2022 in Silico Review

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In Silico simulation: A key enabling technology for next-generation intelligent

surgical systems

Article in Progress in Biomedical Engineering · May 2023

DOI: 10.1088/2516-1091/acd28b

0 171

5 authors, including:

Russell Taylor Mathias Unberath

Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University


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In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology
for Next-generation Intelligent Surgical Systems
Benjamin D. Killeen, Sue Min Cho, Mehran Armand,
Russell H. Taylor, and Mathias Unberath

E-mail: killeen@jhu.edu, scho72@jhu.edu, marmand2@jhmi.edu,

rht@jhu.edu, and unberath@jhu.edu

March 2023

Abstract. To mitigate the challenges of operating through narrow incisions

under image guidance, there is a desire to develop intelligent systems that assist
decision making and spatial reasoning in minimally invasive surgery (MIS). In
this context, machine learning-based systems for interventional image analysis are
receiving considerable attention because of their flexibility and the opportunity
to provide immediate, informative feedback to clinicians. It is further believed
that learning-based image analysis may eventually form the foundation for semi-
or fully automated delivery of surgical treatments. A significant bottleneck in
developing such systems is the availability of annotated images with sufficient
variability to train generalizable models, particularly the most recently favored
deep convolutional neural networks or transformer architectures. A popular
alternative to acquiring and manually annotating data from the clinical practice
is the simulation of these data from human-based models. Simulation has
many advantages, including the avoidance of ethical issues, precisely controlled
environments, and the scalability of data collection. Here, we survey recent work
that relies on in silico training of learning-based MIS systems, in which data are
generated via computational simulation. For each imaging modality, we review
available simulation tools in terms of compute requirements, image quality, and
usability, as well as their applications for training intelligent systems. We further
discuss open challenges for simulation-based development of MIS systems, such as
the need for integrated imaging and physical modeling for non-optical modalities,
as well as generative patient models not dependent on underlying CT, MRI, or
other patient data. In conclusion, as the capabilities of in silico training mature,
with respect to sim-to-real transfer, computational efficiency, and degree of control,
they are contributing toward the next generation of intelligent surgical systems.
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 2

Keywords: in silico virtual clinical trials, minimally invasive surgery, machine

learning, reinforcement learning, deep neural network, endoscopy, X-ray, ultrasound

1. Introduction

Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) represents a notable shift in surgical methodology,

from open procedures to optimized techniques with minimal incisions that reduce
secondary effects [1]. Benefits for patients include reduced postoperative pain [2–
4]; shorter hospital stays and correspondingly lower costs [4–6], faster recovery
times [4, 7]; fewer major complications [4, 8]; reduced scarring from the smaller
incision [4, 9]; and reduced stress on the immune system [4]. At the same time,
MIS presents nontrivial procedural challenges stemming from operating through
such narrow incisions, such as safely navigating subcutaneous pathways [10–13],
identifying percutaneous approaches [13–15], obtaining clinically relevant views [16–
19], minimizing exposure in radiation imaging [20–22], and performing complex
motions under unique spatial constraints [12, 23]. Although many of these challenges
are common in other surgical domains, they can be especially prominent in MIS
[24]. Moving forward, intelligent surgical systems promise to preserve the distinct
advantages of MIS while offering to alleviate remaining challenges in its delivery, for
example by improving intra-operative image quality [25], providing real-time image
analysis [26], actuating robotic imaging devices [18, 19, 27], and performing skilled
motor actions in the surgical setting [28, 29].
Learning-based intelligent systems have gained increasing prominence in recent
years as computational resources and the maturity of artificial intelligence (AI)
algorithms enable deployment in multiple areas of medicine [30, 31]. AI already
enjoys wide application in radiology, where training benefits from the fact that
data needed for diagnostic reasoning—radiographs as input and clinical annotations
as output—coincide with information already recorded in standard practice [32,
33]. Unfortunately, this is not the case in MIS, since the purpose of intra-
operative imaging is to inform both spatial reasoning and clinical decision making
[34, 35]. Although specific spatial annotations, such as camera pose, tool-to-tissue
relationships, and anatomical shape, may be obtained from real images through post
hoc analysis [36], by incorporating robot kinematic models [37, 38], or by leveraging
the shape of known components [39, 40], the assumptions made by these approaches
do not extend beyond their specific use-case. The fact that intra-operative images
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 3

are not routinely recorded nor stored further complicates the curation of large
data sets that are needed for training machine learning algorithms, including deep
convolutional neural networks, transformer architectures, which are the backbone of
modern intelligent systems.
In silico training circumvents these obstacles through the use of computer
simulation as an ethical, controlled, and scalable source of data for intelligent systems
in MIS. This approach is already prominent in related problems of general robotic
manipulation [41, 42] and self-driving [43], each of which contends with challenges
specific to the given task, environment, and data modality. In the context of
MIS, numerous simulation frameworks have been developed by researchers either
with machine learning specifically in mind [44–46] or as training tools for clinicians
and subsequently adapted for machine learning applications [29, 37]. One of the
most mature examples is the SimNow software suite, developed for the da Vinci
Surgical Robot, which includes training routines for 33 surgical skills [47], as well
as complete procedures (Intuitive Surgical Operations, Inc.; Sunnyvale, California).
The increasing maturity of this and other simulation frameworks for MIS has
heightened interest in in silico training for intelligent systems as well as clinicians.
In this article, we review the progress in and challenges facing in silico training of
intelligent MIS systems. Given the differences in application, reviews of simulation
training for general robotics, such as [48], focus on the use of RGB(-D) imaging,
which generally does not apply in the context of MIS. Further, although previous
reviews include recent advances in MIS [49–60], robotic-assisted MIS [56, 61–64],
machine learning in surgical interventions [34, 35, 65–73], or surgical simulation for
human training purposes [74–77], in silico training specifically for intelligent MIS
systems remains an emerging area deserving of an introduction. We focus this review
on frameworks and successful applications in three imaging modalities which have
received the bulk of researchers’ attention, namely endoscopy, ultrasound, and X-ray.
For each simulation framework, we review the image quality in terms of sim-to-real
transfer, simulation dynamism, computational resources, and time cost.
The outline of the review is as follows. In Section 2, we introduce overarching
concepts relevant to simulation. Diving into recent progress, Sections 3, 4, 5, and
6 explore the various simulation frameworks and their applications for training
intelligent systems in MIS, for endoscopic, stereo microscopic, ultrasound (US),
computed tomography (CT), and X-ray imaging, respectively. Table 1 summarizes
the available simulation frameworks for each modality. We first introduce frameworks
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 4

which have received the most attention and subsequently highlight recent alternatives
that may be of interest, focusing on these modalities because they have received
the most attention from the community for in silico training. In Section 7, we
call attention to the capabilities of systems developed for different modalities and
speculate on future directions in this exciting area.

