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Jabatan (Position) : Driver DT Roster Kerja (Working Roster) : 13 : 1
POH : KTP Roster Cuti (Leave Roster) : 12 : 2
Status (Employee Status) : Contract 12 month Waktu Kerja (Working Haours) : 12 Hours - 1 hours lunch (11 hours)

Cost Structure Code Formula Per Month DRIVER DT 40T

A TAKE HOME PAY UMSK Kutai Barat (Melak) 2023 : 3,553,038

1 Basic Salary UP UP = UMSK + Adjustment skill man power 3,730,690
2 Overtime Estimate OT OT = UP/173 x Convertion (assumption 220 hour per month) = 21.565 x 220 4,744,230
3 Bonus & Incentive Production INC INC = based on the results of the assessment per month
- Zero incident, 98% discipline, Orderly rules : 1.500.000
Actual result of the
- light incident, 95% discipline, Minor rules violation : 1.000.000
assesment per month
- Moderat incident, 90% discipline, Moderat rules violation : 750.000
- Fatality incident, under 90% discipline, Serious rules violation : -
4 Ritase RIT RIT = Rate value x Total ritase per month
Hauling distance 80 Km
Ritase 1 : Rp. 5 x 80 Km x 30 Ton = 12.000
Ritase 2 : Rp. 8 x 80 Km x 30 Ton = 19.200
: Rp. 12 x 80 Km x 30
Ritase 3 = 28.800
Actual total monthly rate
Hauling distance 40 Km
Ritase 1 : Rp. 9 x 40 Km x 30 Ton = 10.800
Ritase 2 : Rp. 9 x 40 Km x 30 Ton = 10.800
Ritase 3 : Rp. 9 x 40 Km x 30 Ton = 10.800
: Rp. 24 x 40 Km x 30
Ritase 4 = 28.800
Sub Total A 8,474,920
1 BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
- JHT 3.70% JHT JHT = UP x 3,70% 138,036
- JKK 1.74% JKK JKK = UP x 1,74% 64,914
- JKM 0.30% JKM JKM = UP x 0,30% 11,192
- Pensiun 2.00% JP JP = UP x 2,00% 74,614
2 BPJS Kesehatan 4.00% BKES BKES = UP x 4,00% 149,228
3 Tunjangan Hari Raya (Holiday Allowance) THR THR = (1 x UP)/12 310,891
4 Protection of termintation contract (PP 35) TCP TCP = (1 x UP)/12 310,891
Sub Total B 1,059,765
1 Medical Check Up (MCU) MCU MCU = Parameter Standard MBL MBL
2 Pengiriman Tenaga Kerja (Labor delivery to Site MBL) PA PA = Tiket Pesawat + Transportasi Darat (Flight ticket + Travel expences) MBL
3 Cuti Job Site (Job Site Leave) LA LA = Tiket Pesawat + Transportasi Darat (Flight ticket + Travel expences) MBL
Mess, Makan dan Laundry (Accomodation, UM UM = Job Site Base on POH MBL
Meals & Laundry)
5 Transport Kerja TF TF = Transportasi saat bekerja (Transportation at work (Man Haul)) MBL
6 Seragam (Uniform) S S = 4 sets per year (971.250 per employee) Invoicing
7 Personal protective equipment (APD) APD APD = Safety Shoes, Helmet, Glasses, Masker (1.291.950 per employee) Invoicing
Sub Total C -
D Total TOT TOT = Sub Total A (Take Home Pay) + Sub Total B (Benefit) 9,534,684
E Management Fee M.FEE M.FEE = TOT x 18,5% 1,763,917
F Grand Total G.TOT G.TOT = TOT + M. FEE 11,298,601
G PPN PPN PPN = 11% x M. FEE 194,031
H PPh PPh PPh = - 2% x M. FEE (Pengurang) - 35,278

