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Monday June 26 2023 |

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8 ways it’s easier to be William, here’s

my advice on
a woman than a man Welsh Airbnbs
Kevin Maher

Consumer watchdogs ordered to bare teeth over rip-off costs

Oliver Wright Policy Editor this week and ask them to review tition and Markets Authority review of locked into long-term contracts, but was no discussion about introducing
both existing and future price rises. food prices. Utility companies and the chancellor wants to see if there’s a a windfall tax on banks if they did
Jeremy Hunt will tell Britain’s consumer Hunt is understood to believe watch- supermarkets insist that they are keep- problem beyond that.” not act, despite calls from some MPs to
watchdogs that they must use their dogs have a “key role” in helping to re- ing price rises to a minimum, having Hunt is also keen to keep pressure on do so, but added that lenders were “well
powers to help bring down prices, amid duce inflation, which remains at 8.7 per absorbed significant costs from energy banks to increase interest rates for aware” how a large rise in profits would
concerns that supermarkets, banks and cent, with government sources saying price rises and wage bills. savers following a meeting last week. be perceived.
utility companies are using high infla- the chancellor wants to use Wednes- “Wholesale costs are rapidly falling, A government source said the chan- Rishi Sunak has urged the public to
tion as a cover to increase profits. day’s meeting to provide regulators but consumer prices aren’t falling as cellor was “persuaded” that increasing “hold our nerve” and “stick to the plan”,
The chancellor will meet the heads of with political support for scrutiny of fast,” a Treasury source said. “A lot of the number of people saving would insisting: “We will get through this.”
energy, water and telecoms regulators higher bills. He will also back a Compe- that delay is normal as companies are help cut inflation. The source said there Sunak’s call to keep pay down, page 12


Prepare for
fall of Putin,
Britain told
6 Diplomats plan for more unrest after mutiny
6 Mystery over Prigozhin and defence chiefs
George Grylls Defence Correspondent aware of Prigozhin’s plans a few days
before he ordered troops to march on
Britain must prepare for the sudden the cities of Rostov-on-Don and Voron-
collapse of the Russian government ezh after months of tensions with the
after the weekend’s attempted coup, Russian ministry of defence.
internal government assessments Senior officials in the White House
have warned. and the Pentagon were briefed about
An apparent attempt to take over the the prospect of an armed uprising in
largest nuclear power in the world was Russia last Wednesday, The New York
narrowly avoided when Yevgeny Prigo- Times reported.
zhin, leader of the Wagner group of Rather than publish the intelligence
mercenaries, ordered them to halt a — as was done in the weeks leading up
march to Moscow after a last-minute to the invasion of Ukraine last year —
deal with the Kremlin. US agencies decided to let events in
President Putin, who had given a Russia play out.
televised address vowing “brutal” retal- A British cabinet minister said the
iation against the rebels, spared Prigo- government would not be interfering in
zhin any punishment as part of an Russia’s internal affairs. “It is obviously
agreement that exiled him to Belarus. a very unstable situation in Russia, but
Neither Putin nor his defence staff it is fundamentally an internal matter,”
appeared in public and Prigozhin’s John Glen, the chief secretary to the
whereabouts remained unknown. Treasury, said. Health scare Sarah, Duchess of York, here with her daughters Beatrice and Eugenie, has had surgery for breast cancer. Page 5
The speed of the weekend’s events John Foreman, the former British de-
has left British diplomats hastily pre- fence attaché in Moscow, said Prigo-
paring for different outcomes.
“From the very beginning of the
invasion, one of the most obvious sce-
zhin toppling Putin ranked as a “worst-
case scenario”, adding: “You’ve got to be
careful what you wish for. Prigozhin is
Rail scheme for discount tickets hits buffers
narios was that the war could lead to not some sort of liberal, peace-loving
political unrest back home in Russia,” democrat. He’s a fascist.” Oliver Wright rail network costs instead, but critics to keep the network going. A source
a senior government source said. Foreman, who left Moscow last say this would cause a spiral of lower said: “Even if you sold an empty seat for
Asked if the coup attempt could trigger autumn, indicated that the weekend’s Plans to let train companies offer passenger numbers and revenues. a pound, that is still a pound you would
a regime change in Moscow, the source events caught western diplomats by cheaper tickets are being blocked by the Under the proposals backed by the not have got if no one is in it.”
said Britain “must prepare for a whole surprise. “Our assessment was that this Treasury amid claims that officials are DfT, rail operators would be able to fol- Figures published this month show
range of different scenarios”, adding: was going to be gradual. It wasn’t going trying to “run down” the railways. low budget airlines, car-hire companies that rail usage in the first quarter of the
“We have to wait, watch and see what to be a sudden march on Moscow.” The Department for Transport (DfT) and hotels in offering so-called de- year was 88 per cent of that in the same
comes next. This could be Chapter One Putin’s speech was an attempt to re- is championing moves to introduce mand-led pricing. This would mean Continued on page 2
of something new.” mind Russians of the need for a strong- dynamic budget-airline-style pricing to offering tickets at a significant discount
Antony Blinken, the US secretary of man leader, Foreman said. The presi- lower fares and help restore passenger on routes and at times when demand
state, said that the weekend’s events ex- dent described the uprising as smuta, a numbers to pre-Covid levels. was low, to fill more seats.
posed “real cracks” in the Kremlin. word meaning strife, which is also used Treasury officials are understood to Prices at peak times or on busy routes
“This was a direct challenge to Putin’s to refer to the Time of Troubles, a be blocking the plan amid fears it could could rise, but the hope would be that
authority,” he told CBS News. “It raises period of lawlessness and anarchy that increase the approximate £11 billion increasing rail usage overall — even at
profound questions.”
US intelligence agencies became
followed the death of Ivan the Terrible
Continued on page 2
annual cost to the taxpayer of subsidis-
ing the rail network. They want to cut
lower prices — would raise total reve-
nues and reduce the subsidies required
y(7HB7E2*OTSNLS( |||+?!.'
2 Monday June 26 2023 | the times


Today’s highlights Fears world economy will be

8.05am Marina Litvinenko, right, widow of the poisoned
Russian defector Alexander Litvinenko
9.35am Vitali Klitschko, the mayor of Kyiv
11.05am The Labour MP Sir Ben Bradshaw, who will
stuck in high inflation trap
step down at the next election, is the latest to Mehreen Khan Economics Editor markets, where unemployment is low the financial crisis in 2008, while the
have an exit interview with Matt Chorley and labour is scarce, as a source of UK’s gilts crisis after last year’s mini-
2pm The comedian, actor and writer Tom The global economy is at risk of falling persistent inflation. budget was a painful example of how
Basden on bringing his satire Accidental into a permanent high inflationary trap “It would be unreasonable to expect rising borrowing costs can rock parts of
Death of an Anarchist to the West End that will be difficult to “dislodge” as that wage earners would not try to the financial system that have long
3.35pm Sam Pattinson, the creative director workers’ wages chase rising prices, the catch up, not least since labour markets relied on ultra-low interest rates.
behind Elton John’s Glastonbury set Bank for International Settlements has remain very tight,” the report said. Despite those risks, the BIS urged
warned. “Once an inflation psychology sets in, it central banks to press ahead with
In its annual report on the state of the is hard to dislodge. aggressive monetary action to break
world economy, the so-called “central “There is a material risk that an the self-reinforcing cycle of high prices
DAB RADIO l ONLINE l SMART SPEAKER l APP bank of central banks” warned there inflation psychology will take hold, and high wages.
was a growing danger that interest rates where wage and price increases start to “For central banks, the task is clear.
would have to remain high until 2027 to reinforce each other. Interest rates may They need to restore price stability”
fight against the threat of a “high infla- need to stay higher for longer than the Agustín Carstens, general manager of
T O D AY ’ S E D I T I O N tionary regime” becoming permanent public and investors expect.” the BIS and a former governor of
in many economies. Although headline inflation has Mexico’s central bank, said. “A shift to a
“The longer inflation is allowed to fallen to a three-year low in the US and high-inflation regime would impose
NHS lags behind British Airways Lashings of persist, the greater the likelihood that it has subsided from double-digit peaks in enormous costs. No one would benefit.
becomes entrenched and the bigger the the UK and the eurozone, measures of Higher inflation won’t boost real wages.
in global study burns extra fuel Blyton on BBC costs of quenching it,” the Swiss-based underlying core inflation have It won’t deliver growth. It won’t bolster
A comparison of 19 British Airways is still The BBC is to adapt institute said. strengthened by more than expected financial stability.”
countries has found flying aircraft carrying The Famous Five for The UK was singled out last week by this year. Core inflation in the UK, The Treasury is under pressure to
that UK patients fared excess fuel, despite the first time. Filming investors and economists as most at which strips out components such as provide relief to mortgage holders
worse than those in privately admitting has begun on three risk of tipping into a wage-price spiral, food and energy, is at its highest level facing rising repayments this year. The
many other western that doing so “isn’t 90-minute episodes where workers demand better pay deals since 1992 at 7.1 per cent. BIS warned, however, that state spend-
nations on cancer ideal” for the planet. inspired by Enid to compensate for the rising price of High inflation and tightening ing needed to be “systemically” reined
survival rates and life The practice makes Blyton’s stories, which goods and services. The UK has suf- monetary policy raises the cost of in after the emergency response to the
expectancy, as well as aircraft heavier, charted the adventures fered from a shrinking workforce after servicing government debt burdens pandemic and the energy crisis. Car-
levels of doctors, burning more fuel and of Julian, Dick, Anne, the pandemic and still has the highest and threatens to destabilise the finan- stens said fiscal consolidation was
nurses, beds and driving up carbon George and Timmy rates of headline inflation in the G7. cial system. In March the US suffered “needed to put unsustainable fiscal tra-
equipment. Page 4 emissions. Page 14 the dog. Page 19 The BIS pinpointed tight labour its worst bout of banking failures since jectories onto a more secure footing”.

89 days since Wall Street Journal

System failure leaves 999 continued from page 1
Train tickets
reporter Evan Gershkovich
was detained in Russia
callers hanging for hours period before the pandemic. Passenger
revenue was £2.2 billion, 70 per cent of
the £3.2 billion four years ago.
While rail companies can already
Tom Witherow medics did a fantastic job when they offer cheaper prices for advance fares,
Ecuador cartels MPs’ fears over England XI goes arrived.” these are set and agreed in advance.
Callers to 999 were unable to connect Sarie Copplestone, from London, The new proposals have won the
fuel crimewave £18bn merger into injury time to the emergency services across Brit- said that she rang 999 before 7.30am to backing of the transport secretary,
Ecuador, once one of The £18 billion merger England could delay ain for two hours yesterday after a “report a woman screaming near by” Mark Harper, but Whitehall sources
the safest countries in between Vodafone and naming their team for “system failure”. but gave up after failing to get through. said they were being blocked by Trea-
Latin America, is at Three, which would the second Test MPs said that “serious questions” BT was still investigating the glitch sury officials who have told the DfT
the mercy of a create Britain’s biggest against Australia to must be asked after the public was told yesterday, but had ruled out a third- that they are not prepared to take the
crimewave driven mobile network, is allow Moeen Ali more not to call 999 during the nationwide party issue, the hot weather and an risk of losing existing revenue at a time
by drug cartels, facing scrutiny from time to recover from shutdown caused by a technical glitch issue with Android phones. A spokes- of huge pressure on the public finances.
local outlaws and MPs over links to an injury to his finger. in the system, which is run by BT. man said it would be unable to release “The Treasury sees the railways as a
international gangsters China. Three is owned England called up the It is not known how many calls were technical information about the prob- cost . . . rather than an opportunity,”
with the murder rate by CK Hutchison, a 18-year-old leg spinner affected, but the service receives an av- lem because the 999 service was part of another insider said. “But unless we are
having risen fivefold Hong Kong-listed Rehan Ahmed last erage of 4,500 calls per hour to its seven the critical national infrastructure. prepared to innovate then ultimately
since 2016. Page 28 conglomerate. Page 31 week as cover. Page 58 national call centres. MPs demanded to know how the ser- the rail network is only going to be-
Dozens of services across England, vice could be allowed to fail for so long. come a bigger drain on the taxpayer. It
Wales and Scotland posted on social Steve Brine, chairman of the health and is just going to run down the railways.”
COMMENT 23 LEADING ARTICLES 27 SPORT 51 media urging people to use other num- social care committee, said: “Serious A government source said Treasury
THUNDERER 24 REGISTER 45 CROSSWORD 58 bers, including 101 and 111, and avoid questions will be asked, including by my reticence was the result of years of bro-
LETTERS 26 COURT CIRCULAR 47 TV & RADIO TIMES2 calling unless it was a real emergency. committee, as to how we can ever be ken promises at the DfT. “Just remem-
BT gave the all-clear at about 10am, anywhere near a position where an im- ber HS2,” they said. “It is no wonder
FOLLOW US saying that its “back-up platform” had mediate back-up doesn’t kick in.” there is a large degree of scepticism.”
thetimes timesandsundaytimes thetimes kicked in and 999 calls were being Marco Longhi, an MP on the home Rail Partners, which represents the
connected. affairs committee, said: “The 999 ser- industry, said: “Demand-led pricing is
OFFER Keridee West-Vasquez, from Wool- vice is a vital piece of national infra- one of many ways operators could at-
pit, a village outside Bury St Edmunds structure, and every minute is precious.” tract passengers. It stands to benefit the
Save 65% on the cover price for in Suffolk, said that it took three and a The East of England Ambulance Ser- passenger, through better value fares,
three months with a subscription to half hours to get through to emergency
services when her 25-year-old friend
vice NHS Trust said yesterday after-
noon: “This is an ongoing issue so in no
and taxpayers, through increased reve-
nue . . . reducing government subsidy.”
The Times and The Sunday Times had a seizure. “It’s extremely distress- way is it fully resolved by BT at this The DfT said: “The government re-
ing,” she said. “Thankfully we managed time. There is some functionality re- mains fully committed to reforming
T&Cs apply
to get help eventually and the para- stored but not returned to normal yet.” our railways.”

THE WEATHER © TIMES MEDIA LIMITED, 2023. continued from page 1 tinued strength of Russian defences. prepared to strengthen its eastern
Published in print and all other derivative
formats by Times Media Ltd, 1 London Bridge Russian mutiny “Despite the weakened state, arguably, flank. “If Prigozhin or part of the Wag-
St, London, SE1 9GF, telephone 020 7782
of Putin, we’re in for a long haul here,” ner group ends up in Belarus with un-
5000. Printed by: Newsprinters in 1584. “All Russians know immedi- he told Times Radio. “And that actually clear plans and unclear intentions it will
8 (Broxbourne) Ltd, Great Cambridge Rd, ately what he is talking about when he is the worst of all worlds for the West. only mean that we need to further
Waltham Cross, EN8 8DY; Newsprinters uses that word,” Foreman said. “What we should have achieved, or strengthen the security of our eastern
(Knowsley) Ltd, Kitling Rd, Prescot, Sir Roderic Lyne, a former British sought to achieve, is a much more rapid borders,” he said.
19 Merseyside, L34 9HN; Newsprinters
8 14 (Eurocentral) Ltd, Byramsmuir Road,
ambassador to Russia, said that Putin’s and decisive victory, full-blooded en- President Biden and President Zel-
Holytown, Motherwell, ML1 1NP; Associated grip on power was weakening. He told gagement last year. We failed to do this. ensky discussed the situation in Russia
Printing (Carn) Ltd, Morton 2 Esky Drive, Carn Times Radio: “The odds on Putin re- So, in military terms, we might say and the Ukrainian counteroffensive in
Industial Estate, Portadown, BT63 5YY; KP maining indefinitely in power, which is we’re dribbling as opposed to clouting. a phone call yesterday. The White
20 Services, La Rue Martel, La Rue des Pres what he wants to do, have shortened . . . “We’re now going to risk this long House said that the US “reaffirmed un-
Trading Estate, St Saviour, Jersey, JE2 7QR.
For permission to copy articles or headlines
but right now he is still in charge.” drawn-out war in Europe with all the wavering support” for Kyiv, “including
22 for internal information purposes contact Lord Richards of Herstmonceux, economic consequences and the desta- through continued security, economic,
17 Newspaper Licensing Agency at PO Box 101, former chief of the defence staff, bilising consequences that will have, and humanitarian aid”.
Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1WX, tel 01892 stressed that Putin remained a power- and I think that is probably the worst of Kremlin chiefs vanish, pages 6-7
525274,email For all other ful adversary and said the West risked all outcomes.” West still struggles to predict events in
reproduction and licensing inquiries contact
Feeling fresher with a mixture of Licensing Department, 1 London Bridge St,
“woefully underestimating Russia”. He President Nauseda of Lithuania, the east, Edward Lucas, page 24
sunny spells and scattered showers, London, SE1 9GF, telephone 020 7711 7888, warned that the struggling Ukrainian which will host a Nato summit next The coup may have failed but Putin is
some heavy. Full forecast, page 49 e-mail counteroffensive showed the con- month, said that the alliance should be weaker for it, leading article, page 27
the times | Monday June 26 2023 2GM 3


Not a vintage
year — but
Glasto is still
a wonder Elton John performing the festival’s closing set after others had already packed to leave Worthy Farm.
The actress Sienna Miller enjoyed the sunshine as a glittering Sophie Ellis-Bextor took to the Pyramid stage

consciousness: Bennie and the Jets,

Pop Will Hodgkinson
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road and I
Guess That’s Why They Call it
was pretty good:
Your Song and
Candle in the Wind
Duff McKagan, roaring out the
Stooges’ classic TV Eye was a
primeval rock joy. When Slash did a
Just Stop Oil
the Blues — the latter
Glastonbury Festival
Worthy Farm, Pilton accompanied by Martin
Parr’s photographs of
are deceptively
hard to get right.
On Saturday
long, pretty solo that went into
Sweet Child O’ Mine, Worthy Farm
was in uproar.
signs revellers
HHHHI everyday British couples
looking a bit glum — all
within the first half
even Axl Rose of
Guns N’ Roses —
generally the most
At the Other Stage, Lana Del Rey
came on 40 minutes late, had a strop
about her set being cut short and was
to its cause
After a gruelling four days in which hour. From then on ornery of old rock led off stage by security. There was
the biggest foe was the heat — not it was one favourite dudes — was a some great staging — a phalanx of Will Humphries, Charlie Parker
the usual enemy, the mud — after another. figure of old world dancers surrounded Del Rey for the
Glastonbury 2023 felt like, if not a Various guests politeness. “Thank lamenting ballad Blue Jeans. But some Just Stop Oil has been using Glaston-
vintage year, then at least a reminder came and went — you for having us,” forgotten lines gave her the air of an bury as a recruiting ground and signed
of why it is a cultural phenomenon. someone called said this former artist whose persona eclipsed her up hundreds of people, while other
It is the atmosphere. Glastonbury Stephen Sanchez dissolute figure of professionalism. festivalgoers polluted the farmland by
does bring out the best in people. acted as if he were venom. Guns N’ On Sunday afternoon, a revelation: urinating in hedgerows, spitting tooth-
It certainly brought out the best in the star of the Roses were not a Cat Stevens was a highlight of the paste on the camping grounds and
Elton John, who blasted into Pinball show, while popular Saturday entire Glastonbury weekend. He was washing shampoo into streams.
Wizard last night before one of the Brandon Flowers of headline choice, but visibly overwhelmed by the response The group was invited to organise
biggest crowds the Pyramid stage has the Killers got the they showed to Seventies songs such as The Wind and take part in five talks during the fes-
ever seen. “It’s emotional for me tone right for Tiny character and and Moonshadow, still performed with tival, which included: “How to Just Stop
because it may be my last show ever,” Dancer — but it dedication to the the same delicacy of expression. New Oil”, “Reform, Protest or Resist-
he said (but it probably won’t be). was Elton’s ability festival cause. Yes, It was, especially for those of us ance” and “Stopping New Oil”.
Nonetheless he played it like it was, to mask complex Rose’s voice was shot whose parents played albums like Audiences were urged to join activist
getting up every now and then from musical structures but Slash’s guitar Teaser and the Firecat all the time, training sessions and marches through
his piano to give us a full view of his with simple playing was off the incredibly moving; a reminder of the London, donate and sign forms with
gold lamé suit, but mainly showing us singalong melodies scale and for a band moments of surprise and uplift that their contact details.
how many evergreen classics of his that really made his set this size they took Glastonbury can provide better than Members wearing their distinctive
have entered the popular special. And his voice some risks: the bassist, any other festival in the world. orange high visibility vests told festival-
goers that about 600 people had signed

Trampolining nudists bounce in for spa break up over the weekend.

Indigo Rumbelow, co-founder of Just
Stop Oil, spoke at two of the events and
was described as “part of the crew” at
Will Humphries been called one of the last places in sauna, as well as the four hot powerful the farms come and say he and his wife Glastonbury’s Speakers Forum tent in
Southwest Correspondent Glastonbury that holds that old spirit of showers. love our space and he brought his the festival. Rumbelow, 29, from Swan-
the early festival,” James Walford, 52, Not everyone here was a hippy. tractor up filled with firewood for us,” sea, added that she was “trying to start
For those who think Glastonbury has the spa founder, said. Anthony, 25, at only his second Walford said. “That’s normal folk, not a revolution” and called for Glaston-
largely lost its old hippy charm and sold “We bring a beautiful space for Glastonbury festival, had paid £65 for hippies or young people going for a bury to be held on Parliament Square.
out to the capitalist beast, the hidden people to come in a chaotic environ- unlimited use during the festival, just so party. It’s local people who live and She warned of more “wildfires in
nudist sauna is proof otherwise. ment. It’s all about the good stuff. It’s he could keep clean. work here on the farms all year round Wales”, more orange smog covering
The only indication of what goes on not about making money.” “I did my first Glastonbury last year and they come to us every year.” New York City and one billion people
inside the Lost Horizon Nomadic Spa is And what is it with nudists wanting to and I couldn’t handle not being able to Carl Chamberlain, 55, the stage being “forced to move to survive” by
the occasional sight of a trampolining trampoline? “Trampolines are fun but shower,” he said. “I don’t mind the manager for the spa, said the musicians 2030 because of global warming.
naked festivalgoer briefly appearing naked trampolining seems to be a bit of nudity but this is such a good way to get who played on their small stage were Meanwhile, festival organisers strug-
above the head-high canvas wall. a thing,” he said, with a slightly a sauna and shower and feel refreshed.” not paid but had free access to the gled to stop revellers from treating the
Nestled at the top of the Tipi Village, bemused look. Walford, who lives in a van on farm- facilities. farmland like a lavatory. The festival
on a hill overlooking the festival site, “We are just an inclusive space. That’s land in Kent, runs naked retreats at “We are still a busking stage so they runs a prominent “Love the Farm,
the spa has a small stage for musicians the one thing about being naked festivals around the UK. They have say hello to me when they arrive and if Leave No Trace” campaign throughout
(some clothed, some not), a garden for together, it’s just a great leveller.” been at Glastonbury for a decade. I don’t have a slot for them yet they have the site with posters, videos on the big
sunbathing, a massage yurt, a cold When The Times visited in the He said all sorts come through their a sauna and a chill,” he said. “I will tell screens between acts and with messag-
plunge pool, a trampoline and a 16-per- afternoon there were about 20 people, doors, including some of the farmers them when they can get on stage but if ing in the festival programme and on the
son wood-fired sauna housed in an ash- mostly aged between 25 and 60, who allow their land to be used for the they don’t get on [at least] they’ve had a website. One poster says: “Contamina-
framed canvas yurt. “We are and have sunning themselves and using the festival. “We had a worker from one of nice sauna and a shower.” tion to the river threatens the festival.”
4 Monday June 26 2023 | the times


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Home plans rejected

Campaigners have won a six-year
battle to stop a housing estate
being built next to a historic
manor that inspired Thomas
Hardy. Developers hoped to build
80 homes near Wolfeton House,
a grade I listed building on the
outskirts of Charminster after
scaling down previous plans but
Dorset council rejected the new
bid, citing the “great historical
and architectural significance” of
the building. Julian Fellowes, the
Spin cycle Lauren Day admires Blue Door Sycamore by David Watkinson, designed to move in the least breeze, at Newby Hall’s new sculpture trail in North Yorkshire creator of Downton Abbey, was
among those who objected.

NHS lags behind on number of Schools’ life-saver

All state secondary schools in
England will have access to
life-saving defibrillators, ministers

doctors, nurses and hospital beds

announced. The devices, which
send an electric pulse to restore a
normal heartbeat, are being
distributed after officials met
campaigners including Mark
King, whose 12-year-old son,
Kat Lay Health Editor had more than twice as many, with 6.3 Siva Anandaciva, chief analyst at the Sweden, Britain and the US. The UK Oliver, died following a cardiac
Oliver Wright Policy Editor doctors per 1,000 people. The UK came think tank and author of the report, had higher levels of death from treata- arrest in a swimming race in 2011.
bottom for the number of CT and MRI said that performing “relatively well” ble conditions such as heart attacks and
The NHS “trails behind” other coun- scanners per person. The US has five was “not the same as saying that we per- strokes than most and below average Sewage stink apology
tries’ health systems in its levels of doc- times as many scanners per person and form well in absolute terms”. survival rates for many of the main can-
tors, nurses, beds and equipment, ac- Germany has four times as many. “While the UK stands out in remov- cers. Anandaciva said it was “broadly Southern Water has apologised
cording to a report that describes the It was second to last on hospital beds, ing most financial barriers to accessing middle of the pack” on waiting times. after people living near its sewage
UK’s performance as “middling at best”. with only 2.5 beds per 1,000 people health care and the NHS is run relative- There was no sign that any particular works in Southampton
In a study released before the gov- compared with an average of 3.2. It was ly efficiently, it trails behind its inter- financing system — such as social complained of a worsening stench
ernment’s long-awaited NHS work- also below average in terms of spending national cousins on some key markers health insurance — outperformed any “like human faeces outside your
force plan, a comparison of 19 countries on health per capita. of a good healthcare system,” he said. other. Anandaciva said that funding window”. Neighbours said the
by the King’s Fund think tank found The report came as Rishi Sunak said “The pressures of the Covid-19 pan- would broadly need to increase by 6 to smell from the Portswood
that UK patients fared worse than that plans to increase the number of demic on our health service com- 7 per cent a year “to see improvement”. wastewater treatment works had
those in many other western nations on medical training places and examine pounded the consequences of more The health department said: “This been lingering for years. The
measures including cancer survival how patients are treated would form than a decade of squeezed investment report recognises the NHS is one of the company said extraction fans had
rates and life expectancy. one of the “most significant announce- in staff, equipment and wider services most efficiently run healthcare systems failed but had now been fixed.
The report found “strikingly low ments in the history of the NHS”. that keep us well. This leaves the NHS and we are investing up to £14.1 billion
levels” of key clinical staff such as The King’s Fund researchers con- delivering performance that is mid- to improve services and cut waiting ‘Groper’ loses claim
doctors and nurses, as well as lower cluded that the NHS was “neither a dling at best.” lists, one of the government’s top five
spending on buildings and equipment, leader nor a laggard”, offering people The report looked at data from Aus- priorities.” A team leader who pinched
compared with other countries in good protection from potentially cata- tralia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Den- Cash injections alone cannot cure younger men on the backside,
Europe and the Anglosphere. strophic costs from ill health, spending mark, Finland, France, Germany, what ails us, leading article, page 27 grabbed their private parts and
It found that the UK had only three relatively little on administration and Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Nether- Shadow health secretary: I was going made “dirty, rude comments” has
doctors per 1,000 people, while Greece keeping medicine costs low. However, lands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, to be aborted, Times2 lost her claim for wrongful
dismissal. Julie Taylor was sacked

Million scans every year to save smokers’ lives by Stanley Black & Decker after
colleagues raised concerns, a
tribunal in Cambridge was told.
The company was entitled to do
Tom Witherow considered high risk will be invited for in sites such as supermarket car parks. which costs 35,000 lives every year,” he so, Judge Sarah Moore found.
specialist scans every two years. NHS bosses said the “lung trucks”, added. “Rolling out screening . . . will
The lung cancers of up to 9,000 people It is estimated that 325,000 people introduced in 2020, helped ensure save lives by detecting up to 9,000 lung Barn owl back in town
a year may be caught sooner than at will be eligible for a first scan each year, easier access for people, especially in cancers a year at an early stage.”
present under a national screening with an annual total of 992,000 scans. disadvantaged areas where people Lung cancer has one of the lowest A barn owl has been seen on
programme, NHS chiefs predict. The Department of Health and were four times more likely to smoke. survival rates of all diseases. It is often Hampstead Heath, north London,
The scheme will carry out almost a Social Care said the first phase of the Almost 900,000 people were invited diagnosed at a late stage when treat- for the first time since 1946. They
million scans at an annual cost of scheme would reach 40 per cent of for checks, with 375,000 risk assess- ment is much less likely to be effective. had been common in the area but
£270 million. Rishi Sunak said that it those eligible for tests by March 2025, ments and 200,000 scans carried out. Some 48,000 people are diagnosed industrialisation had seen them
could prove “a lifeline to thousands of with an aim to reach everybody by More than 2,000 cases were detected. with lung cancer each year, with 35,000 off. It is thought longer grass on
families across the country”. March 2030. Those attending screen- The prime minister said he was con- dying annually from the disease. the heath has encouraged the
Patients in England will have their ings will get advice about smoking, centrating “in the short term” on cut- Critics say there are too few radio- voles on which they prey. Reuben
risk of cancer assessed, based on their including how to cut down or give up. ting waiting lists. “We must also tackle graphers to carry out the scans but the Braddock, a birder, said: “I don’t
smoking history and other factors. The programme expands an earlier some of the long-term challenges fac- health department has pledged to get know how it ended up there, it
Those aged between 55 and 74 who are scheme in which screenings were held ing the NHS, including lung cancer more staff on to the front line. could be a young bird exploring.”
the times | Monday June 26 2023 2GM 5

Duchess of York recovering after surgery for breast cancer
Ross Kaniuk The duchess is which identified her illness, which was Thomson, the entrepreneur. The 1996 but since 2008 they have lived at
with her family at otherwise symptom-free, and believes episode is to be released today. The con- Royal Lodge, part of the Crown Estate
Sarah, Duchess of York, has had an op- Royal Lodge her experience underlines the import- versation was recorded the day before at Windsor.
eration after being found to have breast ance of regular screening.” she went into hospital and was to come The King is reported to have told
cancer at a routine mammogram. The duchess is believed to have spent out last Thursday. But it was postponed them to leave the property.
The duchess, who is 63, was released several days last week in the hospital until she was discharged. Princess Beatrice, a mother of one
yesterday from the King Edward VII’s before returning to recuperate with her The duchess, a patron for Teenage who is married to Edoardo Mozzi, was
hospital in Marylebone, central family, including the Duke of York, 63, Cancer Trust, spoke at a Breast Cancer seen with friends at Glastonbury
London, where the royal family has taken place successfully. The duchess is and their daughters Princess Beatrice, Foundation gala four years ago. In 2021, yesterday and attended Royal Ascot
been treated for decades. She is receiving the best medical care and her 34, and Princess Eugenie, 33. Sarah, a she visited a clinic in Poland to address twice last week.
recovering with her family in Windsor. doctors have told her that the prognosis grandmother of three, was notably the issue of women recovering after About 11,500 women and 85 men die
A spokesman for the duchess said: is good. missing from the racing at Royal Ascot having a mastectomy. from breast cancer each year in the UK.
“Sarah, Duchess of York was recently “The duchess wants to express her last week. Prince Andrew, her former husband, Analysis by the British Medical Journal
diagnosed with an early form of breast immense gratitude to all the medical Before going into hospital, the duch- has not been seen in public this week found earlier this year that the majority
cancer detected at a routine mammo- staff who have supported her in recent ess spoke about her diagnosis on her and attended only the private aspects of of women whose breast cancer was
gram screening. She was advised she days. She is also hugely thankful to the new podcast Tea Talks with the Duchess the Order of the Garter Day ceremony detected early now survive because of
needed to undergo surgery which has staff involved in the mammogram and Sarah, in which she joins Sarah last Monday. The couple divorced in progress in treatments.

Netflix and Palace talks

over peerage
Spotify chiefs for Lebedev
Ross Kaniuk

‘found Sussexes Government officials asked the late

Queen if she would block Evgeny
Lebedev’s peerage because of concerns
that he could be a national security risk
due to his father’s links to the Putin

regime, a documentary claims.
The aides contacted Buckingham
Palace in July 2020 after Boris Johnson,
then prime minister, decided to ignore
warnings from the intelligence
agencies, programme makers say.
Charlotte Wace an exploration of “the labels that try to The Palace is understood to have
hold women back” — on the air was refused, wanting to avoid accusations
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have said to have been “rocky”. It was also that the Queen was interfering in
left executives at Spotify and Netflix said that the terms of the Spotify deal political matters, and the Russian
“underwhelmed” by their lack of had included each of them “voicing and became Lord Lebedev that December.
productivity, it has been claimed. being directly involved in a podcast” Security services did not say Lebedev,
Employees and associates at but that “Harry, in particular, struggled
Archewell, the couple’s company, alle- to land on an idea”. Lord Lebedev
gedly said that it “often lacks direction This month it was announced that was nominated
and that its founders at times seem Spotify and the Sussexes’ audio com- for his peerage by
surprised by the work required to finish pany had “mutually agreed” to end Boris Johnson
entertainment projects”. their partnership. Archetypes has been
The Wall Street Journal made the the only series produced since the
claims in an article analysing the Suss- couple signed the deal with Spotify in
exes’ successes since signing deals with 2020 for a reported $20 million. In a
Spotify and Netflix after stepping down joint statement, the two sides said that who owns the Evening Standard and
as working members of the royal family. they were “proud of the series that we The Independent, was a risk, but raised
Archewell sources told the WSJ that made together”. the relationship with the Kremlin of his
“most potential initiatives . . . follow a Harry and Meghan’s deal with Net- father, a former KGB spy, according to
similar route: Big idea, subpar exe- flix, which runs until 2025, was also Harry and Meghan’s deal with Spotify is ending by mutal agreement. Taylor Swift, the Channel 4 documentary Boris, the
cution”. It was also claimed that scrutinised. As well as a children’s below, is said to have turned down a podcast invitation from the duchess herself Lord & the Russian Spy: Dispatches,
Meghan had personally written show called Pearl, which was can- which will be broadcast tomorrow.
to Taylor Swift, asking her to celled, at least two television ideas Representatives for the Sussexes ship with Archewell Productions. Lord Clark of Windermere, a former
appear on her Spotify podcast have been rejected in the past year, have been approached for comment. Harry & Meghan was Netflix’s biggest member of the House of Lords Ap-
Archetypes, but that the singer sources claim. While Harry & Me- An Archewell spokeswoman told the documentary debut ever, and we’ll pointments Commission, said: “Boris
rejected the invitation ghan, the couple’s Netflix docu- WSJ: “New companies often make continue to work together on a number Johnson was quite determined that he
through a representative. mentary about stepping down changes in their start-up phase, both of projects, including the upcoming was going to get his own way.”
Conversations about a from the royal family, was with people and strategy, and we are no documentary series Heart of Invictus.” A spokesman for Johnson told The
second season of the pod- popular the Sussexes are said exception. We’re more equipped, fo- Heart of Invictus follows competitors Guardian: “The proper process was
cast had stalled before to have “struggled to make cused and energised than ever before.” in the Invictus Games, founded by followed.” A spokesman for Lord Lebe-
Archewell was told that the content beyond their own ex- The spokeswoman said that the Harry for service members who have dev told the documentary makers: “He
show would not be re- periences”. company had recently hired Tracy suffered life-changing injuries or ill- understands no attempt was made by
newed, it was reported. Netflix and Spotify have Ryerson, the actress and producer, as a ness. It is due to be streamed this sum- the security services to persuade the
The road to getting the been cutting shows to cut new head of scripted content. mer. Spotify did not respond when PM to withdraw the nomination.”
first series — described as costs as growth slows. Netflix said: “We value our partner- asked to comment. The Palace declined to comment.

St Paul’s repents after calling Churchill a white supremacist

Debbie White ceremony, held to honour people controversy, especially when viewed “Information on our website regarding that the Bengal famine, when Church-
considered to be of national import- from a modern perspective”. the state funeral of Winston Churchill ill’s government failed to ship food to
St Paul’s Cathedral has removed a ance”. Lord Soames of Fletching, 75, was recently updated. India, was “a blot on his record” but that
“deeply offensive” online description of The cathedral altered its description Churchill’s grandson, welcomed the “It was brought to our attention that this should be weighed against his ser-
Winston Churchill. of Churchill after a complaint from change. He said the family had been part of the text within the description vices to Britain and mankind.
A post on the cathedral website Nick Gent, 72, a member of the Friends upset by the cathedral’s “offensive, was not consistent with the tone of the Boris Johnson, the former prime
stated that the former prime minister, of St Paul’s. thoughtless, stupid and ignorant” rest of the page. We have therefore minister and author of The Churchill
who led Britain during the Second The Mail on Sunday reported that remarks. reworded the paragraph with the aim of Factor, criticised the Winston Churchill
World War, “was an unashamed Gent wrote to church leaders: “Some of The Tory peer said the comments making the description more balanced Memorial Trust, a charity set up to
imperialist and white supremacist”. the language you have used in went too far “even [allowing for] some and appropriate in its context.” honour its namesake, for renaming
The description was online for more Churchill’s profile is too heavily of the . . . more extreme views in the It is not the first time that Churchill itself the Churchill Fellowship in 2021.
than a year on a page explaining the charged, condemnatory to the extent Church of England”. He added: “It was has provoked controversy. Some He said it was “absurd, misguided and
three state funerals held at the that it demonises Churchill. Perhaps deeply offensive and it caused great historians insist he should be regarded wrong to airbrush his giant achieve-
cathedral for Nelson in 1805, the Duke this language is a function of ignorance offence to a number of members of my as the country’s saviour while others ments and service to this country”.
of Wellington in 1852 and Churchill in or of political ideology.” family, and representations were made say he was a racist and imperialist. The charity denied the change of
1965. The post said that the events were The post was altered on Friday. It by a number of people.” Sir Max Hastings, the military histo- name was connected to Churchill’s
“spectacular in their pomp and now describes Churchill as “a figure of A spokesman for the cathedral said: rian and author of Winston’s War, said “unacceptable” views on race.
6 Monday June 26 2023 | the times

News Russian mutiny

Putin and his defence chiefs led Russian forces in eastern Ukraine in
Marc Bennetts Day of drama 2014 and is wanted for the destruction
The day after Yevgeny Prigozhin called of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over the
off his “march of justice” on Moscow, 6.35pm: Just 120 miles Donbas region.
neither President Putin nor Sergei from Moscow, Wagner Analysts believe that the group is
Shoigu, his defence minister, appeared halt their advance backed by hardliners in the Russian
in public to reassure Russians that the after Prigozhin strikes security services. Girkin said: “The
crisis was over. a deal with Putin time of troubles has begun.”
The Wagner boss had demanded that The whereabouts of Prigozhin are
Shoigu and Valery Gerasimov, the chief Moscow unknown. He was seen leaving Rostov-
of the general staff, be handed over to on-Don, a city in southern Russia with
him after accusing them of ordering a Column heads for a population of more than a million
strike on his forces in eastern Ukraine. Moscow, where the people. Wagner took over the city on
Rumours have circulated that Shoigu M4 army, police and Saturday, to wide applause and cheers.
has been fired, or even detained, but the security forces are Under the deal struck with the Kremlin,
Kremlin says the deal brokered by building fortifications, Prigozhin is to move to Belarus while all
Belarus did not touch on the fate of the 4 tearing up roads and charges against him and his fighters
defence minister. There is growing shutting bridges will be withdrawn.
speculation, however, that Shoigu Abbas Gallyamov, a former Kremlin
could be replaced by Alexei Dyumin, 3 speech writer who is now a political an-
governor of the Tula region. He is a alyst, said: “[Prigozhin’s rebellion] has
former defence official and was once Voronezh 2 Meanwhile finally destroyed Putin’s main trump
the president’s personal bodyguard. another Wagner card in the eyes of voters — the idea of
100 miles armoured
Flight records show that two presi- his rule as an era of stability.”
dential aircraft landed in Moscow early column arrives Russian state television tried desper-
yesterday. Both had flown out of the on the outskirts ately to put a spin on events, telling
city on Saturday as Wagner fighters ap- Donbas of Voronezh viewers that Prigozhin had called off his
region and is fired on
proached. It is unclear whether Putin march on Moscow because he lacked
was on one of the planes. Russian- by Russian popular support and that Russia was a
A swathe of senior officials failed to held army “stronghold of unity”. It also broadcast
publicly condemn Prigozhin as Wagner territory helicopters comments by Putin on the war in
troops advanced on the capital. Among UKRAINE Ukraine that were recorded before the
those who stayed silent were seven per- crisis last week.
manent members of the Security 1 Rostov-on-Don Dmitry Kiselyov, a presenter, told
Council, including Alexander Bortni- Saturday am: Wagner viewers: “An important factor here is
kov, the head of the FSB state security forces reach the city that people on both sides, ready to give
service, Mikhail Mishustin, the prime overnight from their lives for Russia, did not start kill-
minister, and Viktor Zolotov, director of Ukraine and occupy ing each other in a senseless massacre.
the national guard. it without resistance You can call it maturity, courage, wis-
Nikolai Patrushev, a long-time Putin (local times) dom, whatever you like, but the fact is
ally who is the council chairman, also that this did not happen.”
failed to speak out against Wagner, as Forces compared State media in Minsk reported that
did Margarita Simonyan, the head of Russian government Active duty Putin and President Lukashenko of
RT, the Kremlin-backed news channel. personnel Belarus spoke by phone yesterday
Putin’s near silence, combined with 1.15m morning. They were speaking as China
the ease at which the Wagner fighters Wagner group Claimed to be at said it supported Russia in “protecting
came within striking distance of Mos- Prigozhin’s disposal during march national stability” following talks in
cow, has brought criticism from hard- on Moscow Beijing between Andrey Rudenko, the
liners. In Moscow, Vladimir Kvachkov, Russian deputy foreign minister, and
an ultranationalist former military in- 25,000 Qin Gang, the foreign minister. It was
telligence officer, told a gathering of unclear when Rudenko flew to Beijing
comrades that Wagner’s uprising creating a terrorist group and plotting or if his visit was linked to the Wagner
meant that “Putin’s state no longer ex- to overthrow the government. uprising. North Korea and Venezuela
ists”. He also said that the aim of He was speaking at a meeting of also said they supported Putin.
nationalists should be to “liberate our hundreds of pro-war figures known as The coup may have failed but Putin is
country”. Kvachkov spent eight years in the Angry Patriots Club that included weaker for it, leading article, page 27
prison after being convicted in 2010 of Igor Girkin, a former FSB officer who Wishful thinking, letter, page 26

How feud boiled over

The scale and speed of the fire on mercenaries. When

mutiny was a shock but it the Russian is released, he
followed a simmering accuses Wagner of stealing They may be feared for their brutality on the battlefield but on the streets of
dispute between Wagner tanks and torturing other

Weakness of the
and the defence ministry. Russian prisoners.

February 21, 2023 June 9

Six months into the assault Prigozhin goes on a tour of

Russian state can

on the Ukrainian town of Russia, holding press
Bakhmut, Yevgeny conferences, leading to
Prigozhin, the Wagner speculation that he is about
group leader, launches a to launch a career in

be traced to leader
foul-mouthed rant accusing politics. Marat Gabidullin, a
the defence ministry of former Wagner mercenary,
killing his mercenaries by said: “He needs some kind
starving them of artillery On Saturday mercenaries left HQ in Rostov for Moscow of solid political platform so
ammunition. he can’t be bumped off.”
May 27 British military political situation in our Analysis Roger Boyes warlord seeking to prevent his
March 5 intelligence says Wagner is country may change June 11 highly paid, high-on-amphetamines
ith a jolt Russians fighters from being subsumed into

Prigozhin warns that withdrawing from areas it beyond recognition.” Prigozhin says his men will
Wagner could withdraw captured around Bakhmut. refuse to obey a Kremlin are recognising that the regular army.
from Bakhmut, again US intelligence suggests June 2 decree that all soldiers in the war against His gamble was that enough
complaining that his troops they are moving to western As Wagner withdraws from “volunteer formations”, Ukraine cannot stop senior army commanders, GRU
are not getting ammunition. Russia and preparing for a Bakhmut, Prigozhin accuses such as Wagner, must sign a there. The collapse military intelligence officers,
move against Moscow. Russian army units of trying contract with the army. of communist rule in eastern Europe Orthodox churchmen and ultra-
May 9 to blow up his men. presaged the break-up of the Soviet nationalist politicians would speak
Putin addresses the Victory May 30 Igor Girkin, who June 23 Prigozhin posts Union. Now, three decades on, an out in favour of an autonomous
Day parade in Moscow, and orchestrated the annexation June 5 Wagner captures video of the aftermath of a incompetently led war on Russia’s Wagner force and that Putin,
Prigozhin releases a furious of Crimea in 2014, accuses and tortures a Russian army rocket attack on a Wagner borders is accelerating the Prigozhin’s protector, would accept
message about the military the Wagner group of commander. The group base, claiming the Russian Balkanisation of the motherland. as an act of loyal criticism the case
hardware on display in Red declaring war on the state publishes video of a army tried to kill him. He For Yevgeny Prigozhin the for sacking the defence minister and
Square while his troops are and says: “By the end of the confession, stating he gave then announces his “march supposed march on Moscow was not head of the army. As the Wagner
fighting house-to-house. summer the internal the order for his troops to for justice on Moscow”. so much a coup attempt against the vanguard raced through Rostov
Putin regime as a tribal reflex of a without opposition, it must have
the times | Monday June 26 2023 7


vanish after failed rebellion FEODOR LARIN/ANADOLU AGENCY/GETTY IMAGES

It hasn’t changed
anything for us, say
Ukraine’s soldiers
Political strife for the enemy is
welcome but troops believe it’s not
enough to shift the war, reports
Anthony Loyd in Kostyantynivka

resigned and wearied b
betrayal and then gave him an
realism settled over amnesty, President Putin also lost his
Ukrainian soldiers as news key monopoly of state sanctioned
of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s vviolence. Divisions between senior
volte face spread along the commanders, already strained since
Donbas front. Few appeared to have tthe start of the invasion last year, are
thought the Wagner group’s advance u
unlikely to heal in the mutiny’s wake.
towards Moscow and the spectre of a The parallel power structures of
Russian civil war would have ever armed groups such as Wagner and
resulted in a speedy collapse of their Akhmad Kadyrov’s Chechen
enemy across no-man’s-land. paramilitary units will further incite
Many soldiers said they regarded the military’s internal discord.
the mutiny as a Russian ploy of some Respect for General Valery
kind or else as merely a complex Gerasimov, the chief of defence staff,
solidification of power among and Sergei Shoigu, the defence
Kremlin military leaders. None minister, was already low before the
seemed to believe that its aftermath mutiny, even among commanders
would shorten their war or hasten supposedly loyal to Putin.
Ukraine’s chances of victory. On Saturday, when Prigozhin was
“Of course we were happy to see filmed in Rostov at a meeting with
them shoot down their own General Vladimir Alekseyev, the
helicopters and turn on one another,” deputy head of Russia’s GRU military
said Leonid, 31, an infantryman who intelligence, demanding that he hand
had kept up to date with the dramas over the two chiefs’ commander, the
in Russia while sitting in a bunker GRU officer sneered. “You can take
west of Bakhmut. “We had fleeting them,” Alekseyev said.
hopes that it would affect the pace of Nor will the Russian air force soon
our fight but now we know that forget the deaths of crew killed by
Prigozhin has turned back from Wagner fighters. As Wagner columns
Moscow it seems like it was just a moved northwards to Voronezh,
scene from Game of Thrones or some Prigozhin’s men shot at least three
sort of strange Russian chess move — Russian helicopters and one fixed wing
part of a consolidation of power transport aircraft, killing more than 13
among big armed gangs that won’t do crew. The losses, which included two
us much good.” rare Mi-8MTPR-1 electronic warfare
Hard-bitten by 16 months of helicopters and a KA-52 “Black Shark”,
intense fighting and over-familiar have caused outrage among officers —
with the day-to-day struggles for and Russian journalists. Putin’s
survival on Donbas battlefields, “amnesty” will have done little to
Leonid’s comrades-in-arms expressed mollify their anger.
similar jaded outlooks toward the As much as the divisions in Putin’s
Rostov-on-Don the Wagner group mercenaries and their tanks were welcomed with smiles and requests for selfies potential benefits. military forces that Prigozhin’s mutiny
“Today the war feels just like how it has ignited, the Wagner group’s
seemed as if the country’s “patriots” public criticism and keep his main remotely resemble a putsch. A coup was three days ago,” said Ivan, 29, a absence from the campaign will carry
were on their side. income flowing. There are plenty of d’état has to take as its starting Special Forces soldier with nine years’ its own damage to the Russian war
Warlords such as the Chechen outstanding questions about Putin’s point the existence of an état. More service, standing beside his bullet- effort, on and off the battlefield. The
leader Ramzan Kadyrov, Putin’s hands-off approach. Will the than two decades of personalised scarred Toyota. “All our focus is on mercenary force, believed to number
National Guard, scattered militias, logistics of the Wagner group still be authoritarian rule has withered the our own stretch of the line and all our abour 25,000 fighters including a
the organised crime syndicates who run with GRU assistance? Will Russian state. When Putin appoints concern is for our families in cities cadre of 6,000 former highly trained
have envied Prigozhin’s access to the Wagner be able to recruit in Russia? the head of a national guard to that are still attacked by missiles and commanders, delivered Putin his only
Kremlin, an increasingly divided Prigozhin will see it as a partial protect him from coups, he puts a drones. Sure, I had a brief moment of significant victory of the year, when
GRU — all of them waited with victory if he can get his men out of personal trustee in charge and gets ‘yeeha’ on Saturday, when I knew that they captured the Donbas city of
bated breath to see whether Putin Ukraine and deployed abroad, the government to pay the bills, but Prigozhin had taken Rostov and then Bakhmut last month after savage
would beat down his former caterer. where the real profits are. But the he hasn’t created an institution, turned to Moscow, which turned attritional fighting. Many Russians
The climbdown on both sides has official pardon from Putin shouldn’t merely another armed player in today into ‘oh no’ as soon as we learnt will miss them.
reassured nobody. On the contrary, make it any easier for him to sleep domestic politics. he had cut some sort of deal with Preparing for more conflict in
it could turn out to be the start of an at night. The betting is that Putin The ruling party likewise has Putin and turned back. The only Donbas yesterday, Ukrainian soldiers
accelerating decline in a regime that will indeed accede to Prigozhin’s become a collection of clans whose consolation we have is the knowledge professed a grudging admiration for
has run its course. demands for a reshuffle of the loyalty to Putin fluctuates. that at least their internal Prigozhin’s mercenaries — but also
During the stand-off Putin took a Russian general staff, but only when Kremlinologists talk of the confrontations will somehow wondered if the Wagner group really
call from President Erdogan of the over-stressed Prigozhin has establishment being split into demoralise and divide them.” was finished.
Turkey, who faced off his own coup been hospitalised in a Minsk clinic. technocrats and “patriots” who will Yet despite the suspicions of “They were Russia’s most skilled
attempt in 2016. Another account Putin has no intention of have to hold Russian governance Ukraine’s combat troops, the fall-out fighters, in their way,” said Anton, 35,
indicates that a senior Chinese immediately rewarding him for his together when Putin goes. But from Prigozhin’s march upon Moscow a Ukrainian special forces soldier who
official rang the Belarusian leader dangerous stunt but names of inside these groupings there are any — the first time the Kremlin has been had fought in Bakhmut for three
Aleksandr Lukashenko and possible contenders for the defence number of factions, all with different challenged by an armed column since months until the city’s downfall.
discussed a mediation effort. ministry and general staff are ideas about what should be achieved Hitler moved on the Russian capital “They were commanded by
That could have been a factor in already circulating. There is then in the war with Ukraine. in 1941 — will prevent the earlier experienced operators, who sent well
the offer that Putin made to likely to be a deeper purge of senior Whatever should happen next, status quo of Russia’s war effort from equipped fighters towards us with a
Prigozhin: exile in Minsk, from officers, the like of which has not one thing is clear: successive steps ever returning. speed and ferocity, not caring for
where he might be able to run his been seen since Stalin’s day. by Putin have weakened his state, In losing control and losing face casualties. We still suspect that
Wagner networks in Africa and the The real problem is that turning it into a brutalised version during the three days of mutiny, in Wagner will somehow be sent
Middle East. This would mute his Prigozhin’s armed rebellion did not of a fairground shooting gallery. which he first accused Prigozhin of elsewhere to work against us.”
8 2GM Monday June 26 2023 | the times

News Russian mutiny
It’s a shame . . . I really wanted those wolves to eat each other
View from Moscow to enter the city, she stayed at home. The most disillusioned were those she was speaking too loudly. In up around Moscow. The authorities
“It would have been hard to run who sincerely believed in the Russia, it is dangerous to criticise tried as quickly as possible to get rid
he day after the Wagner with a musical instrument,” she strength and unity of the Russian the authorities in a public place — of any reminders of the events of

T mercenary group called off

its advance on the army
defending Moscow,
Yevgenia, a young busker,
was back playing on the streets of
the Russian capital (Ekaterina
Maksimova writes). “It’s kind of a
Residents of Moscow are often
accused of being indifferent,
insufficiently supporting the war,
and wanting to lead an ordinary life
of going to coffee shops, bars and
fitness clubs. Yet Wagner’s rebellion
authorities. “The worst thing for me
is that no one stopped them, you
know? That’s what’s scary!” an
elderly customer at a grocery store
told me. “It’s good that they
reached a deal,, but what if
it wasn’t Wagner?
you can be jailed for up to 15 years.
But she waved her hand dismissively
at my request to lower her voice.
“They have other things to worry
about now,” she said. “Their
attention now w will be on
the rebels — they will
Saturday and return to the “nothing
is happening” mode in which the
city has lived since the start of the
war. There are no soldiers on the
streets. Recruitment posters for
Wagner have disappeared.
“I’m only afraid of a stray bullet,”
shame. I really wanted those wolves forced many to rethink their What if it was Isis? them
jail them.” said a salesman at a petrol station.
to eat each other,” she said. attitudes to the conflict. People How was this Ther is no
There “Why should we be afraid of the
Yevgenia usually busks at experienced for themselves what possible?” trace left of the Wagner fighters? It is they, the
weekends, but on Saturday, as Ukrainians felt last spring, when The woman fort
fortifications authorities, who should be afraid!”
Wagner’s armed convoy threatened Putin’s army moved towards Kyiv. realised that tha were set
that Translation by Marc Bennetts

While Red Square remained closed, Sunday strollers were out in the surrounding Moscow streets yesterday, as they were in Rostov, right, which was occupied by armed Wagner personnel 24 hours earlier

Respect for an iron fist

the Baltic republics. Andrey Vlasov respondents thought that Feliks
was a Soviet general, captured in 1942 Dzerzhinsky, the satanic founder of
trying to break the siege of Leningrad. Lenin’s Cheka secret police,
He became standard-bearer for the “protected public order and civic life”.
Russian Liberation Committee, and Another poll showed that 93 per cent
committed himself to fight against of respondents thought Gorbachev’s

is as Russian as it gets Bolshevism.

