Chapter 5 Helda Aulia

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In this chapter, the researcher describes the result of the research in the

conclusion and gives some suggestions.

A. Conclusion

After the researcher completing the previous chapters, the previous

chapters, the researcher will draw some conclusions as the result of the research.

The result of test score showed that the experimental group given treatment

using total physical response in teaching vocabulary got mean score was 83,04

compared with the control group who did not get treatment and the mean score

of control class was 76. It can be said that the score of experimental group was

higher than control group. Based on the t-test with significant level 5% it is

found that t-score 2,9704 with t-table 2,0106. Because count table t-score ≥ t-

table, so there is significant difference between result of the effectiveness using

total physical response in teaching vocabulary with not using total physical

response in teaching vocabulary.

Therefore, it can be concluded that teaching vocabulary through total

physical response has positive significant difference in teaching and learning

process. It can be seen based on students’ motivation in learning English is

increased. The main factors affecting the success of implementation total

physical response are the students’ interest in the teaching and learning


activities, the relevancy between the vocabularies offered in the activities, and

the vocabularies can be use in daily activities. Finally, after conducting this

research, the researcher concluded that the advantages of total physical response

in teaching vocabulary are:

1. TPR motivates the students since it is enjoyable.

2. In TPR class, the language is directly used in context.

3. TPR is memorable, students’ memorization will be stored longer since they

are use their bodies to acquire the meaning of the words.

4. TPR is good for building vocabularies

Based on the conclusion above and the result of this research, the

researcher concluded that total physical response was effective in teaching

vocabulary to fifth grade students at SDN 007 Muara Jawa.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the research discussion and conclusion, the

researcher proposes some suggestions as follows:

1. Using total physical response in teaching vocabulary recommended for

English teachers, especially for the elementary school teacher to attract the

students’ interest and motivation in learning English.

2. Total physical response can be an alternative method that can be use to teach

vocabulary at SDN 007 Muara Jawa, the teacher should be done regularly

and continuously to increase students’ achievement especially in vocabulary.

3. This research should be conducted in other classes of other school to get

wider generalization of the result this research


4. The researcher hopes that there will be many researchers explore about how

to apply total physical response more effectively in the future.

5. The researcher hopes the next research can complete the weaknesses of

previous research.

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