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1 . debate 1n .

) a serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part ,

pros and cons : the advantages and disadvantages of sth , especially sth that you
considering doing
conflict (v 3 . jf beliefs ,
meeds ,
or facts ,
etc conflict , they are very different and
cannot easily exist together or both be trde ,

Convince ( v. ) to persuade someone or make someone certain ,

inform ( v. ) to tell someone about particular facts ,

2. petition ( n , ) a document sighed by a large number of people demanding or asking

for some action from the duthority government or another

protest in . ) a strong complaintexpressing

disagreement ,disapproval oropposition ,

3 . catastrophic cadJ . 1 a sudden event that cuuses

very great trouble or destruction ,

( = disastrous )

4 emission ( n 7 the act . of sending out

gas ,
heat , light ,

greasy ladj . ) covered with or full of fat oroil .

leak (r . ) ( liquid or
gas ) to escape from a hole or crackin a
pipe of container ,

t ( n ) sth that is very

i n
important and must g

be dealt with before other

emphasis ( v. ) the particular im portance or affention that is given to sth ,


condition (n ) . sth that must happen or be true before it is possible for sth else to


intermittent ladJ
re p e
) not happening ate
regularly continuously ; stopping
dly and starting . or

or with periods in between ,

pounding in ) . a
heary attack or defeat

7 .
Botentially Cadv ) .

8 . efficient cad7 ) .
working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way

9 convert ( n ) to (
. . cause sth or someone to ) change in form or character ,

10 .
fracking in , ) a method of gettingol gas from the rock below the surface of the

ground by making targe cracks in it Fracking is short for hydraulic.

fracturing ”
extract iv ) to remove
. or take out sth

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