Term of Condition
1 Status penerimaan kekaryawanan (POH) adalah status non local, sesuai dengan alamat yang tercantum di KTP.
The employment acceptance status (POH) is non-local status, according to the address listed on the KTP.
2 PT Blasosem Putra akan menempatkan Site Reprensentative untuk mengelola tenaga kerjanya jika Jumlah minimum tenaga kerja untuk
satu Site adalah 50 tenaga kerja. Mess, laundry, dan makan Site Representative diberikan oleh PT Manoor Bulatn Lestari
PT Blasosem Putra will place a Representative Site to manage the workforce if the minimum number of workers is for One Site is 50 labor.
Mess, laundry, and meals Site Reprentative provided by PT Manoor Bulatn Lestari
3 Bilamana jumlah tenaga kerja tidak mencapai jumlah minimum seperti pada point 3 maka PT Blasosem Putra akan menempatkan 1 tenaga
pengelola setingkat staff pada site tersebut, dimana hak-hak tenaga pengelola tersebut menjadi tanggung jawab PT Manoor Bulatn Lestari
If the number
where of workers
the rights does
of the staff notthe
are reach the minimum
responsibility of PTnumber
in point 3, PT Blasosem
Lestari, including Putra will place 1 worker at the level of staff at the site,
mess, laundry, and meals provided by PT Manoor Bulatn Lestari
4 Fluktuasi Management Fee adalah sebagai berikut:
Management Fee fluctuations are as follows:
- Jumlah tenaga kerja dibawah 50 orang adalah: 18,5% dari nilai Take Home Pay dan Benefit
Number of workers under 50 people is: 18.5% of the value of Take Home Pay and Benefits.
- Jumlah tenaga kerja 50 - 100 orang adalah: 16,5% dari nilai Take Home Pay dan Benefit.
Number of workers 50 - 100 people is: 16.5% of the value of Take Home Pay and Benefits.
- Jumlah tenaga kerja diatas 100 orang adalah: 14,5% dari nilai Take Home Pay dan Benefit
Number of workers above 100 people is: 14.5% of the value of Take Home Pay and Benefits
5 Tagihan nilai hak tenaga kerja (Take Home Pay & Benefit) dan Management Fee akan dilakukan setiap tanggal 25 bulan berjalan dan Pembayaran tagihan
dilakukan sebelum tanggal penggajian karyawan (akhir bulan).
Billing for the value of labor (Take Home Pay & Benefit) and Management Fee will be made every 25th of the current month and Bill payments
are made before the employee's pay day date (end of month).
6 Kontrak kerjasama antar perusahaan adalah 3 (tiga) tahun.
Cooperation contracts between companies are 3 (three) years.
Jabatan (Position) : Driver DT Roster Kerja (Working Roster) : 13 : 1
POH : KTP Roster Cuti (Leave Roster) : 12 : 2
Status (Employee Status) : Contract 12 month Waktu Kerja (Working Haours) : 12 Hours - 1 hours lunch (11 hours)

Cost Structure Code Formula Per Month OPERATOR

A TAKE HOME PAY UMSK Kutai Barat (Melak) 2023 : 3,553,038

1 Basic Salary UP UP = UMSK + Adjustment skill man power 3,730,690
2 Overtime Estimate OT OT = UP/173 x Convertion (assumption 220 hour per month) = 21.565 x 220 4,744,230
3 Bonus & Incentive Production INC INC = based on the results of the assessment per month
- Zero incident, 98% discipline, Orderly rules : 1.500.000
Actual result of the
- light incident, 95% discipline, Minor rules violation : 1.000.000 assesment per month
- Moderat incident, 90% discipline, Moderat rules violation : 750.000
- Fatality incident, under 90% discipline, Serious rules violation : -
4 Hour Meter Unit HM HM = HM value x Total HM per month
Rate per HM
Excavator 100T = 12.000 per HM
Excavator 70T = 10.500 per HM
Excavator 50T = 9.000 per HM
Excavator 40T = 8.000 per HM
Excavator 30T = 7.000 per HM
Excavator 20T = 6.000 per HM
Actual total monthly rate
Bulldozer D85ESS = 7.000 per HM
Bulldozer D155ESS = 9.000 per HM
Bulldozer D375ESS = 10.500 per HM
Grader = 10.500 per HM
Wheel Loader = 7.000 per HM
Compactor = 4.000 per HM
ADT 40T = 9.000 per HM
HDT 40T = 9.000 per HM
Sub Total A 8,474,920
1 BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
- JHT 3.70% JHT JHT = UP x 3,70% 138,036
- JKK 1.74% JKK JKK = UP x 1,74% 64,914
- JKM 0.30% JKM JKM = UP x 0,30% 11,192
- Pensiun 2.00% JP JP = UP x 2,00% 74,614
2 BPJS Kesehatan 4.00% BKES BKES = UP x 4,00% 149,228
3 Tunjangan Hari Raya (Holiday Allowance) THR THR = (1 x UP)/12 310,891
4 Protection of termintation contract (PP 35) TCP TCP = (1 x UP)/12 310,891
Sub Total B 1,059,765
1 Medical Check Up (MCU) MCU MCU = Parameter Standard MBL MBL
2 Pengiriman Tenaga Kerja (Labor delivery to Site MBL) PA PA = Tiket Pesawat + Transportasi Darat (Flight ticket + Travel expences) MBL
3 Cuti Job Site (Job Site Leave) LA LA = Tiket Pesawat + Transportasi Darat (Flight ticket + Travel expences) MBL
Mess, Makan dan Laundry (Accomodation, UM UM = Job Site Base on POH MBL
Meals & Laundry)
5 Transport Kerja TF TF = Transportasi saat bekerja (Transportation at work (Man Haul)) MBL
6 Seragam (Uniform) S S = 4 sets per year (971.250 per employee) Invoicing
7 Personal protective equipment (APD) APD APD = Safety Shoes, Helmet, Glasses, Masker (1.291.950 per employee) Invoicing
Sub Total C -
D Total TOT TOT = Sub Total A (Take Home Pay) + Sub Total B (Benefit) 9,534,684
E Management Fee M.FEE M.FEE = TOT x 18,5% 1,763,917
F Grand Total G.TOT G.TOT = TOT + M. FEE 11,298,601
G PPN PPN PPN = 11% x M. FEE 194,031
H PPh PPh PPh = - 2% x M. FEE (Pengurang) - 35,278

