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This chapter contains of description of research finding, the result of the

research obtained from the posttest and discussion of the research.

A. Research Finding

Finding differ between the students who are taught by using total

physical response and the students who are not taught by using total physical

response in SDN 007 Muara Jawa. The researcher analyzed the data using

quantitative data. The data got from test to the experimental group and control

group after giving different treatment both classes.

The subjects of this research were fifth class of SDN 007 Muara Jawa.

The researcher took in V B as experimental group and V A as control group.

Before the test was given to the students, the researcher gave try out test to

students of MI Syaichona Cholil Balikpapan to measured validity, reliability,

difficulty level, and discrimination power. Furthermore, the researcher took 25

items from try out result. The test was given after both students of experimental

group and control group followed the treatment process in two meetings that

was provided by the researcher. Before the learning activities conducted, the

researcher determined the materials and lesson plan of learning (see appendix 6).

The treatment in experimental group conducted by using total physical response,

while the control group was in conventional class.


The result of posttest analyzed by t-test formula. The data took from the

experimental group and control group. It is to know the significance different

after treatment. It is to prove the truth of hypothesis that has been planned.

Posttest was given after twice treatments using total physical response in

experimental group and without total physical response in control group. Based

on the result of posttest both experimental group and control group showed as

table 4 below. It showed that experimental group the highest score was 95 - 100,

achieved by 3 students and the control group the highest score was 90 – 94,

achieved by a students. It can be seen from the table below.

Table .4.

Post test result

No Score Experimental Group Control Group

1 60 – 64 0 3
2 65 – 69 2 3
3 70 – 74 2 7
4 75 – 79 3 2
5 80 – 84 8 7
6 85 – 89 4 2
7 90 – 94 3 1
8 95 – 100 3 0
∑ Respondent 25 Students 25 Students

See appendix 5 to know more specific the score of post test in experimental and

control group.

The researcher used t-test formula to see whether there was significant

difference between the students who taught vocabulary used total physical

response than the students who taught vocabulary without used total physical

response (conventional class). The calculation and tabulation of the score can be

seen on the table below.


The Computation and Tabulation of The Data

NO Xx Xy X x2 X y2
1 68 88 -15,04 12 226,202 144
2 76 64 -7,04 -12 49,5616 144
3 80 72 -3,04 -4 9,2416 16
4 88 84 4,96 8 24,6016 64
5 92 68 8,96 -8 80,2816 64
6 80 74 -3,04 -2 9,2416 4
7 88 74 4,96 -2 24,6016 4
8 72 84 -11,04 8 121,882 64
9 96 76 12,96 0 167,962 0
10 76 68 -7,04 -8 49,5616 64
11 80 72 -3,04 -4 9,2416 16
12 80 72 -3,04 -4 9,2416 16
13 84 80 0,96 4 0,9216 16
14 84 68 0,96 -8 0,9216 64
15 92 60 8,96 -16 80,2816 256
16 72 76 -11,04 0 121,882 0
17 84 88 0,96 12 0,9216 144
18 80 74 -3,04 -2 9,2416 4
19 68 74 -15,04 -2 226,202 4
20 92 84 8,96 8 80,2816 64
21 96 84 12,96 8 167,962 64
22 88 92 4,96 16 24,6016 256
23 76 80 -7,04 4 49,5616 16
24 96 80 12,96 4 167,962 16
25 88 64 4,96 -12 24,6016 144
∑X= ∑Y= ∑ X x =1737
2 ∑ X y =1648

2076 1900
M X =83,04M Y =76

Furthermore, the researcher calculated t-test using the following formula:


M X −M Y

√[ ∑ X x +∑ X y

n x+n −2

][ ]
1 1
nx n y

Summary of preparation to T test:

M X = 83,04

M Y = 76

X x = 1737

X x = 1648

n = 25

√[ 1737+1648
25+ 25−2 ][ 1 1
25 25 ]
√[ ] [
0,04+0,04 ]

√[ ] [
0,04+0,04 ]

√ [ 70,52 ] [ 0,08 ]
t = 2,37

t = 2,9704

After getting t-test result, then it would be consulted to the critical score of t-

table to check whether the difference is significant or not. For significance level

5% with df = 25 + 25 – 2 = 48, it was found t-table (48) = 2,0106 (see appendix

10). Because of t-score ≥ t-table (2,9704 ≥ 2,0106), so it could be concluded that

there was a significant different between the experimental group and control


B. Discussion

The result of the research showed that the experimental group (the

students who are taught vocabulary using total physical response) has the mean

value 83,04. Meanwhile, the control group (the students who are taught

vocabulary without total physical response) has the mean value 76. It can be said

that the test score of experimental group was higher than control group. On the

other hand, the test of hypothesis using t-test formula showed the value of t-test

was higher than critical value of t-table. The value of t-test was 2,9704 while the

critical value on t-table was 2,0106. It means that there was significant

difference the achievement in vocabulary score between students taught using

total physical response and students taught vocabulary without total physical

response or in other word the null hypothesis ( H O) is rejected and the alternative

hypothesis ( H a ) accepted. In this case, total physical response is effective in

teaching vocabulary.

The success of teaching vocabulary using total physical response method

was determined by a factor, the students were demand to be active, they were

listen and respond to the spoken target language commands of their teacher, 68 in
Diane Larsen, Freeman, Techniques and principles in language teaching,…p.110

total physical response learners have primary role as listener and performer.

They were listened attentively and response physically to command given by the

teacher. The process same as the first time they start knowing their first

language. In addition, vocabulary one of the language aspects, which the people

should learn when they were learned a language.

Good mastery of vocabulary was important for anyone who learned a

language, it helps to speak fluently and accurately, write easily, or understands

what the learners read and hear. Vocabulary was very important to mastered first

because useful for the students in order to communicate in daily life. The teacher

has to be able to manage the teaching vocabulary effectively in order to achieve

a target and the teacher has selected the suitable words to teach. Haycraft stated

that the choice of words should be based on the following consideration: (1)

comments words: the words which are commonly used for the worlds that

students need, (2) students need: the words needed by the students are usually

worth important to be taught to the students. 69Based on the statement above, the

teacher can choose the vocabularies about daily activities, habits, and etc

because it useful for students to communicate everyday.

Teaching vocabulary to young learner using total physical response was

solution to made learning process in the classroom more active and fun, because

the students did not just sit on the chair and hear the teacher’s explanation about

the materials, but students can do with actions. The researcher found some

advantages of total physical response when conducted it. There are: (1) the

students of experimental group more active, happy, and enjoy than control
Octaviany Yenny, The application of TPR in teaching English vocabulary to the fourth
graders of SDN 04 Krajankulon Kaliwungu Kendal in the academic year 2006/2007,…p.11-12

group in the classroom, (2) The students of experimental group easier to

remember new vocabularies, (3) total physical response can be said that the

method was suitable for teaching elementary school students because basically,

elementary school or young learners liked something related to movement and

accordance with elementary school students or young learners who liked play,

(4) the students can motivate to learn although indirectly. In this research, the

researcher used total physical response in teaching vocabulary fifth grade at

SDN 007 Muara Jawa, and the hypothesis that has planned accepted that total

physical response was effective in teaching vocabulary.

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