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Multiculturalism has played a significant role in Canada as Canada has been welcoming

immigrants and refugees worldwide for over half a century now. This commitment to diversity

was introduced in the year 1971 through the policy of multiculturalism introduced by the Liberal

Government of Canada under the leadership of Pierre Trudeau. There have been critics of this

policy and also refers to the time when Quebec was the first province to oppose this policy

decision of the federal government. But the evidence that will be provided in this essay will

clearly state that multiculturalism has been a positive force for Canada. I will argue in favor of

Multiculturalism and its benefits which have benefited Canada and its citizens through

economic, social, and cultural welfare. Some of the arguments are: -

1) People from different culturally diverse groups bring their expertise to Canada which

benefits Canada and its citizens as doctors and paramedics staff immigrating to Canada bring

expertise to the existing medical field in Canada. For example, Ayurveda is the best example that

develops medicines out of nature with zero side effects and cures serious chronic illnesses such

as Diabetes and High blood pressure.

2) Immigrants who come to Canada add a good amount of share in the Canadian Labor

market and contribute to the Gross domestic product of the nation creating more employment


3) It develops a feeling of patience and tolerance amongst the people to accept people

from different cultural backgrounds and let people of Canada experience different traditions,

festivals, art forms, and food originating from different cultures and also develops a feeling of

oneness amongst the people of different ethnicity and cultures which eradicates discrimination

against minorities.

With good cause, Canada is renowned for its multiculturalism and variety. The ability of

people from all over the world to bring their distinctive cultures, traditions, and beliefs to Canada

makes multiculturalism an essential component of Canadian society. This has not only improved

Canadian society but has also promoted harmony and understanding among various groups of

people. Canadians' exposure to diverse cultures and lifestyles through diversity aids in the

eradication of prejudice and stereotypes. A more accepting and inclusive society where everyone

is urged to take pride in their ancestry and spread their culture among others has also been made

possible by diversity. In general, multiculturalism has played a significant role. Let us look at

some examples of cultural diversity.

The city of Toronto, which is frequently referred to as the most heterogeneous metropolis

in the world, is a good example of Canada's cultural diversity. Chinatown, Little Italy, and Greek

towns are just a few examples of Toronto neighborhoods with distinctive cultures and traditions.

The city also holds a number of cultural events all year long that honor the population's variety,

including the Taste of the Danforth, the Toronto Caribbean Carnival, and the Toronto

International Film Festival.

The province of Quebec, which has a distinctive culture and language, is another

illustration of Canada's cultural variety. Quebec's official language is French, but there are

sizable English-speaking populations there as well, especially in major towns like Montreal.

The contribution that immigrants make to the labor force in Canada has positive

economic effects. Canada's economic growth has been significantly fueled by immigration, and

studies have proven that immigrants are beneficial to the nation's productivity, innovation, and

entrepreneurial activity. For instance, a research by the Conference Board of Canada revealed

that by 2035, immigration is anticipated to be the sole driver of Canada's net labour force


Another illustration is how multiculturalism affects global trade. The diversity of

Canada's population gives it special access to worldwide markets and enables Canadian firms to

interact and understand with clients and partners from throughout the world. The development of

mutual respect and trust between Canada and other nations is another benefit of multiculturalism

which can help to facilitate trade and investment relationships.

Multiculturalism also helps the tourism sector to expand. Millions of tourists visit Canada

each year for its rich cultural attractions, which include museums, festivals, and dining

establishments. Tourism is one of Canada's greatest service exports, with foreign visitors

spending over $22 billion here in 2019, according to Statistics Canada.

Multiculturalism also preserves and promotes the Canadian culture, ethics, and

indigenous rituals, traditions, and customs amongst people of different cultural backgrounds

which helps them understand the country they are immigrating to and its people and also helps

promote the Canadian values, traditions, ethics, morals, and festivals abroad referring to the

welcoming nature of Canada and its people.

There have been many counterarguments and criticism on multiculturalism in Canada and

also on the Canadian Multiculturalism Policy, of 1971 which was introduced by the Liberal

government on Oct 8TH 1971 under the leadership of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. The policy

of Multiculturalism states that The goal of multiculturalism policy was to uphold everyone's right

to practice their religion or culture in any way they pleased and to recognize the cultural

contributions made by many ethnic groups to Canadian society. Followed by the

Multiculturalism Act in the year 1988 making Canada the first nation to pass a government

policy on multiculturalism.

