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Marina Bay Sands Skypark Observation Deck or Sampan Ride

Admission to Sands Skypark

Lead part icipant Bo o king reference ID


Quant it y Dat e
1 x Adult 4 De c 2022

1 x Adult
Vo ucher No .

How to use
Voucher Type Description

Pre se nt your mobile vouche r

Usage validity

The vouche r is valid for 60 day(s) from the booking confirmation date . It e xpire s at 00:00 the day
afte r the last day

Redemption Process

Ente r with vouche r

How to Redeem

Ente r the ve nue dire ctly with your vouche r

Opening Hours

Monday / Tue sday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday / Public holidays: 11:00-21:00

We dne sday / Thursday: 11:00-18:00

Last admission: 10 minute s be fore closing

Obse rvation De ck ope rating hours may be subje ct to change . Ple ase call +65 6688 8826 to
e nquire or visit official we bsite to che ck be fore your visit.

Show Schedule

The Spe ctra - Light and Wate r Show at the Eve nt Plaza (1F)

Sunday-Thursday: 20:00, 21:00

Friday & Saturday: 20:00, 21:00, 22:00


Marina Bay Sands Hotel Tower 3 Level 57

10 Bayfront Ave Singapore 018956

Ple ase proce e d to the e ntrance at Marina Bay Sands Hote l Towe r 3 Exte rior

How To Get There

By bus: Take bus 97, 97E, 133, 133M, 502, 518, or 106 and ge t off at the Marina Bay Sands Hote l bus
stop along Bayfront Ave

By me tro: 10 minute walk from Bayfront Station (CE1/DT16) or 15 minute walk from Prome nade
Station (CC4/DT15)

Insider tips

Insider Tips
Afte r capturing multiple picture s from the Skypark, come on down to the 1st floor Eve nt Plaza to
e njoy the Spe ctra - Light and Wate r Show which happe ns e ve ry 20:00 and 21:00, daily with an
additional 22:00 show on Fridays and Saturdays

Contact us

Please use t hese co nt act det ails fo r last -minut e changes, quest io ns, emergencies, and o t her issues. Yo u have
co nfirmed t hat yo u agree t o t he KLOOK's T erms o f Use.

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