Vlasov formed a division that
fought against the Red Army on the
Oder in February 1945. He changed
sides again in the last days of the war,
seeking to collaborate with the
1990s lunge for democracy was
Russian rulers who commit major
blunders, such as today’s Ukraine war,
often fall from power in consequence,
but not immediately. Entry into the
free him. Peter III ruled Russia for six protests and power struggles, of Russians, but this did not save him First World War precipitated the fall
Max Hastings months in 1762 before his wife, which the 1917-21 civil war, so vividly from being hanged by Stalin in 1946. of the Romanovs, but this did not take
Comment Catherine, who became the Great,
supplanted him. His death from
described recently by Antony Beevor,
was only the most conspicuous.
Many of his soldiers were likewise
executed, as were thousands of
place until 1917. Khrushchev’s 1962
attempt to frighten the United States
“haemorrhoidal colic” was announced Well within most living memory, Cossacks and former prisoners of the by deploying nuclear missiles in Cuba,
Even those of us who understand a few days later, causing a French wit tanks were seen on the streets of Germans, judged by the NKVD to then succumbing to the humiliation
little of what is happening in Russia to observe that piles must be Moscow, when in August 1991 have fought less than wholeheartedly of removing them, lost him the
— including, we may suspect, western astonishingly dangerous in Russia. hardliners of the old Soviet for the Soviet cause. Indeed, 1945-46 confidence of the Soviet Politburo,
intelligence — can see the weekend’s Paul I, Catherine’s son, was Communist Party tried to seize back was a period steeped in blood, as but another two years passed before
events against the backdrop of murdered by officers of his palace power from Mikhail Gorbachev. They Stalin inflicted retribution, often he was toppled.
centuries of violence, autocracy, guard in 1801. Alexander II survived failed, but so did Gorbachev, who monstrously unjust, on perceived Another extraordinary aspect of
incompetence and treachery. several assassination attempts before soon afterwards was obliged to cede traitors. Moreover, between 1941 and Russia’s history is its people’s
Four years after Ivan the Terrible’s a bomb thrown by a Polish power to Boris Yeltsin, who in turn 1945 an estimated 300,000 Russian acquiescence in the face of
death in 1588 an English visitor to revolutionary killed him in St gave way to Putin in 1999. soldiers were shot by their own side institutionalised oppression, which
Moscow observed that his tyranny Petersburg in 1881, aged 62. Revolts Another recurring theme is military for alleged cowardice or desertion. appears to persist to this day. A
“hath so troubled that countrey, and across the Russian empire were rebellion. The 1917 Revolution began Orlando Figes, among the best historian observes that the Okhrana
filled it so full of grudge and mortall suppressed with extreme violence, with mutinies at the front. Today, chroniclers of Russian culture, secret police was perhaps the only
hatred ever since, that it will not be most notably the 1905 Revolution, nationalists celebrate the 1941-45 observes in his recent book The Story instrument of tsarist rule that
quenched (as it seemeth now) till it harbinger of the Bolshevik convulsion “Great Patriotic War” as the most of Russia that Putin’s people cherish a displayed intelligence and
burne again into a civill flame”. 12 years later. glorious event in Russia’s modern frightening respect for might as a effectiveness.
Long before Nicholas II and his We should always beware of lapsing history. Yet large numbers of soldiers virtue, heedless of how it is employed. Figes concluded his recent study:
family were murdered in the cellar at into clichés to characterise any of Stalin’s Red Army defected to the Opinion polls have shown that half of “Russia appears to be trapped in a
Ekaterinburg in 1918, four of his nation’s history, but it is impossible to Germans and indeed went on to fight modern Russians believe Stalin was a repeating cycle of its history.”
predecessors perished likewise. Ivan escape the fact that Russia has only in Wehrmacht uniform when granted great national leader, despite also However current events play out, this
VI, who succeeded to power as a baby briefly flirted with democracy — a chance to do so, often after being acknowledging his responsibility for is why it is hard to be hopeful that a
in 1740, spent his life imprisoned until under Mikhail Gorbachev — and has taken prisoner. the deaths of up to 8.5 million people more enlightened governance will
stabbed to death by his guards in otherwise been ruled by brutal Many were members of Soviet in the 1932-33 famines. follow that of Putin, whenever it
1764, after an army officer tried to autocracies, which face periodic subject nations, notably Ukraine and Two thirds of the same poll comes.
the times | Monday June 26 2023 9


Let’s unite to end

urges William
Valentine Low hand the tireless work of people and
organisations across the sector . . . and
The Prince of Wales has launched a what can be done when communities
five-year programme to prove it is are able to focus on preventing home-
possible to end homelessness in Britain. lessness, rather than managing it.
The Royal Foundation of the Prince “It’s a big task, but I firmly believe
and Princess of Wales is working with that by working together it is possible to
six locations to show what can be make homelessness rare, brief, and un-
achieved by making a collective effort repeated and I am very much looking
to prevent homelessness in their areas. forward to working with our six loca-
Prince William, who wants to make tions to make our ambition a reality.”
the fight against homelessness one of Princess Diana took William to The Prince William supports the homeless with the help of Tyrone Mings, Sabrina Cohen-Hatton, Gail Porter and David Duke
his missions, will start the Homewards Passage when he was 11 years old. Since
programme today with a tour of the then he has campaigned against home- friends. A video, Homewards Hero, has
sites, to be revealed before each visit. lessness. In 2009 he slept rough in Behind the story been released as part of the campaign,
The tour, which starts in London, will London with the Centrepoint chief featuring William and people who have
inland did not last year there were Instead of requiring

include inner cities, coastal resorts and executive. Last year he sold the Big experienced homelessness, including
post-industrial areas. The prince, who Issue magazine outside a supermarket invent 3,686. Only a few people to be clean of the Aston Villa footballer Tyrone
was inspired to focus on the issue by his near Buckingham Palace. Housing First sleep on the streets. It drugs, sane or sober Mings, Fara Williams, a former En-
late mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, A Kensington Palace spokesman said — it was an is the only EU nation before being given gland player, Sabrina Cohen-Hatton, a
who was a patron of two charities, the programme was — along with idea formed where the problem is housing, they get an firefighter, and David Duke, founder of
Centrepoint and The Passage. Earthshot, the prince’s environmental in New York in the being beaten. immediate home of Street Soccer Scotland. Other support-
He said: “In a modern and progres- prize — one of his most important pro- 1990s (Valentine Low Matt Downie, the their own in an ers include Gail Porter, Geri Halliwell,
sive society, everyone should have a jects. “This is something that means so writes). But the Finns chief executive of apartment block. Now Sir Bryn Terfel and Sara Cox.
safe and secure home, be treated with much to him and meant so much to his embraced the idea Crisis, said: “The only one night shelter The programme aims to give the six
dignity and given the support they mother,” the spokesman said. “He is with such gusto that central principle is to is left. “The idea is locations a £500,000 grant to form
need. Through Homewards, I want to committed to transforming the way we homelessness fell say, ‘We will build that the best way out coalitions of people, organisations and
make this a reality and over the next as a nation think about homelessness.” dramatically. apartments for of homelessness is businesses to devise a plan to tackle
five years, give people across the UK New research by the Royal Founda- In 1987 the country people, we will shut immediate access to a homelessness. The programme was
hope that homelessness can be pre- tion shows that one in five people have had 18,000 homeless down old hostels and home of your own,” inspired by a campaign in Finland,
vented when we collaborate. personal experience of homelessness people; by the end of night shelters’.” Downie said. where an approach known as “housing
“I am fortunate to have seen first- either directly or through family or first” significantly reduced the problem.
the times | Monday June 26 2023 11

Return of beavers to the wild ‘is being blocked by Defra dam’
Adam Vaughan Environment Editor the issue. Defra gave beavers enhanced beavers could help with some of the graphed on the River Otter in Devon, ment has inexplicably blocked the
legal protections last year, seen as a key water shortages facing the south and the first in the wild for centuries. Defra return of beavers to the wild.”
The government’s plan to “build back step in paving the way for releases. east of England. He said that beavers on initially planned to trap the beavers but Beaver projects being considered
beaver” by releasing the animals into Yet officials are telling beaver pro- the River Glaven in Norfolk had kept granted them a licence to stay in 2015. A include one on the Isle of Wight and
the wild is being blocked by Thérèse ponents that they can be released only the head of the river flowing. ded they
five-year trial concluded e
enclosures exist in Kent, Corn-
Coffey’s department, conservationists into enclosures, not into the wider Beavers are considered a “keystone” were beneficial to the Ess Derbyshire and
wall, Essex,
claim. environment. Coffey said the depart- species in ecosystems. The habitats environment. Chesh
The environment secretary said last ment was “still considering” the they create can help other species. The Wildlife Trusts, s, T
The government is
week that beavers were not essential to proposal. They have been mooted as a way to re- a network of charities bel
believed to be waiting
meeting the global biodiversity targets Her lukewarm view on the return of duce the risk of flooding, because their that runs beaver en- fo a report by the en-
the UK helped to set last year. beavers is at odds with some senior offi- dams can slow the flow of flood water. closures, said it was vi
vironment select
“For what it’s worth, I think there are cials. Tony Juniper, chairman of the Wildlife groups wrote to Defra in being hampered by a c
committee on the re-
more important things than beavers,” regulator Natural England, speaking February asking for clarity about the lack of government in
introduction of the
she told a meeting of bankers and insur- minutes before Coffey, said the reintro- release of beavers. Trudy Harrison, an leadership. Rob sp
species. A Defra offi-
ers in London. duction of beavers in the “right catch- environment minister, told them that Stoneman, a director, cia said: “Beavers are
Boris Johnson said in 2021 that the ments” would be “very helpful” for the Defra was continuing its “work with said: “The govern-- just one of several for-
UK would “build back beaver” as the recovery of wetlands. Natural England”. merl native species we
Department for Environment, Food Juniper also told a recent event on Beavers were hunted to extinction in Beavers released in have supported the re-
and Rural Affairs (Defra) consulted on the restoration of chalk streams that England but in 2014 they were photo- Devon were allowed to
o stay introduct
introduction of.”

Buckets and Blitz spirit as locals Young boy

and teen girl
endure drip, drip of water woes CIARAN MCCRICKARD FOR THE TIMES
in seaside
Rhys Blakely Science Correspondent
When The Bull at Benenden found Mario Ledwith
itself with no mains water, one of the
pub’s patrons stepped up in heroic Two children died at tourist hotspots
fashion. Recognising the need for over the weekend as a mini-heatwave
action, he drained his swimming pool. hit Britain.
The water was used to replenish the A 15-year-old died after being pulled
tank that keeps the lavatories of his from the sea at Cleethorpes beach, in
local in the Kent village flushing. northeast Lincolnshire, on Saturday.
Twenty miles to the west, the owner The alarm was raised after two teen-
of the Ghyll Park Equestrian riding agers, a boy and girl, went missing close
school owes a similar debt of gratitude to the beach at 2pm and a large-scale
to a good Samaritan who owns his own search was launched, involving several
fire truck. When her mains supply ran coastguard rescue teams, RNLI lifeboat
dry this month — and an emergency crews and a helicopter.
tanker promised by her water company The children were discovered “some
failed to materialise — he got enough way” out at sea shortly after 7:30pm and
water to her to keep the 35 horses she were airlifted to hospital, according to
cares for healthy. the Cleethorpes coastguard.
Such has been the Blitz spirit dis- Humberside police said that the
played by customers of South East children needed “urgent medical care”,
Water of late — and today they will grit but that the girl was later pronounced
their teeth again as the company, which dead. The boy has since been dis-
covers parts of Hampshire, Berkshire, charged from hospital.
Surrey, Sussex and Kent, imposes the In a separate incident, a five-year-old
first new hosepipe ban of the summer. It boy died after falling from the harbour
will apply to its customers in Kent and wall in Padstow, north Cornwall.
Sussex. Other regions, including Emergency services were called at
Cornwall and parts of Devon, still have 11:45am on Saturday to help the child,
bans in place that were imposed during who Devon and Cornwall police said
last year’s drought. was from the area. He later died in hos-
For many of South East Water’s pital beside his parents. Police are treat-
2.3 million bill-payers, the hosepipe ing the death as a tragic accident.
edict is a final straw. Thousands of them Temperatures rose above 30C in
were without water for as long as six Villagers in Eynsford use a stream to water public planters. A hosepipe ban comes in today for some in Kent and Sussex many parts of the country yesterday, in-
days this month. Schools were forced to cluding in Coningsby, Lincolnshire,
close during exams, after mains sup- three times in the past year, Sally-Ann be paused until infrastructure improve- which recorded 32.2C.
plies had also failed at Christmas, and Dale, who runs Ghyll Park Equestrian, ments are made. The Met Office and UK Health
last summer. near the border of Kent and East Suss- Charlotte Molesworth has spent Security Agency had issued a yellow
The company concedes that there is ex, says she wakes each morning with a decades tending to her garden in Benen- health warning for much of the country
no shortage of water. Its two main sense of trepidation. “It never crossed den. Containers collect the water that before the weekend, urging the vulner-
reservoirs, at Ardingly and Arlington, my mind that I’d be reaching for the tap runs off the roof of her home. Bathwater able to take precautions.
are 100 per cent and 85 per cent full. and thinking, is it going to work?” is kept for watering. Mulches limit London Fire Brigade said that ten fire
But when demand increased during When the taps ran dry this month evaporation from the soil. The grass is engines and about 70 firefighters tack-
the first warm spell of the year, its treat- South East Water promised to send a left knee high. “A beautiful lawn, I think led a wildfire on Rammey Marsh, in En-
ment works did not cope. The under- tanker but it never arrived. The com- it’s a thing of the past. You’ve got to field, where two hectares caught alight.
ground tanks used to store treated pany initially supplied her with just 12 change your idea of beauty, adapt to a It said: “We’ve been seeing a long, dry
water fell to levels where supplies to litres of bottled water, when each of her different environment,” she said. spell with high temperatures so the
several villages failed, prompting the 35 horses requires at least 35 litres a day. The lack of communication during grass in London is tinderbox-dry and
hosepipe restrictions. A South East Water spokeswoman the latest outage, which lasted six days, the smallest of sparks can start a blaze.”
Many of those affected feel that said: “When we experience water supply frustrated Lucy Barron-Reid, owner of The oppressive heat and high humid-
South East Water has prioritised paying issues we try to deliver water to farms The Bull, as did seeing leaky pipes gush- ity forced New Wimbledon Theatre, in
dividends to shareholders over invest- and livestock using our water tankers ing on to the road. The company did southwest London, to cancel a per-
ing in infrastructure. “We’re not idiots, but sometimes access is challenging.” eventually deliver nearly 10,000 bottles formance of Charlie and the Chocolate
we know that the climate is changing,” ers and the NatWest Group Pension In Wadhurst, which before the latest of water, but it arrived hours before the Factory — the Musical.
said Jutta Wrobel, an artist in the Fund, paid more than £150 million in water outage had been named the best mains supply was restored and now it’s Thunderstorms and heavy showers
village of Wadhurst who has started a dividends during the most recent two place in the UK to live by The Sunday sitting in the pub car park. The com- were expected to hit northern England,
petition calling for a change of com- years for which records are available. Times, Wrobel says she and her hus- pany’s performance has added, she said, Scotland and parts of Northern Ireland
pany ownership. “But we also know Meanwhile, it is losing about 89 mil- band coped without a mains supply for to a broader sense that things are falling on Sunday evening, with up to 30mm of
that we spent the early part of this year lion litres to leaks every day. five days. “But can you imagine being, apart in the UK: “If I ran my business rain expected in some places in the
up to our knees in mud because it was The hosepipe ban, which carries a say, a carer trying to wash an adult like that, we’d be closed.” northeast.
constantly raining. We know that the potential £1,000 fine, is supposed to who’s been in a nappy all night with a South East Water said: “We are Temperatures in London are not ex-
reservoirs are full. We know money reduce demand. However, many cus- bottle of water?” currently working on a plan on how we pected to be higher than 24C today.
hasn’t been spent where it’s needed.” tomers fear it is a matter of time before Like many residents, she thinks that can help businesses improve resilience Amy Bokota, from the Met Office,
The company, which is owned by they face another outage. both dividend payments by South East during a water supply issue by having a said: “For the next week we are moving
Australian and Canadian fund manag- Having had her mains water run dry Water and local housebuilding should facility to store water.” to a more unsettled picture.”
12 Monday June 26 2023 | the times

News Politics

Keeping pay down

is the only option,
Sunak tells voters 2

Oliver Wright Policy Editor comes that are fair to them, but also
aren’t inflationary.”
Rishi Sunak has told public sector Pay review body recommendations
workers that he is prepared to veto their are not legally binding on the govern-
recommended pay awards this year, as ment and, although they are typically
he warned voters that the government accepted, ministers can generally
must take unpopular decisions to bring choose to reject or partially ignore the 1
down inflation. advice. But rejecting the advice of the
The prime minister said that large pay review boards would be a contro-
public sector pay rises would be “giving versial move, after the government
with one hand” and “taking away with defended last year’s below-inflation pay
the other” because they would feed Rishi Sunak with Steve Tuckwell, Tory rises by saying that they had followed
through into higher prices in other candidate in the Uxbridge by-election the bodies’ advice.
areas of the economy. A government decision on pay
He urged the public to hold its nerve interest rates.” Sunak also said that in- awards in 2023-24 is expected in July
amid the cost of living crisis as he flation meant there was likely to be a before parliament rises for the summer
stressed that there was “no alternative” continued squeeze on public sector recess.
to increasing interest rates to stamp out spending as well as little prospect of a Union leaders said that “playing poli-
inflation. reduction in taxation. tics with working people’s incomes
The Times revealed on Saturday that “If I make the wrong decisions, if we would put everyone’s futures at stake”
Sunak was prepared to override recom- end up borrowing too much money, and would have profound consequen-
mendations from independent pay re- that will put further fuel on the fire of ces for future industrial relations.
view bodies that have called for a 6.5 per the inflation challenge, and will just “In the last pay round, the govern-
cent pay rise for teachers in 2023-24, mean inflation is going to be here for ment spent months hiding behind the
and a rise of at least 6 per cent for police longer, be worse, and interest rates will NHS pay review body,” Jon Richards,
officers, prison officers and junior doc- be higher for longer,” he said. “And assistant general secretary of Unison,
tors, at an estimated cost to the Trea- that’s why I have to take what are diffi- said. “For the prime minister to be pon-
sury of more than £5 billion. cult and oftentimes not popular deci- dering blocking the other pay review Guests also included
Ministers are understood to be con-
sidering approving rises of about 5 per
sions, but they’re the right long-term
decisions for the country. I am not
bodies now is utterly farcical.”
Sunak also defended the Bank of En- 200 years of putting past officers of the
union. Michael
cent for some of these groups but no
final decisions have been taken.
Speaking to BBC1’s Sunday with Laura
going to shy away from that.”
John Glen, chief secretary to the
Treasury, said that ministers would
gland and Andrew Bailey, its governor,
after criticism that it had been too slow
to raise interest rates.
the world to rights Heseltine, the former
deputy prime minister
who was president in
hey started as anniversary of the 1954, and the historian

Kuenssberg Sunak said that high public consider “the implications for inflation” Sunak said that the Bank had a “good
sector pay rises were both unaffordable when deciding on the pay of public track record” of controlling inflation callow elite club on Saturday. Victoria Schofield, a
and potentially counterproductive. sector staff. and was doing the “right thing”. students in a Theresa May and president in 1977,
“When it comes to public sector pay I’m He told Sky News’s Sophy Ridge On Sir Jake Berry, a Tory MP and former debating Tony Abbott, past spoke. Heseltine
going to do what I think is affordable, Sunday: “As a matter of principle, pay Conservative Party chairman, accused society and prime ministers of divided the room,
what I think is responsible,” he said. review bodies are a very significant part the bank of being “asleep at the wheel”. went on to rule the Britain and Australia, according to the
“Now that may not always be popular in of resolving the pay issues. But obvious- “Andrew Bailey is pursuing what I world (Dominic proposed toasts. journalist Michael
the short term, but it’s the right thing for ly we’ve also got to take account of the call blobonomics, which is the sort of Kennedy writes). Grace was said by Crick, by saying
the country.” effect on inflation. That would be irre- flawed economic principles of the Trea- Veterans of the the Most Rev Bernard “young people here
He added: “There’s no point in me do- sponsible, not to do that.” sury,” he said. “The United Kingdom Oxford Union Longley, the Roman will, in the fullness of
ing something that sounds popular and He added: “Obviously I’m very aware central bank has acted far too slowly, returned for a dinner Catholic Archbishop time, take the decision
nice today. I would be giving with one of the massive contribution that teach- and mortgage payers and businesses at the town hall to of Birmingham, who to rejoin Europe”.
hand and we would just be taking with ers, nurses and public sector workers are paying the price.” mark the 200th was treasurer in 1977. Numerous guests
the other through higher inflation and make and we’ve got to get the right out- Sunak’s courage, letters, page 26

Donor lobbied Gove’s office before fast-track PPE contract

George Greenwood ed the contracts. Lord Bethell was
Behind the story asked to help to deal with “a block in
Investigations Reporter
ordering facemasks” in April 2021. The
avid Meller, was paid £15,000 a year through an annual men- education department.

A personal donor to Michael Gove documents, obtained by The Times
complained to his office that he had re- once chairman for the part-time role. only dinner, usually at the While there is no under freedom of information laws, do
ceived no response to offers to provide of the Through his stake in Dorchester, in Mayfair. suggestion that the PPE not reveal what blocks Meller faced but
PPE, before receiving contracts worth Presidents his family business Meller This came to a bid from Meller’s firm show that his concerns were passed to
£164 million without competition. Club, is no Group, he has been in a dramatic halt in 2018 was improperly processed the NHS’s chief procurement officer.
David Meller, who owned Meller stranger to politics position to support his after an investigation by once it was assessed by On April 6, Meller took part in a call
Designs, a supplier of beauty products (George Greenwood political interests. He has the Financial Times government procurement with Bethell and Lord Feldman, a
to retailers, emailed Gove’s private writes). Meller, 63, served donated £60,000 to the revealed that waiting staff staff, new emails released former Tory party chairman turned
office on March 25, 2020. “This is a as a director of the think Conservative Party, at the event claimed under the Freedom of consultant. Official records said that
really interesting offer. I have not had tank Policy Exchange including £5,000 to sexual harassment. There Information Act suggest the meeting was to “discuss corona-
any responses to my other offers. Only between 2011 and 2014 Michael Gove’s office, are no allegations against that his political virus testing” but the minutes show
trying to help,” the donor wrote. and was appointed a non- between 2009 and 2017. Meller personally. connections may have they discussed PPE. The minutes also
Hours later Meller thanked Gove’s executive director at the The Presidents Club Meller resigned from meant it was in front of refer to “Michael’s office” being in-
office for an update, and later that day Department for aimed to raise funds for the charity after the the right people at the volved, although details are redacted.
emailed to say “look forward to hearing Education under Michael children’s charities and scandal and from his time. Meller declined to Angela Rayner, the Labour deputy
some feedback”. Meller’s company re- Gove in 2013, where he other social enterprises board role at the comment. leader, said: “Good British businesses
ceived its first contract the next month. put themselves forward to produce PPE
Previous correspondence shows Meller as the pandemic raged, but found them-
forwarding specifications for surgical Gove’s office later referred Meller Gove’s leadership campaign in 2016. He The Cabinet Office blocked disclo- selves ignored.”
gowns, saying “[REDACTED] in Mich- Designs into the VIP lane for PPE pro- has given £60,000 to the Conservative sure of the records for two years, argu- The government said: “Potential sup-
ael Gove office asked me to send”. curement. Last year, the government Party, including £5,000 to Gove per- ing that Meller “would have reasonable pliers often passed on offers of PPE to
The correspondence will renew con- was ruled to have acted unlawfully by sonally. He is also a former chairman of expectation that his personal informa- MPs, civil servants and ministers. As
cern about how the government pro- using this VIP lane to award hundreds the Presidents Club, which raised tion would not be disclosed”. these emails show, these offers for
cured PPE during the early pandemic, of millions of pounds to PPE suppliers, money from business leaders. He re- The Times previously disclosed that support were passed to procurement
and how a direct line to ministers could with offers made to ministers getting signed after the Financial Times found Meller had also lobbied the procure- teams for assessment. Ministers had no
have assisted donors in getting their higher priority for assessment. waiting staff at one of its dinners had ment minister about “unblocking” bar- involvement in any procurement deci-
offers assessed more quickly. Meller was finance chairman of been sexually harassed by some guests. riers to PPE orders before being award- sions.” Meller declined to comment.
the times | Monday June 26 2023 2GM 13


Labour ditches £3bn

tax on big tech amid
fear of US retaliation
3 the burden away from the high streets
Oliver Wright
and more on to online giants”.
Labour has abandoned plans for a The move to scrap the tax follows
£3 billion tax raid on tech companies industry concerns that it could breach
such as Amazon and Facebook after the terms of an international deal
being warned that the policy could struck less than two years ago to reform
result in a trade war with the United the way in which digital services are
States. taxed. This committed the government
Under proposals previously outlined not to increase the digital services tax
by Rachel Reeves, the shadow chancel- beyond its current rate before a wider
lor, the party had pledged to impose a agreement on the taxation of multina-
10 per cent digital services tax on the tional companies came into force.
revenues of predominantly American Before the deal was struck the US had
search engines, social media compa- warned that it would impose trade
nies and online marketplaces. tariffs on UK exports to cover the entire
The money raised was earmarked to revenue raised through the digital sales
fund a £3 billion support package to tax. This would include imposing extra
reduce business rates for thousands of tariffs of up to 25 per cent on UK
small high street shops and businesses. exports such as clothing, manufactured
The idea has been ditched after goods and beauty products.
warnings that it might provoke One industry figure said Labour
retaliatory trade sanctions from the would have never been able to impose
4 5 6 7 Biden administration. It is the second the tax without the US imposing tariffs
recent change in Labour’s economic on British exports.
policy as the party tries to “The Americans see these taxes as
“election-proof” its plans in the face of unfairly targeted at US firms,” they said.
Tory attacks. Two weeks ago Reeves re- “It would not have been a great start for
duced the scope of a proposed £28 bil- Labour’s relationship with the Biden
lion a year green prosperity fund. administration.”
Under the digital services tax policy A Conservative source said the plan
she outlined in 2021 and restated last would have hit consumers and could
September, Labour intended to have led to “retaliatory action from our
increase the 2 per cent levy charged on allies”, adding: “No serious party of
the revenues of tech firms operating in government would ever propose this.”
the UK to 10 per cent, which the party A Labour spokesman said that the
had served as assassinated in 2007. 1 Edwina Currie Junior health minister said would raise £3.2 billion. party had “no plans to raise digital
government ministers The next Pakistani 1986-1988. Standing committee, It said the money could be used to services tax”.
including Damian to be president of the Oxford Union, 1967-69 provide immediate temporary assist- The spokesman added: “Our position
Green, Michael Gove, union, Ahmad Nawaz, 2 Damian Green First secretary of state ance to small businesses by increasing on the digital services tax referred to
Nicky Morgan, right, 22, who served last 2017. President, Oxford Union, 1977 the threshold for their rates relief from the years of 2022/23 and 2023/24 and
Jacob Rees-Mogg, year, was seated next 3 Michael Gove Levelling-up secretary the current threshold of £15,000 to was a temporary measure, entirely
Ann Widdecombe and to Robert McDonagh, 2022, President, Oxford Union, 1988 £25,000. It also pledged to spend within the rules of the international
Edwina Currie. a former Irish 4 Theresa May Prime minister, 2016-19. £1.6 billion from the new tax to speed up agreement, that we would be doing in
Many were excited ambassador to London Member, Oxford Union, 1974-77 the benefits of a planned business rate that time to cut business rates and help
to see that the and president in 1974. 5 Michael Heseltine Deputy prime review rather than bringing in the our struggling high streets.
society’s wifi password Gyles Brandreth, a minister, 1995-97, President, Oxford changes gradually. “In government, Labour have said
is Bhutto1977 in former Conservative Union, 1954 However, the party said yesterday that we will scrap business rates and
recognition of whip who was 6 Disha Hegde Reading history and that it now had “no plans to raise digital replace it with a fairer, more modern
Benazir Bhutto, the president in 1969, economics, St John’s College. Current services tax in government”, arguing system that shifts the burden away from
first Pakistani blogged: “We had president, Oxford Union that its previous announcement had the high streets and more on to online
president of the fun. It was good to be 7 Tony Abbott Australian prime been time-limited to last year and was giants. We have said we will set out
union, who became back, meeting up minister, 2013-15. Rhodes scholar, no longer relevant. more details on this ahead of the next
her nation’s prime with friends and Queen’s College, Oxford 1980-83. It added that it was still committed to election.”
minister but was contemporaries.” Guest speaker at Oxford Union, 2018 scrapping business rates and replacing Starmer must work to avoid a hung
them with a “fairer” system that “shifts parliament, Rachel Sylvester, page 23

Party elders give Starmer’s burned because they didn’t have any
support and made silly mistakes or
didn’t take the House of Commons
seriously, or those kinds of things.”
PM is a sociopath, claims
novices lessons in power He said he hoped the group of gran-
dees could “help people and point out
Ben Elton on BBC show
some of the easy pitfalls”, before laying
Matt Chorley shadow energy secretary, have experi- out his own advice: “Be prepared for a Oliver Wright miracle birth. No, he was a part of a 13-
ence of being full cabinet ministers. lot of pressure. I suddenly found myself year cycle which has got us to this point.
Inexperienced Labour frontbenchers John Healey, Alan Campbell, David in charge of hundreds of civil servants The BBC has been criticised after the He’s the prime minister. He owes us
are being given lessons in how to run Lammy and Pat McFadden were junior who pack your diary from dawn till well comedian Ben Elton accused Rishi honesty but we got nothing but men-
the country by a “council of elders” who ministers, Emily Thornberry was a after dusk, every day — or would if they Sunak of being a “mendacious narcis- dacity, evasion and vanity, just dripping
served in the governments of Tony ministerial aide and Jonathan Ash- could, if you let them. sistic sociopath”. with vanity.”
Blair, Gordon Brown, Harold Wilson worth a special adviser in the Treasury. “You inherit a private office which He was reacting after the prime min- Elton, 63, has long been a vocal
and Jim Callaghan. Their advice: Details of the council emerged in the may not work for you and with individ- ister told people who were struggling supporter of the Labour Party.
control your diary, pick your team and latest episode of The Exit Interviews on uals in that who may not work for you. financially to hold their nerve over Steve Brine, a Conservative MP, said
do yoga in the office. Times Radio, a series of interviews with And yet you have to manage that rela- interest rate rises and distanced himself the BBC would have known what it
Sir Keir Starmer is concerned that his MPs quitting at the next election. Sir tionship because you want to get the from Boris Johnson. would get from the left-wing comedian
frontbench team needs more training Ben Bradshaw, who spent almost a most out of the civil service. It’s very Elton was a guest on Sunday with and it would be for licence fee payers to
so they can be “focused on delivery decade as a junior minister before easy to become completely submerged, Laura Kuenssberg to discuss her judge whether it was wise.
from day one”. Starmer personally has reaching the cabinet as culture secre- drowning in this kind of stuff. interview with Sunak. He said that it Claire Bullivant, of the Conservative
been getting tips from Brown and Blair. tary, revealed that he is working with “You have to be very strict and make was an “extraordinary Orwellian, Democratic Organisation, told The
“What I do want to do is take advice Dame Margaret Beckett, the former sure you don’t lose control of your diary. meaningless, evasive word salad”. Independent: “The BBC these days
from people who know what they’re foreign secretary under Blair; Harriet I would also insist on having an hour in “I sort of believed maybe he’s kind of seems like one long party political
talking about,” he told Times Radio last Harman, the former leader of the Com- the middle of the day protected — a bit more decent, and it turns out, he’s broadcast for the Labour Party. It’s
week. mons; Dame Angela Eagle, a former unless it was the prime minister on the as much of a mendacious, narcissistic becoming just a soap box for the left. It’s
That approach is being expanded for Treasury minister; and Maria Eagle, phone — to do yoga in my office sociopath as his previous boss,” he said. a disgrace.”
all members of the shadow cabinet, few her sister, a former justice minister. because I found regular physical exer- “This man literally, he seemed to be Martin Vickers, another Conserva-
of whom were even MPs when Labour Bradshaw said new ministers were cise was was one of the means of staying making a principle of the fact that he tive MP, added: “Elton sounds even
was last in power. Of the 28 members of often left to “sink or swim”, adding: “It’s sane. And a very, very important means resigned from a government that he’d more out of touch with mainstream
Starmer’s top team, just seven were in a shame, actually, because some of my of staying sane as well.” served loyally and tried to keep opinion than Keir Starmer.”
the Commons before Brown’s defeat in colleagues who were perfectly compe- 6 Listen to The Exit Interview with Ben propped up for numerous years. The BBC said: “We feature a wide
2010. Only Yvette Cooper, the shadow tent and would have gone on to make Bradshaw on Times Radio at 11am or on “He seems to act as if being born into range of guests . . . and ensure we meet
home secretary, and Ed Miliband, the great cabinet ministers crashed and the Red Box podcast. Downing Street six months ago was a our due impartiality commitments.”
14 Monday June 26 2023 | the times


Soaring temperatures Duxford in Cambridgeshire celebrated 50 years of air shows at the weekend. This Supermarine Spitfire was among the aircraft that took advantage of the clear blue skies for a display

BA airliners burn extra

fuel despite CO2 pledge
Adam Vaughan Environment Editor its Better World initiative in 2021, and has regularly used tankering since
has been carbon offsetting domestic 2019. The cost savings from reducing
British Airways is continuing to fly flights since 2020 and buying small refuelling at more expensive airports
aircraft carrying excess fuel, despite amounts of greener fuel. can be as little as £10 to £100 a flight.
privately admitting that the practice A Royal Society report said that The excess fuel is in addition to fuel
“isn’t ideal” for the environment. because “there is no clear or single carried for contingencies such as a
The airline said four years ago that net-zero alternative to jet fuel”, cut- diversion to other airports.
fuel tankering might be the “wrong ting emissions through technology The airline is aware of the extra
thing to do” and began a review. would be hard. Professor David Lee emissions from the practice. A docu-
Documents and testimony from a of Manchester Metropolitan Uni- ment marked “for BA internal use
whistleblower, however, show that versity, an author of that report, said only” says: “We know that tankering
BA aircraft in Europe are still rou- it was a shame BA had not stopped fuel isn’t ideal both in terms of opera-
tinely carrying more fuel than they avoidable emissions from tankering. tional complexity and environ-
need. The practice allows BA to “Clearly, CO2 should be minimised mental impact. However, fuel availa-
spend less on fuel at airports where as a priority. Tankering is not regu- bility and pricing vary significantly
the price is higher than average, such lated, and it is unclear how it would across our network.”
as Aberdeen and Nice. But it makes be, so it is incumbent on the airlines BA said that fuel tankering
aircraft heavier, burning more fuel to live up to their environmental amounted to 0.2 per cent of its carbon
and driving up carbon emissions. responsibilities,” he said. footprint and that while it did not
“Being forced to burn so much When the BBC’s Panorama found take the environmental impact light-
extra fuel is like dumping waste into a evidence of tankering by BA in 2019, ly, fuel tankering was undertaken
river. It’s unjustifiable and totally un- the airline announced that it would across the industry. “This can be for
necessary, especially when you con- review the practice. Willie Walsh, operational or commercial reasons,
sider how little money it saves. My chief executive of IAG, BA’s parent such as where fuel supply for the
company should be trying to protect company, said: “The financial savings return journey is unreliable or not
the planet, not force its staff to do incentivise us to do tankering. But available at all, for example on small
even more harm,” a BA pilot said. maybe that’s the wrong thing to do.” islands or areas affected by industrial
BA has tried to win people back to The review appears to have made disputes,” a spokesman said.
flying since the pandemic by burnish- little or no difference. Documents The airline did not comment on
ing its green credentials. It launched seen by The Times show the airline the outcome of the 2019 review.

Peer invokes Thatcher in green plea

Adam Vaughan Deben, 83, a former Tory environ- A report by the committee last
ment minister who famously fed his month found up to 725,000 jobs
Britain should learn the lessons of daughter a beefburger in 1990 during could be created in low-carbon sec-
Margaret Thatcher’s closure of coal the BSE crisis, said that the UK was tors such as electric vehicles by the
mines and prioritise green jobs over losing out in a global race for green net-zero target of 2050.
“industries which have no future” jobs. However, he said this could be Deben said the oil and gas industry
including oil and gas, according to the fixed with stronger support for only had a future if it diversified faster
government’s top climate adviser. renewable energy and less focus on into low carbon energy, which the
In a wide-ranging interview as he industries such as the North Sea oil Church of England this week said BP
steps down after 11 years chairing the and gas sector. and Shell had failed to do as it ditched
independent Climate Change “We’ve got to learn the lessons about £100 million in oil and gas
Committee, Lord Deben said the from Mrs Thatcher. She did a terribly investments. “The bit of the [oil and
government’s failure to lift a ban on difficult thing of saying, ‘I’m not gas] industry that doesn’t have a
onshore wind farms was “unaccept- going to invest in old industries, with future is if you say we’re going to go
able”, the Department for Environ- jobs which have no future, I’m going on doing what we’ve always done
ment, Food and Rural Affairs was to insist upon us moving to new forever. What we’ve got to do is to
“not fit for purpose” and Just Stop Oil industries where jobs have a future.’ help Shell, BP and others to make
was unlikely to succeed. That’s the move we’ve got to make.” that move,” said Deben.
the times | Monday June 26 2023 2GM 15


Titanic sub scared undersea experts

Jacqui Goddard caps was
wa a dangerous and de- owned by the US military was con-
St John’s, Newfoundland bunke
bunked one. Filament- ducting mapping and recovery work
wound cylinders were an yesterday at the accident location,
Stockton Rush had been casting outdated component of
ou 345 miles off Newfoundland, along
around for prominent clients in a de
deep-dive vehicles that with a US coastguard vessel.
“predatory” quest to win their en- h
had been deemed un- Hamish Harding, 58, a British ex-
dorsement for his expeditions to the p
predictable by Lloyds plorer and aviator, Shahzada Da-
Titanic, industry leaders have said. R
Register — a maritime wood, 48, a Pakistani-British busi-
OceanGate’s founder, who died ce
certification body — nessman, and his son Suleman, 19,
with four passengers while piloting de
decades ago, said La- also died when Titan imploded thou-
Titan, his submersible, to the wreck hey
hey, who has 43 years’ sands of metres into its descent to the
on the Atlantic seabed, was strug- expe
experience in the field. Titanic on June 18.
gling to make the operation profita- “At the very time this Harding’s sons Giles, 15, and Rory,
ble and to recruit clients while re- monstro
monstrosity was being made, 18, paid tribute to him yesterday. “My
spected figures in the exploration I was build
building the most capable dad was a tenacious, hard-working
community worked desperately to subs of our age,” he said. They include businessman but most importantly
steer them away on safety grounds. th
the T it 3600
Triton 3600/2, the only submersi- he was the best father I could have ev-
“He could even convince someone ble accredited by an internationally er asked for. He inspired me more
who knew and understood the risks recognised third-party agency to than anyone will ever know, taught
. . . it was really quite predatory,” said take humans to full ocean depth. It me things I’ll never forget, and he
Patrick Lahey, president of Triton has been to the deepest points in the meant everything to me,” said Giles,
Submarines, a leading manufacturer. five oceans. Triton subs have been who had accompanied his father on
Lahey, who has been involved in used in the BBC’s Blue Planet. trips including to the South Pole.
the design, engineering, manufacture Lahey and others who warned Rory said: “He constantly sought to
and testing of undersea vehicles — people not to go with OceanGate be the best man he could be and noth-
including 60 human-rated submers- have had messages thanking them. ing halfway . . . an energetic and char-
ibles — was a close friend of Paul- After getting word of the tragedy, “I ismatic man who by the sheer weight
Henri Nargeolet, 77, the French ex- sat here with my wife and daughter of his personality lifted up and sup-
plorer and Titanic expert, known as and we just wept and wept,” he said. ported everyone around him . . . The
PH, who was among those killed. Horizon Arctic, a Canadian vessel world is so much less without his
“It’s a terribly sad thing that his life carrying a remotely-operated vehicle larger-than-life presence.”
ended that way but PH knew the
risks. I told him in very candid terms
why he shouldn’t be out there. He un-
derstood. I believe PH thought in
some way that by being out there he
could help these guys avoid a tragedy
but instead he ended up in the middle
of one,” Lahey said. “I told PH that
going out there in some way sanc-
tioned this operation. I said: ‘You’re
becoming an ambassador for this
thing; people look at you and your
record and the life you lead and
things you’ve done, which are ex-
traordinary, and in some ways you
are legitimising what [OceanGate]
are doing.”
Rush argued that industry certifi-
cation standards could not keep up
with his innovative technology. Ex-
perts in the field, however, said that
his combination of a cylindrical Hamish Harding’s son Giles paid tribute to him yesterday. The Atlantic
carbon fibre hull with titanium end Merlin, which helped search for Titan, has returned to port in St John’s

Man dies as balloon plunges out of sky

Debbie White was clear and sunny despite being so
early. Suddenly there was a flash . . .
A man in his twenties has died after a coming from a blue balloon and it just
hot air balloon deflated and fell hun- dropped like a stone. We called the
dreds of feet to the ground. emergency services but had difficulty
The blue balloon “appeared to be getting through on the 999 number
wrapped around a tree down a long because it was down. We finally got
driveway” after falling on to private through but it was just too high for
land in the village of Ombersley, anyone to survive. It was a terrible
Worcestershire, about 6.20am yes- thing to see.”
terday, Worcester News reported. Many 999 calls were not connect-
One witness said it was difficult to ing yesterday because of a fault that
get hold of the emergency services affected a number of police forces
because a technical fault prevented and fire services. A spokesman for BT
999 calls from connecting. said before midday that its “back-up
At the weekend hundreds of spec- platform is now working, so people
tators attended the first Worcester should call 999 as usual”.
Balloon Festival at the city’s race- A spokeswoman for Hereford and
course. However, a spokesman said A witness reported a flash before Worcester fire service said that fire-
that the crash was not connected to the balloon “dropped like a stone” fighters attended the crash but there
the event. was no fire to extinguish when they
Firefighters, paramedics and police Investigation Branch will now carry arrived on the scene. A spokesman
rushed to the scene but were unable out an investigation.” for the balloon festival said the hot air
to save the pilot, who was declared No one else was injured in the inci- balloon that crashed had been oper-
dead at the scene. dent and the man’s family were being ating “independently”.
A spokeswoman for West Mercia supported by family liaison officers. Research into balloon collisions in
police said: “At 6.20am . . . police A witness said he was driving along Britain published in 2004 reported
received a call [saying that] a hot air the A449 from Kidderminster to that there had been 98 accidents
balloon had deflated and fallen to the Worcester at 6.15am when he saw the between 1976 and 2004 and two
ground near the A449 at Ombersley. balloon moments before it fell to the deaths. Most crashes, which often in-
The balloon fell to the ground in a ground. “I told my partner to take a volve hitting power lines, happened
field off Holt Fleet Road, near picture because the balloons looked coming in to land. Most injuries were
Ombersley Court. Emergency lovely,” he said, but “seconds later it either burns or broken bones.
services attended and, unfortunately, fell like a rocket”. Ten years ago 19 people died in
a man was pronounced dead by Another witness said: “There were Luxor, Egypt, when leaking fuel
paramedics. The Air Accidents lots of balloons in the sky because it caught fire in their balloon’s basket.
16 Monday June 26 2023 | the times


Doodles reveal how a God-fearing

Henry VIII was racked with doubt
Jack Blackburn History Correspondent near-constant pain with an ulcerated
leg, his succession depended on a small
It is perhaps odd to think of Henry VIII child and he had done plenty in his life
sitting with a book, making little which, on reflection, the Almighty may
drawings of hands in the margins. Yet not have been best pleased with.
scribbling these “manicules” is what It seems that, less than three years
the great Tudor king did and, in so before his eventual death, the six-time
doing, highlighted passages that may husband and religious schismatic was
be a window into his soul. trying to make amends. “He’s doing the
gs have
A batch of these etchings right thing,” White explained. “He’s
been discovered in a prayerayer petitioning God to help him. It’s a
book he read in his final nal wonderful duality where he is both
years and they suggest thee voicing his anxiety and he’s also hope-
king may have been ful that God will forgive him, heal him
depressed, insecure and Th king’s margin “manicules”, which he used to indicate passages
The and turn things around for him.”
terrified that God was of interest in a book of psalms and prayers, include a pointing hand This discovery has shone a new light
furious with him. on Psalms and Prayers, which was a
“It’s not what we a a form of propaganda
as Henry has left annotations that suggest symbol of the close relationship Henry
might expect,” said a
ahead of war with a gloomy psychological state. For had with Parr. While some schoolmas-
Professor Micheline Fr
France. instance, the final marking is next to a ters dismiss her as a nursemaid, she was
White of Carleton The Wormsley copy passage that reads: “O Lord God for- a powerful woman who was regent
University in Canada,, con
contains manicules, how- sake me not, although I have done no when Henry went abroad.
who has identified thee ever that come in the form
ever, good in thy sight.” Here he has entrusted her with this
marginalia as being Henry nry of a hand with a pointed There are scribblings next to sections propaganda project and has clearly
VIII’s. “We tend to think nk of finger, and
finger, a trefoils, or a triangle concerning forgiveness, while he also taken the care to read it. It mattered to
dent and
Henry being very confident of dots wit
with a squiggly line. They highlighted prayers that beg for God to him and special vellum copies of the
he exerted his authority with impunity
impunity, have been m matched with other end physical suffering and has marked book were produced.
but in these particular annotations we examples of these Henrician markings, up pleas for divine wisdom. On the “Parr was very active in working with
see traces of a Henry who’s pretty which he often made. White’s findings whole, they create a sense of a man Henry in the build-up to war,” White
anxious.” have been peer reviewed for the journal consumed by doubt. said. “They produced ‘gift copies’ to give
The discovery has been made at the Renaissance Quarterly. One instance is: “Let thy spirit teach out at court which showcased Henry’s
Wormsley Library near High Wyc- There are eight manicules and three me the things to be pleasant unto thee, magnificence but also showcased Parr’s
ombe, Buckinghamshire, in a copy of trefoils in the book. As this was war that I may be led into the straight way, literary skills, acumen and agency.” In
Psalms and Prayers. The book itself is propaganda, there were many passages out of the error wherein I have 1545 Parr worked on a second volume
interesting as it was translated from of an almost triumphalist air, with wandered overlong.” called Prayers and Meditations.
Latin into English by Henry’s last wife, verses asking God to smite the enemy, There are clear reasons why Henry Window on the king’s mind that belies
Katherine Parr. It was produced in 1544 yet these are left unmarked. Instead, would have been feeling low. He was in his reputation, leading article, page 27 Morris minor Artur Novikovas and son
the times | Monday June 26 2023 17


Barge race is left high and dry


Jack Malvern
One particular spectacle of muscular
crews racing one another along the
River Thames has been cancelled this
year over health and safety concerns.
The 46th annual Thames Historic
Barge Driving Race, in which pairs of
men propel 30-tonne vessels from
Greenwich Pier to Westminster Bridge,
cannot go ahead on July 8 because of a
disagreement between the racers and
the Port of London Authority.
The racers, known as lightermen, say
the authority withheld permission for
seven months because of an incident in
last year’s race and are insisting on a
new policy of sun hats and suncream.
Admiral Lord West of Spithead, a
Labour peer and honorary president of A safety dispute has scuppered the Thames Historic Barge Driving Race this year
the Thames Barge Driving Trust,
suggested that the authority was instead collected flags held out on a
putting obstacles in the way of what barge pole. By the time they reached an
should have been a joyful event. agreement it was too late to arrange the
He said: “It’s just typical of what’s usual safety boats and paramedics.
going on. It’s just sad. People should try The authority denied that it had been
and make things easy for things to overzealous in its approach to health
happen, not make things difficult. It’s a and safety: “We have been engaging
special day for them.” with the race organisers since August
The race is not only a test of rowing 2022, clearly setting out some straight-
strength but of skill as lightermen must lightermen had spent “hours and hours forward but necessary improvements,
periodically draw alongside moored trying to reassure these jobsworths of to minimise significant risks during this
boats for a crew member to leap across, our high operating standards” but year’s event. Regrettably, the organisers
grab a pennant and jump back. “their lack of . . . understanding of river did not fully engage in this process.”
Last year the race had its first life is unbelievable”. West said that lightermen had been
accident when a young competitor The lightermen said the authority “leaping on and off barges all their
mistimed his jump and fell into the hold had made additional demands amount- lives” and knew the risks. He said that
of a barge. He was a crew member ing to an “obsession with hats and sun the lightermen felt that the authority
aboard the Port of London Authority’s cream”. Seeing no alternative, they was being obstructive by conducting a
own entry to the race. A source said that eventually accepted all the demands, detailed health and safety review.
he only had cuts and bruises. including a requirement that racers did “You can imagine how that went
Austin with their 1969 Met vehicle at a classic car meet in Swanmore, Hampshire Another source told West that the not jump from one boat to another but down,” he said.
18 Monday June 26 2023 | the times


New mortgages £2k a year cheaper in Europe

Oliver Wright Policy Editor data showing that effective interest tary to the Treasury, said the govern- penalty is having shows they’re com- ties secretary, said the emphasis should
rates on new mortgages in April were, ment’s failure to “offer proper support” pletely out of touch with the situation be on tackling the housing crisis.
Homeowners in Britain are paying on average, 4.46 per cent. While mort- was “forcing families into a far worse fi- families are facing.” “There is no answer to this crisis with-
thousands of pounds more for new gage rates are not directly comparable, nancial situation than in neighbouring The Liberal Democrats highlighted out building more homes and that’s
mortgages than those on the Conti- depending on factors such as the length countries”. He accused ministers of fail- figures showing that total annual mort- exactly what Labour will do,” she told
nent, Labour has claimed, citing figures of the repayment period and the ing to compel banks to help homeown- gage repayments are expected to be Sky. “But more importantly, for far too
showing that borrowing is up to £2,000 deposit a buyer has to invest, the figures ers struggling to pay their mortgage by about £15 billion higher in December long — even before the Tories crashed
a year more expensive here. “laid bare the cost of the Tory mortgage changing the terms of the finance. 2024 compared with the end of 2021. the economy and sent mortgages
The party highlighted figures from penalty”, Labour said. “The government’s failure to make This, they said, was more than the through the roof — we have had an af-
the European Central Bank showing For a £200,000 loan paid back over the measures announced on Friday £13.7 billion tax hit that would result fordability crisis in this country.
average interest rates on mortgage 25 years, annual UK mortgage pay- mandatory means around two million from a 2p increase in the basic rate of “The reason that people are feeling a
lending in eurozone countries. These ments are about £1,100 higher than in households could miss out on the mort- income tax. They said a typical house- lot more pain now than they were in the
revealed that borrowers in France were Belgium and Ireland, and about £800 gage support they need,” he said. “The hold with an outstanding mortgage of Nineties is because the average buyer
paying an average interest rate of more than in Germany and the Nether- Conservative government can’t grip £145,000 taken out in 2021 would be hit in the Nineties was borrowing three or
2.91 per cent, while in Germany the lands, the party said. In France, buyers this problem because they are the prob- with a rise of about £3,600 a year, equiv- four times their annual salary. Now
figure was 3.89 per cent. could be paying up to £2,000 a year less. lem. Their chaotic response to the dev- alent to a 6p increase in income tax. they are borrowing around 11 times
This compares with Bank of England Pat McFadden, shadow chief secre- astating impact the Tory mortgage Lisa Nandy, the shadow communi- their annual salary.”


The masters At 102 Jim Dearlove still plays golf most weeks with his friends Tom
Darling, 97, Cliff Reeve, 88, and Ian McDougall, 83, at Deanwood Park, Newbury

Lawyers back colleague

who is on fetish website
Jonathan Ames Legal Editor 8 per cent were “unsure”. The results
reflect changing attitudes in the legal
Young lawyers have backed the right of profession. They also follow concerns
people in the legal profession to appear over the behaviour of lawyers after
in pornography after it emerged that a several prominent cases of sexual
solicitor moonlights on a fetish website. harassment.
More than 60 per cent of mostly The debate among younger lawyers
junior lawyers who were polled said it comes months after it emerged that
should not be a disciplinary offence for solicitors in England and Wales would
a practising solicitor to appear on a be under a professional obligation to
legal sex site. Fewer than 33 per cent behave properly in the office and in
backed a ban. their private lives.
Revelations regarding an unnamed In what some have said will be “a
female lawyer understood to work in snitches’ charter”, the Solicitors Regu-
the City of London came as watchdogs lation Authority announced in April
face scrutiny over the policy of investi- that it planned to amend the code of
gating allegations about solicitors’ per- conduct to require firms and lawyers
sonal lives that could bring the profes- “to treat colleagues fairly and with re-
sion into disrepute. spect, and not to engage in bullying,
The case of the female solicitor was harassment and unfair discrimination”.
disclosed by RollonFriday, a legal news Some lawyers fear that regulators
and gossip website. It said that it would could use the rules to investigate law-
not name her or say say what she did. yers’ personal lives.
The website polled its readers and of Iain Miller, a regulation specialist,
more than 600 responses, nearly 30 per said that while investigating allegations
cent said it was “fine” for practising law- of sexual misconduct had been a recent
yers “to appear in porn” even if their priority, “other types of behaviour once
identities were known. Another 31 per considered purely employment mat-
cent approved if those appearing on ters, such as bullying, harassment and
pornographic sites did so “under a stage discriminatory behaviour, are very
name”. much on the SRA’s radar”.
However, 32 per cent said practising Officials at the regulator declined to
lawyers should not appear in porno- comment on the case of the female
graphy under any circumstances, while solicitor.
the times | Monday June 26 2023 19


Enid Blyton’s Famous Five
is being revived for the
BBC by Nicolas Winding
Refn, the director of
Drive, above, starring
Ryan Gosling. The casting
will be diverse in three
““modern and timely”
90-minute episodes

Five go on a
progressive TV
adventure for
new generation
Alex Farber Media Correspondent supplemented by picnics with lashings preserving that notion by bringing ITV has broadcast two series. The first tion. The BBC is yet to decide whether to
of ginger beer. these iconic stories to life for a progres- ran for 26 episodes from 1978, followed broadcast the show, which is aimed at a
Eighty years after Julian, Dick, Anne, The original period setting will be sive new audience, instilling the unde- by a second iteration in the mid-90s. family audience, on BBC One or CBBC.
George and their dog Timmy hunted retained and while casting is yet to be finable allure and enchantment of The BBC’s version is being produced Patricia Hidalgo, BBC director of
for treasure on Kirrin Island, the BBC is announced, the expectation is that a childhood for current and future gener- by Moonage Pictures, whose co- children’s and education programmes,
to adapt Enid Blyton’s The Famous Five diverse range of children will star in the ations to come.” founder Matthew Read is co-creating said: “Bringing these books to life with
for the first time. four main roles. It is not the first time that a Danish alongside Refn. A former BBC commis- a new reimagining of The Famous Five is
Filming has begun across the south- The project is being created and ex- director has tackled Blyton’s stories. sioner, his credits include Happy Valley, a real treat for BBC audiences and a
west of England on three original, ecutive produced by Nicolas Winding Five and the Spies and The Famous Five Peaky Blinders, Doctor Foster and Last celebration of British heritage. These
90-minute episodes inspired by Blyton’s Refn, the Danish director of the action Get into Trouble were adapted into films Tango in Halifax. stories are loved around the world and
novels that promise to follow the group adventure film Drive, starring Ryan with a Danish cast by Katrine Hedman Will Gould, Moonage’s co-founder, bringing families together is a key part
of young explorers as they encounter Gosling and 2008’s Bronson, which and released from 1969. said: “This Famous Five will be a of our strategy so we hope it introduces
treacherous, action-packed adventures, featured Tom Hardy as the violent Disney released an English- modern, timely and irreverent action a new generation of viewers to these
remarkable mysteries, unparalleled criminal. Refn said that the stories language animation version in 2008. series with adventure at its heart.” wonderful adventures.”
danger and astounding secrets. chimed with his sensibilities. “All my Famous 5: On the Case attracted some The show has already attracted inter- The BBC has found success with its
Blyton’s series of 21 books was pub- life I’ve fought vigorously to remain a criticism from the Enid Blyton Society national interest with the French and adaption of Blyton’s Malory Towers
lished over 21 years from 1942 against a child with a lust for adventure,” he said. for its modern day setting, which in- German broadcasters TF1 and ZDF which has aired on CBBC since 2020
quintessentially English backdrop “By reimagining The Famous Five, I am cluded gadgets and a multicultural cast. acquiring it before it entered produc- with a fifth series in the works.