Some critics argue for the absence of cultural integration according to critics,

multiculturalism encourages the segregation of cultures rather than their fusion. They contend

that multicultural policies enable people to stay in their respective cultural silos and avoid

assimilating into Canadian society at large. Conflicts and divides between various cultural groups

may result from this. Also multiculturalism, according to some, weakens the cultural traditions

and values of Canada, posing a challenge to the nation's identity. They contend that placing too

much emphasis on cultural variety diminishes the value of a shared national identity and

threatens societal cohesiveness. Unfair treatment is also an issue according to some, the

multicultural policy may result in the unfair treatment of various communities. For instance,

although certain groups may be disregarded or disadvantaged, others may receive preferential

treatment in terms of financing or assistance.

The arguments to these critics are as follows: -

As the first critic suggests that multiculturalism allows people to celebrate and follow

their own cultures and traditions and doesn’t motivate them to be a part of Canadian society as a

whole, I would argue that Canada being a democracy allows and gives a right to preserve any

tradition and culture one would like to until it is not hurting the moral and values of the Canadian

culture, society, and morals. During the pandemic, para-medic staff from different culturally

diverse groups took part in a joint effort to help and save indigenous people due to a lack of

healthy lifestyles and enough accommodation to keep them away from the viruses which can be

considered an effort to be part of the Canadian society by the diverse group.

Other critics argue that multiculturalism weakens the cultural traditions and values of

Canada, posing a challenge to the nation's identity, my reply to this is that there has never been

any such incident that proves multiculturalism hurts the values and morals of Canadian traditions

and challenges them. Quebec is one of the distinct provinces preserving the French culture and

traditions religiously and has never had any issues with multiculturalism and has never hindered

the French traditions, culture, or language.

Last but not least criticism refers to the unfair treatment in some communities which I

would say works inversely as it has been seen in Quebec that people who do not speak French

and are immigrants are mostly discriminated against due to not knowing the essential component

of their culture and traditions

Hence, Canada is frequently cited as a model of a prosperous multicultural society. Along

with adding to Canada's diversity and enhancing its cultural fabric, multiculturalism has also

helped Canadians of all origins feel like they belong and are included in society.

Multiculturalism has aided Canada in becoming a more accepting and tolerant society

where people are free to express their own identities and cultural traditions without worrying

about prejudice by fostering variety and tolerance. Due to its welcoming and tolerant culture,

which values the contributions of all of its citizens regardless of their cultural heritage, Canada

has gained a reputation as a country that values all of its citizens.

Multiculturalism has also given Canada a competitive edge in the international market.

Canadians have a distinct advantage in international trade and business thanks to their fluency in

numerous languages and understanding of various cultural viewpoints, creating new possibilities

for the country's economic growth and development. In conclusion, multiculturalism is an

essential component of Canada's identity and has been shown to be a major factor in the

country's development. It has allowed Canadians to celebrate their differences while also coming

together to build a more inclusive and prosperous society. We must therefore continue to

embrace and encourage multiculturalism in Canada both now and in the future.


Berry, J. W., & Kalin, R. (1995). Multicultural and ethnic attitudes in Canada: An overview of

the 1991 national survey. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne

des sciences du comportement, 27(3), 301.

Dewing, M., & Leman, M. (2006). Canadian multiculturalism. Ottawa: Library of Parliament,

Parliamentary Research Branch.

Grant, P. R., & Robertson, D. W. (2014). Predicting immigrants' attitudes toward

multiculturalism using a measure of its perceived benefits. Basic and Applied Social

Psychology, 36(3), 209-220.

Haque, E. (2012). Multiculturalism within a bilingual framework: Language, race, and

belonging in Canada. University of Toronto Press.

Hyman, I., Meinhard, A., & Shields, J. (2011). The role of multiculturalism policy in addressing

social inclusion processes in Canada. Centre for Voluntary Sector Studies Working Paper


Moodley, K. (1983). Canadian multiculturalism as ideology. Ethnic and racial studies, 6(3), 320-


Reitz, J. G. (2019). Economic opportunity, multiculturalism, and the roots of popular support for

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antiinmigrantes: América del Norte y la Unión Europea.


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