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Part 5

Read about the problems of petroleum. Six answers have been removed from the article. Choose
from the sentences A to G the one that fit each gap (21 to 26). There is one extra sentence which you
do not need to use.

To start with we cannot go on using petroleum forever. At present, there is still plenty of petroleum
under the ground as engineers keep finding new sources of oil. There is oil under the North Sea and
under the Atlantic Ocean We can possibly keep using oil for only a few more decades-perhaps until
2070, then it will eventually run out. There will be none left-or at least, there will be hardly any left.
2 First and foremost, the quantity of oil under the ground and under the sea is not unlimited.
It will not last forever. As oil becomes rarer, it will become harder to find. It will also become more
and more expensive to extract. 21 _____
3 Secondly, oil will always cause pollution. The by-products of burning oil include noxious
gases that are released as pollutants into the air. 22_____. Currently, there is new concern about
micro-plastics and how it has penetrated everything we consume and drink. Because of oil and its
by-products, we have created a huge mess on our planet.
4 Thankfully, there is light at the end of the tunnel. 23_____. In fact, most of the oil that we
consume comes from plants and it is sometimes possible to make petrol from this oil. For instance,
some types of diesel fuel already contain sunflower oil. Sunflowers produce good quality oil too but
most of this oil is needed for cooking. Sunflower oil is cleaner than mineral oil, so it causes less
pollution. 24_____ .
5 Looking forward, in reality, the future will have to be a future without oil-or with very little
of it. Scientists are already developing pure electric cars, negating the need for petroleum. 25____.
6 Today, electricity is produced in Britain in several different ways; some of it is produced
using oil but oil-burning power stations are already being closed. Nuclear power stations will be
closed too, because they are very expensive and the risks and hazards are plenty. Tomorrow's
electricity will be made from gas and from other renewable source.
7 In the short-term, gas will be an important source of energy. It is cleaner than oil, and easier
to extract There is also a lot more gas than oil under the ground. In the long-term, all our energy will
come from other renewable sources. 26 _____. It will be clean energy-with no pollution and it will
last forever. However, don't get your hopes up just yet because no one has found the formula for a
reliable renewable energy source.
8 We are on the right track but we are not there yet! In fact, it is still a long way to go. The
twenty-firs century will be a century of change. People who are over 50 today are not going to see a
world without o Those who are under twenty may… if they live long enough.
(Adapted from pelangi set1)

A In the long-term though, vegetable oils are not a good solution for the future because we may
need all the land to produce food.
B Electricity will be the energy of the third millennium.
C Plastic, another by-product, is literally choking the Earth and all its living creatures.
D Oil will therefore become more costly to produce than other fuels so we should be looking at a
more cost-effective alternative fuel.
E Renewable resources are good in theory but the operation costs are too high to be efficient.
F Scientists are hard at work making new forms of oil including fuel made from plants.
G These will come from the sun, the wind, the rivers and the oceans.
Read an article about leg extenstions. Six answers have been removed from the article. Choose from
the sentences A to G the one that fit each gap (21 to 26). There is one extra sentence which you do
not need to use.

1 Swee Jing paid more money than most Chinese people earn in a year to have both her legs
broken a stretched. The pretty college graduate is now lying in a hospital bed, clearly still in pain,
after the doctor sawed through the flesh and bone of both legs in eight places. Each leg now has
eight steel rods sticking of it below the knee and these are connected to a steel cage surrounding
each leg. Once the broken bones start to heal the doctors will begin to turn the screws on the cage
pushing the steel rods apart and so stretching the leg. It is a slow and painful process that will take
18 months to add 8 cm to Swee Jing's height.
2 21 _____. "It hurts, but it will be worth it to be taller. I'll have more opportunities in life and
a better chance of finding a good job and husband."
3 Her parents, who financed the operation and are now at her bedside, agree. "It's an
investment in our daughter 's future. Because she was short, she used to lack confidence, but this
should change that." Ln part, the popularity of such surgery can be explained by increase of interest
in fashion and beauty in a country where things like fashion magazines and beauty contests used to
be banned. 22 ____. Shops and magazines in the cities show endless images of long-legged western
models, putting too much pressure on young women.
4 There is also strong pressure from local culture. 23 ____. To get a post in the government
ministries, for instance, male applicants need not bother applying unless they are at least 5ft 7in,
while women must be at least 5ft 3in. Chinese diplomats are expected to be tall to match the height
of their fore counterparts.
5 For more glamorous positions the conditions are even tougher. Air stewardesses have to be
over 5 ft 5 in and height discrimination is evident even at ground level. In some places, people under
5ft 3in are not even eligible to take a driving test. To get into many law schools, women students
need to be over 5ft 1in and men over 5ft 5in. 24 _____.
6 Even successful operations can bring pain several months after the initial operation. "During
the final weeks of the stretching, I was in so much discomfort that I couldn't sleep at night," says one
young woman from Beijing who gave her name as Susan. 25 ____. Each leg now bears eight circular
scars, each half an inch in diameter. 26 ____. "It hurt at first and had a big impact on my life for a
long time because I couldn't walk freely. But it has worked, and I feel very good about that. Before,
nobody paid any attention to me because I was short, but now they'll look at me."
(Adapted from pelangi set 2)