2. Simulation Methods for MIS

The required capabilities of a simulation framework for in silico training depend on

the task at hand. For surgical guidance, the simulator must incorporate dynamic
spatial relationships of the tools, anatomy, and imaging device, while performing
surgical tasks requires tool-to-tissue interactions with the target anatomy to be
represented in the simulation. For example, an in silico training framework for
vertebroplasty may target the needle insertion task, which is primarily a navigation
problem, or the cement injection process, in which interventionalists must decide
whether to continue injecting bone cement or stop [78, 79]. The former involves
simulating radiographs with surgical tools present at various stages of insertion and
with varied poses relative to the anatomy, as in [80], while the latter—in addition to
simulating images and tools— also requires the simulation of the fluid dynamics and
imaging characteristics of bone cement in osteoporotic bone. In other words, the first
challenge can be likened to a computer graphics problem, ensuring simulated images
match their real-world counterparts as much as possible, while the second challenge
further requires integration of a physics engine, estimating how physical processes
unfold over time. We distinguish between these two facets of simulation, the visual
and the physical, since many simulation frameworks at this moment focus on one or
the other.
Within both physical and visual simulators, there are two major approaches
for computation, based on the representation of the underlying data. Volumetric
methods rely on dense 3D arrays for data representation, such as those provided
by CT and MRI scans, and are typically used to simulate image formation for X-
ray and ultrasound images. Sparse methods rely on point-cloud or surface data to
represent objects, allowing for memory-efficient representations of spatially diverse
scenes with moving objects. Rendering of surface meshes falls under this category, as
well as most rigid body physics engines, which represent objects as surface meshes.
Fig. 1 illustrates the difference between these two approaches for image rendering
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 5

Image plane
Image plane

Sampled points


Array volume
Ray Sparse triangle mesh

Camera center Camera center/source

(a) Volumetric Simulation (b) Sparse Simulation

Figure 1: Simulation methods for 2D image formation generally adhere to two major
approaches based on the data structure: (a) volumetric simulation and (b) sparse
simulation, which may use point clouds, surface meshes (as shown here), spline-based
object models, or other spatial data structure. In (a), dense grid data makes up a
volume, which individual rays “march” through to model energy-matter interactions.
In (b), a sparse triangle mesh models the surface of an object, which one or more
rays intersect at a finite set of points. The latter approach is commonly used in
computer graphics, with open source tools such as Blender [81] available for creating
3D scenes with complicated meshes, or they can be sampled from statistical shape
models [82].

in the optical domain. In Fig. 1a, the computation of a given pixel value involves
“marching” along the corresponding ray and processing the contributions at each
point in the volume [83]. When considering interaction effects, like scattering, this
technique can result in photo-realistic rendering of complicated scenes, but until
recently it was computationally prohibitive for generating large datasets. The use
of increasingly powerful GPU devices has made volumetric methods more feasible
for a variety of applications. Fig. 1b, by contrast, considers the point where the ray
intersects with a surface mesh, a more efficient problem in terms of computational
time and memory [84].
The benefits of sparse simulation methods primarily stem from the increased
computational efficiency, which can enable simulations with more capable dynamic
interactions, while volumetric methods contain more detail for rendering realistic
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 6

images. A sparse patient model, for example, consists of enclosed meshes segmenting
each organ, as in [82]. This enables fast simulation of physical interactions, such
as collision detection and realistic tissue deformation, and for visible light imaging
modalities, in which reflective properties of surfaces are responsible for a large portion
of image formation, can provide the basis for photorealistic image rendering [81].
Simulating transmissive imaging modalities, however, such as X-ray and US, requires
modeling the energy-matter interactions throughout a medium, including the interior
of surface meshes. For sparse models, this can be accomplished by modeling the
distribution of attenuation properties within each region, e.g. by assuming uniform
density and material composition or using splines [85], but volumetric patient models
are inherently better suited for this task because they contain dense material property
data. Thus for transmissive modalities, volumetric models (with sufficient spatial
resolution) enable more realistic simulation of image formation, while sparse methods
are sufficient for realistic rendering of visible light images and support more powerful
simulation dynamics.
The quality of imaging simulation directly affects the sim-to-real performance
of the system, that is its ability to train in silico but perform on the corresponding
domain of real images. In machine learning, this problem is referred to as domain
adaptation. One domain adaptation approach, which we find to be commonly used
in the papers described here, is the use of generative adversarial networks (GANs) to
translate images from the simulation domain to the real, using an unsupervised cycle-
consistent loss [86]. Separately, it should be noted that the sim-to-real capability
of a model differs from its generalizability. The former is a matter of image
appearance and tool-to-tissue interaction (if considered), while the latter describes an
intelligent system’s performance on samples and situations not seen during training,
either in the simulation or real domain. As an example, a bone segmentation
algorithm may achieve high sim-to-real performance but still fail when confronted
with anamalous anatomy or fractures, regardless of the domain. The differences in
imaging parameters and techniques between institutions also introduces the need for
generalizability [87]. In general, it is understood that training a generalizable model
requires sufficient variation in the simulation parameters, including image formation
characteristics as well as patient demographics, pathologies, and anatomical features.
In order to facilitate in silico training, it is necessary to obtain ground truth
annotations of the image. For 2D imaging modalities, this often involves propagating
information from the 3D simulation, where positions and orientations for objects of
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 7
Image plane

Camera intrinsics

Camera extrinsics [R|t]

Figure 2: Pinhole camera geometry often used for modeling endoscopic, stereoscopic,
and X-ray imaging. The camera projection matrix P = K[R|t] can be used to
propagate 3D annotations, like the landmark x̃ to the image plane.

interest are known, to the 2D image being simulated. For example, in endoscopic,
stereoscopic, and X-ray imaging, the intrinsic parameters of the camera geometry—
its focal length and pixel spacing—can be modeled in the intrinsic matrix K ∈ R3×3 ,
while the position and orientation of the camera are encoded in the extrinsic matrix
[R|t]. Thus for a homogeneous 3D point x̃ = [x, y, z, 1] in the simulated world, such
as an anatomical landmark, the corresponding homogenous point in the image can
be determined as
ũ = K [R|t] x̃, (1)
as in Fig. 2. Similar operations can determine image-space projections for slice-
to-volume transformations, as they arise in ultrasound, and extend to different
annotations such as lines, volumes, and 3D segmentations, enabling richly annotated,
large-scale datasets to be generated from relatively few annotations of the underlying
3D data.