Term of Condition
1 Status penerimaan kekaryawanan (POH) adalah status non local, sesuai dengan alamat yang tercantum di KTP.
The employment acceptance status (POH) is non-local status, according to the address listed on the KTP.
2 PT Blasosem Putra akan menempatkan Site Reprensentative untuk mengelola tenaga kerjanya jika Jumlah minimum tenaga kerja untuk
satu Site adalah 50 tenaga kerja. Mess, laundry, dan makan Site Representative diberikan oleh PT Manoor Bulatn Lestari
PT Blasosem Putra will place a Representative Site to manage the workforce if the minimum number of workers is for One Site is 50 labor.
Mess, laundry, and meals Site Reprentative provided by PT Manoor Bulatn Lestari
3 Bilamana jumlah tenaga kerja tidak mencapai jumlah minimum seperti pada point 3 maka PT Blasosem Putra akan menempatkan 1 tenaga
pengelola setingkat staff pada site tersebut, dimana hak-hak tenaga pengelola tersebut menjadi tanggung jawab PT Manoor Bulatn Lestari
If the number
where of workers
the rights does
of the staff notthe
are reach the minimum
responsibility of PTnumber
in point 3, PT Blasosem
Lestari, including Putra will place 1 worker at the level of staff at the site,
mess, laundry, and meals provided by PT Manoor Bulatn Lestari
4 Fluktuasi Management Fee adalah sebagai berikut:
Management Fee fluctuations are as follows:
- Jumlah tenaga kerja dibawah 50 orang adalah: 18,5% dari nilai Take Home Pay dan Benefit
Number of workers under 50 people is: 18.5% of the value of Take Home Pay and Benefits.
- Jumlah tenaga kerja 50 - 100 orang adalah: 16,5% dari nilai Take Home Pay dan Benefit.
Number of workers 50 - 100 people is: 16.5% of the value of Take Home Pay and Benefits.
- Jumlah tenaga kerja diatas 100 orang adalah: 14,5% dari nilai Take Home Pay dan Benefit
Number of workers above 100 people is: 14.5% of the value of Take Home Pay and Benefits
5 Tagihan nilai hak tenaga kerja (Take Home Pay & Benefit) dan Management Fee akan dilakukan setiap tanggal 25 bulan berjalan dan Pembayaran tagihan
dilakukan sebelum tanggal penggajian karyawan (akhir bulan).
Billing for the value of labor (Take Home Pay & Benefit) and Management Fee will be made every 25th of the current month and Bill payments
are made before the employee's pay day date (end of month).
6 Kontrak kerjasama antar perusahaan adalah 3 (tiga) tahun.
Cooperation contracts between companies are 3 (three) years.
Jabatan (Position) : Driver DT Roster Kerja (Working Roster)
POH : KTP Roster Cuti (Leave Roster)
Status (Employee Status) : Contract 12 month Waktu Kerja (Working Haours)

Cost Structure Code Formula Per Month

A TAKE HOME PAY UMSK Kutai Barat (Melak) 2023 :