A The once closed society is now more open to western influences and the middle classes who have
the money can explore these cosmetic possibilities.
B The 27-year-old is in hospital recovering from an operation to remove the steel rods that have
been inside her legs for the past 18 months.
C These height requirements put added pressure on their citizens to alter their physical structure
simply to attain a better future.
D Short people are looked down on and not given the same opportunities as their taller
E In China, height is usually listed among the criteria required on job advertisements.
F Now that she is 8cm taller than before, Susan says she would not hesitate to recommend the
procedure to her friends.
G Despite the agony, the cost and the hardship, the 23-year-old says she does not regret a thing
Part 5

Read an article about a visitor’s trip to Pangkor Island. Six answers have been removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences A to G the one that fit each gap (21 to 26). There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use.

1 Days in Pangkor are as ideal as paradise; nights in Pangkor are as sweet as honey. I had the
opportunity t enjoy the magnificence of nature in Pangkor. The memories of stepping onto this
island remains fresh in my mind, a surprise indeed of finding a turquoise Malaysia.

2 We hadn't thought of what was waiting for us outside the high-rise buildings, bustling
shopping c and noisy streets of Kuala Lumpur. 21 ____. It was time to get on the boat to Pangkor
and all the description in the world could not come close to the actual experience of arriving on the
welcoming island The boat was crowded with locals and foreigners, laughing and chatting happily as
if everyone did not h a care in this world.

3 Pangkor, a little island of about 8 km, welcomed us with perfect weather. As we were
passing by town between the wharf and our beach resort, we had the chance to explore the lives of
local people through a glimpse of their simple stilt houses, fishing nets and their friendly smiles. 22
____. Here with the blue sea and sky and the green trees, we found a spectacular Malaysia with a
romantic feeling completely unlike the country's urban masterpieces

4 Visiting Pangkor at sunset, we toured the island by canoe. Everyone enjoyed looking at
funny-shaped cliffs and imagining them as statues of every type of being. 23 ____. It showed me that
as long as they had a roof over their beads and food to be caught and served daily, they had enough
to be happy their lot in life.

5 24____. However long you have travelled to get here and however long it takes, you will
feel sprisingly invigorated by the strong cool breeze. You will feel like jumping right into the clear
waters and catching fish with your hare hands! Conversely, the island air may make you feel so
relaxed that all you want to do all day is lie lazily on the white powdery beach.

6 To me, Pangkor is truly a paradise. Visitors can try out a variety of entertaining activities such
a diving, fishing, kayaking, playing sports on the beach, swimming in the sea or building sandcastles
with your children. 25 ____. There would be a flurry of activity in the water each time someone
threw readily available to purchase breadcrumbs into the water for the fish to feast on.

7 In the evening, it was so satisfying to walk barefoot on the soft sandy beach and listen to
waves It was extra special because whispering while charting aimlessly and people watching. 26
____. It was extra special because all guests were encouraged to pick up the rubbish and debris on
the beach and arrange them around the campfire. We had a sense of satisfaction knowing that we
had helped to keep our environment clean for the next guests to enjoy just as much as we found
great pleasure on the lovely shores of Pangkor

(Adapted from pelangi set 3)

A The fresh air in Pangkor is its most wonderful gift to its visitors.

B The guests would be very noisy sometimes and dance the night away.

C Our guide excitedly described Pangkor to us so we could imagine what the place was like

D The more we travelled around, the more we saw how they lived and carved their livelihoods

E The most picturesque was seeing the flames dance on the huge bonfire that the resort workers
would light every night.

F From the vantage point of the kilometre-long jetty, I was amazed at the abundance of fish circling
the surface of the water

G As we rowed, a small fishing boat was taking its final haul, which showcased the simple yet
peaceful ife of the local people.


AemyA, [13/8/2022 10:25 AM]


Part 2

Read a letter of complaint from a customer Answer questions 59 based on the letter

Dear Sir Madam,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the service at your fast food outlet in Saturday, 30

I usually go there to have lunch on my payday to give myself a treat after a month of het w On this
occasion there were only two cashiers when there should be three on duty to serve the crowd. This
fast food outlet is usually very busy on a Saturday so having only two counters opes s unwise as it
causes the waiting time to be unnecessarily long. There really should be three coutes to serve the
crowd more efficiently. Additionally, I noticed that the person in front of me was getting very
frustrated because the

told him that she did not have any change for the RM100 note he wanted to pay with. This i

planning on the management's part because the supervisor should always monitor these is

business runs smoothly. At that moment, I was afraid that the same thing would happen to me w

had a 100 ringgit note only.