My watch robbery ordeal at the hands of Rolex Ripper gang

David Woode Crime Correspondent that a road rage incident was unfolding simple: using a stolen car with false jailed for two years and six months
until she saw her husband on the number plates, the gang scouted while Opoku was given a three-year
With tickets to the Fabergé exhibition ground. wealthy areas for potential targets. term. Roshan Clark, 19, also of Batter-
at the Victoria and Albert Museum in “Two men were standing over Nick Isleworth crown court was told that sea, who was caught posing with the
London, Nick Triggs and Tracy Hurley and that’s when I saw the blade. One of their victims included a pregnant stolen watches, was sentenced to three
began a relaxed Sunday admiring fine them shouted: ‘Give me your watch’.” woman and her husband who were on years and nine months.
jewellery and imperial treasures. She was wearing a Rolex Ladies Date- the way to hospital for her first scan Detective Sergeant Gary Taylor, of
Afterwards, they stopped for lunch just, worth £6,600, which Triggs had when they were robbed at 11.15am on the Met’s Flying Squad, said the robber-
near Brompton Road, then browsed in given her two years earlier. As she December 21, 2021. She watched in ies had been “absolutely terrifying”.
an interior design shop in Chelsea. removed it the gang spotted a rose gold terror as her husband handed over his Watch thefts have risen across the
At 3.15pm, as they walked to their car, Bulgari ring on her finger, which Tag Heuer AquaRacer worth £1,500. capital in the past year and police fear a
a BMW X5 screeched to a halt along- they snatched before fleeing. Michael Malik Ahmed, 29, of long hot summer, when people’s jewel-
side them. Three masked men jumped The couple later discov- Balham, was jailed for six years and lery is often more on display, could
out. Triggs, 64, was punched to the ered they were the final nine months after admitting six char- make them vulnerable.
ground and had a 15-inch zombie knife victims of a spate of profes- ges of robbery, possession of an offen- For Triggs and Hurley, the robbery
brandished in his face as the men de- sional knifepoint robberies sive weapon and dangerous driving. has made them question buying “any-
manded that he hand over his £1,150 in affluent London neigh- Kaijuan Henry, 20, of Dagenham, thing outwardly flash”.
Tag Heuer watch. bourhoods. The gang was found guilty of being involved in Hurley said: “When we got our insur-
“It happened within seconds. I heard carried out six robber- the December robberies while Jessy ance money I didn’t want another
a loud crack and thought, ‘God, that ies — four on Ouma, 18, of Wandsworth, was convict- Rolex because it’s too risky. Would you
hurt’,” he said, having suffered multiple December 21, ed for taking part in the January 9 buy a watch if you think you’re going to
cheek fractures in the attack. “I remem- 2021 and two on attacks. Henry was sentenced to six be attacked for it?”
ber looking up at the knife and think- January 9 last Nick Triggs, left, was years while Ouma received four years. Triggs added: “It’s in the nicest parts
ing, ‘I might die now’.” Triggs handed year. attacked by the gang. Zakariah Yusuf, 19, and Joseph Opo- of town where you’re most vulnerable.
over the watch, a gift from his wife. Their modus Roshan Clark shows ku, 20, both of Battersea, admitted their Be on your guard [and] don’t fight back.
Hurley, 59, said she initially thought operandi was off stolen watches involvement in the robberies. Yusuf was It can be very dangerous.”
the times | Monday June 26 2023 21


Young epileptics in cannabis crisis

Poppy Koronka Cantourage clinic in Dalston, east
London, which has been approved by
Epileptic children could face having to
wean themselves from their cannabis
the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
to prescribe the medication.
‘This medicine
medication with potentially “life-
threatening” consequences as one of
the two UK prescribers retires at the
The Cantourage, which claims to be
an online medical cannabis clinic, says
it has no prescriber to treat the children.
gave us hope’
end of next month. A CQC spokesman said it was vital Case study
As many as 20 children with severe that children and young people could
or Marley Boulton, aged

and complex epilepsy, which is often get the care they needed.
untreatable with standard medication, “CQC has robust registration sys- eight, medicinal
face the prospect of having to event- tems to ensure providers have appro- cannabis has been
ually stop taking their medications, priate safeguards in place when starting nothing short of
which are based on cannabis. a new service or altering the set-up of miraculous (Poppy
Medicinal cannabis is legal in the an existing one,” he said. “Cantourage Koronka writes). Before starting
UK. Its use has reduced the frequency Clinic Ltd applied to vary its registra- CBMP treatment, Marley had
of some children’s seizures from several tion in January 2023. The applications two or three seizures a day and
a day to one every few weeks. were approved in line with CQC pro- more at night. Her balance was
Dr Nathan Hasson, the consultant cesses earlier this year.” so bad that she was in a
paediatrician, is one of two prescribers The government legalised the wheelchair for most of the day
in the UK. He is retiring at the end of medicinal use of cannabis in 2019 to and unable to sit upright.
July, leaving his patients with no safe or treat severe and rare forms of epilepsy. Her parents tried six different
legal route to get their medication. The treatment is available on the NHS epilepsy medications available on
The doctor says in a letter seen by but is prescribed to very few patients, the NHS, but their side effects
The Times from his clinic in Hendon, with only several being approved to re- made Marley’s seizures and
northwest London, to his patients: “We ceive the drug on the health service so balance worse. One led to her
have been trying to arrange handover far. Many families must pay hundreds losing the ability to speak.
of CBMP [cannabis-based medicinal of pounds a month for a private pre- Then, just two weeks after
products] prescriptions [. . .] for at least a scription of the “life-changing” drug. starting the medicinal cannabis
year now. The medical use of cannabis is treatment of CBD and THC
“In the interim, the only person that becoming increasingly popular. alongside one other NHS
we know who is able to prescribe is Dr Mamedica, a leading medicinal canna- medication, her family started to
Sushil Beri at Sapphire Clinics. We bis clinic, has reported a 400 per cent see improvements.
would recommend that it would be wise increase in patients since it was found- “We have seizure-free weeks
for all patients to contact Dr Beri and ed last summer. Research by the com- rather than hours,” Marley’s
register at Sapphire in plenty of time so pany found that fewer than five of the mother, Kat Boulton, 38, said.
that prescriptions can be continuous. 89,239 prescriptions of medicinal can- “She can walk, run and play with
The only other option is to wean you off nabis were made through the NHS her friends . . . has joyful and
the medication, which Dr Hasson can between November 2018 and July last meaningful experiences with her
assist with over the next three months.” year. older sisters . . . this medicine
The letter also urges patients to con- Daniel Jennings, the senior policy gives us hope for the future as a
tact their members of parliament for and campaigns officer at Epilepsy family and for Marley.”
support in finding another provider. Action, said: “It is hugely concerning According to her clinicians,
The Sapphire Clinics in Harley that up to 30 children could be left un- Marley’s condition is the best it
Street, central London, the other pro- able to access their prescriptions as this has been since her diagnosis at
vider in the UK recommended by could lead to more frequent and two years old. She has been
Hasson, said they were unable to take potentially life-threatening seizures. taking the treatment for three
on new paediatric patients. “Accessing medicinal cannabis can years now, but will have to be
An official at the clinics said: “Patient be a long and arduous process and weaned off it after Dr Hasson’s
safety is our number one priority and these families should not have to now retirement. “She has been so
we understand the extremely serious face the uncertainty of not knowing brave, a true warrior fighting to
implications of discontinuation of when they will next be able to access be her best, and medical
medical cannabis for these children. At the prescriptions that will keep their cannabis . . . has been priceless in
present, we have reached the maxi- children safe.” her achievements,” Boulton said.
mum number of children we can pro- Jennings said that more research was While the family are in touch
vide care for safely. We are currently needed in this area. with their local neurology team
working with others to increase our He added: “Until then, doctors may to find a solution, she fears that
capacity so that we can also care for the still be reluctant to authorise [the treat- without a specialist to prescribe
children affected by this news. We hope ment], despite the change in law four treatment “all Marley’s progress
to have a solution soon.” years ago, which made it legal to pre- and the vastly improved quality
It was hoped that the patients’ pre- scribe medical cannabis treatments of life she has . . . will be undone”.
scriptions could be transferred to under specific circumstances.” Eight-year-old Marley Boulton, centre, can play with her sisters thanks to THC
22 Monday June 26 2023 | the times


Another brand kicks small shops aside IN THE TIMES

Andrew Ellson Asics, which sells running pany’s products for more than 50 years, are stock annually that is having its contract
shoes and sportswear, has told that at the end of the notice period terminated.
Consumer Affairs Correspondent
dealt another blow to the they will no longer be authorised to sell As- Asics is following in the footsteps of BUSINESS
Asics has become the latest big brand to high street by following ics products and “must remove all signage Nike, Adidas and Under Armour, which GERARD LYONS
withdraw products from independent re- Nike, Adidas and Under and other assets” that refer to the brand. have all chosen to focus on direct sales on- Lessons from the UK jobs market
tailers in a trend that has been called one Armour who are focusing The 250-word letter offers no further ex- line or in their own stores. The British In-
of the biggest threats to the high street. on direct sales online or in planation for the decision other than say- dependent Retailers Association said the MAIN PAPER
It raises the risk of customers losing the their own stores ing that Asics has been “reassessing the re- trend would force many small shops out of
ability to try a variety of shoes at specialist lationships with many of our customers”. business. Andrew Goodacre, its chief ex-
running and other sports shops to find the One industry insider said that all small ecutive, said: “We’ve been seeing brand COMMENT
ones that best suit them. retailers that ordered less than £30,000 of owners move in this direction for some
The Japanese sportswear manu- stock a year — about 500 pairs of trainers time. Sports brands seem particularly keen WILLIAM HAGUE
facturer has given small stores six — were having their accounts terminated, on the idea. But . . . clothing brands are What will Putin do next?
months’ notice that it will be termi- although Asics refused to say how looking at it as well. Even the bicycle MAIN PAPER
nating their contracts. In a letter seen many stockists it was jettisoning. market is trying to sell direct. From a pure-
by The Times, the stores, some of The Times is aware of one shop ly business perspective, it makes sense —
which have been selling the com- that orders more than £50,000 of higher margins with no middle man and SPORT
complete control of how the products are
presented. However, they are abandoning USMAN KHAWAJA
the very businesses that helped establish Steve James profiles Australia’s
them in the first place. This trend is a real hero at Edgbaston
threat to the independent retailers.”
Asics said: “In the UK, the majority of
our revenue is generated through
partners, from speciality retailers to large
sporting goods retailers. We prioritise our
partner’s business over our own direct
channels. This is because we believe our
partners can add tremendous value and
expertise to ensure people are moving in
the right sports gear.” It said that only
shops it did not consider “key partners”
were being terminated.
the times | Monday June 26 2023 23

Russia’s toxic politics

are at boiling point
Edward Lucas
Page 24

Starmer is all strategists and no strategy

Labour leader is polling at the same level as Cameron in 2009 — he must define his pitch to avoid a hung parliament
expanding big tent. Nick Boles, the idea being discussed in Labour the exercise for Starmer. Again, the
Rachel former Conservative minister, is circles is that Berger could stand polling found that the public has had
Sylvester backing Labour on the grounds that against Corbyn as the Labour enough of the incumbents — 79 per
it is more “in touch with people’s candidate in Islington North. cent thought it was time for a change
everyday concerns”. Claire Perry, Douglas Alexander, who was a from the Conservative government
who served in Theresa May’s minister under Blair and Gordon — but when Cooper asked whether
cabinet, left the Conservatives a few Brown then lost his seat at the last they thought it was time for a change
@rsylvestertimes months ago criticising their election, is seeking a return to to Labour, just 37 per cent agreed,
“ideology and self-obsession” and parliament in the Scottish exactly the same figure he found at a

few months ago, the praised Starmer’s “sober, fact-driven, constituency of East Lothian. David similar point leading up to the 2010
shadow cabinet had a competent political leadership”. Miliband, the former foreign secretary, election. In 2009, he warned
presentation setting the Lord O’Neill of Gatley, the former is looking for a way back into UK Cameron that he had failed to
political scene ahead of Goldman Sachs banker who was a politics after a decade in New York
the next general election
and highlighting the attack lines the
Treasury minister under George
Osborne, has just completed a review
as head of the International Rescue
Committee charity. He has made
If Labour wins, he will
Conservatives were likely to deploy
against Labour. There was nothing
on start-ups for Rachel Reeves, the
shadow chancellor. Like Cooper he is
clear that he would like a “big job”
and Starmer is said to be nervous
need more experienced
unusual about this but what was
surprising was the identity of the
a crossbench peer and therefore
politically unaligned, but he told me:
of creating another political
psychodrama if he has both Miliband
figures at his top table
person delivering the briefing. It was “Sensible people are coming together brothers in his cabinet. But if Labour sufficiently detoxify the Tory party;
Lord Cooper of Windrush, the in the national interest.” gets into power, he will need some now he is telling Starmer that he has
pollster and crossbench peer who Power is a magnet and, with the more experienced figures around still not adequately defined his
was David Cameron’s director of Labour poll lead stretching to 25 his top table. There is speculation positive pitch.
strategy in No 10. points, the iron filings are twitching that the older Miliband might be One shadow cabinet minister
For years, Cooper was one of the towards Starmer. Business leaders given a seat in the House of Lords Lord Cooper, David Cameron’s director admits: “There’s still a long way to
Tories’ most influential political and bankers are queueing up to have and a cabinet post. Ed Balls, who has of strategy, is now advising Starmer go”. A growing number of Tory MPs
gurus. He worked for John Major, gone from political henchman to now assume that Starmer will be the
William Hague and Michael Portillo
before moving into Downing Street
He has a cornucopia national treasure having danced to
Gangnam Style on Strictly Come
of his fundamental message. “I don’t
think anybody believes Labour is any
next prime minister but senior
Labour figures are predicting a hung
with Cameron, who later appointed
him to the House of Lords. Now he
of missions but not Dancing, is also considering reviving
his political career.
longer an extreme party gripped by
antisemitism, led by somebody who
parliament. One says: “Starmer is
trying to get through three periods of
is advising Sir Keir Starmer on how
to win power.
a compelling vision Starmer is like a blushing bride on
her wedding day, with something old,
is not fit to be PM,” one insider says.
“The question is: what’s the point of a
opposition — Neil Kinnock, John
Smith and Tony Blair — in one term.
The two men were at school breakfast with the Labour leader and something new, something borrowed, Labour government?” He’s done the first of those and
together — in fact Cooper was the his shadow chancellor. Ambassadors something blue, but the electorate In 2009, Cooper, who was at the changed the party, now he is in
chairman of the East Surrey Young are flocking to kiss the Starmer ring. has still not said “yes” to his proposal. time in charge of polling for the reassurance mode. The issue is
Socialists when Starmer joined the Party donors are accumulating, With interest rates soaring, inflation Tories, asked voters whether they whether he can get to the positive
group — so they go back a long way corralled by Lord Levy, who raised stubbornly high and public services thought it was “time for a change” bit. It’s an open question whether he
and trust one another, although their millions for Tony Blair. riven by strikes, the voters are fed up from the Labour government. An will be able to do that.”
politics have not always been aligned. Labour’s prodigal sons and with the government but they are not overwhelming 75 per cent said “yes”, The voters know what they are
While Starmer stuck with Labour, daughters are returning to the fold. yet convinced that the opposition has but when he asked whether they against, now Starmer has to give them
Cooper switched to the SDP and then Three of the so-called Tiggers, the the answers. thought it was time for a change to something compelling to vote for.
the Tory party before quitting over former MPs who resigned to form The Labour leader has a plethora of the Conservatives only 37 per cent
Europe in 2019. He has not joined the centrist Independent Group, strategists but no overarching strategy, agreed. This was precisely the share
Labour but one friend says he “wants have rejoined Labour. Luciana a cornucopia of missions but no of the vote that Cameron went on to red box
Starmer to be prime minister” and is Berger, Mike Gapes and Angela compelling vision. Caught between the secure at the general election the For the best analysis
doing all he can to help his old Smith left in disgust at Jeremy red wall and the blue wall, Scotland next year, denying the Conservatives
classmate get to Downing Street. Corbyn but they are now confident and England, the Blairites and the an outright majority and forcing
and commentary on
Cooper is not the only one who that Starmer has stamped out Brownites, old grey beards and young them into coalition with the Liberal the political landscape
has climbed into Starmer’s rapidly antisemitism and extremism. One whippersnappers, he seems uncertain Democrats. Cooper has just repeated
24 Monday June 26 2023 | the times


Russia’s toxic politics are at boiling point

Failed coup shows Putin’s weakness and the West’s cluelessness about how to read the Kremlin
plotting afresh? Did the bombastic some notes of criticism. Nobody downward spiral as both likely and
Edward Belarusian president, Alexander thinks the war is going well, the only one of the least bad options. Previous Taxing employers
Lucas Lukashenko, really enable the deal? arguments are about who to blame. upheavals, in 1917 and 1991, brought
to bring in workers
Many more such questions abound. Culprits range from Nato to military them independence. But they note
Amid a dearth of answers,
commentators have left no cliché
corruption and — dangerously for
Putin — ineptitude at the top.
that their bigger and richer allies see
stability as paramount: a weak,
benefits nobody
about Russia unclutched. Churchill’s
metaphor about dogs fighting under
The latest shenanigans dent his
image further. How did the vaunted
chaotic Russia, they fear, may sink
completely into China’s orbit, fall
James Kirkup
@edwardlucas a rug is more than usually apt, as is FSB security services fail to spot and under full-blown extremist rule, or

his similarly well worn aphorism that foil this? Muscovites will not forget disintegrate, allowing nuclear mmigration is good for business.

magine a well connected, roughly the country is “a riddle, wrapped in a the alarming sight of troops and weapons and technology to fall into Having access to international
spoken chef — Gordon Ramsay, mystery, inside an enigma”. My chief roadblocks. A central paradox of the the hands of terrorists, warlords and labour allows employers to bring
perhaps — branching out from lesson from four decades of puzzling Putin era is that his popularity is rogue states. the skills they need to Britain,
restaurant security to government over Soviet and then Russian affairs self-reinforcing. Perceptions of power These worries are overblown. But supporting profits, growth and
contracts. These lucrative is not to join the dots too early. Some create the reality. The result is all are bargaining cards for any tax revenues. Economic migration is
sidelines begin with bodyguards, dots belong in other pictures. Many imposing but brittle. People in Russian leader. They worked well in strong after Brexit and the pandemic
expand to dirty tricks services and are still invisible. Rostov-on-Don cheered the Wagner the past, when first Mikhail — almost 270,000 work visas were
eventually include a full-blown Moral compasses have been forces when they seized that city. Gorbachev and then Boris Yeltsin issued last year, proof that we remain
mercenary legion. The government spinning too. However much we Who will they cheer next? regularly conjured up spectres of open to the world.
initially finds that menu appetising, The Russian leader could have chaos or fascism to win western A Social Market Foundation
but the taste sours. After months of
foul-mouthed attacks on the defence
My chief lesson has seized the moment to re-establish his
authority. But he seemed more than
financial and political support. We
risk making the same mistakes again,
report, in partnership with the
immigration law specialists Fragomen,
ministry our hero announces a heavily
armed “freedom march” on Whitehall.
been not to connect usually disengaged. A rumour that
he fled to a countryside bunker
basing our geopolitics on the maxim:
“Always keep a-hold of Nurse, for
shows how happily Britain can absorb
newcomers. One in five larger
Panic reigns, but halfway up the M4
he drops his plan and bolts to Ireland.
the dots too quickly makes him look cowardly. Another
blow came from supposed allies. At
fear of finding something worse.”
But for now we should celebrate
employers has hired Ukrainians since
the war began, and 12 per cent have
A scriptwriter would hesitate to dislike President Putin, he does not home, few rallied to his side. Abroad, welcome news for hard-pressed hired Hong Kong British nationals.
suggest this plotline in even the most beat his foes to death with a China maintained a stony silence. Ukraine. I doubt the theory that the Those people didn’t come here looking
fanciful political thriller. But that, sledgehammer and boast about it, a Kazakhstan and Iran said the coup whole fandango was staged to lure for jobs but they’ve smoothly entered
roughly, is what just happened in Prigozhin penchant. Wagner’s was an internal Russian affair. the Kyiv commanders into our labour market nonetheless.
Russia. Yevgeny Prigozhin, a former bloodthirsty riffraff commit war Belarus, belying its image as a overcommitting forces in their That’s good news but the story isn’t
hot-dog salesman with a private crimes bestial even by Russian Russian puppet state, takes the credit counter-offensive. The main all positive. Messy and inconsistent
army, was seemingly on the verge of standards. Our enemy’s enemy may for fixing Putin’s mess. practical effect has been to weaken rules need to be overhauled to make
taking Moscow on Saturday. But at just be another enemy. We should Hold the popcorn order, though. A Russian defences. The best hope for sure openness delivers even greater
the last minute he flinched, leaving also exercise humility about our own wounded Putin may be more volatile, an early and favourable end to the benefits and soothes the anger some
his fearsome Wagner group forces ability to shape events in Russia. For lashing out at home or abroad. Private war is that setbacks and upsets in people do feel about economic
stranded and fuming. 30-plus years almost every armies will mushroom further. The Moscow reinforce each other. migration.
That certainly provides a intervention has failed or backfired. most likely prospect, with or without Disorder at home corrodes morale The immigration skills charge
cliffhanger for the next instalment of As we await future plot twists, the Putin, is more disorder. A Soviet-style at the front. As desertion, mutiny (ISC) is a case in point. This is
Russia’s political drama. Was the first lesson so far is that our view of break-up on territorial lines is and surrender increase, decision- effectively a tax on employers
whole thing a ruse to flush out Putin is outdated. The Russian unlikely. More plausible is feuding makers flounder and the rot spreads. bringing foreign workers to the UK
disloyalty in the elite? Did Prigozhin leader’s power rests on his reputation clans, protecting their assets and The chances of this may be slim but of between £1,000 and £5,000 per
gain promises of scalps, or was he for competence and decisiveness. trying to steal from rivals. The fight they have just improved. Seen that head. In theory, that money is
abandoned by putative backers in That has looked tattered of late, with is within the regime, not against it. way, the worse things get in Russia, supposed to be used by the
Moscow? Is he now doomed or even the craven state media allowing Russia’s neighbours regard this the better. government to develop the skills of
Britain’s resident population,
lessening our long-term need to
import labour. In practice, the cash
Sathnam Sanghera Notebook simply disappears into the Treasury.
Transparency is badly lacking.
payphone in middle England. A Figures for the size of the
The art of depict anyone on any screen doing
anything at all. service station I stopped at had a
Bearing gifts government’s take are scattered in

Looking back, it seems barely payphone, but it didn’t work. I drove popped in to see my mother in Whitehall’s accounts. Our research

illusion has believable that we once gave a

magician, Paul Daniels, primetime
TV slots to do less impressive things
through Burford and couldn’t spot a
single callbox on the high street. At
one point I contemplated asking a
Wolverhampton on the way back
to London and took her a gift — a
box of mangos. I’ve talked here
reveals that the ISC raised
£349 million for the Treasury in
2021-22, up from £91 million when it

clearly lost throughout the Eighties. Even the

children in our group struggled to
care, especially as the 66-year-old
complete stranger if I could borrow
their phone to call a freephone
number but there’s no way of asking
before about the difficulty of buying
her presents: she doesn’t travel; she
doesn’t go to restaurants; she hates
was introduced in 2017-18. Given the
growth in immigration since then, it
will be no surprise if that revenue
its magic failed to perform the most critical
illusion of all: to resemble, in any
way at all, the photographs used to
for such a thing without coming
across like a conman.
In the end, after 50 minutes of
money being “wasted” on flowers or
perfumes; she doesn’t even have a
birthday, being of a generation of
soon exceeds £500 million.
Right now, the ISC isn’t doing
much good for anyone. Employers,

somehow managed not to publicise the show across the city. searching, I found a single, clean, Punjabis who didn’t have the dates including NHS bodies and social
gamble a single cent while in Las functioning payphone in the town of noted down. I reckoned I’d be fine care providers, are coughing up large
Vegas and haven’t gambled on Call off the search Northleach: the last functioning with mangos, though: they didn’t sums to support domestic skills but

four separate visits, but I did t turns out that what happens in phonebox in Britain not to have been cost much and she’d recently waxed getting neither a say in how that
catch a show: David Copperfield Vegas really does stay there. I left converted into a coffee kiosk, to be lyrical about how she missed them. money is spent nor any public
at the MGM Grand. It was my phone in a cab and couldn’t surrounded by tourists wanting to And when I got home, I thought understanding of that contribution.
fascinating, for all the wrong reasons. retrieve it before flying back. With a pose in it, to be plastered with I’d succeeded. That afternoon she That’s a bad deal for business and
The performance didn’t seem to have speaking engagement to get to in adverts for escorts or to be used even let me buy her a takeaway pizza for society as a whole, since it leaves
a title beyond his name but I’d Hay after my flight, I found myself as a toilet. from the only restaurant in the world some people to think that economic
suggest Going Through the Motions, having to buy and set up a new A tsunami of memories came she has ever expressed fondness for migration isn’t benefiting their country.
for you’ll not come across a more phone on the drive to the festival. flooding back as I punched in (Panjab Pizza, if you’re ever in God’s Business should do more to trumpet its
detached, jaded, mumbling I managed to obtain a new Sim the number: making homesick, Own City). But there, on the back contributions via the ISC and demand
entertainer this side of Robert De card, and separately, a new reverse-charge calls to my seat of my car on my drive back to more from government over the
Niro in Dirty Grandpa. phone (they wouldn’t give me parents from America; London, in a box, half the pizza, and charge. That tax revenue should be
The libidinous comments about both at the same time and dictating a draft news a bunch of the mangos. “I thought used visibly to support training in
various female members of the place, for “fraud article to a copytaker from the you’d like them,” came the places and sectors where immigration
audience were a surprise too, given prevention reasons”), but scene of a bombing; calling 999 explanation when I rang. “They’re is prevalent. And if ministers aren’t
the allegations he has faced amid the then faced the challenge for a man who had delicious.” willing to use the charge properly,
#MeToo reckoning. Then there was of calling my provider collapsed on a bus. I they should abandon it.
the magic. Copperfield made to activate the new made a note of the Sorry sight Economic immigration must be

spaceships, dinosaurs, people appear account, when I location, and weet of the month, from shown to be something that benefits
and disappear in the auditorium, but didn’t have a phone. perhaps you should @ItsAndyRyan: “19 years ago all, not simply a cash cow. Use the
. . . so what? Magic tricks just don’t There followed a too. In the event of today I married my best friend. ISC properly, or lose it.
impress in a 21st-century world 40-mile search for digital apocalypse, The vicar had awful eyesight and we
where entertainment is fuelled by a single we’ll all have to were too polite to point out his James Kirkup is director of the Social
CGI and deepfake AI can instantly functioning head there. mistake. Fiancé was furious.” Market Foundation
the times | Monday June 26 2023 25


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A woman leader is not your nanny-in-chief

During the pandemic female politicians were seen to be handling the crisis better than men but the theory has not aged well
Germany’s Angela Merkel, Likewise, New Zealand (593 deaths the country’s leader. And even if Party lost last month’s election.
Joanna Denmark’s Mette Frederiksen, per million) fared better than the US women did bring something different Merkel was unable to stand for
Williams Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-wen and Finland’s (3,331) and Finland (1,784) performed to pandemic leadership, it is re-election but surveys suggest
Sanna Marin. Soon, there was better than Sweden (2,319). Anyone impossible to make this case from few voters would want her back in
academic research to back up the setting out to prove that female statistics alone — sadly, the office. Ardern and, closer to home,
adoration. The Centre for Economic leaders are better than men during an proportion of female leaders was far Sturgeon arguably jumped before
Policy Research and the World international crisis could reasonably too tiny to provide anything like a being pushed out by voters.
@jowilliams293 Economic Forum published a claim that evidence is on their side. statistically valid sample size. Perhaps the leaders we want in a
detailed analysis of 194 countries However, when we contextualise So why was it that journalists and crisis are not the leaders we want

ritain’s Covid inquiry is which proved beyond all doubt that the data more fully, the picture researchers alike were so persuaded when normal life resumes. But it may
finally under way and seems male and female leaders really were becomes less clear. Ardern was that women were making a better also be the case that strict lockdown
impressively broad in its responding to the pandemic praised for her tough zero-Covid job of guiding their nations through policies themselves ultimately proved
remit. A former prime differently and that countries led by strategy, yet, over the course of two coronavirus than men? Sexist to be unpopular. In Taiwan and New
minister, chief medical women had “systematically and years, New Zealand reported a higher stereotypes clearly come into play. Zealand, the longer zero-Covid
officer and chancellor have already significantly better” Covid outcomes. death rate than male-led Japan. There was a desire to see men like strategies continued, the more
testified, with austerity, Brexit, By locking down earlier, the Ultimately, New Zealand fared Johnson, Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, devastating their impact. Ardern’s
“structural racism” and health research concluded, these lucky who was president of Brazil, as administration was confronted by
inequalities given early honourable
mentions. Surprisingly, in this litany
female-led countries suffered half as
many deaths on average as those led
It seemed the world embodying a reckless toxic
masculinity that meant they shied
angry protesters. Both countries
experienced a wave of infections
of social justice concerns, there has
been no mention yet of gender.
by men. The “proactive and
co-ordinated policy responses”
yearned for its mum to away from wearing masks and
imposing restrictions in favour of
after unlocking. In Germany and
Finland, there is concern about the
Back in the summer of 2020,
discussing coronavirus in the context
adopted by Merkel, Ardern, Tsai and
Marin were heralded for their no-
step in and take charge squaring up to the virus. The flipside
of this sexist coin fetishises women
economic costs of lockdown.
It seems that the desire for a
of gender politics was all the rage. nonsense rigour. At home, our own similarly to male-led Australia, as bossy but caring big sister-types, nanny-in-chief was always more of a
Despite the fact that men were sensible matriarch, Nicola Sturgeon, which followed the same zero-Covid more practical than ideological, fantasy of the professional laptop
statistically more likely to die from was compared favourably to bumbling approach. Likewise, Germany may always on hand to clean up a mess. classes than the people who
Covid than women, it was women, we Boris Johnson. Unlike women, who have performed better than Britain, In the summer of 2020, it seemed continued to leave their homes for
were told, who were suffering most as ruled free from ego and ideology, but it sits roughly halfway in that the world yearned for its mum work each day. Whatever Britain’s
they bore the brunt of home schooling men like Trump and Johnson were European tables of Covid deaths per to step in and take charge. Covid inquiry concludes, one lesson
while working from home. At the too stuffed full of bravado to insist capita. And Finland fared better than But where are these feted women for the next pandemic is that we
same time, a consensus emerged that people adhere to rules. anti-lockdown Sweden, but performed now? With the exception of should stop judging leaders by their
nations led by women were dealing Did women leaders live up to the less well than male-led Switzerland. Denmark’s Frederiksen, not one is gender and look more closely at their
with the pandemic far better than hype? A cursory glance at national It seems that a range of other still in power. In November last year, policies instead.
countries with male leaders. Covid data suggests they did. factors, such as the age and health of Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive
The message that female leaders Germany — at 2,095 Covid deaths the population, national prosperity, Party suffered its worst defeat in three Joanna Williams is founder of the Cieo
do a better job of saving lives echoed per million citizens — fared better geography and rates of vaccine decades and Tsai announced her think tank
around the world. Praise was heaped than the UK, which recorded a uptake all had a much greater impact resignation as party leader. Likewise
upon New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern, shocking 3,366 deaths per million. on Covid death rates than the sex of in Finland, Marin’s Social Democratic Libby Purves is away
26 V2 Monday June 26 2023 | the times

Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor should be sent to or by post to
1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF

Sins of the church in selling off rectories Helping hand after

Bader lost his leg
Sir, AN Wilson rightly identifies the Wilson to address a future meeting. along with the size of their houses.
cultural damage done by the Church The fact that our society’s patron, Charis Cavaghan-Pack Sir, As the daughter of Sholto
of England’s selling off of so many Sir Tom Stoppard, lives in an old Taunton, Somerset Douglas, Marshal of the RAF, I was
beautiful parsonage houses, but he is vicarage is surely evidence that the interested in Ben Macintyre’s article
somewhat unjust to the owners of the cultural role of these lovely houses Sir, As a retired clergyman, may I on Douglas Bader (“Bader was a hero
houses sold off (“Church lost its soul endures, even without benefit of clergy. express my thanks that I never had to but he was also a brute”, June 16) and
in rectory sell-off”, Jun 24). Lord Moore of Etchingham live in a Grantchester-style vicarage in the letters that ensued from it.
New-look Lords In 2006, I founded the Rectory Chairman, The Rectory Society with all its associated heating and Regarding Mr Macintyre’s account
Society because I felt that rectories, maintenance costs. Instead, I lived in of the loss of Bader’s right prosthetic
Sir, I am in the unusual position of vicarages and other clergy residences, Sir, I completely concur with AN a purpose-built four-bedroom leg when he was shot down over
partially agreeing with Tijs Broeke whether existing or former, were Wilson’s article, having lived from the vicarage with a bookshelf-lined study, occupied France on August 9, 1941,
(letter, Jun 24), a position I never underappreciated. Their contribution age of ten in a nine-bedroom ancient adequate kitchen and reception my father was then commander-in-
found myself in as a senior police to English life is intellectual, literary, rectory in Devon. My father came to rooms sufficient for its purpose. chief of Fighter Command, which
officer before the committees he spiritual, ecclesiastical, architectural, parish life from academia, and not The reasons for the decline in the picked up a radio message concerning
serves on. The Lords does require educational, pastoral, horticultural, only was the study lined with books, Church of England are complex, the leg broadcast by the Germans on
reform but a rush to an elected eleemosynary and much more. but the household abounded in including the total shutdown of August 13. It was not known, even to
chamber, directly or indirectly, would The new society evoked an instant discussion and reflection on matters churches during the pandemic, but higher authority, that a radio SOS
be an error. The ability of the Lords response from old parsonage dwellers spiritual and temporal. We regularly the sale of unsuitable, expensive channel was kept open between the
to draw on a wide range of expertise or owners. Far from being the “city had students from my father’s old housing stock is not among them. RAF and the Luftwaffe. Sholto and
to scrutinise, revise and advise must slickers” that Wilson imagines, they theological college staying with us, Canon John Harwood Air Vice-Marshal Trafford Leigh-
not be lost; nor should the supremacy are passionately interested in this rich and the rectory was constantly open Emsworth, Hants Mallory, at that time air officer
of the Commons be threatened. We history. Members kindly open their to the parish for meetings and youth commanding No.11 Group, arranged
don’t want a split legislature resulting houses and contribute much work and even to house, for short Sir, I can reassure AN Wilson that for a spare leg to be dropped by
in no governing as seen in America. knowledge. The variety and distinction lengths of time, parishioners who here at least there is very definitely parachute over the airfield at St Omer
I favour a system in which the of those who have addressed our were in need of help. In the “nasty no “air of polish”. We all refer to the on one of the normal daylight raids
sitting members are drawn from the AGMs show how wide the interest little modern houses” now provided house as The Old Wrec with good before the Allied bombers went to
wider pool of Lords, and the runs: our list includes Lord (Mervyn) for clergy, I fear there would be little reason. “An icy repository” is an their targets. When the story was
composition reflects the (elected) King, Matt the cartoonist, Professor to no opportunity to provide such an entirely apposite description in the released to the press, Sholto received
membership of the Commons; so if Diarmaid MacCulloch, Lord Chartres, all encompassing welcome. Moreover, winter and the cost of maintaining a call at HQ Fighter Command the
the government commands 40 per Field Marshal Lord Guthrie, Edmund the size and dignity of the old and running it keeps me as poor as a next morning, and a voice growled:
cent of the Commons, the same in the de Waal, Jeremy Paxman and your rectories reflected the respect in church mouse let alone a parson. “You are fraternising with the enemy,
Lords. Party leaders can determine paper’s very own Matthew Parris. which the clergy were held. Small Dr Antony Roberts Douglas. I won’t have it.” Sholto’s
which peers are called to serve in any Next year, the speaker will be Emma wonder, then, that respect for the The Old Rectory, St Cross South reply was: “You may call it
one parliament, and the system can Bridgewater. I hereby invite AN clergy seems to have diminished Elmham, Suffolk fraternising, sir, but after delivering
be tempered with a fixed number, say Bader’s leg we managed to shoot
150, crossbench peers who must down some Me109s and damaged
remain unaffiliated and could be his level-headed competence the only will brag that his leadership defeated several others. That doesn’t sound
linked to having held specific offices Courageous Sunak intelligent response to our turbulent the rebels and his magnanimity very fraternal to me.” This elicited a
(such as chief of the defence staff or times.” Some who are more distant forgave Prigozhin, allowing him to grunt from Churchill, and without
president of the Supreme Court). This Sir, Matthew Parris is spot on in his from the heart of the Conservative “retire” to Belarus (for what may well another word he hung up.
would avoid unsightly “packing” of the advice to the prime minister (“Rishi, be Party may see something else. I see a be a short-lived retirement). Putin will Dr Katharine Campbell
upper chamber but retain ennoblement brave enough to give us hard truths”, staunch Brexiteer who served as Boris now double-down on security, crush Northington, Hants
as part of the honours system without Jun 24). Rishi Sunak’s education taught Johnson’s chancellor when billions of dissent and increase hostilities against
the direct political implications. him mathematics and economics, but pounds of public money were Ukraine and the West.
James Morgan
Former superintendent, City of
more importantly held out before him
the value of character. Many of us
squandered on useless PPE and
grants to fraudulent companies. I see
Sandy Pratt
Storrington, W Sussex
Regional opera
London Police; Kings Ripton, Cambs want to see in him the courage and a prime minister who on taking office Sir, I agree with Richard Morrison
confidence that defies the intellectual promised “integrity, professionalism that Welsh National Opera plays a

Four-day week
and moral shambles of members of
his party who, as Parris points out,
and accountability at every level of
the government I lead”, and who is
Titanic explorers valuable role in the cultural life of our
nation (“Arts Council England is on
will never respect him whatever he now engaged in an attempt to deny Sir, While I agree with most of Janice the verge of destroying Welsh
Sir, Hilary Rose (“Gen Z won’t work a says or does. Sunak missed a chance the Covid inquiry access to Turner’s column (“Respect risk-takers National Opera”, Times2 Jun 23).
five-day week? Maybe it’s me who got to show this when he absented information it deems essential to its who have to scratch the itch”, Jun 24), However, he says that very soon
it all wrong?” Times2, Jun 22) made himself from the Commons debate task. Mr Parris may admire Mr she writes: “It is appalling the world’s anyone living in the regions wanting
reference to the four-day week trial at and vote on the behaviour of his Sunak; I remain underwhelmed. attention is held by a few drowned to see opera done properly will have
South Cambridgeshire district council predecessor but one. He has perhaps Erik Wilson rich men, not hundreds of poor lost in to visit a country house operation or
and said “funnily enough going to one last chance to validate his claims Beverley, E Yorks the Ionian Sea.” However, as with the travel to London to the Royal Opera.
work less often means they to integrity by laying out the truth Thai cave boys or the Chilean miners, It may have slipped his mind that
sometimes get less done”. This is not and calling on us to get behind him it’s people stuck with time running Opera North, based in Leeds and
actually what our independently
assessed evidence shows. Generally,
with the spirit of discipline and
self-sacrifice that is our only hope of
Weakened Putin out that is the compelling story. Thus
comparisons with the migrant boat
touring in the north of England, gives
opera performances of a very high
performance during our initial solving our social and economic woes. Sir, There has been much comment tragedy are misguided. There was no standard, which is possibly why Arts
three-month trial was maintained at Dr Ralph Townsend about how Yevgeny Prigozhin’s countdown. By the time most people Council England, fallible in many
previous levels throughout the Headmaster, Winchester College “rebellion” has weakened Putin and had heard of it the migrants were ways, has decided to increase its grant.
organisation and in a number of cases (2005-2016) heralds the disintegration of Russia. already sadly dead. The callousness of John Lee
it improved. The Bennett Institute for Wishful thinking, I fear. On returning officials is a different story. Shipley, W Yorks
Public Policy at the University of Sir, Matthew Parris writes of the PM: to Moscow, from where he scarpered as Conrad Truedson
Cambridge, which analysed our “I admire him personally and see in Prigozhin’s troops approached, Putin Eugene, Oregon
performance data, noted that not a
single area of council performance fell
Identity crises
to a concerning level during the trial.
Additionally, we have recruited for NUISANCE OF and inadequate streets of our towns,
the horse is an anachronism.
And there is the human aspect of
the strain on tempers and nerves.
Sir, My daughter, when she was about
five years old, identified as a cat
a number of hard-to-fill posts and
have reduced our annual wage bill by HORSE-DRAWN Everywhere horse-drawn carts and
vehicles block the faster traffic,
Today the vehicle propelled by
petrol, steam, or electricity can do
(“Tales of pupil ‘furries’ alarm
parents”, Jun 24.) She slept in a
about £300,000 as we rely less on
agency staff. VEHICLES despite the praiseworthy attempts of
the police to enforce the rule that
everything a horse-drawn vehicle
can do. In most cases it is cheaper.
cardboard box at the end of my bed,
ate her food directly from a plate and
Bridget Smith slow traffic should keep near the kerb. And the time saved by mechanical walked on all fours. This, however,
Leader, South Cambridgeshire In the Strand, Regent Street, Oxford transport more than compensates didn’t last long and she developed
district council from the times june 25, 1923 Street, Piccadilly, Edgware Road — in for any extra cost. If all our street into a normal fully grown human.
fact, in any of the great thoroughfares traffic moved at a higher and more Nicola McAllister
To the Editor of The Times. of London — the horse-drawn vehicle or less equal speed the relief would Lavenham, Suffolk
Corrections and Sir, Your article dealing with delays 95 per cent of mechanical be immense. Incidentally, our streets
clarifications London traffic emphasised the need
for some form of central control.
traffic, and increases the dangers of
the streets to pedestrians and road-
would be more sanitary, for it is
chiefly in horse-dung that the
Sir, Wasn’t every rural female child a
pony in the late 1950s?
There are, however, minor reforms users alike. If horse-drawn vehicles pestilential fly breeds, which is more Rosanne Walmsley
The Times takes which could help at once. Twenty could be forbidden in certain crowded deadly to infant life than any other Fareham, Hants
complaints years ago we constantly saw thoroughfares between 10am and cause. Surely it should be possible,
about editorial columns in the Press headed “The 6pm, what immediate relief there with the consent of the government, Sir, Our border collie Tessa clearly
content seriously. We are committed to Motor Nuisance”. Much traffic has would be. The slowness of London the police, the LCC, the cities and self-identifies as human. Should we be
abiding by the Independent Press moved over the bridges since then, traffic today, owing to the horse- boroughs of London, to carry out concerned?
Standards Organisation (“IPSO”) rules and today there is the “horse-drawn drawn nuisance, costs millions of this reform at once. Professor Gareth Williams
and regulations and the Editors’ Code of nuisance”. With that noble animal pounds a year in wasted time, extra Yours faithfully, Milford on Sea, Hants
Practice that IPSO enforces.
Requests for corrections or on the race-course, in the hunting consumption of motor spirit or coal in MONTAGU OF BEAULIEU.
clarifications should be sent by email to field, as a riding animal or in the constant stopping and restarting, the or by post to country, I have no grievance. But as wear and tear of brakes and tires, and Letters to The Times must be exclusive
Feedback, The Times, 1 London Bridge a traction animal in the crowded the abrasion of the surface of roads. and may be edited. Please include a full
Street, London SE1 9GF address and daytime telephone number.
the times | Monday June 26 2023 27

Leading articles

Daily Universal Register

UK: The inquest opens in Preston into the
death of Nicola Bulley, who was found in
reeds on the River Wyre, Lancashire, after
going missing in January. Police will produce
information gathered during the search.

Nature notes
Pink dog roses
arched across the
Putin Diminished
path beside the
paddock on long, Mercenaries’ brief attempt at armed insurrection may have failed, but
strong stems. A bee
flew from one it will weaken Russian morale and the president’s personal standing
flower to the next,
busy among the pollen-covered stamens — As mercenaries advanced on Moscow over the Ukraine, which has been the Russian govern- has lost a significant military asset. Wagner surely
but at rest, it revealed itself to have a weekend, demanding the overthrow of military ment’s public justification for the war, is a sham. cannot continue to exist in its current form, and
partially transparent abdomen. It was no bee top brass, their leader insisted that his call for His men took control of Rostov-on-Don, a com- the demise of Moscow’s most effective fighting
but Volucella pellucens, a bee-mimicking armed insurrection was “not a coup”. It was cer- mand centre for the war, and he called for a force will cheer Ukrainian generals. Fourthly, the
hoverfly. As well as being important tainly not a very good one: after marching his men “march of justice” on Moscow. war has become harder to defend. It is never easy
pollinators, hoverflies are efficient pest towards the capital, Yevgeny Prigozhin appears to Putin vowed to punish the traitors, ordered a to ask mothers to send their sons into battle, but it
controllers, eating huge quantities of aphids have thought better of it, and marched them back lockdown in the capital, and started to dig up roads is a taller order still after one of the war’s main pro-
and troublesome crop pests. While this again. Though his attempt at mutiny was abortive, to halt the mutineers’ advances. On Saturday, tagonists has publicly admitted that the casus belli
species is a resident, half a billion hoverflies it was a direct assault on Vladimir Putin’s author- Prigozhin stood his men down, apparently as a re- is hokum.
migrate to the UK each spring. With many ity and his justification for the war in Ukraine. He sult of a deal brokered by Belarus’s dictator which The rebellion also dents Putin’s personal power.
insect populations showing steep declines, is weakened as a result. gives him safe passage out of Russia. The Kremlin can hardly dismiss it as the irrelevant
their role in our ecosystem is becoming ever The Wagner group of Russian mercenaries Though the chaos was short-lived, its effects ramblings of a deranged warlord: the government
more crucial. melissa harrison emerged out of Putin’s annexation of Crimea in could be long-lasting. The impact on the Ukraini- does not start digging up roads unless it perceives
2014, and has become an increasingly important an war effort is fourfold. First, the episode will re- a genuine threat. Putin now looks weak, not only
military resource for the Kremlin. Its members did double Ukraine’s existing advantage in morale. because the mutiny happened in the first place,
Birthdays today the lion’s share of the fighting in capturing Bakh- That is intangible but important: the will of the but also because of how it ended. Having rushed to
mut, one of Russia’s only significant victories in Ukrainian people to defend their land is the back- declare that traitors would be punished, he ap-
Ariana Grande, pictured, the war in recent months. Keeping them at arm’s bone of their military success to date, and is what pears to have done a deal allowing the traitor-in-
singer, thank u, next length from the state has had advantages for Pu- has inspired the international community to arm chief to leave the country.
(2019), and actress, 30; tin, including a veneer of plausible deniability for them. Secondly, the fallout will distract Putin and The effect on his behaviour is hard to predict. A
Paul Thomas Anderson, their brutality and disregard for human rights. his military henchmen from the invasion. There strongman who feels the need to show his strength
film director, Boogie Over the weekend Prigozhin, the former gang- will be no need for the president to redeploy boots can be dangerous. The infrastructure holding him
Nights (1997), There Will ster and hot-dog salesman who commanded the on the ground from Ukraine to fight a civil war, but in post is strong, and he will not feel the need to
Be Blood (2007), 53; Prof group, launched a tirade against defence minister some reports suggest personnel changes among pack his bags. Yet the events of the weekend have
Sir Jonathan Bate, Sergei Shoigu, accused the Russian army of delib- military top brass in Moscow, and the Russian punctured the myth of his invincibility. They serve
biographer, Bright Star, Green Light: the erately attacking his forces and, most incendiary president will be spending more of his energy and as a reminder that, even after his 23 years in power,
Beautiful Works and Damned Lives of John of all, suggested that the purported threat from time looking over his own shoulder. Thirdly, Putin the days of Putin’s rule are numbered.
Keats and F Scott Fitzgerald (2021), provost,
Worcester College, University of Oxford
(2011-19), 65; Max Biaggi, motorcycle racer,
winner of six world championships, 52;
Judith Cummins, Labour MP for Bradford
South, shadow international trade minister
Mediocre at Best
(2018-20), 56; Lady Amanda Ellingworth, a
director of the children’s charity Plan The endless cycle of cash injections into the health service is not working
International, 66; Ivan Fallon, deputy editor,
The Sunday Times (1984-94), 79; Georgie Nigel Lawson once said that the NHS is the closest force strategy. An estimated 112,000 posts are un- acerbated by delays in getting healthy patients out
Fame, jazz singer, Yeh Yeh (1964), The Ballad thing that the English have to a national religion. filled, and doctors and nurses have been leaving in of hospital, thanks to a creaking social care system
of Bonnie and Clyde (1967), 80; Gilberto Gil, Given its current state, the flock could be forgiven their droves. and a bureaucratic discharge process. What hos-
musician and politician, 81; Dave Grusin, for a crisis of faith. According to a new report from In an era of stretched public finances and high pital space exists is in poor shape: the backlog of
Oscar-winning composer, The Milagro the King’s Fund, a health think tank, the NHS inflation, ministers can ill afford to throw more repairs now stands at £10 billion. Rather than us-
Beanfield War (1988), 89; Chris Isaak, singer, trails other countries’ health systems in levels of pay at the problem. Yet it would help to train more ing capital budgets to address these issues for the
Wicked Game (1989), 67; Mick Jones, doctors, nurses, beds and equipment. The re- clinicians at home and cut the bureaucracy asso- long term, governments have repeatedly priori-
guitarist, the Clash and Big Audio Dynamite, search throws into sharp relief an uncomfortable ciated with hiring from abroad. Rishi Sunak has tised day-to-day spending.
68; Mikhail Khodorkovsky, exiled Russian truth. Repeated cash injections from central gov- sensibly pledged to streamline the journey from The kit in the system needs attention too. Low
former oil tycoon, 60; Greg LeMond, road ernment have failed to produce a health system classroom to clinic in the strategy expected to be diagnostic testing capacity has contributed to eye-
racing cyclist, three-time winner of the Tour that can credibly be held up, as politicians would unveiled later this week. watering waiting lists for outpatient care. Like-
de France (1986, 1989, 1990), 62; Caroline wish, as the “envy of the world”. Higher headcount is no panacea. It has already wise, increases in headcount must be matched
Nokes, Conservative MP for Romsey and Researchers compared 19 rich countries, and been rising, along with the sums poured into the with improvements in administration: rather than
Southampton North, immigration minister found that UK patients fared worse than many system each year. Following decades of real-terms complicated and pettifogging reporting require-
(2018-19), 51; Chris O’Donnell, actor, Scent others on life expectancy. Britain had higher levels rises in health spending, there has been a particu- ments, hospitals need clear headline targets fo-
of a Woman (1992), NCIS: Los Angeles (since of death from heart attacks and strokes than most larly steep spike since 2019,with much of this going cused on outcomes, and clear accountability
2009), 53; Emma Porteous, costume of its peers, and below-average survival rates for on staff. However, a recent report by the Institute about whose job it is to meet them.
designer, Aliens (1986), Judge Dredd (1995), several cancers. It also performed worse than for Government argues that paying for more staff This newspaper has long argued that, as the
87; Neil Record, chairman, Institute of many on beds and MRI scanners per person. This is delivering a disappointing return in perform- population ages and demand for healthcare in-
Economic Affairs, 70; Sir Nigel Sheinwald, country is not at the bottom of the pack across the ance, because of a serious productivity problem. creases, the current model of funding the NHS
diplomat, UK ambassador to the United board, but it is not an impressive performance. For example, hiring more doctors does little will become increasingly unsustainable. Yet how-
States (2007-12), 70; George Windsor, Earl The health service’s difficulties are in part good if they have nowhere to treat their patients. ever the service is funded, government needs to
of St Andrews, son of the Duke and caused by its chronic labour problems, which min- Capacity in the NHS is tight, with safe bed occu- make the funding go further. A coherent work-
Duchess of Kent, 61; David Winnick, Labour isters promise to address in an upcoming work- pancy levels often breached in winter. That is ex- force plan would be a start, but only that.
MP for Walsall North (1979-2017), 90;
Charlotte Worthington, cyclist, Olympic
gold medallist (2020, BMX freestyle), 27.

