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This will be very useful in starting your

research paper.


A Research
Presented to the
Faculty of the Secondary School
Kalilangan National Senior High School-Ninoy Aquino,
Kalilangan, Bukidnon


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the (Track)




March 2017

Note: for groupings, arrange it in alphabetical order of your surnames.




(2 to 3 pages introduction)

(From General to specific view of the topic)

Education provides us with knowledge about the world. It is the key device for

development and a way of achieving social well-being, sustainable development and good

governance. It paves the way for a good career and lays the foundation of a stronger nation.

(Support with previous studies conducted)

In addition, UNESCO reaffirms a humanistic and holistic vision of education as a

fundamental human right and UNESCO recommends to its member states: “Ensure equitable

quality education and lifelong learning for all by 2030” as a possible overarching education goal,

aiming to achieve just, inclusive, peaceful and sustainable societies. Furthermore, one of the

imperatives of education for the post-2015-2030 agenda by UNESCO states that, a focus on

equity is paramount and particular attention should be given to marginalized groups. Therefore,

basic education should be provided to all without discrimination based on gender, ethnicity,

disability, language or location. Education should cater to all even those children with

exceptionalities to be educated and be able to socialize with typical students for the reason that

they are entitled to enjoy vital necessities of life which includes love and affection, food and

shelter, and health care.

Specifically, in the Philippines, there were 162,858 students with special needs at the

elementary level, 51% or 83,231 of whom are in the gifted program. The remaining 49 % were

students with various disabilities such as hearing impairment, visual impairment, learning

disability, mental retardation, behavior problem, autism, and cerebral palsy, as of school year

2006-2007 (Yap & Adorio, 2008).

(what motivated you to conduct the study/ your research?) /The reason)

Having various disabilities do not mean that a student can’t learn. It implies that some

children benefit less than others from traditional teaching methods. Those children who benefit

less may require specific instructional aids or different teaching strategies even with average to

above-average intelligence. It can be extremely challenging and often discouraging, particularly

children with hearing impairment for educators to develop their literacy. One of the most

significant challenges for educators is how to approach literacy instruction for children who are

deaf and hard of hearing since it is well documented that the majority of people with hearing loss

demonstrate severely lower reading abilities than their hearing counterparts, with many

graduating high school with the reading level compared to that of a hearing fourth grader

(American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, n.d.; Easterbrooks & Beal-Alvarez, 2013;

Miller et al., 2012; Traxler, 2000).

A hearing disorder can also be described by a classification system within the World

Health Organization called the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health
(WHO, 2001).Some of the common characteristics of deafness commonly found in classrooms

include the following: Difficulty following verbal directions, Difficulty with oral expression,

Some difficulties with social/emotional or interpersonal skills, Will often have a degree of

language delay, Often follows and rarely leads, Will usually exhibit some form of articulation

difficulty, Can become easily frustrated if their needs are not met — which may lead to some

behavioral difficulties, Sometimes the use of hearing aids leads to embarrassment and fear of

rejection from peers.

However, funds are inadequate for the solution of needs such as: a) greater support to

training of teachers and other personnel; b) preparation of instructional materials, c)

establishment of more special schools to work hand in hand with the mainstreaming program, d)

establishment of diagnostic centers in at least the regional centers, e) creation of field positions

of supervisor in special education. (Pascual & Gregorio, 1988).

It would benefit both students and teacher if teaching modifications became the primary

objective of the school and remain an ongoing process throughout the school year. The

challenges of teaching the child with hearing impaired can be mastered by modifying the way in

which information is presented. When teaching special education, care should be taken to

include rewards for effort as well as achievement. A practitioner can systematically guide these

students in building their literacy foundation and confidence to develop their potential, to

become productive members of the society and to live meaningful and fulfilling lives.

(Last paragraph is the purpose of your study)

It is reported that some individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing are able to master

the ability to read (Easterbrooks & Beal-Alvarez, 2013).It is further desired that the result of this

study could be a course for better special education as an instrument to enhance the reading and

writing skills of students who are hearing impaired leading them to communicate and interact to

the society.

(list the problems in your research based on your title’s variables)

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is the experiences of the SPED teachers in

teaching language education to differently abled students.

Specifically, the study seeks answers to the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described:

1.1 Teachers;

1.1.1 age,

1.1.2 sex,

1.1.3 highest educational attainment,

1.1.4 number of years in teaching language education in SPED


1.1.5 Special Education seminar and training attended?

2. How may the experiences of the SPED teachers in developing literacy to hearing

impaired students be described?