Sure enough, I had a very unpleasant experience that day, as not only were the items that 1 order
out of stock, but when I finally paid, the cashier told me that they did not accept RM100 This caused
me to burst out in anger as I was also very stressed out, having to wait in line for w

I told them that I wanted to speak to the supervisor or person-in-charge but he was nowhe found. I
was annoyed because I assumed that he was having his lunch but the staff later sold me had gone to
the bank nearby.
If the cashier had spoken to me in a nicer manner, perhaps I would not have been so upset. Howe

I found her to be very rude and unfriendly and I had the impression that she was not very well trind

customer service. I would suggest that your company pay for proper training in order to improve

staff's communication skills so that this situation does not repeat.

The supervisor returned just in time and apologised for the long queue. He then handed b correct
change and I did enjoy my meal although it was not something would usually order. I'd that it is
important to bring this to your attention so that things can be improved. I hope you a steps to make
sure this mistake does not happen again.

Yours faithfully,

Amelia Ling

5 Amelia sent the letter because she

A wanted to praise the staff

B was not impressed by the quality of service C wanted to explain why she visits the outlet monthly

6 Amelia says that the outlet is usually busy on a Saturday so they should

A hire more cashiers

B open all three counters C be wiser in managing staff

Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

Urban M





AemyA, [13/8/2022 10:26 AM]

7 What was the main reason Amelia lost her temper? A The cashier refined to take her money.

She did not have the correct change.

C She had queued for too long.

Where was the supervisor?

A He had gone to lodge a report. He had gone for his lunch break

C He had gone to get some change..

What was Amelia's recommendation? A The supervisor should be well trained.

B The cashier should learn some manners.

C The company should provide customer service training.

Part 3

Read the article.

Answer questions 10 to 14 based on the article.

A generation ago, the tobacco industry was berated for selling a product that is bad for one's health-
cigarettes Today it is the food and beverage industry and its product is sugar-sugar that is being
added to food and drinks. After 20 years of working in the tobacco industry, Jane Martin, Executive
Manager of the Obesity Coalition, has launched a battle against sugar-added food and drinks. She
says that the food industry has 2

borrowed the marketing strategy of the tobacco industry to increase sales. 3 According to her, the
food industry has been very similar to the tobacco industry in how it works. Those in the food
industry fund their own research studies and criticise research that they see as harmful. She claims
that they make their products seem healthy and nutritional by promoting false advertising.

Added sugar, not natural sugars that exist in fruits and vegetables, is present in many food products.
One of the largest sources of added sugar is beverages, such as soft drinks, energy drinks and fruit
drinks. There are also moderate amounts of added sugar in bread, yoghurt, peanut butter, soup,
sausages and so on. Research has shown that a single tablespoon of certain brands of tomato sauce
can contain a teaspoonful of sugar

Lisa Kenn, a dietician, explains that having small amounts of sugar in moderation is okay. Large

amounts every day is not good. Sadly, soft drinks have become 'the new water. Another expert in

medical industry, Dr Robert Lustig, who is a doctor and world leader in the anti-sugar campaign,
points out

that sugar consumption worldwide has tripled in the past 50 years. 6 He states that our food supply
now contains so much added sugar that our bodies can't handle it. Fructose is a commonly used
form of added sugar. The quantity of fructose eaten today mainly gets stored as fat. For the weight-
conscious, they will not be happy to know that this fat will go to the belly.

7 The danger to health is not just from obesity. Evidence has linked sugar to liver disease, type 2
diabetes, heart disease and tooth decay. This doesn't stop the food and beverage industry from
having extensive advertising of its sugary products. Each year hundreds of millions of dollars are
spent to promote foods that are actually unhealthy-those high in sugar and/or fat. Besides this, the
industry also invests heavily in sponsoring sports events, cartoon character ambassadors as well as
YouTube and Facebook marketing These are likely to reach children, thus most likely to bring in huge

(Adapted from

Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

AemyA, [13/8/2022 10:28 AM]

bow 1920 on Review and

19 Which ofte owing is tee of both reviews? eviews get that the book is best for adet readers *ws
mention the characters in full

20 The two reviews suggest that people should read the book in order to be inspired to stand against
unfair treatment

Bbe willing to accept the decisions of the jury beca they are the people's voice C not compare the
issues described in the book with the injustices that happen today

acle about the problems of petroleum Six sentences have been removed from the article. Chone

Avail to help the reader connect with the view mention the timeame the book to highlight the social
inequality at