1 Basic Salary UP UP = UMSK + Adjustment skill man power
2 Overtime Estimate OT OT = UP/173 x Convertion (assumption 220 hour per month) = 21.565 x 220
3 Bonus & Incentive INC INC = based on the results of the assessment per month
- Zero incident, 98% discipline, Orderly rules
- light incident, 95% discipline, Minor rules violation
- Moderat incident, 90% discipline, Moderat rules violation
- Fatality incident, under 90% discipline, Serious rules violation

Sub Total A
1 BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
- JHT 3.70% JHT JHT = UP x 3,70%
- JKK 1.74% JKK JKK = UP x 1,74%
- JKM 0.30% JKM JKM = UP x 0,30%
- Pensiun 2.00% JP JP = UP x 2,00%
2 BPJS Kesehatan 4.00% BKES BKES = UP x 4,00%
3 Tunjangan Hari Raya (Holiday Allowance) THR THR = (1 x UP)/12
4 Protection of termintation contract (PP 35) TCP TCP = (1 x UP)/12
Sub Total B
1 Medical Check Up (MCU) MCU MCU = Parameter Standard MBL
2 Pengiriman Tenaga Kerja (Labor delivery to Site MBL) PA PA = Tiket Pesawat + Transportasi Darat (Flight ticket + Travel expences)
3 Cuti Job Site (Job Site Leave) LA LA = Tiket Pesawat + Transportasi Darat (Flight ticket + Travel expences)
Mess, Makan dan Laundry (Accomodation, UM UM = Job Site Base on POH
Meals & Laundry)
5 Transport Kerja TF TF = Transportasi saat bekerja (Transportation at work (Man Haul))
6 Seragam (Uniform) S S = 4 sets per year (971.250 per employee)
7 Personal protective equipment (APD) APD APD = Safety Shoes, Helmet, Glasses, Masker (1.291.950 per employee)
Sub Total C
D Total TOT TOT = Sub Total A (Take Home Pay) + Sub Total B (Benefit)
E Management Fee M.FEE M.FEE = TOT x 18,5%
F Grand Total G.TOT G.TOT = TOT + M. FEE
G PPN PPN PPN = 11% x M. FEE
H PPh PPh PPh = - 2% x M. FEE (Pengurang)

Term of Condition
1 Status penerimaan kekaryawanan (POH) adalah status non local, sesuai dengan alamat yang tercantum di KTP.
The employment acceptance status (POH) is non-local status, according to the address listed on the KTP.
2 PT Blasosem Putra akan menempatkan Site Reprensentative untuk mengelola tenaga kerjanya jika Jumlah minimum tenaga kerja untuk
satu Site adalah 50 tenaga kerja. Mess, laundry, dan makan Site Representative diberikan oleh PT Manoor Bulatn Lestari
PT Blasosem Putra will place a Representative Site to manage the workforce if the minimum number of workers is for One Site is 50 labor.
Mess, laundry, and meals Site Reprentative provided by PT Manoor Bulatn Lestari
3 Bilamana jumlah tenaga kerja tidak mencapai jumlah minimum seperti pada point 3 maka PT Blasosem Putra akan menempatkan 1 tenaga
pengelola setingkat staff pada site tersebut, dimana hak-hak tenaga pengelola tersebut menjadi tanggung jawab PT Manoor Bulatn Lestari
If the number
where of workers
the rights does
of the staff not
are reach
the the minimum
responsibility of PTnumber
in point 3, PT Blasosem
Lestari, including Putra will place 1 worker at the level of staff at the site,
mess, laundry, and meals provided by PT Manoor Bulatn Lestari
4 Fluktuasi Management Fee adalah sebagai berikut:
Management Fee fluctuations are as follows:
- Jumlah tenaga kerja dibawah 50 orang adalah: 18,5% dari nilai Take Home Pay dan Benefit
Number of workers under 50 people is: 18.5% of the value of Take Home Pay and Benefits.
- Jumlah tenaga kerja 50 - 100 orang adalah: 16,5% dari nilai Take Home Pay dan Benefit.
Number of workers 50 - 100 people is: 16.5% of the value of Take Home Pay and Benefits.
- Jumlah tenaga kerja diatas 100 orang adalah: 14,5% dari nilai Take Home Pay dan Benefit
Number of workers above 100 people is: 14.5% of the value of Take Home Pay and Benefits
5 Tagihan nilai hak tenaga kerja (Take Home Pay & Benefit) dan Management Fee akan dilakukan setiap tanggal 25 bulan berjalan dan Pembayaran tagihan
dilakukan sebelum tanggal penggajian karyawan (akhir bulan).
Billing for the value of labor (Take Home Pay & Benefit) and Management Fee will be made every 25th of the current month and Bill payments
are made before the employee's pay day date (end of month).
6 Kontrak kerjasama antar perusahaan adalah 3 (tiga) tahun.
Cooperation contracts between companies are 3 (three) years.
orking Roster) : 13 : 1
ve Roster) : 12 : 2
orking Haours) : 12 Hours - 1 hours lunch (11 hours)
4,618,949 4,192,585 3,837,281
1.565 x 220 5,873,808 5,331,611 4,879,779