On this day
Forsake Me Not
In 1977 Elvis Presley gave his final concert Newly discovered marginalia provide a window into the inner life of Henry VIII
performance, two months before his death
aged 42. Henry VIII has an unenviable public image, and er sat on the throne of England”. For the Tudor Wormsley Library, a batch of Henry’s etchings
understandably so. A womaniser who killed two of historian Sir Geoffrey Elton, he was an “ego- have been found in a prayer book produced in
his wives hardly seems worthy of much sympathy. centric monstrosity”. 1544. He made marks that suggest a melancholic
The last word Though some historians credit him with impor- These are hardly epithets that the monarch mood. One appears next to a passage which reads:
tant reforms in government, he has struggled to would have wished to adorn his tomb. Known “O Lord God forsake me not, although I have done
“Are not all young men ready to trust the live down his personal reputation as a greedy, above all for his assertion of temporal authority no good in thy sight.” There is also a scribbling by
promise of a pretty face and to infer beauty of murderous, manipulative, self-obsessed (and over the church, Henry has not gone down in his- another mea culpa: “Let thy spirit teach me the
soul from beauty of feature? An indefinable heir-obsessed), destructive, belligerent, obese tory as a particular pious figure either. Yet he did things to be pleasant unto thee, that I may be led
impulse leads them to believe that moral ogre. Dickens described him as a “most intolerable have flashes of religiosity, at any rate in his youth, into the straight way, out of the error wherein I
perfection must coexist with physical ruffian, a disgrace to human nature, and a and a new discovery has revealed some moments have wandered overlong.”
perfection.” Honoré de Balzac, French blot of blood and grease upon the History of En- of spiritual contemplation even towards the very To Henry’s credit, at least he seems to have
novelist, quoted in The Wisdom of Balzac gland”. For Jack Scarisbrick, one of Henry’s biog- end of his life — well after the break with Rome, known what a “blot” he was leaving — and hoped
(1923) by Harry Rickel raphers, he was “one of the nastiest people who ev- and even after some uxorial executions. At for some help smudging it out.
28 2GM Monday June 26 2023 | the times

Albanian gangsters
turn ‘safe’ Ecuador
into a killing zone
Ecuador could arrive as tourists and repeatedly
Rising violence extend their stays. Another advantage
Stephen Gibbs
Ecuador’s murder rate per they have found is that the economy is
Latin America correspondent
100,000 people 28
dollarised, simplifying money launder-
It used to be one of the safest countries 25.5 ing. And fake documents are notorious-
in Latin America, relatively untroubled 24 ly easily to obtain.
by the violence of its neighbours. Now 20 “Ecuador has become a hotspot for
Ecuador is at the mercy of a crime wave low to mid-level Albanian traffickers,
driven by drug cartels, local outlaws many facing criminal charges and look-
and international gangsters. 12 ing to restart their careers outside
Since 2016, the murder rate has 8 Europe,” InSight Crime, an investiga-
increased fivefold. The Pacific city of tive news organisation which focuses
Guayaquil, once popular with pension- 4 on organised crime, said last year.
Source: National Police of Ecuador
ers because of its picturesque squares 0 In one sign of the success of the Euro-
and excellent healthcare, now ranks 2012 14 16 18 20 22 pean drug traffickers in Ecuador, there
alongside Juarez in Mexico and Port- has been a marked shift in recent years
au-Prince in Haiti on a list of the world’s Last year Cynthia Viteri, mayor of in the destination of cocaine trafficked
most dangerous cities. The province of Guayaquil, told the president that from the country. In 2019 only 9 per
Esmeraldas, which borders Colombia, “criminal gangs have become a state cent of the drug seized was destined for
had 82 murders per 100,000 people last within a state”. Europe. By 2021 that figure had risen to
year, twice as many as in 2021. In the Analysts often refer to one event in 30 per cent.
UK the figure is 1.1 per 100,000. the region as a key turning point. In The police have also detected a rise in
A week ago six people were killed and 2016 Colombia signed a peace agree- Italian mafia-style murders in Guayaq-
six wounded in a gunfight in Guayaquil. ment with Farc, the Revolutionary uil. In January last year, in one of the
A black SUV stopped on a busy street, Armed Forces of Colombia. For country’s most infamous killings, Ergys
and at least four men opened fire on decades it had been funding itself Dashi, 34, an Albanian cartel boss, was
their targets. “They kill each other through drug trafficking, but the shot dead in front of dozens of witness-
without mercy,” said Police Colonel scaling back of its involvement in such es in a restaurant in the city. Ergys faced
Marcelo Castillo. activities after the peace deal gave several arrest warrants in Europe for
Particularly gruesome attacks take others a chance to fill the space. drug trafficking, sexual exploitation
place inside prisons, where rival gangs, Of particular interest were Ecuador’s and possession of weapons. In Ecuador
trapped in a confined space, settle Pacific ports, which the Farc had used he had an entirely clean criminal
scores. In the past two years, 430 as a base for international cocaine traf- record and was not part of any police in-
inmates have been murdered. On ficking. Several groups have been com- vestigation.
Wednesday three were found hanged peting ruthlessly for this territory. The Ecuadorian government says it
in a prison in Riobamba, south of the Over the same period, cocaine pro- is cracking down on the violence, and
capital Quito. Prison staff are trauma- duction in Colombia has soared. points out that its drug seizures are at
tised after having to pick up the limbs of Some of the most powerful drug- record levels. In April Lasso changed
inmates who have been hacked to running organisations in Guayaquil are the law to enable ordinary citizens to
death. led by Albanians. One, known as Clan carry guns. He said that everybody
The crime wave is having political Farruku, was broken up by Spanish faced the “common enemy” of orga-
consequences. Guillermo Lasso, 67, the police last April. Officers arrested 17 nised crime and should be able to
conservative president, has lost support people accused of shipping two tonnes defend themselves.
since he took office in 2021, in part of cocaine, hidden in frozen fish, from Some say that the underlying prob- High stakes The San Juan festival in Menorca, which features equestrian tests, has its
because Ecuadorians blame him for not Guayaquil. lem is not one that self-defence will
doing enough to curb the violence. About 3,000 Albanians are under- ever solve. “There are now disturbing
Last month, during an attempt to
impeach him on corruption charges,
which he says are without basis, he
stood to be based in the city. The coun-
try is attractive to gangs from the Bal-
kans partly because until 2020 Albani-
signs that organised crime has co-opted
parts of the state,” Will Freeman, fellow
for Latin America studies at the
Fears for the Mount Fuji
dissolved congress and called an elect- ans and other east European citizens Council on Foreign Relations, said.
ion for August. He will not be standing. did not need an entry visa to enter; they “Things are likely going to get worse.”
climbers racing to the top
Madagascar’s leader is secretly French Japan
Richard Lloyd Parry Asia Editor
The Japanese authorities are warning
hikers rush up and down in two days
without a rest, adding to the risk of ex-
haustion, falls and hypothermia.
Towns near the mountain are plead-
Madagascar coral islands, which belong to France, where real incomes have fallen amid that people could d die on ing for a cap to be put on the
but seems to have got nowhere when he political instability since it acquired in- Mount Fuji as they prepare number ofo people allowed
Adam Sage
met Macron in Paris this month. dependence from France in 1960. for a record number er of mak the ascent, who
to make
President Rajoelina of Madagascar is Opposition politicians say Rajoelina, Rajoelina then returned to politics in visitors aiming to could exceed
facing calls to stand down after news 49, should be stripped of the presidency 2018, winning the presidential election. climb the 3,776m m 300
300,000. “The num-
emerged that he had obtained French since the constitution requires people His true nationality emerged this volcano. ber of hikers is ex-
nationality in a deal with Paris in 2014. to renounce their nationality if they be- month when citizenship papers were Even before the pe
pected to be unlike
Critics say it was an act of betrayal come citizens of another country. Rajo- leaked to the press. Rivo Rakotovao, a season opens on an
anything seen
and has placed him at the mercy of a elina’s supporters claim this is a mis- former acting president, said: “What Saturday, moun- b
before,” Shigeru
former colonial power keen to continue reading of the constitution and that he especially troubles me is that he has tain huts that pro- H
Horiuchi, the
pulling the strings on the island. is allowed to hold two nationalities. lied. He has become French and in so vide a place of rest m
mayor of Fujiyo-
They say the revelations also explain Rajoelina seized power in an uprising doing, he has pledged allegiance to for climbers are sh
shida, said.
why Rajoelina has not stood up to Pres- in 2009. Five years later he left office in another country.” fully booked. Local H
He told Mainichi
ident Macron over the ownership of the an agreement brokered by Paris, which Rajoelina said: “No one can wipe out governments aree Shim
Shimbun, a daily
Scattered Islands of the Indian Ocean. was keen to restore democracy to a the fact that you are Madagascan and warning against the
He had promised to make good Mada- country where 75 per cent of the popu- no one can change the Madagascan dangerous practicee of Climbers
C limber go up at night
gascar’s claim of sovereignty over the lation is below the poverty line and blood that runs in our veins.” “bullet climbing”, inn which sun
to see sunrise at the top
the times | Monday June 26 2023 2GM 29

After three years of

bureaucracy, I’m an
Italian at last
Page 30


My criminal charges
are a great badge of
courage, says Trump
United States under God”. “Christians have been
under siege under this administration,”
Hugh Tomlinson Washington
he said. “Together we’re warriors in a
Donald Trump declared the two crimi- righteous crusade to stop the arsonists,
nal indictments against him “a great the atheists, the globalists and the
badge of courage” when he addressed Marxists.”
religious conservatives as part of his His speech fell on the first annivers-
campaign to take back the White ary of the Supreme Court decision that
House. overturned Roe v Wade, striking down
The 77-year-old former president the constitutional right to abortion.
used his speech to a conference of evan- The ruling has changed the face of
gelists in Washington to declare: “I’m America as more than 20 states have
being indicted for you.” banned abortion in the past year. The
Trump faces criminal charges over a anniversary was marked by protests on
hush money payment to conceal an Saturday but at the Faith and Freedom
alleged affair with a porn star before the conference there was celebration at the
2016 election and was indicted again ruling among the anti-abortion crowd.
earlier this month over the classified Pence said: “Every Republican candi-
documents seized at his Florida home date for president should support a ban
last year. Yet he holds a big lead in the on abortion before 15 weeks [of preg-
race for the Republican presidential nancy] as a minimum nationwide stan-
nomination. Despite his legal troubles, dard.” DeSantis touted the near-total
Trump is popular with the Christian six-week ban he signed into law in Flor-
right and received standing ovations as ida in April. Trump was quick to take
he railed against his political enemies. credit for the Supreme Court ruling,
“I’m probably the only person in his- highlighting the three justices he ap-
tory who was indicted and my numbers pointed to the bench during his first
went up,” he told the audience at an term, cementing the decisive 6-3 con-
event organised by the Faith and Free- servative majority on the court which
dom Coalition. “Every time the radical- overturned Roe v Wade. He is con-
left Democrats, Marxists, communists scious that abortion is a divisive issue
and fascists indict me, I consider it a among voters and it will be a lynchpin
great badge of courage.” of Biden’s re-election campaign. Trump
Evangelical voters are a critical con- has sidestepped the issue and refused to
stituency in the race for the Republican say if he supports a national ban.
nomination, particularly in Iowa and Trump angered some religious con-
South Carolina, the first and third servatives when he blamed state abor-
states to vote in the primary next year. tion bans last year for the party’s disap-
All Trump’s main rivals for the nomina- pointing performance in November’s
tion, including the Florida governor midterm elections. On Saturday he
Ron DeSantis and the former vice- again avoided specifics.
president Mike Pence, addressed the “As your president, I will continue to
event. Trump was the star turn. While stand proudly for pro-life policies, just
his challengers were given slots of ten to as I did for four strong years. I will con-
15 minutes, Trump used his 90-minute tinue to fight against the demented
headline speech to attack President late-term abortionists in the Demo-
Biden and lay out his priorities for a cratic Party,” he said.
second term if he wins next year. After Trump’s address, David Brody,
He accused Biden, a Catholic, of per- a commentator for the Christian
secuting Christians and claimed that a Broadcasting Network, said “the en-
second Trump administration would thusiasm among evangelicals for him in
roots in a 14th century pilgrimage of the clergy, nobility and peasants who rode to a hermitage with offerings after the harvest “restore our republic as one nation this room tonight was as strong as ever”.

newspaper: “When people remain on

mountain routes or at the peak for a
period of time, the risk rises for things
like rockfall accidents or hypothermia.
Can’t wait to say I do? Get married in a minute
People have died from rockfalls in the Keiran Southern Los Angeles nies, with a “romantic beach elope- utes was proving popular. She recom-
past.” ment” starting at $399. mends that such ceremonies take place
The fear is that a tragedy would have The wedding lasted no more than ten Jones-Steward, who goes by the title in a park or a coffee shop and charges
the effect of driving away visitors and minutes, during which a stranger had to of Officiant Lady, said demand for her $50 for travelling out of her local area.
ruin business. “I’m happy that so many be roped in to bear witness. ceremonies surged during the pan- “I don’t treat it like a throwaway wed-
people want to climb the mountain, but Jack Fields and Cody Gibney both demic but more Americans were show- ding,” Jones-Steward said. “I meet with
if an accident happens it would be a said “I do” at Beverly Hills civic centre ing an interest in low-key ways to tie the the couple. I talk with them. I spend
total loss,” said Osamu Nakamura, in Los Angeles before exchanging rings knot. “Something clicked,” she said. time with them. I make sure to get nice
who owns mountain huts that open and posing for pictures. “People started saying: ‘We don’t pictures after the ceremony. It may not
during the two-month climbing season. While they had always dreamt of a really need to have the bigger ceremo- be a big, showy wedding day but they
“We want people to have fun within lavish wedding, they are in the process ny. We can get married now and spend still have pictures from the day they
reason.” of adopting children and so opted for a that $20,000 to $30,000 on a house or actually got married.”
The climb up the mountain begins smaller ceremony. on a vacation.’ ” Fields said he expected little more
about half way up, where the road ends, “We wanted the quickest option that A recent survey found that 62 per than an administrative process but the
and can be done along various trails. would save those special memories for cent of couples were open to an “elope- ceremony still gave him and Gibney a
The most popular method is to climb later when we have a big ceremony with ment style wedding” rather than get- Jack Fields, left, and Cody Gibney flew day they would always remember.
during the night, rest in a hut and our kids,” Fields said. “But it turned into ting married in secret. Couples seeking to Los Angeles for a “unique” wedding “Even though we’ll have our wedding
complete the ascent before dawn to see this unique moment and we are so a pared-back big day have many with our family, friends and children in
the sunrise from the summit. proud that we did it.” options, with hundreds of companies that those who spend $1,000 or less on a couple of years, this was our special
There were fewer climbers during They had flown to Los Angeles from catering to smaller events that can still their wedding are less likely to get div- memory,” he said.
the Covid pandemic, but this year the their home near Salem, Oregon, after include a three-tiered cake with loved orced than those who spend more. “We didn’t go into it preparing for this
number could exceed the 2013 record of learning about the Rev Connie Jones- ones in attendance. The Officiant Lady said her “married big, drawn-out, emotional thing but it
300,000. In that year Fuji was designat- Steward, a wedding officiant who of- Economists at California State Uni- in a minute” deal for $159, which is usu- ticked all the boxes. For what it is, it’s
ed as a World Heritage Site. fered couples cheaper, faster ceremo- versity, Sacramento, say studies suggest ally done and dusted in about ten min- perfect.”
30 2GM Monday June 26 2023 | the times


Don Quixote takes the

Puppets to stage at the Alhambra in
Granada brandishing a
revive the giant sword in an echo of
the Spanish civil war
tragedy of version, all “listening to
a great poet the instructions de Falla
gave my grandfather”.
s a child, The puppets, animated

A Federico
García Lorca
was fixated by
the puppet
shows that passed
through his home in
Granada (David
by 60 pulleys, take the
stage at the Alhambra to
perform The Altarpiece
of Master Pedro, based
on a passage from Don
Quixote that had a 1923
premiere in Paris.
Sharrock writes). De Falla finished
The most famous writing the piece after
Spanish poet of the 20th working with Lorca to
century returned stage a Christmas
frequently to the Punch puppet show at the
and Judy-style theatre in poet’s family home. The
search of inspiration. show was so well
A show is now being received that the friends
planned featuring 40 hoped to continue the
puppets based on the endeavour.
designs, text and music But the puppets were
of a performance given lost and in 1936 Lorca
by Lorca, Manuel de was shot dead by
Falla, the composer, and nationalist forces as the
Hermenegildo Lanz, the civil war began. The
artist. Enrique Lanz, a show ends with a giant
grandson of the artist, Don Quixote waving his
has recreated the sword — a dark echo of
puppets in a modern the poet’s fate.

told him London, he raised an

FROM OUR eyebrow and said, “London,
London?”, meaning centre or

CORRESPONDENT suburbs? He then asked which

Rome football team I supported,
Roma or Lazio. To avoid giving
the wrong answer, I said, “Queens
Park Rangers,” which drew a huge
I’m fluent in the language, love a cappuccino smile, not for the first time, as
Italians of a certain age have fond
and moan about the traffic in Rome. But it’s memories of the London side in
their blue and white hooped shirts,
only now that I feel like a true Italian an often used team in the Italian
version of the table football game
fine in the oral test, moaning with Subbuteo in the 1970s.
Tom Kington the examiner about Rome traffic, The barista’s mood then changed
which convinced her I had gone when he asked why on earth I
ROME native, and then waited for news, wanted an Italian passport. “I
but none came. moved to Australia and loved it but
By 2021 I was panicking slightly was forced to come back to look
as the post-Brexit deal between after my parents,” he told me.
Italy and the UK to safeguard the Leaving EUR, I headed for the
rights of resident Brits in Italy was town hall register office at the foot
coming unstuck. Somewhere in an of the Capitoline Hill to find a long
Italian government office a queue of would-be Italians waiting
computer was apparently refusing to take their oath. I waited my turn,

hen I was ushered to accept the deal, meaning expats and then a clerk said: “You don’t get
into the register were being turned down when they to swear in today, I just give you an
office in Rome last tried to buy a house or car. appointment for the swearing in.”
week, an official Britons were issued with special When is that? “June.”
wearing a cards with a code to satisfy the So last week I was back once
ceremonial sash rose from a gold- computer, but there was still no sign again, heading past the offices for
coloured chair and asked me to of my citizenship. When I asked a Adoptions and New Births to the
swear loyalty to Italy and its retired government official if my door marked Citizenship Swearing
constitution. paperwork might have gone astray, In. Before I took the oath with the
As I did, a burst of applause came he replied, “Nothing ever gets lost”, man in the sash, I asked him to
from behind me. I turned to find a and he was right. confirm I would have dual
dozen smiling town hall staff had At the start of this year an email nationality. “When you travel
crept into the room, unannounced, arrived giving me an appointment abroad you can choose which of
and were now clapping. in EUR (Esposizione Universale your passports to use. Just like
After three years of stop-start Roma), the Mussolini-built suburb James Bond,” he said.
bureaucracy, their enthusiasm of Rome where monumental, When do I get my Italian
triggered in me, for the first time, marble-clad government offices are passport? “November.”
the realisation that I was now divided by broad boulevards. After I As I left the room, another man
Italian. “Congratulations!” said one found the office, next to a massive entered, followed by his children,
of the employees. loggia of columns used his wife and his
Back in 2020, Brexit had made for a funeral scene in mother, who was
me put in a request for Italian the Bond film Spectre, carrying a balloon.
citizenship as I grew fearful I would a clerk flicked through The town hall staff
be deprived of rights in Italy that I my documents and got ready to
had previously enjoyed as an EU told me to go to the applaud again.
citizen. To apply, I needed to obtain register office to “Do you do this
documents including a clean swear in. all the time?” I
criminal record from the UK and As I stopped off asked.
get an Italian translation verified by first at a café in EUR “Oh no,” one
a Rome court. to celebrate with a replied. “We are a
I was told things would move cappuccino, the group of new staff,
faster because I was married to an barista asked where I we were doing a tour
Italian, although Matteo Salvini, the was from. When I of the building and
anti-migrant politician who had wanted to stop by
recently served as interior minister, The quest for an and make you new
had slowed things down by Italian passport has Italians feel
introducing a language test. I did taken three years welcome.”
the times | Monday June 26 2023 31

world markets (Friday’s close. Change on the week) commodities currencies
FTSE 100 Dow Jones Gold Brent crude £/$ £/€
7,461.87 (-180.85) 33,727.43 (-571.69) $1921.24 (-33.35) $ $73.47 (-2.88) $ $1.2705 (-0.0109) $ €1.1668 (-0.0061) ¤
8,500 37,500 2,200 120 1.400 1.300

8,000 35,000 2,000 100 1.300 1.200

7,500 32,500 1,800 80 1.200 1.100

7,000 30,000 1,600 60 1.100 1.000

May 25 Jun 2 9 16 23 May 24 Jun 1 8 15 23 May 26 Jun 2 9 16 23 May 26 Jun 2 9 16 23 May 26 Jun 2 9 16 23 May 26 Jun 2 9 16 23

Oil industry demands Labour comes clean on policy for North Sea
Emily Gosden Energy Editor explore new oil and gas fields”. How- zie, the consultancy, said it believed “all covered in 2004 and still awaiting per- work to “manage our existing fields for
ever, there is uncertainty over Labour’s activity on existing licences will be al- mits for production, but will not “res- the entirety of their lifespan” and “won’t
Labour has been urged to clarify its approach to permitting for numerous lowed to continue”, but a Labour source cind that licence” if it wins approval turn off the taps by revoking existing
position on drilling in the North Sea for existing licences, where exploration said this was not correct and some of before the next election. licences”. He said the party had
oil and gas amid confusion over whe- has already taken place but discoveries the biggest North Sea producers said One executive accused Labour of opposed Rosebank and Cambo,
ther it will permit companies to develop are yet to be brought into production. Labour’s position was ambiguous. “blurring the lines” between the grant- another proposed development, “on
new fields on existing licences. Labour declined to clarify whether it Offshore Energies UK, the industry ing of new licences to explore and the value for money and climate grounds”,
The party declared last week that would allow government agencies to body, said companies must be allowed permitting of new developments to adding: “We are now working with the
“North Sea oil and gas will continue for grant permits required for proposed to continue with exploration and new produce: “If you make a discovery and North Sea Transition Authority to give
decades to come” and said it would “not projects to develop such fields, which developments on existing licences. put forward a plan of development, effect to the principles we have set out
revoke licences”, while reiterating its could yield the equivalent of more than Labour has said it is against the devel- would that be OK?” and will continue to engage in discus-
pledge not to “hand out new licences to a billion barrels of oil. Wood Macken- opment of the Rosebank oilfield, dis- A Labour spokesman said it would sions with the industry.”


China links
risk £18bn
mobile deal
MPs raise concerns over Vodafone/Three merger
Alex Ralph workers that the union claims were un-
Chief Business Correspondent fairly targeted for dismissal because of
their trade union activities after strike
The £18 billion merger in Britain action last year at the Port of Felix-
between Vodafone and Three is facing stowe, which is also owned by Hutchis-
cross-party scrutiny in parliament over on.
its links to China. Sir Iain Duncan Smith, a former
MPs from both the Conservatives leader of the Conservative Party, told
and Labour have tabled questions to MPs during a debate on the Procure-
government departments about the ment Bill this month that he had spo-
impact on state contracts with Voda- ken to Unite and said the government
fone after a proposed merger with needed “to look very carefully at what
Three, owned by CK Hutchison, a has taken place, particularly because it
Hong Kong-listed conglomerate. reduces competition in the market. The
David Davis, a senior Tory MP, has links to the authoritarianism of the Canary Wharf is not only a financial district but also a leisure and retail centre and is aiming to become a life sciences hub
asked what assessment the govern- Chinese is one of the big worries.”
ment has made of the potential security
and “other effects” of the merger on its
contracts with Vodafone. Apsana
Begum, a Labour MP, has also asked
Margherita Della Valle, Vodafone’s
chief executive, has said the com-
bination will be “great for customers,
great for the country and great for
HSBC bids farewell to Canary Wharf
about the “potential security implica- competition”. Richard Fletcher, Emily Gosden 2019 the telecoms group sold it to Orion use. John Hinshaw, HSBC chief operat-
tions” of the merger. Robert Finnegan, chief executive of Capital Managers, the private equity ing officer, told staff at the time that it
This month, Vodafone and Three Three UK, has talked down security HSBC is to leave its Canary Wharf firm, before moving to a new head- wanted “to have an even more flexible
announced long-awaited plans to concerns, saying the company was headquarters after more than two quarters in Aldgate in 2021. and dynamic workspace that meets the
create Britain’s biggest mobile network. already operating in the UK, “it’s a decades and will downsize to the re- Orion has been redeveloping the needs of colleagues and clients.
The deal has triggered an initial investi- regulated industry and we work very developed former BT head office near building to improve its environmental “We want our head office to connect
gation by the Competition and Markets closely with the national security bu- St Paul’s. credentials and offer roof terraces with people, drive collaboration, foster
Authority and the merger is also sub- reaus across the country. This [Three’s The relocation is due to take place in views of the nearby St Paul’s Cathedral. alternative workstyles and promote
ject to approval under the new National stake] is going from 100 per cent to 2027, when its lease on the 45-floor At 556,000 sq ft, the development is wellbeing.”
Security and Investment Act. 49 per cent [in the combined business], tower at 8 Canada Square expires, about half the size of HSBC’s existing HSBC tower is owned by the Qatar
Unite, Britain’s largest trade union, is so I don’t see any concerns at all.” under plans expected to be announced headquarters. Investment Authority separately from
campaigning against the deal and has The Cabinet Office has said that “as to employees at the bank today. HSBC had up to 8,000 people work- Canary Wharf Group, which is co-
claimed it “will give a company with an open economy, we welcome invest- HSBC had been considering several ing at its Canary Wharf base at its peak, owned by the QIA and Brookfield, of
deep ties to the Chinese state an even ment where it supports UK growth and potential new offices since telling staff but the number on any given day has Canada. Canary Wharf has long been
more prominent place at the heart of jobs, meets our stringent legal and in September that it was thinking of dropped since it embraced hybrid known as a big financial district, but it
the UK’s telecommunications infra- regulatory requirements and does not leaving the tower that has been its working after the pandemic. also has numerous retail and leisure
structure”. compromise our national security”. It home since 2002. It is reducing office space globally by outlets. The group is also working to
A delegation from Unite attended said it had “robust powers” to “block or It is understood to have opted for the about 40 per cent and told staff in develop a life sciences hub in the area,
Hutchison’s annual shareholder meet- impose remedies on transactions that Panorama St Paul’s development at September that it was ditching a quar- which is already home to several
ing in Hong Kong last month, where pose a national security risk” but “can- 81 Newgate Street, the former BT ter of the space it occupied at 8 Canada health-related organisations.
they campaigned to reinstate four not comment on specific acquisitions”. Centre. It was built in the 1980s and in Square to reduce costs and cut energy HSBC declined to comment.
32 Monday June 26 2023 | the times


Need to know
Jeremy Hunt will tell Britain’s
consumer watchdogs that they
must use their powers to help
How culture shifts tamed
to bring down prices amid
concerns that supermarkets, banks
Today’s trading floors
and utility companies are using
high inflation as a cover to boost
are calmer and more
their profits. Page 1 diverse than their
familiar image in films,
The global economy is at risk
of falling into a permanent
high inflationary trap that will reports Callum Jones
be difficult to dislodge as workers’
wages chase rising prices, the Call it the Hollywood trading floor. A
Bank for International Settlements bunch of alpha-males anxiously await
has warned Page 2 the Federal Reserve’s big decision on
interest rates — before all hell breaks

The £18 billion merger in loose in a sea of swearing and phone
Britain between Vodafone and slamming.
Three is facing cross-party The celluloid cliché has been around
scrutiny in parliament over its for years but it’s one that many on
links to China. Tory and Labour Wall Street are at pains to dispel. “I
MPs have tabled questions to haven’t seen a phone slammed in years,”
government departments about says John Heppolette, Citigroup’s head
the impact on state contracts with of markets in North America.
Vodafone after a proposed merger In reality, as the Fed unveiled this
with Three, which is owned by month’s move on rates, there was little
CK Hutchison, a Hong Kong- more than a quiet hum on Citi’s
listed conglomerate. Page 31 New York trading floors. Hundreds of
traders sat or stood at their desks, calm-

HSBC is to leave its Canary ly monitoring market movements and
Wharf headquarters after executing orders for clients.
more than two decades in east Throughout the financial sector,
London and will downsize to the there is a desire to challenge a cine-
redeveloped former BT head office matic “misconception” of life in the
near St Paul’s. The relocation is due trenches of global markets. “If you
to take place in 2027. Page 31 watch movies about trading, it tends to
be frantic and people screaming at each

Labour has been urged to other,” Andrew Luboski, a director in
clarify its position on drilling interest rate trading at Citi, said. “A lot
in the North Sea for oil and of the time, it’s contemplative
gas amid confusion over whether and strategising.” All right,
it will permit companies to there’s “maybe a little”
develop new fields on existing shouting. “But it’s cer-
licences. Page 31 tainly much less than
you see in films.”

Nine out of ten businesses are Even those arguing
halting growth plans because that these scenes on the way. Recruiters seeking to attract the every step along the way people made 52 per cent female last year, with 29 per
of problems accessing capital, big screen bear little brightest minds on college campuses sure to communicate to me that that cent of the class black, Hispanic or
forcing almost a quarter to scale resemblance to today’s turn up with a simple message: this wouldn’t be my experience,” Kelly said. Latino.
back expansion or make trading floors concede that world is not what you might think. At Spelman, a historically black Technology, rather than targets, has
redundancies, a survey by BDO, the depictions are more The stereotype “would have college for women, Kelly noticed cer- turned down the volume on trading
the business advisory and archaic than errone- been a turn-off” for Jas- tain recruiting tactics on campus. floors. People no longer “need to shout”
accountancy firm, shows. ous. On three mine Kelly, who is major- There are people at Citi “that look like information from one side to another,
fronts — im- ing in anthropology at you”, she was told, an assurance she has Heppolette said. “I got it on my screen,

PwC is to sell its scandal-hit proving diver- Spelman College in found to be accurate. “While we are a just the same as you.”
Australian government sity, offering Atlanta, Georgia, and is minority, [I] certainly feel supported in Nemu Manjezi, a markets diversity
advisory division for A$1 (52p) employees an intern at Citi’s markets my identity.” advocate at Citi, is “more introverted”
and will bring in a new chief to more flexibili- business this summer. “In Citi has set goals for women to make than extroverted. Twenty-five years
run the rest of its business in the ty and tack- my recruiting process, up 43.5 per cent of its global workforce, ago “I would have most probably
country. The professional services ling work- with African-American employees thought I can’t do well in this industry,”
firm is in crisis in Australia after place ag- Under Jane Fraser, the first increasing to 11.5 per cent in North she said, “but in the current construct,
leaked emails showed it had used gression — woman to take charge of a America and Hispanic or Latino in the I’ve got as good a shot as anybody else.”
information about tax policy Citi claims big US bank, Citi has sought United States increasing to 16 per cent Citi has sought to root out aggres-
changes it had obtained in to have to recruit more female staff by 2025. It declined to detail progress, sion. “We identified it as — you know, I
confidence from the government come a long and ethnic minorities but said its internship programme was don’t know if it was a significant factor,
to try to win new business. Page 36

8 World struggles to kick fossil fuel habit Braemar at

Christian Schreyer, chief
executive of Go-Ahead
Group, the public transport
company that is launching
emission-free hydrogen bus
services at Gatwick airport this
Emily Gosden Energy Editor plants hit record highs and oil con-
sumption continued to rebound to
invasion of Ukraine. Coal remained at
27 per cent of consumption for a sixth
risk of shares
week, said the government needed
to reverse slowing momentum on
the road to zero-emission public
Record development of new solar and
wind power last year failed to put a
dent in the world’s reliance on planet-
near-pre-Covid levels. Global power
demand grew by just over 2 per cent to
a record high, with the vast majority of
consecutive year, oil increased slightly
to 32 per cent and gas market share fell
slightly amid lower use for heating and
transport. Page 37 warming fossil fuels. that growth being met by renewables. transport.
Oil, gas and coal together accounted Record amounts of solar and wind Simon Virley, head of energy and Dominic Walsh

Rochelle Humes, the former for almost 82 per cent of global primary projects started producing electricity natural resources at KPMG, said: “De-
S Club Juniors pop star- energy consumption last year, barely last year, resulting in solar generation spite record growth in renewables, the Shares of Braemar are at risk of being
turned-television presenter, down on the previous year, according to increasing by 25 per cent and wind share of world energy still coming from suspended after it emerged yesterday
owns 80 per cent of My Little the Energy Institute’s Statistical Review generation by 14 per cent, the Energy fossil fuels remains stubbornly stuck at that the ship broker may not be able to
Coco, a range of baby skin and of World Energy. Institute said. However, that still result- 82 per cent, which should act as a clari- publish its full-year results on time.
haircare products that she Solar accounted for a mere 2.1 per ed in solar accounting for only 4.5 per on call for governments to inject more The group, which had set a deadline
launched in 2020. Her company cent and wind 3.3 per cent of total global cent of global power generation and urgency into the energy transition.” of the end of this week, is audited by
had sales of £3.7 million last year energy usage, which includes not only wind 7.2 per cent. Juliet Davenport, president of the BDO and, according to Sky News, the
and should exceed that this year power generation but also energy used “At a global scale, renewables are not institute, said: “Overall global energy- accountancy firm has notified the
after launches into Asda, Waitrose, in transport, heating and other applica- yet eating into coal and gas-fired gener- related greenhouse gas emissions company of “concerns about certain
John Lewis and Ocado this month. tions. In total, renewables including ation and in fact both coal and gas increased again. We are still heading in items in its accounts”.
Times Enterprise Network, page 39 hydro accounted for about 14 per cent recorded record highs in terms of the opposite direction to that required BDO, which has brought in FRP
of global energy consumption. generation in 2022,” Nick Wayth, the by the Paris agreement.” Advisory to help to investigate, is also

10 Technology companies
spun out of Oxford
University are 2.5 times
more likely to go bust than their
peers at Cambridge, research
The report presents a bleak picture of
the slow progress being made in de-
carbonising the global energy system,
as is required to meet the Paris climate
goals. Energy-related carbon dioxide
institute’s chief executive, said. Nuclear
power output fell by 4 per cent.
Wayth said the global primary
energy mix had shown very little
change, despite upheavals in trade
The Energy Institute is the profes-
sional membership body for people
working in the energy sector. It pro-
duced the report in conjunction with
KPMG, the professional services firm,
auditor to WANdisco and Home Reit,
both of which had their shares sus-
pended in recent months amid delayed
results and financial issues.
Braemar, which declined to com-
suggests. Page 41 emissions hit a new peak last year as flows and record prices for some and Kearney, the management con- ment, issued a full-year trading update
output from coal and gas-fired power commodities in the wake of Russia’s sultancy. in March showing a record year for
the times | Monday June 26 2023 33


the wolves of Wall Street ANDREW KELLY; ALAMY; RICHARD DREW/AP

The week ahead
Less than a year has passed since
the American owner of Boots
shelved plans to sell Britain’s
biggest high street chemist.
Walgreens Boots Alliance
described the chain as “nice to
have” this year amid renewed
questions around its commitment.
Boots provided it with a boost in
the three months to February 28,
its second quarter, with a 16 per
cent rise in retail sales after robust
trading over Christmas. With
Walgreens set to outline its
performance in the third quarter
today, Wall Street expects a solid
set of results. Analysts think sales
will have risen about 5 per cent to
$34.2 billion in the three months to
the end of May, according to
forecasts compiled by FactSet.


Investors have a good idea what to

New technology expect when Wise, the money
and a push for transfer business, unveils annual
diversity means results. The London-listed group
Citigroup’s trading said in April that full-year income
floor, left, is now a had climbed by 73 per cent to
far cry from the £964.3 million in the 12 months to
raucous, alpha the end of March. Its customer
male-led scenes of numbers rose by 34 per cent. It is
an over-the-counter also a time of change at the top.
brokerage house Last month Wise announced the
depicted in Martin forthcoming exit of Matthew
Scorsese’s 2013 film Briers, its veteran finance chief,
The Wolf of Wall and that Kristo Kaarmann, its
Street — or the founder and chief executive, was
two-phones planning a sabbatical this year.
intensity of life on Finals Accsys Technologies, CML
the New York Microsystems, Telecom Plus, Wise
Stock Exchange Trading updates ICG Enterprise
Trust, Petrofac, PZ Cussons

but — a factor in markets businesses covers much of the firm, uptake is not pointed to a theory once laid out by choice, Hepolette said, “and some wednesday
[including] ours,” Heppolette, 54, said. universal. “Everyone recognises that Malcolm Gladwell, the Hampshire- didn’t. And they didn’t come in for a
“It’s not old-school physical aggression; we’re better together,” Heppolette said. born author and journalist, who cited long time. And it was harder for them to Interims Abrdn Private Equity
it’s competitive energy that then can On the trading floor, he continued, data showing that top American and get up to speed.” Opportunities Trust, Schroder
become offputting or can get in the way homeworking is “more about there Canadian hockey players were most The allure of deep-pocketed private European Reit
and make us less effective as a team.” being flexibility” for employees: they likely to have been born in the early equity firms and technology compa- Finals SDCL Energy Efficiency
There had been “a transition” away can “still be productive” despite having part of the year. With aged-based nies to those starting their careers has Income Trust
from aggression, Heppolette said. “I a medical appointment, for example, or hockey programmes in Canada pinned not gone unnoticed in recent years, but Trading update Time Finance
don’t want to paint a completely rosy feeling ill. around the calendar year, those born Citi received 14,000 applicants for its
picture, but I don’t see it.” Younger workers, in particular, are closest to January 1 were often stronger, markets division’s latest summer
Under Jane Fraser, the Scottish-born encouraged to come into the office. so got more time on the ice and internship scheme. There are 164 thursday
executive who became the first female Typically, about four in five of Citi’s attention from the best coaches, places.
head of a big American bank in 2021, junior analysts graduate to more senior according to Gladwell. The bank’s class of 2023 is now Investors will be hoping for
Citi has become something of a flag- roles, but there has been “significant Citi’s interns in 2020 and 2021 were learning the ropes. Kelly, 19, said glimmers of improvement when
bearer for flexibility. As the pandemic attrition” among those who participat- told that they could “choose to be a processing “so much information on a De La Rue issues its delayed full-
subsided and rivals cracked down on ed in its 2020 internship programme, January baby” by coming to the office, daily basis” had left her feeling like a year results. In April the banknote
working from home, it allowed most which was fully virtual. Some had sitting with managers and learning. “totally different person”. Her prospec- maker issued its fourth profit
staff to work remotely two days a week. found the transition to permanent jobs This would lead to swifter success, they tive employer wants you to know it’s warning since last year, saying that
While this hybrid policy technically “really rough”, Heppolette said. He were assured. Some had made that changed, too. it expected adjusted operating
profits to be a “mid-single-digit-
percentage” below market
both revenue and profitability. It fore-
cast revenues of not less than £150 mil-
lion, up from £101 million, and under-
lying operating profit of at least
Lack of capital halts growth ambitions expectations for the year to
March 25. Analysts at Numis, a
house broker, cut their profit
forecasts by 6 per cent to
£20 million, double the previous year. Dominic Walsh cent were struggling to invest in bene- 40 per cent of those surveyed said they £28.2 million. De La Rue delayed
It gave no indication of any problems, fits or schemes to retain existing staff. would have to find new funds over the its results by a month because of
insisting that trading in the first few Nine out of ten businesses are halting The survey highlights this as a big next 12 months, with a further 33 per continued discussions with its
weeks of the new financial year had growth plans because of problems concern, given that 24 per cent of busi- cent saying 13 to 18 months. Private lenders on its banking covenants.
“started well and the board looks for- accessing capital, forcing almost a nesses cite staff and skills shortages as equity was the top source of finance for Moonpig has been struggling
ward to the rest of the year with confi- quarter to scale back expansion or one of their biggest challenges over the 32 per cent, equity capital markets for with postal strikes and the fading
dence”. It highlighted strong cash gen- make redundancies. next six months. 28 per cent and government schemes pandemic-era boom in online
eration and promised to reward share- In a survey of 500 mid-sized busi- While access to capital is a growing for 25 per cent. deliveries, but the greetings card

holders with an increased dividend. nesses by BDO, the business advisory BDO said mid-sized companies, to- retailer has shown more resilience
Within that update was a promise to and accountancy firm, more than half gether employing eight million people, of late. A flood of orders in March,
publish its results by the end of May. cited inflation and increasing operating were urging the government to provide including its best ever Mother’s
Then last month it updated the market costs as the biggest challenges in the support on rising costs and to improve Day, helped sales to rise sharply.
again by announcing that its accounts next six months. access to funds “to make the UK a more The company reiterated its
for the year to the end of February As a result, businesses were Percentage of mid-sized businesses appealing place to do business”. forecast for about £320 million of
would now be published in the second considering new sources of financing, unable to finance expansion plans A third of those surveyed called for revenue for the year to the end of
half of June. notably private equity, as they called on BDO government grants targeted at mid- April, having cut guidance from
Last week, Braemar appointed a new the government to help to improve sized businesses, improved tax incen- about £350 million in December.
chief financial officer in what looks like their access to cash. worry, inflation and operating costs tives and support with energy bills. Finals Baltic Classifieds, De La
a significant move. Grant Foley, 50, who The survey found that 24 per cent such as energy, rent and payroll were Richard Austin, a partner at BDO, Rue, Moonpig
joins from ClearScore, the credit were being forced to make cuts, includ- highlighted by 56 per cent of businesses said: “Tough challenges remain for Trading updates B&M, Hunting,
marketplace, replaces Nick Stone, 59, ing reducing employee numbers, with surveyed. Improving cashflow, gener- mid-sized businesses, with access to Serco
on August 1. 22 per cent unable to finance expansion ating new sources of revenue or raising capital becoming a critical issue. As the
Shares of Braemar, which provides plans. Another 20 per cent were strug- new financing from existing funding engine of the UK economy, these
advice in shipping investment, charter- gling to invest in new technology or sources were the top priorities for companies are responsible for a large, friday
ing and risk management, closed on software. Even if companies manage to 44 per cent of companies over the vital proportion of its income . . . and
Friday up 7p, or 2.6 per cent, at 279p, avoid job losses, 20 per cent said they coming months. their success will play a key role in . . . Trading update Record
valuing it at £92 million. were unable to raise salaries and 24 per To tackle the economic headwinds, [its] economic performance.”
the times | Monday June 26 2023 35

Comment Business

Mark Littlewood Gideon Spanier

Advertising industry is
We are still waiting to reap the singing again as the sun

rewards of Brexit, and this is why shines down on Cannes
he dog days are over,” a supporting role because they had the

Seven years on from held three general elections in barely wandering the streets ruminating on
the Brexit four years from 2015 to 2019, each whether you really made the right happy crowd of “most brilliant creative minds”.
referendum, more with a different incumbent prime decision about selling up and largely advertising creatives and His comments point to a wider
and more of us who minister seeking re-election, speaks to clueless about what you’ll do next. executives chanted as structural shift inside the
voted Leave are the political turmoil into which Britain This, more or less, is what we have they sang along to boardrooms of client organisations:
being asked whether we regret our plunged itself. A significant enough done so far with our Brexit freedoms. Florence + The Machine, who companies need more creative and
choice at the time or — more slice of the Remain side were not A meaningful strategy of determining performed at Spotify’s private beach marketing capabilities as
commonly — what we think the point minded to reconcile themselves to the where to diverge from the EU on concert at Cannes Lions last week. It communications, digital commerce
of the whole exercise has been. It is referendum outcome such that the regulation has effectively been is easy to be swayed by the corporate and social purpose become more
certainly true that the period since 2016 vote had to be refought, not shelved, with only a few hundred tiny largesse and star names at this central to how they do business.
June 2016 is unlikely to be looked through a re-run referendum but strips of red tape now scheduled for British-owned, five-day festival — This explains why more clients
upon as a golden era in British through general elections. Theresa the scrapheap. Jeremy Hunt’s planned the biggest annual gathering of the sent their in-house teams to Cannes
political and economic history. For May’s failure to secure a working Edinburgh reforms for the financial global advertising industry — but — Unilever had a record contingent
some who voted to exit the European majority in 2017 meant further services sector already seem to have there was a surprising sense of this year. They want “evidence” to
Union, there is definitely buyer’s paralysis until Boris Johnson was run into the sand, in large part optimism and renewed energy justify their investments and
remorse. One recent opinion poll finally able to find a means of because we have discovered that among the 10,000-plus delegates at “support backing creativity as a
suggested that more than one in ten dissolving parliament and winning a although the Brussels bureaucracy this year’s Cannes Lions, which was growth driver”, as Simon Cook, the
Leave voters regretted their decision; substantial mandate a little over two was leaden, inefficient and obstinate, taking place in-person for only the chief executive of Lions, puts it.
another poll put that figure as high as years later. In short, the amount of the Whitehall machine seems second time since the pandemic. The awards produced some
20 per cent. This cohort appear to be bandwidth chewed up on the Brexit remarkably similar. There was a lot of chat about surprises. GUT, an independent
experiencing the seven-year itch in question in the three years after the For all the failure imaginatively to artificial intelligence — Open AI, the agency from Buenos Aires set up by
reverse — after a lengthy period of referendum can reasonably be capitalise on what Brexit Britain could creator of ChatGPT, was among the two former WPP executives five
divorce, they apparently now yearn assumed to have cost Britain dearly. A look like, there are a couple of areas companies that spoke — but some of years ago, won agency of the year for
for remarriage. swift and decisive move to either get that provide some succour that we the technology giants that rent the work across mobile, data and public
Any fair analysis of how Brexit is on with Brexit — or to agree to cancel made the right decision seven years relations for clients ranging from
going needs to try to package up the it — would have had the benefit of ago. The first is our accession to the ‘After the pandemic, the DoorDash to Stella Artois. Its
various different factors that have led clarity. Instead, we got a morass of inelegantly named Comprehensive success will give hope to other
to our current malaise. It’s not enough constitutional confusion. and Progressive Agreement for Trans- advertising industry is entrepreneurs who dream of starting
to point at a flatlining, debt-riddled, Once Brexit finally happened in Pacific Partnership. This trade bloc up and taking on the agency
heavily taxed and over-regulated February 2020, there is then the accounts for about the same still trying to juggle the powerhouses. Significantly, GUT
Britain and declare: “You see, we question of what we do within our proportion of world GDP as the EU. twin imperatives of recently opened its first European
should never have left the European new status. So traumatic had been the The official economic modelling puts office in Amsterdam, not London —
Union.” It is eminently possible that a post-referendum wranglings that all the potential boost to the British profit and purpose’ a reminder that Britain cannot take
good range of our afflictions would be sides started to treat Brexit more as an economy at rather minimal levels, but its pre-eminence as a global hub for
the same or worse if we had held on to event than a process. The such models have a track record of best beaches during the festival were granted.
our EU membership card. That said, I Conservatives’ campaign slogan to woefully understating the gains from much quieter after making deep job In the wake of the pandemic, the
think we can break down why there “Get Brexit Done” in 2019 was aimed trade. Combined with a raft of cuts. Elon Musk’s Twitter gave up its advertising industry is still trying to
has been no unambiguous Brexit at least as much at voters who simply bilateral trade agreements, this at beach and some established and new juggle the twin imperatives of profit
dividend in our economic had got bored with the least indicates an appetite to pivot to a agency groups such as Omnicom and purpose. American advertisers
statistics since referendum day entire constitutional more global economic strategy. and Stagwell upped their presence. have been spooked by the backlash
and need to ask whether this psychodrama as it was at Second, even if we have shown a If Cannes is a barometer of the against Bud Light after it worked
is because of the Leave vote enthusiastic Leavers. lack of guile in tackling the inherited industry, then things are changing with a trans influencer, adding to the
itself or the behaviour of Unfortunately, that has stock of European regulation, our and creativity is making a debate about whether creative work
the British political limited the scope of departure from the EU at least comeback. Entries for the coveted needs to shift away from purpose to
authorities since then. those who want to means we are not subject to its Lions awards increased by 6 per cent be more commercial and light-
Of course, we spent actually do something continuing flow. We are not on the to almost 27,000, a turnaround after hearted. Yet the need to build a more
the first half of the past constructive within the hook for the €2 trillion Covid several years of declines that began sustainable and inclusive industry
seven years wrangling new Brexit landscape. recovery fund. The EU’s moves to before Covid and a fillip for the remains a priority, after a census by
over whether to carry An analogy would be harmonise rules in exciting growth festival’s owner, Ascential, which the World Federation of Advertisers
out the referendum that you make a finely sectors such as AI and gene editing charges the best part of £1,000 per found little progress as women,
result at all. Forget the balanced and rather also provide the opportunity for entry. The awards are judged by ethnic minorities and people with

rights and wrongs of difficult decision to sell Britain to secure a competitive leading agency talent and recognise disabilities are more likely to quit. In
whether to remain a your house. Much as your advantage. We have swerved over creative excellence. That is a hard- that respect, marketers say the UK
member of the EU bloc, present lodgings have 7,000 new EU rules since January to-measure intangible, even in a may have a competitive advantage in
any country that turns in some meaningful benefits, 2021. But these are fairly thin data-driven world, but it is winning international clients
on itself and spends years you just don’t think they are pickings. I still don’t think that Brexit increasingly important for because of its inclusive reputation,
engaged in constitutional quite fit for your purposes was the wrong advertising clients as they seek to albeit though inequalities persist.
introspection is unlikely to any longer. After years of decision, but it’s differentiate their brands, drive It may be rash to predict that the
be providing an optimal complex and detailed frustrating to see effectiveness and charge a premium dog days are over, when interest
climate for investment and wrangling, you finally manage how little we have amid rising inflation. rates are rising and other economic
growth. The fact that we to secure a sale. However, you done with it. “The degree of creative difficulty clouds cast a shadow, but the ad
haven’t paid any real attention for our products is really high,” Marc industry has got its bite back.
Feelings still run high to what new home you’d like Mark Littlewood is director-general Pritchard, chief brand officer of
over the decision to quit to buy. Therefore you spend of the Institute of Economic Affairs. Procter & Gamble, told the festival, Gideon Spanier is UK editor-in-chief
the European Union the next few years Twitter: @MarkJLittlewood adding that agencies played a vital of Campaign
36 Monday June 26 2023 | the times


PwC lines up 52p sale amid

Australia tax leaks scandal
Emily Gosden lia after leaked emails showed it had vate equity firm, for A$1. The deal future size and operations”, it was
used information about tax policy represents “an exit from all govern- necessary to protect jobs.
PwC is set to sell its scandal-hit Austra- changes it had obtained in confidence ment advisory work, at both the state The group has brought in Kevin
lian government advisory division for from the government to try to win new and federal levels”. Burrowes, a Singapore-based execu-
A$1 — or about 52p — and will bring in business from corporate clients. The government business employs tive, to lead its remaining Australia
a new chief to run the rest of its business PwC said yesterday that it had about 1,750 people and accounts for business as it seeks to contain the
in the country. “entered into an exclusivity agreement approximately 20 per cent of PwC’s scandal amid the fury of politicians and
The Big Four professional services to divest its federal and state govern- Australian revenue. PwC said that its own clients. Burrowes, 61, said he
group is embroiled in a crisis in Austra- ment business to Allegro Funds”, a pri- while the move would affect “the firm’s would “work tirelessly to increase
transparency and repair trust with our
stakeholders, while also enhancing our
governance and culture”.
PwC is one the four big professional
services groups that also include
Deloitte, EY and KPMG. It employs
330,000 people in 152 countries, carry-
ing out accounting and consultancy
work. In its last financial year, it had
global revenues of $50.3 billion.
The scandal that emerged in January
centres on the sharing of confidential
government information by Peter
Collins, former head of international
tax for PwC Australia. In 2015 he had
been advising the Australian Treasury
on laws to prevent corporate tax
avoidance. The information he shared
with colleagues was then used to pitch
for work from multinational compa-
In a report, PwC: A calculated breach
of trust, an Australian Senate commit-
tee asked: “Is PwC’s internal culture so
poor that its senior leadership does not
recognise right from wrong and lacks
the capacity to act in an honest, open
and straightforward manner?” PwC
Australia said it would “carefully con-
sider” the report’s contents and would
“await the government’s response”,
adding that it had “taken swift steps to
improve the governance, culture and
accountability within the firm”.
While the fallout has been confined
to Australia, Richard Colbeck, who

St Austell
chairs the committee, said he believed
the misconduct “extended internation-
ally”. He has urged other countries to

shrugs off
investigate. In Britain, the Financial
Reporting Council has been in touch
with its counterparts overseas, as well
as with PwC.
PwC Australia is hoping to sign a hangover
from Covid
binding agreement for the sale to
Allegro by the end of July, creating a
new independent firm.
Justin Carroll, chairman of the board
hen Kevin Georgel

of PwC Australia, said: “We have taken
this step because it is the right thing to was handed the job
do for our public sector clients and to of running the
protect the jobs of the circa 1,750 talent- venerable
ed people in our government business. St Austell Brewery
This transaction will result in the first in the West Country in 2020, he
pure-play, at scale, government busi- was only the second chief
ness in the market. This was an executive from outside the
extremely difficult decision, but we are founding Hicks family (Dominic
determined to take all necessary steps Walsh writes). However, his four-
to protect the jobs of our people and re- year stint as a non-executive
earn the trust of our stakeholders.”