Part 5


wood to use G the one which fir each gup (21 a 26. There is one extra sentence which you do not To
start with we cannot go on using petroleum forever. At present, there is still plenty of petroleum
under the ground as engineers keep finding new sources of oil. There is oil under the North Sea and
under the

Atlantic Ocean We can possibly keep using oil for only a few more decades-perhaps until 2070, then
it will eventually run out. There will be none left-or at least, there will be hardly any left. First and
foremost, the quantity of oil under the ground and under the sea is not unlimited. It will not last
forever. As oil becomes rarer, it will become harder to find. It will also become more and more

to extract 21

3 Secondly, oil will always cause pollution. The by-products of baming oil include noxious gases that
are released as pollutants into the air. 22 Currently, there is new concern about micro-plastics and
how it has penetrated everything we consume and drink. Because of oil and its by-products, we have
created a huge mess on our planet.

Thankfully, there is light at the end of the tunnel. 23.

In fact, most of the oil that we consume

comes from plants and it is sometimes possible to make petrol from this oil. For instance, some
types of diesel

fuel already contain sunflower oil. Sunflowers produce good quality oil too but most of this oil is
needed for cooking. Sunflower oil is cleaner than mineral oil, so it causes less pollution. 24. Looking
forward, in reality, the future will have to be a future without oil-or with very little of it.

Scientists are already developing pure electric cars, negating the need for petroleum. 25 Today,
electricity is produced in Britain in several different ways; some of it is produced using oil but oil-
burning power stations are already being closed. Nuclear power stations will be closed too, because
they are very expensive and the risks and hazards are plenty. Tomorrow's electricity will be made
from gas and

from other renewable source. In the short-term, gas will be an important source of energy. It is
cleaner than oil, and easier to extract There is also a lot more gas than oil under the ground. In the
long-term, all our energy will come from other renewable sources, 26. It will be clean energy-with no
pollution and it will last forever

However, don't get your hopes up just yet because no one has found the formula for a reliable

energy source.

We are on the right track but we are not there yet! In fact, it is still a long way to go. The twenty-firs
century will be a century of change. People who are over 50 today are not going to see a world
without o Those who are under twenty may if they live long enough.

Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd


(Adapted from

AemyA, [13/8/2022 10:29 AM]

A In the long-term though, vegetable oils are not a good solution for the future because we may
need all the land to produce food. B Electricity will be the energy of the third millennium.

C Plastic, another by-product, is literally choking the Earth and all its living creatures.
D Oil will therefore become more costly to produce than other fuels so we should be looking at a

cost-effective alternative fuel.

E Renewable resources are good in theory but the operation costs are too high to be efficient.
Scientists are hard at work making new forms of oil including fuel made from plants. G These will
come from the sun, the wind, the rivers and the oceans.

Part 6

Read an article on a type of fast-food additive Answer questions 27 to 33 based on the article

1 Fast food can be considered unhealthy for many reasons, from its caloric content to the presence
of additives. However, a new study of a toxic chemical called PFAS has found that packaging that
contains the food may also be doing bodily harm to us. PFAS, or Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances,
refer to

a class of chemicals used in large quantities to make common household objects water or fire

2 A new study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives looked at levels of PPAS in
people who had fast food compared to those who ate homecooked meals. Blood samples were
collected from more than 10,000 people from 2003 to 2014 and results showed that five commonly
used types of PFAS were found in the blood of around 70 per cent of those surveyed. After a 24-hour
period, the highest amount of PFAS in the blood was found in those who ate fast food consistently.
Normally, common contaminants would pass through the human body quickly but scientists found
that PFAS can linger for years which is dangerous to health. However, it is unclear at what threshold
PFAS begins to take a toll on human health. Other significant studies have linked the chemical to
cancer, thyroid disorders, hormonal changes and weight gain. The fear factor is so high that
Washington state and the city of San Francisco have both passed legislation to limit the use of PFAS
in food containers sold in America.


3 Based on the 2017 study conducted on 400 types of fast-food wrappers and containers, they found
that more than half of bread and dessert wrappers contained the fluorine compound. It would seem
that its presence is everywhere in nearly 40 per cent of food wrappers and 20 per cent of
paperboard, the stiff containers used to hold French fries. It is prevalent because the packaging
becomes water and grease resistant when the chemical is added. This in turn makes food highly
portable and more profitable. It is those same tough properties that are a concem to those who
study the effects PFAS might have on the body.


'We're still learning about health effects that may occur at different levels of exposure,' says study
author Laurel Schaider, an environmental engineer and chemist at the Melvin Institute of Food
Technology. Food is just one source of exposure,' she says, noting that PFAS is commonly found in
paint, carpeting and clothing. 'Everyone should make it a point to reduce their exposure although we
have not yet been able to statistically identify an exact rate of fast-food intake that will lead to
harmful health effects. She cautioned against the consumption of the affected products, saying that
the regular ingestion of PFAS may have cumulative effects on human health.