2.1. Instrument and Patient Models

Given a simulator’s data representation, the question arises of how to obtain
compatible instrument and patient models for MIS. For instruments, this is relatively
straightforward since computer-aided design of individual components utilizes
sparse representations, which can be converted to volumetric representations by
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 8

voxelization. Since instruments generally consist of homogeneous components with

a small number of materials, sparse representations are often capable of simulating
them realistically for either visible light or transmissive imaging modalities. Patient
data, on the other hand, can be derived from 3D medical imaging or digital phantoms.
CT and MRI imaging are commonly used to create volumetric patient models, and
they can be segmented to create sparse representations as well. They are limited,
however, in terms of the structures they can model, which must be visible in the
original image, and the generality of anatomical features, which pertain to specific
Digital phantoms, on the other hand, are computer-generated models that can
provide geometric and biophysical properties of the anatomy of interest [82, 88].
They are also referred to as virtual phantoms [82, 88, 89], digital reference objects
[90], or computational anthropomorphic phantoms [91]. A key advantage of digital
phantoms is their capability to represent complex shapes and material properties for
populations rather than specific individuals [92–94]. Moreover, in contrast with
ex vivo medical imaging, digital phantoms are not subject to tissue shrinkage,
deformation, or any physical changes caused by invasive or post-mortem procedures
[95]. They are analogous to instrument models generated through computer-aided
design in that they can be converted directly into sparse patient models or voxelized
into volumetric models and in that their suitability for a given simulation depends
on the features included and the level of detail.
Several digital phantoms have been developed to facilitate in silico medical
imaging and support related research. The Virtual Imaging Clinical Trial Regulatory
Evaluation (VICTRE) phantom, for example, replicates the tissue and large vessels
of the breast for recapitulation of clinical features and is used in the regulatory
evaluation of imaging products [88]. The 4D extended cardiac-torso (XCAT)
phantom models the torso anatomy with cardiac and respiratory motions, using
nonuniform rational B-splines to define organ shapes [82]. These models can be
manipulated to represent a range of patient characteristics, such as height, weight,
and anatomical anomalies, for both male and female anatomies. Future research
efforts in digital phantoms aim to improve their accuracy and resolution to support
more advanced applications, potentially by incorporating recent advances in machine
learning [91].
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 9

2.2. Physics Engine

A “physics engine” is a type of simulation that determines how virtual objects
will behave over time, according to realistic modeling of collisions, friction, fluids,
deformable solids, and other physical phenomena [48]. This is different from the
visualization of these objects, which is referred to as rendering or image formation,
and occurs for a single timestep. The time and computational complexity of a
physics engine depends on the physical processes at play and simulation quality. For
example, fluid dynamics and deformable tissue modeling are more computationally
intensive than rigid body simulation, and recent work has focused on accelerating
these capabilities to enable real-time intra-operative modeling for in silico surgical
trials [96, 97]. For in silico training, physics engines have been developed prominently
for applications in endoscopy and stereo microscopy [45, 46, 98], where visible sensors
more closely resemble RGB(-D) cameras commonly deployed in general robotics.
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology
Table 1: Simulation Frameworks

Modality Framework Platforms Open Description

AMBF [45] C++, Python, ROS ✓ Physics-based real-time dynamic multi-body simulator
AMBF+ [99] Python, ROS ✓ Physics-based endoscopic simulator
AMBF Drilling Simulator [46] C++, Python, ROS ✓ Physics-based microscopic simulator
Visible Light
AMBF-RL [100] Python, ROS ✓ Physics-based endoscopic simulator
VisionBlender [98] Blender [81] plug-in ✓ Physics-based monoscopic/stereo simulator
SurRol [29] Python ✓ Physics-based endoscopic simulator
Field II [101–103] MATLAB, Python, Octave, C × Physics-based US imaging simulator
RLUS [104] Python ✓ RL environments using Field II
k-Wave [105] MATLAB ✓ Physics-based US imaging simulator
Ultrasound FOCUS [106] MATLAB ✓ Physics-based US imaging simulator
PLUS [107] Slicer [108] plugin ✓ Translational suite with simple US simulation
Verasonics Application × Commercial platform for US research
SIMUS/MUST [109, 110] MATLAB ✓ Physics-based US imaging simulator
CONRAD [85] Java + OpenCL ✓ Physics-based X-ray + CT simulation
MC-GPU [111] CUDA ✓ Volumetric Monte Carlo simulation
X-ray DeepDRR [44, 112] Python + CUDA ✓ Physics-based X-ray simulation
DRRGenerator [113] Slicer Extension ✓ Conventional DRR visualization plugin
Insight Toolkit (ITK) C++, Python ✓ Scientific image processing, segmentation, and registration

In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 11

3. Visible Light Imaging

Endoscopic or laparoscopic imaging is carried out via an endoscope, a flexible

instrument with a light source, which can be inserted through natural openings
or narrow incisions [114]. Early implementations of this technology made use of
fiber optic bundles that transmitted visible light to a focusing lens at the top of the
bundle, but frequent ruptures in the bundle obscured visual clarity. In the 1990s, the
advent of videoendoscopy replaced fiber optic devices with charge-coupled devices
[114], improving image quality and reliability while also enabling digital processing of
endoscopic images. From its advent, endoscopic imaging has been strongly associated
with MIS. Laparoscopic procedures, in which the endoscope and surgical instruments
are inserted through narrow incisions in the midsection, include partial gastrectomy
[115], cholecystectomy [116], splenectomy [117], pancreatic resection [118], colorectal
resections, and polyptectomies [119], among others [120]. Endoscopic imaging is also
commonly used for surgical interventions in the ear [121], mouth [122], and sinus
cavity [123]. The advantages of this modality are high resolution and radiation-free
imaging of soft tissue, although it requires an anatomical pathway for the endoscope,
often involving an incision.
In the context of in silico training, endoscopic imaging is appealing because its
reliance on visible light cameras allows biomedical engineers to take advantage of
related research in general computer vision and computer graphics. In particular,
computer simulation frameworks for endoscopic surgery may be built on top of
more general software [98], taking advantage of photorealistic ray-tracing [81] or
commercial physics engines [124]. Prevalent challenges in this setting have to do
with simulation of deformable surfaces [125], with much work focused on developing
intelligent control policies for robotic surgery. Surgeons and intelligent systems must
also contend with smoke from energized devices [25, 38] and blood. Finally, in order
to facilitate machine learning, it is desirable for simulation frameworks to provide
various ground truth data by default, including segmentation maps, depth maps,
object poses, camera pose, and more [99].

3.1. Asynchronous Multi-Body Framework (AMBF)

In 2019, Munawar et al. [45] introduce the Asynchronous Multi-Body Framework
(AMBF) for simulating complex robots with realistic environmental dynamics to
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 12

support robots with closed-link kinematic chains and redundant mechanisms, which
are common in surgical robotics but not supported by popular robotics frameworks.
In addition, the simulator supports non-rigid bodies, such as soft tissue, and
built-in models of real-world surgical robots. These properties have supported
immersive simulation of lateral skull-based surgery for simultaneous training and
data generation, suitable for training machine learning models [46].
Building upon the AMBF, Munawar et al. [99] propose a unified simulation
platform for robotic surgery with the da Vinci robot to facilitate the prototyping
of various scenes, including an example suturing task. Their contributions enable
real-time control and detection collision within the simulation, as well as generation
of ground truth data for machine learning, enabling human-driven simulation to
provide kinematic as well as image data over extended sequences.
To support simultaneous human training and in silico collection of data
for machine learning applications, Munawar et al. [28] further extends the
aforementioned functionality to include haptic feedback for lateral skull-based
surgery as well as a simulated stereo microscope to enable depth perception in the
operating field. They demonstrate the utility of this approach for the purposes of
training intelligent systems by training a stereo depth network (STTR [126]) on the
simulation images.
Varier et al. [100] propose AMBF-RL to support real-time reinforcement learning
(RL) for surgical robotic tasks. They validate their approach using in silico training
of an RL agent for debris removal with the dVRK Patient Side Manipulator (PSM)
and successfully transfer the optimal policy to a real robot.