Service charges soar after

Dominic Walsh result of stringent new measures put in
place in the wake of the Grenfell Tower
Leaseholders are set to hand over a inferno in 2017, which cost 72 lives.
total of £7.6 billion in service charges At the halfway point of this year, the
this year as stricter fire safety measures average annual service charge for a flat
prompted by the Grenfell Tower disas- in England and Wales was £1,431, or
ter take effect. £119 per month. In 2018, the last time it
The latest service charge index from was less than £1,000, it averaged £943 a
Hamptons, the property services month.
group, has found that since 2018 service Over the past year the charge for the
charges for flats in England and Wales 5.4 million households living in a flat in
have soared by 51.7 per cent after the England and Wales has risen broadly in
introduction of new regulations. line with wider inflation, rising by 8 per
More than a third of the increase cent and lifting the total amount
came during 2018 and 2019, mainly as a leaseholders are liable for to £7.6 billion.
the times | Monday June 26 2023 37

With brands including Tribute Pale
Ale and a large estate of pubs in the
West Country, St Austell Brewery’s
revenues have grown impressively
Zero-carbon buses
since the disaster of lockdown

basis, the group generated earnings

of £18.1 million, up from
£17.9 million in 2021, while
stuck in slow lane,
operating profit before one-off
items edged up from £11.3 million to
£11.4 million.
The group’s pubs, inns and hotels
division lifted revenues by 40 per
Go-Ahead warns
cent to £87.4 million, with its Robert Lea Industrial Editor Ahead operates 450 electric buses in
managed sites up 41 per cent and its London, Oxford, Brighton and the
tenanted pub estate up 38 per cent. A leading public transport operator has northeast and by the end of the first
It has 41 managed pubs and 133 called on the government to speed up quarter of next year its number of zero-
tenancies. and recommit to its promises to de- emission buses will have risen to 900, or
St Austell’s beer and brands carbonise the bus sector. 15 per cent of its 6,000-strong fleet.
division, which owns beers Christian Schreyer, chief executive of At £500,000, twice the price of a
including Tribute pale ale and Go-Ahead Group, which is launching conventional Euro 6-standard diesel
Proper Job IPA, increased revenues emission-free hydrogen bus services at single-decker, hydrogen buses do not
by 29 per cent to £121 million. Gatwick airport this week, said the gov- come cheap. The Gatwick fleet is being
While the top line was “in good ernment needed to take leadership and half-funded by Go-Ahead itself, with
health”, with revenues back above reverse slowing momentum on the the rest coming from taxpayers’ money,
pre-Covid levels, Georgel admitted road to zero-emission public transport. a residual European Union fund and
that the bottom line was more of an “There needs to be a more coherent from the airport as it seeks to reduce its
issue. “But I think that our national public transport carbon re- carbon footprint.
performance even at the profit level duction target and the Department for However, Schreyer said, the sector
compares well in the market,” he Transport needs to oversee co-opera- did not need to rely on taxpayer sub-
said. Profitability was not quite tion with local councils on priority road sidies; rather, it was the piecemeal
back to pre-pandemic levels and energy infrastructure,” he said. policies of local councils to provide
because of inflationary cost Referring to the launch two years ago dedicated, segregated bus priority lanes
pressures. “These include the by Boris Johnson of a national bus that needed to be overcome. Schreyer
extraordinary increases in energy hen prime
strategy, which the then argued that if councils re-
costs, the highest rate of inflation minister dubbed “Buss Back designed the road network
for over 40 years, shortages in the Better”, Schreyer, 55, prio
to prioritise buses, allow-
labour market and reduced visitor said: “We need to speeded t
ing them to travel far
numbers in our region.” up again. We need a mo frequently and
While St Austell’s pubs are ‘Bus Back Better 2.0’, at higher average
located in the West Country, its otherwise we will sp
speeds than existing
beers are sold nationally and are have lost too much co
congested urban
exported to countries and regions time.” tr
traffic flows, bus
including France and Scandinavia. Johnson’s strat- co
companies could
Although best known for its egy was criticised for at
attract the patron-
traditional cask ales, Georgel has lacking ambition: it age that would make
taken steps to create a more pledged backing forr high
higher-cost zero-
balanced portfolio. In 2021 he 4,000 zero-emissionon emiss
emission vehicles com-
relaunched its Korev lager, then last buses — barely 10 per cent mercial viable.
year the company took a foothold in of the present nationalnal fleet Schreyer also said mini-
the craft beer sector by acquiring a — and gave no target date to elimi- d
sters should direct councils to
36 per cent share in Harbour b
nate polluting and carbon-emitting itti f ilit t power grid
facilitate id connections for
Brewing Company, based diesel buses. electric buses and hydrogen supply
i Bodmin. “It gives us a
in Go-Ahead, Britain’s biggest operator infrastructure.
position in the modern of zero-emission buses, is launching a Bus bosses believe hydrogen fuel
craft category, which is in fleet of 20 hydrogen fuel cell buses cells, as opposed to electric batteries,
director meant he was g
growth,” he said. carrying workers and passengers are the right technology for high-fre-
well placed to understand Georgel said that despite around north Sussex into Gatwick. quency, high-mileage, services to the
its traditions and culture. t challenges, he was
the Those services will be augmented by a likes of airports where a single bus is
His predecessor, James t
targeting growth in its pub further deal for 34 hydrogen buses to travelling more than 200 miles a day.
Staunton, was one of d
division, both through serve east Surrey, north of the airport.
Walter Hicks’ great-great i
investment in the existing All the buses are built in Northern Go-Ahead is introducing 20 hydrogen
grandsons and had been e
estate and acquisitions, Ireland by Wrightbus. At present Go- buses to serve Gatwick airport
in the business for 40 a
although expansion beyond
years, the last 23 as chief t West Country was
executive. u
Yet shortly after being
appointed to the top job
He said it was important
n to let the economic
Altair offers HS2 a bridge
at the brewer and pub h
headwinds get in the way of
operator the pandemic
arrived and it looked as
t core purpose of a pub.

“We remain committed to
to brighter, quicker future
though Georgel’s tenure in ambitions at St Austell, as the ensuring that a visit to one of our
Cornwall might end prematurely. accounts lodged today at pubs, or drinking one of our beers, Katie Prescott not previously feasible due to time
“Seven weeks in, we had to shut all Companies House testify. Total represents good value and does not constraints.”
the pubs for the first time in 172 revenue for the financial period become an occasional treat. The developers of the HS2 rail project Construction from these new plans
years,” he said. reached £209 million, up 34 per Therefore, we have sought to have cut the time it takes to design a via- will be used on later stages of the route.
Georgel, 53, who had spent the cent on 2021 and 10 per cent better mitigate the cost increases as best duct from a month to as little as an hour Work on the long-delayed high-speed
previous decade at Admiral than the £190 million of pre- we can to improve the overall using technology originally developed line between London and Manchester
Taverns, has not let Covid derail his pandemic sales. On an underlying experience.” to design structures for cars and air- is being pushed back by another two
craft. years because of soaring costs. Con-
The computer-aided design is also struction of the Birmingham-to-Crewe
able to shrink the amount of carbon leg of HS2 will not begin before 2032 at

Grenfell fire drives stronger safety rules embedded in the structures by 10 per
cent by using materials such as con-
crete and steel in a more efficient way.
In a first for the construction sector,
the earliest. The government also has
warned that plans to bring HS2 to
Euston station in the capital might not
be completed until 2041, with trains
Today the average service charge for a result of the superior amenities avail- blocks having services such as a gym, a civil engineers have been working with stopping outside central London.
one-bed flat stands at £1,287 per year, able. That compared with 11 per cent concierge and communal grounds or Altair, a technology company making Altair is an American technology
the same charge as a three-bed in 2018. throughout England and Wales. gardens. software that can automate the design company based in Michigan. Its British
At the halfway mark in 2023, the aver- The smallest blocks and converted David Fell, lead analyst at Hamptons, process. The technology allows engi- operations are in Leamington Spa,
age two-bed pays £1,426, while the houses usually have the lowest service said that, with increases in service char- neers to explore a design, looking at the Warwickshire.
charge for a three-bed is £1,876. charges, with an average annual charge ges tracking inflation, the hefty rises of requirements of a viaduct, such as the HS2 was planned in two phases, the
Unsurprisingly, service charges typi- of £1,309 in blocks of less than five flats. five years ago that were a product of speed and frequency of the high-speed first of which would connect London
cally are much higher in London. The Limited communal space and mainte- historic fire safety failures should now trains it will carry. Then it can produce with Birmingham before splitting into a
average of £1,792 per year in the capital nance work carried out by residents be largely behind leaseholders. He said millions of options to generate the best Y shape to connect with northern cities.
is 25 per cent higher than the average keep charges lower. that while leaseholder premiums more plan. However, the project has since gone
for England and Wales, partly reflect- According to Hamptons, half of all recently had been pushed up by the Tomas Garcia, HS2 Ltd Head of Civil through many changes, most recently
ing the higher cost of living, although flats in England and Wales are in blocks rising cost of building materials and Engineering Structures, said: “Our scrapping the entirety of its eastern leg.
the biggest factor is higher densities. of 20 or more and have a service charge insurance, those increases should start innovation project with Altair is a While the original costs in 2009 were
In London, 20 per cent of flats pay that is double that of the smallest to ease soon, although he cautioned: “It game-changer. It gives engineers a tool placed at £37 billion, the final bill is now
more than £4,000 annually, partly the blocks. This is partly down to larger won’t happen overnight.” to explore alternative designs that were expected to top £100 billion.
Times Enterprise Network Business

Pop star who

saw beauty
in being an
was a gap in the market between wheeler-dealer. An example of this
premium products sold in high-end was when she was angling for a
enterprise retailers, such as Space NK, and the premium shelf position in Boots that
network T mass market top-sellers like Johnson would have been more expensive to
COSMETICS & Johnson. She has since had her secure. “[I said] ‘If I was going to be a
third child, a son, Blake. brand ambassador for this retail
“There was also the need for better space, I would charge you X, so
Rochelle Humes tells diverse products because with our
background our skin is on the drier
[could] we waive it?’”
Neither she nor Boots had foreseen
Hannah Prevett why side, as is our hair, and I just didn’t
feel like there was anybody that was
the popularity of the new range and
the first supply of stock sold out
she’s put running a real marrying the two. I really felt like I quickly. “In my [previous] world, if
had a niche.” She started you sell out, it’s amazing. Like, ‘Oh my
business before her experimenting with formulations in God, we had a sellout! This is amazing
career in showbusiness 2017, with Alaia one of the first guinea
pigs. “I’d ask [her], ‘What do you
“I didn’t know it would be so
think of your hair like this?’ Or, ‘How stressful to get to the point where the

aving participated in does this one feel?’ We’d do it stock’s all gone and then obviously we
hundreds of gruelling together, which was really nice.” need another order. And by this point
auditions earlier in her Her daughter could be a fierce we’re in lockdown.”
career, you might assume critic. Later, when Humes was A more recent challenge has been
Rochelle Humes, the working on the design of the bottle, the sourcing of some ingredients,
former S Club Juniors pop star- Alaia asked why the packaging particularly for her new range of
turned-television presenter, would be included a picture of an onion — it sunscreens that will be launched
undaunted when she started pitching was meant to clearly be a coconut. soon. “There’s a big shortage in a
her new baby range to potential retail “Once she said it, I couldn’t unsee certain raw material that makes up
partners. That, though, could not be it,” laughed Humes, who spent about the UV [protection] . . . All these big
further from the truth. “[This] was £100,000 on product formulations suncare brands are buying all this
way more scary.” and branding before launch. stock and are just holding on to it
Her biggest fear was that she would Another early challenge was because obviously their whole
not be taken seriously. “I felt they’re around the use of the word “Coco” in business is suncare, whereas this will
probably just going to think, ‘Here we the brand name, which initially was just be a small part of our business.
go, it’s another celebrity range,’ ” said contested by Chanel. “We had to It’s been a real job to get our hands on
Humes, 34, who is also a singer in the basically pitch it to them . . . and it.”
Saturdays and is married to Marvin explain how we would use it, with a Humes admitted she can be a bit of
Humes, the JLS singer and similarly a distinctive mark such as a coconut. a micro-manager. “It’s been a learning
television presenter. “I was probably Basically that it’s not going to impose curve for me to [tell myself], ‘You
borderline defensive about it because or infringe on anything.” Chanel was don’t know everything and, guess
I knew that was the presumption of a suitably reassured and Humes has what, they’re really good at this.’ ”
lot of people.” since been able to trademark the My During moments of high stress, her
Unlike most celebrity brands that Little Coco name. husband, who is also her co-host on
are part of licence agreements She said trademarking and securing the BBC game show The Hit List, is a
between influencers and large beauty intellectual property rights had been “really good sounding board because
companies, Humes owns 80 per cent one of the steepest learning curves. he can see it objectively“. He was
of My Little Coco, the range of baby Having started with the skincare and Rochelle Humes, a singer in the Saturdays, had the idea for My Little Coco, a skin relieved when she entered the
skin and haircare products that she haircare ranges for babies and and haircare range for babies and children, when her daughter was a toddler collaboration with her factory partner
launched a month before the first children, the My Little Coco range so they could help her with
lockdown in March 2020. The has expanded to include weaning sets, partner in 2019 was a key point for Nottingham for the meeting, manufacturing and fulfilment. “He
remaining 20 per cent is owned by bibs and other items of clothes and a the brand. Humes still remembers the “instantly got it. They were like, ‘We sees the growth and he’s so
her St Albans-based manufacturing range of skincare products for first meeting, at Home House, a love it.’ ” This was music to the ears of supportive. He gets it.”
partner. Her company had sales of mothers-to-be under its Baby Mama private members’ club in Marylebone, Humes and Josephine Keedwell, My Humes, who said she was “doing
£3.7 million last year and should brand. Each time she goes into a new central London. “I took the Little Coco’s director of brand, who less telly than ever”, sees
exceed that this year after nationwide product segment, there is another boardroom thinking I was a big shot, was also part of the pitch. “I think we entrepreneurialism as a long-term
launches into Asda, Waitrose, John trademark to be secured. “There’s a but actually it made it really intense started off in about 400 stores. We career, as opposed to the fickle world
Lewis and Ocado this month. lot of stuff I wish that I did upfront . . . — they’d arrived before us and were are now in 1,200.” of showbusiness, where stars can
Humes first had the idea for My I was chasing my tail because I’d got all sitting along the table as we Humes attributes part of her quickly fade. “Setting up my own
Little Coco in 2016 when her first Boots excited about this weaning and walked in.” success so far to her ability to business and giving myself my own
daughter, Alaia, was a toddler and she tableware, but I’d not got my However, the buyers from Boots, “hustle”, joking that her team of five purpose means that for as long as I’m
was pregnant with Valentina, her trademark yet.” who had travelled down from the refer to her as “Del Boy” or “Del- the founder, which I will be for ever,
second daughter. She noticed there Winning Boots as the anchor retail company’s headquarters in Roch” after the Only Fools and Horses I’m always going to be relevant here.”

Business Question An employee

has asked for time off to
Cancer is classed as a
disability under the
in advance. So you may
want to discuss the option
and understanding for
your employee at such an
was designed for. This is
expected to be introduced
relating to old age and
terminal illness.
clinic care for his wife, who has
been told she has cancer.
Equality Act 2010 and
putting him at a
of annual leave or
sabbatical leave.
emotional and distressing
time will go a long way.
next year. When it comes
into force, employees who
The relationship
between the employee
What options are detriment as a result of The first and simplest You can ask employees to provide care to someone and this person will follow
available to me? his wife’s diagnosis could option is to use the book medical with a long-term illness what is classed as a
be seen as indirect employee’s annual leave appointments outside or injury will be able to dependant for the
Answer First, your discrimination. entitlement. The other their working hours, but take a maximum of five purpose of the right to
employee certainly will Employees can take option is to allow the in practical terms this can days off work per year in time off for dependants.
appreciate any support unpaid time off for employee to take as much make it difficult so it is order to provide care.
you are able to offer. If dependants to deal with time away as he needs as best to let them take time This could be a person Peter Done is co-founder
you have an employee emergency situations, but unpaid leave. You do not off. with a long-term illness of Peninsula, an
assistance programme, such leave should not be have to allow time off for This is exactly the type or injury covered as a employment law, HR and
signpost him towards the used for planned medical appointments, of situation that the disability under the health & safety advice
help that it can provide. appointments or booked but having some empathy Carer’s Leave Act 2023 Equality Act, or issues specialist
the times | Monday June 26 2023 41

Times Enterprise Network Business


Selling your firm shouldn’t be a battle

sure exits that make perfect sense shareholder, you want to maximise it is their job to negotiate and much the small things such as
Caroline for buyers and sellers fall apart your returns; as a director, you want deliver the transaction, which might flowers, coffees and taking care over
Plumb because of the insistence on to do the best thing all round for the sometimes be culturally at odds with language count. Like the Maya
aggressive, confrontational company and its entire shareholding what you, as a buyer or seller, are Angelou quote: “I’ve learnt that
language. I have built and sold two base; as an employee, you want to trying to achieve, particularly in a people will forget what you said,
companies and, at Gravita, been on make sure you know what the future fierce negotiation or in the midst of people will forget what you did, but
the “buy” side four times in the past holds for you. the fine detail. people will never forget how you
year and I am here to tell you it does At times it can feel almost There will always be bumps in the made them feel.” It is the difference
not have to be this way. impossible to reconcile the three exhausting road, but maintaining an between executing transactions and
hen you think about At Gravita, we do not think about perspectives. It can be very lonely. open dialogue and focus on building building long-term partnerships.

W the process of selling

a company — from
large acquisitions to
a founder selling
their small business — what comes
to mind? One thing that probably
does not is a harmonious, stress-free
transactions; instead, we view two
companies coming together as a
partnership or a joining of forces.
And we certainly do not want to be
executing anything.
I have even tried to ban the word
“acquisition” internally because I do
When you are in the middle of a
sale, so much comes down to the
relationship between the two sides.
Working with lawyers or corporate
finance teams adds huge value, but
the future together can help to
smooth those out. And while many
parts of a sale are about rational
things — numbers, contracts,
shareholdings — it is amazing how
Caroline Plumb is a serial
entrepreneur and chief executive of
Gravita, a tax, accountancy and
advisory firm

operation characterised by open think that language really matters.

communication and easy humour on When we partner with a firm, we
all sides. are genuinely coming together to
Instead, you might think that it is build a common future.
a time of adversity and aggression. It This is not window dressing,
is lawyers and bankers making either. When we agree a deal, we
demands at all hours of the day and make sure that it is structured
night. It is stress, emotion and financially to encourage

‘‘ ’’
looming deadlines. Most of all, it is collaboration between two new
teams that might at first be unsure
about whether they can work
This is something together. The post-deal thinking is
you built up from for teams and people to collaborate.
How can you ensure that it is
scratch and are signing woven into the financial structure of
a deal? In this, I am a firm believer
away now at the in “what gets measured gets done”.
stroke of a pen That means it is vital to set
expectations, incentives and targets.
macho language that sounds as If those things are not aligned
though it comes from an Eighties properly, it will drive the wrong
film such as Wall Street. behaviour and is surely doomed to
The attitude towards acquisitions fail.
can be incredibly off-putting and For an entrepreneur, selling your
that, to a large extent, comes down company is the biggest business
to the language used by those decision you will ever make. The
involved. You will hear talk of “buy atmosphere is always highly charged
and build” and “platforms” with because there is so much at stake. It
“bolt-ons”. You enter the “killing is a stressful time for both sides, but
zone” when an agreement is near as a seller I found it so much more
and “transactions” are then emotional. This is something you
“executed”. It is all so brutish and have built up from scratch and are
macho and completely detached signing away at the stroke of a pen.
from the way we talk to each other There can be no turning back once
in real life. It is little wonder that the the legals are agreed.
whole process is often male- As a founder, selling your business
dominated. is a three-hat problem. You are
This approach undoubtedly lacks simultaneously a shareholder, a
inclusivity, but I also cannot see that director and an employee and your
it sets up two businesses for a good relationship with the business is
relationship in the long term. I am different in each of those hats. As a

First-class risk and reward

for Oxford tech spin-offs
Richard Tyler ing for five years or more, 9 per cent had
profitability of more than £5 million or
Technology companies spun out of revenues of more than £20 million for
Oxford University are 2.5 times more at least three years in a row. Only 2 per
likely to go bust than their peers at cent of Oxford companies had the same
Cambridge, research suggests. financial success. They did, however,
This is despite Oxford being more attract valuations from investors that
prolific at creating new technology were on average £4 million higher than
firms and its businesses appearing to be Cambridge’s.
able to commercialise their intellectual “We don’t believe that these
property more quickly, secure more in- valuation figures are driven by sector
vestment and attract higher valuations. valuation norms and, therefore, what
“Oxford-founded businesses repre- this indicates is that generally
sent a higher risk than Cambridge- University of Oxford spin-out busi-
founded businesses, though this risk nesses attract higher valuations than
comes with the potential for a higher both Cambridge and other universities
reward,” said Chand Chudasama, a across the UK,” Chudasama said.
partner at Price Bailey the accountancy Previous research by Beauhurst, a
firm that conducted the study. data specialist, found that Oxford had
Researchers examined life sciences, created 205 spin-outs since 2011, ahead
genomics, artificial intelligence and of Cambridge on 145.
medical technology spin-outs from Figures from Oxford’s commerciali-
2012 to 2022. The four sectors represent sation unit show its active spin-outs
34 per cent of all UK spin-outs. Price raised £956 million in external invest-
Bailey identified 99 companies found- ment last year. Three Oxford compa-
ed at Oxford and 54 at Cambridge. It nies — Osler Diagnostics, OMass
said 7 per cent of Oxford businesses Therapeutics and MiroBio — raised
were liquidated in the period, com- £400 million.
pared with 2 per cent from Cambridge. MiroBio was acquired by Gilead
Of the Cambridge companies trad- Sciences for £332 million in August.
42 Monday June 26 2023 | the times

Business Equity prices

Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly
(million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

Automobiles & parts 10.59 Drumzv 8O + 2N … … 46,444.24 Lond Stk Ex Gp 8422 – 298 … 86.1 277.30 Boot (Henry) 207 – 23 … 11.0 979.28 Sirius Real Estate 83V – 4N … 6.4 85.26 Dewhurstv 1055 … … 12.1

369.79 EFG-Hermes Hldg 63N … … 4.0 4,479.37 M&G 189O – 7K … 59.3 2,758.07 Br Land‡ 297K – 45K … 40.7 66.76 Smart (J) 166 … … 4.5 76.01 Dialight 229 – 2 … …

2,382.26 Aston Martin Lag 327V + 20 … -1.9 47.06 EPE Special Oppsv 157K … … 8.8 2,561.70 Man 213K – 11 … 8.5 17.68 Caledonian Tstv 150 … … 29.9 83.22 Steppe Cementv 38 – K … 8.7 2,781.73 Electrolux 'B' 1011Y – 47K … 7.6

394.60 FBD 1108O … … 4.9 24.17 Manx Finv‡ 21 – 1 … 10.6 96.84 Cap & Regnl 55O – 1V … -0.4 3,556.90 Taylor Wimpey 100X – 9V … 6.6 14.67 Feedbackv 110 – 5 … …

Banking & finance 7.86 Fiskev 66K … … 11.8 1.43 Marechale Capv 1K … … 0.7 25.82 Cardiff Prop‡ 2450 … … 26.6 69.78 Town Centre 144 … … 5.6 154.57 Gooch Hsegov‡ 617 – 17 … 45.7

1,675.00 Travis Perkins 788V – 20W … 7.6 343.34 Goodwin 4465 – 145 … 24.6
84.75 Frenkel Toppingv 66K – 3K … 38.6 71,556.14 Marsh McLn 14463Y + 210O … 30.1 12.79 Carecapitalv 2W – 1N … -0.2
4,082.53 Abrdn 206K – 8W … 4.4
2,322.95 Tritax Big Box Reit 124N – 13N … 2.2 8,576.19 Halma 2259 – 77 … 32.7
370.35 Georgia Capital 845 – 15 … 2.3 325.41 Mattioli Woodsv 630 – 5 … … 59.98 Clarke T 136 – 8K … 9.7
6,416.47 Admiral 2116 – 59 … 10.7
417.12 Tritax Eurobox‡ 51X – 5K … … 1,195.25 Hill & Smith‡ 1492 – 22 … 35.1
10.35 ADVFNv 22K – 1 … 3.9 269.83 Gresham Housev 705 – 25 … 28.3 15.35 Metal Tigerv 9 + 1 … 3.5 1,148.53 Countryside Partner 229O + 11 … 16.7
490.71 Tyman 250 – 25K … 9.8 2.79 Holders Techv 66 – 1K … 4.0
1,298.08 AJ Bell‡ 315 – 17V … 29.5 186.95 H&T Groupv‡ 425 – 13 … 13.6 194.19 Metro Bank 112K – 10 … -0.7 0.52 Craven Housev 13W … … -0.2
3,449.62 Unite 857 – 51 … 10.0 2.87 Image Scanv 2 … … 12.3
53,671.39 Aon Corpn 26277Y + 361Y … 64.1 63.28 Hansard Global 46 – 2K … 15.8 42,506.96 Nat Aust Bk 1354N + 6O … 13.4 30,560.85 CRH 4186 – 7 … 17.3
2,198.82 Vistry Group 636 – 86K … 5.5
79.19 Appreciate Groupv 42V + V … 18.3 4,199.05 IMI 1610 – 40 … 21.9
3,661.74 Hargreaves Lansdown772 – 49O … 13.7 20,494.36 NatWest 229V – 25Y … 9.0 2,228.97 Derwent London 1985 – 159 … 8.8
332.67 Warehouse REIT‡ 78N – 7O … 1.8
153.41 Arbuthnot Bkgv 940 … … 20.8 1.24 Inspirit Energyv … … … …
133.37 Helios Underv‡ 172K – 2K … … 366.31 Numisv‡ 333 … … 6.7 35.73 Dolphin Capitalv 3Y … … -2.7
3.51 Argo Groupv 9 … … 4.1 870.80 Workspace Grp 454W – 55K … -6.7
615.71 Judges Scientificv‡ 9320 – 380 … 47.0
119,566.42 HSBC‡ 602V – 9K … 13.1 1,954.56 Onesavings Bank 462 – 46 … 6.1 28.83 First Propv 26 – 1 … …
1,385.57 Ashmore 194W – 21K … 6.6 18.67 Wynnstay Propsv 692K + 17K … 5.0
11.80 LPAv 87K – 10 … …
2,745.66 IG Group 674 – 17 … 6.8 327.28 PayPoint 451 – 1K … 14.1 3.74 Fletcher Kingv 36K … … …
36,003.34 Aus New Z 1198O – 16N … 9.3
6,261.19 Meggitt 798O + O … …
10,574.26 Aviva 386V – 9O … 50.8
747.84 Impaxv‡ 564 – 35 … 18.6 3.17 PCF Groupv Y + N … -0.4 114.49 Foxtons Group 38 – 1V … …
Consumer goods 6,674.94 Melrose 493Y – 14Y … …
42,391.55 Banco Santander 260K – 12K … 6.2 3,822.94 Intermed Capital‡ 1315K – 82 … 7.5 5,304.73 Phoenix 530V – 17O … -6.1 208.69 Galliford Try 199 – 3 … 44.2
746.24 Morgan Advanced‡ 261K – 16K … 11.0
1,361.37 Bank of Georgia 2965 – 25 … 9.1 255.49 IPF 114 – 1K … 6.4 571.19 Provident 225 + 10 … 4.2 701.41 Genuit Group 281K – 39 … 17.0 0.97 Agriterrav 1N … … -0.1
45.97 Mpacv 224K – 1K … 5.8
22,586.27 Barclays 145V – 8X … 3.5 2,362.30 International Public P'ship123K – 6K … 15.8 29,679.63 Prudential 1078 – 46K … 17.5 209.45 Gleeson (MJ) 359 – 35 … 5.6 14.06 Aireav 34 … … 12.5
103.60 MS Intlv 630 … … 90.0
7.74 Blue Star Capitalv V … … 3.1 309.16 Anglo-Eastern‡ 780 + 20 … 7.1
2,849.68 Investec 436 – 23 … 10.9 18.17 Quantum Blockchainv 1X … … -9.3 1,829.40 Grafton 765 – 54X … 8.8
146.86 BP Marsh&Ptnrsv 393 + 17 … 10.8 1,564.17 Oxford Inst 2710 + 45 … 37.0
16.22 Investment Co 340 … … 12.2 1,075.54 Quilter 76K – 7W … 54.7 1,653.61 Grainger‡ 223 – 17W … 13.8 109.07 Animalcarev‡ 181K … … …
9.08 Braveheart Invv 14N – N … 0.3 … Philips El nv … … … …
15,128.35 AB Foods‡ 1953 + 27K … 32.2
557.86 IP Group 53O – K … 2.0 179.79 Randall & Quilterv 48 – 4 … 71.5 1,044.92 Great Portland‡ 411K – 44O … -5.1
1,564.20 Brewin Dolphin 515 + 1 … 28.1 4.72 PipeHawkv 13 … … 27.6
564.36 Bakkavor Group 97W + 5W … 10.1
69.78 Jarvis Securitiesv 156 – 2K … 11.2 1,155.76 Rathbone Grp 1822 – 170 … 14.0 1,193.70 Hammerson 23Y – 2Y … -2.5
1,623.14 Bridgepoint 200V – 9K … 12.5 15.08 Pressure Techv 39 – K … -3.2
525.98 Barr (AG) 469K – 9 … 16.6
14.74 Cenkos Secsv 26 – 4K … 5.3 569.50 Jupiter Fund Mgmt 104K – 4K … 3.8 4.85 RiverFort Global Oppsv X … … 1.8 349.33 Harworth Gp 108 – 5 … 3.7
2,832.93 Renishaw 3892 – 238 … 22.2
12.03 Bidstack Groupv Y – O … -0.7
407.29 Chesnara 270K – 9 … 15.0 793.57 Just Group 76W – 3O … … 54.49 Rockwood Strategic 2050 … … 3.0 10.77 Heath (Samuel)v 425 … … 8.8
63.79 Renoldv 28N – K … 10.1
9.36 Brand Architektsv 33K + K … -1.4
11.94 City of Lon Gpv 10 – 14 … -0.6 1,312.77 Lancashire Holdings 538 – 25K … … 272.18 S & U‡ 2240 – 100 … 10.5 320.72 Helical PLC‡ 260 – 18 … 6.2
12,940.49 Rolls-Royce 154X + 3W … …
58,704.11 Brit Amer Tob 2625 + 44K … 8.8
217.92 City Lon Inv Gp 430 – 3 … 10.0 13,320.69 Legal & Gen 223 – 7W … 6.8 4.53 Sancus Lending Grpv O … … -0.3 45.04 Highcroft Invs 865 … … 3.7
2,227.88 Britvic‡ 863 – 29K … 19.5 1.69 Ross Gp X … … -1.6
1,258.41 Close Bros 836K – 107K … 6.2
1,438.66 Liberty Group 502X –50034W … … 198.82 Schroder REIT‡ 40X – 5N … 4.3 564.12 Ibstock 143K – 13K … 18.6
8,093.89 Burberry 2140 – 149 … 18.4 2,617.06 Rotork 304 – 21 … 33.0
427.56 CMC Markets 152O – 14W … 4.6
484.74 Liontrust 746K – 38K … 9.3 6,946.54 Schroders 430Y – 23V … 1.9 917.51 James Halsteadv 212 – 10 … 22.5
486.51 C&C Grp‡ 123O – 9W … -7.3 159.72 SDI Groupv 153K + 1K … 25.3
10,315.73 Commerzbk 823X – 53Y … 42.2
63.66 Livermore Invsv 38K … … 2.4 5,814.41 St James Place 1060 – 65 … 20.1 505.07 Keller‡ 694 – 1 … 8.0
16,010.73 Deutsche Bk 784O – 29W … 9.1 2.17 Capital Metalsv 1V – 1 … -0.3 707.98 Senior 168O – 2 … 29.4
27,484.15 Lloyds Banking Gp 42N – 2X … 5.8 18,455.84 Stand Chart 657 – 18V … 14.7 8,707.24 Kingspan Group 4786W – 550V … 18.8 210.49 Severfield 68 – 2W … 12.1
1,893.01 Direct Line Ins 144N – 9W … 5.9 139.28 Carr's Grp 148 + 5K … 18.2
102.54 Downing ONE VCT 57 … … 7.7 19.78 LMS Capital‡ 24K … … 10.6 4.08 Starvestv 7 … … -1.1 4,149.71 Land Sec‡ 559K – 30O … … 7.67 Six Hundredv 6K … … 38.0
58.34 Character Grpv 302 + 1 … 5.3

147.37 Churchill Chinav‡ 1340 – 85 … … 5,868.05 SKF B 1377K – 73Y … 10.2

Investment companies 8,643.85 Coca Cola HBC 2341 + 9 … 18.7 3.15 Slingsby (HC)v 300 … … 4.9

54.46 Colefaxv 752K … … 13.3 5,728.40 Smiths 1635 – 56K … 25.9

Mkt cap Price Wkly Forecast Mkt cap Price Wkly Forecast
(million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E 1,719.38 Cranswick 3200 – 116 … 16.9 134.76 Solid Statev 1190 + 5 … 28.6

562.20 Devro 329 + K … 17.8 163.17 Somero Enterv 292K – 37K … 6.4
18,074.42 3i Group 1857 – 133 … 10.5 744.02 ICG Ent Tr 1096 – 4 … -41.8
74,289.41 Diageo 3305 – 49K … 25.4 3,674.95 Spectris‡ 3519 – 186 … 11.5
2,633.31 3i Infrastructure 285K – 16K … -13.2 1,181.98 Impax Env Mkts 393 – 22 … -4.6
253.06 Abrdn Div I&G 84 – 1 … -24.8 219.95 Invesco Asia Tr 329 – 11 … -9.2 2.91 Distilv W … … 10.6 7,502.01 Spirax-Sarco 10170 – 945 … 32.0
1,031.10 Aberforth Smlr 1216 – 56 … -14.2 286.10 Invesco BondInc 161 – 2 … 0.7
397.03 Evans (M.P.)v 738 – 22 … 6.3 77.34 Surface Trsfmsv 32 – 1 … …
2,842.92 Alliance 988 – 22 … -6.9 5.38 IPST Bal 130 … … -15.0
432.76 Asia Dragon Tr 376 – 20 … -14.1 58.31 IPST Gbl Eq 232 … … -13.9 118.65 Finsbury Foodv 91 … … 10.8 5.28 Tanfieldv 3V … … -9.0
4.21 Athelney Trust 195 … … -11.2 1.14 IPST Managed 91 … … -17.0 3,439.51 Games Workshop 10450 – 230 … 28.7 446.65 Thorpe FWv 381 + 10 … 26.5
885.06 AVI Global Trust 186K – 7W … -9.2 108.83 IPST UK Eq 158 + 2 … -12.4
142.07 IP UKSmallerCos 420 – 20 … -9.9 3,106.97 Glanbia 1159N – 29 … 28.5 17.14 TP Groupv 2V … … -3.3
135.19 Baillie Gifford Ch Gr 218 – 9 … -12.4
323.77 Baillie Gifford Eu Gr 90W – 3K … -14.9 1,363.08 JPM American 744 – 9 … -4.3 373.12 Greencore 75X + O … 15.1 13.62 Transense Techv 87K … … 64.3
719.26 Baillie Gifford Jpn Tr 773 – 17 … -5.0 324.27 JPM Asia 347 – 14 … -9.5
217.99 JPM Chinese 262 – 21K … -9.7 209.98 Headlam 260 – 15 … 11.2 2,513.35 Ultra Electrncs 3500 + 8 … 37.4
438.69 Baillie Gifford SN 140 – 4K … -10.0
241.19 Baillie Gifford UK Gr 160W – 9K … -14.4 388.04 JPM Claverhs 652 – 20 … -5.8 580.42 Hilton Food‡ 649 – 14 … 13.5 1,092.45 Vesuvius 402O – 18 … 10.7
1,205.96 Bankers 94Y – 4Y … -12.7 1,181.78 JPM Em Mkts 102K – 5W … -10.1
32.27 Hornbyv 19 – 3K … 90.4 334.57 Videndum 718 + 83 … 13.1
1,362.43 BH Macro 364 – 14 … -6.0 604.70 JPM Euro disc 384 – 18K … -15.8
305.52 Biotech Growth 813 – 35 … -7.6 374.53 JPM GEMI 126N – 5O … -10.5 16,182.44 Imperial Brands‡ 1772K + 13 … 5.9
447.09 Volexv 281 – 2 … 15.3
149.69 BlckRck Com Inc 110W – 3K … -10.9 1,816.51 JPM GG&I 460 – 5 … 0.9
2.23 J Lewis Hfordv 1V … … 6.7
590.03 JPM Indian 798 – 24 … -19.2 4,502.97 Weir 1734K – 78 … 29.3
259.38 BlckRck Fro Inv 137 + K … -6.5
530.25 BlckRck Grt Euro 525 – 23 … -5.8 168.98 JPM Jap Sml Co 310 – 10 … -9.8 12,957.23 Kerry Gp 7316K – 308N … 20.2
403.73 XP Power‡ 2045 – 95 … 10.9
38.99 BlckRck Inc & Gwth 186K – 3K … -9.4 732.09 JPM Japan# 479K – 24K … -7.4
46.21 McBride 26K – N … -4.7
184.99 JPM Mid Cap 856 – 56 … -15.3 10.16 Zytronicv 100 … … 33.3
121.77 BlckRck Latin Am 413K + 2K … -13.7
69.64 JPM Multi-Ass G&I 92N – 1N … -4.8 151.40 Mulberry Groupv 252 – 6 … 10.4
148.42 BlckRck SustAm 185 – 1K … -7.1
… "JPM Em E GBX – O … …
618.32 BlckRck Smlr 1272 – 56 … -13.7 381.17 Nicholsv 1045 – 40 … …
214.64 JPM Smllr Co 275 – 11 … -9.9
571.69 BlckRck Throgmorton 570 – 44 … -5.4
134.76 Keystone IT 218 – 3 … -14.4 165.16 Norcros 185 + 7 … 5.8
1,108.86 BlckRck Wld Min 580 – 46 … -2.3
981.84 Law Debenture 752 – 46 … -0.9 317.37 Origin Entsv‡ 286O – 20K … 9.0
308.18 CT Cap&Inc 292K – 10K … -1.5
318.82 Lowland 118 – 1K … -10.5 2,810.87 Abcamv 1226 – 41 … …
469.34 Balanced Comm Prop 66Y – 8 … -41.5
102.42 Majedie 193N + 2N … -17.0 0.93 Pittardsv 6K + N … 3.0
718.43 The Glbl Smaller 137K – 7V … -15.1
254.29 M Currie Port 339 – 18 … -2.2 490.30 AdvancedMedicalv 226 – 9K … 35.5
358.40 CT Priv Eq Ord 492 + 8 … -29.2 55.00 Portmeirionv 393 – 17 … 16.7
50.22 Marwyn Val In 90K … … -46.2 7.13 Allergy Therapv 1 – 5V … -1.2
168.53 CT Real Estate 72K – 6W … -21.4 13.86 Provexisv X … … 0.3
1,509.05 Mercantile IT 191 – 13K … -15.5
71.46 CT UK HIT 84 – 1 … -3.1 15.45 STM Groupv 26 + K … 10.0 255.50 Life Science Reit 73 – 2K … …
777.22 Merchants 530 – 26 … 0.5 753.70 PZ Cussons 175O – 1 … 20.2 31.79 Anglev 12V – 4N … -1.6
26.72 CT UK HIT B 87 … … 0.2
434.16 Mid Wynd 691 – 24 … -2.9 23,343.96 Sun Life Can 3978W – 29V … 10.1
107.69 CT UK HIT UNIT 336 – 2 … -3.8 10.67 Lon & Assoc 12K + K … -1.7 31.78 REA 72K + 2K … -5.7 52.94 Anpariov 220 – 9 … 11.5
2,228.32 Monks Inv Tst 971 – 37 … -11.8 37.83 Tavistock Invv 6O – K … 1.1
140.44 Brown Advsr US Sm 1175 – 15 … -14.0 177,026.15 AstraZeneca 11422 – 366 … …
257.62 Montanaro Eur Sml 136 – 5K … -11.7 1,590.44 Londonmetric Property‡161O – 15Y … 3.4 0.95 Real Gd Fdv Y … … …
444.00 Brunner 1040 – 5 … -13.3 1,386.78 TBC Bank Group 2515 – 10 … 7.3
920.60 Murray Income Trust 822 – 39 … -8.1
1,751.97 Caledonia Inv 3205 – 85 … -36.0 37.57 Macau Prop Op 60O – 1N … -7.8 13.13 Tandemv‡ 240 … … 3.4 142.66 Circassia Groupv 34 – O … 34.0
1,587.20 Murray Int 253K – 11K … -1.9 16.56 Ternv 4N … … 3.2
286.10 Invesco BondInc 161 – 2 … 0.7 4,303.92 Convatec 210W + 2W … 49.1
98.00 Nb Global Floating 74 + 1 … -6.9 605.61 Marshalls‡ 239W – 22K … 8.7 404.57 Treatt 664 – 36 … 26.6
1,954.11 City of Lon IT 393 – 8K … 1.4 24.52 Time Financev 26K – 1 … 16.1
431.22 Pacific Assets 356K – 12K … -7.2
51.19 Crystal Amber Fd 61K – K … -48.7 27.30 Volverev 1165 – 40 … … 89.11 Michelmershv‡ 94 + K … 14.9 0.99 Ukrproduct Gpv 2K … … -1.6 22.24 Creighton 32K – 1 … 6.2
1,345.93 Pantheon Int 254 – 14K … -43.2
30.96 Dunedin Entp 562K … … -8.5 … Unilever (NV) … … … … 4,136.42 Dechra Pharma 3632 + 14 … 54.2
5,123.42 Pershing Sq 2704 – 90 … -36.4 14.99 WH Irelandv 23 … … 12.9 822.99 Morgan Sindall 1738 – 110 … 8.5
1,039.78 Edinburgh IT 632 – 26 … -8.5
1,799.52 Personal Assets 464 – 8K … -1.9 102,926.79 Unilever 4090 + 30K … 21.0
544.91 Edin Wwide 140 – 7 … -21.0 11.07 Walker Crips Grp 26 … … 74.2 8.51 Deltex Medicalv 1V … … -7.0
2,714.20 Polar Cap Tech 2165 – 90 … -14.3 432.79 Mountview 11100 + 100 … 13.8
93.80 EP Global Opp 321 + 3 … -9.9 119,980.95 Wells Fargo 3197K – 121V … 8.7 711.86 Victoriav 619 + 39 … … 132.26 e-Therapeuticsv 22X + O … …
25.53 Prem Glb & Inf 140 – 1 … -12.6
314.34 European Assets 87N – 3X … -8.9 269.77 NewRiver REIT‡ 86Y – 3X … -3.0
2,791.55 Renewables Inf 112W – 4K … -17.9 38,249.85 Westpac 1090 + 7Y … 14.7
744.57 European Opp Tr 759 – 33 … -12.6 73.50 Eco Animal Hlthv 108K + 3 … 13.1
4,460.14 F&C Invest Tr 862 – 29 … -8.4
RIT Cap Ptnr

… -22.3
… -46.7
9.78 Worsley Investors Ltd 29 + W … 90.6
100.19 Palace Capital 233 … … 11.1
Engineering 160.62 EKF Diagnosticsv 35W + 2V … 10.0
366.33 Fidlty Asian Val 510 – 12 … -2.2 55,989.02 Zurich Fincl 37211O – 341X … 14.5 53.29 Panther Securitiesv 305 – 5 … 2.7
413.64 Schroder TotRt 400 – 15 … -6.4
979.29 Fidelity China Sp 203 – 17 … -11.5 176.45 Futura Medicalv 59 + 5 … …
760.50 Schrd Asia Pac 487 – 20 … -11.9 3,382.63 Persimmon 1059 – 127 … 4.3 0.31 Ass Br Eng# 15 … … -3.5

Construction &
1,371.29 Fidlty Euro Val 335K – 14K … -6.3 202.49 Schrod Inc Gwth 291K – 10K … -0.6 1,479.01 Genus 2240 – 248 … 39.8
222.78 Fidlty Jap Tru 172K – 7K … -6.7 266.63 Schrod Jap Gwth 222 – 8 … -9.8 3.61 Pires Investmentsv 1O … … -4.0 260.83 Avon Rubber 862 – 18 … …
Fidlty Spec Val
Fins Gwth & Inc

… -7.9
… -4.7
Schrod UKMid
Schroder UK PP Tr

… -14.8
… -50.6
property 2.06 Plaza Cent 30 … … … 1,463.20 Babcock 289W – 19W … -1.7


1425V +


… 16.4

… 3.1
651.24 GCP Infrastructure 74 – 2K … -33.2 1,222.23 Primary Health Properties91W – 8O … 9.3 28,606.36 BAE 937O – 30K … 17.1
915.98 Scot American 514 – 17 … -0.1
525.56 Gen Emer Mkts 576Y – 21 … -14.9 55.10 Alumascv 152K – 15 … 7.7 30,197.06 Haleon 327 + 1N … …
9,036.03 Scot Mtge 642V – 39O … -20.7 21.24 Braime A N/Vv 1475 … … 16.6
51.80 Real Estate Invsv 30 – 1 … 3.9
24.58 Gldn Prosp Prc Mtl 28O – 2 … -16.6 205.39 Secs Tst Scot 213 – 2 … -1.9 17.98 Aseana Props 9 … … -4.5 4,099.34 Hikma Pharms 1855 – 75 … 13.9
3,244.99 Greencoat UK Wind 140 – 1Y … -16.0 25.92 Braime Groupv 1800 … … 20.3
1,253.50 Sequoia Eco 73W – 3K … -20.5 1,452.74 Redrow 439V – 32K … 5.4
1,304.01 Assura‡ 44 – 3K … 8.8 1,503.66 Hutchmed Chinav 173K – 45W … -9.4
78.40 Hansa Investment 196 … … -38.2 663.49 Temple Bar 218K – 9 … -5.8 13.48 Caffyns 500 + 25 … 7.2
149.60 Hansa Inv Co 'A' 187 – 4 … -40.3 5.78 Aukett Swankev 2 … … -3.0 1,799.64 Safestore 825K – 97K … 4.6
1,675.08 Tplton Emg Mkt 145W – 7 … -14.0 109.44 Immunodiag Sysv 378 … … …
10.38 Cap XX Ldv 1W … … -3.1
1,615.63 Hbrvest Glbl Pt Eq 2045 – 120 … -47.0 0.63 Tiger Royal and Invv V … … 25.0 1,917.60 Balfour Beatty‡ 340 – 8O … 16.1 1,178.19 Savills 816 – 64 … 8.1
7.82 ImmuPharmav 2N – 1 … -0.7
334.05 Hend Euro Foc 157 – 2K … -10.0 850.50 TR Property 268 – 24K … -8.8 176.85 Castings‡ 406 – 4 … 19.6
3,970.44 Barratt Devs 407W – 37 … 6.3
211.24 Hend High Inc 162O – 4O … 0.2 174.74 Troy Inc&Gth 69V – 1O … -1.3 7.27 Secure Propertyv 5X … … 14.8 2,462.51 Indivior 1786 + 25 … …
4.27 Chamberlinv 3 … … -0.2
552.05 Hend Smlr 739 – 46 … -13.1 121.57 Utilico Ord 145 – 1K … -30.2 2,372.02 Bellway‡ 1954 – 164 … 5.8
8,616.32 Segro 703K – 56W … 2.0 38.21 Inspiration Healthv 56 + 10K … 8.6
1,037.51 Herald 1730 – 78 … -17.2 455.21 Utilico Emerging Mkt 226 + 1 … -15.5 4,055.90 Berkeley 3773 – 162 … 9.8 22.14 Checkitv 20K – 2 … -2.5
1,663.84 HgCapital Trust 363K – 26 … -22.8 1,190.77 Vietnam Ent Inv 580 – 7 … -13.8 402.91 SIG 34 – 2K … … 9.19 IXICOv 19 + K … 6.0
1,913.01 Big Yellow Group 1038 – 80 … 6.8 205.23 Cohortv 495 + 10K … 44.0
2,559.67 HICL Infra 126 – 8O … -21.6 1,446.92 Witan 221K – 8K … -9.6
42.04 Billington Hldgsv‡ 325 – 40 … 26.4 412.12 SigmaRocv 59W + 1V … … 112.50 Crestchic Plcv 399 … … … 3,693.59 Mediclinic 501 + 1 … 31.3
0.23 Highbridge Tactical 425 + 36 … 61.1 1,925.03 Ww Health 3165 – 45 … -9.7
the times | Monday June 26 2023 43

Equity prices Business

Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly
(million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

4.09 N4 Pharmav 1O … … -2.0 4.47 Bonhill Groupv 3O … … -8.5 43.84 Condor Gldv 24N – 2N … … 867.61 Serica Energyv 226W – 20V … … 342.31 Restorev‡ 250 – 10 … 29.7 60.38 Ilikav 38 – 2K … …

CHF192.227bn Novartis CHF90.69 – 0.07 … 10.1 29.44 Catalyst Mediav 140 … … … 101.99 Shanta Goldv‡ 9X + W … 6.1 360.87 Ricardo 580 + 8 … 51.7 15.12 Ingentav 104 … … 60.8
3.84 Corcelv N … … -0.3
6.30 Omega Diagsv 2X … … -1.0 319.93 Robert Walters 430 + 24 … 9.8 29.70 Intercedev 51 – 2 … 17.5
0.37 Catenaev V … … -0.2 743.05 DRD Gold 85Y + 85 … 10.1 156,776.33 Shell‡ 2318K – 17K … 12.2
4.89 Ovoca Biov 6 – K … -1.7 3.91 Roebuck Food Grpv 13 – 1 … 1.9 185.91 Iomartv 166 + 1W … 18.2
569.16 Daily Mail‡ 270 … … 10.3 3.80 ECR Mineralsv N … … -2.0 27.44 Sound Energyv 1W – N … 9.2
178.75 IQEv 18K – 2X … …
418.42 Oxford Biomedica 433K – 36K … 19.4 613.30 RPS Group 221 … … …
2.54 DCD Mediav# 100 – 50 … 5.0 3.79 Edenville Energyv 9O + 1N … -0.6 3.59 Sunrise Resourcesv … … … …
56.36 K3 Business Tchv 126 … … -2.1
2.00 Physiomicsv 2 … … -7.8 3,602.85 RS Group‡ 762 – 44 … 19.3
64.02 Ebiquityv 47 – 1K … … 2.08 Tertiary Mineralsv … … … -2.7
8.72 Empyrean Energyv Y … … -6.3 6,394.23 LG Electronics 1620O … … 4.3
17.78 Proteome Sciesv 6 … … … 2.64 RTC Groupv 18 … … …
1,595.85 Euromoney In Inv 1460 + 2 … … 5.38 Thor Miningv V … … -1.4 3.71 Location Sciencesv V … … -2.3
4,662.82 Endeavour 1886 – 138 … 28.0
43,637.17 Reckitt Benckiser6082 + 12 … … 929.38 RWS Hldgsv‡ 239 – 26V … 21.9
800.69 Future 662K – 62 … 11.4 108,157.49 Total Eng SE 4458 – 179W … 10.2 1,804.83 Micro Focus Intl 532 + 1 … -5.6
7.43 RUA Life Sciencesv 33K – 5 … -3.2 264.41 EnQuest 14 – 2V … 0.8 194.25 Science Groupv 430 + 6 … 19.8
1,496.53 GlobalDatav 1265 – 25 … 62.6 3.72 Tower Resourcesv … … … -0.8 41.98 MTI Wirelessv 47K … … 15.8
86.79 Sareum Hldgsv 127K – 5 … … 96.48 Eurasia Miningv 3W + V … … 1,514.79 Serco 137V – 3Y … 5.6
351.72 Hyve Group 120K … … … 406.48 Tullow Oil 28 + 2X … 2.8 62.04 Nanoco Gp 19V + V … …
10,794.98 Smith & Neph 1236 – 19K … 28.0 15.35 Europa Oil&Gasv 1K – V … 14.5 109.24 Smiths News‡ 44 – 5Y … 4.2
168.30 Netcallv 105 – 4K … …
132.29 IG Design Grpv 135 – 10 … 19.7 12.24 UK Oil & Gasv … … … -1.9
864.81 Spire Hcare‡ 214 – 9K … … 506.62 Ferrexpo 84X – 2O … 0.6 6,795.10 Smurfit Kappa 2612 – 254 … 11.9 10.35 Northamberv 38 … … …
9,732.37 Informa‡ 693 – 38W … … 2.47 URU Metalsv 150 … … 4.8
18.12 Synairgenv 9 + 1N … -0.3 49.15 Staffline Gpv 29X – 2N … 22.8 2.22 Online Blockchainv 15K + 2O … -8.1
4,492.10 Fresnillo 609K – 59W … 14.4
2,690.95 ITV 66X – 3Y … 7.1 14.35 Vast Resv W … … …
37.64 Tissue Regenixv 53K – K … … 470.08 SThree 349K – 16 … 11.3 153.88 Oxford Metricsv 118 + 8 … 51.3
43.86 G3 Exploration# 28 … … -2.6
35.44 Totallyv 18N – 1 … 28.9 4.20 Jaywingv 4K … … … 9.99 Victoria Oil&Gasv# 3O – V … -1.8 19.13 Synecticsv 107K … … … 3.61 Parityv 3K – K … -5.0
17.80 Galantas Goldv 15K – 1 … -2.6
179.78 Tristelv 380 – 37K … 78.3 4.55 Live Company Gpv 1O – N … -0.3 3.89 W Resourcesv# 2X … … -0.3 37.53 Thruvision Groupv 25K + K … -9.2 13.98 Pennant Intlv 38 – 2K … …
4.98 GCM Resourcesv 2W … … -2.0
8.44 ValiRxv 8N + V … … 0.70 Mediazestv … … … -5.0 3.08 Westmount Engyv 2V … … -0.4 81.81 Tribalv‡ 38K … … 12.0 1,795.45 Playtech 580K – 34K … 6.1
30.07 Gem Diamonds 21K … … 2.2 2,038.38 QinetiQ 352V – 6O … 27.5
10.18 Merit Grpv 42K … … … 869.64 Wood Grp (J) 125X – 4X … -5.1 25.72 Vianetv 87 + O … …

Industrials 0.14 Miradav 1K – 1W … …

8.83 Getechv 13V – K … -3.1
14.54 Woodboisv K … … 2.2 246.95 Vp‡ 615 – 47K … 15.1 73.98 RM 88V – 1 … 17.6

53,790.78 Glencore 432X – 42N … 15.8 8,933.31 Sage‡ 871K – 6W … 33.4

44.14 Mission Groupv 48K – 1K … 8.2 12.42 Xtract Resourcesv 1W … … -2.5 5.95 Westminsterv 1O … … -2.1
226.50 Seeing Machinesv 5W – N … …
167.83 Accsys Techv 76K – 2K … … 1.77 Global Petrolv V … … -2.1
1,451.67 Moneysupermarket 270W – 4K … 27.5 65.77 Zephyr Energyv 3Y + W … -4.9
32,324.84 BASF 3616N – 296X … 7.1
5,638.00 News Corp A 1479Y – 59O … 24.1 10,094.22 Gold Fields 1129X + 1118 … 17.3 Real estate 12.39

Shearwater Grpv

Smartspace S'warev


K … 32.2

… -4.0
42,480.27 Bayer DM50 4324 – 156X … 50.4
2,884.05 News Corp B 1498 – 59O … 24.4 13.00 Goldplatv 7O + N … 5.8 Professional & 2,743.64 Softcat 1375 – 93 … 26.9

Biome Techv

137K +


… -4.5

… …
787.05 Next 15 Commsv 799 – 11 … … 14.46 Goldstone Resv 2Y … … … support services 2,197.32 Shaftesbury Cap 112K – 5O … 33.0
1,002.88 Spirent Comms 168V – 13 … 15.6