Animal testing has shown that PFAS exposure consistently results in damage to the liver, kidneys and
the immune system. They have found tumour with some strains of PFAS indicating that it is cancer-
causing but there has not been enough data and research done on humans to confirm this. Thus,
Schaider says it is still uncertain how consumption of this substance, and not specifically any other
chemical, leads to cancer in humans.



AemyA, [13/8/2022 7:35 PM]


Read an article about the problem of dieting Six ser have be removed from the article. Choose from
the Part S

1 A G the one which for each gu (2126 There a one extra sentency which you do not need to use
Your body and brain crave stasis, and naturally fight against losing weight. But that doesn't mean
you c diet healthily and sustainably. Here's what's really going inside your brain when you diet. There
are countless dieting tips, tricks, recipes, and meal plans available in a single Google search, Even if
you're on a diet plan meant to help you

lose weight fast, sometimes it's still a struggle thanks to the natural urges of your body. The first
thing to understand when you want to lose a few pounds is set point weight. This is you body's
"happy weight," including the amount of fat the body feels most comfortable carrying around "Two
hunger hormones are responsible for trying to regulate the body's set point: gheels and leptin
Dirhan explains. Ghrelin is known as the "hunger hormone," as it is secreted when e 22 the brain is
low. This hormone creates that hungry feeling that convinces you to consume glucose-you brain's
preferred source for energy. Leptin is known as the "satiety hormone," because it signals the br
when you've eaten enough and energy levels are met. energy is

promoting different ways to lose weight 21

These signals have three primary functions, according to David Prologo, MD, a dual board-certified

obesity-medicine physician and interventional radiologist. "The brain isn't concerned with looking
slim and pretty," Dr. Prolongo says. "It is concerned with maintaining life." 23. Therefore, when you
first start a new diet-or you aren't consuming enough energy for your brain needs you can
experience symptoms like weakness, hunger, depression, fatigue, and headaches, among other
symptoms. 24 (Dr. Prologo says your body finds a new set point.

6 Dr. Jason McKeown, MD, Neurologist, and CEO of Modius Health adds that once your body reaches
a new set point, you'll specifically see a reduction in your appetite and cravings. "To maintain results,
d in the long-term can influence this set-range, making your brain [sic] adapt and be comfortable at
a lower weight," Dr. McKeown says. 25. McKeown adds that changing how the brain works bake
months and sometimes even years, so diet and weight goals should be considered in the long-run.
"In the long-run you could reset the weight range that your brain has established which will cause
your body

speed up metabolism and decrease appetite, becoming comfortable with a lower weight," McKeown
say The quality of your diet is another variable. For brain health and wellbeing. Dirhan recommends
choosing a whole-foods diet as much as possible. "This means staying away from foods that have
been processed or refined and incorporating more low-energy dense foods (foods lower in calories)
into the diet, like fresh frit and vegetables, lean meat, poultry, fish, and whole grains," Dirhan says.
"Instead of focusing on a 'calorie salary, sticking to a whole-foods diet and practising mindful eating
are sure to make the brain happy while aiding in weight loss." 26.

Farrah Hauke, Psy.D., a psychologist in Scottsdale, Arizona who specialises in weight management
and weight loss, agrees and adds that we are more likely to binge when we are overly restricting
what we c Plus, when we eat foods higher in fat or sugar, our brains release "feel-good" chemicals
that make these experience rewarding, Dr. Hauke says. 27 "We don't see this same brain stimulation
with 'diet foods' such as broccoli and grilled chicken breast," Dr. Hauke says.

The lack of dopamine sparked by traditionally strict diets means we are also less likely to find dieting
reinforcing. Dirhan, Dr. Hauke, Dr. McKeown, and Dr. Prolongo all agree that rigid rules, unrealistic
expectations about eating, and fad diets aren't the best strategies for your body and brain. Instead,
focus the quality of your diet, listening to your body's hunger cues, and adding in physical activity.

AemyA, [13/8/2022 10:25 AM]



Part 2
Read a letter of complaint from a customer Answer questions 59 based on the letter

Dear Sir Madam,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the service at your fast food outlet in Saturday, 30

I usually go there to have lunch on my payday to give myself a treat after a month of het w On this
occasion there were only two cashiers when there should be three on duty to serve the crowd. This
fast food outlet is usually very busy on a Saturday so having only two counters opes s unwise as it
causes the waiting time to be unnecessarily long. There really should be three coutes to serve the
crowd more efficiently. Additionally, I noticed that the person in front of me was getting very
frustrated because the

told him that she did not have any change for the RM100 note he wanted to pay with. This i

planning on the management's part because the supervisor should always monitor these is

business runs smoothly. At that moment, I was afraid that the same thing would happen to me w

had a 100 ringgit note only.