: 1.500.000 Actual result of Actual result of Actual result of the

: 1.000.000 the assesment the assesment per assesment per
: 750.000 per month month month
: -

10,492,758 9,524,196 8,717,060

170,901 155,126 141,979

80,370 72,951 66,769
13,857 12,578 11,512
92,379 83,852 76,746
184,758 167,703 153,491
384,912 349,382 319,773
384,912 349,382 319,773
1,312,090 1,190,974 1,090,044


pences) MBL MBL MBL
pences) MBL MBL MBL



Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing
ployee) Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing
- - -
11,804,847 10,715,169 9,807,104
2,183,897 1,982,306 1,814,314
13,988,744 12,697,476 11,621,418
240,229 218,054 199,575
- 43,678 - 39,646 - 36,286

t the site,
mbayaran tagihan

Outsource Management


Clean part Perform Contamination Control
Keep work area clean and orderly Using & maintain hand & power tools under
Assist skilled employees supervision
Assist in removal and installation components
Assist in preventive maintenance job
Assist in disassemble and assemble components
Clean part Perform Contamination Control
Keep work area clean and orderly Using & maintain hand & power tools
Remove/Install Using & maintain measuring tools
Disassemble and Assemble Using & maintain special tools for preventive
Mechanic 3 Preventive maintenance/service on engine/machine maintenance/service job
Minor repairs on engine/machine Understand Manufacturer literature
- Part manual
- Specification
- Remove/Install, disassemble/assemble
Clean part Perform Contamination Control
Keep work area clean and orderly Using & maintain hand & power tools
Remove/Install Using & maintain measuring tools
Disassemble and Assemble Using & maintain special tools for preventive
Preventive maintenance/service on engine/machine maintenance/service job
Minor repairs on engine/machine Using & maintain special tools for major repair job
Mechanic 2
Assist level 1 mechanic & above for major repair job Understand Manufacturer literature
- Part manual
Static adjustment (e.g. Engine valve, suspension, track, etc) - Specification
- Remove/Install, disassemble/assemble
- System operation
- Testing Adjusting
Clean part Perform Contamination Control
Part reusability Using & maintain hand & power tools
Keep work area clean and orderly Using & maintain measuring tools
Remove/Install Using & maintain special tools for preventive
Disassemble and Assemble maintenance/service job
Preventive maintenance/service on engine/machine Using & maintain special tools for major repair job
Mechanic 1
Minor repairs on engine/machine Understand Manufacturer literature
Major repairs on engine/machine - Part manual
- Specification
Static adjustment
By system testing (e.g. Engine valve, suspension,
& adjusting/dynamic adjustmenttrack, etc)
(hydraulic, - Remove/Install, disassemble/assemble
transmission)/Technical Analysis 2 - System operation
System troubleshooting job - Testing Adjusting
Clean part Perform Contamination Control
Part reusability Using & maintain hand & power tools
Keep work area clean and orderly Using & maintain measuring tools
Remove/Install Using & maintain special tools for preventive
Disassemble and Assemble maintenance/service job
Preventive maintenance/service on engine/machine Using & maintain special tools for major repair job
Minor repairs on engine/machine Deeply Understand Manufacturer literature
Major repairs on engine/machine - Part manual
By adjustment
system testing (e.g. Engine valve, suspension,
& adjusting/dynamic adjustmenttrack, etc)
(hydraulic, - Specification
transmission)/Technical Analysis 2 - Remove/Install, disassemble/assemble

Machine troubleshooting job - System operation

Component/Part Failure Analysis - Testing Adjusting
- Understand manufacturer update
Deeply Understand at least a whole system for
one type of machine

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