5,885.36 Pearson 821O – 9V … 39.3 339.60 Greatld Gldv 6X + N … … 92.94 SRT Marinev 51V – 7O … …
4.98 Camb Gbl Timberv 6O … … -9.0
404.49 Photo-Me 107 + 1K … 18.6 1,412.70 4imprint Grp 5030 + 50 … 84.8 12,224.32 Tele. Ericsson 396K – 30 … 7.2
159.85 Griffin Miningv 82Y + K … 9.1
1,100.89 Coats Grp 68Y – 2 … 15.3
276.96 Andrews Sykesv 657K … … 21.0 9.11 Touchstarv 107K … … …
3.57 Primorus Invv 2K … … 4.6 273.16 Gulf Keystone 122O – 10X … 7.6
7,769.32 Croda 5564 + 34 … 24.2 486.90 AO World 84W + 3K … …
272.49 Tracsisv 910 – 30 … …
70.53 Quarto 172K – 2K … 9.6 23,589.12 Ashtead 5382 – 22 … 26.2
80.74 Cropper (James)v 845 … … 25.7 23.36 Harland & Wolff Gpv 13K – 1N … 1.0 5,710.57 B&M European 570 + 16K … 13.2
7.50 Trakm8v 15 … … …
212.10 Reach 66O – 6V … 74.2 1.26 Asimilar Groupv 1 – N … …
575.91 Elementis 98 – 7N … … 368.61 Hochschild 71X – 10X … 6.9 111.44 Brown (N)v 24V … … 7.1
26.12 Triad Grp 157K … … 17.2
13.75 REACT Grpv 1N … … 18.5 56.40 AssetCov 40 – 7 … 0.2
7.36 Hardidev 12K … … -2.4 381.67 Horizonte Minrlsv 142 + 1 … … 295.11 Card Factory 86 – 2K … … 880.27 Wandiscov# 1310 … … …
49,366.69 Relx 2604 – 42 … 34.3 59.26 Avisenv 53K + 5 … … 1,473.91 CVS Groupv 2064 – 124 … 57.8
3,081.10 Johnson Math‡ 1679K – 60K … 21.1 326.58 Hunting PLC 198 – 4K … -5.0 72.91 Water Intelv 420 – 20 … 23.1
4,109.68 Rightmove 503W – 30V … 28.4 202.87 Begbies Traynorv 131 + 2K … … 255.69 DFS Furn 109V + V … 5.8 136.65 Xaar 174 + 4 … …
5,753.81 Mondi 1185 – 76 … 9.0
18.46 IGas Energyv 14W – K … -0.7
16.50 Robinsonv 98K – 2 … … 1.42 SpaceandPeoplev 72K … … … 117.73 Blancco Techv 155K – 1 … 55.7 2,150.11 Dunelm 1066 – 69 … 14.3 7.15 Yourgenev V … … -0.1
1.78 Independ Resv … … … …
3,692.95 DS Smith 268 – 39X … 15.2 107.46 STV Group 230 – 10 … 5.6 10,060.02 Bunzl‡ 2977 – 82 … 22.5 3,143.56 Frasers Group 683 – 14 … 30.3 121.23 Zoo Digitalv 124 + 7 … …
356.80 Indus Gasv 195 … … 20.2
4,506.56 Swire Pacific 525Y – 12 … … 19.34 System1 Groupv 152K – 7K … 7.3 484.18 Capita 28W – 3K … 2.1 2,569.38 Greggs 2516 – 164 … 22.0

13.40 Symph Environv 7N – N … … 6,918.24 21st Cent Fox Inc A 2571N – 75K … 14.1
11.80 Ironveldv N … … -4.7
8.19 CEPSv 39 … … -8.8 464.13 Halfords 212 + 15K … 7.0 Telecoms
446.47 ITM Powerv 72W – 6W … … 3,475.47 Howden Joinery 633O – 49W … 11.9
331.81 Synthomer 71 – 12K … 1.4 5,666.38 21st Cent Fox Inc B 2405N – 73V … 13.1 33.82 Christie Groupv‡ 127K … … 54.2
224.53 Jubilee Metalsv 8V – O … 6.8 50.21 AdEPT Technologyv‡ 200K + 1K … …
39,823.71 Takeda Pharm 2516O + 33W … 14.1 37,864.08 Compass‡ 2182 + 6 … 53.0 3,120.27 Inchcape 755K – 28 … 25.5
2.60 Vela Techv … … … 5.3
4,197.17 Airtel Africa‡ 111Y – 12Y … 9.9
31.10 Velocysv 1Y – V … -2.3 2.50 Karel Diamd Resv 2X + N … … 5.30 IQ-AI 2Y + N … -8.2
253.91 Wilmington 288 + 4 … 18.3 16.32 CPPGroupv 184K – 7 … …
12,664.02 BT Group 127K – 8Y … 12.3
1,164.31 Victrex‡ 1338 – 114 … 15.9 27.17 KEFI Gold and Copperv K … … -2.3 7,453.15 JD Sports 143O – 5N … 17.3
9,032.93 WPP‡ 840W – 34K … 16.0 7.15 Croma Securityv 48 – 2K … 6.9
605.85 Currys plc 53W + 2N … 2.5
107.70 Wynnstay Groupv 477K – 12K … 10.9 4,328.68 Kingfisher‡ 225 – 8N … 5.6
435.74 Kenmare Res 459K + 21 … 5.3 4,297.48 DCC‡ 4352 – 248 … 14.3 1,102.34 Gamma Commsv 1138 – 46 … 20.6
20.17 Zinc Mediav 92K – 8K … -5.8
170.17 Zotefoams 350 – 12 … 21.0 453.47 Lookers 118O + 33O … 7.6
37.60 Lamprell# 8Y … … -0.7 58.63 De La Rue 30 – 3 … 3.9 926.54 Helios Towers 88V – 11 … -7.9
3,637.74 Marks & Spencer 185 – 5N … …

Natural resources
2,336.04 Just Eat T'away 1062 – 94 … -2.2
11.82 Landore Resv 10N – K … -2.3 3,929.89 Diploma 2932 – 188 … 52.4
31.01 Mothercarev 5K … … -3.4
5.68 Mobile Streamsv V … … -1.8
1.39 Lansdowne O&Gv V … … -3.5 825.77 Discoverie‡ 857 – 79 … 70.2
76.52 Naked Winesv 103W – 9W … …
6.89 Mobile Tornadov 1X … … -9.7
3.42 Leeds Groupv 12K … … -2.0 16.72 Driver Groupv 32 … … 15.2
483.08 888 Hldgs 107X – 16 … 7.9 1.94 ADM Energyv K … … … 8,473.52 Next 6612 + 174 … 12.6 1,206.33 Telecom Plus 1518 – 20 … 38.9
18.12 Lexington Goldv 6W … … … 482.50 Essentra‡ 164W – 10 … 18.4
331.29 Accesso Techv 800 + 40 … 21.0 2.67 Advance Energyv# V … … -0.1 4,446.97 Ocado 537K + 75X … … 19,622.17 Vodafone‡ 72X – 1 … …
28.98 MC Miningv 7N – 1N … -1.5 26,719.82 Experian‡ 2907 – 78 … 37.2
43.72 Best of the Bestv 522K – 32K … 5.8 249.77 Pendragon 17Y + 1Y … 5.5
106.42 AFC Energyv 14N – 2V … …
14,448.12 Carnival 1109 + 5K … -1.7
55.89 Afentra PLCv 25W – K … …
36.55 Metals Explornv 1O … … 2.9
24,610.27 Ferguson‡ 12030 + 350 … 17.7 1,762.71 Pets at Home‡ 364O – 15W … 14.8 Transport
120.55 Celticv 127K … … 12.6 31.93 FIH Groupv 255 – 5 … … 170.65 Saga 121K – V … …
8.91 Alba Mineral Resv … … -2.6 1.23 Nostra Terrav V … … -0.9
10.04 Cineworld X + V … … 11.02 Grafeniav 9X … … -7.1 6,086.29 Sainsbury's‡ 257V – 12X … 21.6 91.86 Braemar Ship 279 – 7 … 9.2
21.34 Alien Metalsv W … … … 1.36 Nostrum O&G 8 – N … …
1,147.76 Domino's Pizza 275V – 6O … 14.0 131.84 Hargeaves Servv 405 – 15 … 4.2 1,985.94 WH Smith 1517 – 111 … … 3,577.76 EasyJet 472 – 35V … -2.9
2,027.32 Alumina 69O – 1K … 14.5 4,549.45 Oil Search 218Y + 5W … 60.3
7,843.02 Entain 1230 + 9 … 27.5 309.04 Impellam Grpv 687K – 15 … 37.5 60.19 Sosandarv 24N – O … … 28.30 Esken Limited 2O – X … -0.1
44.22 Aminex 1 … … -6.1 13.60 Oilexv# V … … -3.7
1,003.49 FirstGroup 143K + 7W … 34.1
27,283.79 Flutter Ent 15455 – 490 … … 18.90 Ince Gv# 5V … … 2.9 6.83 Stanley Gbbnsv 1K … … -1.6
3.13 Amur Mins Corpv V … … -5.2 5.84 Oriole Resourcesv V … … -2.0 202.36 Fisher (James) 401K – 23K … -7.2
91.11 Gaming Realmsv 31V + 2K … … 6,889.87 Intertek 4269 – 129 … 24.0 100.06 Studio Retail# 115 – 6 … 2.4
9,870.27 Anglo Amer Plat 3720K + 3675W … 2.6 3.54 Ormonde Miningv# O … … -3.1 7,830.44 International Airlines158Y – 7 … -3.5
14.58 Heavitreev 290 … … 17.4 1,394.26 IWG 138K – 15N … -5.2 209.59 Ted Baker 109O – V … …
2,052.95 IDS 214X – 1O … 2.4
7.29 Heavitree Av 145 … … 8.7 30,068.75 Anglo American 2248 – 297 … 4.4 7.07 Orosur Miningv 3O … … -5.5 17,846.47 Tesco‡ 248O – 14 … 12.6
432.11 Johnson Srvcev 102W – 8K … 64.0
671.54 Irish Cont Uts 393 – 9 … …
2.80 Hermes Pacificv 120 … … … 109.67 Anglo Asian Mngv 96 – 7 … 8.3 238.80 Pan African Resv 12W – N … 4.0 99.13 Topps Tiles‡ 50W – K … 9.1
30.00 Journeov 185 + 9K … 41.4 2,546.12 Jet2v 1186 – 72 … -6.3
8,975.19 InterContinental Hotels5262 – 238 … 49.2 14,319.57 Antofagasta 1452K – 97 … 15.0 127.19 Pantheon Resv 14 – 1 … …
665.06 Natl Express 108N – 8X … -6.4
343.66 Kier Gp 77 – 3N … 7.5
7.90 Minoan Gpv 1 … … -7.6 37.39 Arc Mineralsv 3 – N … 2.2 15.30 Parkmead Grpv 14 – 4K … -1.2
255.13 Latham (J)v 1265 – 15 … 6.9 350.09 Ocean Wilson 990 + 58 … 5.0
1,217.47 Mitch & Butlers 203O – 6V … … 27.51 Ariana Resv 2W … … 3.2 2.85 Pathfinder Minsv W … … -3.7 588.37 Stagecoach 104X … … 14.7
240.66 Lok'n Storev 800 – 84 … 24.2
161.78 On The Beach 97 – 21Y … -5.1 91.30 Access Intellv 71K – 3 … -9.9
1.58 Arkle Resourcesv W … … -1.3 132.06 Petra Diamonds 68 … … 2.2 24.69 Sutton Harbourv 19 … … …
367.80 Lon Securityv‡ 3000 + 150 … 16.5
444.77 PPHE Hotels 1050 – 30 … -8.5 12.57 Aferian plcv 14O – 1K … 2.6
6.90 Armadale Capv 1V … … … 312.60 Wincanton 251 – 21 … 6.8
1.96 Petrel Resourcesv 1 – W … -5.5 284.90 LSL Prop Services 274 – 6 … 7.6
436.58 Rank Grp 93V – 2N … 12.5 575.94 Alfa Financial‡ 195 + 5 … 30.5 2,732.10 Wizz Air 2645 – 315 … -6.0
24.60 Asiamet Rsrcsv 1V … … …
44.00 Petro Matadv 3Y – N … … 173.77 Macfarlane 109O – 1O … 12.7
289.58 Restaurant Gp 37O – 4X … -7.1 32.89 Allied Minds 13O + 4N … -1.2
443.42 Atalaya Minev 317 – 8 … 4.0
13.49 Rotalav‡ 43K – 1 … …
17.08 Baron Oilv … … … …
372.22 Petrofac 71N – 3O … -1.8 22.40 Maintel Hldgsv 156 – 1K … 4.8 200.68 Aptitude Software 350 + 3 … 39.3
17.95 Sportechv 17Y … … … 0.91 Petroneft Resv … … … -0.2 4.52 Malvern Intlv 18K – K … … 146.61 Bangov 191 + 1 … …
19.09 Beowulf Miningv 1X … … -7.1
1,957.87 SSP 245O – 19 … -4.7 47.51 Petropavlovsk# 1V + V … 1.6 313.21 Mears Group 284 – 1 … 24.7 115.77 BATM Adv Coms 26K – 1V … 11.1 6,660.33 Centrica‡ 118K – N … 11.9
2.90 Bezant Resv … … … -0.7 1,658.27 ContourGlobal 251 + K … 28.3
3.58 Tastyv 2W – N … 3.3 181.13 Phoenix Globalv 6K – K … -1.6 558.16 Menzies (John) 607 + 1 … 48.0 123.93 Berkeley Res 27O + 1K … …
117,775.80 BHP Group 2327 – 154 … 10.1 23.89 Blackbirdv 6K – 1 … … 2,121.67 Drax Group 537V – 38 … 39.7
14.27 Tintrav 87 – 1K … -1.5 2.91 Plexus Holdingsv 2Y – V … -0.7 1,302.90 Mitie Gp‡ 96K + 1N … 48.2
17.50 Border & Sthn Petv 2W – N … … 8.12 CloudCoCo Groupv 1V … … -2.7 144.01 Jersey Electricity 470 – 11 … 8.9
2,765.50 Tui 545 – 50K … -5.6 899.89 Polymetal Intl 190 + 5 … … 5.05 MobilityOnev 4O – N … 3.5
82.17 Bougainville 20W + 2Y … … 38,198.91 National Grid‡ 1038K – 11 … 24.2
4.92 Webis Holdingsv 1N – V … … 5.02 Newmark Secv 53K … … … 2,552.20 Computacenter‡ 2236 – 72 … 13.9
295.78 Porvair 638 – 36 … 24.5
33.06 OPG Powerv 8N – X … 5.3
848.46 Wetherspoon JD 659 – 23K … -6.1 3.52 BowLevenv 1 … … -1.3 46.95 Concurrent Techv 64 – 7 … 15.2
3.40 Norm Broadbentv 5K – O … …
22.09 Prospex Energyv 7O – K … … 1,914.10 Pennon 732K – 34K … 53.0
6,508.82 Whitbread‡ 3271 – 174 … … 79,443.81 BP‡ 454X – 4Y … 16.5 31.26 Corerov 6N … … …
9.18 Northern Bearv 49 … … 5.0
135.97 Proton Motor Power Sv 8O – O … -1.6 3.37 Rurelecv‡ K – V … -0.4
695.97 Young & Co - Av‡ 1190 – 50 … … 14.84 Cadence Minv 8V – W … 0.8 523.06 Cranewarev 1480 – 35 … 67.4
135.87 NWF Grpv 275 + 5 … … 6,767.26 Severn Trent‡ 2683 – 21 … …
34.84 Providence Resv 3N – V … 29.0
505.31 Young & Co - N/Vv‡ 864 + 34 … … 4.52 Cadogan Petrol 1O + V … 25.6 17.09 Crimson Tidev 2K – V … 17.3
1,319.08 PageGroup 401W – 8W … 10.8 19,904.20 SSE 1825K – 38K … 7.1
21.36 Quadrise Fuels Intlv 1K … … -5.8 40.39 CyanConn Hldgsv 14Y … … …
202.43 Caledonia Miningv 1055 + 35 … 10.3 6,807.97 United Utilities‡ 998W – 41K … 91.6
34.69 PCI-PALv 53 – K … …
8.71 Rambler Met&Minv# 5W … … 0.1 66.70 D4t4 Solutionsv 167K – 4K … 19.8
264.40 Capricorn Energy 182O + 1W … 1.4 4.24 Petardsv 7K + X … 13.6
1.29 DeepMatter Gpv … … … -0.1
96.77 Caspian Sunrisev 4N – N … …
12.02 Reabold Resourcesv V … … -2.4 uAIM company; # Price at suspension;
1.48 PHSCv 12K – 1 … 22.7
18.78 7digital Gpv X … … -5.7 3.54 Dillistone Groupv 18 … … -5.2 † Ex dividend; ‡ Ex scrip; s Ex rights issue;
3.90 Red Rock Resv V … … -1.0
1,054.17 Centamin‡ 91 – 4K … 14.1 16.94 PowerHouse Egyv W … … -0.7 t Ex all; § Ex capital distribution; * figures
7.25 Aeorema Commsv 76 … … 21.0
22,060.92 Rio Tinto Ltd 5942Y – 242X … 6.2
20.75 EQTECv V … … -2.0 or report awaited; . . . No significant data.
327.07 Cent Asia Metalsv 179O – 15V … 5.2 177.16 Record 89 + 1O … 24.4 Companies in bold are constituents of the
27.28 Altitude Groupv 38K – 2 … … 659.19 FDM Group‡ 602 – 75 … 20.9
80,646.86 Rio Tinto 4971K – 328K … 5.2 FTSE 100 Index. Investment Cos sector Nav
67.24 Chaarat Goldv 9O … … … 821.73 Redde Northgate 358K – 16K … 9.0
8.49 Arcontech Grpv 63K – 1K … 8.7 31.19 Filtronicv 14K + N … 39.1 Dis or Prm supplied by Morningstar.
148.79 Chariot Oil & Gasv 15W + V … … 59.05 San Leon Energyv 13V – 2W … 4.9
1,025.78 Ascential 233 – 14K … … 570.56 Renew Hldgsv‡ 721 – 9 … 17.8 532.67 First Derivtsv 1898 – 217 … … Data as shown is
2.70 Scirocco Energyv N … … …
5,397.16 Auto Trader 591K – 51V … 29.1 5.68 China Nonferr Goldv 1W – V … … 399.65 Renewi 498 – 4 … 10.5 593.40 GB Groupv‡ 235 – 25 … 17.9 for information
5.87 Clontarf Energyv … … … -2.2 18.93 Serabi Goldv 25 – 1K … 3.4 purposes only. No offer is made by
359.49 Bloomsbury Pub 440K – 9 … 18.1 15,674.65 Rentokil 622 – 17V … 44.1 121.28 GreshamTech 145 – 5 … …
Morningstar or this publication
the times | Monday June 26 2023
20 45

Lyricist for Fiddler on the

Roof and She Loves Me
Sheldon Harnick
Page 46


Baroness McDonagh of Mitcham and Morden

Formidable first female general secretary of the Labour Party who was hailed for her role in securing two landslide election victories
Margaret McDonagh said in a rare in-
terview that her Catholic upbringing
was the key to her tireless, efficient ap-
proach as the Labour Party’s first
female general secretary.
Known to her detractors, and even
supporters, as “the Ice Maiden” for the
uncompromising zeal with which she
pursued organisational matters, in-
cluding fundraising, she remarked:
“Being Catholic, as I am, is very impor-
tant for being a good organiser. Guilt is
very motivating.”
Operating from Labour’s Millbank
Tower headquarters in London,
McDonagh used her formidable pow-
ers of organisation to help mould a dis-
ciplined party machine and thus played
an important role in Labour’s two land-
slide general election victories under
Tony Blair in 1997 and 2001.
A highly enthusiastic backer of Blair’s stud business
study business. She did the course as ant to have
not want ha e children
children. She often put
New Labour project, in 1998 she had be- planned. in 14-hour days at Millbank. Later at
come the youngest person to be ap- The Desmond donation was Harvard she did an advanced manage-
pointed to Labour’s top internal job — McDonagh’s biggest mistake in the eyes ment programme preparing her for a
and she achieved this from the ranks of of MPs, activists and ministers furious career as a management consultant.
the party rather than through the that she had taken money from the Armed with her business qualifica-
union route, the latter having been the publisher. Senior party officials com- tions, McDonagh went on to serve as a
way most of her predecessors had flour- plained that Labour’s specialist team in non-executive director for both Stan-
ished. She had risen to internal promi- charge of high-value donations had dard Life and the Spanish-based infra-
nence when Blair asked her to help with been kept in the dark. She met Des- structure company Abertis-TBI. She
his campaign for the Labour leadership mond in 2001, weeks after his purchase was also the founding chairwoman of
in 1994 after the sudden death of the in- of the newspapers was approved by Ste- Smart Energy GB, an independent or-
cumbent, John Smith. phen Byers, then the trade secretary. ganisation that aimed to inform con-
McDonagh was widely praised for Desmond offered free advertising for sumers about smart meters and their
knocking the party machine into shape, the general election up to the value of national rollout across Britain.
in line with her leadership’s attempted £100,000 but McDonagh persuaded Her proudest achievement outside
embrace of the market and business. him to write a cheque instead, and politics was in 2013 when, with the
In the 1997 general election she promised the money would be spent on former Labour MP Lorna Fitzsimons,
played a central role in organising the adverts in the Express group. she co-founded the Pipeline, an organi-
party’s “key seats” strategy, which in- By then she had also taken the blame sation devoted to increasing the num-
volved targeting highly concentrated when an attempt to stop Ken Living- ber of women at the most senior levels
campaigning resources and efforts by stone running for mayor of London of large companies and public bodies. It
the party on those areas of the country failed. She personally apologised when offers executive coaching and conducts
it had most chance of winning. a move to make the seasoned front- audits to help its clients, which include
bencher Frank Dobson Labour’s candi-
She was known as ‘the date blew up in the party’s face. Living- She was blamed for
stone stood as an independent and saw
Ice Maiden’ by detractors off Dobson’s challenge, going on to several Labour Party
serve as mayor from 2000 to 2008.
and supporters alike Having always believed she could do donation scandals
her most effective work behind the
She built on her experience working scenes, the adverse publicity certainly the big supermarkets, banks and public
on Bill Clinton’s successful campaign to contributed to McDonagh’s decision to sector organisations, to identify areas
enter the White House in 1992. Mill- call it a day after the election. where women are held back.
bank Tower and the “war room” it Returning to Britain after her studies McDonagh is survived by her elder
housed, the rapid rebuttal unit and the at Harvard, McDonagh was made a life sister Siobhain, with whom she lived in
Excalibur computer, a sinister machine peer in 2004, taking the title Baroness Colliers Wood, south London, and who
that held information on everyone and McDonagh of Mitcham and Morden. has been MP for Mitcham and Morden
everything, were straight out of the As a peer of the realm she continued since 1997. They were the first sisters to
Democrat playbook. Margaret McDonagh in 2000 at Millbank Tower, Labour’s headquarters in canvassing and leafleting at weekends sit in the Lords and Commons at the
Yet she was branded by her enemies London; above, with Tony Blair, the prime minister, and John Prescott, deputy like any other grassroots party worker. same time and lived five minutes away
a “control freak”, part of the inner circle prime minister, in 1998 when she was appointed the party’s general secretary According to a former colleague: “She from the home where they were
around Blair — including Peter Man- was the ultimate ultra-loyalist for brought up.
delson, a key architect of New Labour, including me. I have never met anyone legislation banning tobacco advertising whom getting Labour into power Siobhain took Margaret on frequent
and Blair’s press secretary Alastair so resolute, so uncompromisingly in sport. meant more than anything else: that trips to Germany for treatment after
Campbell — who would send out daily honest and so direct.” Another donation, from the news- was her one-track approach to every- glioblastoma, a severe form of brain
missives to MPs via pager to keep them However, it was these qualities that paper proprietor Richard Desmond, thing, including getting the money in.” cancer, had been diagnosed. Siobhain
“on message”. damaged her relationship with Blair who counted several explicit maga- Another remarked: “She was hard as told the Commons before her sister’s
She also infuriated grassroots mem- shortly after the 1997 election victory zines among his titles, prompted more nails.” Before the 1997 poll, she said: death: “When I go to bed tonight I will
bers by helping to parachute Blair’s fa- when she refused to sign off a generous attacks from MPs, which became even “People have accused me in the past of keep my ear open for Margaret, to hear
voured candidates into safe seats and pay rise for his staff at No 10 because of stronger when she took a job as general being only interested in winning elec- her call my name, and I will get up and
was involved in putting together the a round of redundancies being made at manager of Desmond’s Express News- tions — I don’t think that is a bad thing.” I will go into her room and she may well
controversial “contract” with the party Millbank at the same time. Blair lent on papers on standing down as Labour’s Margaret Josephine McDonagh was be asleep because I’ve imagined she was
that Labour MPs were asked to sign the national executive of the party to general secretary after the 2001 general born in 1961 to Cumin and Breda calling me.”
after the 1997 election. The contract set push the pay rises through. election. McDonagh had negotiated McDonagh, both of Irish descent. After Nigel Evans, the deputy speaker, re-
out tough targets for MPs when it came McDonagh was soon thrust into fur- and then kept secret Desmond’s dona- convent school Margaret secured a sponded: “That’s a very brave speech,
to meeting local voters and spending ther controversies. She was accused of tion soon after the government ap- science degree at Brunel University Siobhain, and please send our love from
time in their constituencies — which, if masterminding controversial dona- proved his takeover of the Express and a master’s in advance marketing at parliament to Margaret.”
not met, could result in losing support tions to the party, including one for group. Kingston Business School.
from party HQ at the next election. more than £1 million from the Formula She had no previous experience in McDonagh, who joined Labour at Baroness McDonagh of Mitcham and
Mandelson recalled: “Margaret was a One impresario Bernie Ecclestone, the newspaper industry but gratefully the age of 17, admitted that she was so Morden, Labour Party executive, was
tour de force. She ran Millbank with a several months before the new govern- took Desmond’s offer six months dedicated to her work for the party that born on June 26, 1961. She died of brain
rod of iron. Everyone was terrified, ment granted F1 an exemption to its before she was due to go to Harvard to she did not want to get married and did cancer on June 24, 2023, aged 61
46 Monday June 26 2023 | the times


Sheldon Harnick
Tony-winning lyricist whose creative yet fraught partnership with Jerry Bock resulted in such musicals as Fiddler on the Roof
The first reaction of many on learning verses in honour of family events from
that Sheldon Harnick was the lyricist an early age, appeared in amateur the-
who wrote the words to If I Were a Rich atricals and as a young man wrote
Man was: “Well, that couldn’t have been music as well as lyrics. After leaving
too hard.” Carl Schurz High School he served in
“Ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba the US army for three years. Although
dibba dum/ All day long I’d biddy, biddy he never saw combat, he liked to boast
bum,” Zero Mostel and then Chaim To- that he was wounded by a bayonet —
pol (obituary, March 9) sang in the vari- then added that it happened while he
ous iterations of the musical Fiddler on was using it to open a can of peanuts.
the Roof on stage and on film. Harnick When the Second World War ended
had based the jumble of words on the he enrolled at the Northwestern Uni-
Hasidic chants he had listened to in or- versity School of Music, where he wrote
der to get into the mood of the musical’s songs for student revues. On graduat-
plot about Tevye, the Jewish milkman ing in 1949 he became a violinist in
living in a hard-pressed Ukrainian vil- dance orchestras but was sacked by the
lage at the mercy of Tsarist Russia in band leader Xavier Cugat after just one
the early years of the 20th century. performance.
The New York Times critic Walter By 1950 he had arrived in New York,
Kerr described Harnick’s lyric as where he wrote songs for revues and
“vocalised snuggles, gratified gargles cabarets while hungering — almost
and cascading coos until he has arrived, literally — for something more
mystically, at a kind of cabalistic substantial. The opportunity came in
coloratura”. The song’s tune, written by 1956: after the first night of the musical
Harnick’s long-term musical partner
Jerry Bock, was kept deliberately He was a song poet who
simple to fit the lack of vocal range at
the disposal of Mostel, who sung Tevye could express profundity
in the original Broadway
production that opened in and wit in equal measure
1964 and ran for eight years, a
record that remained H
Harnick at the unveiling of Harnick and Bock Way in New York, 2016; Shangri-La, on which he was employed
unbroken until its run of le
left, Harnick with his partner Jerry Bock, left, and the English actor in a minor role, he was drinking with
3,200 performances was A
Alfie Bass, who took over the lead role in Fiddler on the Roof, in 1967 the cast in a bar when the show’s star,
surpassed by Grease. Jack Cassidy, introduced him to Bock,
Yet listen to the song more in 1930s Budapest with a con- Heartbreak Kid and Blame It on Rio), who had just had his first Broadway hit
closely and it becomes evi- v
voluted plot that involved translations of operas by Mozart and with the musical Mr Wonderful,
dent that Harnick was no tw assistants in a parfumerie
two Verdi and an adaptation of Lehar’s The starring Sammy Davis Jr. They hit it off
mere Tin Pan Alley lyricist w fall in love via the ano-
who Merry Widow. He bravely stepped into immediately and began working
but a sophisticated and liter- n
nymous letters they ex- Oscar Hammerstein’s shoes to write the together, their contrasting characters
ate song poet whose words c
change without realising ill-fated 1976 musical Rex with Richard providing perfect foils for each other.
could express profundity and w
with whom they are corre- Rodgers, about Henry VIII and his “One of the things I need in a
wit in equal measure: “Lord, s
sponding. The twists, turns wives. It closed after six weeks and was collaborator is a sense of optimism,”
who made the lion and the a misunderstandings, and
and almost the only flop of Rodgers’s career. Harnick told The New York Times in
lamb/ You decreed I should th show’s triumphantly ro-
the More successful was his 1990. “I tend to approach things
be what I am/ Would it spoil m
mantic spirit, turned a large collaboration with Michel Legrand for sceptically and pessimistically. Jerry is a
some vast eternal plan/ If I s
stage into an intimate space, a 1979 English-language stage version bubbling, ebullient personality.”
were a wealthy man?” b its initial run lost money
but of The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. Three The first engagement for the new
The musical was stuffed a the show closed after a
and years later he worked with Legrand partnership was unpromising and The
with other memorable songs y
year. again on an adaptation of Dickens’s A Body Beautiful (1958), set in the world of
such as Matchmaker, Match- She Loves Me, however, Christmas Carol, while with Peter Brook prize fighting, flopped badly. However,
maker and Sunrise, Sunset. An w
went on to acquire cult status he adapted Prosper Mérimée’s original the following year Fiorello!, about the
account of the passing years a in the 1990s the show was
and novel for a brisk version of Carmen. former New York mayor Fiorello La
that is hauntingly on the rightt side of revived to acclaim on Broadway and in A Manhattan resident for more than Guardia, made up for the
maudlin, Harnick’s lyric for the latter Fiddler on the Roof certainly made London. Other projects with Bock in- 70 years, with an apartment overlook- disappointment. Opening on
has since been sung by, among others, Harnick and Bock wealthy men, partic- cluded Baker Street, a misconceived ing Central Park, he is survived by his Broadway a week after The Sound of
Bing Crosby, Perry Como, Vera Lynn ularly when it was turned into a film by 1965 musical about Sherlock Holmes, third wife, Margery Gray, an actress Music, it ran for 800 performances, won
and Miriam Makeba: “Sunrise, sunset, Norman Jewison in 1971, going on to and The Rothschilds, which chronicled whom he met when she auditioned for the Pulitzer prize for drama and three
swiftly flow the days/ Seedlings turn win three Oscars and a brace of Golden the rise of a Jewish banking family from his 1960 musical Tenderloin. They mar- Tony awards, including the prize for
overnight to sunflower/ Blossoming Globes. By then the partnership had the ghetto. ried in 1965 and he is also survived by best musical, which it shared with its
even as we gaze.” ended somewhat rancorously, but A disagreement over the choice of di- their daughter, Beth Dorn, and son, celebrated rival.
“When we wrote Sunrise, Sunset, the Fiddler on the Roof was one of eight rector for the work’s Broadway run was Matthew Harnick. His first marriage to “A theatre lyricist is a playwright who
first person we played it for was Jerry’s musicals they wrote together between so bitter that it ended their partnership. Mary Boatner was annulled and his writes short plays in verse that have to
wife Patti, and I was startled to see that 1958 and 1970, including She Loves Me, There was a rapprochement in the second marriage, to the comedian and be set to music,” Harnick said in 2016.
she was crying,” Harnick remembered. which many aficionados of Broadway 1990s when they worked together on actress Elaine May, ended in divorce in “But the important thing is that no
“I thought, my goodness, this song regard as Harnick and Bock’s “lost” revivals of their major works and the 1963, although they remained friends. matter how clever you are or how com-
must be more effective than we even masterpiece. pair wrote a new song, Topsy Turvy, for Sheldon Mayer Harnick was born in plicated the song is, you have to write
know — and the same thing happened The musical opened on Broadway in a 2004 Broadway revival of Fiddler on 1924 in Chicago to prosperous Amer- something that is immediately compre-
when I played it for my sister.” The song April 1963, two months before John the Roof, with Alfred Molina as Tevye. ican-Jewish parents. His father Harry hensible to an audience.”
is often played at weddings and in 2011 Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote She A consummate and versatile profes- was a dentist and his mother Esther a
Harnick wrote a new version with Loves You in Newcastle. Adapted from sional, in later years Harnick turned his homemaker who encouraged his musi- Sheldon Harnick, lyricist, was born on
minor word changes suitable for same- Ernst Lubtisch’s 1940 movie The Shop hand to a diverse number of projects in- cal and theatrical interests. He took April 30, 1924. He died of natural causes
sex marriages. Around the Corner, the musical was set cluding theme songs to movies (The violin lessons as a child, wrote comic on June 23, 2023, aged 99

Lives remembered

Winnie Ewing tary to Gordon Campbell, then secre- Lord Morris of Aberavon hard streak. When he became attor- between 1995 and 1996, was focused on
tary of state for Scotland, when Mrs ney-general I challenged him on his his father.
Peter Mackay Ewing was adopted as the prospective Sir Ivan Lawrence sudden change of mind over the place He missed his father most when
writes: I was a min- parliamentary candidate for his consti- KC, formerly Con- of barristers and solicitors in the legal wanting to share with him some howler
isterial private sec- tuency of Moray and Nairn. Some servative MP for structure. “Ah,” he said, “things always of misusage — as well as on his new
retary when Win- months before the 1974 election, Mr Burton, writes: I was look so different from the other side!” baby Fernanda.
nie Ewing (obitu- Campbell showed me a local news- privileged to devel- He was every interviewer’s dream
ary, June 23) won paper carrying an SNP advert inviting op a personal since every thought emerged literate,
the Hamilton by- constituents in the local fishing villages friendship with Martin Amis original, in his drawly ironical delivery.
election in 1967 and to “come and have a noggin and natter Lord Morris (obitu- “Every writer thirsts for posthumous
can well remember with Winnie”. ary, June 7). We ap- Valerie Grove, jour- esteem — and will never know if he gets
the rejoicing crowd of nationalists out- I think that Mr Campbell then knew peared together in criminal trials. We nalist, writes: I knew it.”
side Dover House, the Scottish office in he would be hard-put to retain his faced each other at the dispatch box in Martin Amis (obit-
Whitehall, as they escorted her in “safe” seat against the populism and the House of Commons. Our wives uary, May 22) since
triumph to Westminster. They arrived charisma of Mrs Ewing campaigning campaigned together on behalf of Sovi- 1973, and my 1997 If you would like to add a personal
in a convoy of the ill-fated and short- on an anti-EU and anti-common fish- et Jews. Lord Morris was always kind interview with him view or recollection to a published
lived Hillman Imps, made in Scotland. eries policy. In March 1974 that proved and charming to political opponents. for The Times, after obituary, you can email it to
In 1973 I was principal private secre- to be the case. He did, however, possess a practical his mid-life crisis
the times | Monday June 26 2023 47

Night Sky July Court Circular Births, Marriages
To place notices for these
sections please call 020 7782 7553
020 7481 4000
Notices are subject to BUT THEY that wait upon the LORD shall
confirmation and should be renew their strength; they shall mount up
with wings as eagles; they shall run, and
received by 11.30am three not be weary; and they shall walk, and not
days prior to insertion faint. Isaiah 40.31 (AV)
Windsor Castle Bible verses are provided by the
24th June, 2023 Bible Society
The King and Queen
honoured Ascot Races with Deaths
their presence today. COCKERILL Prof Tony died on 12th June
2023, aged 81, in Cambridge. Beloved
St James’s Palace husband of Janet, devoted father of Sarah
and Tim, and much-loved grandfather of
24th June, 2023 Luke, Tilly and Alice, he will be greatly
The Princess Royal, Member, missed. Funeral service to be held on 5th
Icelandic Horse Society of July at Magdalene College Chapel,
Cambridge, at 11.30am. No flowers.
Great Britain, today attended Donations to Christian Aid if desired.
the British Championships and
Summer Festival at Washbrook HOWELLS Theresa (née Rumbelow) died
on 7th June 2023, aged 97, peacefully at
Farm, Welsh Road, Aston le home in Cardiff. Widow of Haydn Howells,
Walls, and was received by His the beloved mother is survived by her
children, Lydia, William and Owen, and
Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of grandchildren, Angharad and Luke. Funeral
Northamptonshire (Mr James service at Thornhill Crematorium Cardiff,
Saunders Watson). Briwnant Chapel, at 2.15pm on Monday 3rd
July. No flowers, any donations to the Royal
Medical Benevolent Fund.
Kensington Palace
24th June, 2023 WEAVER David Fielding on 19th June
2023, aged 84, at home in Winchester.
The Duke of Gloucester this Much-beloved Pops to his four daughters,
morning took the salute at the Katy, Jo, Polly and Rachel, their partners
March Past on National and his nine grandchildren. In later years,
also loved by his four stepchildren and
Armed Forces Day in Grove their ten children. After growing up in
Place, Falmouth, and was Wolverhampton, David became a
received by His Majesty’s petroleum engineer and he and his wife
Jenny (1941-2006) and their girls lived in
Lord-Lieutenant of Cornwall Nigeria, Brunei, Qatar, Aberdeen and the
(Colonel Edward Bolitho). Hague. David married Margaret in 2015
and she brought renewed joy to his life.
The Duchess of Gloucester, A wonderful, loving husband, father,
President, Royal Academy of grandfather and friend. Also a keen golfer.
Music, this afternoon visited A life well lived. Funeral will be
livestreamed. Please see
the Junior Academy, for details. Family
Marylebone Road, London flowers only. Donations if wished to
NW1. Winchester Hospice, who supported David
and Margaret so well during his last

To use this chart, hold it up so that the direction in which you are actually looking is at the bottom of
the chart. The bottom edge of the chart will then represent your real horizon and the centre
represents the point directly overhead. The view is correct for the UK at midnight GMT on July 1, 11pm Legal Notices Legal Notices
GMT on July 15 and 10pm GMT on July 31.

Look out for a sky teapot

Chris Lintott swirled into the sur- this part of the sky. lars reveals a rich array
rounding clouds. To its right, toward of star clusters and
Venus remains a bril- From a dark site it is the west, there is the nebulosity.
liant presence in the the stellar sky that long sting of Scorpius For a tour of some of
evening twilight sky in makes July’s viewing reaching up from the the most famous
July, setting a couple of remarkable. The Milky horizon, and above objects start at the
hours after the sun as Way crosses the even- that the amorphous teapot’s spout and
the month begins. ing sky from northeast form of Ophiuchus the move steadily
Earth’s neighbouring to southwest, passing serpent bearer, the 13th northeast to reach
planet shows a cres- from Cassiopea constellation of the zo- M24, the Sagittarius
cent phase, visible with through the out- diac through which the Star Cloud — a region
binoculars and to the stretched form of sun passes towards the of the solar
most lynx-eyed of un- Cygnus the swan, end of each year. neighbourhood where
aided observers. before plummeting The real interest of dust is, for some
Though only a fraction down to the horizon. this area is the richness reason, lacking, Legal Notices
of the planet’s side Here, the density of of the galaxy’s disc laid allowing the viewer to
facing the Earth is the unresolved stars out before us. Radio gaze deeply through
illuminated, Venus’s that make up the Milky astronomers can our nearest spiral arm.
current proximity to us Way increases as we glimpse the Milky Higher up the “sum- CR-2023-002835
makes it almost as look toward the centre Way’s centre itself, mer triangle” of Vega, IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE
bright as it ever gets. of the galaxy, some picking up signals from Altair and Deneb in COURTS OF ENGLAND AND WALES
Over the course of 20,000 light years hot gas falling towards Cygnus, three bright COMPANIES COURT (ChD)
the month, Venus gets distant. the supermassive black stars which straddle IN THE MATTER OF MARLOWE PLC
closer to the sun, mak- The most recognis- hole. the Milky Way, is at its IN THE MATTER OF THE
ing it harder to observe, able pattern in this part Our view is blocked most prominent. Look COMPANIES ACT 2006
but it is worth looking of the sky is Sagittarius, by clouds of stars and for more dark dust form was issued before the High Court
out for a conjunction the noble zodiacal dust, the latter — small lanes which stretch of Justice on 23 J u n e 2 0 2 3 b y t h e
Company seeking an order to confirm a
with the thin crescent archer whose form, la- particles of carbon or down through Cygnus reduction of its share capital
moon on July 20, low in belled on this month’s silicon, perhaps a tenth towards the galaxy’s and cancellation of share premium
the western sky just map, more closely re- of the size of sand central riches. account (the "Reduction").
after sunset. Jupiter sembles a stout teapot. grains — visible as dark Over to the west of the Claim form is directed to be heard
and Saturn also make I have always been patches silhouetted the evening sky, bright before and Insolvency and Companies
Court Judge at 7 Rolls Buildings, Fetter
improved showings in charmed by the against the back- Arcturus in Boötes is Lane, London, EC4A 1NL on 4 July
the morning sky, both suggestion made by ground stars. prominent, alongside 2023.
ANY creditor or shareholder of the
reaching reasonable George Lovi, a As the most souther- the Plough, which is Company desiring to oppose the
heights above the hori- planetarium lecturer in ly of the zodiacal con- now skirting the making of an order for the confirmation
zon before sunrise. the early 20th century, stellations, Sagittarius horizon. of the Reduction should appear at the
time of the hearing in person or by
Weather on the larg- that the small group of and its neighbour, The east brings signs counsel for that purpose.
est planet continues to stars to the north of its Scorpius, remain low of autumn, with the A copy of the Claim Form will be
furnished to any such person requiring
be fair, though the long- “handle” is a suitable to the horizon great square of Pegasus it by the solicitors to the Company on
lived Great Red Spot, a teaspoon. throughout the hours now clear of the payment of the regulated charge for
the same.
storm three times the Once seen, the tea- of darkness. Find a horizon in our map. Fieldfisher LLP
size of the Earth, re- pot is as recognisable suitable spot without Longer nights are No.1 Spinningfields
cently developed a dark an asterism as the obstructions and you coming but there is 1 Hardman Square
Manchester M3 3EB
hook-like feature that Plough and is a useful will find that scanning much to enjoy in July’s Solicitors to the Company
has detached and anchor for navigating the area with binocu- warm summer skies. Dated: 26 June 2023
the times | Monday June 26 2023 49

Today Feeling fresher with a mixture of sunny spells and scattered showers, some heavy. Max 24C (75F), min 7C (45F) Weather Eye
Paul Simons
Around Britain Five days ahead Wind
W d speed
p e Sea
S a state
ae Orkney
ney Shetland
Key: b=bright, c=cloud, d=drizzle, pc=partly cloudy Generally unsettled with 34 C l
du=dull, f=fair, fg=fog, h=hail, m=mist, r=rain, (mph) 17 1
sh=showers, sl=sleet, sn=snow, s=sun, t=thunder scattered showers quite Slight 14
*=previous day **=data not available widely, although brighter Temperature Moderate

Temp C Rain mm Sun hr* in the south 28 (degrees C)

midday yesterday 24 hrs to 5pm yesterday
18 13
22 PC 0.0 13.3
Tomorrow Flood alerts and warnings
Cloud and outbreaks of rain will spread
Aberporth 20 C 0.0 2.9
from west to east across many areas. At 17:00 on Sunday there were eight 20
Anglesey ** ** ** 0.0 Staying drier an
nd bri
ighter in southern flood alerts and no flood warnings in 17
Aviemore 22 PC 1.2 5.4 Britain and brig
n up
up in Ireland in England. There were ten flood alerts
6 hat could be more

Barnstaple 21 C 0.0 ** the afternoooon.
n. C F
and no flood warnings in Scotland. Aberdeen
Bedford 27 S 0.0 **
Belfast 16 C 4.6 3.5
Max 24C, min in
n 8C
There were no flood alerts or warnings 35
British than baked
in Wales.
Birmingham 26 PC 0.0 **
For further information and updates 25 77 beans, an essential
Bournemouth 24 S 0.0 12.3 20 NORTH part of the English
20 S 0.0 **
in England visit flood-warning-
arning 20 68
uk, for Wales SEA 15 59 cooked breakfast
Bristol 27 PC 0.0 5.3
Camborne 23 C 0.2 11.6
20 and
for Scotland
10 50
and a food lauded for its healthy
Cardiff 24 C 0.0 8.5
24 Glasgow 5 41
credentials, full of fibre, protein and
Edinburgh 22 PC 5.6 9.1 0 32
Eskdalemuir 19 C 8.2 1.8
18 10
0 -5 23 minerals?
Glasgow 16 R 8.0 3.7
-10 14 Such is the British love affair with
11.5 ATLANTIC Londonderry -15 5 baked beans that we consume more
Ipswich 28 S 0.0 6.7 OCEAN
Newcastle of them than any other nation, with
Isle of Man 16 C 4.6 8.0
Wednesday Belfast millions of cans sold each year —
23 S 0.0 ** 20
Isle of Wight
Jersey 23 S 0.0 15.0 Rather cloudy with showers in the 20 19 yet there is nothing British about
Keswick 24 FG 4.8 **
south and east and a band of rain
spreading eastwards
eastwa wards
wa rds
dss acro
acrosss SScotland,
Yorkk them. The haricot beans, also
western Englland
showers in S
nd an
nd Wal
nd and
Walles. Heavy
ndd Irel
n Ireland
a later.
0 known as navy beans, are all
Lerwick ** ** 0.2 0.4 Max 26C, min
in 5C
in 5C Manchester Hull
imported, largely from North
Leuchars 24 PC 0.0 6.8 ooo
Liverpool 21 America, and we take about a third
Galway IRISH 12
Lincoln 27
** 20
of the entire continent’s supply,
Liverpool SEA Sheffield
London 29 S 0.0 8.2 Dublin
20 about 50,000 tonnes each year.
Lyneham 26 S 0.0 6.9 For years there has been a quest
21 20
Nottingham to grow a British baked bean suited
Milford Haven 20 C 0.0 ** 24
i h
to our climate but it has been an
Newcastle 24 PC 0.0 ** 16
6 19 immense challenge. The beans need
28 S 0.0 4.2
Orkney 17 C 0.2 8.9 23
Birmingham Cambridge lots of warm weather and our
Oxford 28 S 0.0 ** 20
Swansea Oxford 24 growing season is too short, with
** Cardiff
springs tending to be too cold and
Scilly, St Mary’s 20 D 0.0 **
Thursday Channel Islands CELTIC 3
23 autumns too wet with rains that
Shoreham 29 S 0.0 10.9 Some places will stay dry with a few
SEA Bristol London discolour the beans before they can
sunny intervals, but it will be rather
cloudy with a scattering
perhaps a longe
sccatteeringg of
geer spells
o showers or
l off rain in the Southampton
be harvested. As a result, the beans
19 have to be sown late, in early May,
Southend 28 S 0.0 8.7 northwest. Exeterr
South Uist 15 C 11.2 ** Max 23C, minin
in 7C
7C 14
14 Plymouth Brighton and harvested relatively early, in
September. And to add to the
Whitehaven 22 S 0.8 5.6 18
problems, the beans also need to be
Wick 18 C 0.0 ** 16
6 resistant to diseases, easy to harvest
25 S 0.0 13.6
and the right taste for British
20 General situation: Feeling ffresher with but thickerr cloud will brin
bring scattered Moray Firth, NE Scotland, N Isles, consumers.
The world sunny spells and scattered showers, showers, some perhaps heavy with a NW Scotland, Argyll: A few bright For 12 years the University of
All readings local midday yesterday
most frequent in the northwest. rumble of thunder. Moderate to fresh spells, but rather cloudy much of the Warwick Crop Centre has been
22 London, SE Eng, E Anglia, Midlands, westerly winds. Maximum 22 (72F), time with scattered showers, some working on a breeding programme
Cen S Eng, SW Eng, S Wales: Mainly minimum 7C (45F). heavy and thundery. Moderate to fresh
Athens 32 PC Malaga 30 S
dry with long spells of sunshine at N Wales, NW Eng, Cen N Eng, IoM, westerly winds. Maximum 19C (66F), for a bean that can cope with all
Auckland 17 PC Mallorca 30 PC
first, turning cloudier at times with the Lake District: Sunny spells and dry minimum 7C (45F). these challenges. Now the scientists
B Sunny spells and a few showers in the
very small chance of an isolated,
isolated light much of the time
time, but it will turn Republic of Ireland,
Ireland N Ireland: believe they have a real chance of
Barbados 30 PC Mexico City 28 PC south and east. Mostly cloudy with shower. Moderate to fresh west to rather cloudy with a few scattered Sunny spells and a few showers. Most success for the first truly British
northwesterly winds. Maximum showers developing. Moderate to fresh places will be dry later in the day. Rain
Barcelona 26 S Miami 32 S outbreaks of rai
Ireland, Scotlan
n sp
preading across
ndd,, western
st rn
rn England 24C (75F), minimum 9C (48F). westerly winds. Maximum 21C (70F), in western areas by evening. Moderate
variety of baked bean, with the first
33 S 28 S
Beirut ** **
Mombasa 25 B
and Wales.
Edinburgh and Dundee, NE Eng, E minimum 10C (50F). to fresh westerly winds. Maximum commercial crop of the beans
Belgrade 23 B Montreal 23 R
Max 26C, minin
n 7C
Eng, Borders, Aberdeen: Sunny spells, SW Scotland, Glasgow, Cen Highland, 21C (70F), minimum 9C (48F). currently being grown by Andrew
Berlin 26 PC Moscow 21 S Ward, a Lincolnshire farmer based
27 PC 27 D
Bordeaux 30 S
Munich 25 S
16 Tides Noon today 1008
08 near Leadenham.
Brussels 30 S Nairobi 23 PC Tidal predictions. HIG
H GH The rewards of a UK-grown bean
Bucharest 27 PC Naples 29 PC
Heights in metres
16 could be immense, helping us to rely
24 PC New Orleans 33 PC Today Ht Ht 100
00000 LOW
Buenos Aires 14 M New York 22 DU 24 Aberdeen 07:33 3.5 20:24 3.3
01 less on food imports and adding to
Cairo 32 S Nice 27 S Avonmouth --:-- -- 13:07 10.2 110000
08 LOW
W 110000 the country’s sustainable food
Calcutta 27 T Nicosia 30
S 24
Belfast 05:12 3.2 18:04 2.8
08 security, as well as reducing food
12 S
Cape Town 17 PC
Paris 31 S
Cardiff --:--
4.5 1016
miles involved in transporting beans
Devonport 100
Chicago 33 PC Perth 15 PC
Dover 05:09 5.4 17:28 5.6 11008
from fields to shops, and allowing
Copenhagen 24
Prague 23
R Saturday Dublin --:-- -- --:-- -- HIGH
10088 farmers more variety in the crops
Corfu Reykjavik
Delhi 25 D Riga 22 PC Staying unsettled with a mixture of Falmouth 11:24 4.1 23:41 4.3 9992
244 they grow, especially as haricot
Dubai 40 S Rio de Janeiro 26 S sunny intervals and scattered showers,
some heavy.
Greenock 06:03 3.1 19:15 2.8
Cold front beans fix their own nitrogen from
Harwich 05:48 3.4 18:07 3.3
Max 25C, minn 55C
C Holyhead 04:19 4.7 17:04 4.3 Warm front the air and so help to improve soils
Florence 30 PC San Francisco 18 PC Hull --:-- -- 12:09 6.0 110016
0166 Occluded front and crop rotations on farms.
Frankfurt 30 S Santiago 16 B Leith 08:50 4.5 21:27 4.4 HIGH
GH Trough
Geneva 29 S São Paulo 23 S Liverpool 05:02 7.6 17:37 7.3
9 London Bridge
Synoptic situation Highs and lows
24hrs to 5pm yesterday
Hours of darkness
Aberdeen 22:38-03:44
Speak directly to one
A weak ridge of high pressure
of our forecasters on
Hong Kong 32 PC Singapore 31 B Milford Haven --:-- -- 12:27 5.2
Warmest: Coningsby, 31.3C Belfast 22:34-04:19
Honolulu 30 B St Petersburg 22 B
21 Morecambe 05:15 7.5 17:50 7.2 will build from the southwest Coldest: South Newington, Birmingham 22:04-04:16

09065 777675
Istanbul 28 S Stockholm 24 S to produce a largely dry, settled Oxfordshire, 10.3C
25 Newhaven 04:57 5.2 17:31 5.4 Cardiff 22:04-04:27
Jerusalem 30 S Sydney 21 S day across southern England Wettest: Stormont Castle,
Newquay 11:24 5.4 23:48 5.6 Exeter 22:01-04:33
Johannesburg 19 S Tel Aviv 30 S and Wales. A weak trough and Co Down, 12.6mm
Oban --:-- -- 12:11 2.9 Sunniest: Jersey, 15.0hrs* Glasgow 22:36-04:03
Kuala Lumpur 33 PC Tenerife 26 PC occluded front will move across
** ** 27 PC 23 Penzance 10:57 4.3 23:19 4.4 Liverpool 22:14-04:15 8am to 5pm daily (calls are charged
Kyiv Tokyo northern Britain and Ireland
25 PC 15 B Portsmouth 05:24 3.9 18:03 4.0 Sun and moon London 21:51-04:15 at £1.55 plus network extras)
Lanzarote Vancouver and this will bring more cloud For Greenwich Manchester 22:11-04:12
Las Palmas 29 PC Venice 28 S Shoreham 04:57 4.9 17:36 5.0 Sun rises: 04.44
The Times weather page Southampton 04:20 3.7 16:54 3.8
and a scattering of showers. Newcastle 22:19-03:59
Lima 20 S Vienna 24 PC Sun sets: 21.21
--:-- -- 12:28 7.3
A few heavy downpours and a Moon rises: 13.15 Norwich 21:52-04:03
Lisbon 32 S Warsaw 25 S is provided by Swansea
rumble of thunder are possible Moon sets: 01.12 Tue Penzance 22:06-04:44
Los Angeles 21 PC Washington 29 B Tees 09:54 4.6 22:40 4.4
Luxor ** ** Zurich 27 S
in Scotland. Full Moon: July 3rd Sheffield 22:08-04:09
Weymouth --:-- -- 12:40 1.3 weatherquest
the times | Monday June 26 2023 51



Leicestershire Messi: Fans at fault for

my PSG spell souring
Football Lionel Messi has blamed
a “significant group” of Paris

run ragged as
Saint-Germain supporters for the
breakdown in his relationship
with them.
The Argentina forward, 36,
ended a two-year spell at the

Lees finds form

Ligue 1 club at the end of the
season and will play for the MLS
club Inter Miami next season.
“I think in the beginning it was
something wonderful,” Messi told
beIN Sports about his time at
self on his Twitter account as the “ex- PSG. “But then some people
Leicestershire v Durham Leicestershire coach”. started to treat me differently, a
The irony is that Leicestershire part of the Paris supporters.
Grace Road (day one of four): Durham
reached this match in third place in “It happened just as it had
have scored 422 for four wickets
Division Two: not through the 20 years happened before with (Kylian)
against Leicestershire
since they were demoted have they Mbappé, with Neymar.”
LV= County Championship finished a season in a position so lofty.
Neville Scott But they found themselves facing a Man of Kent Wes Agar, Kent’s Australian seamer, celebrates trapping Rob Keogh McIlroy misses out
pounding from Alex Lees, with his first of Northamptonshire leg-before for 97, on his way to figures of five for 63. Kent
It is a strange match-up that features first-class century for 14 months, and finished the day on 110 for one in reply to the home side’s total of 237 Golf Rory McIlroy had to settle
the spinning Parkinson twins playing Michael Jones’s 78 from only 70 balls. for another near-miss at the
against each other, Matt borrowed by And as the promotion pacesetters sive edge behind for eight and David T20 failure, seems the obvious reason Travelers Championship in
Durham from Lancashire yet destined Durham showed why, at 4.22 runs per Bedingham for 16 to a splendid juggling why Nixon has made way: Claude Connecticut yesterday. The
to decamp to Kent in the autumn and over, they have the fastest scoring rate return catch from Wright before Lees Henderson, confirmed as permanent Northern Irishman shot a fourth
Callum playing for Leicestershire but of all 18 sides this campaign. Ollie Rob- went to the Leicester (soon to be Dur- director of cricket only last October, round of 64 but that was only
jumping ship to opponents Durham at inson’s third championship hundred in ham) Parkinson for 101. It was 221 for would surely have got his way had he good enough for a tie for sixth as
end of season. He will be joined in this seven innings only compounded the four an hour from tea but Robinson, backed him. It seems fair to infer he Keegan Bradley claimed the title.
switch by Colin Ackermann come pain after tea. Durham’s wicketkeeper, and Graham sought change. In the women’s PGA
October, when their team-mate Chris Their first 50 on a supine pitch Clark, 85 not out, surged to an unbro- Underlying all this is money. When Championship, the overnight
Wright also departs for Sussex. arrived in 33 balls as if T20 powerplay ken stand of 201. all sides had similar resources, Leices- leader, Leona Maguire, faded to
All this before we even note the mys- rules applied and 145 had been ham- There are so many high-profile tershire, in the 1990s, were the best side 11th after a round of 74. China’s
terious “gardening leave” absence of mered by the 27th over when Jones coaching consultants at Leicester that in county cricket. For minnows today, Ruoning Yin took the title with
Paul Nixon, who, though the club will flicked a catch to mid-wicket off Ed the “backroom” staff is in danger of life is not remotely so fair as players Northern Ireland’s Stephanie
not confirm his status, now dubs him- Barnes. Scott Borthwick fell to a defen- spilling over into the lounge. This, plus depart for richer pickings. Meadow two shots back in third.

