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Waste Inspection Checklist

Room ___________________ Date _____________________


Criteria Yes No NA Comments

1. Containers are sealed, without funnels
2. Containers labeled with the words Hazardous
3. Constituents of the waste described on the
container label
4. Storage limited to < 1 quart of acutely hazardous
waste and 55 gallons of regular wastes.
5. Waste containers are in good condition.
6. Non-waste chemical containers are labeled.
7. Secondary containment used for waste stored near
sink or floor drain.
8. Fixed extinguisher system present?
9. Propane cylinders stored or used indoors?

Waste Inspection Checklist

Room ___________________ Date _____________________

Criteria Yes No NA Comments

1. Containers are sealed, without funnels
2. Containers labeled with the words Hazardous
3. Constituents of the waste described on the
container label
4. Storage limited to < 1 quart of acutely hazardous
waste and 55 gallons of regular wastes.
5. Waste containers are in good condition.
6. Non-waste chemical containers are labeled.
7. Secondary containment used for waste stored near
sink or floor drain.
8. Fixed extinguisher system present?
9. Propane cylinders stored or used indoors?

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