3.2. Blender
Cartucho et al. [98] introduce VisionBlender, a software plugin allows users to create
highly realistic computer vision datasets with segmentation maps, depth maps, and
other ground truth, using the 3D modeling software, Blender [81], as a backbone.
VisionBlender is designed with robotic surgical applications specifically in mind,
supporting playback through the ROS platform to simulate real-time data collection
from a da Vinci robot via dVRK. [127] utilize VisionBlender [98] to generate a
simulated laparoscopic dataset for a performance evaluation of their improved marker
in surgical tool tracking.
Chen et al. [25] uses Blender [81] to simulate smoke in endoscopic video, such
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 13

as is commonly caused by energized surgical instruments. In this case, in silico

training enables them to generate scalar ground truth masks for the amount of
smoke, decomposing the learning problem into a two-step process and enabling
smoke removal via generative cooperative networks. Zhou et al. [128] develop an
open-source simulation tool based on Blender [81] for data generation of synthetic
endoscopic videos and relevant ground truths that can allow vigorous evaluation of
3D reconstruction methods.

3.3. Alternative Frameworks

Emulating recent successes in general robotic manipulation using deep reinforcement
learning (RL), Xu et al. [29] introduces an open-source, RL-centered platform for
training intelligent systems on skills using the da Vinci Surgical Robot. Their
“SurRol” platform relies on the PyBullet [129] physics engine for real-time interaction
and can be deployed on real da Vinci robots using the da Vinci Research Kit
(dVRK) [130]. 10 surgery-related tasks are included as RL environments, compatible
with OpenAI Gym [131], including fundamental tasks in laparoscopy like peg transfer
[132], needle transfer, and camera manipulation to obtain desired views.
Garcia-Peraza-Herrera et al. [133] take a semi-in silico approach, simulating
images of robotic laparoscopic surgery by overlaying sample surgical instruments in
the foreground (captured using a green screen) of instrument-free background images.
Although both background and foreground are captured rather than simulated, the
separation enables straightforward simulation of the instruments in multiple arbitrary
poses, with known segmentation maps. This approach resembles computational
simulation of the entire process, although it lacks rich annotations such as depth
maps and surface normals, which are readily available from fully in silico approaches.
Colleoni et al. [134] propose a deep neural net for processing of laparoscopic
and simulation images for robust segmentation of surgical tools. They collect real
image and kinematic data using the dVRK and utilize the kinematic data to produce
image data of virtual tools using a dVRK simulator [135]. Similarly, Ding et al. [38]
introduces a vision- and kinematics-based approach to robot tool segmentation based
on a complementary causal model that preserves accuracy under domain shift to
unseen domains. They collect a counterfactual dataset, where individual instances
only differ by the presence or absence of a specific source of corruption, using a
technique similar to that in [134], further demonstrating the utility of this type of
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 14

data collection while reporting similar challenges, namely the lack of tool-to-tissue
interaction through the re-play paradigm.
Wu et al. [136] introduce a soft tissue simulator that is unified with the dVRK
framework and uses SOFA [137] framework as the physics simulator. With robotic
vision and kinematic data, they train a network to learn correction factors for finite
element method (FEM) simulations with the discrepancy of simulations and real
observations. In their follow-on work [138], the authors present a faster approach,
where they implement a step-wise framework in the network for interactive soft-tissue
simulation and real-time observations.
Several datasets are available for visible light imaging modalities, based on in
silico simulation, although the simulation framework itself may not be available.
The Surgical Visual Domain Challenge dataset had participants transfer skills from
simulated da Vinci surgery (based on the SimNow simulator) to real endoscopic video
[139]. It is available as the “SurgVisDom dataset.” Madapana et al. [140] investigate
sim-to-real skill transfer in the context of dextrous surgical skills, simulating a dataset
for the aforementioned peg transfer task and collecting corresponding instances on
real robots, namely the Taurus II and YuMi. Their DESK dataset is publicly
available. Rahman et al. [141] use simulated OpenAI Gym environment and real-
world DESK dataset to evaluate robotic activity classification methods.

4. Ultrasound Imaging

In ultrasound (US) imaging, a transducer transmits compression and rarefactions

through tissue and reconstructs an image based on the reflections of these waves
[55]. The heterogeneous elastic properties of internal tissues determine characteristic
reflectance patterns, enabling soft and hard tissue structures to be resolved. A
typical US probe operates in the MHz range [142] and can be small, low-cost,
and non-invasive [143]. US guidance is standard practice for minimally invasive
biopsies for breast [144] and prostate cancer [145], and it has been used in tandem
with robotic laparoscopy [146–148]. Other US guided procedures include minimally
invasive prostatectomy [149], nephrectomy, adrenalectomy [150], and cardiac surgery
[151]. Opportunities for intelligent systems in this area include image interpretation
and autonomous probe movement, both of which have been explored using in silico
US simulation methods range from simple image manipulations to physics-based
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 15

models of wave propagation. They can rely on sparse representations of data, with
finite point sources at known locations, or volumetric patient data based on CT or
MRI. In the latter case, it is necessary to process the original image, which measures
either X-ray attenuation in the case of CT or atomic spin in MRI, to infer tissue
elasticity and reflectance properties relevant to US. If an organ segmentation is
available, the ultrasound absorption and attenuation can be estimated separately
for each tissue type based on values in the literature [152]. A distinctive trait of US
images is speckle, which arises from micro-inhomogeneities in tissue [153]. Although
such structure is smaller than the spatial resolution of CT or MRI data, it can likewise
be modeled based on work done for tissue characterization purposes [154, 155].
In general, the US community prefers MATLAB toolkits, although Python
wrappers exist for several frameworks (Python being preferred by the machine
learning community due to [156, 157]). Below, we review these tools and their
applications for image-guided minimally invasive surgery.

4.1. Field II
Originally developed starting in 1991, Field [101–103] represents one of the early
complete solutions for computational simulation of ultrasound image formation.
Based on the Tupholme-Stepanishen method [158–160], Field can simulate any kind
of transducer geometry and excitation, with fast computation made possible by a far-
field approximation. In 1997, Field II [161] parallelizes execution to reduce simulation
time significantly, eventually enabling simulation of 128 images in 42 seconds with
full precision (0.33 seconds per image) in 2014 [162]. As of December 2022, Field II
continues to enjoy a wide user base and regular software updates, compatible with
modern processors and major operating systems (Windows, Mac OS, and Linux).
Parallel execution and a native Python implementation are available for commercial
use as a part of Field II Pro.‡
The fast inference time of deep neural networks (DNNs) means that real-time
applications can improve image quality in the operating room. Hyun et al. [163]
use Field II to simulate a training set for the purpose of speckle reduction in B-
mode images, introducing log-domain loss functions tailored for US. They showed
that speckle reduction using their DNN trained in silico outperformed the traditional
delay-and-sum and nonlocal means method on real images, in terms of preservation
‡ http://field-ii.dk/.
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 16

of resolution and detail.

