Yarani R Cytotherapy 2023 MSC-EV

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Cytotherapy 25 (2023) 808 809

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Exosome mini-series

Mesenchymal stromal cells extracellular vesicles; unlocking the potential

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nano-size, heterogeneous, mem- the qualification of the mdMLR assay and stress its reproducibility.
brane-bound particles released by almost all cell types and mediate The authors pooled equal amounts of human peripheral blood-
cellular homeostasis and communication in normal and pathologi- derived mononuclear cells of 12 different healthy donors, warrant-
cal processes [1,2]. EVs transfer a wide range of biological mole- ing mutual allogeneic cross-reactivity. The immune phenotype of
cules into the extracellular space, and their contents and functions different peripheral blood-derived mononuclear cells raised in the
are closely related to their origin. However, elucidation of the absence or presence of different MSC-EV samples was compared
mechanism of action of EV/exosome products seems to depend over 5 days. It was observed that therapeutically active MSC-EV
highly on the parental cell source, the cells’ physiological condi- samples reduced activated T cells reproducibly, whereas therapeu-
tions and the tropism of given EVs toward the selected target cells. tically non-potent MSC-EV samples failed to reduce the number of
Challenging the widely held belief that EVs’ uptake and delivery of activated T cells. Furthermore, therapeutically active MSC-EV sam-
luminal cargo molecules are the key drivers of intercellular commu- ples increase the number of classical (CD14++CD16 ) and interme-
nication, emerging evidence indicates that intercellular communi- diate (CD14++CD16+) monocytes. Consequently, the authors suggest
cation processes are predominantly mediated by the interplay the mdMLR assay as a reproducible, competent experimental tool
between EVs and cell-surface molecules [3]. Nevertheless, it is pos- to assess the immunomodulatory potentials of given MSC-EV
sible to engineer EVs effectively to deliver cargo into the cytoplasm preparations.
of their target cells [4]. Lai et al. [8] revealed their roadmap for translating their MSC-EV
The well-documented capacity of therapeutic native and engi- products into the clinic. The authors first developed an MYC-immor-
neered EVs to modulate many aspects of cell biology resulting in sig- talized monoclonal MSC for EV production and characterization strat-
nificant physiological effects such as immune modulation, tissue egy, which mitigates scalability and reproducibility concerns. To
repair and regeneration, has been used to rationalize their use in vari- scientifically rationalize the use of MSC-EVs in treating psoriasis, the
ous animal models of diseases. However, significant scientific and EVs were topically applied in a mouse model of IMQ-induced psori-
technical challenges such as scale-up manufacture, drug identity, atic inflammation. As measured by interleukin (IL)-17, IL-23 and
potency and pharmacokinetics should be addressed before EVs can C5b9 (terminal complement complex), psoriatic inflammation allevi-
be translated into routine clinical therapeutics. ated and, thus, suppressed disease symptoms. The biodistribution of
This exosome mini-series highlights recent developments to miti- topically applied MSC-EVs using the human skin explants model
gate some of these scientific and technical challenges to the clinical revealed that EVs are localized to the stratum corneum. Based on this
testing of mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC)-EVs. biodistribution, the authors hypothesized that the elevated level of
The series starts with a meeting report of the International Society neutrophils and complements in the psoriatic stratum corneum are
for Cell & Gene Therapy 2022 scientific signature series of Toh et al. the likely targets of MSC-EVs. They demonstrated that psoriatic IL-17
[5], in which key opinion leaders from academia and industry dis- is secreted by complement-activated (C5b9 complement complex)
cussed state of the art in developing native and engineered EVs for neutrophils, and this secretion is inhibited by CD59 on MSC-EVs.
therapeutic applications. The consensus was that native MSC-EVs are Using the data published in several articles, the group successfully
currently the predominant EVs in clinical development. applied for and ran a phase 1 clinical trial, whose positive outcomes
Triggered by controversial reports about the potency of MSC will be reported soon.
products, Madel et al. [6] assessed the functional heterogeneity Finally, the same EVs were used to treat musculoskeletal disorders
among independent MSC-EV preparations. At first, they optimized (MSDs) affecting bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves.
a mouse graft-versus-host disease model and then explored the MSDs are a common cause of disability and can affect people of all
therapeutic impact of different MSC-EV preparations that were ages and their life quality. Teo et al. [9] have reviewed the latest
manufactured in a standardized manner. The authors could not advances in MSC-EV applications for MSD tissue repair and regenera-
identify any proteins or microRNAs to rationalize the differences in tion, focusing on small EVs. They further discussed the challenges
therapeutic activity among the EV samples. However, they and progress of small EV translation to the clinic.
observed a direct correlation between graft-versus-host disease In conclusion, the original research, review and report in this
suppression and the modulation of allogenic immune reactions in a mini-series exemplarily describe the emerging and ongoing research
novel multi-donor-mixed lymphocyte reaction (mdMLR). In an to mitigate the challenges in translating the therapeutic potential of
accompanying study of the same group, Bremer et al. [7] report on MSC-EVs. Essential for clinical EV applications, it is imperative to

1465-3249/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy.
R. Yarani et al. / Cytotherapy 25 (2023) 808 809 809

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*Correspondence: Reza Yarani, Translational Type 1 Diabetes [8] Lai RC, Tan TT, Sim WK, Zhang B, Lim SK. A roadmap from research to clinical test-
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Research, Department of Clinical Research, Steno Diabetes Center apy 2023.
Copenhagen, 2730 Herlev, Denmark. [9] Teo KYW, et al. Small extracellular vesicles from mesenchymal stromal cells: the
E-mail address: reza.yarani.01@regionh.dk (R. Yarani). next therapeutic paradigm for musculoskeletal disorders. Cytotherapy 2023.

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