction?

The effectiveness of this lesson will be determined through the PAST and CORE assessments. I will know
if the student is meeting the learning targets if their scores on section seven of the PAST assessment
improve, as well as if their scores on section F of the CORE improve. In the PAST assessment I will be
looking for how well the student is able to blend the words together when I say the individual letter
sounds, and how well the student can say the individual letter sounds when I say the whole word. In the
CORE assessment, I will be taking note of the students ability to differentiate between words starting
with letter reversals and if automaticity is being shown. This assessment data will inform my instruction
by showing me if I need to continue focusing on letter reversals or if I can move on to other activities.

Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize assessment data to justify
your level of achievement)

This student did very well throughout the lesson and made positive progress towards the lesson
objectives. He was much quicker than usual when deciphering between the letters b and d, as
well as p and q. This improvement was shown through his CORE level F score, as he got more of
the letter reversal words correct the first time. However, I noticed that throughout the lesson he
was having a slight struggle writing certain letters in the correct direction such as writing the
letter “c” backwards and the letter “g” with the tail on the opposite side. This student also did a
great job with blending throughout the lesson and the improvement was reflected in his PAST
assessment as he answered all questions in section seven correctly with automaticity. I did
notice that this student seemed to be faster with blending when the word was said aloud (no
visual) rather than the student having to read the word to himself and then blend it.

2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again?

I only had four magnetic tiles, so I wasn’t able to use the materials of the lesson when I wanted
to have the student blend a five letter word. Meaning that for future use of this activity, I would
ensure that I have enough materials to allow the student to blend all words. If I were to teach
this lesson again, I would also try to find more words starting with or containing the letter q
because I didn’t have a great representation of that letter. This is a letter that this student needs
support in identifying, so it would be helpful to have more examples of it in the lesson.

3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice, reteach content, etc.)

For the next lesson, I envision that I will have some continued practice in this area. Since this student still
seems to get stumped when having to look at and read words that start with or contain letter reversals, I
think that it would be helpful to target fluency and automaticity in this area. I could imagine that the
next lesson will follow along the lines of writing and blending more words with letter reversals.

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