Automatic segmentation of US images is of high interest for MIS applications,
enabling reconstruction of subcutaneous structures for surgical navigation. Nair
et al. [164] leverage the power of the Field II simulator, which can provide the
raw transducer signal as well as the final reconstruction, to perform simultaneous
image reconstruction and segmentation in separate channels. They demonstrate
that segmentation of anechoic targets, based on point source simulation with Field
II, enables reasonable sim-to-real performance on in vivo test data, achieving a DICE
score of 0.77 ± 0.07. Amiri et al. [165] explore the transfer learning problem in
the context of ultra-sound images, questioning the popular approach to fine tuning
final layers of a U-Net [166]. Their findings indicate that fine-tuning of shallow
DNN layers, which are responsible for recognizing low-level image features, is a more
effective strategy in the US domain than the common practice of fine-tuning deep
layers. Finally, [167] propose a DNN-based method for biopsy needle segmentation
in US-guided MIS, using the Field II simulator to create a training set of 809 images.
Despite this small training size, the trained U-Net with attention blocks was able to
localize needles with 96% precision and angular error of 0.40°in vivo.

RLUS Obtaining optimal positioning and imaging settings can be a challenging

task for US guidance in MIS [168]. To facilitate the development of autonomous
US imaging systems, Jarosik and Lewandowski [104] propose a set of reinforcement
learning environments for positioning an US probe and finding an appropriate
scanning plane, termed RLUS. Using Field II [101], they simulate a linear-array
transducing acquiring information from a simulated phantom, with cysts forming
an object of interest. The RL agent was capable of manipulating the probe while
observing the resulting B-mode frames, with positive feedback based on centering the
object in the image. Their results indicate that RL agents are able to learn effective
policies in simulation for US imaging, although more experiments are needed to
determine in vivo performance.
One of the drawbacks of the Field II simulator is computation time required
for realistic image simulation. Peng et al. [169] approximate Field II images by
translating MRI images to the ultrasound domain, training a GAN [86]. They
achieve a real-time frame rate of 15 frames/second on a GPU laptop, with images
both quantitatively and visually comparable to those from the Field II simulator.
Faster image simulation is highly relevant to training intelligent systems, especially
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 17

RL agents, which typically train simultaneous with environment simulation.

4.2. k-Wave
One way to reduce the computation necessary for US imaging is the k-space
pseudospectral method, which discretizes the equations modeling nonlinear wave
propagation [170]. The open-source tool k-Wave [105] is a MATLAB toolbox,
capable of simulating physically realistic images quickly, using a planar detector
geometry based on the fast Fourier transform. Unlike other tools, k-Wave
improves computational speed through parallel execution on graphics processing
units, simulating 1000 time-steps for a grid size of 1283 in 7 minutes (approximately
0.4s per timestep), more than 2.5 times speedup compared to multi-threaded CPU
US image guidance often requires visualization of point-like targets, such as
needle cross sections or catheters, which can be confused with point-like artifacts
commonly present in the surgical setting. Allman et al. [171] show the advantage
of DNNs in this area, which are able to distinguish true point sources with 96.67%
accuracy in phantom, after training in silico with k-Wave [105]. They achieved sub-
millimeter point source localization error (0.38 ± 0.25 mm), enabling visualization of
a novel artifact-free image in the context of MIS. A similar approach uses a simulated
used k-Wave to precisely localize point target vessel structures for guidance in MIS
The goal of distinguishing point sources with high accuracy may benefit from
photoacoustic imaging, where the absorption of optical or radio-frequency EM
excitations cause tissue to generate acoustic waves [173]. Combining in silico and in
vivo data for training, [174, 175] explore the use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
as excitation sources for photoacoustic visualization of clinical needles in MIS,
developing a DNN-based system to enhance the visualization, achieving 4.3-times
higher signal-to-noise ratio compared to conventional reconstructions. Their semi-
synthetic approach allows for complete knowledge of the desired ground truth while
reducing the sim-to-real gap.

4.3. FOCUS
The Fast Object-Oriented C++ Ultrasound Simulator (FOCUS) is a fast US
simulator available for MATLAB [106]. It resolves large errors in ultrasound
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 18

simulation in the nearfield and at the transducer face using the fast nearfield
method [176] and time-space decomposition [177]. Comparing the simulations of
FOCUS and Field II reveals this difference for a sampling frequency as low as 25
MHz, where the impulse response calculation in Field II introduces aliasing artifacts
Because US images typically contain only 2D data from a linear array, resolving
3D pose based on the work in the previous section can be nontrivial. Arjas
et al. [179] propose a solution based on in silico training combined with a Kalman
filter to improve localization over continuous US acquisition, as is common in the
surgical setting. They train a DNN based on the FOCUS simulator [106], although
applications to inhomogeneous tissue would require simulation with the k-Wave
framework. Nevertheless, their approach shows promise for the critical task of
reconstructing 3D tool poses from 2D US images, achieving 0.3 mm maximum error
when transferring to real US images on submerged needles in water.

4.4. PLUS Toolkit

Translating in silico and even in vivo performance to real-world systems can prove
a significant implementation challenge. In 2014, Lasso et al. [107] introduce the
Public software Library for Ultrasound (PLUS) toolkit, which is aimed at translating
image analysis methods for US-guided interventions into clinical practice. The
open source platform includes tools for tool tracking, US image acquisition, spatial
and temporal calibration, volume reconstruction, data streaming, and US image
simulation based on surface meshes, using methods proposed in [180], making it
applicable for translational research in other imaging modalities as well as US. US
simulation with PLUS achieves impressive performance of 50 frames per second, at
a resolution of 564 × 597 and 256 scan-lines per frame on a 3.4 GHz CPU processor,
although it lacks the artifacts and speckle present in real US images.
Despite lacking these distinctive characteristics, the PLUS framework can be
effectively used for in silico training. Patel and Hacihaliloglu [181] show that a
network trained with PLUS-generated images was able to transfer bone segmentation
skills to real US, with applications in US-guided percutaneous orthopedic surgery.
They compare the performance of a DNN trained with small-scale real image training
to large-scale training only possible via simulation, demonstrating the superiority of
a transfer learning network that leverages the latter.
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 19

4.5. Alternative Frameworks

Although the above frameworks constitute the bulk of tools used for in silico US
training, alternative methods have been proposed. In 2015, [182] introduce an
efficient ultrasound simulation method utilizing volumetric data (in this case an
MRI scan), based on convolutional ray-tracing. Depending on the number of scan-
lines, reflection depth, and axial revolution, their per-image simulation time lies
between 0.1-1s on contemporary hardware (NVIDIA GTX 850M). Image quality is
improved using non-linear optimization of the simulation parameters with respect
to real ultrasound images, although applications for in silico training have yet to be
As mentioned in the previous section, simulating the underlying physical process
of US may not be necessary for in silico training, if the sim-to-real gap can be
overcome through augmentation or transfer learning. In the same vein, Sharifzadeh
et al. [183] introduce an ultra-fast dataset generation method specifically for training
DNNs, although it would not be capable of US simulation in a fully controlled sense.
In their approach, a real US image Ireal and an arbitrary segmentation mask Imask are
transformed using the Fourier transform F, alpha-blended in the frequency domain,
and converted back to the image domain with the inverse Fourier transform:
( )
Isim = F -1 F mag (Ireal ), α F phase (Imask ) + (1 − α) F phase (Ireal ) (2)