Results and scoreboards

Bowling Roland-Jones 16-2-59-1; Helm 18-6- †T J Moores, M Carter, B A Hutton, J T Ball and Bowling McIlroy 5-0-22-0; Van der Gugten M L Revis not out 25 Herbert (Aus) 67, 64, 66. 198 Z Blair 65, 65, 68;
Football 37-1; Bamber 14-4-31-0; De Caires 27-2-93-2; D Paterson to bat. 7-3-18-1; Swepson 7-1-12-0; Harris 3-1-13-0. M D Fisher not out 8 H Matsuyama (Japan) 69, 64, 65; R McIlroy (N
European Under-21 Championship Higgins 8-2-21-0; Hollman 13-4-41-0. Fall of wickets 1-8, 2-79, 3-94, 4-105. Umpires M H A Syed and N L Bainton. Extras (b 4, lb 8, nb 12) 24 Ire) 68, 64, 66. 199 Im Sung-jae (S Kor) 65, 67,
Group C Middlesex S D Robson, M D Stoneman, Bowling Overton 12-4-31-0; Henry 13-5-33-2; Leicestershire v Durham Total (6 wkts, 91 overs) 393 67; M Kim 68, 65, 66; X Schauffele 68, 64, 67;
P J Malan, M D E Holden, †J A Simpson, Davey 7-2-11-0; Aldridge 5-0-31-1; Bashir 8-0-35-1. Leicester (first day of four; Durham won M T Steketee, D T Moriarty and D J Leech to bat. G Sigg 66, 66, 67; C Tarren (Eng) 67, 69, 63.
England (1) 2 Israel (0) 0 R F Higgins, L B K Hollman, J M De Caires, Umpires P R Pollard and R A White. Fall of wickets 1-33, 2-33, 3-90, 4-243, 5-354,
toss): Durham have scored 422 for four KPMG Women’s PGA Championship
Gordon 15 5,106 *T S Roland-Jones, T G Helm, E R Bamber. wickets against Leicestershire 6-368.
Smith Rowe 69 Umpires I D Blackwell and N J Llong.
Surrey v Lancashire Springfield, New Jersey: Leaders after three
Kia Oval (first day of four; Surrey won toss): Durham First Innings Bowling Price 14-1-70-0; Taylor 17-7-43-3; rounds (United States unless stated): 206 L
(at at Ramaz Shengelia Stadium, Kutaisi) Northamptonshire v Kent Surrey, with six first-innings wickets in hand, A Z Lees c Ackermann b Parkinson 101 Akhter 21-3-85-1; Khan 20-1-81-0; Maguire (Ire) 69, 68, 69. 207 J Shin (S Kor) 69,
Other result Czech Republic 2 Germany 1 (at Northampton (first day of four; are 204 runs behind Lancashire M A Jones c Ackermann b Barnes 78 Charlesworth 9-0-59-1; Price 5-0-24-1; 72, 66. 208 S Meadow (N Ire) 73, 68, 67. 209
(at Batumi Stadium). Northamptonshire won toss): Kent, with nine *S G Borthwick c Handscomb b Scriven 8 Van Buuren 5-0-19-0. Yin Ruoning (China) 67, 73, 69; L-A Pace (SA)
Lancashire First Innings
P W D L F A GD Pts first-innings wickets in hand, are 127 runs L W P Wells c Sibley b Curran 3 D G Bedingham c and b Wright 16 Gloucestershire G Roelofsen, C D J Dent, 66, 73, 70. 210 Ko Jin-young (S Kor) 72, 69, 69;
England 2 2 0 0 4 0 4 6 behind Northamptonshire *K K Jennings lbw b Abbott 25 †O G Robinson not out 113 M A H Hammond, B G Charlesworth, O J Price, L Coughlin 75, 67, 68. 211 Y Saso (Japan) 69,
Czech Rep 2 1 0 1 2 3 -1 3 Northamptonshire First Innings J J Bohannon lbw b Abbott 10 G Clark not out 85 †J R Bracey, *G L van Buuren, T J Price, 73, 69; Lin Xiyu (China) 67, 71, 73; M Khang 74,
Germany 2 0 1 1 2 3 -1 1 R S Vasconcelos c Muyeye b Agar 0 D J Vilas c Latham b Abbott 39 Extras (b 5, lb 6, nb 10) 21 Z G Khan, M D Taylor, Z Akhter. 70, 67; M Harigae 73, 68, 70. 212 G Ruffels
Israel 2 0 1 1 1 3 -2 1 E N Gay c Leaning b Singh 15 D J Mitchell b Lawes 27 Total (4 wkts, 96 overs) 422 Umpires N A Mallender and P J Hartley. (Aus) 73, 71, 68; C Boutier (Fr) 70, 71, 71; G Kim
S M Whiteman c Leaning b Agar 40 †P D Salt c Foakes b Abbott 56 L Trevaskis, B A Raine, S J C McAlindon, (Aus) 70, 73, 69; R Zhang 70, 74, 68; C Borge
Group D Norway 0 France 1 (at CFR Cluj *L A Procter c Leaning b Singh 7 World Cup qualifying, group B
Stadium); Switzerland 2 Italy 3 (at Cluj Arena). G P Balderson c Foakes b Clark 33 R L Toole and M W Parkinson to bat. Bulawayo Sri Lanka 325 (49.5 overs: F D M (Nor) 69, 69, 74; S Schmelzel 74, 68, 70. 213 B
R I Keogh lbw b Agar 97 T E Bailey c Curran b Clark 10 Fall of wickets 1-145, 2-164, 3-203, 4-221. Henderson (Can) 67, 74, 72; A Nordqvist (Swe)
P W D L F A GD Pts S A Zaib b Qadri 26 Karunaratne 103, W S R Samarawickrama 82;
J M Blatherwick c Smith b Clark 35 Bowling Wright 16-0-75-1; Salisbury 74, 73, 66; Lee Jeon-geun (S Kor) 71, 73, 69; A
France 2 2 0 0 3 1 2 6 †L D McManus c Compton b Qadri 1 13-3-66-0; Parkinson 24-1-94-1; Scriven M R Adair 4 for 46), Ireland 192 (31 overs: P W
W S A Williams not out 8 H de Silva 5 for 79). Sri Lanka (2pts) won by Buhai (SA) 73, 73, 67; N Koerstz Madsen (Den)
Italy 2 1 0 1 4 4 0 3 T A I Taylor c Agar b Qadri 35 16-2-80-1; Barnes 17-2-53-1; Ackermann
J P Morley c Foakes b Clark 2 133 runs; Scotland 320 (50 overs: B J 71, 73, 69; A Furue (Japan) 69, 75, 69; A Corpuz
Switzerland 2 1 0 1 4 4 0 3 B W Sanderson b Agar 2 8-0-36-0; Budinger 2-0-7-0.
Extras (b 2, lb 8, nb 16) 26 McMullen 136, R D Berrington 60; Bilal Khan 70, 71, 72; A Pano 70, 74, 69.
Norway 2 0 0 2 1 3 -2 0 C J White b Agar 0 Leicestershire R K Patel, S G Budinger,
A K Russell not out 0 Total (74 overs) 274 5 for 55), Oman 244-9 (50 overs: Naseem Women’s European Tour Tipsport Czech
*L J Hill, C N Ackermann, †P S P Handscomb,
Baseball Extras (b 4, lb 3, w 1, nb 6) 14 Fall of wickets 1-4, 2-35, 3-46, 4-119, 5-119, P W A Mulder, T A R Scriven, C J C Wright, Khushi 69; C N Greaves 5 for 53). Scotland Open
Total (64.2 overs) 237 6-201, 7-213, 8-238, 9-270. C F Parkinson, E Barnes, M E T Salisbury. (2pts) won by 76 runs. Beroun: Leading final scores (Great Britain
MLB Baltimore 3 Seattle 2; Detroit 3 Minnesota
Fall of wickets 1-15, 2-19, 3-42, 4-104, 5-169, Bowling Curran 12-3-36-1; Worrall 12-4-56-0; Umpires C M Watts and J Shantry. P W L T NR Pts RR and Ireland unless stated): 203 D Dagar
6; Miami 2 Pittsburgh 0; St Louis 7 Chicago
6-171, 7-211, 8-217, 9-217. Clark 15-2-47-4; Abbott 18-2-71-4; Lawes Sri Lanka 3 3 0 0 0 6 3.65 (India) 69, 65, 69. 207 T Cheenglab (Thai) 73,
Cubs 5 (at London Stadium, Stratford). Worcestershire v Derbyshire
Bowling Singh 15-1-56-2; Agar 15-2-63-5; 14-3-29-1; Jacks 3-0-25-0. Scotland 3 3 0 0 0 6 1.27 70, 64. 208 C Palomar-Herbin (Fr) 69, 72, 67.
Cricket Quinn 10-3-25-0; Evison 4-0-13-0; Qadri Surrey First Innings Worcester (first day of four; Worcestershire
won toss): Derbyshire, with eight first-innings
Oman 4 2 2 0 0 4 -1.22 209 L Humphreys 72, 69, 68; G Cowley 72, 67,
19.2-1-69-3; Denly 1-0-4-0. *R J Burns c Salt b Williams 5 Ireland 3 0 3 0 0 0 -1.01 70; L Beveridge 76, 70, 63; C Gainer 71, 68, 70.
LV= County Championship Kent First Innings D P Sibley c Salt b Williams 0 wickets in hand, are 205 runs behind UAE 3 0 3 0 0 0 -2.07 210 J Gustavsson (Swe) 71, 72, 67; A Peláez
Division One: Essex v Warwickshire T S Muyeye not out 58 T W M Latham c Jennings b Bailey 10 Worcestershire (Sp) 69, 70, 71; F Parker 71, 70, 69.
Chelmsford (first day of four; Essex won B G Compton b Sanderson 4 J L Smith not out 24 Worcestershire First Innings Cycling Rugby league
toss): Essex have scored 391 for seven D J Bell-Drummond not out 48 †B T Foakes b Blatherwick 23 †G H Roderick b Aitchison 40
wickets against Warwickshire Extras (lb 3, w 1, nb 4) 8 *J D Libby c Guest b Dal 78 National Road Championships
Total (1 wkt, 31 overs) 110 Betfred Super League Salford 6 Wigan 26.
Essex First Innings Total (4 wkts, 19.1 overs) 70 A Ali c Madsen b Dal 14 Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Redcar and Cleveland
J L Denly, *J A Leaning, †J M Cox, J D M Evison, Saturday Catalans Dragons 38 Leigh 30.
F I N Khushi c Burgess b Rushworth 4 R M Edavalath lbw b Dal 0 (all British): Men (189km): 1, F Wright
H Qadri, W A Agar, M R Quinn and A Singh to S M Curran, W G Jacks, J Clark, S A Abbott, (Bahrain-Victorious) 4hr 43min 51sec; 2, J P W D L F A Pts
A N Cook c Burgess b Ali 9 bat. T E Lawes and D J Worrall to bat. A J Hose c Madsen b Potts 28
E J Pollock b Dal 13 Knox (Soudal-Quick Step) at 9sec behind; 3, S Catalans D 16 12 0 4 448 266 24
*T Westley c Rhodes b Barnard 114 Fall of wicket 1-17. Fall of wickets 1-6, 2-15, 3-27, 4-70. Warrington 16 11 0 5 391 278 22
D W Lawrence c Barnard b Bess 152 Bowling Sanderson 6-1-12-1; White 9-2-41-0; M J Waite b McKerr 19 Williams (Israel-Premier Tech) 19; 4, O Doull
Bowling Bailey 7-4-15-1; Williams 7-1-22-2; (EF Education-EasyPost) 1min 30sec; 5, S Wigan 16 10 0 6 359 259 20
M J J Critchley c Barnard b Lintott 47 Taylor 8-1-26-0; Keogh 6-0-24-0; Russell Balderson 3-0-15-0; Blatherwick 2.1-0-15-1. J Leach c Came b McKerr 3
J O Baker b Reece 12 Watson (Groupama-FDJ) 1:33; 6, C Swift Leigh 16 10 0 6 366 267 20
P I Walter c Mousley b Bess 5 2-0-7-0. Umpires M A Gough and M Burns. Salford 16 10 0 6 345 295 20
S R Harmer c Burgess b Lintott 30 Umpires G D Lloyd and R J Bailey. D Y Pennington b Dal 18 (INEOS Grenadiers) 2:59. Women (132km): 1, P
Division Two: Glamorgan v Sussex N A Saini not out 0 Georgi (DSM) 3:56:46; 2, C Steels (Israel St Helens 15 9 0 6 319 225 18
†W E L Buttleman not out 15 Somerset v Nottinghamshire Hull KR 16 9 0 7 342 264 18
D A J Bracewell not out 7 Sophia Gardens (first day of four; Glamorgan Extras (lb 6, nb 6) 12 Premier Tech Roland) at 5sec; 3, A Henderson
Taunton (first day of four; Somerset won won toss): Sussex, with nine first-innings Total (83.3 overs) 237 (Jumbo-Visma) 13; 4, E Barker (Uno-X Pro) 15; Leeds 16 7 0 9 345 294 14
Extras (lb 1, w 1, nb 6) 8 toss): Nottinghamshire, with six first-innings Hull 16 7 0 9 280 409 14
Total (7 wkts, 96 overs) 391 wickets in hand, are 177 runs behind Glamorgan Fall of wickets 1-70, 2-105, 3-105, 4-159, 5-182, 5, A Shackley (SD Worx) 23; 6, N Grinczer
wickets in hand, are 18 runs behind Somerset (Stade Rochelais Charente-Maritime) 30. Huddersfield 15 5 0 10 223 322 10
S J Cook and J A Porter to bat. Glamorgan First Innings 6-189, 7-203, 8-212, 9-234.
Somerset First Innings Bowling McKerr 15.5-4-39-2; Reece 13-2-37-1; Castleford 16 4 0 12 194 402 8
Fall of wickets 1-4, 2-20, 3-247, 4-317, 5-326, T A Lammonby c Clarke b Hutton 24
Z Ul-Hassan lbw b Shipley
A G Salter b Karvelas 22
Aitchison 15.1-5-47-1; Potts 9-1-43-1; Dal
Golf Wakefield 16 1 0 15 123 454 2
6-363, 7-373. S R Dickson b Hutton 1 Betfred Championship Batley 18 London
Bowling Rushworth 13-2-46-1; Ali 16-3-63-1; T R Bevan lbw b Shipley 0 18.3-5-45-5; Thomson 12-3-20-0. DP World Tour BMW International Open
*T B Abell c Mullaney b Carter 19 Derbyshire First Innings Broncos 20; Halifax 48 Barrow 20; Keighley
Barnard 13-2-53-1; Bess 32-1-143-2; Lintott S A Northeast c Carter b McAndrew 17 Munich: Leading final scores (Great Britain
G A Bartlett lbw b Hutton 13 H R C Came b Saini 1 26 Whitehaven 18; Widnes 18 Swinton 25;
12-0-56-2; Rhodes 8-2-25-0; Yates 2-1-4-0. *K S Carlson c Carter b McAndrew 27 and Ireland unless stated): 275 T Lawrence
T Kohler-Cadmore lbw b Paterson 38 L M Reece c Pollock b Pennington 12 York 8 Featherstone 24. Saturday Toulouse
Warwickshire R M Yates, A L Davies, *W M H †J E K Rew c Montgomery b Carter 10 W T Root st Carter b Carson 66 (SA) 71, 69, 66, 69. 276 J Luiten (Neth) 71, 66,
†C B Cooke b Carson 23 †B D Guest not out 13 52 Bradford 14. League One North Wales 20
Rhodes, J G Bethell, D R Mousley, E G Barnard, K L Aldridge c Moores b Hutton 35 65, 74. 277 A Meronk (Pol) 68, 71, 70, 68; M
T van der Gugten not out 44 Extras (b 4, lb 2) 6 Hunslet 30; Workington 60 Midlands 10.
†M G K Burgess, D M Bess, H Ali, J B Lintott, C Overton c Clarke b Paterson 1 Kieffer (Ger) 67, 76, 66, 68; D Hillier (NZ) 68,
C Rushworth. J H Davey lbw b Carter 4 J A R Harris c and b Carson
M J Swepson b McAndrew
Total (2 wkts, 10 overs) 32 67, 71, 71; R Hoshino (Japan) 66, 74, 68, 69. 278 Rugby union
Umpires R A Kettleborough and T Lungley. M J Henry b Hutton 7 W L Madsen, *J L du Plooy, H Ali, A K Dal, M Pavon (Fr) 67, 76, 66, 69; D Huizing (Neth)
J P McIlroy c Carter b McAndrew 2 A T Thomson, N J Potts, B W Aitchison and 67, 72, 66, 73; R Neergaard-Petersen (Den) 69, Women’s Allianz Premier 15s grand final
S Bashir not out 2 Gloucester-Hartpury 34 Exeter 19.
Hampshire v Middlesex Extras (lb 3, nb 6) 9 Extras (b 2, lb 8, nb 10) 20 C McKerr to bat. 67, 73, 69. 280 G Migliozzi (It) 71, 71, 69, 69; C
Total (71.5 overs) 242 Fall of wickets 1-1, 2-32.
Ageas Bowl (first day of four; Hampshire won
toss): Hampshire have scored 284 for four
Total (48.1 overs) 163
Fall of wickets 1-14, 2-18, 3-43, 4-60, 5-101, Bowling Leach 5-2-8-0; Saini 3-1-12-1;
Hill 71, 68, 71, 70. 281 G Green (Malaysia) 68,
73, 70, 70; D van Driel (Neth) 69, 71, 70, 71. 282
Fall of wickets 1-9, 2-34, 3-48, 4-88, 5-110, Pennington 2-0-6-1. ATP Cinch Championships
wickets against Middlesex 6-110, 7-124, 8-129, 9-150. 6-160, 7-195, 8-233, 9-238. J Campillo (Sp) 70, 74, 72, 66; S Crocker (US)
Hampshire First Innings Bowling Shipley 18-1-77-2; McAndrew 16.5-6- Umpires R K Illingworth and S Shanmugam. 71, 69, 71, 71; C Syme 70, 72, 68, 72; M Queen’s Club, west London: Final C Alcaraz
Bowling Hutton 10.1-1-34-5; Ball 7-1-32-0;
J J Weatherley c Hollman b Helm 15 Paterson 14-1-42-2; Carter 14-2-43-3; James 58-4; Hudson-Prentice 6-2-13-0; Karvelas Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Schneider (Ger) 68, 70, 75, 69. (Sp) bt A de Minaur (Aus) 6-4, 6-4.
F S Middleton c Robson b Roland-Jones 4 3-1-9-0. 10-1-32-1; Carson 18-5-45-3; Coles 3-1-7-0. Headingley Carnegie (first day of four; US PGA Tour Travelers Championship ATP Terra Wortmann Open
N R T Gubbins not out 98 Nottinghamshire First Innings Sussex First Innings Yorkshire won toss): Yorkshire have scored Cromwell, Connecticut: Leaders after three Halle: Final A Bublik (Kaz) bt A Rublev (Russ)
*J M Vince lbw b De Caires 35 B T Slater not out 67 T G R Clark not out 32 393 for six wickets against Gloucestershire rounds (United States unless stated): 189 K 6-3, 3-6, 6-3.
†B C Brown c Robson b De Caires 13 H Hameed b Henry 0 T J Haines lbw b van der Gugten 6 Yorkshire First Innings Bradley 62, 63, 64. 190 C Reavie 64, 63, 63. 194
L A Dawson not out 111 *T P Alsop not out 27 A Lyth c O J Price b Taylor 14 WTA Rothesay Classic
M Montgomery b Aldridge 33 P Cantlay 65, 68, 61. 195 R Fowler 70, 65, 60; D
Extras (b 1, lb 1, nb 6) 8 J M Clarke lbw b Bashir 12 Total (1 wkt, 22 overs) 65 F J Bean c Charlesworth b Akhter 114 McCarthy 60, 65, 70; A Scott (Aus) 62, 68, 65. Edgbaston Priory Club: Final J Ostapenko
Total (4 wkts, 96 overs) 284 L W James c Abell b Henry 0 J M Coles, †O J Carter, D K Ibrahim, F J *S M Khan lbw b Taylor 0 196 B Harman 66, 66, 64; Lee Min-woo (Aus) (Lat) bt B Krejcikova (Cz) 7-6 (10-8), 6-4.
F S Organ, J K Fuller, K H D Barker, K J Abbott *S J Mullaney not out 23 Hudson-Prentice, N J McAndrew, J J Carson, D J Malan c Bracey b Charlesworth 28 66, 65, 65; S Scheffler 63, 70, 63; A Smalley 70, WTA Bett1 Open
and M Abbas to bat. Extras (b 4, nb 6) 10 H B Shipley and A Karvelas to bat. G C H Hill c Bracey b O J Price 101 62, 64; J Thomas 70, 64, 62. 197 L Aaberg Berlin: Final P Kvitova (Cz) bt D Vekic (Cro)
Fall of wickets 1-13, 2-31, 3-76, 4-94. Total (4 wkts, 45 overs) 145 Fall of wicket 1-12. †J A Tattersall c O J Price b Taylor 79 (Swe) 67, 65, 65; C Conners (Can) 67, 65, 65; L 6-2, 7-6 (8-6).
552 Monday June 26 2023 | the times

Sport Racing
Rob Wright
5.05 Penny Be 7.10 Alpina Express
Handicap (3-Y-O: £3,768: 5f) (10)
(7) 0-023 DESERT ILLUSION 21 (V) I Mohammed 9-11 H Davies (3)
(10) 60223 VICTORS DREAM 20 (P,BF) M Botti 9-10
(1) 42152 IMPERIOUSITY 20 (D) A Perrett 9-9
N Callan
W Buick
Australia honours King with new race
5.35 Kinnigoli Kid 7.40 Morcar (nb) 4 (8) 40534 MISSING YOU 20 (B) R Hughes 9-7 David Egan
6.05 Peaceful Story 8.10 Liosa 5 (6) -0551 CARRY ON AITCH 7 (CD) P McBride 9-7(6ex) Rob Wright Racing Editor prize money, making it the second most Queen Elizabeth II,” V’landys said.
A Farragher
6.35 Magical Merlin
6 (9) 304-4 LIOSA 21 W Kittow 9-6 R Hornby valuable race in the world behind the “Her knowledge was breathtaking.
Going: good to firm Sky Sports Racing 7 (5) 63312 MUCKY MULCONRY 11 (D) M Wigham 9-5 T Marquand The King exceeded all expectations of $20 million Saudi Cup. “The King was very chuffed that we
Draw: 5f-6f, low numbers best 8 (2) 00-31 LAHINA BAY 13 R Cook & J Bridger 9-5 R Clutterbuck the racing industry by attending all five The new race mirrors the group one have named a feature race after him on
5.05 Handicap 9 (3) 0-050 URBAN JUNGLE 56 (H) M Blake 9-0 D Probert
10 (4) 0-500 CLOUDY BREEZE 70 G L Moore 8-13 A Atzeni
days of Royal Ascot and he has now Queen Elizabeth Stakes, which is run Everest Day. He has certainly got the
(£3,768: 6f) (12 runners) agreed to have his name used for a new every April at Randwick and was first racing bug after having a winner at
9-2 Mucky Mulconry, 5-1 Imperiousity, 11-2 Victors Dream, Carry On Aitch, 6-1
1 (2) 00300 PEACHEY CARNEHAN 21 (V,D) M Mullineaux 9-9-10
P Dennis
Lahina Bay, 7-1 Liosa, Desert Illusion, 8-1 Missing You. group one race in Australia. The King staged in 1954. Royal Ascot.
Wright choice: Liosa raced too keenly early on when fourth
2 (4) 64065 Q TWENTY BOY 17 (D) M Usher 8-9-9
here over further Dangers Carry On Aitch, Mucky Mulconry Charles III Stakes, which will have There have been renewed calls in “I’m very confident after talking to
Emilie Hasselbalch-holm (7)
3 (5) 10605 FOREVER DREAMING 39 (B,D) B Millman 4-9-8 A$5 million (about £2.6 million) in prize Australia recently to end the constitu- him that he will come to the race in the
T Marquand money, will be run over a mile at Rand- tional monarchy but the naming of the next few years.”
4 (6) 06540 THEGREATESTSHOWMAN 16 (P,T,D) Miss A Murphy
7-9-8 R Kavanagh (7)
Chepstow wick, Sydney, on October 14. new race suggests that the royal family The royal silks were carried to
Rob Wright
5 (10) 60-60 SIR SEDRIC 34 (V) L Carter 5-9-7 Kaiya Fraser (5) It is not known whether the King will still has plenty of support there. success at the royal meeting for the first
6 (3) -4632 RECKON I'M HOT 31 (P,T) G L Moore 4-9-5 R Hornby
7 (1) 00065 BLUEBELL WAY 17 (D) M Madgwick 4-9-3 R Clutterbuck
2.10 Brabusach 4.15 Harry The Haggler attend the inaugural running of the Peter V’landys, the chief executive of time for King Charles by Desert Hero
2.45 Spring Day 4.50 Kimnkate
8 (12) 05066 ARLECCHINO'S GIFT 39 (P,D) M Usher 4-9-2 D O'Neill 3.15 Zing Up 5.25 Connie’s Rose event. The race adds further lustre to a Racing New South Wales, attended on Thursday. The signs are that royal
9 (9) 43400 MACON BELLE 10 E De Giles 4-9-2 D Probert 3.45 Azahara Palace meeting that has been well established Royal Ascot last week and featured in patronage, which is so important for
10 (7) 556-0 PRETTY GREEN 17 R Bandey 4-9-2 C Hutchinson (3)
11(11) 5-460 STAR ADORNED 20 (H) S Hodgson 3-9-0 A Farragher (3)
Going: good to firm Sky Sports Racing in recent years, headed by the Everest the royal procession on Wednesday. the “Sport of Kings”, is not going to
Draw: no advantage Stakes — first run in 2017 — which this “I have never met a person that had wane as was initially feared under
12 (8) 00053 PENNY BE 8 (BF) R Cook & J Bridger 3-8-11 H Davies (3)
11-4 Penny Be, 3-1 Reckon I'm Hot, 7-1 Forever Dreaming, 8-1 Q Twenty Boy, 2.10 Handicap (3-Y-O: £3,245: 1m 2f) (10) year will have a record A$20 million in such a passion for racing as the late the new monarch.
Thegreatestshowman, 12-1 Arlecchino's Gift, 14-1 Sir Sedric, Peachey Carnehan. 1 (1) 50203 KHANGAI 27 (T) M Rimell 9-11 H Doyle
Rob Wright’s choice: Penny Be has had excuses on her past 2 (4) 16435 MAN MADE OF SMOKE 20 (B) P Evans 9-10 B Curtis
two starts Dangers Reckon I’m Hot, Forever Dreaming 3 (8) -0454 ZAKRAM 45 D O'Meara 9-9 Jason Watson
4.30 Handicap Hurdle (£4,225: 3m) (7) 7.00 Novice Stakes
5.35 Maiden Stakes
4 (7) 00-0 FANTASTIC ARTIST 38 A Stronge 9-8
5 (2) 00-00 MONT VALLON 16 (P) S C Williams 9-7
F Marsh
C Shepherd
Southwell 1 323P/ BLACKHILLSOFDAKOTA 603 (P) Alexandra Dunn 8-12-0 (2-Y-O: £5,373: 5f) (11)
Rob Wright H Cobden
(2-Y-O: £3,672: 6f) (9) 6 (6) 00362 BRABUSACH 22 (P) I Furtado 9-6 K O'Neill 1 (1) 0 BELVOIR KITTEN 28 E Dunlop 9-7 L Morris
2 P2/21 SYLVIES DANCE 19 K Woollacott 9-11-5 Mr J Newman (5)
1 (8) FAUNTLEROY S & E Crisford 9-7 R Coakley 7 (9) 0-006 OCEAN RIDGE 22 (H,T) S Durack 9-6 C Planas (5) 2 (8) 4 BUDDING POET 17 Owen Burrows 9-7 J Crowley
1.55 Line Of Descent 4.00 No Recollection 3 0PP-4 ERNESTO 33 (T,V) I Williams 8-11-4 R T Dunne
2 (9) FREE NATION C Hills 9-7 D Tudhope 8 (5) 0006 TWO PLUS TWO 13 (B) E De Giles 9-3 T Whelan 3 (11) 05 CHARLIE MASON 10 P Evans 9-7 T Eaves
2.25 The Cathal Don 4.30 Broomfields Cave 4 0353- BROOMFIELDS CAVE 93 (BF) N Mulholland 6-11-4
3 (1) GLEN HESTE P Evans 9-7 P Dennis 9 (10) 500 YESISAIDYES 20 R Hannon 9-3 Alec Voikhansky (5) 3.00 Bear Ridge 5.00 Highland Frolic S Twiston-Davies 4 (2) 20 FIFTY GRAND SLATER 24 (T) Miss A Murphy 9-7 J Hart
4 (3) KINNIGOLI KID M Botti 9-7 N Callan 10 (3) -4353 ANGEL DE LUZ 13 (B) Miss A Murphy 9-0 S Cherchi 3.30 The Galahad Kid 5 14U4/ SHE'S ALL IN GOLD F44 (P,T) O Greenall & J Guerriero 5 (5) HEAD'S GONE PAL A Carroll 9-7 D Costello
PIZ NAIR G Scott 9-7 B Sayette 5-2 Brabusach, 100-30 Khangai, 6-1 Zakram, 13-2 Yesisaidyes, 15-2 Angel De 6-11-3 H Brooke 6 (4) 30 JUNGLE DANCE 52 J Butler 9-7 C Beasley
5 (5) Going: good Sky Sports Racing
Luz, 10-1 Man Made Of Smoke, 14-1 Ocean Ridge, 16-1 Fantastic Artist. 6 36-26 JUDGE EARLE 11 P Bowen 11-11-2 S Bowen 7 (9) 3 KNICKS 19 (BF) K R Burke 9-7 C Lee
6 (4) RED ZONE HERO M Bell 9-7 T Marquand
7 (7) SAVVY KINGDOM S P C Woods 9-7 W Buick
1.55 Handicap Chase 7 321-3 KYM EYRE 22 (P) E Williams 7-11-1 Isabel Williams (3) 8 (10) 40 MATLOOB 27 R Varian 9-7 J Mitchell
2.45 Novice Stakes (£4,104: 1m 2f) (6) (£4,859: 2m 4f) (6) 9-4 Sylvies Dance, 100-30 Kym Eyre, 4-1 Broomfields Cave, 13-2 She's All In 9 (6) 2 MUTASAWI 19 D O'Meara 9-7 Rossa Ryan
8 (2) CASSIAS COMET M Tregoning 9-2 D O'Neill Gold, 8-1 Blackhillsofdakota, 10-1 Judge Earle, 14-1 Ernesto.
1 4-P44 FIRE AWAY 16 (T,V,D) L Morgan 10-12-0 A Wedge 10 (7) 30 PERELLE 19 (T) P Evans 9-2 R Dawson
9 (6) NATURALIA R Guest 9-2 D Probert 1 (2) 36- RUN AT DAWN J225 N Hawke 4-10-0 B Curtis
2 2400/ I'M SO BUSY 460 Dr R Newland 8-11-12 S Twiston-Davies 11 (3) TANGLED UP IN BLUE A West 9-2 C Bennett
5-2 Fauntleroy, 4-1 Free Nation, 6-1 Red Zone Hero, Savvy Kingdom, Kinnigoli 2 (3) 1-5 SPRING DAY 156 A Balding 3-9-6 J Bryan 5.00 Handicap Hurdle (£4,225: 2m 4f) (10) 15-8 Mutasawi, 5-2 Knicks, 7-1 Fifty Grand Slater, 8-1 Charlie Mason, 10-1
Kid, 12-1 Piz Nair, Glen Heste, 16-1 Naturalia, Cassias Comet. 3 (6) 0-5 BUXLOW BOY 27 (H) D Menuisier 3-9-4 S Cherchi 3 44-04 GLAJOU 30 (P,T,C) N Mulholland 7-11-9 A P Heskin
0624- ST PATRICKS BRIDGE 62 F O'Brien 6-11-12 L Harrison (3)
1 Matloob, 14-1 Jungle Dance, 16-1 Head's Gone Pal, 20-1 Tangled Up In Blue.
Wright choice: Kinnigoli Kid comes from a good winning 4 (1) 32 KARAKOY 115 H & R Charlton 3-9-4 T Whelan 4 31-12 LINE OF DESCENT 9 (T,BF) W Greatrex 5-11-9 S Bowen
3P-35 LET ME BE 17 (P) Dr R Newland 7-11-12 L Scott (6)
family; can strike on his debut Dangers Piz Nair, Free Nation 5 (5) SONNET STAR (H) W Kittow 3-8-13 C Shepherd 5 3-P1F DO NO WRONG 16 (BF) Justin Landy 7-10-12 J Kington
1PP-P WEE WILLIE NAIL 17 (T) R Harper 5-11-10 Harriet Tucker (5)
3 7.30 Novice Stakes
6 (4) 5-45 POSTERGAL 76 G Harris 3-8-11 H Doyle 6 35-52 ANNIE NAIL 18 (BF) Alexandra Dunn 6-10-2 H Cobden
4 241-0 MINELLADESTINATION 39 (P,BF) D McCain 6-11-9
6.05 Novice Stakes (£4,320: 1m) (12) 11-10 Karakoy, 13-8 Spring Day, 15-2 Buxlow Boy, 12-1 Postergal, 20-1 Sonnet 13-8 Line Of Descent, 9-4 Do No Wrong, 9-2 Annie Nail, 10-1 I'm So Busy, T Gillard (3) (Div I: £4,104: 7f) (11)
Star, 25-1 Run At Dawn. Glajou, 12-1 Fire Away. 5 6450- FERROBIN 136 (P) M Young 9-11-8 T Durrell 1 (2) 1- MARS MAGIC 296 (CD) J Ferguson 4-10-6 D Muscutt
1 (5) BRIGANTES WARRIOR (W) R Hughes 4-10-0 D Probert
6 536-4 BOBBY SOCKS 20 O Murphy 6-11-4 L Stones 2 (11) BOUJEE GOLD A Carroll 4-9-8 C Lee
2 (1) 6 STAR FOR A DAY 47 (H) S Hodgson 4-9-9 A Farragher (3)
3 (8) 32- GARDEN ROUTE 229 (W) W Haggas 3-9-4 T Marquand 3.15 Handicap (£3,245: 5f) (10) 2.25 Handicap Chase (£3,406: 2m) (5) 7 1110- IVETWIGGEDIT 94 (BF) T Lacey 6-11-4 C Iles (10) 3 (5) 0-6 BOXING ALEX 30 D Loughnane 3-9-4 Rossa Ryan
1 /24-4 THE CATHAL DON 39 S Pearce 7-12-0 J Quinlan 8 21-32 HIGHLAND FROLIC 28 (T,V) M Harris 4-11-3 B Harris (3) 4 (6) 00- FIELD OF VIEW 226 (W) J J Quinn 3-9-4 J Hart
4 (7) 00 PATERNOSTER SQUARE 11 S & E Crisford 3-9-4 1 (10) 40052 ASTROPHYSICS 7 (CD) A Carroll 11-9-12
H Burns (3) Mollie Phillips (3) 9 P4-40 HERE WE HAVE IT 14 (P) L Morgan 8-11-3 L Dobb (6) 5 (1) 00 GOLDEN MOON 38 W Knight 3-9-4 Abigail Pierce (7)
2 0-425 JET OF DREAMS 35 (T) W Greatrex 5-11-7 Dylan Kitts (7)
5 (10) 6-4 AURORA CHARM 45 R Varian 3-8-13 David Egan 2 (3) 4060- IGOTATEXT 266 A Wintle 5-9-10 F Marsh 10 06-3P SUPREME YEATS 14 (B,CD) L Morgan 7-11-2 P Cowley 6 (3) 5-0 ISLE OF JURA 6 G Scott 3-9-4 Billy Loughnane (3)
3 350-2 GETAWAY JEWEL 41 M Hammond 9-11-4 B Hughes
3 (7) -0060 GLORY HALLELUJAH 17 (V,D) N Tinkler 4-9-10 R Scott 100-30 Ivetwiggedit, 4-1 Highland Frolic, 9-2 Minelladestination, 11-2 Let Me 7 (10) 02- POSEIDON PRINCE 259 M Attwater 3-9-4 O Lewis (7)
6 (11) 00- EIGHT FIFTEEN 250 (H) G Baker 3-8-13 N Callan 4 /4P0- PUNCHES CROSS 177 (D) Jonjo O'Neill 10-11-1 R McLernon
Be, 13-2 Bobby Socks, 7-1 St Patricks Bridge, 10-1 others. 8 (7) 0 WILD HOOFER 19 A Watson 3-9-4 C Bishop
7 (2) 0-0 LAKOTA LASS 35 C Hills 3-8-13 K Shoemark 4 (1) 20-04 ATTY'S EDGE 10 (CD) C Mason 7-9-10 W Cox 5 333-2 UNCLE O 22 (T) C Hobson 9-10-2 B Poste
8 (9) 0-0 MARION OF ELMSTONE 171 K Jewell 3-8-13 5 (8) 02233 RHUBARB 10 (CD) R J Price 6-9-7 S Osborne 13-8 Getaway Jewel, 11-4 Jet Of Dreams, 7-2 Uncle O, 9-2 The Cathal Don, 16-1 9 (8) 00 JOPHIEL 16 J Osborne 3-8-13 N Currie
10 (4) 4-0 NIGIRI 32 R Beckett 3-8-13 H Crouch
9 (12) 60 MEDINA GOLD 14 Miss A Murphy 3-8-13
R Clutterbuck
B Sayette
6 (5) -6400 KYBER CRYSTAL 16 (T) Alexandra Dunn 4-9-4 T Fisher (5)
7 (4) -6046 FOSSOS 10 (B,T,CD) D Faulkner 5-9-1 Laura Coughlan (5)
Punches Cross. Wolverhampton 11 (9) 0-0 TIFFANY 21 Sir M Prescott 3-8-13 L Morris
10 (4) 5-4 PEACEFUL STORY 17 R Hannon 3-8-13 P Dobbs 8 (6) -6035 CORONATION COTTAGE 10 (CD) M Saunders 9-9-0 3.00 Open NH Flat Race (£2,614: 2m) (8) Rob Wright 13-8 Mars Magic, 7-2 Poseidon Prince, 7-1 Isle Of Jura, 10-1 Boxing Alex,
11 (6) 5-0 SEA OF ELEGANCE 39 T Ward 3-8-13 S M Levey Gina Mangan (3) Boujee Gold, Field of View, 12-1 Nigiri, 16-1 Golden Moon.
9 (2) 04006 ALYA'S GOLD AWARD 13 (H) A Carroll 4-8-12 W Carson 1 AMELIA MARIANNE D J Jeffreys 5-11-2 T Bellamy 5.20 King Charles 7.30 Field Of View
12 (3) 5- VISITING HOURS 254 (P) S Kirk 3-8-13 L Keniry
10 (9) 00-02 ZING UP 7 T Ward 3-8-9 H Doyle 2 05- CAST A SPELL 67 G L Moore 5-11-2 Jamie Moore 5.55 Zeno 8.00 Game Set (nap)
Evens Garden Route, 9-2 Peaceful Story, 6-1 Aurora Charm, 15-2 Paternoster
40-2 GLADYS EVA JANE 35 P Bowen 5-11-2 S Bowen 6.25 Unlimited Data 8.30 Cappananty Con 8.00 Novice Stakes
Square, 14-1 Sea Of Elegance, Brigantes Warrior, 16-1 others. 5-2 Astrophysics, 11-4 Zing Up, 9-2 Rhubarb, 10-1 Coronation Cottage, Fossos, 3
4 HAPPY FRIEND K Jewell 5-11-2 T Cannon 7.00 Mutasawi 9.00 Kenilworth King (Div II: £4,104: 7f) (11)
Wright choice: Peaceful Story improved when fourth at 12-1 Atty's Edge, 14-1 Kyber Crystal, Glory Hallelujah.
5 P3 RICCIRELLA 20 M Dods 5-11-2 C J Todd Going: standard Sky Sports Racing 1 (2) 1/ VERONA STAR 615 (D) A Watson 4-10-4 L Morris
Goodwood Dangers Paternoster Square, Garden Route 2 (10) 00 SOCIALIST AGENDA 11 L Morgan 7-9-13 T Eaves
3.45 Maiden Stakes (£4,104: 1m) (5) 6 6 BEAR RIDGE 42 (H) J Mackie 4-10-11 B Hughes Draw: 5f-7f, low numbers best
7 3 JENNER PARK 44 E Williams 4-10-11 Miss E Williams (7) 3 (6) 1 GAME SET 23 (D) Owen Burrows 3-9-11 J Crowley
6.35 Handicap (£5,832: 6f) (8) 1 (4) 623 OWNERS DREAM 35 D O'Meara 3-9-6 Jason Watson
8 UPBEAT BETTY E Williams 4-10-11 Isabel Williams (3)
5.20 Handicap (£3,080: 1m 6f) (13) 4 (11) BALMY BREESE Sarah Hollinshead 3-9-4 B Sanderson (3)
1 (3) -0202 LIVE IN THE MOMENT 16 (B,BF) Alice Haynes 6-10-4 2 (5) 03 AZAHARA PALACE 16 (BF) H Morrison 3-9-1 H Doyle 5 (5) 40 HAWAJES 54 A Carroll 3-9-4 C Lee
2-1 Gladys Eva Jane, 100-30 Cast A Spell, 9-2 Riccirella, 7-1 Upbeat Betty, 8-1 1 (12) 4510- MY BROTHER JACK J45 (W,B,CD) O Pears 4-11-2
C Howarth (5) 3 (2) 0 CERTAIN STYLE 33 Mrs L Mongan 3-9-1 W Carson Miss Chelsea Brooks (5) 6 (4) 00 KING ELVIS 19 A Carroll 3-9-4 D Costello
Bear Ridge, 10-1 Jenner Park, 16-1 Amelia Marianne, 25-1 Happy Friend.
2 (2) 00552 LEQUINTO 7 (CD) A Carroll 6-9-13 A Atzeni 4 (1) 0- CLANDESTINELY 228 A Wintle 3-8-13 F Marsh 2 (2) 06402 FIGHTING POET 20 (B) R Phillips 5-11-0 7 (8) 0-4 POETIC JACK 163 R Cowell 3-9-4 R Dawson
3 (8) 0-210 SPIRITED GUEST 44 (D) G Margarson 7-9-11 T P Queally 5 (3) LADY OF NEPAL A Carroll 3-8-13 B Curtis Mr Edward Mitchell (7)
3.30 Novices' Hurdle (£4,357: 2m) (7) 8 (3) WOODY'S ANGEL L Williamson 3-9-4
4 (5) 4-613 ANIMATE 19 (P) S & E Crisford 3-9-11 W Buick 8-11 Owners Dream, 13-8 Azahara Palace, 16-1 Lady Of Nepal, 20-1 Certain 3 (5) 06050 PERUVIAN SUMMER 21 (P) J Stimpson 7-11-0 Elisha Whittington (5)
212 ABSOLUTE RULER 18 (T,BF,D) J Candlish 4-11-4 Mr Adam O'Shea (5)
5 (4) 41246 ANTIPHON 12 (CD) M Murphy & M Keady 4-9-8 S M Levey Style, Clandestinely. 1 9 (7) 60 DUSTY RUG 16 J J Quinn 3-8-13 J Hart
Sean Quinlan 4 (7) 0-430 CHIEF CRAFTSMAN 26 (P) T Easterby 9-11-0
6 (1) 00-04 A SURE WELCOME 21 (P,CD) Henry Oliver 9-9-8 L Keniry Mrs Emily Roberts 10 (9) EXPERT BEAR (H) S C Williams 3-8-13 Dylan Hogan
2 5 IL CIMA 45 L Morgan 5-11-2 P Cowley (3)
7 (7) 051-0 AFTERLIFE 12 R Cowell 3-9-5 T Marquand 4.15 Handicap (3-Y-O: £3,245: 1m) (7) 3 4/5P- MY BOY GRIZZLE 86 C Ellam 8-11-2 C J Todd
5 (1) 6606/ HARTSIDE J664 (P,D) P Winks 14-11-0 11 (1) 5-3 SPARKLING SPIRIT 168 (BF) A Keatley 3-8-13
Billy Loughnane (3)
8 (6) 6-541 MAGICAL MERLIN 14 (CD) H & R Charlton 3-9-4 Miss Lauren Sanders (7)
1 (5) 6-005 WINNARETTA 42 (P) G Harris 9-11 K O'Neill 4 1111- THE GALAHAD KID 308 (D) F O'Brien 7-11-2 P Brennan 6-4 Game Set, 3-1 Sparkling Spirit, 7-2 Verona Star, 12-1 Hawajes, 14-1 Poetic
D Probert 6 (4) 50515 STEEL HELMET 21 (CD) H Bethell 9-10-13
2 (7) 40252 HARRY THE HAGGLER 20 (T,BF) S C Williams 9-9 5 YOUNG MERLIN F83 Miss A Murphy 7-11-2 J Quinlan Miss Hannah Dring (7) Jack, 20-1 Balmy Breese, Expert Bear, 25-1 Dusty Rug.
3-1 Live In The Moment, 7-2 Lequinto, 4-1 Magical Merlin, 5-1 Animate, 10-1 B Curtis
Antiphon, A Sure Welcome, 12-1 Spirited Guest, 14-1 Afterlife. 6 AR EL BEE F235 O Sherwood 4-10-11 B J Powell 7 (3) -0564 KING CHARLES 82 (B,CD) B J Llewellyn 6-10-13
3 (6) 006-5 HITCHED 23 (H) D M Simcock 9-9 C Shepherd Miss Jessica Llewellyn (5)
Wright choice: Magical Merlin won well at Lingfield and is 4 (2) 05065 KOHANA BREEZE 13 (B) A Watson 9-8 T Fisher (5)
7 6-3R DEFINITE 28 (T) M Harris 4-10-11 H Cobden
8 (6) 430-5 CROSSBEAU 26 I W McInnes 4-10-12 Mr J Dixon
8.30 Classified Stakes
still unexposed Dangers Live In The Moment, Antiphon 11-8 The Galahad Kid, 15-8 Absolute Ruler, 7-1 Definite, Young Merlin, 12-1 (£3,245: 7f) (12)
5 (3) 00-00 SUNDOWNER 20 (P) E J-Houghton 9-6 G Downing 9 (11) 30050 ADAAYINOURLIFE 20 (P) M Usher 4-10-11
Ar El Bee, 33-1 Il Cima, 66-1 My Boy Grizzle. Miss Megan Jordan (5)
6 (1) -5600 WOOD FARM WAG 27 Mrs N Evans 9-1 Gina Mangan (3) 1 (1) 46210 CAPPANANTY CON 32 (P,CD) M Attwater 9-9-9
7.10 Handicap (3-Y-O: £4,397: 1m 3f) (5) 7 (4) 00403 ATHENE'S KISS 13 (B) A Watson 9-0 H Doyle 10 (8) 60025 THE RESDEV WAY 4 (C,D) M Hammond 10-10-10 O Lewis (7)

1 (5) 55011 ALPINA EXPRESS 7 (D) Charlie Johnston 10-1(6ex) 11-10 Harry The Haggler, 9-2 Hitched, 5-1 Athene's Kiss, 7-1 Kohana Breeze,
4.00 Handicap Hurdle (£4,225: 2m) (5) Miss Becky Smith 2 (3) 26-06 CHRISTINES ANGEL 133 A Carroll 6-9-9 C Lee
J Fanning 1 FP6-5 ADDOSH 37 (T,CD) S Edmunds 5-11-10 Ciaran Gethings 11(13) 30-60 QUIET THUNDER 21 (E) Sarah Hollinshead 5-10-9 3 (5) 06100 DODGY BOB 21 (B,CD) M Mullineaux 10-9-9
10-1 Sundowner, 12-1 Winnaretta, 33-1 Wood Farm Wag. Mr C Hillhouse (5) Erika Parkinson (5)
2 (2) 321-3 HURTLE 35 (B) P & O Cole 9-5 M Tabti (7) 2 12-11 CLODY FLYER 29 (D) D McCain 6-11-5 B Hughes 12(10) /0604 CLOONEY 13 R Woodman 8-10-9 Miss Hannah West (7) 4 (12) 00-33 LOCKDOWN LASS 41 (BF) G Hanmer 5-9-9 J Mitchell
3 (3) 61225 LEXINGTON HERO 11 Jack Channon 9-4 G Bass (3) 4.50 Handicap (3-Y-O: £3,245: 7f) (7) 3 16-06 GERARD MENTOR 11 (T,V,D) K Bailey 7-11-3 K Lenihan (7) 13 (9) 26040 HARMONIOUS 21 (P) S Dixon 6-10-9 5 (6) 2221- MAGIC GEM 480 (B,D) D C Griffiths 5-9-9 L Edmunds
4 (4) 13644 MIRABELLO BAY 11 J S Moore 9-3 David Egan 4 3P0-U THE GREY FALCO 40 (T,D) B Pauling 8-11-3 L Williams Mr Andrea Pinna (7)
1 (7) 0-041 KIMNKATE 4 (B) R Hughes 10-1(6ex) C Planas (5) 6 (11) 33313 MARTINEO 32 (B,T,CD) J Butler 8-9-9 C Beasley
5 (1) 6-026 GREASED LIGHTNING 39 (P) E J-Houghton 9-2 5 16-61 NO RECOLLECTION 11 (T,D) S England 5-11-2 J England 7-2 Fighting Poet, 4-1 Chief Craftsman, 6-1 Steel Helmet, 15-2 King Charles,
Georgia Dobie (3) 2 (2) 056 MOULIN BOOJ 16 G Scott 9-11 B Curtis 7 (7) -0006 POET 32 S Dixon 4-9-9 Elisha Whittington (5)
7-4 Clody Flyer, 9-4 No Recollection, 7-2 The Grey Falco, 8-1 Gerard Mentor, The Resdev Way, 8-1 My Brother Jack, 10-1 Crossbeau, 12-1 Peruvian Summer.
4-5 Alpina Express, 7-2 Hurtle, 6-1 Greased Lightning, 10-1 Mirabello Bay, 3 (3) 45035 UBETTABEQUICK 27 (P) N Tinkler 9-11 R Scott 8 (9) 56250 SIRIUS WHITE 16 (P,D) H Spiller 4-9-9 R Dawson
Addosh. 9 (2) 2-503 SPARTAKOS 21 (P,D) K Scott 5-9-9 J Hart
Lexington Hero. 4 (1) -5202 CORAL REEF 9 (P) A Watson 9-10 H Doyle
Wright choice: Alpina Express was an impressive winner 5 (4) 22565 AIHAWAWI 13 D O'Meara 9-9 Jason Watson
5.55 Handicap (3-Y-O: £3,245: 6f) (8) 10(10) 06654 TEA GARDEN 47 (D) Alex French 5-9-9 L Morris
at Carlisle and looks difficult to oppose Danger Hurtle 6 (5) -0535 ESTEHWADH 6 (P,D) Mrs L Mongan 9-6 W Carson 1 (2) 34230 ALL DUNN 23 (D) J Osborne 9-11 N Currie 11 (8) 31000 TWISTALINE 25 (V,C) M Appleby 4-9-9 A Rawlinson
7 (6) 006-0 MAYZ 31 J Gallagher 8-13 T Whelan Course specialists 2 (6) 554 ZENO 32 (P) R Cowell 9-9 L Morris 12 (4) -6015 INTOXICATA 2 (BF,D) E Dunlop 3-9-0 Doubtful
7.40 Handicap 5-2 Kimnkate, 7-2 Coral Reef, 5-1 Ubettabequick, 11-2 Moulin Booj, 6-1 Chepstow: Trainers D O'Meara, 7 winners from 3 (1) 4-300 GLORY CALL 20 O Pears 9-9 H Russell (3) 9-4 Martineo, 3-1 Lockdown Lass, 4-1 Magic Gem, 13-2 Spartakos, 8-1
Aihawawi, 8-1 Estehwadh, 14-1 Mayz. 15 runners, 46.7%; R Varian, 4 from 16, 25%; 4 (8) 0-540 NOBLE CAPTAIN 42 (T) K Scott 9-7 J Hart Cappananty Con, 12-1 Tea Garden, 25-1 Christines Angel, Dodgy Bob, Sirius White.
(3-Y-O: £4,397: 1m 2f) (6)
N Hawke, 3 from 15, 20%. Jockeys S Cherchi, 5 (3) 31366 ALAINN TU 20 (CD) J S Moore 9-6 Billy Loughnane (3)
1 (6) 635 MYTHICAL GUEST 25 G Margarson 9-8 T P Queally
2 (4) 5-43 MONTEVIDEO 12 Charlie Johnston 9-8 J Fanning 5.25 Handicap (£3,245: 6f) (12) 3 winners from 10 rides, 30%; A Keeley, 3 from 6 (5) 0-020 STRUCK GOLD 25 (P) J Butler 9-3 C Beasley 9.00 Handicap (£3,245: 1m 1f) (11)
17, 17.6%; Josh Bryan, 6 from 35, 17.1%. 7 (7) -6255 ZEBADAAY 5 (B) D O'Meara 9-0 B Robinson
3 (3) 030 TRIBUTE 38 S & E Crisford 9-8 W Buick 1 (6) 41251 CONNIE'S ROSE 10 (CD) G Harris 4-10-3 K O'Neill 1 (2) 000-0 NIKKI'S GIRL 18 E Dunlop 4-9-11 D Muscutt
Southwell: Trainers J Landy, 4 from 13, 30.8%; 8 (4) 06440 NORTHERN CHANCER 5 (P) P Kirby 9-0 C Hardie
4 (2) 13-00 MINDSET 23 M Bell 9-6 T Marquand 2 (12) 6/0-3 HOLLOW STEEL 10 (D) Debbie Hughes 4-10-1 W Carson 2 (8) 1-135 SNOOZE LANE 54 (BF,CD) Sarah Hollinshead 4-9-10
J Mackie, 4 from 16, 25%; F O'Brien, 27 from 117, 7-2 Zeno, 9-2 Struck Gold, 5-1 All Dunn, Alainn Tu, 6-1 Glory Call, Zebadaay, J Mitchell
5 (1) 0-04 MORCAR 24 R Hannon 9-4 P Dobbs 3 (9) 203-0 EL HIBRI 58 A Carroll 4-9-13 B Curtis 23.1%. Jockeys P Brennan, 20 from 74, 27%; A P 10-1 Noble Captain, 16-1 Northern Chancer. 3 (4) -0060 KAARANAH 13 J Butler 5-9-10 J Fisher (5)
6 (5) 12-25 EMPEROR ZEN 128 (BF) J Butler 9-4 N Callan 4 (4) 4-001 BONKERSINABUNDANCE 17 (D) R Varian 3-9-9 Heskin, 8 from 31, 25.8%; H Cobden, 8 from 32, 25%.
A Keeley (5) 4 (10) 4-640 EQUION 12 A Carroll 5-9-9 C Lee
9-4 Montevideo, 7-2 Tribute, 4-1 Morcar, 11-2 Emperor Zen, 7-1 Mindset,
Mythical Guest. 5 (1) 300-5 BERKSHIRE CRUZ 21 (P,T) G Harris 3-9-9 H Doyle Windsor: Trainers W Haggas, 26 from 85, 30.6%; 6.25 Handicap (3-Y-O: £3,873: 5f) (6) 5 (1) 00521 HOOFLEPUFF 79 (V,CD) H Bethell 7-9-9 J Hart
6 (10) 50151 SAVALAS 16 (P,CD) A Wintle 8-9-9 F Marsh S & E Crisford, 15 from 50, 30%; R Varian, 15 from
Wright choice: Morcar was a fair fourth to Embesto at 1 (1) 00313 SOUTH DAKOTA SIOUX 9 (C,D) D O'Meara 9-9 B Robinson 6 (6) 60000 BOND BOY 13 (CD) M Appleby 4-9-8 A Rawlinson
60, 25%. Jockeys A Farragher, 3 from 9, 33.3%;
Doncaster; should relish this trip Danger Montevideo 7 (2) -1120 LOCAL BAY 118 A Carroll 5-9-9 Jason Watson 2 (6) 22223 SUGAR HILL BABE 118 (BF) L Williamson 9-9 C Hardie 7 (5) 3-450 PYSANKA 27 (P) M Loughnane 4-9-6 Billy Loughnane (3)
B De La Sayette, 10 from 31, 32.3%; W Buick,
8 (3) -5426 DE VEGAS KID 13 (D) A Carroll 9-9-7 Mollie Phillips (3) 25 from 90, 27.8%. 3 (3) 31-12 UNLIMITED DATA 14 (CD) W Muir & C Grassick 9-7 8 (3) 0-332 BARNEY'S ANGEL 13 (H) I Williams 4-9-6
9 (11) 01203 PORT NOIR 4 (T,C,D) R Stephens 6-9-5 T Fisher (5) L Edmunds B Sanderson (3)
Wolverhampton: Trainers J Ferguson, 16 from 9 (9) 04062 KENILWORTH KING 7 (CD) E J-Houghton 4-9-2 C Bishop
10 (7) 1-004 HAGIA SOPHIA 16 (V,CD) C Mason 5-9-5 W Cox 4 (5) 53436 CINQUE VERDE 3 (B,T,BF) K R Burke 9-5 C Lee
Blinkered first time: Chepstow 2.10 Two Plus 54, 29.6%; R Varian, 40 from 141, 28.4%;
11 (8) 0-604 STAMFORD BLUE 8 R Hannon 3-8-12 Tyrese Cameron (7) 5 (4) 14352 CUBAN GREY 7 (P,T,CD) R Cowell 9-4 D Muscutt 10 (7) 22562 GALILEO GLASS 14 (V) P Evans 4-9-1 T Eaves
Two. Southwell 5.00 Supreme Yeats. Windsor O Burrows, 8 from 37, 21.6%. Jockeys J Crowley,
12 (5) 6-044 SILVER DIVA 24 (B,T) J Gallagher 5-8-11 T Whelan 20 from 54, 37%; Miss B Smith, 4 from 14, 28.6%; 6 (2) 04034 PINK STRIPES 32 L Williamson 8-4 Elisha Whittington (5) 11(11) 02064 LOS CAMACHOS 45 (B,CD) J Gallagher 8-9-1 L Morris
8.10 Missing You. Wolverhampton 5.55 9-2 Bonkersinabundance, 5-1 Connie's Rose, 11-2 Savalas, 13-2 Local Bay, 8-1 B Loughnane, 21 from 94, 22.3%. 11-4 Unlimited Data, 100-30 Sugar Hill Babe, South Dakota Sioux, 9-2 Cuban 5-2 Hooflepuff, 9-2 Kenilworth King, 5-1 Barney's Angel, Snooze Lane, 8-1 Los
Zebadaay. 6.25 Cinque Verde. Hagia Sophia, 10-1 Port Noir, Stamford Blue, 12-1 Berkshire Cruz. Grey, Cinque Verde, 20-1 Pink Stripes. Camachos, 14-1 Pysanka, Nikki's Girl, Galileo Glass.