Sure enough, I had a very unpleasant experience that day, as not only were the items that 1 order
out of stock, but when I finally paid, the cashier told me that they did not accept RM100 This caused
me to burst out in anger as I was also very stressed out, having to wait in line for w

I told them that I wanted to speak to the supervisor or person-in-charge but he was nowhe found. I
was annoyed because I assumed that he was having his lunch but the staff later sold me had gone to
the bank nearby.
If the cashier had spoken to me in a nicer manner, perhaps I would not have been so upset. Howe

I found her to be very rude and unfriendly and I had the impression that she was not very well trind

customer service. I would suggest that your company pay for proper training in order to improve

staff's communication skills so that this situation does not repeat.

The supervisor returned just in time and apologised for the long queue. He then handed b correct
change and I did enjoy my meal although it was not something would usually order. I'd that it is
important to bring this to your attention so that things can be improved. I hope you a steps to make
sure this mistake does not happen again.

Yours faithfully,

Amelia Ling

5 Amelia sent the letter because she

A wanted to praise the staff

B was not impressed by the quality of service C wanted to explain why she visits the outlet monthly

6 Amelia says that the outlet is usually busy on a Saturday so they should

A hire more cashiers

B open all three counters C be wiser in managing staff

Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

Urban M





AemyA, [13/8/2022 10:26 AM]

7 What was the main reason Amelia lost her temper? A The cashier refined to take her money.

She did not have the correct change.

C She had queued for too long.

Where was the supervisor?

A He had gone to lodge a report. He had gone for his lunch break

C He had gone to get some change..

What was Amelia's recommendation? A The supervisor should be well trained.

B The cashier should learn some manners.

C The company should provide customer service training.

Part 3

Read the article.

Answer questions 10 to 14 based on the article.

A generation ago, the tobacco industry was berated for selling a product that is bad for one's health-
cigarettes Today it is the food and beverage industry and its product is sugar-sugar that is being
added to food and drinks. After 20 years of working in the tobacco industry, Jane Martin, Executive
Manager of the Obesity Coalition, has launched a battle against sugar-added food and drinks. She
says that the food industry has 2

borrowed the marketing strategy of the tobacco industry to increase sales. 3 According to her, the
food industry has been very similar to the tobacco industry in how it works. Those in the food
industry fund their own research studies and criticise research that they see as harmful. She claims
that they make their products seem healthy and nutritional by promoting false advertising.

Added sugar, not natural sugars that exist in fruits and vegetables, is present in many food products.
One of the largest sources of added sugar is beverages, such as soft drinks, energy drinks and fruit
drinks. There are also moderate amounts of added sugar in bread, yoghurt, peanut butter, soup,
sausages and so on. Research has shown that a single tablespoon of certain brands of tomato sauce
can contain a teaspoonful of sugar

Lisa Kenn, a dietician, explains that having small amounts of sugar in moderation is okay. Large

amounts every day is not good. Sadly, soft drinks have become 'the new water. Another expert in

medical industry, Dr Robert Lustig, who is a doctor and world leader in the anti-sugar campaign,
points out

that sugar consumption worldwide has tripled in the past 50 years. 6 He states that our food supply
now contains so much added sugar that our bodies can't handle it. Fructose is a commonly used
form of added sugar. The quantity of fructose eaten today mainly gets stored as fat. For the weight-
conscious, they will not be happy to know that this fat will go to the belly.

7 The danger to health is not just from obesity. Evidence has linked sugar to liver disease, type 2
diabetes, heart disease and tooth decay. This doesn't stop the food and beverage industry from
having extensive advertising of its sugary products. Each year hundreds of millions of dollars are
spent to promote foods that are actually unhealthy-those high in sugar and/or fat. Besides this, the
industry also invests heavily in sponsoring sports events, cartoon character ambassadors as well as
YouTube and Facebook marketing These are likely to reach children, thus most likely to bring in huge
(Adapted from

Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

AemyA, [13/8/2022 10:28 AM]

bow 1920 on Review and

19 Which ofte owing is tee of both reviews? eviews get that the book is best for adet readers *ws
mention the characters in full

20 The two reviews suggest that people should read the book in order to be inspired to stand against
unfair treatment

Bbe willing to accept the decisions of the jury beca they are the people's voice C not compare the
issues described in the book with the injustices that happen today

acle about the problems of petroleum Six sentences have been removed from the article. Chone

Avail to help the reader connect with the view mention the timeame the book to highlight the social
inequality at