Although an open source framework for this approach is not available, their method
is straightforward enough to be re-implemented with standard tools. Moreover, they
demonstrate that this approach, combined with image augmentation, achieved a
15.6% higher DICE score on real US images than networks trained with Field II,
while simulation of these images was 36,000 times faster, leveraging the fast Fourier
transform [184]. However, like Garcia-Peraza-Herrera et al. [133], this method only
simulates the added objects; complete ground truth for the underlying real images
are not available.
Rather than compute 2D US images from digital phantoms, Li et al. [27] propose
to use volumetric ultrasound acquisitions to sample slices for in silico training of an
autonomous system for achieving standard US views in spinal sonography. This
approach is efficient and results in highly realistic images, which can be sampled
dynamically from many viewpoints, although real patient scans are required. They
demonstrate that this in silico environment is suitable for DRL, achieving standard
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 20

views of the spine to within reasonable margins (5.18 mm / 5.25°in the intra-subject
The Verasonics Vantage ultrasound scanners are a US hardware family well-
suited to US research, due to the easy access to raw ultrasound data. Along with this
hardware, Verasonics supplies an US simulator that is integrated with their imaging
platform, making it an attractive research tool that could streamline translation
onto real devices, similar to PLUS [107, 110]. Although no theoretical work
exists describing their proprietary software, information regarding their approach
is available on their website.§
Recently, in 2022, [109, 110] propose SIMUS, an open-source ultrasound
simulator for MATLAB, as a part of the MATLAB ultrasound toolbox (MUST)
[185]. SIMUS simulates the acoustic pressure fields, performing comparably to Field
II, k-Wave, FOCUS, and Verasonics in terms of image realism. The simplicity and
online availability of this framework makes it useful for pedagogical purposes as well
as research.
Finally, [186] demonstrate the sim-to-real capabilities of a robotic US imaging
system, learning based on RGB images and sensor readings rather than the US
images themselves. This approach reduces the simulation problem to one that is more
aligned with general robotic manipulation, although it will be an essential component
of more complete simulation of an intelligent MIS system. A full simulation of the
operating room as a dynamic in silico environment, i.e. a digital twin, will require
simulation of the given medical imaging modality as well as the non-medical data
like RGB cameras and force sensors.

§ https://verasonics.com/ultrasound-simulator/
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 21

5. X-ray Imaging

X-ray imaging leverages high-energy photons to penetrate tissue, measuring the

attenuation of rays dependent on material composition and density. An X-ray tube or
“source” is responsible for photon generation primarily by means of Bremsstrahlung
[187]. Modern X-ray imaging devices, including C-arms commonly used in intra-
operative imaging, measure the attenuation of these rays with a flat-panel detector
[188], creating a 2D projective image. Many C-arm devices also support intra-
operative 3D imaging via cone-beam CT (CBCT), although these acquisitions require
significant time and radiation compared to individual radiographs. So “X-ray image
guidance” refers to 2D projective image-guidance. Together, the flexibility, image
quality, and resolution of X-ray image guidance have contributed to the development
of minimally invasive alternatives to procedures in orthopaedics [20–22, 189–194],
interventional radiology [21, 78, 79, 195–197], and angiology [197–200].
Simulation frameworks for in silico training primarily focus on simulating X-ray
image formation, since this requires simulation of attenuation through the physical
medium, rather than reflection off of surfaces, which dominates visible spectrum
imaging. This is historically computationally intensive, although the advent of high-
performance, high capacity GPU devices have enabled fast, realistic X-ray simulation
frameworks to be used for training DNNs [44]. Tool-to-tissue interaction has so
far been limited to visual interaction in the projection [112], rather than physical
interactions. The target of learning in this context is often the 2D/3D registration
of the projective image with a pre-operative CT [35, 194] or statistical atlas [201],
enabling 3D information to be computed from 2D images. A consistent challenge,
due to the ionizing radiation associated with X-ray imaging, is the reduction in the
number of acquisitions, according to the as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)
principle [18, 19, 202].

The CONRAD framework is an early framework for simulating realistic radiographs,
providing the first unified library for cone-beam imaging that incorporates nonlinear
physical effects and projective geometry, written in Java and accelerated with
OpenCL [85]. Primarily intended for applications in CT reconstruction, CONRAD
relies on a spline-based object model to represent the attenuation properties of
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 22

patients and tools in space. This sparse data representation results in images that
are highly controllable but may lack the realism needed for sim-to-real transfer in
the X-ray domain. Nevertheless, in 2018 CONRAD was subsequently adapted for
in silico training of intelligent systems in cardiac statistical shape modeling [203],
digital subtraction angiography (DSA) [204], and motion reduction in diagnostic knee
imaging [205]. DSA refers to the acquisition of subsequent fluoroscopic images with
and without contrast agent, the subtraction of which yields a background-free image
focusing on the blood vessel [206]. Virtual, single-frame DSA removes the need for a
non-contrast acquisition by segmenting the foreground vessel from the background,
which Unberath et al. [204] accomplish automatically with a U-Net trained on
CONRAD. Finally, although Bier et al. [205] considers diagnostic applications,
specifically compensating for patient motion during load-bearing acquisition of
CBCT, their proposal to automatically detect anatomical landmarks from projective
images, based on in silico training, has since gained ground in MIS applications.

5.2. MC-GPU
Monte Carlo simulation enables realistic, physics-based simulation of radiation
transport, but requires significant compute time. Developed with the aim of
accelerating simulation of X-ray and CT images, MC-GPU features massively parallel
Monte Carlo simulation of photon interactions with volumetric patient models,
leveraging advancements in graphical processing units (GPUs) [111, 207]. Compared
to single-core CPU execution, MC-GPU achieves a maximum 27-fold speedup in
simulation time, using hardware available in 2009. Despite these advantages, MC-
GPU still requires sufficient compute time to be impractical for generating datasets
on the scale needed for training deep learning algorithms.