Yesterday’s racing results

(8-1). 5 ran. NR: Ascot Day, Remedium. Ol, 3l. 3.20 (2m 4f 28yd hdle) 1, Fenna’s Loss (Jamie (R Kingscote, 16-5); 2, Cold Henry (7-2); 3, Land
Ffos Las J R Fanshawe. Hexham Hamilton, 5-4 fav); 2, Cousu Main (4-1); Pontefract Of Winter (9-1). 7 ran. 1Kl, 5l. Ian Williams.
Going: good (good to firm in places) 4.05 (7f 80yd) 1, Merlin The Wizard (Hollie 3, Faron (9-1). 5 ran. NR: Lord Caprio, Going: good (good to firm in places) 5.45 (1m 4f 5yd) 1, Derry Lad (S A Gray, 14-1);
Going: good Watergrange Jack. 1Nl, 11l. M Walford.
2.00 (5f) 1, Rosario (George Rooke, 11-1); Doyle, 5-6 fav); 2, Woodstock (7-1); 3.45 (6f) 1, Mauna Loa (O J Orr, 7-2); 2, Whoop 2, Wootton’sun (8-1); 3, Bollin Margaret (14-1).
1.45 (2m 48yd hdle) 1, Snowed In (C Rabbitt, 3.53 (1m 7f 133yd ch) 1, Guinness Affair 10 ran. NR: Two Brothers. Kl, 1l. K Coleman.
2@, Heed The Call (2-1 fav); 2@, Kitty Bennet 3, Baileysgutfeeling (20-1). 5 ran. 2l, Kl. Whoop (10-11 fav); 3, Sacred Angel (5-1). 7 ran.
14-1); 2, Edmond Dantes (25-1); 3, A Shining (G Sheehan, 9-4); 2, Kicksaftersix (8-13 fav);
(5-1). 8 ran. 1Nl, dht. R A Teal. H & R Charlton. NR: Mummy Peas. Kl, 1Ol. R A Fahey. 6.15 (1m 6yd) 1, Silver Sword (Greg Cheyne,
Moon (16-1). 10 ran. Hd, hd. Lizzie Quinlan. 3, Royle Steel (6-1). 14l, 21l. Jamie Snowden.
2.30 (5f) 1, Notre Maison (Rob Hornby, 4.35 (7f 80yd) 1, Sympathise (Rhiain Ingram, 2.15 (2m 7f 63yd hdle) 1, Classic Lady (Jamie 4.15 (1m 2f 5yd) 1, Forceful Speed (W Buick, 13-8 fav); 2, Star Player (16-1); 3, Impulsive
4.23 (2m 4f 15yd ch) 1, Dr Shirocco (Henry Reaction (28-1). 11 ran. NR: Three
11-8 fav); 2, Kodi Dancer (4-1); 3, Mr Pc (7-1). 13-8 fav); 2, The Cola Kid (12-1); 3, Tranquillity Hamilton, 5-2 jt-fav); 2, Buto (5-2 jt-fav); Brooke, 5-1); 2, Croagh Patrick (2-1 jt-fav); 8-1); 2, Paddy The Squire (100-30 fav); 3,
7 ran. NR: Griggy. Hd, Ol. W S Kittow. (5-1). 11 ran. Sh hd, 1Nl. V R A Dartnall. 3, Pipers Cross (100-30). 8 ran. 11l, 16l. Highwaygrey (11-2). 10 ran. NR: Shimmering Yorkshiremen. 3Nl, 1l. Dylan Cunha.
3, Grange Ranger (15-2). 6 ran. NR: Follow
3.05 (6f) 1, Hydration (K Shoemark, 16-5); 5.05 (1m 6f) 1, Lusaka (Taylor Fisher, 4-7 fav); M Walford. Your Arrow. 3Kl, 9l. Miss S E Forster. Sands. Sh hd, sh hd. G Boughey. 6.45 (6f) 1, Shalaa Asker (Benoit D L Sayette,
2, Amazonian Dream (4-1); 3, Major Gatsby 2, Beggarman (7-1); 3, Red Royalist (6-1). 5 ran. 2.45 (2m 4f 28yd hdle) 1, 4.53 (2m 48yd Flat) 1, Tineggiori (Jamie 4.45 (1m 4f 5yd) 1, Voodoo Queen (D Egan, 20-1); 2, Rathbone (12-1); 3, Music Society
(10-1). 8 ran. Kl, 2l. H & R Charlton. NR: Kitten’s Dream. 2Kl, 1Kl. J L Flint. Champagnesocialist (S Bowen, 8-11 fav); 2, Hamilton, 9-4 fav); 2, Take It Upstairs (6-1); 3, 9-2); 2, One Evening (17-2); 3, Ching Shih (10-1). (12-1). 13 ran. NR: Just Frank, Orbital Chime,
3.35 (1m 3f 209yd) 1, Denis Anthony (Rowan Placepot: £17.60. Imperial Data (11-4); 3, Kopa Kilana (9-1). 10 Rory’s Story (10-1). 10 ran. Hd, 3Nl. M Walford. 10 ran. NR: Luisa Casati. 1Ol, 1Nl. R Varian. Save The World. Ol, 1l. A Keatley.
Scott, 5-6 fav); 2, Solution (4-1); 3, Mujid Quadpot: £6.50. ran. NR: Alcantango. 1Nl, 4Nl. J C McConnell. Placepot: £398.50. Quadpot: £9.60. 5.15 (2m 2f 2yd) 1, Blow Your Horn Placepot: £135.10. Quadpot: £52.90.
the times | Monday June 26 2023 53

Football Sport

‘I’m at a point
where I’d love
to talk to Dad’ After Sunderland, Clemence coached
under Bruce at Hull City, Villa, Sheffield
Wednesday, Newcastle and West Brom-
wich Albion. “I’ve worked with great
professionals who’ve been great foot-
Stephen Clemence tells moment but he’d want me to keep striv-
ing forward, keep being ambitious. He’d
ball players, like John Terry at Villa,
James Chester [at Hull and Villa],
Henry Winter he could want me to have a go at managing.”
In preparing for management, Clem-
Robert Snodgrass [Hull and Villa], but
Jack [Grealish] and Allan [Saint-
do with his late father ence draws on playing under a range of Maximin] are the best two things I’ve
Ray’s advice as he seeks managers, beginning with Gerry Fran-
cis when he broke through at Spurs
ever seen on a training pitch.
“To work with someone like Jack is
a role in management aged 19 in 1997. “Gerry had a big
demand on you being fit,” he says. “The
phenomenal. Great lad, he’ll listen, he
doesn’t think he knows it all. Allan can
‘Tuesday terror’ session. Box-to-box do things at speed with a football which
Stephen Clemence admits that he is at runs, harder than a bleep test, 15 sec- you don’t think is even possible. He is a
a “crossroads” in his life. He is talking to onds flat out, and again. Gerry was nice lad as well, quite laid-back.
clubs, explaining the attacking style he more than running; he had his team Sometimes he used to annoy some of
wants to instil into their teams, looking very well organised. the lads as he turned up a little bit
to take into management all the experi- “George Graham was class. I abso- late. He wasn’t out drinking at night.
ence he gathered over 26 years as lutely loved him. How he spoke to me He’d be late because he’d be taking his
player and coach. gave me a career in the Premier League. kids to school.”
Clemence enjoyed a successful I was fairly decent on the ball, stroked it Newcastle were pretty defensive
career as a neat midfield player, racking around OK but was probably a bit soft under Bruce, weren’t they? “We
up 208 games in the Premier League for at that time, didn’t get involved in the counterattacked quite well,” Clemence
Tottenham Hotspur, Birmingham City physical side of the game enough.” So says. “We defended quite deep. It was
and Leicester City. He’s also well Graham sent Clemence to train with quite hard to watch for us at times but
respected in the game for his coaching, the reserves. “I’m thinking my time we felt that was the best way to get
helping develop talents such as Jack at Spurs is up,” Clemence says, then a result.”
Grealish at Aston Villa and Allan Saint- relates the following exchange: He was frustrated by the way Bruce
Maximin at Newcastle United. “Tell me why you think you’re not and his staff were perceived and treat-
Now 45, Clemence is ready to take full being involved?” Graham said. ed. “We knew when we went in we
responsibility. He just wishes his father, “I don’t think I’m your cup of tea.” weren’t popular appointments.” Bruce’s
Ray, the late, great Liverpool, Totten- Clemence replied. Sunderland connections didn’t help.
ham and England goalkeeper who died “No. I think you’re a really good foot- “The mood in the local Newcastle
from prostate cancer in 2020 aged 72, ball player. Who are your heroes?” paper the first day was: ‘Surely not?’
was still around to give him advice. “John Barnes and Paul Gascoigne, Clemence and Callum Wilson see the funnier side of life during Newcastle’s visit The remit from the owner [Mike Ash-
“It used to really annoy me when I absolutely loved them.” to Everton in January 2021. Above right, with father Ray, who died in 2020 ley] was to stay in the Premier League,
got established in the Premier League, “World-class players. But are you and the budget reflected that. I’m really
played over 100 games, and there would watching [Arsenal’s Patrick] Vieira and Steve [Bruce] sold Birmingham to me, and achilles problems inhibited him. proud that we finished 13th and 12th.”
still be the question from reporters or a [Emmanuel] Petit? Watch them closely, told me I was going to be a regular, and “It’s a struggle. When you sit in the Bruce departed in October 2021 and
magazine, ‘What’s it like to be Ray and see how they get up to people, tack- it was the happiest time in my career,” treatment room and you can look out at Clemence left a month later. He has no
Clemence’s son?’” he reflects, at his le people and upset people and do the he says. “The group of players were fan- the training they’re doing — a bit of complaints with the new owners. Eddie
home in Cheshire. “Obviously, I’d nasty bit of the game that you have to tastic, the best spirit I’ve ever experi- crossing and finishing, having a laugh, Howe came in, and soon redeployed
answer the question and say it was do in midfield to get control of a game. enced: Geoff Horsfield, Matthew an eight-a-side — and you’re stuck with Joelinton deeper, a hugely successful
great. If I was asked it again now, I’d say If you do that, you’ll play for me.” Upson, Kenny Cunningham, Stan the physio. It’s horrible,” he says. move. “For Eddie to see that is amazing,”
I was the luckiest boy in the world but I Clemence says: “That chat changed Lazaridis, Damien Johnson and Robbie “I hear Gary Neville or Jamie Car- Clemence says. “Eddie showed a real
didn’t really realise it at the time. me. It gave me that toughness for the Savage. Christophe Dugarry signed in ragher saying, ‘No I’d had enough, I was touch of class. He phoned me a few days
“I’m at a crossroads in my life now, rest of my career.” the same window: a normal bloke just ready to retire.’ But when it gets taken later, said, ‘I just hope you understand I
and I’d love to speak to him. He was my He also took to Graham’s successor unbelievable ability. away from you it’s very, very hard to wanted my own people around me.’ ”
go-to on most things. He gave me so in 2001, Glenn Hoddle. “He’s the best “We went down to the local pub, deal with. I’m proud of the career I had Clemence adds: “I’ve been on a great
much great advice growing up, just on I’ve ever seen with tactics, great train- about eight of us and Christophe decid- but it could have been more.” coaching journey with Steve. I’ve
how to behave, how to live your life, ing sessions, really enjoyable,” he says. ed to come. Lovely evening, then the He announced his retirement on played under some of the best manag-
how to prepare for games. “I know he’s had criticism for that bill comes; couple of hundred quid. So Easter Monday, 2010, and went into ers, Glenn Hoddle, George Graham,
“His was the opinion that I valued the [man-management]. Never a problem we go to split the bill. Christophe says, coaching under Bruce at Sunderland. and I’d like to feel I’ve taken bits from
most. When I was in the Premier for me. He always was fair with me. ‘No. World Cup winner! I get the bill!’ “I’m very grateful because it’s kept me everybody. But I am my own man. I’ve
League, walking off the pitch, I’d look “To play for Tottenham you probably He did it with a cheeky smile. The lads involved. I look at myself now, 45 years got my own ideas on how the game
up at the stands. If he was looking at me need to be better than me. There’s some loved him. His big mate was Zinédine old, I’ve been doing it for 13 years and should be played. I’ve had opportuni-
and gave me a nod I knew I’d done OK. world-class midfield players that Zidane, and Robbie Savage is a big I’ve coached over 400 games in the ties to go into management before. I’ve
If he was looking away I knew I’d had a played for Spurs. I know I wasn’t that. collector of shirts and Christophe got Premier League and the Champion- been loyal to Steve because he was so
poor game. But I supported Spurs as a boy and I’m Zidane’s shirt for him.” ship,” he adds. “One thing that gave good to me when I came out of football.
“To me he was my dad, not Ray Clem- really proud to have played for them.” Bruce sold Clemence to Leicester me a career as a player was my work I need the drug of football. I’m missing
ence, this footballing icon. I think he’d Hoddle moved him on in January City because he needed the money to ethic and I’ve tried to carry that on into it. I’m ready for management. If I don’t
be proud of what I’ve achieved to this 2003. “Leeds were on the radar. But strengthen the squad. Calf, thigh, heel my coaching.” do it I’ll have regrets later in life.”

Colwill stars in front of Southgate as England stroll through

European Championship, the England defensive half, daring the Israeli walking pace. England took the lead Gibbs-White before sinking his shot
England senior manager — watching from the forwards to break rank and press him. A after an excellent opening 15 minutes; into the bottom corner from just out-
Gordon 15, Smith Rowe 68
stands — may have seen a handful of few minutes later he punched a pass Gibbs-White crossed from the left into side the area.

players who are ready for to the make into Morgan Gibbs-White, taking six Anthony Gordon, who nodded down England play Germany in their final
Israel the step up for Euro 2024, principal Israeli players out of the game. In only and beyond the reach of Daniel Peretz, group C match on Wednesday and will
among them Curtis Jones, Angel two moments he displayed precisely the Israel goalkeeper. play the runners-up of Group A —
Gomes and Levi Colwill. the qualities required of a ball-playing With England in the lead and Israel Georgia are top ahead of Belgium,
European U21 Championship “There’s no better time to be a young centre back, especially against a defen- dropping deeper, the game slowed Netherlands and Portugal.
Hamzah Khalique-Loonat
England player,” Gomes said. “ Gareth sive side, where patience and mixing further, as England continued to strug-
has already selected Marc Guehi. A lot the tempo is key. gle to find ways through.
A few months ago Gareth Southgate of young players are getting opportuni- Israel struggled to impress them- Carsley on his haunches near the England (4-2-3-1): J Trafford (Manchester City) —
J Garner (Everton), T Harwood-Bellis
voiced his concerns that the declining ties.” selves on the match, with only 34 per dugout, offered only brief bits of advice, (Manchester City), L Colwill (Chelsea), B Johnson
proportion of English players starting Despite the strength of the showing, cent of possession. leaving his players to solve the problem, (West Ham) — C Jones (Liverpool), A Gomes
in the Premier League posed a risk to Lee Carsley, the head coach, was not But it was not only the obdurate but at half-time he made changes. (Lille; O Skipp Tottenham Hotspur 70) —
the quality of the senior side. getting carried away. “It was a good per- opposition who were stopping England In the second half England entered N Madueke (Chelsea; C Palmer Manchester City
61), M Gibbs-White (Nottingham Forest;
But as England Under-21 beat Israel formance but there’s a lot more to come from reprising the frenetic start of their the penalty area with greater frequency R Ramsey Aston Villa 79), E Smith Rowe (Arsenal;
with a comfortable and composed from this team,” he said. opening game against Czech Republic. and found a second goal to put the re- H Elliott Liverpool 70) — A Gordon (Newcastle;
performance in Kutaisi to secure quali- Barely a minute into the match, The first-half of the match, played in sult beyond doubt after 68 minutes: C Archer Aston Villa 61). Booked Johnson, Jones.
fication to the knockout stage of the Colwill had his foot on the ball in his sticky 27C heat passed along mostly at Emile Smith Rowe combined well with Referee R Obrenovic.
554 Monday June 26 2023 | the times

Sport Tennis


Wimbledon seeds
Stuart Fraser Queen’s curse
British players in blue
In the past ten seasons only one
Queen’s champion, Andy
Wimbledon Men
Tennis Murray, has gone on to win Day one, 1 Carlos Alcaraz (Sp)
Correspondent Wimbledon the month after play starts from 11am 2 Novak Djokovic (Serbia)
Q Queen’s winner Monday, July 3 3 Daniil Medvedev (Russ)
Carlos Alcaraz (Sp, 1) 6 6 W Wimbledon result Coverage on BBC1,
4 Casper Ruud (Nor)
5 Stefanos Tsitsipas (Gr)
Alex de Minaur (Aus, 7) 4 4 2014 Q G Dimitrov (Bul) BBC2 and BBC
iPlayer 6 Holger Rune (Den)
W Semi-final
7 Andrey Rublev (Russ)
On the same weekend that Carlos Alca- 2015 Q A Murray (GB) 8 Jannik Sinner (It)
raz won his first grass-court title at the W Semi-final 9 Taylor Fritz (US)
Queen’s Club, Novak Djokovic com- 2016 Q A Murray 10 Frances Tiafoe (US)
menced his preparations for Wimble- W Champion 11 Félix Auger-Aliassime (Can)
don with a leisurely practice at the All 12 Cameron Norrie (GB)
England Club. There is a decent chance 2017 Q F López (Sp)
W First round 13 Borna Coric (Cro)
that they will be standing across the net
14 Lorenzo Musetti (It)
from each other on Centre Court for a 2018 Q M Cilic (Cro)
final on July 16. 15 Alex de Minaur (Aus)
W Second round
At the start of last week, it was hard to 16 Tommy Paul (US)
2019 Q F López 17 Hubert Hurkacz (Pol)
name a second favourite for Wimble-
don with confidence. Djokovic, with a W Second round 18 Francisco Cerúndolo (Arg)
record 23 grand-slam men’s singles 2020: No grass tournaments 19 Alexander Zverev (Ger)
titles under his belt, is the overwhelm- due to Covid 20 Jan-Lennard Struff (Ger)
ing leading contender, but no one else 2021 Q M Berrettini (It) 21 Roberto Bautista Agut (Sp)
stood out above the rest. W Runner-up 22 Grigor Dimitrov (Bul)
Events at the Cinch Championships 2022 Q M Berrettini 23 Sebastian Korda (US)
over the past six days have changed the 24 Alexander Bublik (Kaz)
state of play. Having initially looked W Withdrew due to
Covid 25 Yoshihito Nishioka (Japan)
unsure of the slick lawn courts of West
2023 Q C Alcaraz (Sp) 26 Nicolas Jarry (Chile)
Kensington in the opening set of his
first-round match, Alcaraz suddenly W Starts July 3 27 Denis Shapovalov (Can)
built up a head of steam by winning his 28 Dan Evans (GB)
next ten sets for the trophy. At the age 29 Tallon Griekspoor (Neth)
of 20 he is the youngest Queen’s Club 30 Tomás Martín Etcheverry (Arg)
champion since a 19-year-old Lleyton 31 Nick Kyrgios (Aus)
Hewitt in 2000. 32 Alejandro Davidovich Fokina (Sp)
As a result, Alcaraz returns to world Women
No 1 and overtakes Djokovic to become
the top seed at Wimbledon. This makes 1 Iga Swiatek (Pol)
no difference in terms of draw privileg- 2 Aryna Sabalenka (Bela)
es compared with the No 2 position — 3 Elena Rybakina (Kaz)
Djokovic is, of course, still the man to 4 Jessica Pegula (US)
beat, whatever the number beside his 5 Caroline Garcia (Fr)
name — but psychologically it will 6 Ons Jabeur (Tun)
help to make Alcaraz walk a little 7 Coco Gauff (US)
taller when he emerges from the 8 Maria Sakkari (Gr)
locker room to play his first match 9 Petra Kvitova (Cz)
at the championships next week. For a player still so young, Alca- said it was “nothing serious” — he re- 10 Barbora Krejcikova (Cz)
“I have a lot of confidence right r already has so many tools at
raz mained on top in the second set, clock- 11 Daria Kasatkina (Russ)
now coming into Wimbledon,” Al- h disposal across all surfaces.
his ing a 106mph forehand winner en route 12 Veronika Kudermetova (Russ)
caraz said. “I ended the week play- H victory at Queen’s makes him
His to a memorable triumph.
ing at the high level, so right now I t fifth-youngest player to win
the “I see myself with a lot of weapons on 13 Beatriz Haddad Maia (Br)
feel one of the favourites to win. But a ATP title on grass, hard and
an grass,” Alcaraz said. “I try to hit big 14 Belinda Bencic (Switz)
honestly I have to get more experi- c courts, ranking behind Bjorn
clay shots all the time. I think I improved my 15 Ludmilla Samsonova (Russ)
ence on grass. Even though I won B
Borg (17 years old), Mats Wilan- serve really well. With the forehand I 16 Karolina Muchova (Cz)
the title here, I just played 11 match- d (19), Hewitt (19) and Jimmy
der try to dominate all the time.” 17 Jelena Ostapenko (Lat)
es in my career on grass, so I have to C
Connors (19). In total he has won An outsider to watch out for at Wim- 18 Karolina Pliskova (Cz)
get more hours.” 1 trophies, most notably last
11 bledon is Alexander Bublik, who also 19 Victoria Azarenka (Bela)
The prospect of a first Wimble- y
year’s US Open. won his first grass-court title yesterday, 20 Donna Vekic (Cro)
don showdown between Alcaraz Hard and clay remain Alcaraz’s at the Halle Open in Germany. The 26- 21 Ekaterina Alexandrova (Russ)
and Djokovic now looks more like- b two surfaces, but he showed
best year-old from Kazakhstan defeated 22 Anastasia Potapova (Russ)
ly, though there is a long way to go Alcaraz, who said the treatment he once aagain during his 6-4, 6-4 victory Andrey Rublev 6-3, 3-6, 6-3 to secure a 23 Magda Linette (Pol)
through the draw — six matches for received on his thigh was “nothing against Alex de Minaur, the world seeding of No 24 next week.
24 Zheng Qinwen (China)
each — before this comes to fruition. serious”, inset, showed that he is No 18 from Australia, yesterday that he Petra Kvitova, the two-times Wim-
Unlike the French Open, where they dangerous on grass, which to this is also well capable on grass. While he bledon champion from the Czech Re- 25 Madison Keys (US)
played in the semi-finals after Djokovic point has been his weakest surface can out-hit most opponents from the public, provided a reminder of her 26 Anhelina Kalinina (Ukr)
dropped to a seeding of No 3 before the baseline, he likes to come forward to the prowess on grass by beating Croatia’s 27 Bernarda Pera (US)
tournament, a meeting in SW19 can “Novak is the main favourite to win net at any opportunity on faster courts. Donna Vekic 6-2, 7-6 (8-6) at the Ger- 28 Elise Mertens (Bel)
come no earlier than the final. Wimbledon, that’s obvious. But I will The key game against De Minaur man Open for her 31st WTA Tour title. 29 Irina-Camelia Begu (Rom)
“I saw a statistic that Novak has won try to play at this level to have chances, came when Alcaraz saved two break Latvia’s Jelena Ostapenko saw off the 30 Petra Martic (Cro)
more matches in Wimbledon than the to beat him or make the final at Wim- points at 4-3 down in the first set. De- Czech Republic’s Barbora Krejcikova 31 Mayar Sherif (Egypt)
other top 20 players [86-85],” Alcaraz bledon. I have to play my best. I will spite requiring a massage on his right 7-6 (10-8), 6-4 in the final of the 32 Marie Bouzkova (Cz)
said. “What can I say about that? have chances, that’s for sure.” thigh after sealing the set — he later Birmingham Classic.

I would definitely play in Saudi tournaments, says world No 1

Stuart Fraser months that the Next Gen Finals, an “I think they have the power to have a matter of time before we see tennis time. Last year the WTA confirmed
ATP season-ending event for players a lot of tournaments,” Alcaraz, the tournaments played there.” that inquiries had been received from
Carlos Alcaraz has insisted that he aged 21 and under, will move to Jeddah world No 1 from Spain, said after his win In an indication that Gaudenzi wants the PIF about the possibility of hosting
would have no issue participating in a from Milan as part of a new five-year at Queen’s Club yesterday. “I have to avoid the conflict that divided golf for an official women’s tour event.
tennis tournament in Saudi Arabia deal. An announcement is imminent. never played a tournament over there, the past year, he stressed that investors While the ATP is said to be in a far
after the chairman of the ATP publicly Gaudenzi’s admission indicates that but have no doubts that I will play over must “stick to respecting the history of better financial position than the WTA,
acknowledged for the first time that the door is open for more tournaments there in the future.” the sport, working with the current Gaudenzi is clearly eager to avoid the
talks have been held with the kingdom’s to be held in Saudi Arabia. Seven-figure This is directly at odds with the view stakeholder rather than against”. threat of a breakaway tour emerging
sovereign wealth fund. appearance fees could be offered to top of Andy Murray, who has long main- “You have to preserve something and he welcomed the recent peace
Andrea Gaudenzi said that “positive” players for a new ATP Tour event, while tained that he would not accept any which is almost sacred, the rules of the agreement between the PIF and the
discussions had taken place with it is inevitable that the PIF will display sizeable financial offers to compete in game,” Gaudenzi told the Financial PGA and DP World Tours in golf.
several potential investors, including interest in the next tender process for Saudi Arabia. Times. “This is not a video game.” “You want to see the top players play-
the Public Investment Fund (PIF). the ATP Finals — which are at present “I wouldn’t play, no,” Murray said this Saudi figures have had their eyes on ing each other,” he said. “You want one
It has been expected for several held in Turin — from 2026. month. “I would imagine it will only be making a move into tennis for some ranking and one simple story.”
the times | Monday June 26 2023 2GM 55

The Ashes Sport

England face tough task Scoreboard

AUSTRALIA First Innings

A Sutherland 137 not out, E A Perry 99,
Smith: Jofra
blow made
after losing late wickets GARETH COPLEY/GETTY IMAGES
T M McGrath 61; S Ecclestone 5 for 129
ENGLAND First Innings
T T Beaumont 208, N R Sciver-Brunt 78,
H C Knight 57; A Gardner 4 for 99
463 me groggy
continued from back
England v Australia AUSTRALIA Second Innings R
pace will be needed. Chris Woakes is
Overnight 82-0 under serious consideration given he
Trent Bridge (day four of five): B L Mooney b Ecclestone 85 averages 11.3 with the ball and 61.2 with
England, with five wickets remaining, Late cut, chopped on to stumps the bat at Lord’s.
need 152 runs to win P Litchfield b Cross 46 Australia, who trained at the ground
Perfect length, ball jagged back yesterday, were given a brief injury
Women’s Ashes Test E A Perry b Filer 25 scare when Marnus Labuschagne was
Elizabeth Ammon Short ball, inside edge on to stumps hit on the hand and required treatment,
The finale of this enthralling women’s T M McGrath b Filer 1 although he later carried on in the nets.
Full length, hit front pad and stumps
Test looks set to echo the excitement of Labuschagne was joined by Steve
the men’s match at Edgbaston after a J L Jonassen b Ecclestone 14 Smith, who will play a match at Lord’s
Fired in, scudded low under the bat
second five-wicket haul by Sophie for the first time since being hit on the
A Sutherland c Wyatt b Ecclestone 15
Ecclestone kept England’s hopes alive Toe-ended a pull to square leg head by a Jofra Archer bouncer during
before Australia regained control late A Gardner Knight b Cross 1
the 2019 Ashes. Smith, 34, who made
in the day. Full, swinging, jabbed to second slip only 22 runs in the first Test, has
The equation is simple. The home *@A J Healy c Lamb b Ecclestone 50 described that hostile spell. “It was a
side need another 152 runs and Austra- Low full toss, chipped to mid-wicket very difficult period to get through,”
lia need five wickets to take the four A King c Knight b Bell 9 Smith told the Legend of the Ashes pod-
points on offer for a Test win in this Extra bounce, thick edge to slip cast. “I caught one on the arm, got away
multiformat series. Australia are the fa- K J Garth not out 0 with a few pull shots that were top-
vourites. They have an array of bowling D Brown lbw b Ecclestone 0 edged. And then I copped one in the
options, with the pitch now providing Beat inside edge, pinned on back leg back of the head, which hurt a fair bit.
assistance, but England bat deep and Extras (lb 4, w 7) 11 At that stage, I didn’t realise I was get-
victory is not out of the question. TOTAL (78.5 overs) 257
ting concussed. I went off and passed all
Australia began yesterday with a lead the tests. It wasn’t until I came back out
of 92 and things began ominously for Fall of wickets 1-99, 2-149, 3-151, 4-178, half an hour after, when the adrenaline
5-195, 6-196, 7-198, 8-257, 9-257.
England after Kate Cross dropped Bowling Cross 17-0-73-2; Bell 6-0-27-1; sort of went out of my system and I
Phoebe Litchfield at cover off Eccle- Filer 11-2-49-2; Ecclestone 30.5-7-63-5; started to feel quite groggy — probably
stone’s bowling and damaged her finger Knight 5-1-13-0; Sciver-Brunt 9-1-28-0. like I’d had a dozen beers.”
in the process, but she made up for the It is expected that Australia will rest
mistake by bowling the Australia one of Josh Hazlewood or Scott Boland
ENGLAND Second Innings R
opener through the gate for 46. for Lord’s and bring in the left-arm
A fifty partnership between
Beth Mooney and the all-
rounder Elyse Perry was
Sophie Ecclestone is only
E L Lamb lbw b McGrath
Full-length delivery, missed a flick
T T Beaumont c Mooney b Gardner
Tossed up, taken at first slip

quick Mitchell Starc. They are not
expected to make any other changes to
the side that won the first Test.
starting to hurt England, but the fourth Englishwoman Travis Head has sent a word of warn-
the passage of play before to take ten wickets in a Healy, the Australia wicketkeeper, jumps with delight after *H C Knight lbw b Gardner 9 ing to Ollie Robinson, the England
lunch was some of the most Test (after J Greenwood, catching Dunkley’s edge to leave England five wickets down Pitched on a length, stuck on crease seamer who has taken on the role of
thrilling seen in a women’s 1979, E Bakewell, 1979, N R Sciver-Brunt c Garth b Gardner 0 pantomime villain after his explicit
Test match, as the debutant L Pearson, 2003) the batter played on Lamb, who followed soon after having Skied attempted slog-sweep send-off to Usman Khawaja in the first
Lauren Filer found some genu- attempting a cut. Ash made 28 from 40 balls. England had lost S I R Dunkley c Healy b Garth 16 Test and then writing in his Wisden col-
ine pace. Gardner lasted only three both their openers within 12 overs. Perfect outswinger, a fine edge umn that he was surprised how defen-
Perry was undone by a fast bouncer balls before becoming the Nat Sciver-Brunt gifted her wicket to D N Wyatt not out 20 sive Australia were. Zak Crawley, the
that pushed her deep into her crease, second of Cross’s victims. Gardner going for a sweep shot and K L Cross not out 5 opening batsman, also told Times
from where she tried to cut the ball with Annabel Sutherland, a first-innings looping an easy catch to Kim Garth, Extras (b 12, lb 3, nb 1) 16 Radio last week that England would
little room and got an inside edge on to centurion, lasted 17 balls before picking and Gardner picked up her third to TOTAL (5 wkts, 28 overs) 116 win the second Test “by 150 runs”.
her stumps. Tahlia McGrath was out square leg on the pull. After losing remove Heather Knight leg-before for “We’re only going for the lunch
bowled for one by a full ball that jagged six wickets for 49 runs, Australia’s cap- nine. Sophia Dunkley edged behind Fall of wickets 1-55, 2-59, 3-66, 4-73, 5-110. apparently,” Head joked. “They have got
Bowling Brown 3-0-15-0; Garth 6-1-21-1;
in off the seam and deflected off the tain, Alyssa Healy, scored a 62-ball just before close and Danni Wyatt, who Sutherland 2-0-17-0; McGrath 8-2-15-1; this mantra they’re going at. Not just on
front pad on to the off stump. half-century before giving a simple may have to rein in her natural attack- Gardner 9-1-33-3. the field but off the field they are throw-
The first of Ecclestone’s five second- catch to mid-wicket off Ecclestone. The ing instincts, and Kate Cross, as night- Umpires A Harris and S Redfern. ing about some nice chat but our team is
innings wickets was a beauty, castling innings was wrapped up four balls later, watchman, got England to 116 for five. Details: July 1: First T20i (Edgbaston). truly just worried about what to do to
the stumps of Jess Jonassen for 14 Ecclestone finishing with five for 63. “We have to believe we can win,” July 5: Second T20i (Kia Oval). July 8: win the second Test to go 2-0 up and put
before she got the big wicket of Mooney Set 268 to win, there was to be no Ecclestone said. “I am backing our team Third T20i (Lord’s). July 12: First ODI some pressure on them. I find it all
four overs later. Mooney had played repeat of the double century by Tammy all the way. It’s mad how things change (Bristol). July 16: Second ODI (Ageas pretty fun. U [Khawaja] had a few quiet
beautifully for her 85 but Ecclestone got Beaumont as she fell for 22 after a half- in Test cricket. Hopefully we can go at Bowl). July 18: Third ODI (Taunton). words, jovial words, to him [Robinson]
one to spin out of the footholes and century opening stand with Emma Australia and put pressure on them.” out there. It all makes for good fun.”
556 Monday June 26 2023 | the times

Sport The Ashes

Rival captains in the 1994-95 series in Australia, Taylor, left with the Ashes urn in
Perth, and Atherton discussed the differing approaches of Stokes and Cummins
as they sought catches while fishing on Hampshire’s River Test, right and below

Photograph Marc Aspland

‘It was a brilliant declaration –

Former Australia captain common sense with a little flair. He was the
only captain who got the fields absolutely right
England team in Birmingham and I could sense
that they are relaxed and genuinely enjoying
ordinary and void of grass so you had to be
creative and also use spinners. I maintain that to
Mark Taylor chats to to me at the start of an innings, for example,
posting point a little further behind square,
their cricket and that’s half the battle.
“Something I tried to do as a captain, and I
be a good captain, you have to understand slow
bowlers because they will help you manufacture
Mike Atherton about because I played later than most, and bringing was taught very early on, was not to let the opportunities.
Stokes’s captaincy the wider slips up closer, because I played softer
than most. I always thought that if he was
game drift. Try and think how you can make a
difference in the field, how you can manufacture
“Even with Shane Warne, say, on a day-one
pitch, when it wasn’t turning much, you needed
and leading Warne getting the small details right for me, it is likely
he was getting them right for most other players
a wicket or create an opportunity. Very few
wickets in Test cricket come about by the magic
to find a way of creating some unrest in a
batsman’s mind. I was lucky in my early days, we
too, helping to improve his team’s chances, in ball, pitching leg and hitting off. Your job as a had Murray Bennett, Greg Matthews and Bob

unn’s Particular? Tups Indispensable? small, barely noticeable, ways. captain is to create doubts in a batsman’s mind. Holland — slow left-arm, off spin and leg spin
Iron Blue? Pale Watery Spinner? To my mind, it was the granular details that “The Khawaja dismissal in the second innings — and I could watch Wellham and how he used

Trying to tease brown trout out of the cost England at Edgbaston: the no-balls, the them: sometimes a sweeper, sometimes not;
River Test on a bright and hot extras, the dropped catches and missed sometimes attacking, by leaving gaps in the field
afternoon, with fish spooked in gin- stumpings — the nuts and bolts of an efficient to encourage batsmen, sometimes not.”
clear water that leaves no room for error in the cricket team gone rusty through lack of use, “I was so lucky to captain Warney. By the
cast, and shadows on the water as unhelpful as
an Ollie Robinson press conference, is like
rather than the broader, attacking style of play
that they took into the game, even though most
Cummins doesn’t have a big time I became Australia captain he was almost
the finished article and it was just a case of
trying to get wickets on that pudding of an of the analysis has been around the philosophy ego but is confident in himself. keeping him on the straight and narrow — not
Edgbaston pitch. It requires careful thought,
patience and strategy.
of England’s approach. It was Taylor’s first look
live at Ben Stokes’s England in action, and he I think he’s been clever in the always easy. But we only fell out once, when I
didn’t think he was bowling all that well in the
Who better, then, to be fishing with than
Mark Taylor, among the best captains I played
liked what he saw.
“Bazball suits England cricket at the moment
way he’s used Steve Smith Caribbean in ’95 and I wanted him to play in a
practice match which he wanted off. He bowled
against and a keen fisherman. Taylor won twice because the side was playing very poorly leading was a classic piece of Stokes captaincy. Round a few overs, got two early wickets at which point
as many Tests as he lost as captain, leading into this era, and your best players are the wicket, a slightly different field set to a I told him to rest. He told me to ‘eff off’ and
Australia to a notable win in the Caribbean in aggressive players,” the 58-year-old says. “Harry batsman who was in and settled, bowling what wouldn’t let the ball out of his hand. There was
1995, the moment, it is broadly acknowledged, Brook is a very good player. Zak Crawley I think we in Australia call a “nude nut”, a blancmange no one more competitive than Warney on the
when the title of the No 1-ranked team switched is a good player, although he likes to go fishing ball, which Khawaja chopped on to his stumps. field.”
from West Indies to Australia, where it was to outside off stump a lot. They see the ball early, It’s not always the magnificent delivery, it’s Warne would have enjoyed Stokes’s
remain for a generation. pick up length early which is the sign of a good about trying to find ways to create doubt and declaration at Edgbaston, but what about
Much of the skill of captaincy is hidden, player, so if your best players are aggressive uncertainty or change a batsman’s thought Taylor? “Eight for 393, first day of a Test match,
hingeing on the empathetic handling of players players then play aggressive cricket. process.” 78 overs. Australia have a new ball in two overs
in small moments away from the cameras that “It’s not groundbreaking stuff. Your job as a Taylor learnt to be proactive playing under time, the tail in, with obviously Joe at one end.
we cannot see. But captains are judged by their leader is to bring the best out of your players. So Dirk Wellham at New South Wales and then Ninety-nine percent of captains would take 400
apparent effect on their team and players out in if you have defensive players who want to bat captaining in first-class cricket on some flat, in the first innings, so now Stokes is thinking, ‘I
the middle, viewed by all. Taylor’s Australia long then play a long, defensive game but if you unresponsive Sydney Cricket Ground pitches, can put Warner and Khawaja under pressure for
team played hard but fair and looked to take the have aggressive players, get them to play their where using your imagination was vital. “You’ll 25 minutes.’ To me it’s a no-brainer. I thought it
game on; tactically he was shrewd, blending natural game. I stayed in the same hotel as the remember those pitches in the late 1980s, pretty was a brilliant declaration.
the times | Monday June 26 2023 57

How captains compare
Australia captains since 1984,
15 Tests minimum
Win Lose Draw Tied
Ricky Ponting (2004-10)
48 16 13

Steve Waugh (1999-04)
41 9 7

Allan Border (1984-94)
32 22
2 38 1

Mark Taylor (1994-99)

26 13 11

Michael Clarke (2011-15)

24 16 7

Steve Smith (2014-2018)
21 10 7
Tim Paine (2018-21)
11 8 4

Pat Cummins (202

21 - present)
10 3 4
Records include
matches as stand-in

Atherton v Taylor
Tests between England and
Australia under the
captaincy of Mike Atherton
and Mark Taylor (1994-97)

2 Draw


I live to see that strategic battle’

“They didn’t take any wickets in that final 25 in 1997 when, after a lot of rain, Stephen bowling is an interesting one. I’ve always we watch Test cricket for the strategy too.
minutes but did you see the running between Fleming declared way behind on first innings — maintained it’s easier to do the job as a batsman, There’s lots of different ways to win a Test, and
the wickets from Warner and Khawaja that 400 plays 251 for six declared — taunting Taylor because the big moments are on the field and lots of different ways to play the game.
night? Panicky. They have played cricket to set a target. particularly if you are a fast bowler having to “There’s this feeling that in one-day cricket and
together since under-14s but were running like “We’d won the first Test and we’d scored 400 think about all the other stuff, it’s not easy. I T20 cricket that more runs and more boundaries
they’d never batted before together. A couple of in this game at Hobart and there had been so think Pat has been clever in the way he’s used means more excitement. But what happens
36-year-olds, one with more than 100 Tests, one much rain we had mentally checked out, getting Steve Smith. A great mate of mine and a bit of a when a six becomes the norm? Where do you
with nearly 70, and they are running like they’ve ready for the flight home. Suddenly, Fleming mentor, Ian Chappell, hates it as he thinks it’s go from there? What we saw at Edgbaston, and
never played before. All because of that declared 150 behind and I knew I had to take up the captain’s responsibility alone to make why I am so much looking forward to the rest of
declaration. the challenge, albeit reluctantly [Australia set decisions, but I think as a fast-bowling captain, the series, is the impact of captaincy and
“The only time I would be critical of New Zealand a target of 288; New Zealand held it’s smart to almost hand it over when bowling.” strategy. It’s intriguing and enthralling and part
England’s approach was the batting in the on for a draw at 223 for nine]. The psychological This contrast between the methods and of the beauty of the five-day game.”

middle session on day four, where they had the aspect of captaincy is so fascinating and not Strategy is the key to trout fishing too. Taylor
game. You don’t have to bring the opposition utilised enough. is not the first former Australia captain to fish
back into it; there’s nothing wrong with batting “I sensed watching the first game that no the River Test. Recalling his friendship with
Australia out of the game. People may say that’s longer playing the dominant role, if that’s how Richie Benaud, the Englishman John
conservative but I don’t think it is. Just play
appropriately. Joe [Root] didn’t look like getting
you want to put it, doesn’t worry Pat. He seemed
quite comfortable with it. It worried me more
Root played a rash shot on day Woodcock, the former cricket correspondent of
The Times, who lived in Longparish about 500
out; he played a rash shot and you have to take than him. I wondered whether they had gone four. England had the game yards from the river, once wrote: “In fishing for
some accountability for that. That’s the time
England got a bit carried away.”
too far into a defensive mode, almost as if they
were saying, ‘We are going to go the other way and that’s the only time they trout with dry fly, Benaud found a pastime
which matched his temperament perfectly. He
And results? They matter, don’t they, contrary
to some of the rhetoric from the England
and be more conservative than we would
normally be.’ I wasn’t against a deep point from
got a bit carried away took to it eagerly, assiduously and successfully.
“To him, the fish he was casting for and whose
dressing room after the match? “Results always the outset, but I was surprised with the deep philosophies of the teams, and the captains, is downfall he planned, could have been Peter
matter. You can’t say they don’t matter. Of square leg, especially as we didn’t bowl a fascinating because for the first time in a long May or Frank Worrell in a Test match. Coming
course, you don’t think of results in the middle bouncer for an hour and a half. So I thought time in an Ashes series, captaincy, strategy and to know the flies by their name, as he did, a
of the match, you think of process and that’s that was an overreaction. leadership have become a topic of debate. It has Lunn’s Particular became his leg break, an Iron
fine, but results matter, of course they do. And “But what I like about Pat is that he doesn’t helped open minds to the possibilities inherent Blue his googly and a Pale Watery Spinner his
results have been good for England, that’s the have a big ego. He’s confident in himself for sure in a long game where conditions change. The top spinner. He loved the beauty, privacy and
point: 11 wins from 14 now under Ben and they and is no shrinking violet as we saw at the end first Test reminded us above all, that there is inherent challenge of it all.”
could easily have won this match too.” of the game, but he’s not the type to let his ego more than one way to approach a five-day So did Taylor this week, getting the better of
Taylor has been fascinated by the get in the way. That was a great Test for him to game, more than one route to success. me as so often in the 1990s. If fishing is an
psychological challenge to his countryman Pat win, just for the validation that the method “That’s what made this Test, and will make omen, it will be Australia’s summer.
Cummins, having to react to the sudden reversal worked. You can imagine if they hadn’t won, all the series, even more watchable. That extra
of the traditional stereotype, with Australia no the questions around whether Australia should dimension of, what will Stokes do now? What
longer playing a dominant style of cricket be upping the ante, so I reckon it came as a will Cummins do in response? People like you Television
compared with England. He remembered huge relief. and me, we live for that. Of course, we watch England v Australia, Second men’s Test, Lord’s
vividly a game against New Zealand in Hobart “The captaincy side of things when he’s the game for brilliant batting and bowling, but Wednesday 11am, Sky Sports Main Event
une 26 2023 | the times
Monday June

Sport The Ashes

6 Women’s Test could go to the wire
6 Mike Atherton meets Mark Taylor
Pages 55-57


Alcaraz back on top of Arteta: I’ve

world for Wimbledon got Arsenal’s
The Spaniard celebrates his Queen’s Club title with his
father, far right. Alcaraz, 20, is now back at world No 1
after winning his maiden title on grass — page 54 soul back
Molly Hudson
Mikel Arteta believes that his greatest
achievement as the Arsenal manager
has been to restore the club’s “lost soul”.
While Arteta was assistant manager
at Manchester City between 2016 and
2019 he felt Arsenal’s soul had been lost
and that there was “no enjoyment”.
Since rejoining the club he represented
as a player for five years, however, he
feels those issues have been rectified.
The 41-year-old led Arsenal to second
place in the Premier League last season,
having been overhauled by Pep Guardi-
ola’s side, but in an interview with Marca
he emphasised the growth he has over-
seen. “I was Pep’s assistant at City, we
were playing Arsenal and I saw that the
soul of the club had been lost,” he said.
“There was no enjoyment, no feeling. I
knew there was the option of soon being
in the other dugout and I knew we had
to connect the team and the fans. Now
I feel happy, we have a clear identity.”
Arteta did not comment on a potent-
ial deal to sign Declan Rice from West
Ham United, but did speak about Kai
Havertz, who is set to join Arsenal from

England may wait for Ali

Chelsea for £67.5 million. “Kai has
already shown a lot, including winning
a Champions League. He is a talented,
versatile player and only 24 years old,”
Arteta said. “Talent has a price and, at
Arsenal, we are always interested in
young players with experience.”
6 Spinner’s finger could get extra day to heal 6 Head: Robinson’s sledging makes things fun Arteta’s ability to get the best out of
his players has attracted interest from
Elizabeth Ammon ering delaying their team announce- or Test cricket for two years, Ali has not that he would be targeted heavily by the Paris Saint-Germain this summer.
ment by a day until Tuesday to give Ali, been used to bowling more than ten powerful Australian middle order. However, the Spaniard confirmed he
England could delay naming their team who damaged the index finger on his overs in a day. Moreover, the white ball One other option is that England would remain at Arsenal and work to
for the second Test against Australia to right hand, every chance of being fit. used in limited-overs cricket does not could opt to play four frontline seam improve on last season’s five-point
allow Moeen Ali more time to recover Stokes’s side return to training today have such a pronounced or abrasive bowlers plus Stokes, the all-rounder, deficit to City. “It still hurts me deeply
from the wound to his finger that and Ali has been resting and treating seam as the red Dukes ball. and call on Joe Root to pick up the spin not having won the Premier League
restricted him at Edgbaston. the finger wound, which was causing Should Ali not be deemed fully fit, overs. Root bowled well in the first Test, after spending ten months fighting with
England called up the 18-year-old leg him obvious pain and affected his bowl- England will look at a number of getting through 22 overs in the match, City. But that’s the sport,” he said.
spinner Rehan Ahmed last week as ing during the first Test. The 36-year- options to balance their side. Ahmed, going for only 58 runs and picking up “It is the best league in the world and
cover for Ali before the Test at Lord’s, old had to leave the field several times who made his Test debut in Pakistan, the wicket of Alex Carey. next season is going to be the most diffi-
which begins on Wednesday. However, to receive treatment. taking a five-wicket haul, could be a It is expected that Mark Wood will cult in history. Why? Last year it already
the captain, Ben Stokes, and the head A blister is not uncommon among like-for-like replacement for Ali but is come into the side at Lord’s, where extra was. I’ve been here for 22 years and I’ve
coach, Brendon McCullum, are consid- spinners. Having not played first-class very inexperienced and there is a risk Continued on page 55 never seen a competitive level like that.”

Times Crossword 28,639 across down Prize solution 28,632

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Rhythmic jazz lead accepts honour 1 British brothers who sang about D I V E B OM B S T O P I C
in retirement (5) high rise suburb (7,5) OR B I T A L E A R F L A P
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10 Knocking back Castle Cary ale cocktail (3,3) MON A S T I C I SM B A N
9 E U O C M A
really restricts legs of runners (5,4) 5 Bank on introduction of Ezra D E L P H I N I A OO MP H
11 Mineral deposit right in missile Pound verse (8) I L A T D B I
10 11 launch area? (5) 6 Driver found stuck in middle of AM I A B L E I RON I S T
12 Hector sent back to carry a plant dam (5) T F
(6) 7 Florida shed housing black echo of
Check today’s answers by ringing 0905 757
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The winners of Prize Crossword No 28,632 are
the sound of it! (8) (4-5) J Beaton, Corby Glen, Lincolnshire
17 18 18 Hindu returning a Hong Kong 15 Giant animal droppings make H Brown, Leeds
carpet (6) nitrogen beneath one (9) P Lovidge, Camberley, Surrey
S Morrisby, Pinner, Greater London
20 Musician Franz at last cuts record 16 Indiana bangs violate the law (8) M Taylor, Slough, Berkshire
19 (5) 19 Clergyman, not very upper-class,
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20 21 22 23 get to assemble again (9) 21 State vote breaking the laws support recycling
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