Speaking 1 Intermedio 3

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BRISHITH: Hi, Xiomara, long time no see

XIOMARA: Hi Brishith, I say the same, how are you?

BRISHITH: I'm a bit tired from university work, but from there everything is fine, and you?

XIOMARA: Oh wow, yes it must be tired, for my part I am exhausted from school activities, I
need to get out of my routine!

BRISHITH: Me too, Xiomara, do you mind if we go somewhere this weekend to relax and enjoy
ourselves for a while?

XIOMARA: yes I think it would be great, do you think if we go to the amusement park or the

BRISHITH: Sure! I think it's an excellent idea. And if there isn't a good movie in the cinema, we
could just go to the amusement park for more time.

XIOMARA: Oh, that's a great idea, do you think if we also go for an ice cream?

BRISHITH Yes, there is an ice cream parlor across from the parking bay behind the amusement
park. We could go there, do you think?

XIOMARA: Yes, that's fine with me, what flavor of ice cream will you order?

BRISHITH: I will ask for chocolate with Lucuma, and if they have colored sparks much better

XIOMARA: That's great, that flavor is very delicious, I for one will order mint with chocolate

BRISHITH: Sure, and I could pick you up if you like.

XIOMARA: And you will take someone?

BRISHITH: I don't think my friends can spend the weekend mostly working.

XIOMARA: Oh what a shame, I could bring some friends if you like

BRISHITH: Yes, that's fine, the more the better, how many people would it be to be able to buy
the tickets for the amusement park?

XIOMARA: It would probably be about five people including you and me. But first, I must
confirm, who will go to see the tickets.

BRISHITH: Okay, so that's how we stay, let me know if your friends can and we'll see that, now
unfortunately what to go because if not I'll never finish all my homework.

XIOMARA: Don't worry Brishith, I have to go too because my classes will start in a few minutes.
See you soon.

BRISHITH: See you later Xiomara

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