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Units 9 and 10:

 Writing : On a papersheet (WITH YOUR HANDWRITING).

 Activity 1 - Write about your last vacation. (DON’T USE PHRASES YOU
DON’T KNOW). Write at least half page of your notebook.

- Where did you go?

- When?
- How did you get there? (by car, by bus, by plane, etc.)
- Who was with you?
- What did you do?
- What did you eat?
- What was your favorite part? Why?
- What was the part you didn’t like? Why?

-verbs in simple past (regular and irregular verbs)
-affirmative and negative sentences
-There was / there wasn’t...
- There were / there weren’t any...

*Everything in English, clear and organized answers. Check the excercises from your

 Speaking: Check Flipgid

IMPORTANT: There isn’t extention of time.

Please check our calendar: (INTERNOS)!Auntf2Y8VXKy1wKMljUSXiusNFCS?e=RYoqap

Thank you

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