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So you’ve just joined hypixel for the first time and have no idea how the large variety of

games work. Well, you’re in luck. Starting today I will be explaining all 19 categories in better
detail than their description, and offering my recommendations for each. My name is
peakanxiety and this is Hypixel Explained.

The first game that I will be explaining will be skywars. Why skywars? I don’t know, I just
felt like doing it first

There are 6 main modes, solo, doubles (with both normal and insane), ranked, mega,
laboratory, and duels. We will only be focusing on the first five as I will explain Skywars duels,
along with all the other duels, at a later date.

In skywars players spawn on an island by themselves or in teams. They loot the chests,
gather resources(although no one really does that), and then head towards the main island to
find better loot. They then battle other users in player vs player combat. There are at least three
refills of the chests, with the last giving the best loot. After the last refill dragons are spawned,
then finally you just die.

You can get kits and perks to help with your performance. You can straight up buy them
using coins(which you get by killing or assisting the death of players), or by using souls in the
soul well(which you also get by killing players). You can also unlock kits by getting heads. You
collect heads by killing players in a corrupt game. I won’t be really talking about these because if
I did, the video would be like an hour long, however, I will be telling you my recommendation. I
will leave a link down below to a guide on the perks and kits if you want to learn more about
these. Or you can just find them in game.

Solo Normal:
In solo normal 12 players spawn separately.
In the spawn island chests, you can find leather, gold, chain(?), and iron armor(?); eggs,
snowballs; axe, pick; stone, enchanted stone, and iron swords; wood or stone blocks; xp bottles;
beef; water and lava buckets; flint and steel; and un-enchanted bow and arrows.
In the mid chests, you can find enchanted iron armor; more snowballs; more blocks; tnt;
diamond armor(helmet, boots); enchanted bow; fire aspect iron sword; gapples; enchanted
diamond axe, and enderpearls.

Insane mode is basically the same thing as normal mode, except the gear is better.

In spawn chests you will find iron/diamond armor; diamond, enchanted diamond, and enchanted
stone swords; stone or wood blocks, splash potion of speed/swiftness II, splash potion of
regeneration I, splash potion of poison, and fire resistance potions; eggs and snowballs; fishing
rod; water and lava buckets; power I and power III bows; arrows; bottles o’ enchanting; and
finally, steak;

In mid chests you will find enchanted diamond armor; diamond sword with flame; power V bow;
enderpearls; knockback III fishing rod; gapples; splash potion of regeneration; splash potion of
speed II; more blocks; enchanted tools; 64 snowballs; flint and steel; tnt; lava buckets; stacks of
arrows; bottles of enchanting; finally, blaze and skeleton spawn eggs.


Doubles are exactly the same as solo except there being teams of 2.


Ranked is a 1v1v1v1 gamemode where players are ranked monthly for their performance. You
must be network level 25 to play.


Mega puts 20 teams of 5 players in a huge map against each other. Other than that it is very
similar to the other modes. It is the mode played the least unless something like a youtuber
hosted game happens.


Skywars Laboratory is a collection of experimental game modes similar to bedwars’ dream



I would recommend starting out in normal just to get a hang of it. Once you have won a couple
of games I would recommend switching to insane. You can also practice with a friend in
doubles, although I have no friends so I don’t know if this is good or not. Once you get good
enough maybe think about playing ranked, although this one is more up to you.

For solo normal kits I usually use frog or knight, although I don’t really play that much.
Enderman is also very good as you can get out of a tricky situation. For insane kts anything to
get to mid quickly is good, anything that offers armor is good, and enderman is good. For perks I
would max out endermastery, juggernaut, and bulldozer. For other kits I would recommend
arrow recovery if you have a good aim, savior just for the small regen boost, lucky charm can
come in really handy, Environmental Expert is useful for staying alive longer, and fat which
makes it easier to win against rushers. For ranked kits I would use scout as it allows you to
collect everything on your island and get to mid quickly. For mega kits I would use armorer as
you don’t really get good armor in the spawn chests. For mega perks I would max out
Endermastery, Juggernaut, and Tank.

Now keep in mind these are just my recommendations, and as a guy with a .08 win/lose rate, I’d
say take it with a grain of salt.


And there we have it Skywars explained. Hope that this was helpful. If you liked this video make
sure to like and subscribe so that you don’t miss the rest of Hypixel Explained. Anyways, have a
good rest of your day and goodbye!

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