Part 5


wood to use G the one which fir each gup (21 a 26. There is one extra sentence which you do not To
start with we cannot go on using petroleum forever. At present, there is still plenty of petroleum
under the ground as engineers keep finding new sources of oil. There is oil under the North Sea and
under the

Atlantic Ocean We can possibly keep using oil for only a few more decades-perhaps until 2070, then
it will eventually run out. There will be none left-or at least, there will be hardly any left. First and
foremost, the quantity of oil under the ground and under the sea is not unlimited. It will not last
forever. As oil becomes rarer, it will become harder to find. It will also become more and more

to extract 21

3 Secondly, oil will always cause pollution. The by-products of baming oil include noxious gases that
are released as pollutants into the air. 22 Currently, there is new concern about micro-plastics and
how it has penetrated everything we consume and drink. Because of oil and its by-products, we have
created a huge mess on our planet.

Thankfully, there is light at the end of the tunnel. 23.

In fact, most of the oil that we consume

comes from plants and it is sometimes possible to make petrol from this oil. For instance, some
types of diesel

fuel already contain sunflower oil. Sunflowers produce good quality oil too but most of this oil is
needed for cooking. Sunflower oil is cleaner than mineral oil, so it causes less pollution. 24. Looking
forward, in reality, the future will have to be a future without oil-or with very little of it.

Scientists are already developing pure electric cars, negating the need for petroleum. 25 Today,
electricity is produced in Britain in several different ways; some of it is produced using oil but oil-
burning power stations are already being closed. Nuclear power stations will be closed too, because
they are very expensive and the risks and hazards are plenty. Tomorrow's electricity will be made
from gas and
from other renewable source. In the short-term, gas will be an important source of energy. It is
cleaner than oil, and easier to extract There is also a lot more gas than oil under the ground. In the
long-term, all our energy will come from other renewable sources, 26. It will be clean energy-with no
pollution and it will last forever

However, don't get your hopes up just yet because no one has found the formula for a reliable

energy source.

We are on the right track but we are not there yet! In fact, it is still a long way to go. The twenty-firs
century will be a century of change. People who are over 50 today are not going to see a world
without o Those who are under twenty may if they live long enough.

Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd


(Adapted from

AemyA, [13/8/2022 10:29 AM]

A In the long-term though, vegetable oils are not a good solution for the future because we may
need all the land to produce food. B Electricity will be the energy of the third millennium.

C Plastic, another by-product, is literally choking the Earth and all its living creatures.

D Oil will therefore become more costly to produce than other fuels so we should be looking at a
cost-effective alternative fuel.

E Renewable resources are good in theory but the operation costs are too high to be efficient.
Scientists are hard at work making new forms of oil including fuel made from plants. G These will
come from the sun, the wind, the rivers and the oceans.

Part 6

Read an article on a type of fast-food additive Answer questions 27 to 33 based on the article

1 Fast food can be considered unhealthy for many reasons, from its caloric content to the presence
of additives. However, a new study of a toxic chemical called PFAS has found that packaging that
contains the food may also be doing bodily harm to us. PFAS, or Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances,
refer to

a class of chemicals used in large quantities to make common household objects water or fire

2 A new study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives looked at levels of PPAS in
people who had fast food compared to those who ate homecooked meals. Blood samples were
collected from more than 10,000 people from 2003 to 2014 and results showed that five commonly
used types of PFAS were found in the blood of around 70 per cent of those surveyed. After a 24-hour
period, the highest amount of PFAS in the blood was found in those who ate fast food consistently.
Normally, common contaminants would pass through the human body quickly but scientists found
that PFAS can linger for years which is dangerous to health. However, it is unclear at what threshold
PFAS begins to take a toll on human health. Other significant studies have linked the chemical to
cancer, thyroid disorders, hormonal changes and weight gain. The fear factor is so high that
Washington state and the city of San Francisco have both passed legislation to limit the use of PFAS
in food containers sold in America.


3 Based on the 2017 study conducted on 400 types of fast-food wrappers and containers, they found
that more than half of bread and dessert wrappers contained the fluorine compound. It would seem
that its presence is everywhere in nearly 40 per cent of food wrappers and 20 per cent of
paperboard, the stiff containers used to hold French fries. It is prevalent because the packaging
becomes water and grease resistant when the chemical is added. This in turn makes food highly
portable and more profitable. It is those same tough properties that are a concem to those who
study the effects PFAS might have on the body.


'We're still learning about health effects that may occur at different levels of exposure,' says study
author Laurel Schaider, an environmental engineer and chemist at the Melvin Institute of Food
Technology. Food is just one source of exposure,' she says, noting that PFAS is commonly found in
paint, carpeting and clothing. 'Everyone should make it a point to reduce their exposure although we
have not yet been able to statistically identify an exact rate of fast-food intake that will lead to
harmful health effects. She cautioned against the consumption of the affected products, saying that
the regular ingestion of PFAS may have cumulative effects on human health.