3. How may the insights of the narratives be described in the study?

4. What symbolic representation can be formulated from the findings?

5. What are the implications of the study in teaching language education?

(Write at least 5 beneficiaries (people who will benefit to your studies) state the

importance of your studies to those group of people)

Significance of the Study

This study is an embodiment of the profound desire to unveil the experiences of

the Special Education teachers in select public schools hopefully anticipates the

following benefits to the following:

Department of Education. This study may provide a more vivid view of the current

status of the SPED teachers and its effect to the SPED students’ performance and competence.

Thus, this may encourage them to provide more training and appropriate aid for the SPED

children. Briefly, it may be used as a pattern in the creation of policies in the development of

teaching materials and providing intervention programs and language enhancement for SPED


Faculty-SPED Teachers. It hopes to provide insights for them to further equip

themselves with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes and be willing to accept innovations or

changes that may help in the development of the SPED children to the maximum. This may add

knowledge for them to be more sensitive and effective in preparing specific feature of their
teaching strategies. Another, this may make them realize the importance of understanding

multiple intelligence and consideration of developing various materials specifically for the needs

of their students.

SPED Students. This study may help in the development of the competency of SPED

students in communication skills which are necessary for the effective use of language in

understanding others gearing them to integrate to the mainstream society.

Parents. With the results, parents may be more aware of the needs of their children and

coordinate with the teachers as regards the development of their children. Moreover, they may

serve as motivators for other parents to view their SPED children as important individuals of the

society in spite of their disabilities. This may encourage them to enroll their SPED children in


Community. The contact of this study may help the people in the community to have

knowledge and at the same time concern toward SPED Children. Moreover, this may encourage

them to have a positive perspective or impression about SPED. Also, this may drive them to find

ways to include SPED in the community activities to give them chance to showcase their

potentials and play a role or part in the community.

Future Researchers. The yield of this study may serve as a reference for other

researchers who would like to deal with SPED. This may provide them a comprehensible

understanding of the nature of the different exceptional or disabilities. Moreover, this study may

inspire them to explore other aspects of the SPED program for it to have continuous


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

(Write first the objective/goal of your research)

This study aims to determine the experiences of SPED teachers in teaching language

education to deaf students in select public schools in the first district of Bataan.

(write what research design, research instrument, …you will use to your research paper)

This is a qualitative research which will use a phenomenological research design.

Utilizing a phenomenological design, data will be collected using survey questionnaires, focus

groups and individual interviews. Understanding the experiences of the SPED teachers will

provide valuable information for deaf education teacher preparation programs.

(In a sentence, enumerate the major variable and sub-variables of your research)

The variables comprise in the study are teachers of SPED profile like age, sex, highest

educational attainment, number of years in teaching language education, and seminar and

training on SPED attended.

(State the locale of your study, the location, population/numbers of respondents of

your research)

The locale of the study is limited to two (2) secondary public schools in the district of

Bataan namely; Bataan National High School (BNHS) and Hermosa National High School

(HNHS). The respondents for the questionnaire are ten (10) SPED teachers, eight (8) from

Bataan National High School and two (2) from Hermosa National High School.

(Apply the APA style of writing references you have used throughout your chapter 1)
Notes in Chapter 1
Bokova, Irina. UNESCO Education Strategy 2014–2021.

Pascual and Gregorio. A Case Study on Special Education in the Philippines.

Yap and Adorio. School–Based Management: Promoting Special Education Programs in Local

Take Note:

How to write a title?

 Research Variables-It simply refers to a person, place, or phenomenon that you are trying to
measure, explain or describe.
 Types of research Variables:
1) Independent Variable-It refers to the topic or the problem of the study aims to solve.
Further, it affects the dependent variable.
2) Dependent variable-It receives the effect of the Independent Variable or it is affected by
the Independent Variable, further, it refers to the samples or respondents of the study.

5 parts of Research title/Fundamental Research Title

1. Independent variable/TOPIC
2. Dependent variable/ Samples
3. Local/Setting
4. Research Goal/Result
5. Methodology (optional)

Example Title and its parts:

The Five Common factors that affect the Academic Performance of KNHS-SHS Students in the New
Normal: A Qualitative Report


SAMPLE KNHS-SHS STUDENTS (Dependent variable/respondents)
ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE (Independent variable/the problem target to solve thru
the xpected outcome or results)
RESULT 5 COMMON FACTORS (Research goal/outcome/ to be identified)
LOCALE KNHS (Where respondents would be taken from/setting or place where the study will
be held)
METHOD QUALITATIVE (Variables can’t be counted)

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