5.3. DeepDRR
To catalyze in silico training in the X-ray domain, Unberath et al. [44, 112] contribute
a Python framework for fast, physics-based DRR synthesis with sufficient realism
for sim-to-real transfer. While previous approaches that focused on image realism
employed Monte Carlo simulation of photon absorption and scatter, DeepDRR
approximates these effects in a physically realistic manner by projecting through
segmented CT volumes and subsequently estimating photon scatter with a DNN,
trained on Monte Carlo ground truth, which enables generation of tens of thousands
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 23

of images in a matter of hours [44]. Separately, the popularity of Python in

the machine learning community, due to open source tools like PyTorch [156]
and TensorFlow [157], makes DeepDRR an appealing research tool with a ready
community for quickly generating synthetic X-ray datasets. Like previous DRR
methods, DeepDRR relies on patient CT to estimate the material density and
attenuation properties, with segmentations of air, soft tissue, and bone achieved
in a patch-wise manner with a V-Net [208]. This allows for attenuation modeling
based on a realistic X-ray spectrum, compared to single material, mono-energetic
DRRs. They demonstrate the effectiveness of this increased realism by training a
DNN to detect anatomical landmarks of the pelvis in real images, which was not
found to be possible when using conventional DRRs for in silico training, due to the
sim-to-real gap.
The original pelvis landmark annotation task in Unberath et al. [44] continues
to be a major application of this research, since landmarks can be used to initialize a
variety of 2D/3D registration problems through feature-based methods, supporting
percutaneous approaches [194]. Considering arbitrary viewpoints, Bier et al. [209]
find that in silico training with DeepDRR enabled successful 2D/3D registration
on real radiographs [26, 209]. For the same task, [210] develop view-dependent
weights for anatomical landmark detection in the pelvis, supporting registration with
a success rate of 86.8% and error of 4.2 ± 3.9 mm.
Further work on 2D/3D registration of the pelvis propose alternative
initialization strategies to landmark detection. Gu et al. [211] propose a learning-
based approach to estimating the transformation between two projections, creating
a training set of 21,555 DRRs from 5 high-resolution CTs from NIH Cancer Imaging
Archive [212]. Their approach extends the capture range of conventional 2D/3D
registration, removing the need for careful initialization. Alternatively, [213] train a
DNN to detect contours in pelvic radiographs, increasing the robustness of contour-
based 2D/3D registration and achieving best-base error of 1.02 mm.
In X-ray guided MIS, quantitatively assessing tool-to-tissue spatial relationships
from radiographs can be difficult for featureless or flexible tools, such as K-
wires or continuum robots [214]. To support this task, Unberath et al. [112]
extend DeepDRR to support modeling of surgical tools, specifically robotic end
effectors, in DRRs, along with simultaneous keypoint localization and segmentation.
Individual components of a flexible continuum manipulator are projected to provide
segmentation ground truth [214]. [215] extend this paradigm by synthesizing DRRs
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 24

from the same view with and without metal implants in the spine, enabling a
DNN to inpaint radiographs and remove metal implants. This can improve 2D/3D
registration of the spine, wherein the sharp contrast of metal implants tends to inhibit
intensity-based registration methods.
Building on physics-based DRR synthesis, Toth et al. [216] show that domain
randomization (DR) can improve DRR-to-X-ray performance for cardiac 2D/3D
registration. They train an RL agent to iteratively update a cardiac model to align
with real radiographs, demonstrating higher stability when DR is applied durign
training. The purpose of DR, which applies unrealistic image transformations to
the training set, is to apply such large variation that the DNN avoids local, domain-
specific minima in the loss function. Previously mentioned work in the pelvis likewise
uses have similarly utilized DR for fully automatic 2D/3D registration in the pelvis,
based on anatomical landmark detection [210].
The advantages of domain randomization are precisely proved in Gao et al. [217],
which shows that the combination of physics-based X-ray synthesis, using DeepDRR,
combined with strong DR are comparable to GAN-based domain adaptation, and
they outperform GAN-based domain adaptation with conventional DRRs, although
this work is not yet peer-reviewed. This is advantageous because the image
transformations involved in “strong DR,” such as image inversion, blurring, warping,
and coarse dropout, among others, are computationally inexpensive, whereas GANs
require additional training with sufficient real images as an unlabeled reference.
They demonstrate this approach, coined “SyntheX,” on three representative tasks:
pelvic landmark detection for 2D/3D registration, detection and segmentation of a
continuum manipulator, and COVID-19 diagnosis from chest X-rays [217].
Inspired by [205], Kausch et al. [18] propose an intelligent system for automatic
C-arm repositioning, regressing a pose update based on intermediate landmark
detection to obtain standard views of the pelvis. Without additional fine-tuning,
their system obtained desired clinical views when evaluated on real X-rays, to within
inter-rater variability [18]. They refine this work in the domain of spine surgery,
introducing K-wire and pedicle screw implants as augmentations to the training set
[218]. K-wire simulation was accomplished through post-processing of the X-ray
image with quadratic Bézier curves, while pedicle screws were simulated in the DRR
synthesis process similar to Unberath et al. [112]. Related work in this area uses a
DNN to estimate the C-arm pose in simulation [219].
Recent applications of in silico training with DeepDRR continue to focus on
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 25

minimally invasive orthopedic procedures. In order to anticipate complications

during percutaneous pelvic fixation, [220] train a DNN to assess the positioning
of a K-wire with respect to safe corridors through bone. Although they do not
demonstrate sim-to-real performance, their approach outlines a roadmap to detecting
unfavorable K-wire trajectories through the superior pubic ramus and potentially
providing CT-free guidance for pelvic fixation. Separately, Sukesh et al. [221] detect
bounding boxes of vertebral bodies in 2D X-rays, demonstrating the advantage of
adding synthetic X-rays over purely real-image training.

5.4. Alternative Frameworks

Despite their drawbacks with regard to realism, conventional DRRs have been
used for in silico training, and additional frameworks rely on these tools due to
their simplicity, especially in combination with other sim-to-real techniques. For
example, Dhont et al. [222] propose combining conventional DRRs with GANs [86]
to synthesize photorealistic DRR, demonstrating the performance of their RealDRR
framework in terms of quantitative image similarity. Utilizing this approach for
in silico training, Zhou et al. [223] target automatic landmark detection on cranial
fluoroscopic images, for the purpose of 2D/3D registration. They overcome the sim-
to-real gap using a GAN with real radiographs as the target domain [86].
Sometimes, though, the sim-to-real gap is small enough that additional
techniques are not necessary. This is perhaps the case when modeling metal
tools, which are single-material, homogeneous objects and align well with the
assumptions of conventional DRRs. Considering this, Kügler et al. [224] demonstrate
that conventional DRRs can facilitate automatic 2D/3D registration of surgical
instruments, including screws, drills, and robot components, by recognizing
pseudolandmarks similar to [209]. Their approach, coined i3PosNet, generalizes from
training with DRRs to real X-ray images with no extra steps to achieve registration
errors less than 0.05 mm.
Recently, alternatives to volumetric and sparse data representations have
been proposed, using multi-layer perceptrons to represent scenes for rendering
purposes [225] Huy and Quan [226] propose apply this methodology to X-ray
simulation, proposing Neural Radiance Projection (NeRP) to produce “variationally
reconstructed radiographs” (VRRs). In this approach, a differentiable renderer allows
gradients to backpropagate through the projection step so that the patient volume
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 26

is learned based on real X-rays. As in RealDRR and XPGAN [227], they use a GAN
[86] to improve image realism as a final step. Although NeRPs are only used for
in silico training of a diagnostic intelligent system, this simulation framework has
potential applications in MIS, where novel view synthesis is a desirable capability. A
framework for their approach is not yet available.
To minimize radiation dose during CT imaging, Abadi et al. [228] propose a
volumetric, Monte Carlo simulation framework with device- and institution-specific
parameters for imaging, called DukeSim. Although intended for CT simulation,
DukeSim’s indidividual projections have been used in combination with voxelized
statistical shape models [82] to reduce variability in X-ray imaging due to exactly
these factors, which can affect the consistency and reliability of diagnostic imaging
Finally, although it is not specifically developed with machine learning in
mind, DRRGenerator [113] may yet be of interest to the community because of
its intuitive user interface and integration with the open-source medical imaging
software, 3D Slicer [108]. Currently, the popular DeepDRR tool requires users to
develop a sampling strategy of sufficiently varied views in order to guarantee view-
invariant DNN performance, as in [209]. With additional capabilities focused on
in silico training, DRRGenerator would be to X-ray image-guided interventions as
VisionBlender and AMBF+ are to endoscopic and stereo microscopic image guided
procedures, respectively.