Animal testing has shown that PFAS exposure consistently results in damage to the liver, kidneys and
the immune system. They have found tumour with some strains of PFAS indicating that it is cancer-
causing but there has not been enough data and research done on humans to confirm this. Thus,
Schaider says it is still uncertain how consumption of this substance, and not specifically any other
chemical, leads to cancer in humans.



AemyA, [13/8/2022 7:35 PM]

This, alo with these tiny changes, can help you lose weight.

(Adapted from

titan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.


AemyA, [13/8/2022 7:37 PM]


A Your body and brain are programmed to remain stable at your set point

B But beyond the hacks, what you eat and the amount you eat are affected by more than just your
degree of motivation and the desire to look good C The brain sends signals and the instability of your
diet can cause a severe inhalance in your bonnes D Focusing on calories is just one of many things
keeping you from losing weight.

E. According to Dara Dirhan E4D, MPH, RDN, LDN, this amount of fat also becomes whethe
determined to be the best for optimal function.

F. The good news is that after several weeks the brain eases up on these signals. G Specifically, when
we eat "junk food," dopamine neurons are activated

Part 6

Read an article about credit cards Answer questions 27 to 33 based on the article

In the past, credit card information used to be stored on magnetic strips, bot it wasn't very seco In
many countries, credit card issuers started using credit cards where dats was stored on microchips
instead. Notably, card data was put onto EMV chips, with EMV standing for Horopay, Manmad, and
Visa, as these three companies developed standardised chips that could be read anywhere in the

Compared to most countries, the US was much delayed in adopting EMV chips because there i so
many credit card terminals all over the country that could only process cards with magnetic dige
Starting from 2015, however, major card issers began shifting more liability to vendors who didn't
accept frodit cards with chips in them. Now, chip cards have become common on the US too

AemyA, [13/8/2022 7:38 PM]


20 The two reviews suggest that A the case happened before Hannah married Owen R Hannah was
trying to win over her step daughter

C The FBI was involved in the missing case of Owen

Part 5

access), the dark web is a subset of the "deep web," which houses password-protected medical and t

Read article about the problems of dieting Six sentences have been removed from the article Chocas
p A to G the one which fies each pp 21 26 There is one extra sentence which you do not s 1 The dark
web is a collection of Internet sites that you can't find with a regular search engine a can visit
anonymously. As opposed to the "surface web" (the searchable part of the Internet that a

records, pages behind paywalls, and cloud-based e-mail accounts such as Gmail. 21 On dark web
marketplaces, there are listings to buy drugs, firearms, por, animals, credit card numbers, and more-
complete with photos, gushing descriptions, and user y There are also hate sites, conspiracy theory
forums, and how-to tutorials for every illegal activity Although simply accessing the dark web is
perfectly legal, it can be risky because the dark we de

Since you can't find have as many built-in protections as the surface web does. 22 web using a
regular browser such as Chrome or Safari, users have to download a special router 23 It's based on
technology developed by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory to peste communications of US. agents
operating under hostile regimes. Purchases on the dark weh are Dark web market administrators are
now experimenting cryptocurrency, which allows people to transfer money inset ministatymously
anywhere in the w without an intermediary. 24 Both the number and val conces, including Monero
and Litecoin. The number or died time form users surged duri COVID-19 lockdown. Criminals have
taken advantage of our increased time online, security gaps creati remote workforces, and people's
anxiety during the crisis. 25 of data breaches have escalated in recent years, and at least 115 million
stolen debit and credit cards posted to dark web marketplaces in 2020, according to cybersecurity
firm Gemini Advisory. Crimin stolen data to make online purchases, or they imprint it onto a card
they can walk into a business and An easy way to keep your credit cards off the dark web: Make sure
a website address starts with "he "y" stands for "secure") before you enter your payment
information. 26 do a "dark web sweep" to check whether your information has been compromised.
But there's no rese pay for this service. To see if your e-mail or phone number has been included in a
dark web data dung to have Some compainv

(Adapted from Readers' Digest Nov 2

A The most popular is called Tor, short for The Onion Router. B Surfing the dark web can expose you
to malicious software, hackers, bots, and scams.

C This is the currency that was developed by one of the dark web administrators. D Because it's
anonymous and encrypted, the dark web is (perhaps unsurprisingly) a hotbed of crimin activity. E
You could also use a mobile payment app (think PayPal or Apple Pay) that uses a technology that his

your credit card number when you pay.

F Even if you've never been on the dark web, there's a chance your credit card or bank information G
Bitcoin was the original currency of choice, but it has been losing favour because law enforcement
been able to trace some Bitcoin transactions.

Penerbitan Palang Son and


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