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Names: Baco, Joyce Ann Q.

CYS: BSA 32, and BSM 31

Cunanan, Cariza O. Date: September 3, 2023

Lacpapan, Alliah Ryan D.

Manuel, Christian Jason S.

Trinidad, Juliana Mikaela T.

Enabling Assessment 2: Company VM Analysis (Week 3)

Prokaizen’s Vision Statement:

To be a proactive organization that provides clients practical solutions to certain business
issues and to have team members that have great passion and core competencies,
inspired by values and seek for Continuous Improvement in our Quality Management
System and Customer Satisfaction.

The vision statement seems a little short termed. The company did not really focus
on sharing their long-term goals. Also, the company only states what they want to achieve
internally as a company, not really on an external factor which affects the value and
reputation of their company. The vision statement of the company also violates the
guidelines provided by Top Nonprofits as the statement contains the word “organization”
which has 5 syllables. The guidelines provided stated that vision statements should “Avoid
words greater than 12 letters or 4 syllables.” The current vision statement of the company
also contained more than 20 words which also violates the guidelines provided as the
guidelines state that the recommended count of words is 5 to 14 words, and the maximum
count of words is 20.

Prokaizen’s Mission Statement:

To provide customized professional services of outstanding quality, using advanced
technology and continuously improving methods. To develop their full potential and total
well-being, and by establishing mutual trust, mutual responsibility, and harmony through
open communication.
The mission statement seems very well established; however, it may be a little all
over the place. It seems that the company wishes to convey a lot of messages to its
customers. The current mission statement of the company violates some of the guidelines
for mission and vision statements provided by Top Nonprofits. The company’s mission
statement has more than 20 words, 2-word strings, and it contains more than 30 syllables.
This violates the guidelines that says that the mission statement should contain only a
count of 5 to 14 words and 20 words maximum, only 1 word string, and the target that is
should be less than 20 syllables and 30 syllables maximum.

Proposed Revised Vision and Mission Statement

Vision Statement:
Aims to be one of the best consulting companies in the country while continuously seeking
improvements and have continuous growth.

The suggested revised vision statement follows the guidelines as it only consists
of 20 words and 34 syllables. This vision statement is much more concise and generalizes
the company’s vision for its path. It also embodies a much broader and much long-term
goals for the company. For its technicalities, the proposed vision statement uses easier
to understand words without excluding the use of eye-catching phrases.

Mission Statement:
To deliver professional consultation and harness a companies' full potential as well as
establish trust.

The suggested revise version of the mission statement follows the guidelines as it
includes four building blocks which are action, beneficiaries, service, and cause. It also
only consists of 20 words and 30 syllables. The revised version also established clear
message for its customers. It also consists of less complicated words and can generally
be understood by the public.

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