6. Additional Imaging Modalities

Much of the interest in in silico training for MIS has focused on 2D imaging
modalities, endoscopy, US, and X-ray. We speculate that this is because large
datasets suitable for training DNNs are easier to obtain in the 2D domain, where
a single annotation of a 3D image can be propogated to thousands of samples.
Nevertheless, simulating 3D images and 3D physical interactions is of interest to
develop intelligent systems focused on intra-operative CT, MRI, and 3D US.
Toward this end, Lee et al. [230] propose a simulated environment for training
autonomous needle insertion robots, using RL. They model the deformation of a
beveled tip needle in a dynamic environment based on stochastic processes, providing
negative rewards for collisions with obstacles such as bone, and positive rewards
when it reachs the biopsy target. In the future, physics-based simulation of needle
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 27

insertion may provide simulation for both CT-guided or, through a platform like
DeepDRR [44], X-ray guided needle insertion.
CT guidance must contend with severe image artifacts introduced by metal
implants, such as pedicle screws. In order to minimize metal artifacts in intra-
operative cone-beam CT (CBCT), Zaech et al. [231], Thies et al. [232] train a DNN
to adjust C-arm trajectories during image acquisition, using DeepDRR for in silico
training. Their method iteratively adjusts the out-of-plane angle of a robotic C-arm
to avoid “poor images” characterized by beam hardening, photon starvation, and
Recently, image-free guidance for MIS has been explored. Årsvold et al.
[233] simulate electrical properties of target tissue types in order to train an
intelligent system for minimally invasive lymphadenecomy, a surgical treatment for
cancer. Their determines whether a lymph node is present underneath an electrical
impedance scanner, which can be deployed as part of a robotic assisted MIS system,
achieving 93.49% accuracy in ex vivo tissue phantom experiments.

7. Discussion and Conclusion

There is significant potential for in silico training to produce the next generation
of MIS systems, deploying artificial intelligence to assist providers in alleviating the
inherent challenges of minimally invasive approaches, in particular by improving the
acquisition and interpretation of intra-operative images. In silico simulation provides
a training ground limited only by the constraints of generating realistic-looking
images and the existing techniques therefor. In principle, as data representations
and physics-based simulations continue to mature, in silico training can expand
to include near limitless experience for learning-based algorithms, from supervised
learning to reinforcement learning, by providing rich annotations from the perfectly
controlled virtual environment.
One notable constraint on in silico simulation for MIS is the availability of
patient data on which to base simulated images and interactions. Much of this review
has focused on 2D imaging modalities for exactly this reason, since the generation
of endoscopic, X-ray, or ultrasound images allows for hundreds or thousands of
training samples to originate from a single patient model [44, 98, 162]. For example,
DRRs vary widely in visual appearance based on the position and orientation of
the virtual C-arm, and further techniques such as domain randomization increase
In Silico Simulation: A Key Enabling Technology 28

the variance of training data to further improve sim-to-real transfer [210, 216, 217].
However, existing techniques for generating these realistic-looking images rely on
3D patient models based on patient data, including CT, MRI, or prior endoscopic
reconstructions, for example. This introduces a potential bottleneck to in silico
training, where the long tailed distribution of real-world situations presents too much
variation for large but still finite data to train models with sufficient generalizability.
Moreover, simulation of 3D intra-operative images, such as CT, MRI, and 3D US,
must rely on existing digital phantoms such as XCAT [82], which tend to produce
images with lower variation and realism.
As previously discussed, generalizability differs from sim-to-real domain
adaptation in that it is concerned not just with image appearance or tissue
characteristics, for example, but with any number of variations that may arise
in the course of surgery, where anomalous anatomy and complications produce
images outside the training domain. Imaging techniques, surgical setups, and patient
demographics vary significantly from one institution to another so it is challenging
to train AI models which are resilient to such variations [87, 234]. The reliance on
finite patient data underlying current in silico simulation methods implies that not
all patient variation can be represented, and unseen conditions, such as the presence
of foreign surgical instruments from a manufacturer not considered during training,
may result in deteriorated performance.
An integrated physics engine is a crucial way that in silico training platforms
can increase the utility of each patient model, introducing variation based on tissue
deformation and tool-to-tissue physical interaction. In the visible light domain, a
great deal of attention has focused on simulation for robotic laparoscopy, including
complex interactions like suturing [99] and camera manipulation [29]. These rely
either on hand-built virtual environments or patient-based reconstructions, which
enable more realistic image formation [98]. In order to realize the full potential of in
silico training beyond the visible light domain, there is a need to develop simulation
frameworks for image formation of CT, MRI, X-ray, and ultrasound based on sparse
data representations that are conducive to physics engine modeling. Leveraging the
existing physics and robotic modeling capabilities of simulators like AMBF [45] will
require developing rendering frameworks like DeepDRR [44] (X-ray) and Field II
[101] (ultrasound) that produce images capable of overcoming the sim-to-real gap
for each modality, although these existing frameworks for non-optical simulation
rely on volumetric methods to produce realistic images. Since converting between

volumetric and sparse virtual object models is computationally prohibitive, advances

in simulation techniques are required to generate realistic images from sparse models.
Aside from simulating physics-based tool-to-tissue interactions, the next
generation of in silico simulation frameworks should overcome the dependence
on finite CT or MRI scans by generating realistic patient models with specific
pathologies, demographics, and characteristics, rather than selecting or adapting
existing images. In this review, we have mostly discussed generative models as one
way to overcome the sim-to-real gap, using GANs [86], but such models can also be
used to generate realistic CT or MRI images [235]. Conditioning generative models
based on desired patient properties would enable large-scale, fully virtual cohort
sampling. If designed so as to be compatible with physics engines as discussed
above, this level of sophistication would enable in silico training to acquire vastly
more virtual experience that can be transferred to real images than would be possible
based on finite real images or conventional simulation.
Overall, the opportunities for innovation in in silico training and its application
to MIS constitute an exciting area of inquiry, especially as machine learning
algorithms continue to mature at an impressive rate. Based on the rapid pace
of current progress, in fact, future reviews re-examining in silico training may be
necessary before too long, in order to describe the next generation of intelligent
surgical systems that arise from currently accelerating advances in this key enabling


This work was supported by the NIH under Grant No. R21EB028505 and Johns
Hopkins University Internal Funds.


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