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T as k 1 : H o w m u ch do I k n o w

Cu r s o In g lés A 1

Luis Ángel Mejía Romero


Programa de gestión deportiva


Tutor: Carlos Fernando Vásquez Mejía

U n i ve r s i d a d N a c i o n a l A b i e r t a y a D i s t a n c i a


T as k 1 : H o w m u ch do I k n o w
E viden cias de E T AP A 1 - R e co no cim ie nt o de l cam p u s

Actualización de datos del perfil:

Agenda del curso y calendario:

Momento inicial: Encontramos todo lo relacionado con información pertinente al
encuentro, áreas sociales como foros, formas de comunicación con el tutor, entre
ot r os .
Momento de aprendizaje: Encontramos las guías propuestas por el docente para
llevar a cabo las actividades, también, encontramos un espacio de referencias
bibliográficas donde nos brindan todo el contenido digital para realizar las

Momento de evaluación: aquí se hace entrega del documento solicitado y a su vez

la entrega de notas del trabajo enviado.
Objetivo 1:
Students will be able to:
 Greet people formally and informally
 Use simple present with verb to be
 Identify nationalities and languages
 Write a basic e-mail with personal information
 Give and ask simple personal information about oneself

Objetivo 2:

 Talk about friends and family

 Write an e-mail for a short interview
 Tell the age and the time
 Ask and answer questions with to be and Wh-words
 Use time expressions

Objetivo 3:
 Describe where people and places are
 Improve the pronunciation of specific words in the lesson
 Use prepositions of place

Objetivo 4:

 Give and understand simple commands

 Ask for and offer help
 Talk about places
 Express possession

Objetivo 5:

 Describe activities in progress

 Use Wh questions with present progressive
 Ask for possessions
 Connect actions in progress

Objetivo 6:

 Talk about daily routines

 Talk about likes and dislikes
 Ask about the time
 Ask and answer questions about daily routines

Objetivo 7:

 Describe and compare people physically

 Talk and identify the parts of the body
 Ask for and give reasons: Why / Why not?
 Identify word formation: Stem, affixes. Plurals in nouns

Objetivo 8:

 Identify and use prices

 Describe clothing
 Express feelings and reasons

Objetivo 9:

 Talk about the past

 Talk about famous people and important events in the past
 Use comparative and superlative adjectives
Objetivo 10

 Talk about the past (continuous form)

 Talk and ask about food preferences
 Describe simple recipes

Objetivo 11

 Talk about past activities in progress

 Talk about anecdotes
 Talk about historical facts
 Use time expressions

Objetivo 12

 Express ability
 Order food in a restaurant
 Express desires and preferences: would

E viden cias de E T AP A 2 - H o w m uch do I K no w ?

Actividad de comprensión lectora:

Introducing myself:

My name is Luis Ángel Mejía Romero, a student in the sports management

program; I currently live in the municipality of San Juan Nepomuceno, Bolívar.

My expectations during the course are focused on the construction of knowledge

and acquisition of knowledge, self-learning, assessment and feedback that this
allows me to acquire.

Contact information:

* Institutional email:

*WhatsApp: 3007858596

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